Biodiversity Review Sheet

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What does Wildlife Manganement Areas need cooperation from?

University, GO's tax, NGO, ecotourism


-NGO -species based approach


-US Environmental Protection Agency -GO -habitat based approach

conservation examples

-USDA forest service -WMA's


-United Nations -IGO -habitat based approach

When to use Species Diversity Index

-when comparing 2 SIMILAR ecosystems -comparing the human impact or impact over time of two ecosystems

levels of risk of extinction

1) endangered 2)vulnerable 3) rare 4) indeterminante (numbers of animals are unknown)

keystone species

A species that influences the survival of many other species in an ecosystem

Why should we conserve biodiversity?

direct services & indirect services


diversity among species in an ecosystem


diversity of a habitat in a given unit area


-Food and Agriculture Organization -IGO -habitat based approach


-International Union for Conservation of Nature -IGO -species based approach

Nature Conservancy

-NGO -habitat based approach


-World Resource Institute -NGO -habitat based approach

habitat based approach cons

-creates areas of isolation -still lose biodiversity due to isolation and fragmentation

vulnerable ecosystem

-refers to how susceptible an eocosystem is to stress determined by: 1)location 2)biodiversity 3)number of linkages in food web


International Governmental Organization

IUCN stands for

International Union for Conservation of Nature


non-governmental organization

what are tectonic plates?

sections into which the earth's crust is broken

habitat based approach pros

set aside large areas & land for preservation/ conservation

What are flagship, umbrella and keystone species used in?

species based approach

species richness v.s. species evenness

species richness- # of species in a community species evenness-


vast numbers of different species as well as diversity within a species


World Conservation Society (WCS) -NGO -habitat based approach

is it best to have lots of small areas or one big area?

-larger reserves are better than smaller ones


U.S. Governmental organization

Components of biodiversity

genetic, species, habitat

resilienct ecosystem

refers to how quickly an ecosystem can restore after a stress or a natural disaster

approaches to conservation

species based, habitat based


the variety of life in the world or in a particular habitat or ecosystem.


-National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration -GO -habitat based approach


-Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species -IGO -species based approach

preservation examples

-National parks -Refugees


-United Nations Development Program -IGO -habitat based approach


-United Nations Environment Program -IGO -habitat based approach

WWF - species or habitat based?

-World Wildlife Fund -NGO -species based approach

Conservation vs. Preservation

-conservation: is when some areas would be preserved while others would be developed for the common good (management of sustainability) -preservation: a complete preservation of an area of land (hands-off)

vulnerable species are...

-organisms in small areas; islands, top of mountain ranges -specialized organisms -organisms high on trophic levels

Species-based approach to conservation

1) CITES (convention on illegal trade of endangered species) 2) captive breeding and zoo's 3) Botanical garden & seed banks 4) Using flagship species (charismatic species) 5) keystone species (acts as an umbrella species) Ex: salmon in Sammamish

habitat-based approach to conservation

1) Strict Nature preserve/ wilderness area 2) National Park (ecosystem preservation + recreation) 3) National Monument (has special features) 4) Habitat/Species management area 5) protected landscape/seascape 6) Managed Forests (ex: national forests)

What human impacts are causing species to go extinct or endangered?

1) overexploitation +poaching 2) habitat destruction 3) introduced species 4) pollution

what are things to consider when designating a protected are?

1) size of area 2) many small areas or one large area 3) # of endangered species that must be protected 4) should areas be connected or separated from each other (review circles chart)

Why has biodiversity occurred?

1) tectonic plates shift which forms Pangea 2) Pangea seperates into separate continents known as Gondwanaland 3) organisms had one common ancestor from Pangea and since it separated, they formed into different species- known as geographic isolation 4) the organisms with the most special qualities survived the longest due to survival of the fittest and adapting to environmental pressures 5) all these different organisms formed biodiversity

What does the Species Diversity Indiex tell us?

S.D.I is important to conservation efforts so that areas of high biodiversity can beidentified, explored and conservation can be improved

flagship species

a species selected as an ambassador, icon or symbol for a habitat and environmental caise

Why are some organisms more prone to extinction than others?

because they are more vulnerable

shapes of protected areas

circular reserves have less circumferences and fewer edge effects

what causes isolation ?

environmental changes such as mountain formation, changes in rivers, sea level change, climate change or plate movements

indirect services to conserving biodiversity

environmental services, education + science value, biological control, gene pool, future potential, human health, human rights, recreation, ecotourism, ethical, self-preservation

direct services to conserving biodiversity

food (animal, plants, fungus, dairy, fish, honey) & natural products (rope-hemp. linen-Hax, beeswax candles, soy)

species based approach cons

immense cost to save one type of species; there needs to be an emphasis on species that can raise the most funds

species based approach pros

in preserving one species you automatically preserve others

umbrella species

its protection means a wide range of other species will also be protected

What is the relationship between humans and number of species extinct?

the more humans we have, the more energy we are taking, the graph is exponential

IUCN-Red List

they rank organisms by levels of risk of extinction

biodiversity hotspots- what are they are where are they located?

typically around the equator

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