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Understand the basics of the fungi life cycle:

WATCH VIDEO, and look at picture of life cycle

Be able to recognize the mycorrhiza slide and explain the role of mycorrhiza in assisting plants absorb nutrients.

A mycorrhiza is a symbiotic association between the hyphae of a fungus and the root cells of a plant. General the hyphae of mycorrhizal fungi help plants to absorb water and nutrients.

What is an algae bloom? How does an algae bloom affect dissolved oxygen levels in the water? How might fish populations be affected?

Algae bloom: excessive growth of algae Dissolved oxygen levels < 5 ppm indicate that there is danger of a fish kill. High phosphate levels in a body of water may results in algae bloom, killing fish and other organisms. It release toxins, blocks sunlight, reduces autotrophs and dissolved oxygen.

Accurately describe: asexual reproduction

Asexual reproduction is a mode of reproduction by which offspring arise from a single organism, and inherit the genes of that parent only; it is reproduction which almost never involves ploidy or reduction. The offspring will be exact genetic copies of the parent.

Know difference between asymmetry, bilateral symmetry, and radial symmetry.

Asymmetry: no apparent symmetry Bilateral Symmetry: right and left halves are mirror images Radical Symmetry: parts arranged around a central axis

Be able to recognize slides of organisms in the following Protista phyla: picture in word Phaeophyta

Brown algae

Which land plants have a more conspicuous gametophyte generation?

Bryophyta and Hepatophyta

List the 10 plant phyla

Chlorophyta, Bryophyta, Hepatophyta, Lycophyta, Sphenophyta, Pterophyta, Coniferophyta, Cycadophyta, Ginkgophyta, Anthophyta

Be able to compare, contrast, and recognize the following plant phyla AND know the associated information: Lycophyta

Club Mosses, vascular and seedless, sporophyte

Be able to compare, contrast, and recognize the following plant phyla AND know the associated information: Coniferophyta

Conifers, Gymnosperm, vascular with seeds, sporophyte

Be able to compare, contrast, and recognize the following animal phyla AND know the associated information: Cnidaria

Corals, hydras, jellyfish, sea anemones; two tissue layers: endoderm and ectoderm; radially symmetrical; acoelomate; two body forms: the medusa and polyp.

Be able to compare, contrast, and recognize the following plant phyla AND know the associated information: Cycadophyta

Cycads, Gymnosperm, vascular with seeds, sporophyte

Be able to recognize slides of organisms in the following Protista phyla: picture in word Bacillariophyta

Diatoms; can be elongated or circular; many shapes

Accurately describe: karyogamy

During the second stage, karyogamy, the haploid nuclei fuse, resulting in the diploid stage. Some fungi may remain dikaryotic for years before the diploid stage is formed. The diploid stage undergoes meiosis to produce haploid spores.

Be able to compare, contrast, and recognize the following plant phyla AND know the associated information: Pterophyta

Ferns, vascular and seedless, sporophyte

Be able to compare, contrast, and recognize the following plant phyla AND know the associated information: Anthophyta

Flowering plants, Angiosperm, vascular with seeds

List the 7 Protista phyla:

Foraminifera, Zoomastigophora, Ciliophora, Dinoflagellata, Bacillariophyta, Phaeophyta, Rhodophyta

What are fungi and what do they have?

Fungi are eukaryotic, multi-cellular, heterotrophic, and have absorptive nutrition.

Be able to compare, contrast, and recognize the following plant phyla AND know the associated information: Ginkgophyta

Ginkgo, Gymnosperm, vascular with seeds, sporophyte

Be able to compare, contrast, and recognize the following plant phyla AND know the associated information: Chlorophyta

Green Algae, nonvascular, seedless, gametophyte and sporophyte.

Be able to compare, contrast, and recognize the following plant phyla AND know the associated information: Sphenophyta

Horsetails, vascular and seedless, sporophyte

Accurately describe: plasmogamy

In the first stage, plasmogamy, the cytoplasm of two compatible hyphae or asexual spores fuse resulting in dikaryotic hyphae designated as n + n because the haploid nuclei do not fuse.

Be able to compare, contrast, and recognize the following plant phyla AND know the associated information: Hepatophyta

Liverworts, nonvascular, gametophyte, simplest land plant

Be able to compare, contrast, and recognize the following fungi phyla AND know the associated information: Basidiomycota

Many of the familiar mushrooms are in this phylum; spores are on the outside of the cells

Be able to compare, contrast, and recognize the following plant phyla AND know the associated information: Bryophyta

Mosses, nonvascular, gametophyte

Be able to compare, contrast, and recognize the following animal phyla AND know the associated information: Nematoda

Nematodes, roundworms; three tissue layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm; bilateral symmetry; digestive tract has two openings; pseudocoelomates (empty space in the middle)

Which form of nitrogen is most usable by plants?

Nitrate; N03-

Be able to explain why nitrogen and phosphorus are important elements in the environment

Nitrogen: is an element found in amino acids, proteins, nucleic acid, and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). It is the most abundent element in the atmosphere. Phosphorus: is an element found in phospholipids, ATP, and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).

Be able to accurately describe the phosphorus cycle using the following words: reservoir, weathering, rocks, phosphate, geologic uplifting, runoff, plants, animals, leaching, sedimentation.

Phosphate reservoir is a rock that are weathered by weather or water which washes phosphate and runs into soil which provides phosphorous for plant, back into stream and into sediment - which is a slow cycle. Runoff: major cause of phosphate cause from farms, water carries away particulate soil bound phosphate and eroded sediment as well as dissolved phosphate from applied manure and fertilizer. Leaching: the removal of dissolved phosphate from soil by vertical water movement. Geologic uplifting: only when rock layers are exposed through this process will phosphorus be made available in the cycle of weathering can begin again Sedimentation is the act or process of depositing sediment.

Be able to recognize yeast and know what kingdom they belong to Yeast

Picture on Word. Kingdom: Fungi

Be able to compare, contrast, and recognize the following animal phyla AND know the associated information: Platyhelminthes

Planarians, flatworms; three tissue layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm; bilateral symmetry; digestive tract has two openings; acoelomate (no body cavity)

Be able to recognize slides of organisms in the following Protista phyla: picture in word Rhodophyta

Red algae

Be able to compare, contrast, and recognize the following animal phyla AND know the associated information: Annelida

Segmented worms, earthworms; bilateral symmetry; eucoelomate (has body cavity)

Be able to list two similarities and two differences between Bacteria and Archaea.

Similarities: prokaryotic, unicellular . Differences: introns very rare/introns present, normal environments/normal + extreme environments.

Be able to compare, contrast, and recognize the following animal phyla AND know the associated information: Porifera

Sponges; lack tissue development; asymmetrical

Nitrogen Cycle Comp.

The movement of nitrogen in various chemical forms through the environment. Ammonia (NH4+): Nitrogen-fixing bacteria convert nitrogen gas to ammonia, which can then be converted to the form used by plants. Ammonia results from metabolic waste and bacterial decay of organic material. Nitrogen fertilizers introduce ammonia into the environment. Nitrite (NO2): A short-lived form of nitrogen intermediate between ammonia and nitrate. Chemotrophic bacteria convert ammonia to nitrite, and then other species of bacteria convert nitrite to nitrate. Nitrate (NO3): The form of nitrogen that is usable by plants, where it can be converted to nitrogen-containing amino acids for use by heterotrophs.

Be able to accurately describe the nitrogen cycle using the following words: reservoir, atmosphere, nitrogen-fixing bacteria, nitrifying bacteria, ammonium, nitrites, nitrates, root nodules, plants, denitrifying bacteria.

The reservoir for nitrogen is atmosphere, drawn into the soil or the root nodules of nitrogen fixing bacteria, then conversion to ammonia, ammonium, nitrites, nitrates which is readily available to plants. Denitrifying bacteria can get you back to N2 which moves back to air

How are fungi important ecologically?

They are decomposers and mycorrhizae.

Accurately describe: hyphae

Thread like individual filament structure, It's the main part of the fungus, The feeding network for the fungus is a mass of hyphae called a mycelium. Growth of the hyphae occurs at the tip and can be very rapid. Depending on the species, hyphae are partitioned into cells by cross-walls called septa, or they may be aseptate or coenocytic (meaning multinucleate).

What is the heterokaryotic stage?

Two hypha cells fuse, share cytoplasm, resulting in two haploid nuclei within the cell

Be able to recognize slides of organisms in the following Protista phyla: picture in word Zoomastigophora

blood with worms includes Trypanosoma

Be able to compare, contrast, and recognize the following fungi phyla AND know the associated information: Zygomycota

contains the black bread molds

Plasmogamy =

fusion of cytoplasms

Karyogamy =

fusion of nuclei

What are fungi ___ and how often?

haploid the vast majority of the time

Be able to compare, contrast, and recognize the following fungi phyla AND know the associated information: Ascomycota

have sac-like structures called asci that hold ascospores

Be able to recognize slides of organisms in the following Protista phyla: picture in word Foraminifera

have shells called tests; pretty big, cool shapes, looks like snails

Be able to recognize lichens. What does lichens consist of? The organisms that make up lichen live where?

lichens consist of fungi, usually of phylum Ascomycota, and photosynthetic chlorophyta (kingdom Plantae) or cyanobacteria (domain Bacteria). They live in a symbiotic relationship.

Be able to recognize slides of organisms in the following Protista phyla: picture in word Dinoflagellata

often spiky-looking; bioluminescence, red tides

Be able to compare, contrast, and recognize the following fungi phyla AND know the associated information: Chytridiomycota

predominantly aquatic group, long/thin hypha, only group of fungi with flagellated reproductive cells

Accurately describe: sexual reproduction

the production of new living organisms by combining genetic information from two individuals of different types (sexes). In most higher organisms, one sex (male) produces a small motile gamete that travels to fuse with a larger stationary gamete produced by the other (female).

Be able to recognize slides of organisms in the following Protista phyla: picture in word Ciliophora

think Paramecium, cucumber shape, cilia on outside

Know how to use the equation for the best-fit line between absorbance (ODU) and population density (million/mL) of C. reinhardtii. The equation is y = ____. Remember that y represents ___ and x represents ____.

y = 1.058x -0.0022. absorbance population density.

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