BIOL 120A - Quiz Review

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4. This specialized vascular tissue in plants functions to conduct water and minerals from the roots upward.


3. What is the cause of the color "break" of tulip (i.e., a spontaneous eruption of color patterns of the petals)?


8. The transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma is called _______.


2. Apples and pears are examples of ____ fruits.


5. The root that first emerges from a dicot seed is called the _____.


3. Where did the potato originate?

south america

9. The tomato originated from ...

south america

2. The coffee tree originated in ...

south america (Colombia)

1. The Yellow River Valley and Yangtze River Valley in China were the earliest locations for plant domestication in that part of the world. T/F?


1. The petroleum industry frequently uses palynology (i.e., the study of pollen). T/F?


1. The term 'cotyledons' is another name for seed leaves. T/F?


10. Barbed wire is a design based on the thorny branches of osage orange, and is an example of "biological mimicry". T/F?


10. In botanical terms, the tomato is classified as a fruit, and not a vegetable. T/F?


10. Nectar guides are visible in ultraviolet light and are perceived by certain insects as contrasting color patterns directing the insects toward the nectar. T/F?


2. Essential oils provide the flavor and aroma of many herbs and spices as well as the scents used in perfumes. T/F?


2. Many bird-pollinated flowers tend to be red in color. T/F?


3. Spanish and Portuguese explorers introduced citrus to the New World. T/F?


5. Flowers containing all four flora appendages (i.e., petals, sepals, pistil, and stamen), are called "complete" flowers. T/F?


6. Agriculture most likely arose independently in different areas of the world. T/F?


6. The venus-flytrap is an example of a carnivorous plant. T/F?


8. All living organisms have the capacity to grow and reproduce, the ability to respond, the ability to evolve and adapt, a metabolism, an organized structure, and organic composition. T/F?


9. Distillation is one of the most common methods used to extract essential oils from plants. T/F?


5. _______ is the phenolic compound found in poison ivy and poison oak which causes the blistering, itchy, rash that comes from contact with the plant.


7. Where is the center or origin for corn (maize)?

andes mountains (south america)

8. Where did rice originate?


9. This plant growth hormone enables plants to grow toward the light.


10. Why are seeds often found in archeological sites?

because of the lignin content in the seed coat

8. A ____ has a thin exocarp (i.e., tomato).


7. The carrot is a ____ plant, which means it takes 2 years to complete its life cycle.


1. The outermost layer of a plant's leaf is called ...


6. This plant growth hormone stimulates cell division.


4. A peach has a thin exocarp, fleshy mesocarp, and hard stony endocarp, and is called a _____ fruit.


6. This methods of extracting essential oils from plants is the simplest method which uses mechanical pressure.


3. Most grass plants have a taproot (i.e., one large main root with small lateral or branch roots) root structure. T/F?


4. The whole whorl of sepals of a single flower is called the corolla. T/F?


5. The earliest evidence of agriculture dates back to at least 1,000,000 years ago. T/F?


7. A ____ is a berry with a tough leathery rind (i.e., oranges).


4. Where did the olive (olive trees) originate?

mediterranean region

7. A single plant that has both staminate and pistillate flowers is ______.


9. The study of the role of plants in the environment is called _______.

plant ecology

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