BIOL 2420 FINAL CH 19-21

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Which of the following statements regarding infection with Trichomonas vaginalis are correct? (2)

-Trichomonas are considered asymptomatic infectious agents, not normal microbiota -Men seldom have symptoms of the infection

Chancroid is caused by which agent?

Haemophilus ducreyi

The reservoir for pathogenic strains of Chlamydia trachomatis is the________.


Which of the following are advantages to treating cholera with oral rehydration therapy? (3)

-Medical facilities are not required -Clean needles are not needed -High-tech equipment is not needed

Vaginosis is treated with which drugs? (2)

-Metronidazole -Clindamycin

Infections with Candida albicans are almost always________. (2)

-Opportunistic -Endogenous

Chlamydia infection is reliably diagnosed by using which procedures? (3)

-PCR test -ELISA test -Direct fluorescent antibody test

Which of the following statements regarding chancroid are correct? (2)

-People may carry this bacteria asymptomatically -Uncircumcised men are more commonly infected

Which of the following statements regarding infection with Entamoeba are correct? (2)

-Permanent immunity does not occur and reinfection is possible -Oral or intravenous fluids help to replace electrolytes

Syphilis is transmissible during which of the following stages? (3)

-Primary -Secondary -Early latency

Which of the following represent stages of syphilis infection in an adult? (3)

-Primary -Secondary -Tertiary

Chlamydia infections are transmitted in which two ways?

-Sexual contact -Vertical transmission

List the major defenses against infection in the GI tract. (4)

-Surfaces coated with mucous layer -Saliva contains lysozyme and lactoferrin -Secretory IgA -Food kept moving via peristalsis in the GI tract

Which of the following are the sign/symptoms of chancroid? (2)

-Swollen inguinal lymph nodes -Soft chancre

Which of the following statements regarding lymphogranuloma venereum are correct? (2)

-The condition is endemic to South America, Africa, and Asia -This condition can cause long term lymphatic obstruction

Candida albicans is normal mircobiota of most humans, living in low numbers on mucosal surfaces such as_______. (3)

-The vagina -The mouth -The intestinal tract

Which of the following organs are part of the urinary system? (4)

-Urethra -Kidneys -Bladder -Ureters

The signs and symptoms of intestinal amoebiasis include________. (3)

-Weight loss -Bloody stools -Fever

The most common cause of vaginitis is the organism_______ ________.

Candida albicans

A two-drug regimen is now available to treat Hepatitis C infection. These drugs act as________. (2)

-A protease inhibitor -A nucleotide analog

Which of the following routes of transmission can cause neonatal and fetal herpes infections? (2)

-Birthing process -Hand transmission from mother

The migration route of worms such as Ascaris and Necator may include what systems? (3)

-Cardiovascular -Lymphatic -Respiratory

Neurosyphilis can involve any part of the nervous system, but it shows particular affinity for__________. (3)

-Cranial nerves -Blood vessels in the brain -Dorsal roots of the spinal cord

Which tests can easily be used to detect syphilis infection? (2)

-Dark-filled microscopy -Antibody tests

Treponema pallidum is rapidly destroyed by___________. (3)

-Desiccation -Heat -Soap

The most common microbes that cause foodborne illness in the U.S. are________. (4)

-E. coli STEC -Norovirus -Salmonella -Campylobacter

Which of the following describes Gardnerella vaginallis? (2)

-Gram-postive -Facultative anaerobe

Which of the following STIs result in wart-like growths? (2)

-HPV infection -Molluscum contagiosum

In cases that are symptomatic, which of the following are the most common signs/symptoms of infection with Trichomonas in women? (3)

-Inflammation of vagina -Itching -White to green frothy discharge

Which of the following are possible complications of vaginosis? (2)

-Low birth weight babies -Infertility

The most common mode of transmission of EHEC is ingestion of contaminated and under cooked________.


Cysticercosis occurs when__________.

Humans ingest tapeworm eggs

Which enzyme is responsible for binding iron and thus inhibiting bacterial growth?


Chronic diarrhea is defined as diarrhea which lasts longer then___ days.


Vaginosis is common in females in which age group?

18-40 years

The cholera mortality rate is______.


Drug addicts, the sexually active, and health care workers handling blood or blood products are at high risk for infection by Hepatitis__ virus.


Guillain-Barre syndrome is the leading cause of______ in the United States.

Acute paralysis

The rapid plasma reagin (RPR) test, performed to diagnose syphilis, tests for_________.

Antigens that appear in an infected host

The main drug used to treat Chlamydia infection is_________.


A______ is the primary sore of syphilis that forms at the site of penetration by Treponema pallidum.


The presence of the Shiga toxin gene in STEC is most likely the result of transfer from Shigella by a(n)_____________.


What type of fluke causes liver schistosomiasis?


_______ is a localized genital ulcer disease caused by a pleomorphic bacterium.


What infection can cause conjunctivitis and pneumonia in newborns born to an infected mother?


Which bacterium is very small, gram-negative, and requires a host cell for survival?

Chlamydia trachomatis

What is *currently* used to treat syphilis infection?

Ciprofloxacin treatment

The vesicles seen in initial genital herpes infections are filled with__________.

Clear fluid

________ syphilis is an infection of the fetus or newborn acquired from maternal infection in utero.


Disruption of the normal microbiota by drugs or damage to the vaginal wall is the common cause of_______.

Candida infections

The shedding of epithelial cells from a tract lining.


_______ is the proper term for a diarrheal illness in which stools contain blood and/or mucus .


After an initial infection with________. a person may notice no symptoms, or vesicles may appear on the genitalia, perineum, thigh, and buttocks.

Herpes simplex virus

The tissue damage seen in chlamydia infections is mostly due to_________.

Host inflammatory response

The most common tapeworm infections in the world are caused by the genus__________.


Which of the following is a major virulence factor of the syphilis spirochete?

Easily penetrates bloodstream

The_________ body is the small metabolically inactive infections form of Chlamydia trachomatis.


Something that induces vomiting is called a(n)______.


_________ ________ is one of the most important pathogenic amoebas and is the causative agent of amoebiasis.

Entamoeba histolytica

The virulence of Vibrio cholerae is due to the production of a(n)_________, called cholera toxin, which disrupts the normal physiology of intestinal cells.


What indicates a diagnosis of vaginosis?

Epithelial cells with abundant adherent bacteria

T/F: Cyclospora cayetanensis is a fungus.


The intermediate host of Diphylloothrium latum are_____, and the definitive hosts are______.

Fish Humans

The anaerobic metabolism of bacteria in the vagina is responsible for the_______ in vaginosis.

Fishy odor

Which of the following is a bacterial cause of vaginal infections?

Gardnerella vaginalis

Avoiding freshwater sources that have not been properly treated or filtered is the best prevention for human infection with the protozoan_________.


A______ is a nodular, infectious granuloma characteristic of tertiary syphilis.


___-_________ lymphoid tissue refers to the specific lymphoid tissue associated with the GI tract.


An infection caused by E. coli 0157:H7 can lead to hemolytic uremic syndrome, a severe anemia leading to_______ damage or failure.


Vaginosis is best described as a shift from a predominance of good bacteria in the vagina to a predominance of bad bacteria . Organisms that decreases in abundance are_______, whereas_______ increase in abundance .

Lactobacilli; Gardnerella

Between the secondary and tertiary stages of syphilis, many infections enter a period of_______.


1. The elementary body enters a phagosome 2. The elementary body develops into a reticulate body 3. Reticulate bodies multiply by binary fission 4. The reticulate body develops into an elementary body 5. Elementary bodies are released

Life cycle of Chlamydia

_______ is an enzyme found in the urine that breaks down peptidoglycan.


Two common food sources of Salmonella are_______ and________.

Milk Eggs

Chronic prostatitis is often caused by__________.

Mixed bacterial biofilms

______ is a common roundworm, scientifically known as Enterobius.


The______ stage of syphilis is characterized by the appearance of a chancre at the site of pathogen entry.


What prevention is used with at-risk persons for syphilis infection?

Prophylactic antibiotics

Blood in the urine, frequent urination, pain i the pelvis and back, and painful ejaculation are all signs/symptoms of_________.


Treatment of campylobacteriosis usually involves simple, nonspecific_________.


Prevention of Campylobacter infection depends on________.

Sanitary control of food supplies

A person may be affected with a disease called______ when eosinophillia accompanies liver swelling or malfunction.


What is the name of the adult tapeworm structure that is used for attachment to the intestine?


The______ stage of syphilis infections is characterized by systemic signs and symptoms, such as rashes, hair loss, fever, and sore throat, that are eventually resolved.


Effective cholera prevention is dependent on proper______ treatment and______ purification.

Sewage Water

E. coli 0157:H7 owes much of its virulence to the_____ toxin.


Treponema pallidum is a spirochete bacterium that causes_________.


_______ and _______ can infect the GI tract and exert their primary symptoms there.

Tapeworms Roundworms

Damage to cardiovascular and nervous tissues, as well as the development of gummas in the tissues, occurs during which stage of syphilis?


Why is the healed chancre deceptive in syphilis infection?

The infectious agent has escaped into the bloodstream and is increasing in activity

After a dental cleaning to remove plaque, the first colonizers of the tooth surface are streptococci. These cells attach specifically to a glycoprotein covering on the tooth, and then other species attach to_________.

The surface proteins of the Streptococci

Antibiotic resistance in Campylobacter is increasing in large part due to________.

The use of antibodies in the poultry industry

Which of the following is true for rotavirus infection?

Transmitted by fecal-oral route

_________ are small, pear-shaped protozoa with four anterior flagella and an undulating membrane that can cause a reproductive tract infection.


Which of the following has been referred to as the most common STI that is NOT caused by a virus?


Genital herpes, syphilis and chancroid are considered genital_______ diseases.


The_______ system removes substances from the blood, regulates body processes, and transports wastes out of the body.


_________ is an inflammatory infection of the vagina, whereas_______ is a vaginal infection without inflammation.

Vaginitis Vaginosis

________ is a vaginal infection with Gardnerella bacteria that does not induce vaginal inflammation.


The vaginal condition caused by Candida albicans is commonly known as a_______ infection.


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