Biology 1001 Final

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If p = 0.6, what is q?


Which of the following examples describes genetic drift?

A forest fire kills all plant life south of a highway.

Which of the following is a condition required for a Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?

A) Mutations must not occur. B) Natural selection must not occur. C) Random mating must occur. D) Genetic drift must not occur.

Many species of finches, tortoises, cacti, and iguanas are found on the Galápagos Islands and nowhere else in the world. Which physical attribute of these islands has played a role in permitting such unique life forms to evolve?

All of the above answers describe physical attributes of the islands important in the evolution of unique life forms.

Which of the three domains contain(s) prokaryotic organisms?

Bacteria and Archaea

Elaborate courtship behavior in animals, such as with the blue-footed boobies of the Galápagos Islands, is an example of which of the following reproductive barriers?

Behavioral Isolation

What is a similarity between Lamarck's proposal for evolution and Darwin's proposal?

Both ideas expose the giraffes to an environmental pressure (or challenge).

What characteristic is common of both a genetic bottleneck and a founder effect?

Both involve a decrease in a population's genetic diversity.

Which of the following is a step specific to the process of artificial selection? A)Members of a population possess heritable variations. B)The population produces more offspring than the environment can support. C)Individuals who have favorable traits survive and reproduce more than those individuals lacking such traits. D)People select which individuals breed and which ones do not. E)Over multiple generations of reproducing, a larger proportion of the population will have those favorable traits and thus adaptation has occurred.

D)People select which individuals breed and which ones do not.

British land snails primarily occur in two extreme phenotypes. This is an example of ______.

Disruptive Selection

In regards to natural selection, which of the following individuals would be considered the most fit? A) the individual that has the longest canine teeth B) the individual that has the greatest number of breeding opportunities C) the individual that has the best camouflage to avoid predators D) the individual that controls the largest territory E) the individual that has the greatest number of offspring

E) the individual that has the greatest number of offspring

True or False: Dominant alleles are always the most common.


A finch population with heritable variation in beak size arrives on an island where only large seeds are available as a food source. Describe the process of natural selection that would follow.

Finches with larger beaks will more easily eat the large seeds and are thus more likely to survive and produce offspring with similarly large beaks. The frequency of large beaks within the population will increase.

Why does malaria persist in the human population?

Heterozygote advantage maintains both the normal allele and the sickle cell allele in the population.

Which of the following is inconsistent with the punctuated equilibrium model? A)There is a period of no change interrupted by speciation. B)Transitional fossils are less likely to be found. C)It is difficult to determine when speciation occurred. D)It often involves an isolated subpopulation. E)Speciation often occurs rapidly.

It is difficult to determine when speciation occurred.

What influence did the writings of Thomas Malthus have on Darwin's ideas of natural selection?

Malthus proposed that the human population grows faster than the food supply, meaning that death and famine are inevitable.

What do transitional fossils illustrate?

Shared ancestral traits.

In terms of stablilizing seleciton, what happens when an individual is produced that possesses a trait far away from the mean value?

That extreme individual likely will not survive and reproduce.

Which type of snail would be best suited to hide from predators if this population existed in a variable (mixed patches of light and dark areas) environment?

The multicolored (variable) snails would most easily hide from predators.

If a population recovers to its original population size after experiencing a bottleneck, which statement is correct regarding this population?

The recovered population shows less genetic diversity than the population prior to the bottleneck.

Which of the following is a postzygotic isolating mechanism for two species found in the same geographical location? A) The two species occupy different habitats. B) The two species are active during different parts of the day. C) The two species mate during different times of the year. D) The two species have incompatible genitalia. E) The two species can mate, but the offspring are sterile.

The two species can mate, but the offspring are sterile.

Significant mass extinctions occurred during which of the following periods?

Triassic, Permian, Cretaceous, Pleistocene, Ordovician, and Devonian

True or False: Shared derived traits are homologies found only in certain members of the ingroup.


Tortoises in the Galápagos possessed neck lengths unique to each island. Neck lengths appear to be an adaptation to which selective agent?

Type of vegetation to eat

A clade includes which of the following? A)an outgroup and an ingroup B)a common ancestor and all its descendant species C)one taxon with shared derived characters D)an ancestor and all its descendant species, and taxa with shared derived characters E)an ingroup only

a common ancestor and all its descendant species

Microevolution is influenced by which of the following? A)mutation B)gene flow C)natural selection D)genetic drift

all of the above

Which of the following would have been a selective agent or pressure that could lead to the reduction in hindlimbs through time? A) The animal's body size was too heavy to support the weight on land and hindlimbs were no longer useful. B) More emphasis was placed on flexing the backbone than on paddling with hindlimbs for swimming. C) Appendages cause resistance, or drag, when moving through water. D) With the increased size of the tail and its use in swimming, the hindlimbs were not as necessary.

all of the above

Which of the following is an important characteristic of the Galápagos Islands in the context of Darwin's theory of evolution? A) The islands were too far from mainland South America for most terrestrial plants and animals to colonize. B) The organisms on the islands were different from those observed in South America. C) The organisms on the islands were similar to those observed in South America. D) The organisms on the islands varied from island to island.

all of the above are important

The finches of the Galápagos islands evolved as a result of what type(s) of speciation?

allopatric speciation and adaptive radiation

Similarity due to convergent evolution is called _____


As you hike up a mountain, you realize that the plants and animals present at the base are not the same as those at the top. This observation is the basis of _____


When comparing chick and pig embryos, the similar eyes, pharyngeal pouches, and postanal tails are evidence of ____

common ancestry.

If the average tail size of a reptile continually got smaller through generations, this would be an example of _____

directional selection

Which of the following lists the levels of taxonomic classification in order from the most inclusive to the least inclusive?

domain kingdom phylum class order genus species

The sugar glider in Australia and the flying squirrel in North America are both small mammals with large expanses of loose skin between their forelimbs and hindlimbs, allowing them to glide from tree to tree within their respective forest habitats. These two species are not evolutionarily related but are very similar in their overall appearance. Darwin's explanation for their similarity is that ____

each have adapted in very similar ways to similar habitats.

In the Hardy-Weinberg formula, what does q2 represent?

frequency of the homozygous recessives

The pollen, or sperm, from a red maple tree is unable to fertilize the eggs from a sugar maple tree. This is an example of what type of isolating mechanism?

gamete isolation

A group of field mice crosses a highway and joins a new population of field mice on the other side, producing offspring with this population. This is an example of _____

gene flow

The fossils of a new species of reptile are found in deposits dating to the Permian period. Later, scientists discover that fossils of the reptile species changed somewhat over time and can be found in deposits dating from the Permian period all the way up to the Cretaceous period. The scientists' observations most strongly support which evolutionary model(s)?

gradualistic evolution

The wing of a penguin and the wing of an eagle are ____

homologous structures.

True or False: A phylogenetic tree indicates common ancestors

indicates common ancestors.

Wings of insects and birds are results of convergent evolution. This means that _____

insects and birds have each independently evolved structures that serve the same function (flight) but have done so in very different ways.

Which of the following is thought to have contributed to the many mass extinction events that have occurred throughout Earth's history? A) plate tectonics B) habitat loss C) meteorite impacts D) continental drift E) All of the above describe factors that have contributed to mass extinctions events.

meteorite impacts

Which of the following could increase genetic variation? A)natural selection B)genetic drift C)bottleneck effect D)founder effect E)mutation


Although Lamarck hypothesized that adaptations to the environment did occur, he also believed that ______

offspring inherited characteristics that were acquired by their parents during their lifetime.

Natural selection results in ______

offspring that are better adapted to their current. environment

Two species are said to be closely related if they _____

possess a common ancestor.

Microevolution is the term that applies to which of the following? A) any evolution at any scale B) large-scale changes over a long period of time C) small-scale changes over a long period of time D) small-scale changes over a short period of time E) changes of any scale within microorganisms

small-scale changes over a short period of time.

A reproductive barrier that prevents interbreeding because the two species mate during different times of the year is called _____

temporal isolation.

Critical to the theory of evolution, Darwin needed to include an idea that was not generally accepted by scientists or society at that time. That idea was that ____

the Earth must be very old.

When hiking high in the mountains, you find fossil marine shells lying about. This provides evidence that

the mountain top was once under the ocean and has been uplifted.

The presence of vestigial organs supports evidence of evolution because ____

the vestigial organ is similar to a functional organ in a related species, having been passed down from a common ancestor.

Which of the following would be considered analogous structures? A) the forelimb of a bat and the forelimb of a horse B) the wings of a fly and the wings of a sparrow C) the pelvis of a human and the pelvis of a whale D) the flipper of a dolphin and the arm of a human E) the wings of a bird and the forelimbs of a reptile

the wings of a fly and the wings of a sparrow

True or False: Natural selection can only work on variation that already exists.


True or False: homologous structures are often shared by organisms in the same line of descent


Which of the following is an example of sympatric speciation? A) two populations of salamanders that live on isolated islands and eventually become separate species, unable to interbreed B) different breeds of dogs that live in different areas of the world but are able to produce fertile offspring C) a horse and a donkey that may interbreed to produce a mule that is sterile and unable to reproduce D) two related plant species living in the same area that hybridize, then undergo chromosome doubling, which results in the creation of a third species of plant that is unable to reproduce with either of the two original species E) three species that evolve from a common ancestral species due to reproductive isolation and adaptation to different habitats

two related plant species living in the same area that hybridize, then undergo chromosome doubling, which results in the creation of a third species of plant that is unable to reproduce with either of the two original species

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