Biology 1301 Final Exam-Connect Quiz

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Match each structure or molecule found in chloroplasts with its correct label

1. Thylakoid 2. Photosystem 1 3. Chlorophyll a 4. ATP

Select all of the statements that accurately complete the sentence. According to endosymbiont theory

1. both chloroplasts and mitochondria originated as free-living prokaryotes. 2. mitochondria likely arose when host cells engulfed bacteria that carried out aerobic respiration.

What are some effects of gene therapy? Select all that apply.

1. insert "healthy" genes into cells 2. silence genes that cause diseases 3. potentially enhance performance or appearance

Select all the characteristics present in the hominin species that are shown in the image.

1. walked upright 2. used tools 3. includes only surviving species of human

A tobacco plant is heterozygous for the genes for long stems (Ss ), large leaves (Ll ), and fibrous roots (Rr ). It is crossed with another tobacco plant with genotype ss ll rr. How many of the 80 offspring of this mating are predicted to be heterozygous for all three genes? These genes are not linked. (Hint: Create three separate Punnett squares and use the product rule [section 10.4].)


Researchers find a fossil of a large mammal that contains one-sixteenth the amount of carbon-14 that is present in living organisms. Using carbon-14 dating, about how old is this fossil? Recall that carbon-14 has a half-life of 5,730 years.

22,920 years

Three "turns" of the Krebs cycle will yield

3 ATP, 9 NADH, and 3 FADH2

Scientists want to test if amoebas have an allele for a particular gene. They create many copies of a fluorescent probe to inject into the amoebas. To which DNA sequence will the probe bind? Probe sequence: 5' - GTACGTGTATGT - 3'


Choose the option below that contains the correct complementary DNA sequence to the following: 5' - AAGTCATTGCCGTA - 3'


A population of 100 sea stars is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The trait for long arms is completely dominant to the trait for short arms. In this population, 40% of all alleles for this trait are recessive, and 60% of all alleles for this trait are dominant. How many individuals would you expect to be homozygous dominant for the arm length allele?


The NET result of two molecules of glucose undergoing glycolysis is the formation of

4 NADH and 4 ATP

What is the theoretical yield of ATP from cellular respiration of 2,000 glucose molecules?


Suppose that a population of 200 finches contains 100 large-beaked birds and 100 small-beaked birds. If 85% of the birds with small beaks die such that there are only 115 birds left, what percentage of the population is now composed of large-beaked birds?


What statement best defines the term adaptive radiation?

A single ancestral species evolves into a wide array of descendant species that differ in their habitat, form, or behavior.

What are the products of the light reactions? Select all that apply.


Suppose that fish size is a heritable trait on chromosome 4 of the Atlantic silverside fish Menidia menidia. The allele conferring large size (S ) is incompletely dominant to the allele conferring small size (s ). Heterozygotes (Ss ) are of intermediate size. Suppose that a population of fish is at Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and the frequency of the S allele is 0.9. What proportion of the next generation will be of intermediate size?


In a population of 200 fish, 182 fish are blue and 18 fish are red. Eighty-four of the 182 blue fish are heterozygous for the color trait. What is the frequency of the red allele in the population? (Assume simple dominance/recessiveness of the color allele.)


Suppose scientists created transgenic crops that express a bacterial protein called Bt toxin. Arrange the following steps for creating a Bt crop in the correct order.

1. Bt gene is extracted from Bacillus 2. Bt gene is inserted into bacterial plasmid 3. Bacterium injects plasmid into plant cells 4. Plasmid becomes incorporated into plant DNA 5. Plant RNA polymerase transcribes Bt gene 6. Plant ribosomes translate mRNA from Bt gene

Arrange the levels of the taxonomic hierarchy from the group containing the most species to the group containing the fewest.

1. Domaine 2. Kingdom 3. Phylum 4. Class 5. Order 6. Family 7. Genus

Match each label to its correct cell type.

1. Four copies of each gene- Cell about to undergo meiosis 2. Two copies of each gene, one from each parent- Newly formed zygote 3. One copy of each gene- Gamete cell 4. Two copies of each gene, both from the same parent- Cell that has completed meiosis 1 but has not entered Meiosis 2

If someone asks you how you can tell that you are a primate, which of the following would be a correct way to answer? Select all that apply.

1. I have opposable thumbs, just like all primates. 2. I have binocular vision, just like all primates.

Below is an image of the light reactions in the thylakoid membrane. Drag the descriptions of events that occur during the light reactions to their correct location in the diagram.

1. Light energy is captured at a peak wavelength 680 nm 2. Protons are pumped into the thylakoid space 3. Light energy is captured at a peak wavelength of 700 nm 4. Molecule is formed that will carry electrons to the carbon cycle 5. ATP is made by chemiosmotic phosphorylation 6. Water donates electrons to replace electrons ejected from the reaction center

Arrange the steps for DNA profiling in order from first to last.

1. Obtain DNA from a sample, such as blood or hair roots 2. Amplify DNA with PCR 3. Determine the number of STR repeats at a site in both homologous chromosomes 4. Generate DNA profile listing genotypes for all STR sites 5. Compare DNA profile to sample of interest, such as potential family member or suspect

Why it is useful to be able to rapidly make many copies of a piece of DNA using PCR? Select all that apply.

1. PCR is used in preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) and in genetic testing to copy a small sample of DNA until there is enough of it to analyze. 2. PCR is used to create a genetic profile of a sample taken from a crime scene.

Label the structures of this human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Not all labels will be used.

1. Protein used to attach to host cell 2. Enzyme that converts HIV RNA into DNA inside host cells 3. RNA 4. Capsid 5. Lipid and protein layer that came from the host cell membrane

What evidence supports the RNA-world theory? Select all that apply.

1. RNA is more versatile than DNA. 2. RNA can catalyze chemical reactions.

Match each idea about the evolution of multicellularity to the evidence that supports it.

1. Several unicellular organisms could have come together and taken on specialized tasks; Slime molds are protists that do this as part of their life cycle. 2. Unicellular organisms could have failed to separate after cell division; Modern plants and animals develop from one cell (a fertilized egg) this way 3. Multicellularity arose independently in several lineages; Genetic evidence shows that plants, fungi, and animals arose from different protist ancestors

Select all the reasons why STRs are commonly examined in DNA profiling.

1. The chances are extremely low that the STR pattern at all loci is identical between two unrelated individuals. 2. STRs are extremely variable and have many possible alleles at each site.

Select all of the true statements about Stanley Miller's experiment and early Earth.

1. The experiment did not include oxygen because the earliest Earth lacked oxygen in its atmosphere 2. The experiment showed that Oparin's four gases combined with electricity could produce amino acids 3. Miller's prebiotic simulation has been repeated by other scientists

Select the correct statement about the relationship between chromosomes, alleles, and proteins.

Each chromosome has one allele for each of its genes. That allele may confer a functional or nonfunctional protein.

Extracting a nucleus from a sheep cell and fusing it with the egg cell of a second sheep of the same species produces the first cell of a transgenic organism.


How do the products of glycolysis and the Krebs cycle relate to the electron transport chain?

Glycolysis and the Krebs cycle produce the molecules that shuttle electrons to the electron transport chain

Match each compound with the step of cellular respiration that produces it. Some answers may be used more than once. Some may not be used at all.

Glycolysis- ATP; Pyruvate; NADH Krebs cycle- NADH; FADH2; ATP; CO2 Electron transport chain- ATP; H2O

Select the statement that correctly describes the evolution and spread of Homo sapiens.

Homo sapiens originated in Africa and then migrated north and east, spreading to all continents, and reaching South America last.

One of your friends asks you, "If humans are related to chimpanzees, then you must think that humans evolved from chimps. Why, then, are there still chimps?" What is the best response to this?

Humans did not evolve from chimps. Humans and chimps share a common ancestor that was neither a chimp nor a human.

Label the image below. First, recall in which organelles photosynthesis occurs. Then, determine where the light and carbon reactions occur.

In what organelles does photosynthesis occur?- Chloroplasts 1. Light reactions occur here 2. Carbon reactions occur here

What is wrong with the following piece of mRNA? TACCAGGATCACTTTGCCA

It contains T and not U

What key role does cellular respiration play in cells?

It generates ATP, which cells can use to do work

Assume that a recessive allele (f ) is associated with a severe language disorder. An unaffected male wants to determine the genotypes of his wife, his parents, and himself. His mother has the language disorder. Neither he nor his wife has the language disorder, but one of their five children does. What is the genotype for each individual? Answers may be used more than once or not at all. (Note: The gene associated with this language disorder is on an autosome.)

Mother- ff Father- Either FF or Ff Wife- Ff Himself- Ff

The electrons that are transferred through the electron transport system are brought there by


Review the section "Investigating Life: Limbs Gained and Limbs Lost." In the paleontology study discussed in this feature, what evidence shows that snakes originated on land?

Najash has hind limbs, is terrestrial, and is the oldest fossil snake.

Human females have two X chromosomes in each cell. Which of the following is true of these chromosomes?

One of the chromosomes is inactivated. The process is random and results in cells that have either the mother's or the father's X chromosome active.

Classify the statements below as relating to preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), genetic testing, or gene therapy. Some labels might be used more than once. Others might not be used.

PGD- Tests for genetic sequences in embryos; Uses DNA probes Genetic testing- Tests for genetic sequences in developed individuals; Uses DNA probes Gene Therapy- Supplements faulty genes; Uses viruses

Endosymbiont theory explains some of the differences and similarities between prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Categorize the following statements as relating to prokaryotes only, eukaryotes only, or both.

Prokaryotes- Lack membrane-bounded organelles; These were the first organisms on Earth; Aerobic bacteria are these types of cells Eukaryotes- Have mitochondria; Might have chloroplasts; Can be a multicellular organism Both- Includes organisms that are photosynthetic; Includes organisms that carry out aerobic respiration

How do reproductive barriers relate to the biological species concept?

Reproductive barriers produce unique species by preventing two populations from interbreeding.

Sequences of a few nucleotides that vary in number of repeats and are used in DNA profiling are called


Using the evolutionary tree below, match each plant group to a trait that it possesses. Each trait label can only be used once.

Seeds- Ginkgo Vascular Tissue- Horsetails Lack of vascular tissue- Mosses Fruits- Angiosperms

Read the three scenarios below, each of which describes an example of natural selection. Then, use the labels to match each type of selection to the scenario that it best describes.

Stabilizing Selection- Squirrels in your neighborhood vary in size. You see foxes eating the largest squirrels and stray cats eating the smallest squirrels until almost no large or small squirrels are left. Distributive Selection- In an area of black lava interspersed with light-colored, sandy patches, mice vary in color; some are white, some are black, and some are grey. Owls prey on the grey mice more often because their coloration does not match either of the local habitats. Directional Selection- Finches with larger beaks are able to crack tougher, thicker seeds. Over many years of drought, during which only thick seeds are produced by plants, the majority of the finches in the population have larger beaks.

Classify the items as true of either specialized cells or stem cells.

Stem Cells- Undifferentiated; More common early in development than late in development; Totipotent Specialized Cells- Number of divisions is limited; Differentiated, in most cases

Imagine that mature individuals with a certain allele (B) are more likely to have abundant, healthy offspring than those without the allele. However, individuals with the B allele also have shorter life spans than those without the allele. How would you predict the allele frequencies in the population will change through subsequent generations?

The B allele will become more common only if the individuals reach reproductive ages.

The island of Madagascar is located just off the southeast coast of Africa, in the Indian Ocean. Scientists find species on this island that have close biological relatives in both Australia and India. They also find that at each location there are fossils of similar organisms. What is the most likely explanation for this similarity between organisms in Madagascar, India, and Australia?

The ancestor of these organisms lived on a landmass long ago that included Madagascar, India, and Australia.

What is similar between the lysogenic cycle of a bacterial virus and the HIV infection cycle?

The viral genome is integrated into the host chromosome.

Determine if each statement about the light reactions is true or false. Then, drag the statement to the correct box.

True- Electrons excited by photosystem 1 reduce NADP+ to NADH; Protons move through ATP synthase, producing ATP; NADPH is an electron carrier that participates in the carbon reactions False- The light reactions can function in the absence of water; Protons move from the stroma to the thylakoid space by simple diffusion

Use the DNA template strand below to simulate transcription of an RNA strand. Type the complementary RNA strand in the box. Template strand: A A T A C G G C C


In regards to evolution, which deer has the highest "fitness"?

a deer that produces the most surviving offspring

What population is most likely to become extinct when faced with a changing environment?

a small population with long reproductive time and low genetic diversity

To determine how old Neandertal fossils are, researchers must use radiometric dating. Suppose they use a hypothetical isotope with a half-life of 12,000 years, and find that fossils from one Neandertal have 1/256th (= 1/28) of the isotope found in currently living organisms. How old would you predict these Neandertal fossils to be? The figure below represents a similar situation using 14C-dating.

about 100,000 years

Before entering the Krebs cycle, pyruvate is converted to

acetyl CoA

In birds and mammals, feathers and hair develop from structures on the surface of the embryo called placodes. Recently, researchers found placodes in the embryos of several groups of reptiles, indicating that scales of reptiles, feathers of birds, and hair of mammals

are homologous structures.

When carbon atoms are removed from organic molecules during the transition step and the Krebs cycle, the carbon atoms are released as

carbon dioxide

During what stage(s) of photosynthesis is glucose produced?

carbon reactions

The primary light-absorbing pigment molecules in leaves are called _____.


The fact that early embryos of different vertebrates, such as fish, reptiles, and mammals, appear similar provides ______ evidence of evolution.


Suppose that after an environmental change, moths with the darkest coloration have the greatest reproductive success. What type of natural selection does this situation represent?

directional selection

As discussed in the Investigating Life feature, what did researchers find in Najash snake fossils?

functional legs and a sacrum connecting the pelvis to the spine

The bottleneck effect and the founder effect are two types of

genetic drift

An earthquake causes the size of a deer population to drop rapidly over a short period. Allele frequencies shift. What mechanism of evolution does this situation illustrate?

genetic drift - bottleneck effect

Natural selection requires genetic variation, competition for limited resources, overproduction of offspring, and unequal reproductive success. What requirement does the following sentence represent? A subset of finches that have large beaks is contained within a population of finches that mostly have small beaks.

genetic variation

During an intermediate step of the pathway called ______, a 6-carbon sugar diphosphate molecule is split into two, 3-carbon sugar phosphate molecules.


Infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) causes the death of immune system cells called ______, and over many years, HIV can lead to a disease called ______ in which the immune system is deficient.

helper T cells; AIDS

What is removed during mRNA processing?


In muscle cells deprived of oxygen, the end product of glycolysis is converted to

lactic acid

Adaptations are phenotypes that improve reproductive success; such phenotypes might arise as a result of ______ followed by ______ over many generations.

mutations in DNA; natural selection

Suppose birds prey upon blue caterpillars more often than green caterpillars because the blue caterpillars are more conspicuous on green leaves. Assuming the blue and green colors are produced by different alleles of a gene, what mechanism of evolution does this depict?

natural selection

Extinctions occur when

no member of a species has the alleles necessary to survive and reproduce when conditions change.

When ______ accepts electrons at the end of the electron transport chain, ______ is produced as a by-product

oxygen; water

What links photosystem II to photosystem I in the light reactions?

proteins of the electron transport chain

In glycolysis, glucose is converted to


Tomatoes appear red because they ______ red wavelengths of light.


A mutation in a gene would cause a change in the sequence of amino acids in a protein.


Suppose that many species of cichlids in one lake in Africa diverged from a common ancestor, which also inhabited the lake. What process has occurred among cichlids in this lake?

sympatric speciation

What acts as a connector to help convert the nucleotide sequence of mRNA into the amino acid sequence of a polypeptide during translation?


mRNA is to translation as DNA is to


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