Biology 16.4: The Mammalian Orders III (Legacy Christian Academy 2015)

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__________ have been crossed with __________, and their offspring-known as mules and ninnies-are always _________.

Donkeys horses sterile

The camel stores fat in ______ _________ atop the body instead of in a layer under the skin.

large humps

All ungulates whether odd toed or even toed are primarily (what type of animal) ________ ___________.

large mammals

Camels are known as "the ____ ____ ____ _____".

ship of the desert

Hoofed animals are called ________.


The Alaskan brown bear can weigh over how many pounds?


Wolves can eat up to _______ of their body weight at one meal.


Seals can stay submerged for ______ to _____ minutes at a time.

15 20

The elephant seal is said to descend to _______ feet to eat bottom dwelling sharks, squids, and rays.


In 1910 there were over _______ horses in the United States, while today, there are just over ________.

20 million 8 million

There are over ___ species of carnivores, including bears, cats, dogs, raccoons, seals, skunks, mongooses, and hyenas.


A camel can lose as much as _____% of its body weight and still survive, whereas a person who loses ______% of his bodily fluids is unable to function.

27 12

The rhinoceros has ______ functional toes on each foot.


A ruminant's stomach is divided into how many sections?


Tapirs have _____ toes on its front feet and _____ toes on his back feet.

4 3

Seal's blood can carry about _____ _____ _____ ______ oxygen carrying hemoglobin as human blood.

5 times as much

A large male may be ___ _____ long (including tail) and weigh 125 pounds.

6 feet

The _______ ___________ __________ (also known as the ______ bear) is considered the largest land dwelling carnivore.

Alaskan brown bear kodiak

What is the difference between antlers and horns?

Antlers are solid bone and are shed annually while horns are hollow structures that are usually permanent and not shed

Horse fossils have been found on all continents except ___________.


Sheep, cattle, goats, and antelope are included in what group?


What family of artiodactyls includes such important animals as cattle, sheep, and goats?


Deer have what type of antlers?


What is the most obvious way to distinguish between an artiodactyl?

By their number of toes

_______ do not appear to be members of that kind.


Camels have been a prime source of ____, ____, and _____ as well as ________ for desert dwellers.

Meat Milk clothing transportation

____________ are artioodactyls have two toes which form hooves.


Name two aquatic animals of the order Carnivora.

Seal and walrus

The largest of the cats is a ______ _______, which can weigh up to 650 pounds and measure 10 feet in length (excluding tail).

Siberian tiger

What is the largest land-dwelling carnivore?

The Alaskan Brown Bear (Kodiak Bear)

What do camels have on their feet that connect their two toes together? How do they help the camel?

Thick pads They give them snowshoe-like support on sand and insulation from heat and cold.

In general, as carnivores we lead more _______ lifestyles than herbivores (because they must spend their lives hunting).


Most cats are tremendously quick _____ ______ _____ in charges.

ambushing their prey

The deer belong to a family of ruminants that are distinguished from other bovids by the growth of _____, rather than horns.


Most have either _______ (which are solid hornlike structures that are shed annually) or _______ (which are hollow structures that are usually permanent and not shed).

antlers horns

Seals are what type of carnivores?


Walruses are ________ carnivores.


It is quite apparent that zebras and horses _____ _____ the same kind, as crosses between horses and zebras are always ___________.

are not infertile

It will kill by biting the _____ ____ _____ _____ of it's prey.

back of the neck

When ______ are ripe, bears will eat them.


Artiodactyls known as _____ (sheep, cattle, goat, & antelope) have been particularly valuable as sources of food.


The term "chew the cud" refers to the habit of be _______ _________ _______ ________ which is later ______ (thrown up) and _______ more thoroughly.

chewing and swallowing food regurgitated chewed

Camels have the ability to excrete _________ __________ , which wastes little water.

concentrated urine

The New World lions are known as the _______ (commonly known as a mountain lion or puma) and the ______.

cougar jaguar

Animals that were plentiful and are now extinct (in the recent past) are generally extinct due to _______ ____ _______ ________ and slaughter by people.

destruction of animal habitats

Among the extinct carnivores is the __________.


Even toed mammals can be divided into two groups: those that _____ _____ ______ _______ (cows, sheep, etc.) and those that ______ ____ (hippopotamus).

do chew the cud do not

Even toed ungulates belong to the order known as Artiodactyla (artios means="_______," and dactylos means= "________")

even toe

The polar bear is an _____ _______ and preys primarily on seals.

excellent swimmer

A type of animal or plant that is no longer found alive on the earth is said to be _________.


Most mammals walk on their toes, while the bear is supported by a ________ ___________.

flat-footed stance

Artiodactyls vary in height from the 15 inch Royal antelope to the 18 foot _______, the ________ mammal.

giraffe tallest

More people in the world use _______ ________ than cow's milk.

goat's milk

Cattle, buffalo, sheep, goats, and antelopes (surprise) all have ________.


The tusks serve as _______ _______ when the animal hoists itself out of the water or to punch holes into the ice to open an air hole to breathe.

ice axes

Because zebras are ___________ to many diseases making a cross between a zebra and a horse would be an ideal animal for African ranchers.


The polar bear is the only large land carnivore which does not ____ ____ ____.

instinctively fear man

The weasel will attack prey _____ ______ ______.

larger than itself

Bears are the ______ carnivorous of the flesh eaters.


Horses have been replaced in the workforce by __________.


Goats are noted for their _______, which is higher in _____ & _____ than cow's milk.

milk fat and protein

There are three families (horses, tapers, and rhinoceroses) with an _______ number of functional toes, given the order named Perissodactyla (perissos means= ________).

odd odd

Bears are _________ (eating both plant and animal foods).


Wolves run in _______ (groups of wolves) of up to three dozen.


Lions live in groups called _________.


The first division of a ruminants stomach is known as the ___________.


Animals that chew the cud are called __________.


The weasel is ______ and hunts at night.


Their eyes are placed on the _______ ____ ______ _______, limiting their ________ vision (use of both eyes together) but increasing their __________ (side) vision.

side of their head binocular peripheral

The horse is a ______ perissodactyl and has been one of the most useful animals in man's creation.


Bears are also fond of _______ ________.

some insects

The polar bear will often deliberately _____ and ____ ___ ______ for food.

stalk and kill a human

Carnivores are noted for their cunning abilities of ________ _______ _________.

stalking their prey

Seals have ________ bodies covered with short, dense fur that serves as ______.

streamlined insulation

Wolverines are noted for their _____ and ______.

strength ferocity

Zebras look like ________ ___________ but are not.

striped horses

The rhinoceros is often seen in the mud. It does so because it has no______ glands and the water _______ it off, while the mud creates a protective _______ to protect her from the sun.

sweat cool coating

Most ungulates are _______ ___________ because they need a means of escape from predators.

swift runners

How many chambers does the camel's stomach have?


The rhinoceros can weigh up to ______ _____ ____ ______ tons can have either____ or ____ horns on their head.

three and a half Two Three

Walruses differ from seals, in that they have __________, which are elongated upper incisor teeth.


Ungulates are divided into _____ groups, according to the number of toes they have.


All bovids are ruminants with what type of hollow horns?


The rumen holds _______ _________ until it can be masticated (chewed) thoroughly.

unchewed food

The tusks can also be used as __________ to repel polar bear attacks.


Seals have ________ ____________ instead of paws or feet.

webbed fingers

For unknown reasons, horses disappeared from the _________ world, surviving only in the East.


The camel's large fat stores serve two purposes: 1. They allow the camel to go for long periods ______ _________ and; 2. They serve as a _______ ______ ________.

without food source of water

The largest member of the weasel family is the _________.


Plants and animals that still exist today, but are in danger of extinction are said to be ____________.


Artiodactyls convert stored ______ (from photosynthesis) into ______ ________ that man and many flesh-eating animals can use (such as meat and milk).

energy energy forms

Horses, zebras, and donkeys are all members of what family?


Most (cattle, buffalo, antelope, deer, sheep, goats, camels) have an _______ number of functional toes (two or four).


The common ________ ________ is also a member of the cat family.

house cat

Tapirs resemble a pig, but have an extra ______ _____ and ________ ________.

long snout and short trunk

The most famous of the extinct elephants is the woolly ____________.


Wolves will usually _____ _____ ______.

mate for life

How many species of even-toed undulates are there?


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