Biology 1st semester exam

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Lab safety 15. You should tie back long hairs when

15. Working near a fire and using chemicals in a lab

Chapter 6: Cell Membrane and transport Hypotonic/ hypertonic/isotonic solutions 15. Placing a plant in a hypertonic environment will 30. What type of solution is cell A in 31. What type of solution is cell B in

15. cause the cell membrane to shrink 30. hypertonic solution 31. hypotonic solution

Lab safety 14. Goggles are worn during science experiments

14. Any time chemicals, heat or glassware are used

Chapter 5 organic molecules Most common elements in living things #12. The most common elements in living things are

#12. Oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen

Chapter 5 organic molecules 4 types of organic molecules #2. Which organic molecule below is classified as a carbohydrate #34. What are the 4 groups of life's organic molecules

#2. Sugar #34. Lipids, carbohydrates, protein, nucleic acid.

Themes energy and life # 24. Life depends on a continuous supply of energy from the sun. #42. Plants use the Suns energy to make usable energy for other organisms

#24. energy and life #42. energy and life

Themes Cellular basis for life #25. All living things are made of cells #37. Nerve cells make up nerve tissue which makes up nerve organs which makes up the nervous system

#25. Cellular basis for life #37. Cellular basis for life

Themes Form and functions #26. How something works is related to how it is made up # 41. Aerodynamic shape of a birds wings

#26. Form and functions #41. Form and functions

Themes Interactions with the environment #27. Organisms react with their environment # 40. Going out in the bright sun causes you to squint.

#27. Interactions with the environment #40. Interactions with the environment

Themes Biology and society #28. Biology changes humans everyday lives. #43. Research helps doctors cure disease.

#28. Biology and society #43. Biology and society

Themes Biological systems #29. Arrangement and interactions of its parts in living systems #38. Your body depends on how its parts interact.

#29. Biological systems #38. Biological systems

Themes Scientific Inquiry #30. Asking questions and using observations to better understand science #39. Researchers use radio transmitters to track turtles to record their range

#30. Scientific Inquiry #39. Scientific Inquiry

Themes Adaption and evolution #31. Ability to survive and reproduce within an environment #35. Animals are camouflage to blend into their environment to help them survive.

#31. Adaption and evolution #35. Adaption and evolution

Themes Reproduction and inheritance #32. Organisms make more of their own kind through inheritable information #34. Offspring look similar to their parents.

#32. Reproduction and inheritance #34. Reproduction and inheritance

Themes Regulations #33. Homeostasis- keeping the internal environment in balance # 36. On a hot day you begin to sweat

#33. Regulations #36. Regulations

Chapter 4: water properties Solution/solute/solvent #51Solutions that contain concentrations of H plus ions lower than pure water #56.when salt is dissolved in water water is #64. When a substance is dissolved in water the result is a solute #65. The solution with a pH of 11 is #66. A substance with equal numbers of H plus ions and OH negative ions is a basic solution #70A substance with the pH of six is called

#51. Are bases #56. The solvent #64. False #65. Alkaline/base #66. False #70. An acid

Chapter 4: water properties pH scale. Acid/base #52. Acidic solutions have a pH that is #65.A solution with a pH of 11 is #66. A substance with equal numbers of H plus And OH negative ions is a basic solution #69. If the pH of stomach acid in the oven cleaner (A base) were measured #70. Substance with a pH of six is called #71. Buffers are substances that cause a solution to change its pH #73. A map of eastern North America showing the pH of rainfall in various states indicates that the pH of rain in New York state varies from 4.22 to 4.40. According to these figures the most acidic rainfall in New York State has a pH of

#52. Less than seven #65.alkaline/ base #66. False #69. The pH of stomach acid would be below seven but the pH of oven cleaner would be about six #70. An acid #71. False #73. 4.22

Chapter 4: water properties Hydrogen bonds: #55. Low density of ice is a result of the hydrogen bonds formed in water.

#55. True

Chapter 4: water properties Properties of water #60. A bug walking across water is an example of what property of water #76. Watch messes of water moderate the temperature of nearby land area due to the property of temperature moderation

#60. Cohesion/adhesion #76. True

Chapter 4: water properties Covalent bond vs. ionic bond #61. Which of the following statements most accurately describes the difference between an ionic bond and a covalent bond #75.

#61. Electrons are exchanged between atoms held together by ionic bond, but they are shared between atoms held together by a covalent bond #75.sharing electrons

Chapter 4: water properties Structure and charge of molecules in water: #67. What type of ion forms when an atom loses electrons?

#67. Positive

Chapter 4: water properties Function of buffers #71. Buffers are substances that cause the solution to change it. #74. Important to him it's because they can resist change in the blood due to chemical reactions taking place in our cells.

#71. False #74. True

Chapter 5 organic molecules Carbons structure, include bonding capability #9 saturated fatty acids contain #24. Because carbon atoms have 4 electrons in the outermost Energy level they can form up to____covalent bonds with other atoms

#9______ #24. 4

Chapter 7: Cellular Respiration Products of cellular respiration 1. Cellular respiration uses oxygen to convert the chemical energy stored in organic molecules into 5. Which of the following is released during cellular respiration 22. The Krebs cycle produces

1. ATP 5. Energy 22. Carbon dioxide

Graphing How to construct a graph handout, #1,2,3,4,5,7. #1. How to Construct a line graph #2. determine the variable range 3. Determine the scale of the graph 4.Number and label each axis 5.Plot the data points 7. Title the graph

1. Independent variable is on the x axis and should be on the left side of the data table. Dependent variable goes on the y axis and should be on the right side of the data table 2. Subtract the lowest data value from the highest and do each variable separately. 3. Determine a scale. Use all available space 4. this tells what data the lines on the graph represent. 5. Plot with a dot but do not clutter the graph 7. Title is clear and concise. Providde key to identify different lines on the graph

Chapter 8: Photosynthesis source of energy 1. Based on the cycle of photosynthesis, one can say that the ultimate original source of energy for all living things on Earth is

1. the sun

Chapter 5 organic molecules Organic vs Inorganic molecules 1. All organic molecules contain the element 2.Which organic molecule below is classified as a carb 18. Most carbon based molecules are classified as 30. Non carbon based molecules such as water, oxygen, and ammonia are classified as ____ molecules

1.Ca 2. Sugar 18. Organic 30.Inorganic

Chapter 7: Cellular Respiration Source of electrons used in the Krebs cycle 12. With oxygen present the Krebs cycle and ETC

12. Provide organisms with an alternative to fermentation, produce ATP, and break down pyruvic acid to produce carbon dioxide and ATP

Chapter 5 organic molecules monosaccharides vs disaccharides vs polysaccharides 15. A monosaccharide is a 20. A carbohydrate made up of 22 sugar units is a 21. Polysaccharides include

15.carbohydrate 20. disaccharide 21. starch, glycogen, and cellulose

Lab safety 16. I can eat in the lab

16. Never

Chapter 8: Photosynthesis where light reactions take place 16. Where do the light reactions take place?

16. in the thylakoid

Lab safety 17. At the end of the lab you see some leftover chemical that looks just like the stuff you we're using. You Should

17. Ask the teacher how to dispose of it property

Chapter 8: Photosynthesis Role of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere 17. Plants release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and animals release oxygen 18. If carbon dioxide is removed from a plants environment, what would you expect to happen to the plant's production of sugars

17. False 18. sugars will not be produced

Lab safety 18. Disturbing other students in the lab with horseplay in the lab is

18. Dangerous

Lab safety 19. You should be sure equipment is clean

19. After You use it and and before you use it

Chapter 5 organic molecules monomers of the organic molecule 19. The reaction that adds a monomer to a chain is called 27. Complex carbohydrates are to monosaccarides as polymers are to

19. Dehydration reaction 27. monomers

Chapter 6: Cell Membrane and transport diffusion 2. Diffusion is the net movement of molecules from 9. During diffusion when the concentration of molecules on both sides are the same, the molecules will 25. Molecules move through carrier proteins across the cell membrane

2. An area of high concentration to an area of low concentration 9.continue to move across the membrane in both directions 25. facilitated diffusion

Chapter 5 organic molecules Examples of each organic molecule 2. Which organic molecule below is classified as a carb 10. Which organic molecule below is most closely related to nucleic acids 18. Most carbon based molecules are classified as 34. What are the four groups of life's organic molecules

2. Sugar 10. nucleotides 18. organic 34. lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, and nucleic acids

Lab safety 20. Which of the following is not a safe lab practice

20. After removing glassware from a heat source touch it right away and see if it is clear

Lab safety 21. If you are not sure. What to do during a lab activity

21. Read the directions

Lab safety 22. Helping to clean up the lab or classroom is the job of

22. Everyone

Lab safety 23. The most important thing in lab experiments is

23. Safety

Chapter 7: Cellular Respiration Total ATP produced 24. Cellular respiration uses 1 molecule of glucose to produce approximately

24. 38 ATP molecules

Chapter 6: Cell Membrane and transport Facilitated- transport proteins 25. Molecules move through carrier proteins across the cell membrane

25. Facilitated diffusion

Chapter 8: Photosynthesis products of photosynthesis 25. Write out the equation for photosynthesis

25. Products---glucose and oxygen

Chapter 8: Photosynthesis reactants of photosynthesis 25. Write the equation for photsynthesis

25. Reactants----Carbon dioxide and water

Chapter 5 organic molecules Dehydration/ hydrolysis reaction 26. The formation of polymers from monomers occurs as a result of _____ reactions, and the breakdown of polymers into monomers occurs as a result of____ reactions

26. dehydration, hydrolysis

Chapter 7: Cellular Respiration Alcoholic fermentation 27. All of the following are sources of energy for humans during exercise except

27. Alcoholic fermentation

Chapter 7: Cellular Respiration Organisms that use lactic acid fermentation 27. All the following are sources for energy for humans during cellular respiration

27. Lactic acid fermentation and cellular respiration

Chapter 5 organic molecules polymers of the organic molecule 27. Complex carbohydrates are to monosaccarides as polymers are to

27. monomers

Chapter 7: Cellular Respiration Correct sequence of cellular respiration 3. Which of the following is the correct sequence of cellular respiration

3. Glycolysis--> Krebs Cycle--> Electron Transport Chain

Chapter 8: Photosynthesis Role of chlorophyll 3. The role of chlorophyll in photosynthesis is to

3. absorb light energy

Chapter 6: Cell Membrane and transport Transport across the membrane/How do they move 3. Which means of particle transport is shown in Figure 7-4 above 4. The passive transport of water across a selectively permeable membrane is 5. Which means of particle transport requires input of energy from the cell 9. During diffusion, when the concentration of molecules on both sides are the same the molecules will

3. active transport 4. osmosis transport 9. continue to move across the membrane to the inside of the cell in both directions

Chapter 6: Cell Membrane and transport Active transport 3. Which means of particle transport is shown in figure 7-4 5. Which means of particle transport requires input of energy from the cell 13. The removal of water (going from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration) from a cell by a contractile vacuole is an example of 22. Calcium ions are moved across a cell membrane against the concentration gradient 23. uses energy

3. active transport 5. active transport transport 22. active transport 23. active transport

Chapter 5 organic molecules Main Fuel supply of energy 34. What are the four groups of life's organic molecules

34. Lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids

Chapter 8: Photosynthesis Where the Calvin cycle takes place 34. Where does the Calvin cycle take place?

34. the stroma

Chapter 7: Cellular Respiration Reactants of Cellular Respiration 4. The Krebs cycle starts with 7. What are the reactants in the equation for cellular respiration

4. Pyruvic acid and yields carbon dioxide, NADH, FAD2 7. Glucose and oxygen

Chapter 6: Cell Membrane and transport osmosis 4. The passive transport of water across a selectively permeable membrane is called 21. The movement of water across a cell membrane 24. A cucumber placed in pure water increases in size

4. osmosis 21. osmosis 24. osmosis

Chapter 8: Photosynthesis What happens to light when it strikes an object 4. When light strikes an object, the light may be

5. Absorbed or reflected

Chapter 6: Cell Structure and Function composition of all cells 51. Prokaryotic cells lack 55. Which contains a nucleus 57. Which organelle would you expect to find in plat cells but not animal cells 61. All cells contain

51.a nucleus 55. eukaryotes 57.chloroplasts 61.cell membrane, cytoplasm, DNA

Chapter 6: Cell Structure and Function Cell Differentiation 52. Cells are specialized according to the tissue they make up by 62. Differentiation occurs in

52. differentiation 62. multicellular organisms

Chapter 6: Cell Structure and Function Compare Bacteria cell, Plant cell and animal cell 53. Bacteria cells are 60. Put the cells in order largest to smallest

53. unicellular 60. plant, animal, bacteria

Microscope use How to clean lens 56. Cleaning the lens of a microscope include

56. Using special lens paper

Microscope use Proper storage 58. To properly store the microscope you would do the following

58. wrap the cord, engage the low power, and cover the microscope

Chapter 5 organic molecules Amino Acid structure 6. Amino acids are monomers of 23. When bonded together, amino acids form 29. An _____ consists of a central carbon atom bonded to a hydrogen atom, a carboxyl group, and amino group and a side group

6.proteins 23. Polypeptide Chain 29. amino acid

Chapter 6: Cell Structure and Function Functions of the plasma membrane 72. contains enzymes to destroy unwanted material 79. controls material into and out of cells 80. only found in animal cells

72. plasma membrane 79. plasma membrane 80. plasma membrane

Microscope use light source 82. _____ projects light through the diaphragm the specimen and the lens

82. light source

Microscope use course/ fine adjustment knob 83. On a microscope the _____ moves the stage up to sharpen the image 87. _____ moves the stage up and down to focus the image

83. Fine adjustment 87. Course adjustment

Microscope use ocular lens/ objective lens 84. You look through the ___ to see the image 88. The _____ magnifies the image 10x- 40x

84. ocular lens 88.objective lens

Microscope use diaphragm 85. On a microscope the ____ increases/ decreases light entering the microscope

85. diaphragm

Microscope use stage 89. On a microscope the ______ moves the body tube up and down to start focusing

89. Stage

Chapter 6: Cell Structure and Function State the Cell theory

All living organisms are composed of one or more cells. The cell is the most basic unit of life. All cells arise from pre-existing, living cells.

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