Biology 9 Weeks Test review

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A 5% starch solution is placed inside a semi-permeable cellulose membrane. The cellulose membrane is then submerged into a hypotonic solution. Which of the following could be the starch concentration of the hypotonic solution? Select all that apply.


A body cell of a pigeon has 80 chromosomes. If a pigeon lays an unfertilized egg, how many chromosomes will this egg have?


A cell has 12 chromosomes. How many chromosomes will each daughter cell have after mitosis?

A-amino acids

A cell membrane is composed of a double layer of lipids in which many kinds of proteins are embedded. Many of these proteins act like gates, allowing only certain particles to enter or leave the cell. When a particle has to go against its concentration gradient through one of these gates, energy is supplied by the cell to the correct protein to move the particle through the membrane. A sodium-potassium ion pump is an example of a type of carrier protein that uses a large portion of the cell's energy to move sodium ions through the cell membrane. The sodium-potassium ion pump found in some cell membranes is made of which of the following basic structural components?

The centrioles migrating.

A cell that is undergoing mitosis is examined with a light microscope. An observation that would allow for identification of the cell as an animal cell rather than a plant cell would be

Many nuclei

A cell that undergoes repeated mitosis without cytokinesis would have

Water will move into the cell

A cell was just placed in a new environment. The diagram below shows the concentration of dissolved substances inside this cell and in its new environment. The cell membrane is not permeable to these dissolved substances. Which of the following BEST describes what will immediately happen to the cell in its new environment?

Protein Synthesis

A cell with numerous ribosomes is probably specialized for _____.


A diagram of two strawberry plants are shown above. Plant B is produced from Plant A. If the leaf cells of Plant A contain 56 chromosomes, how many chromosomes will be found in the leaf cells of Plant B?


A gamete may have an incorrect number of chromosomes due to an error in which of the following processes?

Exocytosis is an example of active transport and requires the use of cellular energy.

A gland cell releases hormones through the process of exocytosis. Which of the following statements is true?


A molecule with a structure composed primarily of amino acids would be classified into which of the following groups?

The water in the gums has moved from a high to a low concentration of water.

A person with swollen gums rinses his mouth with warm salt water, and the swelling decreases. Which has occurred?

0.5% salt solution and pure water

A red blood cell containing 0.9% salt will swell if put into which of the following solutions? Select all that apply

Large central vacuole

A student is observing a group of cells using a microscope. Which of the following structures best distinguishes the specimen as plant cells rather than animal cells?

The second and third phosphate groups

ATP releases energy when a bond is broken between which of the following?

Speed up

According to the graph, addition of the enzyme amylase causes the reaction to _____.


Adipose is a substance that contains cells called adipocytes. Adipocytes have a bubble-like appearance because they are filled with fat droplets. Which level of organization describes adipose?


Aerobic Respiration requires which of the following components?


Amino acids link together by peptide bonds to form proteins. In which cellular organelle would this process occur?


An organism's genetic information is stored in which type of macromolecule?

Eventually becomes balanced on both sides of a membrane.

As a result of diffusion, the concentration of many types of substances

Alcoholic Fermentation

As respiration begins, glucose is broken down into pyruvic acid and two molecules of ATP are formed. What will happen next in yeast cells is no oxygen is available?

When there is continuous movement but no change

At what point in the process of diffusion is dynamic equilibrium reached?

All of the offspring will be genetically identical.

Bacteria can reproduce quickly by means of binary fission. Because of this, after binary fission,


Billy Bob's grandmother is making pickles. She puts slices of cucumber into a solution of sugar, salt, and vinegar. The cucumber slices get smaller. What type of solution is the sugar, salt, and vinegar?

A tissue

Blood is made up of red blood cells and white blood cells which work together to form which level of organization?

Store energy

Both lipids and carbohydrates are important in animal cells because both---

Serving as a source of energy for a cell

Carbohydrates and lipids are composed of the elements carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Proteins are composed of these same elements, but also contain nitrogen and small amounts of sulfur. Proteins are more complex than carbohydrates and lipids. What function can proteins perform that is usually performed by carbohydrates and lipids?

Contain primarily carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen and used for energy

Carbohydrates and lipids share which two of the following characteristics?


Cells are the functional units that make up tissues. Tissues then become the functional units that make up _____.

Their volumes increase at a faster rate than the surface area.

Cells are typically small because _____.

Aerobic Cellular Respiration

Cells can generate as many as 36 to 38 molecules of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) from the metabolism of one glucose molecule. Which cellular process results in this amount of ATP production?


Cells that line the human stomach contain hydrogen ion pumps in their cell membranes. These pumps allow the cells to move hydrogen from areas of low concentration inside the cells to areas of higher concentration outside the cells. Which equation best represents the reaction that makes the movement of hydrogen ions possible?a.ATP = ADP + P + energy c.O + H2O+ energy = ATP + COb.ATP + P + energy = ADP d.ATP + CO + O= H2O + energy

Bacteria reproduce rapidly.

Change in species is described as a process that usually occurs over long periods of time. Yet, even though antibiotics have only been widely used for fifty years, scientists recognize that overuse of antibiotics has led to antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria. The reason this can occur in a relatively short span of time is that--


Coded instructions from the nucleus are used by what organelles to make proteins?

Spindle Fibers

Colchicine is a chemical that, when applied to a cell during mitosis, can be used to "freeze" cells in metaphase by preventing chromosomes from moving away from the metaphase plate. What part of the cell does colchicine most likely affect?


Compared to a skin cell, a muscle cell is likely to have more _____.


Consider the cell labeled X in the diagram below containing 4 chromosomes. Which of the four cells below it represents a healthy gamete that could be produced from this cell?


Diatoms are one of the most common types of phytoplankton in marine habitats. Like plants, diatoms contain chlorophyll and produce glucose from which of the following? A. O2 and ATP, B. CO2 and O2, C. ATP and H2O, D. CO2 and H2O

Water, energy, and carbon dioxide

During respiration, the reactants are converted into _____.

Metaphase 1

During which phase of meiosis do homologous pairs of chromosomes line up next to one another along the equator?


During which phase of mitosis do the sister chromatids separate and move toward opposite poles of the cell?

Chemical bonds are broken.

Energy stored in food is released when _____.

Enzymes speed up the rate of a specific chemical reaction.

Enzymes are found in the cells of all organisms. Which statement describes the general function of enzymes?

Sex cell

External sources, such as radiation or chemicals, can cause mutation in genes or entire chromosomes. For a mutation to pass on to offspring, it must occur in a--

To excrete a hormone out of the cell

For which of the following reasons would a cell use the process of exocytosis?

Sex cells; all other cells

Gametes are _____, whereas somatic cells are _____.

Two gametes will unite during fertilization to create a diploid cell.

Gametes must be haploid because-

Are both monosaccharides

Glucose and ribose _____.

They lower the amount of activation energy needed for the reaction to occur.

How do catalysts affect the rate of a chemical reaction?

ATP releases a phosphate, releasing energy.

How does a transport protein get the energy needed to continue the process of moving the sodium ions across the cell membrane?

Removing a phosphate group from ATP

How is energy made available to the cell to move large starch molecules across the membrane through the process of endocytosis?


How many chromosomes are in the body cells of an organism that has a haploid number of 8?

Living organisms are made of one or more cells, Cell come from the reproduction of preexisting cells, and The cell is the basic unit of structure and function in all living things

Identify all three parts of the cell theory.

Ribosomes and presence of a cell wall

Identify two characteristics shared by plant cells and fungi cells.

Die because of carbon dioxide deprivation

If a plant's leaves were coated in clear nail polish, the plant would _____.


In an animal, which of the following structures represents the highest level of organization?


In cancer cells, mutations in the DNA cause the cells to reproduce uncontrollably, forming a tumor. Cancer directly affects which cellular process?


In human females, how many mature eggs are formed as a result of one cell undergoing meiosis?


In humans and other multicellular organisms, which substance plays a central role a a quick energy source?

Active Transport

In muscle cells, calcium ions are pumped through channels into the endoplasmic reticulum. These ions move from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration. This is an example of _____.

A new cell wall forms

In plant cells, cytokinesis occurs when _____.


In which of the beakers above is water expected to move INTO the cell?


In which part of the cell does aerobic respiration take place?


In which phase of mitosis does the chromatin become condensed into short, rod-like structures that can be seen easily with a microscope?

A cell from an oak tree

In which structure would you expect to find a cell wall?

Digestive enzymes; Golgi body

Lysosomes contain _____ and bud in vesicles from the _____.

It reproduces by releasing sperm and egg into the water around it and Its interior contains blood and tissue made up of cells

Marine biologist find a specimen that looks like a rock. They find it has the following characteristics. Which of the following following characteristics would best rove that this specimen is actually a living organism?

Rudolf Virchow, who introduced the idea that all cells are created from other preexisting cells

Mattias Schleiden and Theodor Swann studied plant and animal cells under a microscope. Together these men concluded that plants and animals are made up of cells. Which scientist furthered their study to complete our modern cell theory?


Oxygen is added to an ecosystem by _____.

Have a large number of lysosomes

Pancreatic cells synthesize and export large quantities of digestive enzymes; to support this activity, they must _____.

A, F, G, H+I

Phospholipid, Peripheral protein, Integral Protein, Phospholipid Bilayer

Carbon and Oxygen

Photosynthesis and cellular respiration cycle which of the following between the atmosphere and living organisms?


Plants produce oxygen, which is used by fungi, animals, and plants themselves. In what process do these organisms use oxygen?


Plants store their excess carbohydrates in the form of

Endoplasmic Reticulum

Proteins are transported to other parts of the cell by using which organelle?

Ribose sugars

RNA structure is different than DNA structure because only RNA has _____.


Ridding the cell of material by discharging it from sacs at the cell surface is called _____.


Rough endoplasmic reticulum is "rough" because it has _____.

Salt would move out of the cells and water would move in.

Sea lettuce is a green algae that lives in the ocean. Which of these statements best describes what would happen if sea lettuce cells were placed in distilled water?

The cell membrane allows water to enter and leave the cell.

Some students used vinegar to dissolve away the shells of three eggs and used these eggs as models of human red blood cells. The students observed the changes in the eggs when they were placed in different solutions. Which statement best describes the role of the cell membrane in this model?

Are smaller than the protein molecules

The above diagram shows the process of osmosis. Only the water molecules could enter the cell because water molecules —

Facilitated diffusion

The diagram above shows which process?


The diagram below illustrates a biochemical process that occurs in organisms. The substance labeled 5 is known as a(n) _____.


The diagram below is most likely which type of cell?

Figure 2

The diagram below shows a plant cell during the four stages of mitosis, but the stages are out of order. Use the diagram to answer the question below. Which figure shows the first stage of mitosis?


The diagram below shows the relationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration and the organelles in which they occur. Which statement describes how photosynthesis and cellular respiration are interrelated? A. Oxygen is produced during cellular respiration and stored during cellular respiration, B. Carbon dioxide and water released by cellular respiration are used in photosynthesis, C. Photosynthesis releases the energy that is stored during the process of cellular respiration, D. Glucose is used during cellular respiration to produce food that is broken down during photosynthesis

A starch molecule

The diagram below shows the typical structure of


The diagram below shows which type of molecule being formed?

Allow certain substances to enter or leave the cell.

The diagram shows a section of a cell membrane that includes a channel protein. The function of this protein is to-

Chromatids do not separate at the centromere in anaphase I.

The difference between anaphase of mitosis and anaphase I of meiosis is that


The diploid number of chromosomes in a human skin cell is 46. The number of chromosomes found in a human ovum is _____.

4; haploid

The end product of meiosis is _____ cells that are _____.


The enzyme lactase will break down the sugar lactose into which of the following components?

Fatty Acids

The enzyme lipase is produced in the pancreas to help digest fats in foods. The lipase breaks down the fats into which of the following?


The enzyme maltase will break down the sugar maltose into which of the following components?


The figure below shows the four stages of mitosis for an animal cell, but the stages are out of order. Use the diagram to answer the question below. Which is the correct order of the stages of mitosis shown above?

Light dependent

The first stage of photosynthesis in a chloroplast is ______.

Animals produce cells with more genetic diversity than do bacteria.

The following diagram shows a type of reproduction that occurs in bacteria. Which statement correctly compares the type of reproduction in bacteria to the type of reproduction that produces the sex cells of an animal?

A protein pump

The gills of a saltwater fish use active transport to move sodium ions out of the cells. The gill cells most likely use which of the following to remove sodium ions against the concentration gradient?


The model represents the change in the DNA content of a cell during the cell cycle. Which part of the model represents the S phase?

Meiosis and fertilization

The numbers in the figure below represent the chromosome number found in each of the dog cells shown. The processes that are occurring at A and B are _____.

A cell plate

The plant cell below contains two nuclei and is about to complete its division into two separate cells. The line is pointing to a structure in the middle of the parent cell. What is this structure?

Oxygen gas

The process of photosynthesis produces sugar and

Crossing Over

The process shown above is called _____.


The substance on which an enzyme can work is called the _____.


The typical growth period of a cell occurs during which stage of the cell cycle?


The typical human body cell contains 46 chromosomes. How many chromosomes are found in a typical human sperm?

An enzyme binds to a specific substrate for the reaction catalyzed.

There are many different enzymes located in the cytoplasm of a single cell. How is a specific enzyme able to catalyze a specific reaction?

Phospholipids allow simple diffusion, but proteins are used in facilitated transport.

Two components of the cell membrane are phospholipids and proteins. Which of these is the basic difference in the two components?

A tissue

Vascular plants contain a group of cells that carry water and minerals throughout the plant. These cells function together to form which of the following?

The organelle allows for movement.

Volvox is a colony of autotrophic protist cells that from a hollow ball of cells. These cells live and function together as one unit. In the following diagram, an organelle found on the surface of each cell in the colony has an arrow pointing to it and is shown in an enlarged view. Which statement describes the function of this organelle?

Carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen

What are the four most abundant elements in living cells?

proteins and phospholipids

What are the two main structural components of the cell membrane?

It allows some materials to pass but not others.

What does it mean for a membrane to be selectively permeable?


What is released as a result of cellular respiration? Which of the following is represented by the blue oval shown in the diagram above?

Heat added to initiate a reaction.

What is the best description of activation energy?


What is the function of the structures indicated by arrows in the diagram above? (hinkt: the whip like structure)

Manufacturing of ribosomes

What is the main function of the nucleolus within the nucleus of a cell?

To store energy in the chemical bonds of glucose

What is the most important purpose of photosynthesis to plants?


What is the net gain in ATP following completion of aerobic cellular respiration of one molecule of glucose in a brain cell?

To move chromosomes in the cell

What is the role of spindle fibers?

Golgi Bodies

What organelle repackages proteins into forms the cell can use, expel, or keep stored?

Cell membrane

What part of the cell has a similar function to a school security guard, whose job it is to control who enters and leaves the school?

The reaction rate will increase.

What will most likely happen if an appropriate enzyme is added to a chemical reaction?


When Alex runs very fast, his muscle tissues use oxygen faster than it can be supplied. When this happens, pyruvic acid is broken down into lactic acid to provide energy for muscle activity. Which of these processes is responsible for producing lactic acid in muscles? A. Osmosis, B. Chemosynthesis, C. Aerobic Respiration, D. Anaerobic Respiration

Store the sugar by forming larger molecules.

When excess sugar is produced in a plant, the plant will _____.


Where are you least likely to find water in the structure shown above?


Where are you least likely to find water in the structure shown in the figure below?

In the cytoplasm

Where is DNA found in prokaryotic cells?


Which cell structure does a bacterial cell lack?

The presence of a cell wall

Which characteristic distinguishes a plant cell from an animal cell?

Prokaryotic cells do not have membrane-bound organelles.

Which characteristic of prokaryotic organisms makes them different from eukaryotes?

A chain

Which does a polymer most closely resemble?


Which element would need to be removed from the molecule below to make it unsaturated?

They are polar

Which is NOT true of lipids?

Controlling passage of materials

Which is an important function of the cell structure in this model?


Which is present only in eukaryotic cells?


Which molecule has a ratio of 1 carbon to 2 hydrogen to 1 oxygen?


Which molecule in plant cells first captures the radiant energy from sunlight?


Which molecule is correctly paired with the class of molecule to which it belongs?


Which molecule is responsible for the synthesis of proteins?

Prokaryotes and eukaryotes both have cell membranes, but eukaryotes also have membrane-bound organelles.

Which of the following best compares the membranes found in different types of cells?

G1, S, G2, M, C

Which of the following correctly sequences the parts of the cell cycle?


Which of the following describes the diffusion of water across a semi-permeable membrane to equalize a difference in solute concentrations?

Phospholipid bilayer with embedded proteins

Which of the following describes the fluid-mosaic model of the plasma membrane structure?

Lined up along the equator of the cell

Which of the following describes the location of chromosomes during metaphase?

A five-carbon sugar, a nitrogenous base and a phosphate group

Which of the following descriptions best fits the class of molecules known as nucleotides?

They assure that digestion occurs within hours instead of days.

Which of the following explains the role enzymes play in the process of digestion?

Excreting waste

Which of the following functions is controlled by the cell membrane?

Bacterial cells

Which of the following is NOT eukaryotic?

Both contain genetic material

Which of the following is a characteristic of both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells?

The type of sugars

Which of the following is a difference between DNA and RNA?

Carbohydrates are soluble in water, but lipids are not.

Which of the following is a difference between a carbohydrate and a lipid?

A concentration gradient

Which of the following is a requirement for diffusion to take place?

Facilitated diffusion

Which of the following is an example of passive transport?

Genetic material

Which of the following is found in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes?


Which of the following is needed to transfer and release energy?


Which of the following is represented by the red circle shown in the diagram above?

A-T; C-G

Which of the following is the correct base-pairing rule for DNA?


Which of the following life processes has an important role in releasing carbon dioxide into the carbon cycle?


Which of the following molecules provides the most energy per gram when metabolized?

A cell moves glucose into the cell by using some of the cell's energy.

Which of the following processes is an example of active transport?


Which of the following receives the largest amount of its energy directly from the sun?

Skeletal system

Which of the following represents the highest level of organization within a human?

They have double bonds in the carbon chains of their fatty acids.

Which of the following statements concerning unsaturated fats is correct?

Protein molecules are localized toward one side of the cell.

Which of the following statements is NOT correct regarding the plasma membrane structure?

Enzymes are made of nucleic acid molecules.

Which of the following statements is NOT true?


Which of the following structures is present in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes?


Which of the letters on the following diagram represents a thylakoid?


Which of the letters on the following diagram represents grana?


Which of the letters on the following diagram represents stroma?


Which of these functions most like the "brain" of a cell?

The nuclear membrane has disappeared.

Which of these has occurred by the end of prophase?


Which of these is required for aerobic cellular respiration?

New cells are produced by division of existing cells.

Which of these supports the cell theory as it is stated today?

Mitochondria--synthesis of ATP

Which organelle is correctly matched with its function within the cell?

Chloroplast--serves as a site for photosynthesis

Which organelle is correctly paired with its function?


Which organelle performs digestive functions for the cell?


Which organelle uses cellular respiration to convert sugars into energy?


Which organelles are only found in animals?

Chloroplasts and cell walls

Which pair of structures BEST shows that plant cells have functions different from animal cells?


Which phase of mitosis is illustrated in the plant cell below?


Which phase of the cell cycle ensures that identical copies of the parent cell's DNA are made for the daughter cells?


Which process occurs in the cytoplasm of a cell?


Which process results in two daughter cells each having the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell?

Active transport

Which process will transport sodium ions to the outside of the cell and potassium ions to the inside of the cell?

Glycolysis, The krebs cycle, and electron transport

Which stages are found in cellular respiration? Select all that apply.

Both are involved in creating compounds that store energy

Which statement below is true of both chloroplasts and mitochondria?

Living organisms are composed of cells.

Which statement is a fundamental principle of the cell theory?

Cell cycle

Which term refers to the sequence of events that cells go through as they grow and divide?

Glucose, starch, and cellulose

Which three of the following are considered carbohydrates?

The nitrogenous base adenine, the nitrogenous base guanine, and phosphate group

Which three of the following characteristics are the same in both DNA and RNA?


Which two of the following are made up of nucleotides?

Theodor Schwann and Matthias Schleiden

Which two of the following scientists are most responsible for determining that all living things are made of one or more cells?

Cell membrane and ribosomes

Which two of the following structures are found in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?


Which type of solution will cause cells to shrink or to shrivel?


Which type of solution will cause cells to swell, or even to burst?


Which type of solution will have a higher percentage of solute than the cell?


Which type of solution will have the SAME solute concentration on both sides of the cell membrane?

D-All materials needed for cell functions must pass through the cell membrane.

Why does the study of cell membranes lead to a better understanding of cell function?

It stores energy needed for cells to undergo life processes.

Why is ATP important?

It determines the protein's function.

Why is the shape of a protein important?


his sequence of nucleotides represents one side of a double-stranded DNA molecule. TATGC What is the correct sequence for the opposite side?

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