Biology Chapter 3 Quiz Study Material

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Which functional group is present in amino acids?

-NH2 (-NH2, the monomer building block to protein production, is the functional group that is a part of all amino acids)

A gene in DNA is the code for assembling a sequence of ____________.

Amino acids (a gene is a series of nucleotides that codes for a specific sequence of amino acids to be assembled into a polypeptide)

Which formula is a hydrocarbon?

CH4 (hydrocarbons are chains of carbon that are joined to hydrogen atoms; methane, CH4, is the only representative in the choices provided)

Which of the following is not an organic moleclue?

CaCO3 (organic molecules contain both hydrogen and carbon; without the presence of both of these elements, the molecule is inorganic)

Which one of the following is not a potential danger of anabolic steroids?

Can enhance the body's production of normal sex hormones (besides the destruction of heart and kidney function, anabolic steroids upset the normal hormonal balances in the body; as the levels of synthetic hormone are detected, the body suppresses the natural production of its sex hormones)

The four main categories of macromolecules are _________________.

Carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids

Scientists created an enzyme that will break down any type of carbohydrate. If given to humans, they could use which of the following as a new food source?

Cellulose (cellulose is a polysaccharide with bond linkages that are undigestable by humans; the digestive enzymes of animals are unable to hydrolyze cellulose)

Wood and cotton cloth are composed of _________.

Cellulose (plant cell walls contain cellulose and therefore it will be found in any plants or plant products)

The principle role for sugars in living things is to ________________.

Create cellular energy (carbohydrate sugars are used as an immediate energy source in living things)

Deoxyribose is a sugar found in _________.

DNA (the sugar deoxyribose is one portion of a nucleotide monomer that helps to create the biological molecule DNA)

A polypeptide forms a pleated sheet or helix as its primary structure.

False (the secondary folding of a polypeptide produces two shapes depending on the number and type of amino acids present in the chain; they can either have a spiral shape (helix) or a folded shape (pleated sheet))

Atherosclerosis is associated with _______________.

Fats with no double bonds (saturated fats have no double bonds between the carbon atoms; they are linked to the promotion of a buildup of fat material known as plaque in a person's blood vessels in a disease known as atherosclerosis)

Select the incorrect association.

Fructose- a polysaccharide (fructose is a monosaccharide; polysaccharides include materials such as cellulose, starch, and glycogen)

Which of the following is not a dehydration synthesis reaction?

Glycogen forming glucose molecules (dehydration synthesis results in the production of a molecule that is larger than its subunits; glycogen forming glucose molecules would occur by a hydrolysis reaction)

If a material mixes readily with water, it is identified as _________.

Hydrophilic (hydrophilic means "water loving" which makes the material capable of dissolving in water)

When you eat a salad, which of the following components will pass through the body with the least amount of digestion?

Lettuce (the lettuce is comprised of the structural carbohydrate called cellulose; humans lack the enzymes needed to break the bonds apart between monomers and are thus not able to digest this material)

In a dehydration reaction, ________. In order for this to occur water is ________.

Monomers are joined to become a polymer; removed (to synthesize any type of biological molecule, an -H atom and an -OH group are removed; it is called a dehydration reaction because the equivalent of water is removed as the reaction occurs)

Which of the following levels of a protein are susceptible to denaturation?

Tertiary and quaternary structures (denaturation by such things as pH and temperature cause the bonds which allow for tertiary and quaternary structures to be disrupted; when their folding is altered, the function of the protein is disrupted)

What makes saturated triglycerides considerably less healthy than unsaturated ones?

They possess no double bonds between carbon atoms, which makes them more tightly packed together (saturated fats have no double bonds between the carbon atoms; this arrangement makes saturated fat molecules pack together more tightly and, consequently, more difficult to digest; if the fat molecule is not digested adequately, there is the danger of these lipids accumulating in blood vessels in the form of plaque; it is a leading cause of the cardiovascular disease known as atherosclerosis)

How are lipids different from other categories of biological molecules?

They will not combine with water (lipids are very diverse and have varied structures; none of the lipid types consist of repeated subunits as the other biological molecules; lipids are hydrophobic molecules that do not readily mix with water)

When starch is digested, an -OH group and an -H group from a water molecule is used in hydrolysis to split the monosaccharide subunits.

True (adding water to starch allows bonds to be broken, resulting in the breaking apart of the starch polysaccharide into monosaccharides; this is known as hydrolysis)

In sickle-cell disease, malformation of red blood cells is caused by only one mistake for one amino acid in the genetic code for hemoglobin.

True (in sickle cell disease, one of the amino acid chains in the hemoglobin protein is incorrect, resulting in abnormal folding of the protein and an inability for the protein to function properly)

Hydrolysis of sucrose, a disaccharide, results in ______________.

Two monomers (sucrose is a disaccharide that when broken down by hydrolysis reactions results in two monosaccharide units)

A fatty acid that has at least two double bonds is called _______________.

Unsaturated (saturated fatty acids have no double bonds between the carbon atoms; unsaturated fats have double bonds in the carbon chain wherever the number of hydrogen atoms is less than two per carbon atom)

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