Biology Chapter 5

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In environment hypertonic is ______

the least, shriveled up

For elodea cells, to its environment cells hypertonic is:

the molecules, chloroplast

For elodea, in environment cells hypotonic is:

the molecules, chloroplast

In environment hypotonic is ______

the most, about to burst

To its environment hypertonic is ______

the most, about to burst

Cells shrink in a hypertonic solution. Cells swell in a hypotonic solution. In isotonic solutions, animal cells are normal, but plant cells are flaccid.

3 osmotic situations/conditions

*moves substances by membrane engulfing endocytosis- bring INTO cell - phagocytosis - cell eating - pinocytosis - cell drinking - exocytosis- send OUT of cell wastes and Golgi secretions

Bulk Transport

A cell uses two mechanisms to move large molecules across membranes. ​Exocytosis is used to export bulky molecules, such as proteins or polysaccharides. ​Endocytosis is used to take in large molecules. In both cases, material to be transported is packaged within a vesicle that fuses with the membrane.

Bulk Transport

Passive transport is defined as the movement of any substance across a membrane without the use of

Cell energy

The boundary that surrounds the cytoplasm of the cell is the

Cell membrane

If you were a molecule, then facilitated diffusion would be most like

Coasting across a bridge on your bike

One way to talk about diffusion is to say the molecules in a fluid will move down a _____ ______

Concentration Gradient

Some protists have _______ ________ that help to pump out water from the protagonist (always in hypotonic)

Contractile Vacuoles

Phagocytosis: large, particulate matter such as "food" molecules, viruses, or whole cells. "cellular eating" (common in amoeba and macrophages) Pinocytosis: liquids and small particles. "cellular drinking" (common in blood cells & plant root cells)


The cell membrane pinches in, taking in something outside of the cell and enclosing it within a vesicle. This process is called ____________


pinocytosis, phagocytosis, receptor-mediated endocytosis are all a type of:


A vesicle filled with some substance fuses with the membrane, releasing that substance outside the cell. This process is called ________


The vesicle fuses with plasma membrane as secretion occurs. The vesicle membrane becomes part of the plasma membrane. Cells of particular organs are specialized to produce and export molecules. For example: Pancreatic cells release insulin or enzymes. Anterior pituitary cells release growth hormone.


When a substance created inside the cell is exported outside the cell, it leaves the cell through


The cell lets a molecule pass through its membrane by providing a channel. If you coast across a bridge on your bike, you're using your kinetic energy to cross a barrier, using a passageway (the bridge) that facilitates your crossing.

Facilitated Diffusion

To facilitate means to assist. The point of ______ ________ is that it involves molecules that can't diffuse through the phospholipid bilayer, and need some kind of assistance to make their way through.

Facilitated Diffusion

When substances diffuse into a cell by passing through a protein channel, the process is called ______ _______ polar or charged substances need help to diffuse across membranes use transport proteins as pores, so no energy is needed (still passive transport)

Facilitated Diffusion

________ ______________is still a form of diffusion, but rather than simply diffusing through the lipid bilayer, the passage of molecules is facilitated (made easier) through protein channels or carrier proteins that let specific molecules pass through the membrane.

Facilitated Diffusion

True or false: In active transport, a cell uses the kinetic energy in molecules and lets them flow down their concentration gradient.


A gummy bear is placed in water. The gummy bear is made mostly of sugar, held together by gelatin. The gummy bear is ___________ to the water.


A solution that has a higher solute concentration than a solution on the other side of the membrane is ___________


A solution that has a lower water concentration than a solution on the other side of the membrane is ___________


Has less percentage of water, hypertonic or hypotonic


Solution "A" has a lower percentage of water than solution "B." Solution "A" is __________ to solution "B."


Solution "A" has more dissolved solute than solution "B." Solution "A" is __________ to solution "B."


A solution that has a higher water concentration than a solution on the other side of the membrane is ___________


A solution that has a lower solute concentration than a solution on the other side of the membrane is ___________


Has more percentage of water, hypertonic or hypotonic


Solution "A" has a higher percentage of water than solution "B." Solution "A" is __________ to solution "B."


Solution "A" has less dissolved solute than solution "B." Solution "A" is __________ to solution "B."


When animal cells are in this environment, they'll expand, then burst.


When plant cells are in this environment, they'll be the most solid and firm.


Which of the following best describes what occurs during facilitated diffusion?

In facilitated diffusion, molecules diffuse into the cell through protein channels. No cell energy is required.

A solution that has the same solute concentration as a solution on the other side of the membrane is ___________


A solution that has the same water concentration as a solution on the other side of the membrane is ___________


Solution "A" has the same amount of dissolved solute as solution "B." Solution "A" is __________ to solution "B."


f you want to keep animal tissue or cells alive outside the body, you have to keep them in what kind of osmotic environment?


Diffusion is about the random movement of


A molecule that can diffuse freely through a phospholipid bilayer is probably


The diffusion of water is


-requires no energy -osmosis- diffusion of water isotonic - in/out of cell hypertonic - out of cell hypotonic - into cell -moves substances with/down conc. gradient -simple diffusion- anything moving "high to low" conc. - faciliated diffusion uses transport proteins as pores

Passive Transport

As part of the immune response, a white blood cell swallows an invading bacteria. Another name for that process is


In this type of endocytosis there are significant extension of the membrane. These extensions, called pseudopods, engulf large particles or entire cells.


The kind of endocytosis in which a large portion of the cell membrane surrounds a food particle (or even another cell), and then brings that particle into the cell is called _____


The kind of endocytosis in which a small portion of the membrane pinches in, allowing the cell to "take a sip" of the fluid outside of the cell, is called _________


Cell membrane channels are made of


As shown in this diagram, the type of endocytosis in which molecules bind with receptors on the membrane, causing the membrane to pinch in and create a coated vesicle is called.

Receptor mediated-endocytosis

The kind of endocytosis in which the cell membrane only pinches in when a molecule outside the cell binds with a receptor molecule in the membrane is called _______

Receptor-mediated endocytosis

Molecules which diffuse through a cell membrane by facilitated diffusion:

Require the aid of transport proteins

When substances diffuse directly through a membrane's phospholipid bilayer, the process is called _____ ______

Simple diffusion

If I want to make a solution more hypertonic, I add more _____________.


In a solution, the thing that gets dissolved is the


A mixture in which one thing is dissolved in another is a(n) ________________


In a solution, the thing that does the dissolving is the


_________ are large vesicles that function to: food vacuoles engulf food/fluid (phagocytosis/pinocytosis)


_____ always flows from hypotonic to hypertonic.


For diffusion to occur, there must be:

a gradient

The molecules in elodea cell are _____


When molecules diffuse, they flow

down their concentration gradient

Has a lot of solute molecules, hypertonic or hypotonic


Has less solute molecules, hypertonic or hypotonic


Water always flows from ________ to _________. Because the cell is hypertonic to its environment, water will flow into the cell

hypotonic to hypertonic

In environment isotonic is ______

in the middle

To its environment isotonic is ______

in the middle

If solution "A" has ________ solute than solution "B," then solution "A" is hypertonic to solution "B."


Membranes allow certain molecules to pass through but not others, membranes are

selectively-permeable or semi-permeable

To its environment hypotonic is ______

the least, shriveled up

- requires energy - moves substances up/against gradient - uses transport proteins as pumps ("low to high" conc.)

Active Transport

A cell is "fighting" diffusion, which is driven by molecules' kinetic energy. What that means is that cells need to use their own energy to move a substance up a concentration gradient.

Active Transport

In nerve cells, the amount of positively charged potassium ions inside the cell is much higher than the amount outside the cell. In order for the cell to take up more potassium, which process is required?

Active Transport

When cells expend energy to move a substance from lower concentration to higher concentration, this process is known as ____ _____ use transport proteins to pump particles UP or AGAINST the gradient (so need energy)

Active Transport

Which of the following terms describes the process by which the cell membrane moves substances from lower concentration to higher concentration.

Active Transport

The group of the molecules is the ______

Cell membrane

For elodea cells, to its environment cells hypotonic is:

Cell wall

For elodea, in environment cells hypertonic is:

Cell wall

how "stuff" gets into/out of cells

Cellular Transport

In plants the _______ ________ stores mostly water.

Central vacuole

______ Is the movement of molecules from where they're more concentrated to where they're less concentrated


The type of endocytosis in which the membrane pinches in and takes a small "sip" of whatever is outside the membrane is called


Separates the internal environment of the cell from its external environment and it regulates the entrance and exit of molecules into/out of cell.

Plasma Membrane

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