Biology Comp Review

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If a protein denatures, what does that do to its function? A: Denaturation destroys the proteins function B: Proteins are not sensitive to denaturation C: The carbohydrates disintegrate D: The nitrogen bases in proteins form hydrogen bonds


T or F: The induced fit model of enzyme activity states that exposure of a substrate to an enzyme causes the active site of the enzyme to change shape in order to allow the substrate and enzyme to bind. A: True B: False


T or F: The studded proteins along the cristae are carrier proteins used mainly for the Electron Transport Chain (ETC). A: True B: False


T or F: The studded proteins along the cristales are carrier proteins used mainly for the Electron Transport Chain (ETC) A: True B: False


T or F: The two NADH produced from glycolysis can be used for either anaerobic or aerobic respiration. A: True B: False


Term used to describe how the phospholipid bilayer membrane looks and behaves in eukaryotic cells: A: fluid and mosiac B: stationary and uniform C: denatured and functioning


The ATP produced during glycolysis can be used for ____________ . A: Muscle activity during anaerobic respiration B: Muscle activity during aerobic respiration C: Glycolysis of glucose to pyruvate D: All of the above


The R-groups of the amino acids largely influence the protein's folding behavior. A: True B: False


The ________ contains the regulator, promotor, and operator regions. A: operon B: operator C: promoter D: genes


The chloroplast located in a plant cell helps convert starting materials into glucose and oxygen during this sunlight driven chemical process: A: photosynthesis B: aerobic respiration C: hydrolysis D: condensation


The larynx is also known as the... A: voice box. B: windpipe. C: left bronchus. D: oral cavity.


The measure of an atom's ability to pull electrons away from another atom is called _______ . (Choose the best answer among the three choices.) A: electronegativity B: charge C: polarity


The monomer of carbohydrates are _________. A: Monosaccharides B: Glycerol and Fatty Acids C: Amino Acids D: Nucleotides


The positively charged particle in an atom is called the A: Proton B: Neutron C: Ion D: Electron


The protein's structure determines its function. A: True B: False


The repressor is bound to the lac operon unless _______ is present. A: lactose B: lactase C: RNA polymerase D: promoter


The result of mitosis results in daughter cells that are clones of its parent. A: True B: False


This category of organisms tend to be small in size, and store their DNA in a nucleoid region rather than in a specific organelle such as a nucleus: A: prokaryotes B: eukaryotes C: fungi D: animals


This type of intramolecular bond involves the sharing of electrons. A: covalent bond B: ionic bond C: hydrogen bond D: none of the above


True or False: The lysogenic cycle incorporates viral DNA into the host DNA A: True B: False


True or False: meiosis produces daughter cells that are genetically different from the parent cell. A: True B: False


Two or more atoms of different elements bonded together form a A: Compound B: Symbol C: Isotope D: Substance


What are the circlular pieces of non-vital DNA found in bacteria called? A: Plasmids B: Plasmas C: Prophases D: Plasmatoids


What are the main chemical elements of lipids? A: Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen B: Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen C: Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Phosphorus D: Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Sulfur


What are the main chemical elements that make up carbohydrates? A: Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen B: Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen C: Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Sulfur D: Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Phosphorus


What determines the sequence of amino acids? A: The DNA and RNA sequences B: The carbohydrate sequence C: The fatty acid sequence D: The protein sequence


What determines the shape of a protein? A: The interaction of amino acids B: The interaction of the nucleotides C: The interaction of the fatty acids D: The interaction of the monosaccharides


What do scientists use to cut DNA at specific sequences? A: Restriction enzymes B: DNA ligase enzymes C: Polymerase enzymes D: Helicase enzymes


What do starch and glycogen have in common? A: Starch and glycogen are carbohydrates B: Starch is a carbohydrate, but glycogen is a protein C: Starch and glycogen are proteins D: None of the above


What does the term "GMO" stand for? A: Genetically modified organism B: Genetically materialistic organ C: Generally matchable organism D: Genuinely malicious offspring


What drives the production of ATP in the light reaction of photosynthesis? A: H+ ions (protons) in facilitated diffusion through ATP Synthase B: Electrons carried along the transport chain


What enzyme in DNA replication is used to unwind the two strands of DNA? A: helicase B: DNA polymerase C: primase D: ligase


T or F: Low frequency light waves are high energy because they have long and few wavelengths per second. A: True B: False


T or F: Low frequency light waves are high energy because they have long and few wavelengths per second. A: True B: False


T or F: Lower pH solutions have fewer hydrogen ions in solution A: True B: False


T or F: The animal cell membrane is made of cellulose. A: True B: False


T or F: True or False: Egg and sperm are diploid gametes. A: True B: False


T or F: Water (H2O) is produced during the Kreb Cycle. A: True B: False


The ability to maintain a constant internal environment is ____________. A: metabolism B: homeostasis C: development D: thermoregulation


The idea that mitochondria and chloroplast were once free living organisms that became stuck inside other cells and know live together and help maintain homeostasis: A: cell theory B: endosymbiosis C: gravitational pull D: fluid mosiac theory


The monomers of lipids are _________. A: Monosaccharides B: Glycerol and Fatty Acids C: Amino Acids D: Nucleotides


The phospholipid heads of the bilayer are considered chemically ________. A: hydrophobic B: hydrophilic


The polymers of nucleotides are _________. A: Polysaccharides B: Triglycerides C: Enzymes and polypeptides D: DNA/RNA


The trachea is also known as the... A: voice box. B: windpipe. C: throat. D: oral cavity.


True or False: DNA has an overall positive charge. A: True B: False


True or False: The lytic cycle keeps host cells intact without bursting the cell. A: True B: False


Which of the following pH values describes the strongest acid? A: 7 B: 5 C: 1 D: 13


Which of the following sets of taxonomic groups is correct? A: Kingdom Eukarya, Kingdom Prokaryotae, Kingdom Plantae, Kingdom Animalia B: Domain Eukarya, Domain Prokaryotae, Domain Bacteria, Kingdom Archaea C: Domain Bacteria, Domain Eukarya, Domain Archaea, Kingdom Plantae D: Domain Eukarya, Domain Prokaryotae, Domain Archaea, Domain Bacteria


Which of the following sets of taxonomic groups is correct? A: Kingdom Eukarya, Kingdom Prokaryotae, Kingdom Plantae, Kingdom Animalia B: Domain Eukarya, Domain Prokaryotae, Domain Bacteria, Kingdom Archaea C: Domain Bacteria, Domain Eukarya, Domain Archaea, Kingdom Plantae D: Domain Eukarya, Domain Prokaryotae, Domain Archaea, Domain Bacteria


Which stage during cellular respiration produces the most ATP? A: Glycolysis B: Krebs Cycle C: Electron Transport Phosphorylation (electron transfer chain) D: Fermentation


Who was/were the scientist(s) responsible for the famous DNA "Photo 51" which was created using x-ray crystallography? A: Watson & Crick B: Pauling C: Franklin D: Darwin


With blood types, the genotype for type O would be written as.. A: IOIO B: OO C: ii D: IOi


________flows through an ecosystem and does not cycle. A: Water B: Nitrogen C: Energy D: Oxygen


Because of how the chromosomes pair up during meiosis (when they form tetrads), crossing-over must occur during... A: prophase II B: metaphase II C: anaphase I D: prophase I


Blood types of humans can be predicted in offspring using the concept of codominance. If a type AB parent breeds with a heterozygous type B parent, what blood type would NOT be found in the offspring? A: Type A B: Type AB C: Type B D: Type O


CH4 is a _________ molecule and therefore is considered ___________. A: polar, hydrophilic B: polar, hydrophobic C: nonpolar, hydrophilic D: nonpolar, hydrophobic


How do lipids differ from carbohydrates (i.e. How does each molecule ¶s functional groups differ)? A: Lipids have carboxyl groups because of their fatty acids B: Carbohydrates have multiple hydroxyl groups C: All carbohydrates and lipids have amino groups D: Choices A and B are correct


How many chambers does a HUMAN heart have? A: 1 B: 2 C: 3 D: 4


How many genes are involved in a dihybrid cross? A: One B: Two C: Three D: Four


Hydrogen ions (H+) are ________. A: indicated by a pH scale B: protons C: in blood D: all of the above


If the nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) is the polymer, what are the components of its monomer, the nucleotide? The nucleotide consists of: A: Sugar B: Phosphate C: Nitrogen Base D: All of the above


In eukaryotes, fermentation is completed in the ______________ . A: nucleus B: mitochondrion C: plasma membrane D: cytoplasm


In the lac operon, these are all transcribed together into a single RNA strand. A: operon B: operator C: promoter D: genes


Is light a wave or a particle? A: Wave B: Particle C: Neither D: Both


Is light a wave or a particle? A: Wave B: Particle C: Neither D: Both


Photosynthetic pigments reflect energy from light Which of the following colors of light does chlorophyll reflect? Original Order: 10 A: red B: orange C: blue D: green


"Boron is a chemical element with symbol B, atomic number 5, and atomic mass 11." Based on this information about Boron, how many protons, neutrons, and electrons are in the average atom of Boron? A: 5 protons, 6 neutrons, 5 electrons B: 5 protons, 11 neutrons, 5 electrons C: 11 protons, 11 neutrons, 11 electrons D: 5 protons, 6 neutrons, 6 electrons


A covalent bond is formed by the A: Sharing of electrons B: Transfer of electrons C: Gaining of electrons D: Losing of electrons


A producer of food is in the Plantae Kingdom of biological classification. Plantae are: A: Autotrophs B: Heterotrophs C: Consumers D: Fungi


A(n) _________ substance repels water. A: hydrophobic B: hydrophilic C: ionic D: polar


Aerobic respiration occurs: A: In the mitochondria, mainly at the cristae B: In the cytoplasm, for fermentation C: In the mitochondria, for lactic acid production D: In the cytoplasm, without oxygen


Aerobic respiration occurs: A: In the mitochondria, mainly at the cristae B: In the cytoplasm, for fermentation C: In the mitochondria, for lactic acid production D: In the cytoplasm, without oxygen


After observing the color patterns in a population of pea plants, you see that 75% of the plants have green peas, while 25% of the plants have yellow peas. Which trait could be considered dominant? A: Green color B: Yellow color C: Tall plants D: Short plants


All of the following are characteristic of water EXCEPT? A: water molecules have little attraction for each other B: water has cohesion C: water is a universal solvent D: water has cohesion


Among the three key features of living things, which of the following is a constant source of energy? A: The Sun B: Radioactive decay C: Fossil fuels D: Recycled energy


An atom is identified by the presence of this subatomic particle. They have at least one A: Proton B: Neutron C: Electron D: Molecule


An ion is a charged atom that has _____________ . (Choose the best answer among the three choices.) A: A different number of electrons and protons B: The same number of electrons and protons C: Electrons, protons, and neutrons


An isotope of the element Calcium, Ca, has atomic number = 20 and atomic mass = 42. How many neutrons does it have? A: 22 B: 20 C: 42 D: 40


Atoms share electrons unequally in a(n) ________ bond. A: polar covalent B: ionic C: hydrogen D: nonpolar covalent


Bacteria and plants have cell walls. What is the difference between the cell wall composition in both types of organisms? A: Bacteria cell walls consist of peptidoglycans. Plant cell walls consist of cellulose. B: Bacteria cell walls consist of peptidoglycans. Plant cell walls consist of a different type of protein. C: Bacteria and plants have cell walls composed of cellulose only. D: Bacteria cells do not have a cell wall; only plants have cell walls.


C-12 and C-14 have a different number of neutrons; they are considered __________ of carbon. A: isotopes B: ions C: isomers D: polymers


Carbon dioxide (CO2) is produced during which processes? A: Alcoholic fermentation B: Lactic acid fermentation C: Glycolysis D: Electron Transport Phosphorylation


Carbon dioxide (CO2) is produced during which processes? A: Kreb cycle B: Lactic acid fermentation C: Glycolysis D: Electron Transport Phosphorylation


Cell functions are guided by specific DNA sequences. What would be the most direct consequence of changes in the DNA sequences? A: Changes in an enzymes performance B: Changes in carbohydrate selection C: Changes in developmental preferences D: Changes in homeostatic responses


Chemical bonds that involve the total transfer of electrons from one atom or group of atoms to another are called A: Ionic bonds B: Covalent bonds C: Hydrogen bonds D: Non-polar covalent bonds


During mitosis, how many times do the cells/nuclei divide? A: Once B: Twice C: Three times D: Four times


During photosynthesis, which gas diffuses OUT of the leaf through the stomata? A: Oxygen B: Carbon dioxide C: Nitrogen D: Methane


During photosynthesis, which gas diffuses OUT of the leaf through the stomata? A: Oxygen B: Carbon dioxide C: Nitrogen D: Methane


Electrons carried by these molecules will power ATP formation. A: FADH2 B: CO2 C: H2O D: O2


Electrons carried by these molecules will power ATP formation. A: NADH B: CO2 C: H2O D: O2


Elements are substances consisting of atoms with the same number of A: Proton B: Neutron C: Electron D: Molecule


Elements consisting of atoms with different numbers of neutrons, are called A: Isotopes B: Ions C: Molecules D: Elements


Glycogen, cellulose, and starch are both examples of what polymer? A: Polysaccharides B: Triglycerides C: Enzymes and polypeptides D: DNA/RNA


How are vaccines created? A: By making an injection of dead or weakened forms of a virus/disease B: By creating an injection of antibodies C: By creating an injection of fully active, unharmed pathogens D: Vaccines are just sugar water placebos


How many electrons are in carbon's valence shell? A: 4 B: 3 C: 2 D: 1


How many genes are involved in a monohybrid cross? A: One B: Two C: Three D: Four


How many glucose molecules are generated from inputs of six carbon dioxide molecules into six Calvin Cycles? A: One B: Two C: Three D: Six


How many glucose molecules are generated from inputs of six carbon dioxide molecules into six Calvin Cycles? A: One B: Two C: Three D: Six


How many intramolecular bonds can Carbon form? A: 4 B: 3 C: 2 D: 1


How many vacancies are available in each carbon's valence shell? A: 4 B: 3 C: 2 D: 1


How many vacancies are available in each carbon's valence shell? A: 4 B: 3 C: 2 D: 1


How would you best define the term "genotype"? A: The genetic makeup of specific genes for an organism B: The physical features of an organism C: The number of chromosomes carried by an organism D: The capability of breeding with another organism


If "all" lipids are hydrophobic, which of the following is true about phospholipids? A: Phospholipids have hydrophilic phosphate heads, but their fatty acid tails are hydrophobic B: Phospholipids have hydrophobic phosphates, but their fatty acid tails are hydrophilic C: Phospholipids are completely hydrophilic like all lipids D: Phospholipids are completely hydrophobic like all lipids


If DNA and RNA code for information and cell function processes (enzymes), what other nucleotide is NOT involved in information processing? A: Adenosine TriPhosphate B: Uracil C: Cytosine D: Guanine


If the excited electrons leave Photosystem (PS) II for the electron transport chains, where do the replacement electrons in PS II come from? A: Electrons from photolysis of H2O B: Photosystem (PS) I in the thylakoid membrane C: Photosystem (PS) II in the thylakoid membrane D: H+ ions (protons) building up within the thylakoid compartment


If the nucleotide, adenosine triphosphate, is NOT involved in information processing, what is it primarily used for? A: Energy conversion from glucose B: Energy conversion from peptides C: Energy conversion from amino acids D: Energy conversion from water


In meiosis, the swapping of genetic material between homologous chromosomes is known as... A: Crossing Over B: Swap-over C: Gene Switching D: Genome Frequency


In oogenesis, the female produces _________ egg(s) and ____________ polar body/bodies. A: one, three B: two, two C: three, one D: four, zero


In phase one--the light-dependent reactions--light energy is absorbed and changed into chemical energy in the form of ATP and NADPH. Where, in the chloroplast, does the light-dependent reaction of photosynthesis occur? A: The thylakoid B: The double membrane C: The stroma D: The intermembrane space (i.e. the space between two outer membranes) of the chloroplast


In phase one--the light-dependent reactions--light energy is absorbed and changed into chemical energy in the form of ATP and NADPH. Where, in the chloroplast, does the light-dependent reaction of photosynthesis occur? A: The thylakoid B: The double membrane C: The stroma D: The intermembrane space (i.e. the space between two outer membranes) of the chloroplast


In prophase 1 of meiosis, what types of chromosomes pair together due to similarities in structure? A: Homologous chromosomes B: Homoplastic chromosomes C: Homeopathic chromosomes D: Heterologous chromosomes


In the Binomial Nomenclature System, which is the correct order of classification from broadest to narrowest? A: Domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species B: Kingdom, domain, phylum, family, order class genus, species C: Domain, kingdom, family, phylum, order, class, genus, species D: Species, genus, class family, phylum order, kingdom, domain


In the modern periodic table, symbols for the elements are arranged according to A: Atomic number B: Size C: Charge D: Mass number


In type AB blood, both IA and IB alleles are... A: dominant B: recessive


In which of the following ways do isotopes of the same element differ? A: in number of neutrons and in mass B: in number of neutrons only C: in number of protons only D: in numbers of neutrons and protons


Male gametes are called _________ cells, and female gametes are called ________ cells. A: Sperm; Egg B: Egg; Sperm C: Egg; Egg D: Sperm; Sperm


Metabolism can be defined as the chemical processes that occur within a living organism in order to maintain life. They can be broken down into two groups. ____, which is building up polymers, and, _____, which is breaking down polymers. A: anabolism, catabolism B: catabolism, anabolism C: denaturation, neutralization D: neutralization, denaturation


Most plants have a thin, waterproof cuticle that limits evaporation of water from their above-ground parts. Gases cannot diffuse across the cuticle. How do gases enter or exit the plant for photosynthesis? A: Through the stomata B: Through the plant s tube networks C: Through the swollen guard cells D: Through the plant s roots


Most plants have a thin, waterproof cuticle that limits evaporation of water from their above-ground parts. Gases cannot diffuse across the cuticle. How do gases enter or exit the plant for photosynthesis? A: Through the stomata B: Through the plant s tube networks C: Through the swollen guard cells D: Through the plant s roots


Nucleic acids are some of the molecules of life that are important for cell function. Why would that be a true statement? A: Cell functions are controlled by enzymes made of amino acids that depend directly on nucleic acid sequences B: Nucleic acids are proteins that destroy lipids and proteins that are harmful to cell functions C: Carbohydrates are enzymes, the nucleic acids produced for proper cell respiration functions D: Nucleic acids are lipids produced using other lipids broken down from carbohydrates


Pure water has a pH of 7.0; Blood has a pH of 7.4 Which of the following statements is true about these two substances? A: Water is more acidic than blood. B: Water is more basic than blood. C: Pure water releases fewer hydrogen ions in solution than blood. D: Blood is closer to neutral pH than water


Sugar is dissolved by unsweetened coffee. Which of the following best describes the sugar? A: Solute B: Solvent C: Solution


T or F: A "BASE" accepts hydrogen ions when dissolved in water. A: True B: False


T or F: A valence electron is an electron in the outermost shell of an atom. A: True B: False


T or F: Diploid describes a cell that has two sets of chromosomes or double the haploid number of chromosomes [i.e. chromosomes from BOTH parents] A: True B: False


T or F: Glycolysis is the breakdown of glucose into pyruvate (or pyruvic acid) molecules. A: True B: False


T or F: Haploid cells contain single set of chromosomes Haploid describes a cell that contains a single set of chromosomes. [i.e. "half" of BOTH parents"] A: True B: False


T or F: Higher pH solutions have fewer hydrogen ions in solution A: True B: False


T or F: Inputs of NADH requirements in cell respiration Fermentation and Electron Transport Phosphorylation require NADH molecules as inputs during cellular respiration? A: True B: False


T or F: NAD+ is needed for glycolysis.


T or F: It is appropriate to focus a slide using the coarse adjustment while working with the high power (40x) objective lens. A: True B: False


What happens to the proteins if exposed to extremes of pH conditions (whether acidic or basic)? A: The protein denatures B: Proteins are not sensitive to extremes of pH conditions (whether acidic or basic) C: The carbohydrates disintegrate D: The nitrogen bases in proteins form hydrogen bonds


What happens to the proteins if exposed to extremes of temperature? A: The protein denatures B: The carbohydrates disintegrate C: Proteins are not sensitive to temperature extremes D: The nitrogen bases in proteins form hydrogen bonds


What identifies (or distinguishes) the different amino acids? A: The R-group B: The Amino group C: The Carboxyl group D: The Alpha Carbon


What intramolecular bond forms between carbon atoms to make an organic molecule? A: Covalent Bond B: Ionic Bond C: Hydrogen Bond D: van der Waals Forces


What intramolecular bond forms between carbon atoms to make an organic molecule? A: Covalent Bond B: Ionic Bond C: Hydrogen Bond D: van der Waals Forces


What is one biological function for carbohydrates that plants use them for? A: Plants use carbohydrates to make cellulose for structural use B: Plants use carbohydrate monomers to build proteins C: Plants use carbohydrate monomers to make enzymes D: Plants cannot make cellulose for structure


What is one common mechanism that organisms can use to transfer DNA to offspring? A: Asexual Reproduction B: Organ system dysfunction C: Expansion joint reduction D: Electrostatic substitution


What is the difference between the human chromosome (eukaryotic) and the bacterial chromosome (prokaryotic)? A: The human chromosome is linear, and the bacterial chromosome is looped B: The human chromosome is looped, and the bacterial chromosome is linear C: The human chromosome is made of DNA, and the bacterial chromosome is made of RNA D: The human chromosome is made of RNA, and the bacterial chromosome is made of DNA


What is the distance from a lightwave's crest to crest called? A: wavelength B: frequency C: power D: Hertz


What is the distance from a lightwave's crest to crest called? A: wavelength B: frequency C: power D: Hertz


What is the enzyme needed to add (fix) carbon dioxide to RuBP? A: Rubisco B: NADPH C: ATP Synthase D: ATP


What is the enzyme needed to add (fix) carbon dioxide to RuBP? A: Rubisco B: NADPH C: ATP Synthase D: PGA (phosphoglycerate)


What is the goal of mitosis? A: To produce clones of somatic (body) cells B: To produce gametes that are clones of somatic (body) cells C: To produce gametes that contain half the number of chromosomes as somatic cells D: To produce cells used in sexual reproduction


What is the largest artery in the body that sends blood to the rest of the body? A: aorta B: pulmonary artery C: vena cava D: mytral valve


What is the life function of nucleic acids? A: genetic coding B: easily accessible energy storage C: structural component D: biochemical catalyst as an enzyme


What is the name of a specific section of DNA that is transcribed and then translated? A: chromosome B: chromatin C: protein D: gene


What is the name of the protein that DNA wraps around when it condenses? A: histone B: hemoglobin C: chromosome D: chromatin


What is the primary respiratory protein used in the human body? A: Hemoglobin B: Hemocyanin C: Protoglobin D: Hobgoblin


What is the reaction that breaks apart polymers called? A: Hydrolysis B: Condensation C: Dehydration synthesis D: Evaporation


What is the smallest number of carbon atoms needed to form a carbon chain? A: 1 B: 2 C: 3 D: 4


What is/are the biological function(s) of carbohydrates? A: easily accessible energy storage B: cell membrane component C: genetic coding D: biochemical catalyst as an enzyme


What is/are the biological life function(s) of lipids? A: energy storage B: biochemical catalyst C: structural component D: genetic coding


What kind of grid would you set up for a monohybrid cross? A: 2x2 B: 3x3 C: 4x4 D: 6x6


What kind of path would a small positively charged protein travel while running a gel electrophoresis? A: A far distance from the well towards the negative electrode B: A short distance from the well towards the negative electrode C: A far distance from the well towards the positive electrode D: A short distance from the well towards the positive electrode


What molecule is a by-product during condensation (dehydration synthesis) reaction? A: Water B: Alcohol C: Carbon dioxide D: Acetic acid


What must be added to the reaction during Hydrolysis to break apart polymers (Break Down Polymers)? A: Water B: Oxygen only C: Hydrogen only D: Carbon only


What occurs when light interacts with the pigments in Photosystem (PS) I or Photosystem (PS) II? A: Energizes the electrons B: Energizes the protons C: Splits the atom D: Nothing happens


What product of photosynthesis is released from photolysis of water? A: Oxygen B: Carbon dioxide C: Glucose D: Water


What structures are used together with alveoli to receive oxygen and distribute it throughout the body? A: Capillaries B: Carpals C: Magikarp D: Smooth muscle


What type of organic molecule is produced when the "hydroxyl group" (--OH) is attached to the carbon chain? A: Alcohol B: Carboxylic acid C: Amino acid D: Phosphate


What types of cells are typically diploid? A: Body cells (somatic cells) B: Sex cells (gametes)


T or F: It is appropriate to underline a genus species name if you type A: True B: False


When a protein denatures, what does that do to its 3D structure? A: Denaturation destroys the proteins 3-dimensional structure B: Proteins are not sensitive to denaturation C: The carbohydrates disintegrate D: The nitrogen bases in proteins form hydrogen bonds


When a virus takes over the machinery of a cell, it forces the cell to manufacture more: A: viral particles B: mitochondria C: DNA D: RNA


When dissolved in water, a(n) _______ donates H+; a(n) ________ accepts H+. A: acid; base B: solvent; solute C: base; acid D: base; solvent


When does synapsis or "crossing over" take place in Meiosis? A: Prophase I B: Metaphase I C: Prophase II D: Metaphase II


When observing fur color in a specific breed of dogs, brown fur is considered dominant (B), while black fur is considered recessive (b). What would be the genotype of a homozygous brown fur dog? A: BB B: Bb C: bb D: bB


Where are the photosynthetic pigments located in the thylakoid? A: Photosystem I and Photosystem II B: ATP Synthase C: Electron carriers D: Stroma


Which chamber of the heart does blood FIRST enter? A: right atrium B: right ventricle C: left atrium D: left ventricle


Which combination of particle and charge is correct? A: Proton: positively charged B: Electron: positively charged C: Neutron: negatively charged D: Electron: no charge


Which is a biological function of carbohydrates? A: easily accessible energy storage B: genetic coding C: biochemical catalyst as an enzyme


Which molecule has the most potential energy? A: ATP B: ADP C: AMP


Which monomers form the polysaccharides? A: monosaccharides (simple sugars) B: amino acids C: fatty acids & glycerol D: nucleotides


Which of the choices below describes what would happen in the following situation: A membrane that is only permeable to water separates two solutions. What direction will the water move? A: Water will move from the hypotonic solution to the hypertonic solution. B: Water will move from the hypertonic solution to the hypotonic solution.


Which of the following accurately describes the differences among proteins' (1o) Primary, (2o) Secondary, (3o) Tertiary, and the (4o) Quaternary structures? A: Primary protein structures are linear chains of amino acids B: Secondary protein structures lack any folds as linear chains or flat sheets of amino acids C: Tertiary protein structures are composed of two or more proteins D: Quaternary protein structures have no features that show any folding


Which of the following answer choices best describes "positive charge"? A: more protons than electrons B: equal number of protons and electrons C: more electrons than protons D: more neutrons than electrons


Which of the following are inputs of the light reaction of photosynthesis? A: Sunlight B: O2 C: NADPH D: C02


Which of the following belongs only to prokaryotic cells? A: Plasmid B: Nucleus C: DNA D: Ribosomes


Which of the following best explains why different genera or species can still be alike? A: Different genera share the same DNA molecules but different nucleic acid sequences B: Different genera are different because they do not share any biological similarities C: Different genera have completely different DNA molecules because they do not reproduce D: Different genera are similar because they consume similar foods differently


Which of the following choices describes the movement of solute particles from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration? A: Simple Diffusion B: Active Transport C: Osmosis


Which of the following correctly displays a scientific name using binomial nomenclature? A: Carassius auratus B: carassius auratus C: Common Goldfish D: common Goldfish


Which of the following does not comprise a logical hierarchy of organization (from detailed to general)? A: molecules, atoms, organelles, tissues, systems B: atoms, molecules, cells, tissues, organ systems C: cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organisms D: organisms, populations, communities, biosphere


Which of the following has the smallest field of view? A: high power (40x) B: low power (10x) C: scanning power (4x)


Which of the following inputs of the dark reaction of photosynthesis? A: CO2 B: Glucose C: Water


Which of the following is a prokaryotes? A: Archaea B: Protists C: Algae D: Yeast


Which of the following is an example of a hydrogen bond? A: the attraction between the oxygen of one water molecule and the hydrogen of a nearby molecule B: the bond between Na+ and Cl- ions in salt C: the bond between hydrogen and carbon in glucose or any sugar D: the intramolecular bond between hydrogen and oxygen within a molecule of water


Which of the following is true about aerobic respiration (a series of oxygen-requiring reactions that harvests the energy in sugars by breaking their bonds)? A: The energy in sugars are in its bonds, which are broken to produce ATP in aerobic respiration. B: Sugar is the ideal molecule cells use as a direct source of energy for homeostasis in aerobic respiration. C: During aerobic respiration, the energy in sugars are in its bonds, which are broken to be used directly by cells. D: Aerobic respiration does not require oxygen to harvest energy in bonds within sugars.


Which of the following is true about mitochondria and chloroplasts? A: Mitochondria and chloroplasts produce molecules that cells need for energy B: Only mitochondria produce molecules that cells need for energy. C: Only chloroplasts produce molecules that cells need for energy. D: Neither mitochondria nor chloroplasts produce molecules that cells need for energy.


Which of the following is true about molecules of life [or organelles]? A: Molecules of life can combine with other atoms and molecules to form organelles. B: Molecules are compounds that are made of different types of atoms C: Organelles are the structural unit of organ systems D: Proteins are made of lipids


Which of the following metabolic pathways require(s) molecular oxygen (O2)? A: aerobic respiration B: lactate fermentation C: alcoholic fermentation D: all of the above


Which of the following terms appropriately completes this sentence?: "A __________ is a substance that dissolves in a solvent." A: solute B: molecule C: salt


Which pair of molecules correctly lists the nucleic acids? A: DNA and RNA B: DNA and amino acids C: Amino acids and proteins D: Sugars and carbohydrates


Which part of cell respiration starts with glycolysis? A: Both aerobic and anaerobic respiration B: Neither aerobic or anaerobic respiration C: Anaerobic respiration D: Aerobic respiration


Which part of cell respiration starts with glycolysis? A: Both Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration B: Neither Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration C: Anaerobic Respiration D: Aerobic Respiration


Which part of the body does the pulmonary circuit flow through? A: lungs B: feet C: brain D: arms


Which scenario allows for the most light to enter the stage of the microscope - allowing for the brightest image? A: diaphragm open B: diaphragm closed


Who was/were the scientist(s) responsible for the famous DNA "Photo 51" which was created using x-ray crystallography? A: Watson & Crick B: Pauling C: Franklin D: Darwin


With blood types, the genotype for homozygous type B would be written as... A: IBIB B: IBi C: ii D: IAIB


You are a lead forensic scientist examining evidence from a crime scene. You are examining tissue samples recovered from the victim and comparing it to tissue samples recovered from the suspect. What might be correct about both sets of tissue samples you examined? A: The tissue samples are made of different types of cells B: These tissues came from a set of unique organelles C: The RNA in the cells are made of proteins D: The starches found in the cell wall are made by humans


You are an astrobiologist studying life on other planets. You find a planet in another solar system with the same non-biological conditions as Earth (same temperatures, two-thirds of crust is covered by water, oxygen in the air, etc.). However, the planet shows absolutely no signs of life anywhere. What statement is true about this planet? A: The planets biosphere is absent. B: The planet has an atmosphere lacking oxygen. C: The planet has life only in the atmosphere. D: The planet has a thriving population of bacteria on the crust.


T or F: It is appropriate to underline a genus species name if you type it. A: True B: False


A fruit fly is classified as a consumer rather than as a producer because it is unable to A: reproduce asexually B: synthesize its own food C: release energy stored in organic molecules D: remove wastes from its body


A population of cardinals exists in a tree. A population of caterpillars lives in the same tree. The tree is shared by a population of squirrels. Together, what do these populations in the same tree make up entirely? A: Biosphere B: Community C: Environment D: Organic system


A repressor protein can shut down transcription by binding to the _________. A: operon B: operator C: promoter D: genes


After the Krebs reactions run through ________ cycle(s), one glucose molecule has been completely broken down to CO2. A: one B: two C: three D: six


Alcoholic fermentation occurs in animal cells. A: True B: False


An ionic bond is formed by the A: Sharing of electrons B: Transfer of electrons C: Gaining of electrons D: Losing of electrons


An ongoing supply of energy and nutrients is essential to maintain functioning of individual organisms and the organization of life. What life process depends directly on a constant energy source? A: Reproduction between male and female pill bugs B: Photosynthesis in poison ivy plants C: Photosynthesis in single-celled yeasts D: Reproduction in algae cells found in ponds


As a result of mitosis, how many daughter cells are produced from the parent cell? A: One B: Two C: Three D: Four


At the end of Meiosis I, how many chromosomes are found in each of the two cells created? A: 46 B: 23 C: 92


Beginning with glycolysis, which of the following is NOT a result of aerobic respiration? A: A total net number of 32-36 ATP molecules produced B: Alcohol and Carbon Dioxide from fermentation C: Carbon dioxide from the Krebs Cycle D: Formation of NADH and FADH2


Beginning with glycolysis, which of the following is not a result of aerobic respiration? A: A net number of 32-36 APT molecules produced B: A net number of two (2) ATP molecules produced C: Carbon dioxide from the Krebs Cycle D: Formation of NADH and FADH2


Beginning with glycolysis, which of the following is not a result of anaerobic respiration? A: A net number of two (2) ATP molecules B: Carbon dioxide from animal cells C: NADH from glycolysis D: Alcohol (ethanol) from yeast cells


Chemical property of the fatty acid tails in eukaryotic membranes: A: hydrophilic B: hydrophobic C: basic D: condensation


Chlorophyll looks green because it absorbs green light. A: True B: False


Crossing over occurs between ________. A: a male and a female B: two homologous chromosomes C: two non-homologous chromosomes D: two haploid cells


During meiosis, how many times do the nuclei/cells divide? A: Once B: Twice C: Three times D: Four times


During photosynthesis, which gas diffuses INTO the leaf through the stomata? A: Oxygen B: Carbon dioxide C: Nitrogen D: Methane


During photosynthesis, which gas diffuses INTO the leaf through the stomata? A: Oxygen B: Carbon dioxide C: Nitrogen D: Methane


Fungi are decomposers that play an important role in the maintenance of an ecosystem. The role of fungi is important because they A: synthesize energy-rich compounds that are directly used by producers B: break down materials that can then be used by other organisms C: limit the number of plants that can perform photosynthesis in an area D: are competitors of other consumers such as herbivores


Guanine will always bond with _______. A: adenine B: cytosine C: guanine D: thymine


How many Krebs Cycle reactions are required to completely break down Acetyl-CoA molecules to CO2? A: One B: Two C: Three D: Four


How many carbons are in each PGA (phosphoglycerate) molecule? A: One B: Three C: Five D: Six


How many carbons are in each PGAL (phosphoglyceraldehyde) molecule? A: One B: Three C: Five D: Six


How many neutrons are found in an atom of Scandium (atomic mass number = 45, atomic number = 21)? A: 21 B: 24 C: 45 D: 66


How many parents are involved in any Punnett square crossing? A: 1 B: 2 C: 3 D: 4


How many pyruvate molecules is/are made from one glucose molecule upon glycolysis? A: 1 B: 2 C: 3 D: 4


How many shared electrons are represented in each bond (or "line" drawn in a structural formula)? A: 1 B: 2 C: 3 D: 4


How would you best define the term "phenotype"? A: The genetic makeup of specific genes for an organism B: The physical features of an organism C: The number of chromosomes carried by an organism D: The capability of breeding with another organism


Hydrolysis reactions start with _________ as reactants and end with ___________ as products. A: Monomers, Polymers B: Polymers, Monomers C: Monomers, Monomers D: Polymers, Polymers


If a human body cell has 46 chromosomes, how many chromosomes are in a human gamete? A: 46 B: 23 C: 92 D: 13


In a population of lilac flowers, purple (P) is dominant over white (p), and tall (T) is dominant over short (s). What would be the genotype of a white short plant? A: PpTt B: pptt C: Pptt D: PPTt


In which pathway, does DNA of the virus become incorporated into the host? A: lytic B: lysogenic


Life processes are possible because biochemical reactions for homeostasis do not progress unless sped up by a catalyst. Which of the following molecules of life includes these catalysts? A: Nucleic acids B: Proteins C: Carbohydrates D: Lipids


Many aquatic organis Many aquatic organisms such as crayfish, tuna, and axolotl have _______ that are used for gas exchange. A: alveoli B: gills C: feet D: bones


Most of the energy that is released by the full breakdown of glucose to CO2 and water ends up in ________ . A: NADH B: ATP C: heat D: electrons


On a graph, the dependent variable is placed on the ____________. A: x-axis B: y-axis C: Line of the graph D: Title


Sugar dissolves in unsweetened coffee. Which of the following best describes the unsweetened coffee? A: Solute B: Solvent C: Solution


T or F: A mold is a single-celled fungus. A: True B: False


T or F: At the end of Meiosis II, the four new cells that are created are identical to each other. A: True B: False


T or F: Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is an OUTPUT of Electron Transport Phosphorylation A: True B: False


T or F: Chlorophyll looks green because it absorbs green light. A: True B: False


T or F: Glucose is an INput of the dark reaction of photosynthesis. A: True B: False


T or F: Glucose is an INput of the dark reaction of photosynthesis. A: True B: False


T or F: Glycolysis occurs in the mitochondria A: True B: False


T or F: Glycolysis occurs in the mitochondria. A: True B: False


T or F: Glycolysis requires oxygen in its process. A: True B: False


Two (2) FADH2 molecules are inputs to the "Electron Transport Phosphorylation" (Electron Transfer Chain) in aerobic respiration. What step in cell respiration is the source of the FADH2 molecules: A: Glycolysis B: Krebs Cycle C: Conversion of pyruvate to Acetyl-Coenzyme A D: Use of NADH in anaerobic respiration


What are the main atomic elements that proteins are made from? A: Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen B: Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen C: Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Phosphorus D: Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Phosphorus, Nitrogen


What drives the production of NADPH in the light reaction of photosynthesis? A: H+ ions (protons) in facilitated diffusion through ATP Synthase B: Electrons carried along the transport chain


What enzyme in DNA replication delivers free nucleotides to create a new stand of DNA? A: helicase B: DNA polymerase C: primase D: RNA polymerase


What group of molecules of life include the enzymes? A: Carbohydrates B: Proteins C: Nucleic acids D: Lipids


What is an example of an X-linked recessive trait? A: Down's syndrome B: Color blindness C: Cancer D: Sickle-cell anemia


What is considered DNA of multiple species? A: restriction enzymes B: recombinant DNA C: plasmids D: gel electrophoresis


What is the name of sperm production? A: oogenesis B: spermatogenesis C: mitosis D: binary fission


What is the only artery in the body that transports deoxygenated blood? A: aorta B: pulmonary artery C: vena cava D: mytral valve


What is the process by which the sun's energy is trapped as the source of energy used by all heterotrophs? A: evolution B: photosynthesis C: homeostasis D: adaptation


What is/are the biological function(s) of carbohydrates? A: cell membrane component B: structural component C: genetic coding D: biochemical catalyst as an enzyme


What is/are the biological life function(s) of lipids? A: biochemical catalyst B: cell membrane component C: structural component D: genetic coding


What process most resembles mitosis? A: meiosis I B: meiosis II


What step in cell respiration is the source of the FADH2 molecules: Original Order: 2 A: Glycolysis B: Krebs Cycle C: Conversion of pyruvate to Acetyl-Coenzyme A D: Use of NADH in anaerobic respiration


What type of acid does the "carboxyl group" (--COOH) form when it donates a H+ ion? A: Alcohol B: Carboxylic acid C: Amino acid D: Phosphate


What type of acid does the "carboxyl group" (--COOH) form when it donates a H+ ion? A: Alcohol B: Carboxylic acid C: Amino acid D: Phosphate


What types of cells are haploid? A: Body cells (somatic cells) B: Sex cells (gametes)


When ATP is broken down into ADP and Pi, energy is ___________. A: absorbed B: released


When observing flower color in a population of roses, red color is considered dominant (R), while yellow color is considered recessive (r). What would be the genotype of a heterozygous rose? A: RR B: Rr C: rr D: RY


Where does oogenesis take place? A: Testes B: Ovaries C: Somatic cells


Which cell division maintains the SAME number of chromosomes? A: Meiosis B: Mitosis


Which is a biological function of carbohydrates? A: genetic coding B: easily accessible energy storage C: biochemical catalyst as an enzyme


Which monomers form the polypeptides? A: monosaccharides (simple sugars) B: amino acids C: fatty acids & glycerol D: nucleotides


Which of the following answer choices best describes "atomic number"? A: sum of protons and electrons B: number of protons in nucleus C: sum of neutrons and electrons D: sum of protons and neutrons


Which of the following answer choices best describes "hydrophobic"? A: does not dissolve in water at all B: non-polar; does not dissolve easily in water C: polar; dissolves easily in water D: collectively strong


Which of the following are outputs of the light reaction of photosynthesis? A: Water B: ATP C: Sunlight D: Glucose


Which of the following are prokaryotes? A: Protists B: Bacteria C: Algae D: Yeasts


Which of the following choices describes the movement of small solute molecules through a transport protein from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration? A: Simple Diffusion B: Facilitated Diffusion C: Active Transport D: Osmosis


Which of the following is in a hydrocarbon? A: Oxygen B: Hydrogen C: Nitrogen D: Dioxide


Which of the following is not a domain? A: Archaea B: Prokaryote C: Bacteria D: Eukaryote


Which of the following is not part of the DNA molecule? A: phosphate B: glycerol C: nucleotide base D: sugar


Which of the following nucleotide bases is not found in DNA? A: adenine B: uracil C: guanine D: all of the above are found in DNA


Which of the following statements is true about Archaea? A: Archaea are now a single domain because they are true eukaryotes. B: Archaea are now a single domain because they are more closely related to eukaryotes. C: Archaea are now a single domain because they have a membrane-bound nucleus. D: Archaea are now a single domain because they tend to form fungal hyphae.


Which of the following statements is true about Archaea? A: Archaea are now a single domain because they are true eukaryotes. B: Archaea are now a single domain because they are more closely related to eukaryotes. C: Archaea are now a single domain because they have a membrane-bound nucleus. D: Archaea are now a single domain because they tend to form fungal hyphae.


Which of the following subatomic particles contributes a negative charge to the atom? A: proton B: electron C: neutron D: all of the above contribute a negative charge


Which type of mutation is represented below? Template DNA: TAC GGA AAT GGG CTT Mutated DNA: TAC GGA AAT GGC TT A: base pair substitution B: base pair deletion C: base pair insertion


________ proteins prevent transcription from occuring. A: Activator B: Repressor C: Lactase D: Enzyme


Which of the following items is not made by all living things? A: Lipids B: Proteins C: Nutrients D: Carbohydrates


A cell is placed in a hypertonic solution, what will happen to a cell? A: The plant cell would swell in size B: The plant cell would stay the same C: The plant cell would shrink in size


A cell with more __________ can go through translation at a higher rate. A: mitochondria B: DNA C: ribosomes D: chloroplasts


A(n) ___________ contains members of only one species. A: biosphere B: ecosystem C: population D: community


An example of a protein would be a(n) ___________. A: Polysaccharide B: Triglyceride C: Enzyme D: DNA/RNA


At the end of this chemical process the products are ATP, CO2, H2O. A: photosynthesis B: condensation C: aerobic respiration D: hydrolysis


During which phase of MEIOSIS do homologues separate? Original Order: 6 A: Prophase I B: Metaphase I C: Anaphase I D: Telophase I


Electronegativity is a measurement of how much an element wants to gain a(n) ___________. A: neutron B: proton C: electron


German shepherds and poodles are able to mate and produce viable fertile offspring (strange looking though they might be!) so they must be ________________. A: members of two closely related but different species B: members of different species C: members of the same species


How many carbons are in each RuBP molecule? A: One B: Three C: Five D: Six


How many carbons are in each RuBP molecule? A: One B: Three C: Five D: Six


If the excited electrons leave PS I for electron transport chains to form NADPH, where do the replacement electrons for PS I come from? A: Electrons from photolysis of H2O B: Photosystem (PS) I in the thylakoid membrane C: Photosystem (PS) II in the thylakoid membrane D: H+ ions (protons) building up within the thylakoid compartment


If the excited electrons leave PS I for electron transport chains to form NADPH, where do the replacement electrons for PS I come from? A: Electrons from photolysis of H2O B: Photosystem (PS) I in the thylakoid membrane C: Photosystem (PS) II in the thylakoid membrane D: H+ ions (protons) building up within the thylakoid compartment


In an incomplete dominance crossing, you take a parent Snapdragon flower that has red coloring (a homozygous dominant trait), and breed it with a white Snapdragon (a homozygous recessive trait). What would be the phenotype of the heterozygous offspring? A: Red color B: White color C: Pink color D: Black color


In eukaryotes, aerobic respiration is completed in the ______________ . A: cytoplasm B: nucleus C: mitochondrion D: plasma membrane


In eukaryotes, aerobic respiration is completed in the ______________ . A: cytoplasm B: nucleus C: mitochondrion D: plasma membrane


In eukaryotic animal cells the DNA is stored in this organelle: A: nucleoid B: cytoplasm C: nucleus D: nucleolus


In phase two--the light-independent reactions--the ATP and NADPH that were formed in phase one are used to make glucose. Where, in the chloroplast, does the light-INdependent reaction of photosynthesis occur? A: The thylakoid B: The double membrane C: The stroma D: The intermembrane space (i.e. the space between two outer membranes) of the chloroplast


In phase two--the light-independent reactions--the ATP and NADPH that were formed in phase one are used to make glucose. Where, in the chloroplast, does the light-INdependent reaction of photosynthesis occur? A: The thylakoid B: The double membrane C: The stroma D: The intermembrane space (i.e. the space between two outer membranes) of the chloroplast


In the lac operon, the region to which RNA polymerase binds is called ________. A: activator B: repressor C: promoter D: operator


In the third stage (Electron Tranfer Chain) of aerobic respiration, ________ is the final acceptor of electrons. A: water B: hydrogen C: oxygen (O2) D: NADH


Which of the following choices describes the movement of molecules from areas of low concentration to areas of high concentration? A: Simple Diffusion B: Facilitated Diffusion C: Active Transport


Which of the following choices describes two solutions with equal concentrations of solute? A: Hypotonic B: Hypertonic C: Isotonic D: Osmosis


Increased concern over the number of heat-related illnesses among football players has led to a possible change in uniform design. Shoulder pads were designed that constantly blew cool, dry air underneath the shoulder pads. Tests showed that the use of the device during rest and recovery periods resulted in a reduction of body temperature and heart rate. This new device would help the athlete to A: control the rate of muscle activity B: increase muscle strength C: maintain homeostasis D: eliminate the release of heat from the body


List all of the sources of the NADH molecules. A: Glycolysis B: Krebs Cycle C: Conversion of pyruvate to Acetyl-Coenzyme A D: Use of NADH in anaerobic respiration


Specialized proteins within the cell membrane that allow for substances to be taken in and out of the cell. A: recognition protein B: adhesion protein C: transport protein D: communication protein


Sugar is dissolved by unsweetened coffee. Which of the following best describes the coffee-sugar combination? A: Solute B: Solvent C: Solution


The fact that one can separate the orangutan from a butterfly is due primarily to A: Behavioral classification B: DNA classification C: Morphological classification D: Specified classification


The fact that one can separate the orangutan from a butterfly is due primarily to A: Behavioral classification B: DNA classification C: Morphological classification D: Specified classification


The function(s) of proteins is/are _________. A: Short-term energy B: Long-term energy C: Structure and controlling reaction rates (enzymes) D: Holding genetic information


The monomers of proteins are _________. A: Monosaccharides B: Glycerol and Fatty Acids C: Amino Acids D: Nucleotides


This double helix molecule contains all the genetic information for an organism: A: RNA B: ATP C: DNA D: CH3


Transcription occurs in the __________ of a cell. A: smooth ER B: ribosome C: nucleus D: chloroplast


Water (H2O) is considered a ________ molecule because it has a(n) _________ distribution of electrons throughout the molecule. A: polar, even B: nonpolar, even C: polar, uneven D: nonpolar, uneven


What does the "amino group" (--NH2) and the "carboxyl group" (--COOH) form when they are attached to the carbon molecule? A: Alcohol B: Carboxylic acid C: Amino acid D: Phosphate


What does the "amino group" (—NH2) and the "carboxyl group" form when they are attached to the carbon molecule? A: Alcohol B: Carboxylic acid C: Amino acid D: Phosphate


What is the goal of meiosis? A: To produce clones of somatic (body) cells B: To produce gametes that are clones of somatic (body) cells C: To produce gametes that contain half the number of chromosomes as somatic cells D: To reproduce asexually


What is the number of carbon atoms in each pyruvate molecule? A: 1 B: 2 C: 3 D: 4


What is the smallest number of carbon atoms needed to form a carbon ring? A: 1 B: 2 C: 3 D: 4


What is the smallest number of carbon atoms needed to form a carbon ring? A: 1 B: 2 C: 3 D: 4


What type of acidic functional group might fatty acids have? A: Hydroxyl B: Phosphate C: Carboxyl D: Amino


What type of bacteria would you want to have in your gut? A: Viruses B: Pathogenic bacteria C: Probiotic bacteria D: Archae


What type of nucleic acid(s) can viruses carry? A: DNA only B: RNA only C: Either DNA or RNA D: Viruses do not carry nucleic acids


What was Linnaeus's classification system based on? A: Taxidermy B: Genetic characteristics C: Morphology D: Evolutionary relationships


When observing fur color in a specific breed of dogs, brown fur is considered dominant (B), while black fur is considered recessive (b). What would be the genotype of a homozygous black fur dog? A: BB B: Bb C: bb D: bB


Where does a molecule of ADP receive energy from in order to become ATP? A: ADP gets energy from the sun B: ADP gets energy from breaking down DNA C: ADP gets energy from breaking down glucose D: ADP gets energy from other ADP molecules


Which blood vessel allows for diffusion? A: veins B: arteries C: capillaries D: heart


Which chamber of the heart does blood enter after pulmonary veins? A: right atrium B: right ventricle C: left atrium D: left ventricle


Which if the following steps required NADH molecules as inputs during cellular respiration? A: Glycolysis B: Krebs Cycle C: Conversion of pyruvate to Acetyl-Coenzyme A D: Anaerobic respiration


Which if the following steps required NADH molecules as inputs during cellular respiration? A: Glycolysis B: Krebs Cycle C: Electron transport phosphorylation (electron transfer chain) D: Anaerobic respiration


Which molecules ("monomers") are a component of the lipids? A: monosaccharides (simple sugars) B: amino acids C: fatty acids & glycerol D: nucleotides


Which of the following answer choices best describes "hydrophilic"? A: does not dissolve in water at all B: non-polar; does not dissolve easily in water C: polar; dissolves easily in water D: collectively strong


Which of the following answer choices best describes "negative charge"? A: more protons than electrons B: more neutrons than protons C: more electrons than protons D: more electrons that neutrons


Which of the following are outputs of the light reaction of photosynthesis? A: Sunlight B: O2 C: NADPH D: Water


Which of the following colors of light does chlorophyll reflect? A: red B: orange C: green D: violet


A patient goes to urgent care with flu-like symptoms. The physician assistant in charge determines that there is an influenza viral infection. What type of antibiotics will the patient be prescribed? A: Penicillin B: Erythromycin C: Streptomycin D: None of these antibiotics work against influenza


A student performed an experiment to see if water temperature affects the level of activity in aquatic snails. The student set up four tanks with five snails in each tank. All four of the setups were identical in every way, except for the temperature of the water. In order to make the conclusions more valid, the student could A: alter the pH of the water B: change the size of the tank C: carry out the experiment for a shorter period of time D: use a larger number of snails


After meiosis, there are... A: two haploid body cells B: two haploid gametes C: four haploid body cells D: four haploid gametes


After observing the height patterns in a population of pea plants, you see that 75% of the plants are deemed "tall", while 25% of the plants are deemed "short". Which trait could be considered recessive? A: Green color B: Yellow color C: Tall plants D: Short plants


As a result of meiosis, how many gametes (sex cells) are produced from the originating cell (gametocyte)? A: One B: Two C: Three D: Four


Prokaryotes differ generally in size from Eukaryotes. What are some of the advantages for, or differences due to, the prokaryotes small size? A: Prokaryotic cells have a larger surface area to volume ratio than eukaryotic cells B: Prokaryotic cells have a higher metabolic rate than eukaryotic cells C: Eukaryotic cells have a larger surface area to volume ratio than Prokaryotic cells D: Only A and B are correct


Scientists recently discovered that three different types of squid, a marine animal, previously thought to be three different species, were actually all members of one species. Their earlier ideas were based on using squid carcasses (dead bodies). The new, more accepted classi cation is most probably based on an analysis of A: a greater number of squid carcasses B: the feeding habits of the three different species C: a number of newly found squid fossils D: the DNA present in the cells of squid


Template DNA - 3' TAC CAC GTG 5' What is the appropriate mRNA sequence formed from the above template DNA sequence? A: 5' CAC GTG GTA 3' B: 5' CUC GTG GTU 3' C: 5' ATG GTG CAC 3' D: 5' AUG GUG CAC 3'


The endosymbiont hypothesis proposes that mitochondria and chloroplasts are descendants of bacteria that entered and replicated inside a host cell. What evidence DOES NOT SUPPORT the hypothesis? A: mitochondria and chloroplasts resemble bacteria in size and shape B: mitochondria and chloroplasts replicate independently of the cell that holds them C: mitochondria and chloroplasts have their own DNA in the form of a single circular chromosome D: mitochondria and chloroplasts are capable of surviving outside of the modern host cell


The function(s) of nucleic acids is/are _________. A: Short-term energy B: Long-term energy C: Structure and controlling reaction rates D: Holding genetic information


The monomers of nucleic acids are _________. A: Monosaccharides B: Glycerol and Fatty Acids C: Amino Acids D: Nucleotides


The most likely result of completely removing carbon dioxide from the environment of a plant is that sugar production will A: continue at the same rate B: increase and oxygen production will also increase C: increase and oxygen production will stay the same D: decrease and eventually stop


The movement of water from areas of high concentration of water to low concentration of water is known as: A: Simple Diffusion B: Facilitated Diffusion C: Active Transport D: Osmosis


The process by which large molecules are brought from the outside of the cell to the inside of the cell: A: exocytosis B: exergonic C: endergonic D: endocytosis


These plant specific organelles are the site of photosynthesis: A: mitochondria B: golgi C: smooth ER D: chloroplast


This cytoplasmic organelle is the site of protein synthesis: A: golgi B: vessicle C: mitochondria D: ribosome


This organelle makes up the endomembrane sytstem of eukaryotic cells: A: nucleus B: rough er C: vessicles D: all of the above are part of the endomembrane system


This structure delivers amino acids to the growing polypeptide at the ribosome: A: siRNA B: mRNA C: rRNA D: tRNA


Translation requires _________. A: amino acids B: mRNA C: ribosomes D: all of the above


Unicellular prokaryotes A: lack a membrane bound nucleus B: are found in the domains Bacteria and Archaea C: are found in almost all habitats D: All of the above are correct


What are the differences between starch and glycogen? A: Starch is a carbohydrate, but glycogen is a protein B: Starch is produced by plants; glycogen is produced by animals C: Starch is a linear chain molecule; glycogen is a branched molecule D: Choices B and C are correct


What are the monomers of lipids? A: Lipids do not have real monomers B: Lipids have a glycerol molecule as a component C: Lipids attach as many as three fatty acids to one glycerol D: All of the above are true about lipids


What does the "dehydration synthesis" process do? A: Attaches monomers, only B: Removes water from polymer attachment, only C: Separates monomers from polymer, only D: Both A and B


What enzyme in DNA replication is used to fill in the gaps of the new DNA strand? A: helicase B: DNA polymerase C: primase D: ligase


What is a function of Mitosis and NOT Meiosis? A: Creates diversity B: Creates four haploid cells C: Divides twice D: Each cell has 46 chromosomes


What is the shape of the DNA molecule? A: tertiary protein B: triple helix C: beta sheet D: double helix


What separates DNA fragments by size? A: restriction enzymes B: recombinant DNA C: plasmids D: gel electrophoresis


What shapes can carbon molecules form? A: Rings B: Straight Chains C: Branched Chains D: All of the above


What type of bond holds the two strands of DNA to each other? A: covalent B: ionic C: van der waal D: hydrogen


Which monomers form the nucleic acids? A: monosaccharides (simple sugars) B: amino acids C: fatty acids & glycerol D: nucleotides


Which nucleotide base is considered "complementary" to the nucleotide base guanine? A: adenine B: uracil C: thymine D: cytosine


Which of the following answer choices best describes "atomic mass"? A: sum of electrons and neutrons in an atom B: sum of protons, neutrons, and electrons in an atom C: sum of protons and electrons in an atom D: number of protons and neutrons in nucleus


Which of the following answer choices best describes "hydrogen bonds"? A: more protons than electrons B: equal number of protons, neutrons, and electrons C: polar; dissolves easily in water D: collectively strong


Which of the following answers describe chromatin and chromosomes? A: Chromatin condenses to form the Chromosome B: Chromatin is more loosely twisted with DNA and histones than the Chromosome C: Chromatin consists of DNA loosely twisted around histone proteins; Chromosomes consists of DNA tightly twisted around histone proteins D: ALL of the above describe chromatin and chromosomes


Which of the following are inputs of the light reaction of photosynthesis? A: C02 B: ATP C: NADPH D: Water


Which of the following are outputs of the light reaction of photosynthesis? A: CO2 B: Water C: Sunlight D: O2


Which of the following describe the importance of a protein's relationship between 3-dimensional structure and function? A: Denaturation involves the loss of protein s 3-D structure B: Denaturation does not affect structure or function C: Denaturation results in a loss of a protein s proper function because of loss of 3-D structure D: Choices A and C are correct


Which of the following inputs of the dark reaction of photosynthesis? A: CO2 B: Glucose C: Sunlight D: ATP


Which of the following inputs of the dark reaction of photosynthesis? A: Glucose B: Sunlight C: O2 D: NADPH


Which of the following is NOT a stage of aerobic respiration? Original Order: 24 A: Glycolysis B: Krebs Cycle C: Electron Transport Phosphorylation D: Fermentation


Which of the following is considered a frameshift mutation? A: base pair insertion B: base pair deletion C: base pair substitution D: both base pair deletion and base pair insertion are considered frameshift


Which of the following is in a hydrocarbon? A: Oxygen B: Dioxide C: Nitrogen D: Carbon


Which of the following is not one of the characterisitics of living organisms? A: Growth B: Development C: Respond to a change in environment D: All of the choices are characteristics of living organisms


Which of the following is part of the Cell Theory? A: Every living organism consists of one or more cells. B: All living cells arise by division of preexisting cells. C: Cells contain hereditary material, which they pass to their offspring when they divide. D: All of the above are part of the Cell Theory


Which of the following is true about plant cells? A: The nucleus has its own DNA. B: Chloroplasts have their own DNA. C: Mitochondria have their own DNA. D: All of the above are true about plant cells.


Which of the following organelles is NOT found in prokaryotic cells, but they are found in eukaryotic cells? A: Cytoplasm B: DNA C: Plasma membrane D: All of the organelles above are found in both Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes


Which of the following organelles is the site of amino acid synthesis? A: Cytoplasm B: DNA C: Plasma membrane D: Ribosomes


Which of the following reaction pathways is not part of the second stage of aerobic respiration (Krebs Cycle)? A: electron transfer phosphorylation B: acetyl CoA formation C: glycolysis D: a and d


Which of the following statements about taxonomic levels is correct? A: Kingdom is the most specific B: Class is less specific than phylum C: Species is the most general D: Family is more specific than order


Which statement is an accurate description of genes? A: Proteins are made of genes and code for DNA. B: Genes are made of proteins that code for nitrogen bases. C: DNA is made of carbohydrates that code for genes. D: Genes are made of DNA and code for proteins.


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