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(adenosine triphosphate) energy from food is captures in this molecule

a criminals DNA profile

- is based on 15 distinct STR sites -can be entered into the government's CODIS database - can be used to determine whether a criminal committed additional crimes -is constructed using PCR and gel electrophoresis

Why is it beneficial to know the human genome sequence?

-It allows us to answer questions about ancestry and our own evolution -It helps to identify genes linked to cell division and cancer. -It will aid researchers in the development of personalized medicine with targeted drug therapies. -It enables diagnostic testing to predict the likelihood of developing certain diseases ALL ANSWERS ARE EQUAL

Why did critics think that Venter's sequence would be riddled with errors if he used the new method he developed, which entailed fragmenting the human genome, sequencing the fragments, and then aligning the sequences?

-The cost of this project would be too high to generate a sequence without errors. -The estimated 3 billion nucleotides and 100,000 genes are too long for computer algorithms to handle. -The repetitive nature of the human genome would make it difficult to align the fragmented sequences. NONE OF THE ANSWERS ARE CORRECT

Which of the following pieces of critical information did Watson and Crick use to build and propose their model of the structure of DNA?

-an incorrect model that depicts DNA as a triple helix with the phosphate groups on the inside -%A always equals %T and %G always equals %C -x-ray diffraction images that show DNA as a double helix -x-ray diffraction images that suggest DNA is hydrophilic and elongates upon exposure to water ALL ANSWERS ARE CORRECT

Rosalind Franklin did not receive the credit she deserves for her contribution to the discovery of the structure of DNA because _____.

-her paper was perceived merely as supporting evidence for Watson and Crick's model. -she died before the Nobel Prize was awarded to Watson, Crick, and Wilkins -at the time, prevailing attitudes were negative toward women in science ALL ANSWERS ARE CORRECT

which of the following can affect the shape and function of a protein?

-interactions among amino acid and core structures and side chains -interactions between side chains and water -interactions among amino acid chains ALL OF THE ABOVE IS THE ANSWER

if two proteins differ in one amino acid, which of the following would be true?

-the proteins may not have the same 3-D shape -the proteins may not have the same function -the two proteins would be produced by different DNA sequences -the two proteins would be produced in the same location within a cell ALL OF THE ABOVE IS THE ANSWER

which of the following are true about proteins

-there are 20 proteins in humans -proteins are made of building blocks called monosaccharides -proteins are only produced by multicellular organisms -proteins are produced in the cell's nucleus NONE OF THE ABOVE IS CORRECT

a researcher wants to create a DNA profile for a suspected criminal. which of the following would NOT be a step in this process?

-using gel electrophoresis to visualize DNA from the suspected criminal -using PCR to amplify STR regions in the DNA of the suspected criminal -taking a saliva or blood sample from the suspected criminal and isolating DNA ALL OF THE ANSWER OPTIONS ARE STEPS IN CREATING A DNA PROFILE

___is produced when ___is split by sunlight

02, water

Complete the following statements regarding the steps necessary to copy a DNA sequence during PCR:1) The two original strands of the DNA molecule can be separated by _____.2) The enzyme _____ "reads" each template strand and adds _____ to make a new strand.

1) heat, 2) DNA polymerase; complementary nucleotides

How many STRs are typically used to create a profile in forensic investigations?


how many actual calories are in a 250 Calorie donut?


The _____ chromosomes in a human cell from inside the cheek are found in the _____.

46; nucleus

If you start with one copy of a DNA fragment, how many rounds of PCR will it take to end up with a total of 32 copies?


What surprises were uncovered by the Human Genome Project?

98.5% of our DNA is noncoding and does not code for proteins. -Humans have only 20,000 genes, and not 100,000, as previously thought. -Organism complexity is not related to the number of genes, as humans have only 1,000 more genes than a roundworm. -A relatively small number of genes can produce an enormous number of diverse proteins. ALL ANSWERS ARE CORRECT


A cell that contains a nucleus and membrane bound organelles

Which statement accurately describes food with regard to energy?

A food Calorie is equal to 1,000 calories.

Which statement accurately describes how genes, chromosomes, and proteins are related?

A gene on a chromosome encodes a protein.

You are investigating a crime. The DNA profile database has no perfect matches to the DNA collected at the crime scene. However, one profile in the database has at least one band in common with the crime scene DNA at every STR site. Which statement is the most likely conclusion can you draw?

A parent-child relationship exists between the DNA collected at the crime scene and the DNA in the database.


A specific sequence of three adjacent bases on a strand of DNA or RNA that provides genetic code information for a particular amino acid


A unicellular organism that lacks a nucleus and membrane bound organelles

aerobic respiration produces energy in the form of __


How do the environmental costs of growing algae for biofuel production compare to other crop options?

Algae require less fertilizer than corn.

Why are biotechnology companies eager to design genetically modified organisms to express therapeutic proteins, particularly ones that would otherwise have to be isolated from blood products (e.g., human antithrombin) or animal organs (e.g., insulin, originally isolated from pig pancreas)?

Biotechnology companies are interested in the cost-effectiveness, safety, and efficiency of protein production.

You can detect DNA that is specifically from the X chromosome in a DNA sample from a person. Why can't you definitively determine the sex of that person (male or female) from the presence of the X chromosome?

Both males and females have an X chromosome and you would have to check for the presence of a Y chromosome

If you ingest carbon in the form of sugar, then that carbon is released from your body as _____.


During photosynthesis, sugar is produced using __


Which statement accurately summarizes the process of photosynthesis?

Chloroplasts capture sunlight, water is split, oxygen is released, and carbon dioxide is used to convert chemical energy into glucose.

_____ on mRNA interact with _____ on tRNA to allow the _____ to connect amino acids in the correct order during translation.

Codons; anticodons; ribosome

Each chromosome contains _____

DNA and proteins.

how does a mutation in DNA affect the shape of a protein?

DNA codes for the sequence of amino acids in a protein

Which statement about PCR is true?

DNA polymerase is the enzyme that copies DNA in PCR.

What naturally occurring process does PCR mimic in a test tube?

DNA replication

If you frequently crave French fries, how could you modify your lifestyle to eat fries without gaining weight?

Exercise more to burn more calories than the fries you add to your diet.

In humans, why can't fermentation sustain life?

Fermentation is not efficient at using the energy sources we eat to make ATP.

Which STR will have migrated farthest through an electrophoresis gel?

GAAG repeated twice

___energy is associated with shorter wavelengths of light


_____amino acids tend to be found folded inside a protein, whereas _____ amino acids interact with water on the outside of the protein.

Hydrophobic; hydrophilic

Which sequence correctly describes the input (I) and output (O) of photosynthesis.

I - carbon dioxide, photons, water; O - oxygen, glucose

A moderately active 21-year-old female has a choice of eating a 2,500-Calorie meal that is primarily protein or a 2,500-Calorie meal that is primarily sugar. What would be the result, in terms of energy, of choosing one over the other?

In either case, once her glycogen stores are replenished, she will store the excess calories as fat.

Why did searching for unique algae species open new opportunities for their use as a biofuel?

It can make the process independent of sunlight.

Chargaff discovered that the A-T bond has the same width as the G-C bond. What implication does this have for the structure of the DNA molecule?

It means that the molecule will vary in width as you move down its length, depending on the number of A-T and G-C nucleotides.

During aerobic respiration, what molecule holds and carries electrons stripped from food?


Human red blood cells are enucleated (i.e., they do not have nuclei). Is it possible to isolate DNA from red blood cells? Why or why not?

No, the genomic DNA is found only in nucleated cells

Since the Human Genome Project, scientists have changed the way they view noncoding DNA. What do they now hypothesize is the function of noncoding DNA?

Noncoding DNA regulates gene expression and contributes to the complexity of various organisms.

Photosynthesis can be broken down into two basic mechanisms (photo and synthesis). Which sequence describes these two mechanisms?

Photo - absorption of light; Synthesis - carbon fixation

What is the purpose of careful primer design before PCR?

Primers indicate the section of DNA that will be amplified and mark where DNA polymerase begins replication

gel electrophoresis

Procedure used to separate and analyze DNA fragments by placing a mixture of DNA fragments at one end of a porous gel and applying an electrical voltage to the gel

Type 1 diabetes results from a loss of insulin production from the pancreas. People with diabetes take recombinant human insulin expressed in bacteria. How would you cure the disease instead of treating it?

Replacing the defective insulin gene in a patient through gene therapy would allow for a cure.

a researcher is studying the same (noncoding) genomic site in two individuals. the sequence at this site in individual 1 is CATCAT, and the sequences in individual 2 is CATCATCATCATCAT. This would be considered a(n) ____ site


Which statement about genetically modified organisms is true?

Scientists can produce more complex proteins made by eukaryotes by genetically modifying eukaryotic cells instead of prokaryotic cells.

How do the redundant properties of the genetic code protect humans from some mutations (changes in the gene sequence)?

Some mutations will not change the amino acid coded by the mRNA codon

If the sequence of one strand of DNA is AGTCTAGC, what is the sequence of the complementary strand?


Rosalind Franklin used x-ray diffraction to record how x-rays scatter when bounced off the surface of DNA molecules. Which of the following conclusions about the structure of DNA did her images support?

The DNA molecule was uniform in width. The DNA molecule was hydrophilic and extends upon exposure to water. The DNA helix was likely made of two strands. The DNA molecule was likely helical. ALL ANSWERS ARE CORRECT

If the French eat meals with a higher fat content, what might explain why the French weigh less on average than Americans?

The French engage in more NEAT activities such as household chores, shopping, and dog walking.

Which statement correctly reflects the interactions between aerobic respiration and photosynthesis?

The carbon in the glucose that plants make is the same carbon in the carbon dioxide we breathe out.

Why is it recommended that anyone trying to lose weight should avoid alcoholic beverages?

The fermentation process used to make alcohol does not fully break down glucose, resulting in a high-carbohydrate beverage.

Melanin is a pigment expressed in skin cells; melanin gives skin its color. If you wanted to express a different gene in skin cells, which part of the melanin gene would you use and why?

The melanin regulatory region would allow for the specific expression of a different gene in the skin

Heating a protein can cause it to denature, or unfold. What do you think would happen to the function of a protein in a denatured state?

The protein would not be functional because the three-dimensional shape dictates protein's function.

Why are energy-rich lipids from algae more useful as a fuel than energy-rich sugars and other carbohydrates produced by photosynthetic organisms such as corn and wheat?

The sugars contain less chemical energy than the lipids and the lipids can be used directly as fuel.

Why are algae considered more valuable for biofuel than plants (such as corn)?

They are cheaper to grow.

Which statement accurately describes amino acid side chains?

They provide unique functions and allow for the correct folding of proteins.

Imagine that you have discovered a new species that has the ability to consume other organisms for energy and also contains chloroplasts. What would these properties tell you about the organism?

This organism is both a heterotroph and an autotroph.

excess calories are stored as __ in fat cells


A gene has the sequence ATCGATTG. What is the sequence of the complementary RNA?


Which of the following scientists is incorrectly paired with their contribution to the discovery of the structure of DNA?

Watson and Crick; x-ray diffraction images of DNA helix

From the STRs used in a forensic investigation, which STRs on which chromosomes would be particularly useful in determining whether crime scene evidence was left by a female or a male?

Y chromosome STR


a complex animal carbohydrate, made up of linked chains of glucose molecules, that stores energy for short-term use

heat energy

a form of energy that is transferred by a difference in temperature

Which of the following tools or pieces of information did Collins and his group provide that helped Venter achieve a more complete sequence of the human genome?

a map of known genes and their locations on the chromosomes

fosil fuels

a natural fuel such as coal or gas, formed in the geological past from the remains of living organisms.

What is the final product of gene expression?

a protein


a renewable fuels made from living organism

In the presence of oxygen, humans use _____ to fuel ATP production from glucose, Glucose is initially formed by plants through _____.

aerobic respiration; photosynthesis

which of the following in NOT a potential energy source that can be obtained from algae?

algae oil fermented carbohydrates that yield ethanol and butanol algae carbohydrates and proteins that can supplement livestock feed algal biomass that can be burned for electricity and heat none of the above

A protein is made up of a chain of _____.

amino acids

which statement describes the ways that photosynthetic algae and animals obtain energy?

animals obtain energy from sugar made by light absorbing energy producers

What is a genetically modified organism?

any modified organism that produces a product it does not normally make

Plants____ and make energy available to almost all living organisms

are autotrophs

Recombinant protein production of spider silk in yeast is an efficient strategy because yeast _____

are easier to house and less expensive to feed than multicellular organisms.

Photons are critical to the process of photosynthesis because photons _____.

are needed to excite the electrons of the pigment atoms in chlorophyll

____can directly use the energy of sunlight to make their own food, and __must rely on other organisms to provide the energy they need to survive

autotrophs; heterotrophs

What is potential energy?

capacity to perform work that matter possesses as a result of its location or arrangement


captures and transforms the energy of sunlight

Overall equation for photosynthesis is

carbon dioxide + water + sunlight --sugar + oxygen

how does carbon enter the global energy chain?

carbon fixation

What energy source drives the carbon fixation process of photosynthesis, and where does it come from?

chemical energy from light absorption stored in ATP

Which sequence correctly traces the flow of energy needed to move an automobile?

chemical energy; heat energy; kinetic energy

The energy in a cereal bar is _____ energy. The energy of a cyclist pedaling is _____ energy.

chemical; kinetic

what organelle does an algae need to be able to conduct photosynthesis?


Scientists altered the gene for spidroin so that it could be isolated from yeast by attaching the _____.

coding sequence of a spider spidroin gene to a yeast regulatory sequence

Each time energy is converted from one form to another, a percentage of that energy is lost as _____ or fails to be converted


energy is transferred and transformed. this principle is known as ___

conservation of energy

The purpose of aerobic respiration is to _____, which is used to _____.

create energy-rich ATP molecules; power functions of the cell

which of these are photosynthetic organisms?

cyanobacteria and plants

Where in the cell does fermentation take place?


You are studying the DNA profile of an individual, and you are looking at the results for a chromosome with just one STR site. How many bands will you see?

either 1 or 2

What process(es) is(are) most directly prevented in the absence of adequate oxygen?

electron transport chain

the majority of ATP is produced via ___

electron transport train

electron transport system

electrons are carried to the inner membranes of the mitochondria

Calorie (capital)

equal to 1000 calories or 1 kilocalorie. common unit of energy

in yeast and some types of bacteria, __ is produced during ___

ethanol; fermentation

everyone burns Calorie at the same rate


people who overeat to the same extent will gain the same amount of weight


DNA evidence can give an investigator information regarding which of the following?

family relationships between suspects and the identity of an individual based on a profile

which molecule contains the most calories per gram?


Which type of organic molecule stores the most energy per gram?


imagine that an alien scientists has isolated a chromosome from a human cell. what will the alien NOT find in this chromosome?


Which of these photon wavelengths contains the greatest amount of energy?

gamma rays


genetically modified organisms

The entire sequence of DNA in a cell used for DNA profiling is called the _____.


What is the starting molecule for glycolysis?


if you're hungry, which molecules will your body use first as a source of energy?


If you exercise for an extended period of time, you will use energy first from _____, then from _____.

glycogen; fats

Excess energy can be stored for short periods of time in the muscle and liver tissue as _____, and for long periods of time as _____ in fat cells.

glycogen; triglycerides

Which process is correctly matched with its cellular location?



group of three bases on a tRNA molecule that are complementary to an mRNA codon

with every conversion of energy, some energy is lost as ___


Steps of PCR

heating, strand separation, DNA replication

which of the following factors are used to determine BMI?

height and weight

what would happen if algae, cyanobacteria, and plants were wiped out?

heterotrophs would not be able to use autotrophs as an energy source

the light reactions take place in the ___ of the chloroplast

internal membranes

Fermentation in animals produces _____, whereas fermentation in brewer's yeast produces _____.

lactic acid; alcohol

_____is the product of transcription, and _____ is the product of translation.

mRNA; a protein

Lactic acid is produced by___ during ___

mammals; fermentation

Glucose is a product of photosynthesis. Where do the carbon atoms of glucose produced during photosynthesis come from?

molecules in air

Compared to aerobic respiration, fermentation produces _____ ATP.

much less


non-exercise activity thermogenesis

Which of these does NOT contribute to a higher BMI?

nonexercise activity thermogenesis

An individual's STR may vary from the same STR of another individual by the ____

number of times a particular sequence is repeated.


obtain energy by eating other organisms.


occurs in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells and cytoplasm of prokaryotic cells


occurs on ribosomes in the cytoplasm

DNA replication is said to be semiconservative because a newly replicated, double-stranded DNA molecules consists of _____.

one old strand and one new strand


organelles present in the cells of plants and algae

In addition to the base, what are the other components of a nucleotide?

phosphate and sugar

a young student is drawing a picture of the "backbone" of a DNA molecule. What should she include in her drawing of this portion of the DNA molecule?

phosphates of nucleotides

The energy of sunlight exists in the form of _________.


carbon fixation

photosynthesis captures carbon dioxide gas from the air, incorporates carbon atoms into sugar

The fuel used to run our cars contains _____ energy.



process by which plants and other autotrophs use the energy of sunlight to make energy rich molecules

semi-conservative DNA replication

produces two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand

amino acids are used to produce __


During fermentation, NADH gives up electrons to regenerate NAD by giving electrons to _____.


A person can be deficient in the production of a protein if he or she has a mutation in the:

regulatory region or the coding region of a gene

The _____ control(s) the timing of gene expression

regulatory sequence for a gene

short tandem repeats

sections of a chromosome in which DNA sequences are repeated

universal genetic code

sets of rules relation particular mRNA codons to particular amino acids

protein shape and function

shape of the protein determines its function

Spider silk properties

silk has a higher toughness than steel or kevlar, genetically modifies spider silk have vast potential applications

Complementary DNA

single-stranded DNA that is complementary to messenger RNA or DNA that has been synthesized from messenger RNA by reverse transcriptase

Gel electrophoresis separates DNA for profiling based on the _____.

size (length)

why do you need oxygen?

so oxygen can accept electrons in the electron transport chain

In a spider silk producing transgenic yeast, the _____.

spider silk coding sequence is joined with a yeast regulatory sequence

potential energy

stored energy in chemical bonds

If a person wants to lose weight, which of these is a viable strategy?

substituting plain water for regular soda and exercising more

the overall equation of cellular respiration is___

sugar+oxygen--energy+water+carbon dioxide

Which statement correctly indicates a functional location during gene expression?

tRNAs work in the cytoplasm.

DNA replication, whether occurring in a cell or in a test tube, depends on all of the following EXCEPT:

the action of the DNA extractase enzyme

calorie (lowercase c)

the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1g of water by 1 degree centigrade

Once excess calories are stored as triglycerides, it is more difficult to release this energy because _____

the body utilizes food molecules in the bloodstream and stored glycogen first


the breakdown of glucose by enzymes, releasing energy and pyruvic acid.


the chemical breakdown of a substance by bacteria, yeasts, or other microorganisms, typically involving effervescence and the giving off of heat.

why do many species of algae appear green?

the chlorophyll pigment they contain is green

Which of these parts of translation will be disrupted by a mutation in the coding region of a gene?

the codon on the mRNA

During aerobic respiration, NADH gives up electrons to regenerate NAD by giving electrons to _____.

the electron transport chain

kinetic energy

the energy of motion or movement

Kinetic energy is best described as _____.

the energy of movement

Which of these does NOT play a role in determining the three-dimensional shape of a protein?

the interaction of the genes that lie next to a protein gene

a group of investigators is studying a crime scene where a woman has been murdered. they see that the murderer has left behind several bodily fluids: semen, salvia, blood, and tears. from which of these fluids could the investigators isolate the murderers DNA?

the investigators could collect the murderer's DNA from all of these fluids

Which factor is NOT driving our search for alternative fuel sources?

the large amount of water and pesticides used when biodiesel is produced from corn

Which phrase represents genetic variation between individuals?

the number of STRs in their genomes

the technique developed by Kary Mullis, in which scientists can replicate DNA outside of a cell, is referred to as ___

the polymerase chain reaction

two parts of a gene

the promoter and coding is important parts of a gene

What determines a protein's function?

the three-dimensional shape of the folded protein

a women is suspected of murdering her husband. When her DNA profile is compared to that of the murdered, these profiles match at only one of the 15 evaluated STR regions. What can investigators conclude?

the woman is not the murderer

how do algae fuels compare to other fuels

they can be grown on less fertile land than other biofuels they requires less water, fertilizers, and pesticides than other biofuels

recombinant gene

to make transgenic silk, scientists fuse spider silk coding sequence with yeast regulatory sequence

when a cell makes proteins starting from a DNA template, which of the following processes must occur?

transcription and translation

Heterotrophs cannot survive without autotrophs


double helix

two strands of nucleotides wound about each other; structure of DNA

Which of these is NOT a nucleotide found in DNA?

uracil (U)

When considering which biofuel is the most sustainable, which of these must be considered?

water, energy, and fertilizer and pesticide use

What two factors determine the BMI for an individual?

weight and height

Which person would have DNA that is least similar to yours?

your mothers brother

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