Biology - genetics

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Jimmy Smith's parents have normal hearing. However, Jimmy has an inherited allele for deafness. Deafness is a recessive trait that is associated with an abnormal allele d. The allele at this locus, associated with normal hearing is D. Jimmy's parents could have which of the following genotypes?

Dd & Dd

In automated DNA sequencing based on the snager method which is/are true?

DNA polymerase is needed for elongation

What is 80 percent of non coding DNA transcribed to?


RNAi stands for which of the following?

RNA interference

What are SNPs?

Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms

An epigentic change in gene expression can be an inhereted change that does not involve any change in the nucleotide sequence of the gene. True or False?


DNA is always synthesized in the 5' to 3' direction. True or false


Next generation sequencing is currently the most frequently used approach for sequencing that can be carried out in a variety of ways due to advanced instrumentation. True or false?


Which is true about hox genes?

Hox genes control the normal development of an animal

How many codons are need to specify three amino acids


During DNA replication, one DNA strand is copied to make a new DNA molecule composed of two DNA strands. This new DNA molecule contains

50 percent of the parent DNA

CRISPR is capable of: Silencing genes in living cells Editing genes in living cells Acting as a defense system in bacterial cells all the above

All the above

The Central Dogma in molecular biology refers to

DNA -> RNA -> Protein

Hershey Chase experiments in 1952 showed that

DNA is the hereditary material

In 1990, Mary Claire King identified the gene associated with increased risk of breast cancer. Based on her initial work, we now know the following except one FALSE statement: Dr. King argued before the Supreme Court that naturally occurring DNA should be patent eligible. BRCA1 and/or BRCA2 mutations increase the risk for breast cancer. BRCA1 is localized to chromosome 17. BRCA1 and BRCA2 encode for proteins involved in DNA repair. Dr. King developed the BROCA diagnostic test in 2015, which can screen for 50-60 genes in patients suspected of a predisposition to hereditary cancers

Dr King argued before the supreme court that naturally occurring DNA should be patent eligible

A researcher treats cells with a chemical that prevents DNA synthesis from starting. This treatment would trap the cells in which part of the cell cycle?


Which of the following statements about genetic diversity over two generations is FALSE?: Genetic diversity is enhanced by mutations. Genetic diversity is enhanced by crossing over during prophase I of meiosis. Genetic diversity is enhanced by homologous chromosomes in meiosis that carry different versions of genes. Genetic diversity is enhanced by independent orientation of chromosomes at metaphase I during meiosis. Genetic diversity is enhanced by random fertilization

Genetic diversity is enhanced by mutations

A disabled form of H.I.V. re-engineered t carry cancer fighting genes mixed with a patients T-cells is a type of


Why is the inheritance of so many traits difficult to explain using only Mendel's view of genetics?

Mendel was correct for the traits he investigated, but his principles must be extended (not discarded) to explain more complex patterns of inheritance

False statement about autism

Mutations develop as a function of age

Does nondisjunction during meiosis result in the production of gametes with normal chromosome numbers? Yes, all gametes will still have normal chromosome numbers No, all gametes will have abnormal chromosome numbers None of the answers are true Yes, but only if nondisjunction occurs in meiosis I

None of these are true

THe structure of DNA is very stable because of the following

Orientation of strnads in anti paralelle

Which of the following was a novel deduction that Watson and Crick were able to make about DNA based on Rosalind Franklin's X-ray diffraction data, i.e., Photo 51?

The consistent width of DNA meant that purines must base-pair with pyrimidines

Which of the following is false regarding the lac operon in E. coli?

The operon is switched off in the presence of lactose in the growth medium

James Allison and Tasuku Honjo were awarded the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine because of which one of the following?

They identified key proteins on T cells, called immune checkpoint proteins, that were normally responsible for turning off activated T cells

Which statement about stem cells is false?

They need to be derived from embryos

"RNAi" is a mechanism first found to combat virus infections in plants. True or False?


In the context of prokaryotic gene expression, which of the following is the most appropriate definition of an operator?

a non-coding, regulatory DNA sequence that is bound by a repressor protein

The advances in personalized medicine correlate with advances in technology including: approaches to obtain genome data rapidly and inexpensively bioinformatics and data mining approaches for diagnosis and testing ability to engineer stem cell therapies using the body's own cells all answers are true

all answers are true

BRCA1 and BRCA2 are genes: normally expressed only in cells in females essential to control cell division all of the answers are correct that if mutated will always cause cancer all of the answers are false

all the answers are false

Clinomics aims to

analyze data to guide health care decisions

homologous chromosomes

are identical in the arrangment of genes but some version of the genes may differ between chromosomes

Which of the following is false about cancer

cancer genes function through one or two signaling pathways

Cells with two kinds of each chromosome are described as


If lactose is passively imported into a bacterial cell this will result in

expression of the lactose operon by inactivating the lac repressor molecule

COVID-19: resulted in a pandemic Requires RNA based vaccines because it is an RNA virus is invloved in a pathway that causes cells to divide all the above

has resulted in a pandemic

X-linked inheritance patterns

have genes that segregate based on X-chromosome segregation

In the supreme court case association for molecular pathology v. Myriad Genetics it was found that

human genes are found in nature and unpatentable

Breast cancer

is often associated with specific mutations in genes

Transfer RNA molecules

mediate the conversion of genetic information into proteins

During which stage of meosis does crossing over and formation of tetrads occur?

prophase I

What is the correct order of stages for mitosis

prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase

The surprise from the human genome projext was that

protein encoding genes make up less than 2% of our genome

Most genetic disorders in humans are caused by

recessive alleles

Prostate cancer is treated with hormone therapy by

reducing produciton of testosterone

Colorblindness is more common is males than females because

the allele for colorblindness is located on the X chromosome

Within one chromosome during mitosis (assuming no mutations), what is the relationship between the sequence of bases in DNA of one sister chromatid compared to another?

the sequences are identical

During Mitosis, chromosomes move because

they attach to a dynamic, precisely regulated mitotic spindle

Autosomal disorders cannot be caused by

x-linked disorders

Why do scientists commonly choose white blood cells that are going through mitosis to prepare karyotypes

Chromosomes are more condensed during mitosis than they are in interpahse

"Count Me In" was established in 2018 as a nonprofit organization committed to advancing patient-partnered research with support from the Broad Institute, Emerson Collective, Dana-Faber Cancer Institute, and the Biden Cancer Initiative. Choose the one FALSE statement: Count Me In is a government supported initiative. Each cancer has a specific oncogenic signature, and therefore the medical treatment must be tailored for the patient. Only through very large data sets can identification of mutations common to a particular cancer group be correlated with a specific treatment approach. In this initiative, there is an increased focus of including men and women, people of all ethnicities, and people of color. Patient data included genomic data, saliva, blood, and stored tumor samples, and clinical histories

Count me in is a government suppourted initiative

Infectious diceases that can be specifically transmitted from other vertebrate animals to humans are called


A person with a disorder resulting from trisomy of chromosome 21 has:

45 autosomes and 2 sex chromosomes

A mouse that has the genotype AaMMzz will have the same phenotype as a mouse with the genotype: AAmmzz AAMmzz aammzz AaMmZz


23 & me procides data for the entire genome of its customers. True or False?


A small RNA that serves as a "gopher" to bring amino acids from the cytoplasm to the ribosome during translation is called gRNA. True or False?


Angiogenesis inhibitors help to reduce the growth of cancer cells by inhibiting the expression of oncogenes. True or False?


Emerging infectious diceases are no longer a growing health concern due to vaccines and advanced medical technologies. True or False?


Introns can serve as export signals of mRNA from the nucleus to the cytoplasm where introns are then spliced out before the mRNA is translated. True or false?


Proto-oncogenes can be "transformed" into oncogenes by elimination of their start signals for translation. true or false?


The cancer Genome Atlast (TCGA) project lead to the realization that there is one type of cancer per type of tumore. True or False?


Which of the following is true about double stranded DNA

Its 3D conformation is quite different to that of RNA

A major discovery concerning the human genome announced by the encode project was

Most of the DNA bases in the human genome do not code for proteins but instead code for thousnads of small RNA molecules that regulate gene activity.

What does the sanger method of sequencing take advantage of?

Nucletides missing a hydroxyl on the 3' end

What statement about viruses is true

Viruses are surrounded by a capsid

The field of synthetic biology focuses on replicating biological system that exists in the natural world. True or false?


Vitamin D-resistant rickets is an X-linked dominant bone disorder. A man with this form of rickets marries a normal woman. What is the percent likelihood that the couple's son is expected to have vitamin D-resistant rickets?


Hemophilia is an X-linked recessive condition characterized by excessive bleeding with injury. A woman who carries the gene but is not affected marries a normal man. What proportion of the couple's sons is expected to have hemophilia?

50 percent

When a somatic cell divides into two daughter cells that have the same number of chromosomes we call this process meiosis. True or false?


antibiotic resistance due to overuse has led to the development of "super bugs", such as mosquitos transmitting malaria. True or false?


The enzyme that binds two segments of DNA together, including binding Okazaki fragments during DNA replication is


These genes normally function to prevent uncontrolled cell division, but when mutated they lose this regulatory function and can promote cell proliferation that allows tumors to grow

tumor suppressing genes

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