Biology Unit 5 Quiz 3

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cellular slime mold

the common name of protists which are species of the phylum Acrasiomycota


The thallus type of Volvox is ___________________. filamentous colonial multicellular unicellular


The three-dimensional glass-like structure encasing each diatom is composed mostly of ___________________ cells .

fresh water and as plant parasites

The two types of environments in which we are likely to find water molds are _____________________________________________________________________________________________. fresh water and as plant parasites polluted water and diseased plants oceans and lakes rivers and streams

diatomaceous earth

deposits of the fossilized remains of diatoms

brown algae

the common name of plant-like protists which are phaeophytes, mostly composed of multicellular algae with a characteristic brown color


the common name of plant-like protists which are species of the phylum Bacillariophyta, characterized by a silicon-based symmetrical exoskeleton

green algae

the common name of plant-like protists which are species of the phylum Chlorophyta, most species of which are various shades of green due to the presence of chlorophyll

golden-brown algae

the common name of plant-like protists which are species of the phylum Chrysophyta, characteristic color is the result of the blend of green and red pigments


the common name of plant-like protists which are species of the phylum Euglenophyta, characterized by presence of flagellum


the common name of plant-like protists which are species of the phylum Pyrrophyta, characterized by having two flagella of two different lengths

red algae

the common name of plant-like protists which are species of the phylum Rhodophyta, mostly composed of multicellular algae with a characteristic red color

feeding phase

the life cycle phase of slime mold when feeding and growth are taking place

slug phase

the phase in the life cycle of cellular slime mold when the individual cells congregate into a slug-like structure from which fruiting bodies will form

algal bloom

the rapid, extensive growth of algae as the result of early perfect growing conditions


the study of algae

daughter colonies

in the species Volvox, the new colonies growing inside an older parent colony, which colonies are released when the older colony ruptures

as thickeners

Carrageenan and algin are used in what way by the food-processing industry? as flavoring agents in yogurt production to make cheeses as thickeners


Diatomaceous earth is used as a mild abrasive, as an insulator, and as a stabilizer in dynamite. True False


Euglenoid movement can best be described as: rapid sloth-like worm-like non-existent

from an area affected by red tide

A person can become sick with NSP (Neurotoxic Shellfish Poisoning) by eating shellfish _____________________________________________________________________________. that has not been cleaned properly that has not been cooked properly from heavily polluted waters from an area affected by red tide

hairy ball

A(n) ____________________________ best describes a Synura colony. elongated sphere double cell hairy ball ovoid

They do not have true vascular parts. They possess significantly different reproductive features. Their cells do not differentiate.

Even though algae can produce their own food through photosynthesis, they are not part of the Plantae kingdom. Select the reasons why. They are mostly found in aquatic environments. They do not have true vascular parts. They possess significantly different reproductive features. Their cells do not differentiate.


In plasmodial slime molds, the plasmodium transforms into reproductive stage called a(n) _______________________. fuligo plasmium septica aethalium

motility no cell wall pellicle

In the past, euglena have been classified as a protozoan because they have: motility no cell wall a food vacuole pellicle


In what form do both golden-brown algae and diatoms store their food? simple sugars glucose carbohydrates oil

Much of Ireland's potato crop was destroyed by blight.

What was the ultimate cause of the large immigration from Ireland to the United States in the mid-nineteenth century? The Irish government taxed farm crops so people couldn't afford to eat. Farm land was plentiful and inexpensive in the United States. Wheat, the main ingredient to make bread, was almost impossible to grow. Much of Ireland's potato crop was destroyed by blight.


a nonwalled mass of cytoplasm possessing many nuclei


a red pigment found in the red algae and in a few cyanobacteria


a spore-bearing structure of plasmoidal slime mold

euglenoid movement

a worm-like movement of euglena, accomplished by expanding and contracting the entire cell

kelp forest

an undersea ecosystem similar in complexity to terrestrial forests


any one of certain large, tough, brown seaweeds, which are a source of potassium, iodine, algin, and sodium carbonate

red tide

the algal bloom of a member of the phylum Pyrrophyta (dinoflagellates)


the body structure of an alga

plasmodial slime mold

the common name of fungi-like protists which are species of the phylum Myxomycota, characterized by a multi-nucleated feeding structure called a plasmodium

water mold

the common name of fungi-like protists which are species of the phylum Oomycota, most species of which are either plant parasites or found in fresh-water environments


Kelp forests are often located on land near oceans. True False

kelp algae

Laminaria is the scientific name for: carageenan kelp algae seaweed agar

shellfish harvesters hotels restaurants fishing

Select businesses that have been negatively affected by a severe red tide in the Gulf Coast of Florida. shellfish harvesters hotels restaurants fishing

When present, the cell walls are composed of cellulose. At some point in their life cycle, these species are motile.

Select reasons why members of phyla Acrasiomycota, Myxomycota, and Oomycota not classified in the kingdom Fungi. In their early stages, these species can perform photosynthesis. When present, the cell walls are composed of cellulose. At some point in their life cycle, these species are motile. These species can reproduce sexually as well as asexually.

Food is stored as starch. Cell walls are made of cellulose.

Select the characteristics common to both green algae and plants. Food is stored as starch. Roots absorb extra nutrients. Leaves conduct photosynthesis. Cell walls are made of cellulose.


The Sargasso Sea is a large area in the Atlantic Ocean. True False

longer produce movement sulcus act as a rudder

The function of a dinoflagellate's _________________ flagellum is to ____________________________________________________________________________, and the function of the flagellum that remains in the __________________ is to ______________________________________________________________

very clean very low nutrient levels

The presence of Ochromonas indicates _______________________________ water because it thrives in environments with ____________________________________________________________________________

an algal bloom

The rapid extensive growth of algae as the result of nearly perfect growing conditions is called: a red tide an algal bloom rapid reproduction colonization


The study of algae is called _______________________. aqualogy protology phycology cytology

common thallii of algae

Unicellular, colonial, filamentous, and multicellular are examples of ______________________________________________________________________________


What is the pigment that gives red algae its color? phycoerythrin agar laminaria fucoxanthin


What is the thallus type of Cladophora vagabunda? colonial unicellular multicellular spirogyna


What pigment is responsible for the color of watermelon snow? algae reddish-white carotenoids mauve

chlorophyll and carotenoids

What two pigments together create the color in golden-brown algae? chlorophyll and phycoerythrin phycoerythrin and fucoxanthin fuxoxanthin and carotenoids chlorophyll and carotenoids

anywhere there is moisture

Where are you likely to find diatoms? near the nucleus in the mineral that creates diamonds sand anywhere there is moisture


__________________________ is the scientific name of the algae Columbus encountered in the Sargasso Sea.


a brown pigment of the algae

late blight

a devastating plant disease caused by Phytophthera infestans, a member of the phylum Oomycota


a gelatinous extract from red algae that is used as a thickener and stabilizer in the food industry


a gelatinous substance derived from brown algae, used in the food industry as a thickener, stabilizer, and emulsifier


a gelatinous substance derived from red algae, used by scientists as food for growing bacteria in the laboratory

red eyespot

a light-sensitive structure in some microorganisms, important for phototaxis

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