BISC 210 - TEST 1

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Bacteria and archaea are relatively ____________ micrometers in size. They have no _____________.

1 micrometer; nucleus

What are the 6 major groups of microorganisms?

1. Bacteria 2. Fungi 3. Protozoa 4. Viruses 5. Prions 6. Helminths

What are the 6 characteristics of effective scientists?

1. Curiosity 2. Open-mindedness 3. Skepticism 4. Creativity 5. Cooperation 6. Readiness to revise their views of natural processes as new discoveries are made

What are the 3 concepts of the theory of evolution?

1. Documented every day in all corners of the planet 2. An observable phenomenon testable by science 3. A label for a well-studied and well-established natural phenomenon

What are some destructive diseases that are caused by more subtle and slow microorganisms? (3)

1. Female infertility caused by chlamydia infection 2. Liver cancer caused by hepatitis viruses 3. Cervical cancer caused by human papillomavirus

Some diseases once considered noninfectious are now found to be caused by microbes. Give examples.

1. Gastric ulcers caused by Helicobacter pylori 2. Link between certain cancers and bacteria and viruses 3. Cocksackie virus has been associated with diabetes and schizophrenia 4. Multiple sclerosis, OCD, coronary artery disease, obesity linked to chronic microbial infections

What are the 5 I's that represent 5 basic techniques to manipulate, grow, examine, and characterize microorganisms in the laboratory?

1. Inoculation 2. Incubation 3. Isolation 4. Inspection 5. Identification

What are the 5 kingdoms recognized in the universal tree of life?

1. Plants 2. Animals 3. Protista (protozoa) 4. Monera 5. Fungi

What are the 2 types of chemical composition?

1. chemically defined (synthetic) 2. complex; not chemically defined

What are the 8 different functional types?

1. general purpose 2. enriched 3. selective 4. differential 5. anaerobic growth 6. specimen transport 7. assay 8. enumeration

What are the 4 different types of physical state?

1. liquid 2. semisolid 3. solid (can be converted to liquid) 4. solid (cannot be liquefied)

Bacterial and archaeal cells are about _____x (smaller/larger) than eukaryotic cells.

10x smaller

What is a theory?

A collection of statements, propositions, or concepts that explains or accounts for a natural event. The entire body of ideas that expresses or explains many aspects of a phenomenon. A viable declaration that has stood the test of time and has yet to be disproved by serious scientific endeavor.

What is the binomial system of nomenclature?

A combination of the genus name and the species name. The genus name is always capitalized and the species name begins with a lower case letter

Agar is...

A comppolysaccharide isolated from the red algaGelidium

What is the scientific method?

A lengthy process of experimentation, analysis, and testing that eventually leads to conclusions that either support or refute the hypothesis

What is a medium/media?

A nutrient-containing environment in which microbes can multiply

What is a hypothesis?

A tentative explanation to account for what has been observed or measured

In 1928, _____________________ discovered the first antibiotic

Alexander Fleming

What is genetic engineering?

An area of biotechnology that manipulates the genetics of microbes, plants, and animals for the purpose of creating new products and genetically modified organisms (GMOs)

What is a pathogen?

Any agent such as a virus, bacterium, fungus, protozoan, or helminth that causes disease. Nearly 2000 different microbes can cause disease.

_______________ are single-celled microorganisms that are not linked to human disease.



Attempts the orderly arrangement of organisms into taxa (categories)

_________ and __________ accomplish decomposition.

Bacteria and Fungi

What are the 3 different cellular microorganisms?

Bacteria, fungi, and protozoa

What is biological decomposition?

Biological decomposition refers to the transformation of dead matter and waste into simple compounds.

Bacteria are ubiquitous which means they...

Can be found everywhere on earth Ex: deep in earth's crust; polar ice caps; oceans; inside the bodies of plants and animals

Microbiologists study: (5)

Cell structure; growth and physiology; genetics; taxonomy and evolutionary history; and interactions with the living and nonliving environment

What was discovered in the 1970s?

Discovery of restriction enzymes

What are the levels of classification from most general to most specific?

Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species

__________________ showed that women became infected in the maternity ward after examinations by physicians who had been working in the autopsy rooms without washing their hands

Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis

_______________________ observed that mothers who gave birth at home experienced fewer infections than mothers who gave birth in the hospital

Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes

What new and old diseases are increasing? What diseases have largely been eradicated?

Ebola, AIDS, hepatitis C, and viral encephalitis are emerging/reemerging. Polio, leprosy, and parasitic worm diseases have largely been eradicated.

What is the main difference between eukarya and bacteria/archaea?

Eukarya have a true nucleus and bacteria/archaea have no true nucleus.

Semisolid media exhibit...

Exhibits a clot-like consistency at room temperature; contains enough gelatin or agar to thicken but not produce a firm surface; used to determine motility of bacteria; also used to localize a reaction to a specific site

Drug-resistant microbes are not contributing to the increase in infectious disease. True or False?

False. Drug-resistant microbes contribute to the increase in infectious disease.

Student microscopes are much different in structure and function than early microscopes. True or False?

False. Student microscopes are not greatly different in structure and function than early microscopes

___________________ discovered and described bacterial endospores. _________________ also established the term sterile which means...

Ferdinand Cohn (1828-1898) Sterile: completely free of all life forms including spores and virus particles

What is sterile?

Free of all life forms including spores and viruses. A requirement for any instrument used for sampling and inoculation

What 3 microorganisms are classified as eukaryotes? What is their relative size?

Fungi, protozoa, and helminths 10 micrometers in size

What is the scientific method?

General approach taken by scientists to explain a natural phenomenon

What was significant in biology in 2010s and beyond?

Genetic identification of the human microbiome

What did Robert Koch (1843-1910) do?

He established Koch's postulates - a sequence of experimental steps that verified the germ theory; he identified cause of anthrax, TB, and cholera; he developed the pure culture technique; he won the nobel Prize in 1905.

What was Antonie van Leeuwenhoek responsible for?

He made a crude microscope to examine threads in fabrics. He also made drawings of what he called "animalcules" in rainwater and scraped from his teeth.

______________ are also cellular organisms that are not technically considered to be microorganisms.

Helminths. They are visible to the naked eye.

What is the study of immunology?

Immunology is the study of complex web of protective substances and cells produced in response to infection. It includes vaccination, blood testing and allergy. It also looks into the role of the immune system in cancer and autoimmune diseases.

What is the role of industrial microbiology?

It safeguards our food and water. It also includes biotechnology, a branch of microbiology that involves the use of microbial metabolism to produce a desired product. Microbes are used to create amino acids, beer, drugs, enzymes, and vitamins.

______________________ found that microbes in the dust and air have high heat resistance.

John Tyndall (1820-1893)

_____________________ was the first to utilize hand washing and misting operating rooms with antiseptic chemicals. His techniques became the foundation for modern microbial control still in use today.

Joseph Lister

__________________ showed microbes caused fermentation and spoilage; disproved spontaneous generation of microorganisms; developed pasteurization; demonstrated what is now known as Germ Theory of Disease

Louis Pasteur (1822-1895)

Malaria kills about _________________ every year; is transmitted by ______________. Prevention of infection is through ________________________.

Malaria kills about 450,000 every year; is transmitted by mosquitoes. Prevention of infection is through the use of bed nets, which although inexpensive, are too expensive for poor families

What is biotechnology?

Manipulation of microorganisms to make products in an industrial setting

Medical microbiology studies...

Microbes that cause disease in humans and animals. This branch investigates the factors that cause microbes to cause disease as well as various mechanisms for inhibiting them.

What is the purpose of public health microbiology and epidemiology?

Monitor and control the spread of diseases in communities. USPHS, CDC, WHO are all institutions involved in this work.

Eukaryotes appeared how many years after archaea and bacteria?

More than a billion years later

In 1910, ______________ developed a synthetic arsenic drug, salvarsan, to treat syphilis

Paul Ehrlich

Solid media provides...

Provides a firm surface upon which cells can form discrete colonies; used to isolate bacteria and fungi

Who was the first to observe microbes with a microscope in the 1600s?

Robert Hook

____________________ linked a specific microorganism with a specific disese

Robert Koch

Bacterial and Archaeal cells are characterized as (small/large) double-membrane-bound structures that perform specific functions.


What is the study of environmental microbiology?

Studies the effect of microbes on the earth's diverse habitats. Environmental microbiology is divided into four subcategories. Microorganisms in surface water are studied in aquatic microbiology. Soil microbiology is the study of microorganisms in terrestrial environments around the world. Geomicrobiology is the study of microorganisms found in the earth's crust. Astrobiology is the study of microbial life in places other than Earth.

What is the study of agricultural microbiology?

Studies the relationships between microbes and domesticated plants and animals. Plant specialists are concerned with plant diseases, soil fertility, and nutritional interactions. Animal specialists deal with infectious diseases and other animal-microorganism interactions.

What is taxonomy and who developed it?

Taxonomy is the science of classifying biological species. It was developed by Carl von Linné in the 1700s.

What is recombinant DNA technology?

Techniques that allow the transfer of genetic material from one organism to another and to deliberately alter DNA

What is evolution?

The accumulation of changes that occur in organisms as they adapt to their environments

What is nomenclature?

The assignment of scientific names to the various taxonomic categories and individual organisms Understanding and appreciation of microorganisms will be improved by learning a few general rules about how they are named

What are abbreviations in nomenclature?

The genus name can be abbreviated to save space if the genus name has already been stated. Example: Staphylococcus aureus can be abbreviated as S. aureus

What was important in the 2000s?

The importance of small RNAs

What was invented in the 1980s?

The invention of the PCR technique

The majority of microbes live in habitats such as __________ and ___________; are relatively (harmful/harmless) and often (beneficial/non-beneficial). They derive food and other factors from the ______________ ________________.

The majority of microbes live in habitats such as soil and water; are relatively harmless and often beneficial. They derive food and other factors from the nonliving environment.

What is inductive reasoning?

The process of discovering general principles by careful examination of specific cases. Making observations through experimentation. A discovery process that leads to the creation of a general principle.

What is one example that microbes are deeply involved in the flow of energy and food through the earth's ecosystem?

The process of photosynthesis in plants was invented by bacteria and was originally a process that did not produce oxygen known as anoxygenic photosynthesis. Later on, it evolved into the oxygenic photosynthesis seen in plants today. This origin story of photosynthesis proves that bacteria were responsible for changing the atmosphere from nonoxygenated to oxygenated. This oxygen production resulted in the use of oxygen for aerobic respiration as well as the formation of the ozone layer. Photosynthetic microorganisms now account for more than 70% of all photosynthesis on Earth, contributing oxygen to the atmosphere.

What is phylogeny?

The taxonomic scheme that represents the natural relatedness between groups of living things; based on evolution

Why are microbes easy AND difficult to study?

They reproduce rapidly so large populations can be grown in the laboratory to be studied. However they can't be seen directly and must be analyzed through indirect methods in addition to using microscopes.

What is bioremediation?

This process involves the introduction of microbes into the environment to restore stability or to clean up toxic pollutants

Helminths are not technically a microorganism. True or False


Microbes are deeply involved in the flow of energy and food through the earth's ecosystem. True or False?


Microbes have shaped the development of the earth's habitats and the evolution of other life forms for billions of years. True or False?


Microbes must be provided with all of their required nutrients in an artificial medium. True or false?


Parasites cause damage and disease in the host. True or False?


Soon after the earth was formed, the first ancient cells formed and from them bacteria and archaea developed. True or false?


Microbes are the main forces that drive the structure and content of soil, water, and atmosphere. True or False What are some examples?

True Gas production by microbes. Microbes living within the earth's crust. Bacteria and fungi living in complex associations with plants and animals.

What is deductive reasoning?

Using general principles to explain specific observations

Liquid media are...

Water-based solutions that do not solidify at temperatures above freezing and flow freely in a tilted container Ex: Broths, milks, infusions

What are some examples of humans using microorganisms to improve life and shape civilizations?

Yeast for production of bread, wine, and beer. Other fungi used for cheese production. Moldy bread used in Egypt to treat wounds.

Are helminths visible to the naked eye?

Yes, they are multicellular animals whose mature form is visible to the naked eye

Parasites are harbored and nourished by other living organisms called ____.


What is inoculation?

introduction of microbes into or upon media for culture

Bacterial and Archaeal cells (have/lack) organelles.


What are the 6 different branches of microbiology?

medical microbiology; public health microbiology and epidemiology; immunology; industrial microbiology; agricultural microbiology; and environmental microbiology

What are the characteristics of a modern microscope?

more refined lenses, a condenser, finer focusing devices, and built in light sources

What are the 2 different categories that microorganisms can be split into?

noncellular and cellular

What are the three properties that classify media?

physical state, chemical composition, functional type (purpose)

What is a culture?

propogation of microorganisms with various media; growth of microorganisms in or on a nutrient meidium

Mannitol salt agar is both _______________ and _____________. Blood agar is both ______________ and ______________.

selective and differential; enriched and differential

The majority of microorganisms are (singe/double)-celled.

single-celled (all bacterial and archaeal and some eukaryotes)

Microbiology is the...

specialized area of biology that deals with organisms too small to be seen with the naked eye (microorganism/ microbes)

In the 1930s, synthesis of ______________ began


Acellular microorganisms are separated into ____________ and ____________. Their relative size is _______.

viruses and prions; 10 nanometers

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