BJU Heritage Studies 6 Chapter 4

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Describe the kingdoms that resulted from the split.

- 10 northern tribes followed Jeroboam - Northern Kingdom - kept name Israel - capital Samaria - 2 southern tribes, Judah and Benjamin, remained under Rehoboam's rule - Southern Kingdom, took name Judah - capital Jerusalem

How does the Davidic Covenant relate to the Abrahamic Covenant?

- Abrahamic covenant - God promise Abraham that his descendants would become a great nation and all nations would be blessed through him. A great king would come from Judah's tribe (David), who would rule over all and make it right. - In Davidic covenant, there would always be a legitimate heir to David's throne which would be established forever (Jesus) and would set everything right. - Davidic covenant explains the fulfillment of the Abrahamic covenant.

How did archaeological evidence lend support to Pontisu Pilate's role as prefect in Judea?

- Archaeologists discovered a limestone block at Caesarea Maritima that had inscription that was part of dedication to the Tiberius Caesar from Pontius Pilate, prefect of Judea - Bible records that Pilate was the Roman governor of Judea at time of Jesus Christ - Artifact is one of the first discovered that gives Pontius Pilate' sname - Also the first to identify him as the Roman prefect

What cultural ideas and practices of ancient Israel were evident during the Exodus?

- Before final judgment on Egypt, Israelites spread the blood of a sacrificial lamb on each doorpost and on beam above door as God told them to. Their obedience protected them from death. - This is known as Passover - still remembered by Jews today.

How did Israelites worship God in the wilderness?

- Built a tabernacle according to God's instructions - Priests offered daily sacrifice for sins - Once a year, high priest entered holy place and sprinkled sacrificed animal's blood on ark of covenant to symbolize atonement for people's sins

What did the Israelites have to do before they could live in Canaan?

- Conquer it - Purge the people of Canaan from the land - Expected to obey God in order for God to do miraculous works on their behalf

What effects did the New Covenant have on its beneficiaries?

- God promise to restore Israel and Judah from exile - He promised Jews and Gentiles that those who were part of this covenant would receive Holy Spirit - Holy Spirit would change their hearts so they would want to love and obey God - God would forgive his people of all their sins - The covenant was enacted when Jesus died on the cross and rose from grave. - Christians partake in Lord's Supper in remembrance of this covenant

Why is Abraham considered to be the father nation of Israel?

- In Abrahamic Covenant, God promise that Abraham's descendants would become a great nation. - This was fulfilled through Abraham's son Isaac, whose son Jacob had 12 sons that became the 12 tribes of the nation of Israel.

In what ways did both kingdoms depart from true worship of God?

- Jeroboam (Northern) made 2 golden calves and said they were gods of Israel - also introduced to Baal and Ashtoreth - Southern had many places of worship away from the temple - mixed true worship with false worship of people around them

How did Jesus of Nazareth fulfill the messianic promises expressed in the Old Testament covenants?

- Jesus came as Savior in fulfillment of the Old Testament covenants - As descendants of Abraham, Jesus fulfilled Abrahamic Covenant by bringing blessing to all nations - He blessed all nations of earth by being the sacrifice for sin - He gives the Holy Spirit, which fulfills the promises of the New Covenant - As Son of David, Jesus is King who will one day rule on the earth and put an end to the injustice

Who was Josephus?

- Jewish historian - Sided with Romans during destruction of Jerusalem in AD70

What happened during the Diaspora?

- Jews dispersed to other countries - Nebuchadnezzar conquered Judah and destroyed Jerusalem, including the temple - More than 10,000 people were carried away to exile in Babylon

What was Mosaic Covenant and how did it impact people of ancient Israel as well as other people?

- Laws God gave nation of Israel through Moses. - When Israel was obedient, nations around Israel would see great and true God and Israel would be blessed. - God promised to punish Israel's disobedience. - History of Israel shows people cannot keep all God's law by their own efforts.

Contrast Judaism with the revealed religion of the Old Testament?

- Old Testament religion, law instructs people how to live that are pleasing to God and are loving toward others - Law plays same function in Judaism - Judaism teaches that God will judge people at the end according to their obedience to the law - rewarding obedience and judging disobedience (with mercy) - It is clear in Old Testament that no one measures up to God's law. To receive salvation, people need grace and mercy from God

Analyze the impact of Roman rule on the nation of Isarel.

- People were no longer ruled by kings but came under direct Roman rule - They suffered extortion and brutality of Roman governors - Temple was robbed - Jews were beaten, robbed, crucified - Their land was conquered - Capital and temple destroyed - Jewish lives lost in destruction of Jerusalem and through Jewish suicides when Masada was under attack

After the Seleucid Empire was not able to keep the Jews under it's rule, what happened?

- The Jews were able to reestablish their kingdom - A dynasty of kings who were ruthless and highly influenced by Greek culture developed - 2 groups became important in Judea

What is a synagogue?

- a place where Jews gather for worship?

When they conquered the land, how did the Israelites fail to obey?

- allowing some of the people who lived their to remain alive - becoming like the wicked nations around them

What did the Pharisees do?

- continued to stress purity of life and obedience of the Torah - opposed the current rulers

Prophets were called by God to

- forsake idolatry - stop injustices that were caused by wealth and power to oppress others - urge His people back to fellowship with Him

What happened because the Israelites did not listen to the prophet's warning?

- judgment came in 722BC - people of Israel were conquered by Assyrians and carried away as captives

What did the Israelites disobedience lead to?

- punishment followed by God raising a judge to bring the people to repentance - their asking Samuel to give them a king - other nations ruling over parts of Israel

The Sadducees did what?

- saw the importance of power in preserving the Jewish people and their worship at the temple - worked with Romans, which sometimes involved corruption and injustice

What happened when God led the Israelites from Sinai to the edge of Canaan?

- the people lacked faith and complained - the Israelites wandered in the wilderness for 40 years because they did not trust God

Know the order of these events:

1 - Israel shifted from Herodian dynasty to Roman rule 2 - Zealots plotted to overthrow Rome through military action 3 - Florus robbed the temple and used brutality against the Jews 4 - A rebellion erupted against Florus 5 - Jews ambushed and defeated the Romans during their rebellion against Florus 6 - Vespasian and his Roman legions conquered the country surrounding Jerusalem 7 - Titus and his army surrounded Jerusalem 8 - Jerusalem and temple were destroyed 9 - Zealot Jews died when Romans besieged Masada 10 - Israel ceased to exist as a nation 11 - Nation of Israel was reborn

What caused the kingdom of Israel to split?

12 tribes asked Solomon's son Rehoboam to rule them more gently but he said he would rule them more severely, which caused the kingdom to split

What is the purpose of the Feast of Tabernacles? How long does it last?

A time to remember the 40 years of wandering in the wilderness - 7 days

Who was the man whose descendants became the nation of Israel?


What is the agreement in which God promised Abraham this his descendants would become a great nation and that through him all nations of the world would be blessed?

Abrahamic Covenant

Did the Jews who lived under Greek rule shun or adopt the customs and lifteyle of the Greeks?


What is a legion?

An army consisting of 3,000-6,000 soliders

Who was the Seleucid king who became rule of Judea in 176 BC?

Antiochus IV

What is the purpose of the Feast of Weeks? How long does it last?

Celebration and thanksgiving for God's provision - 7 weeks

What was the purpose of the Feast of Unleavened Bread? How long does it last?

Celebration of God leading the Israelites out of bondage in Egypt - 7 days

Who was the second king of Israel; loved and obeyed God?


What was the agreement in which God promised to establish David's throne forever?

Davidic Covenant

What is the scattering of the Israelites to many other nations at the time of Babylonian captivity?


Antiochus greatly offended the Jews by doing what?

Entering the temple and seizing its treasures and sacred vessels.

Who was a Jew who was chosen to be queen by King Xerxes of Persia and whom God used to save the Israelites in Babylon from destruction?


What is the Israelites departure from Egypt known as?


What was the name given to Greeks and other people who are not Jews?


The Septuagint made the Old Testament available to who?

Gentiles and to Jews who did not speak Hebrew

What became a common language?


The rededication of the temple was celebrated by the festival called what?


What is the yearly Jewish celebration of the rededication of the temple after the victory over the Seleucids?


What is the nation God made from the descendants of Jacob - Northern Kingdom after Israel split?


What is the capital of Israel?


Who is God's Son, second person of Trinity, promise Messiah


What is a rabbi?

Jewish religious leader

What is the river east of Israel that flows through the Sea of Galilee to the Dead Sea?

Jordan River

Who was the Jewish historian, sided with Romans during destruction of Jerusalem in AD80


What is the monotheistic religion of the Jews?


Who led a revolt against the Seleucids?

Judas Maccabeus

Who was the leader of the Jewish revole against the Seleucids in the 2nd century BC?

Judas Maccabeus

When Alexander the Great's kingdom was divided, what lay on the border between Egypt and Syria?


When the Greeks conquered the Persians, what became part of the Greek Empire?


Antiochus put Jews to death for doing what?

Keeping the Sabbath or for owning a copy of the Torah

What is an army consisting of 3-6,000 soldiers?


Who was Abraham?

Man whose descendants became nation of Isarel

What is the Old Testament name for the promise Redeemer, Jesus Chris?


What is the belief in one God?


What is the agreement in which God gave the nation of Israel His law through Moses?

Mosaic Covenant

Where were David's and Solomon's kingdoms?

Most of Syria and Jordan (see map on AM 64)

The agreement in which God promised to give His Holy Spirt and to transform the hearts of His people to love and obey Him.

New Covenant

As Egypt and Syria fought each other, was Judea under the rule of one or the other?

No, never

What is a celebration that honors the Lord's deliverance of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt?


Who was the Jewish religious teacher?


Who are the people in the Northern Kingdom of Israel; descendants of conquered peoples who intermarried with the Israelites?


Who was the last judge in Israel; anointed Saul to be king?


Who was the first king of Israel?


What was the Greek translation of the Old Testmanet?


Where is Israel today?

South of Syria, borders Med Sea (see map on AM 64)

What became the center of worship for God's people after the tabernacle?


What is Judaism?

The monotheistic religion of the Jews

The high priest often denounced what?

The sinful life of the Greeks

What did Israelites believe about God?

They believed in one God, Yahweh

Map: Know Israel, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria

Top left Lebanon (borders Med Sea) Top right Syria Bottom left Israel (borders Med Sea) Bottom right - Jordan

What are the first 5 books in Old Testament called - the Pentateuch?


While Antiochus was fighting in Egypt, what did the Jews do?

Tried to overthrow his appointed leaders

What is the Hebrew name for the one true God?


What does it mean to abosrb?


What is the restoration of the broken relationship between God and people?


What is the place where the Jews gather for worship?


What is the portable place of worship used by Israelites in the wilderness ; symbolized God's presence with the people?


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