black Lives Matter

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All Lives Matter

A slogan that has come to be associated with criticism of the Black Lives Matter movement. I do not believe that this slogan is bashing because african americans do judge other races and that say that we should all be equal with other races or we should should be treated the same. I am not saying what africans americans are doing is right or wrong neither am I saying that what whites are doing is right or wrong also. All I suggest is that we need a fine line of what right is right and wrong is wrong.

Black Lives Matter

An international activist movement that was created by the African American community, expresses their thoughts against violence and racism towards the black community. What does black lives matter movement means to me?


What I learned about myself the most is that I am starting to be even more aware of my surroundings. I learned more about myself than ever. I learned that I am very passionate about the lives and to also the life of my family and friends. I not educated you guys as my classmates and peers but I educate myself. How do we affect change in a world when only half of us are invited or feel welcome to praticapte- Emma Watson


Brendon Glenn, 29, Christian Taylor, 19-An unarmed black Angelo State University football player was shot and killed during a suspected burglary at an Arlington, Texas, car dealership last August. Michael Brown Jr., 18 Brown, a black teenager, was gunned down by a white police officer in Ferguson, Mo., after stealing cigarillos from a convenience store. Ezell Ford, 25 killed weeks after brown being killed. Trayvon Martin killed not by an officer but by a mean who thought was a threat with on;y skittles and arizona in his hand. no weapons was found. Eric Garner, 43 Garner died July 17, 2014, after a police officer in Staten Island, N.Y., placed him in an illegal chokehold during an encounter on the sidewalk, where police said Garner was selling illegal cigarettes. I can't breath. Tamir Rice, 12 Rice was shot and killed in a park in Cleveland on Nov. 22, 2014. Oscar Grant 22 years old being killed on new year's day for being at the wrong place at the wrong crime.

Survey Questions

Do you think the name "Black Lives Matter" is overrated? Yes No On the scale from 1-10 ( 1 being you completely agree, 10 completely you disagree) "Do you believe police brutality exist?" Choose one 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Do you think Blacks lives are equal? Yes No Do you think Black on Black crimes should be included in the Black Lives Matter movement? Yes No

Why did I choose this topic?

I chose this topic because, as young women of color I have seen and experience racism first hand. Racism isn't a joke. I do not understand why people have the time of day to dehumanize other humans, You say we are equal and we all have the right, but in reality we are not.


In conclusion, this project is not about how we can "fix" the way people think. This project is not to say that black lives are superior than others lives. We need to acknowledge other lives do matter too no matter the color of your skin. All lives matter. No life should be worth more than any others and if someone feels that way, than they will never be able to live in a country of freedom nations and freedom to live. This project is to educate everyone about what has been going on with our society and how we should fix it. We live in a era that has many terrified of being pulled over and evening go outside in their neighborhood, and being put in jail for some else's crime because someone happens to look similar to a possible suspect. We should not be trying to go against other races, saying one race is more superior than another or saying that black people have a leverage in life. We need to come together as a nation of many races and save everyone's lives by changing one mind at a time.

Why is it sad?

It is sad because. we are still blind. We see color instead of seeing potential. Everyone is different no matter of race or gender. If everyone from different races, gender, sexuality, or religion was in a dark room the only thing they would care about is how to turn on the light.

Why is this topic so relevant?

This topic is still relevant because, we live in a day and age that many African Americans feel targeted. We say racism doesn't exist, but many are still victims of the past.

Police brutality

Police brutality, the use of excessive and or unnecessary force by police officers when dealing with civilians. Regardless of your race or gender, you could be a victim of police brutality. If a person was in a situation where they experience police misconduct, he or she needs to write down the names of all witnesses of the accident and if he or she has encounter any injuries that they should take photos of them.


The Black Lives Matter Movement was officially brought to life in 2013 as a movement that says Black Lives Matter too. Despite the controversy surrounding the movement, the Black Lives Matter movement is an important step towards acknowledging mistreatment and furthering equality for African Americans in our society.

Black Lives matter Movement

These women are the co-founder of the #blacklivesmatter. These women felt that enough is enough, we need to change our society and they people view view African American. WE NEED A CHANGE AND WE NEED IT NOW!

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