blackbox, important anecdotes #1

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#goldennugget 9/1/22 Coaching call The 3 C's Strength is required, strength in myself and my sense of determination to lead my prospect to a better place. If I'm uncertain, If I lack conviction, if I lack confidence...then it's game over. I need certainty overcomes their doubt. I need conviction overcomes their disbelief. I need confidence overcomes their insecurity. The foundation of this rests within my self and beliefs systems, mindset and skillset. Then it expands outward to the product or offer I'm selling and whether I believe in it or not (best you believe to increase The 3 C's)


#goldennugget Get a solid yes- when confirming if this works for them get a solid yes. Separate the yes's portion for what we can do that will work and what the prospects may have concerns- then double down on the yes. Getting an unsure answer for will this work for you is like getting on a boat with holes, 2 things will happen. You are going to paddle a lot harder and struggle to get where you or going your going to sink and your up to your neck in water were nowhere to go. Take the time to patch up the holes and get into the solid yes boat.


#goldennugget Ye golden nugget. Lately, I've been getting more and more calls where the prospect is there "looking for more information" or getting confused when I ask them if they know what they are looking for specifically... Something I've been struggling with is asking the same thing but in a different way... We went over today during the RP, a few different ways to deal with the information gathers and to ask in another way, Such as "besides information, what is the outcome you are specifically looking for?" Or "in terms of what we do, what end did you have specifically in mind?" I tend to over complicate things, and get so stuck on 'the script' that it takes me a while to break free from a structure, until I fully grasp the concept...a work in progress


#goldennugget (put it at the top Imran Ahmed so I might get extra points) A golden nugget from The Objection Box as a whole - Focusing on the results (the ting that the ting does, not the ting) Had a guy who was skeptical about how "simple" the business model we coach people on is, and I basically said something along the lines of: "I get it, you want the shiny things in life, it's how we humans like to build value and rationalise things. But let me ask you - do you what the shiny thing, or do you want the actual results from the business? Cause if you the want the shiny thing, then we aren't that, I don't care about all the gadgets and the little things, but then always complaining that you haven't got the results, But what I do care about, is getting you results, and getting your clients what do you actually want? The shiny, or the results?" Got the sale On another call, I always refer to us as the vehicle, and they were getting caught up on nitty gritty stuff aswell, so I said - "it sounds like you're getting more caught up on the colour of the car, rather than if the car can get you from A-B and fit your whole family in. Do you actually want to get from A-B...cause we can get you there, but only if you want to get there and put the work in..." I'm enjoying taking people to the results rather than the thing, it's a great reframe to get them out of their head abit more


#goldennugget 09.09.22Great rp with the guys! Some powerful reminders and analogies shared. Thanks Josh Liddell Imran Ahmed Aron Canlas1. "I'm looking for a side hustle" - If you are going to look at this as a side hustle, we might not be a good fit. Treating it as a side hustle is like treating this as a hobby. You pay to enjoy a hobby right?What we want here are people who are serious and want to make this their full time, and in that way they get paid like a professional and a proper business owner. That's when you make profits. Make sense? Which one is it for you?2. "I just want to get the info, and I'll do the rest on my own" - Yeah, that's not a problem. Many people do that. And the reason they do that is because they think they have an unlimited amount of resource which is actually limited - TIME!You see, I have a friend, Paul who told me a story. Paul and John were on the same journey to get XYZ goal using 'YOUR VEHICLE'. However, John thought he was smart enough and did not want to spend money on hiring a mentor to help him. He went on the internet, googled stuff, youtubed stuff and got a bunch of information and tried to piece them together. After 2 years of doing all these things, he did get some results, but they were not too much and they were not consistent. When he took everything into consideration, it had cost him more than $20k. This is the amount of time he spent putting the information together, the cost of testing things out and losing money doing it, but more importantly, the emotional cost. He was so stressed and even got more grey hair.On the other side, Paul did not to waste time, or money trying to figure things out by himself. He invested in a mentor who had been there and done what he wanted to do. That mentor showed him step by step what to do and more importantly, gave him feedback every step of the way. In 6 months, Paul was making $10k/m. Now just making that $10k/m is great, because that's an income stream, he's built and that can be grown. However, the biggest thing here is that Paul saved a ton of time and money! You see all the information you want is out there, it's putting it together is what takes time. And it's the mistake you make that costs you money!Here's the thing, John has still not found the answer, and is about to start working with us now, but he could have spend another 10 years and another $100k before finding the answer. Is that what you want or do you want to save yourself a lot of time, money and stress?What do you feel you should do today to get yourself in Paul's position? (Story inspired by Aron Canlas)3. In inaction - "I will find a way" - Yeah, of course you will find a way. I'm not saying you won't. However you've been trying to X number of years and are you there yet? Here's the thing there is a difference between trying and actually getting there right? So what would happen if after trying another 2,3,5 years, you are still not there? How would that make you feel?


#goldennugget 30-08-22 5 simple chronological steps to a SALE North Star---->Future Pace---->Inaction ---->Pitch----->Objection Handle However, if you're feeling like NOT getting paid... Jumble them up, skip some of the steps... even miss some of them out completely & if you're feeling super cocky, probe and clarify all the way through as you freestyle your way to a NO SALE! *You can't "inaction" question someone effectively without future pacing... YOU CAN'T TAKE AWAY WHAT THEY DON'T KNOW THEY ARE MISSING, ULTIMATELY LEAVING YOU WITH NO LEVERAGE AND NO SALE. *When you're future pacing, make sure you're using the appropriate identity frame ie: 19 year old hotshot may not be interested in what reaching their goal would do for their family/girlfriend, hamster etc... likely to be more interested in themselves... "So Josh, How would YOU feel.. personally, knowing YOU achieved the 20k per month goal? "How would life be different for YOU compared to how it is now?" 7Bill Walsh and 6 others Seen by 47 Like Comment Send


#goldennugget 30/8 Coaching Call - Future Pace The 3 identities is SOOO powerful. How would it feel when you're spending more time (or achieving XYZ) with your family/kids/loved ones? How would your family feel about you being there for them instead of being on the road for 80 hours a week? And for you, not just as a dad & husband but you personally, how would you feel knowing that you have achieved this for you & your family? Would love to see anyone coming back from that & giving "I need to think about it" Definitely would go through the replay a few times because mastering this is crucial.


#goldennugget Drinking from the fire hose. Its awesome how well the basics are drilled. Simple and Sinister!! From the recording of the coaching call last Thursday: it was awesome how Bill handled when they ask for references or to talk to someone. Why would you go off someone elses opinion? do you want to marry your neighbors wife? Great break down of the call frame work - Northstar- Furture pace- Inaction- Pitch- Objection Handle. Dont prob and clarify to nowhere dont talk yourself into an objection. ie- bring up if their partner is on board- better way is asking how their partner would feel if you were making 20k per month. Todays call was a reinforcement of the basics again and a detailed break down of Future pacing!! Love it!! one Questions, When I become a top sales person, does the cool accent automatically come or is that a different class? I am definitely in the right place!! 55 Seen by 42 Like Comment Send


#goldennugget UNSTUCK call 9/8/22 While the help I needed was more along the lines of validation of my thoughts- Bill gave me some extra things to consider. Some statements I found profound: 'you don't want to rely on anybody to make your money' - the context being that doing extra things to help both the business and yourself are good (getting into FB group, adding value to both the business but also (maybe more importantly?) your stature within that group. In the context of a prospect trying to cook dinner in the middle of a conversation- something that my current offer seems to draw those types of people- not tolerating their flippant attitude... if they can't be serious, why should we? the statement (paraphrased)- look buddy, I'm not walking around your apartment looking up your nose. Either you can sit down and we can have a serious conversation or not- which do you choose. (sound like anyone we know?)


#goldennugget for 7/5 Embarrassed to say that was my first call I was on with how long I've been in the group. My god that was fun and productive. Fastest hour passed in the whole day. Now on to the actual nuggets.... 3 actual objections: - Money - Logistics - Fear And be more fkng direct. All of these things that I think would TRASH the call just... don't. Bill Walsh saying "would Jesus not want to be successful?" and "so is that a Jesus thing or is that you?" And honestly when you hear that 3rd party it sounds fkng brutal. But I pretended he said it to me and it lands like a brutally honest friend... not like an ahole.


#goldennugget from Role Play this morning was working on a better intro and not have so many words upfront, especially with the leads that I am calling. I have already set 2 appointments implementing. Thanks Kyle & Adam! I'm in my second week full time with life insurance and the script I've been given started out: Hey _____, this is Brock calling, looks like you had filled out a request to get some information on the state regulated burial and final expense programs. The one where you listed __/__/___ as your birthday, is that correct? Or another is: Hey ______, this is Brock over at the underwriting office in TX. Before you hang up on me, I'm not a telemarketer, I'm just getting back to YOU on the request you filled out for some info on the state regulated final expense programs, you listed your birthday as __/__/____, is that correct? I updated to: Hey ____, this is Brock with the Benefit center here in (wherever I'm calling from), I was wondering if you could help me out for a minute? Well, I'm not sure you could yet... I just had a request come across my desk that you were looking to get some more information on the state regulated burial & final expense programs and I'm not sure if you've spoken with anyone about this yet. I was just reaching out to see if you've already found the coverage you were looking for or are you still looking?


#goldennugget from watching North Star Class 15.07.22 I'm not selling the thing, I'm selling the it will make them feel. This hit home for me because I follow the teachings of Abraham Hicks regarding the abundance of the universe and they speak often about how it is not the thing (no matter what the thing is) that people want but rather how that thing will make them feel. It's all about improving how we feel.


#goldennugget$ 9-1-22 coaching call Always confirm first if they feel what you do CAN get them what they're wanting. If you ask if they feel what you do CAN help them get to what they want with uncertainty you will trigger a could, possibly, maybe. If you sense uncertainty go after why they feel it CAN, always acknowledge what they say about wanting to either think about it or go and talk to their partner so they feel heard. And clarify what they feel unsure of only after you've gone for the CAN so you can flush any uncertainty or doubt in your prospects mind. Any unaddressed lingering doubts will leave your prospects leaning more towards the no. Figure out why they need, want, feel or have to go to the wife. Like what's really coming up for them. Once you get that you can move forward. Use mini yeses to turn a hard no into a yes. You're dealing with a tremendous amount of uncertainty, a tremendous amount fear and people that are holding themselves back and people that invested a lot of money and got nothing back. So how do you deal with that how do you overcome uncertainty? By being certain in your questions, in the words you use in your product, in yourself and your belief that you CAN actually get them the results they want.


8/22/22 Golden Nugget: This can be for everyone, but especially the newbies... I am entering my 3rd week in the OBJ BOX and I'm trying to catch up to all of you big dogs. I re-watched the Partner video from 8/2/22 which was my first "live" coaching call. I had taken a bunch of notes the first time around, which were solid. But when I viewed the call again, I learned SO MUCH MORE. I would advise anyone to watch the content again, because there is so much going on, you are bound to miss some really good stuff... especially if you are new here and trying to figure out what is going on behind the words. The words are important, but the understanding and internalization of WHY we say what we say is where the money lies!!


9/1/2022 - Coaching Call - #GoldenNugget You don't want to overcook the part of what elements they feel can help them. Don't oversell it and put words into the prospect's mouth. Let them express it themselves. Stay out of the gray area, get a YES or NO. Know the framework, not a script Once you get the equity of why it can work, then you can go after why it can't. Which can then flush out the real objection. If they go with a time logistics objection, push to get them to commit to a down payment and get started today


9/6/22 Coaching call Failure is not the opposite of's part of it. We are conditioned to believe they are opposite, such as life and cannot exist without the other, one implies the other. As stated before, sales like success, like life is not linear... Failure is an amazing teacher for one's to garner a lesson from pain, then to wallow in the depths of despair during a supposed "defeat" or "rut"... If one can reframe failure into data/results and and muster the strength to press on, success is inevitable.


A word track for reframing certainty that I have been trying and has been working well. Sounds like you are looking for a bit of certainty at this point? yeah definitely need some certainty And we are in agreement that this will work for you, correct? Yes Well let's say you did jump in actually decided to take that step and 6 months from now you are actually earning XYZ per month and are providing to your family in the way that you want... At that point would you feel pretty certain in the skills that you learned from the program? Oh.. well yeah of course.. So how do you expect to have that level of certainty right now, if you haven't done something like this before? BOOM. Let me know what you think!


Golden nugget Regardless of what part of the sale it's the same things you need hit everytime just dressed up a little differently but regardless if its a DM set, Triage or a strategy call always: Do they know what they need Why now Future pace Inaction Pitch Obj handle


Bill unstuck call 1/9 - Golden Nugget Thanks for the North star coaching Bill Walsh Also, for the FEAR - Aeroplane reframe Going to use this and hopefully nail it to help the customer make a decision - in or out my friend. Fear - Aeroplane I could tell you how every step in the process works but would that really make a difference in terms of you getting there or not - probably not right? So, you're looking to see how the car goes from point A to point B. Do you really care how the actual engine works or do you just want to know that it gets you there? Let me ask you this, when you get on a plane - do you go and sit in the cockpit and say to the pilot - hey my friend, can you let me know what all these buttons do and how I am going to get from Miami to New York. I want to know exactly what those buttons do at the right velocity, height, speed and I'm not sitting down on my seat until you show me that. If you did that he'd tell you to fk off right? So, what you do is, you have to trust and know and believe in yourself that once you go onto that aeroplane and you get into your seat and you go to sleep that you are going to wake up and arrive in New York, correct? So, for you is it about getting to where you want to go or how do you feel?


Golden Nugget (unstuck call) When the prospect says... I wanna go talk to whoever about it. Still go through the yes we're on the same page and why etc. * Essentially you're asking someone else to be in control of your confidence.* It's up to you. (I changed the verbiage for my situations) That's so simple, but




GOLDEN NUGGET - Partner/money 21.06.22 Minute: 22:15 "So when you actually put words and money together then the actions speak as well" Minute: 30;30B2B Decision Maker Ok, can I ask then, in terms of the business structure, how do you guys make decisions? Ok, and can I ask whose business is it? Ok, and so who's leading the ship... are you leading the ship, or is everyone leading the ship? Like when you get on a plane, who flies the plane... Does the flight attendant fly the plane or... The pilot... so are you the pilot or who's the pilot? Ok so if you are the pilot and you're the person that's ultimately in charge of making decisions, what do you need to do... And I don't mean go and speak with Tom, Dick, or Harry down the road... i mean you... What are the ultimate decisions you need to make to put your company in a position where it's not right now?


GOLDEN NUGGET FROM Adam's WHY get a North Star in the first place? The structure of the call is: (Steps 1-5 is finding the North Star) Ask what they're looking for specifically (specific goal) What are they currently doing to achieve that specific goal How long they've been doing it that way Whether they can get there doing what they're doing or have to make some small changes How long have they been trying to get to their goal Why is it so important now Future pace Consequence/ Cost of inaction Pitch Objection handle


GOLDEN NUGGET... "Hard leads make STRONG Salespeople, Easy leads make SOFT Salespeople" - My motto for the past week14 Closing Calls FDQ - (Financial Disqualified): 8 No Close: 2 PIF: 1 CTC - (Commitment to Close): 2Reflections from the Week: Lost 2 sales this week because of a lack of mental flexibility, preparation, and getting too emotionally involved in their refusal to take action toward their goals (aka wanting the sale too much).... Alot of leads this week has been seriously lacked the finances like no money no credit zero...I need to script out the transition to the down-sell and asking them to purchase that on the call with me instead of leaving it to them...then unstuck call it for review with Bill Walsh ...the roleplay it out The unstuck call from 7/12 with Ben Bozzoni and Bill Walsh was really helpful as it was exactly how I've been feeling! still leaning too heavily on the uncertainty with the future pace when asking about what they will do with the money so that will be the focus of my roleplay sessions with James Zhang, Adam Paul Taylor and the rest of my Objection Box Tribe


GOLDEN NUGGET... - 2 Calls I had today Objection Handling call: I decided to use some objection handling frameworks from some other trainers that I'm sure we're all familiar with, good stuff, no doubt but...there is a better way! After I ran the pattern from a previous trainer the member was still resistant calm but logically objecting. As soon as I ran the fear|doubt|uncertainty framework Big Bill Walsh shared the prospect practically melted! Committed! Collecting the first installment later this month! First Call (triage) ran the new "North Star" scripting and boom got wayyyy more in a shorter time frame! They were practically throwing the problems and challenges at me! Long story short: THIS STUFF WORKS!!!!!


GOLDEN NUGGET... - UNSTUCK CALL TODAY Bill Walsh You can't fix stupid...but you can in subtle & not so subtle ways let them know that they are being stupid The entire call is objection handling not just at the end! Adam Paul Taylor - Don't be stuck on just the words in the script get the you know what you're trying to get out of the question you're asking Marcus Camenzuli taking them down to build them up in goal and vision can be easier


GOLDEN NUGGET: It's a small one but powerful. There is no such thing as follow-up for someone who hasn't made even the smaller commitment EG> Card details at a minimum.Stop chasing crap in the 'pipeline' and help people get over their shit.


Golden Nugget Ive spent way over $40k+ in mentorships and this is the first time I have come across "REAL ACCOUNTABILITY" Wish I had this from every mentorship I've been in. *Newbie to this group so I'm just getting up to speed with it all.


Golden Nugget Sitting on the call today, I really understood how much Bill Walsh cares about every SINGLE one of us.... We were roleplaying, battling it out, sharpening our swords.. quickfire round... 'Go go go!'... But then we started having a few 'laughs', and got hit by the Irish Hammer.... I think I can speak for many, that it dawned on me we're not here to f**k about... to go 'half in' on role plays... Do elite boxers go 'half ass' when they spar for a title fight?... NEVER! They SHOW UP and take it just as if it's the REAL battle... All those hours of blood, sweat, and tears coming to fruition for them to be ready... still... poised.... to leave it ALL in the ring... No regrets.... No excuses... I thought I was training hard enough, but I know now that if I REALLY want to have a long lasting career in this space so that I never have to worry again... I NEED to work HARDER! An illness took my life away for almost 2 years... and in that time I couldn't work, I got into debt... and I was at the lowest point in my life... Now... I have a chance to re-build with this training, and with people who are walking on the same path... People I hope that one day I can call my close friends... I have a chance to put the past behind me... We all do.... And there's no way in HELL that I'm going to take this opportunity I have for granted again!


Golden Nugget - 01/09 When dealing with objections it's super important to get a firm "yes" to "do you feel this process can get you where you're wanting to go" if they say maybe then get mini yes's before going after a no and this should flush out the real objection E.g. Me: "do you feel this can get you to where you want to go?" Prospect: "I think so" Me: "So which part of what we've gone through do you feel is gonna help you get where you want to go the most? P: "the coaching" Me: "what about the coaching specifically?" P: "xyz" Me: "and aside from the coaching is there anything else in there that you feel can help you get to $20k months?" P: "yeah the _____" Me: "you seemed a little uncertain about something a minute ago... so with everything there that we've kind of stacked up there... what's coming up for you or what is it you're feeling a little uncertain about? P: OBJECTION this was super helpful because it shows how deep I need to go and how to handle this properly as I've had this come up a couple times Thanks Bill


Golden Nugget - 13/07 Roleplay Thanks Adam for reinforcing this: There are only 3 real objections - Money, fear and Logistics Other objections are just smokescreens so this is something I have to work on that I'm listening out specifically for these 3 objections. Due to past teachings Partner objection has been viewed as a legit objection so that needs to change as I could have cut out an entire objection loop had I gone through the main objections rather than partner. This would have taken a few mins off the call time, less risk of pissing off the client with constantly asking questions and also LESS WORK FOR ME Guess I've got to stop making more work for myself


Golden Nugget - 25/8 Coaching Call (Also included the North Star framework for Biz Op/Make money offers) 1. Get the ultimate goal - North Star FIRST before asking any other question, that's why we call it the North Star it literally leads the conversation. 2. If people waffle and give you pain at the top of the conversation, you need to respectfully interrupt and turn their attention to the Goal they want to achieve. For example: During RP Ben kept talking about how he wanted his time back to spend with his family, we need to interject and ask "In regards to you being able to get your time back & stop working 70 hour weeks, how much income would you need to be generating in your business to do so?" 3. Structure for my offer (Ecom/Amazon/Biz Op) M: Appreciate you hoping on the call my man. Can I ask, what are you looking for specifically? P: I am trying to understand what you guys do to help me get started with my business. M: Yeah definitely can go through all of that but in regards to you personally, what are you ultimately looking to achieve specifically? P: I want to get to 10K/month M: What are you currently doing about making 10k/month? P: Nothing just working a 9-5 M: And how much are you making from that? P: 3K/month M: Do you feel like with your current 9-5 you can actually get to 10k/month or would you need to make some small changes? P: Oh I'd definitely need to make some changes M: Totally understand, and how long have you wanted to achieve 10k/month? P: 5 years M: Okay and what have you actually done in the past 5 years to put yourself in a position to get to 10k/month? P: Nothing much just been looking around M: I hear you, so besides just achieving 10k/month because like you said you have wanted that for the past 5 years... Why is this so important to you.. NOW tho? As opposed to continue doing what you're doing Hope this helps everyone! 88 4 Comments Seen by 52 Like Comment Send


Golden Nugget - Bill's call I like the way you used his own life As an analogy... If you knew what you were doing you would be selling to Realtors with the same level of confidence you use when you sell watches. --- Listening to a live call gave me a deeper understanding of real coaching. I realize it's not about the words it's more so the mindset but here's how I see it. Paraphrasing here: "Respectfully speaking I wouldn't be much of a coach if I did not challenge you to draw the line in the sand and actually commit to your family and your future. It's not about the money it's a matter of integrity because a coach's job is to make you uncomfortable and walk you through the fear you're feeling right now so that on the other side of this you become who you want to be... So listen... No Disrespect to you... I am not questioning your work ethic or that you put 100% effort once you get started... The real issue is that up until this point you've been making comfortable decisions and every comfortable decision came with limitations. But you just sat here and told me that you wanted to live a life without limitations so can I challenge you enough to make an uncomfortable decision to have the life you really want... Not for me... but for you and your future." --- It's not about me... when do you want to be successful? Do you think the Adrian 6 months from now would want you to wait? Everybody wants everything now as long as there is a comfortable way to start but all do respect if you wait till you're comfortable you'll never get started so can I challenge you to... -- I like that tone or the coaching angle and actually see it in action --- I've never had a mentor who showed their own calls and the call reflects what's actually taught


Golden Nugget - Roleplay 11/07 Sift out and close the door to all other objections before assuming anything else... If it's a fear objection, arm yourself with a few analogies that can be peppered into the conversation to help give the prospect a different perspective and make things more understandable... Be direct (but not in a d*ickhead way). If you're genuinely coming from a place of wanting to help, you can have 'real talk' and position it in a way that you're not there to be their friend, but you are there to get them out of their own way... Certainly, Certainly, Certainty! Phrases like 'cards on the table' and 'let's have THAT conversation' in reference to what's REALLY coming up cuts through all the BS and opens doors for you to have a conversation where they trust in you to lead them to where they want to go! Also, Justin Kopet smashed the fear obj today... KILLER in the making!


Golden Nugget - Why wouldn't Jesus Christ want you to reach your goal. That was a great take away to a smoke screen. I love role playing the fear objection. That is one that I personally need to get better at because I continue to see it in my sales calls. Also got a 2 Pay last Saturday - Collected $1,500.


Golden Nugget Coaching Call 8/30 - You can't ask an open-ended question and expect a specific answer! - Future Pace after asking the fixed question "what would XYZ do for you personally?" the questions following that are designed to get them to sensually experience it (the tangibles) so they can believe it!


Golden Nugget: Inaction Questions Class 16.06.22 Key Takeaway: Keep it Simple For me looking back at my calls i confused people asking the consequence question and it never felt right or comfortable I use to say: What happens if nothing changes and XYZ doesn't happen and you don't get to ABC in the next 6- 12 -24 months. Typical Reply: What do you mean? I don't understand your question Say it again? Now it's just simpler THE OTHER SIDE OF THIS IS YOU MAKE NO CHANGE YOU DON'T TAKE THE OPTION FROM HERE WHAT DOES THAT LOOK LIKE TO YOU MOVING FORWARD?


Golden Nugget 06/30 Bill is not here to make money on us, but to develop us. We can be kicked off, refunded if we not put in the work. First time I'm seeing something like that. I admit, although I have been putting the work I have all objections on index cards and going over them every single morning as well as going over the sessions multiple times, I failed. I failed myself, I failed Bill and I failed you guys. For the last 3 coaching sessions, I have not been posting my nuggets here. I have been telling myself that I'm learning, I'm putting the work so who cares, but now I see that Bill cares. So this is my commitment to you guys, after each session same day I'll be posting my nuggets here. Anyone here who wants to connect to keep each other accountable for that? Golden nugget for the class Slow down. This is something that I've been struggling before. I was trying to go through script, process too fast. I slowed down since getting into TOB, and now everything got easier lol. 3/3 for the day 2 PIF's 1 split Live gets easy lol


Golden Nugget 08/25 Coaching call Always get the specific outcome i.e Money amount that will get them what they want i.e Time/Freedom Skipping this will wreck the call and if it takes staying in the pocket in the beginning to get it, then so be it.


Golden Nugget 09/07 Coaching call To overcome fear get the prospect to commit to his family, kids & future. Its time to put a "line in the sand" How would the 'future paced" successful prospect answer when put on the spot? He'll show up and step up to the time for excuses or smokescreens. Time for the Prospect to step up & get out of his own way! 44 Seen by 42 Like Comment Send


Golden Nugget 18.8.22 Coaching Call A LOT. Adam spinning Nicholas around. Pausing to break the cycle, listing what they've through and getting a binary option for yes or no Trinity role play with Bill calling out the cheaper analogy and normalising it, well look I'll be brutally honest if you're looking for the cheapest option we're not it. Then working in analogy of phone/ipods. And then doubling down on do you want the cheapest option or do you want to guarantee success Also the way that he neutralised it by saying do you feel it can or are we way off, to get that confirmation and break the wishy washy answers Added a lot of that into my objections script. Thank yoU!


Golden Nugget 2-8-22 (Partner Objection Class) Don't use the word DEPOSIT, use the word DOWN-PAYMENT - Psychologically it makes people commit to making a change & they're more likely to come back with the full payment & figure out the logistics instead of it being a deposit which feels like they'd be okay with losing that bit of money. I will post more nuggies after I go through the full class but this language change was super important for me.


Golden Nugget 8/4/22 -Save energy/Take more calls = by only having to objection handle 1 - 2 calls.You don't probe/clarify ALL questions...Low hanging fruits = objection handlingAgenda: Don't run one. What you are going today is walk around the store and buy stuff...Structure:Do you know what you are looking for specifically?-Goal: Grow money-Specifically: RetireBy when:How much do you need: Lump sum / Monthly amount$1,000,000 or $10K a month in income--What are you currently doing now to...---How long have you been doing that for...-----Do you fell the way you have been trying to make $20K with what you are doing is going to get you there as fast as you want... or do you feel you need to make some small changes.../tweaks... (chunk to make more reasonable)------How long has $20K been a goal for you?------(optional/if person is opening up) - Why do you feel that with what you are doing... it's not necessary getting you to where you want to go... as quickly as you want to get there?------- So besides making more money... and actually achieving this goal .. Like why is this so important now, rather than just keep doing what you are doing?-------- (option: Only if I know that person is frustrated... ready to do something.Do you want to put a line in the sand (Why now? - driving urgency / getting buy inFuture pace! - separate where they are / they want to go. Expand the gap (end stage)Let's say we're able to help you retire... like we do for our other clients... what does retirement at $20K a month income, look like for you... personally?-----What about the family?-----How does that make you feel? (feel / taste/experience it/believe that they can get there)In-Action Q!-----The other side of this is obviously... not making any changes. What does that look like?*****What is the outcome if you don't make any changes. What is it look like if you don't get at the top of the mountain?What is the outcome if things don't change. / The other side of this is that you don't make any changes... what we just talked about is ultimately, what success looks like. Where we are right now, with all due respect is were looking at the top of success. What happens if we don't get there. / *If you don't get to success... what does that actually look like?If you don't get to the top of the mountain... what does that look like?--would you allow that to happen? -- > why not?Pitch!Obj Handling!DMs/Book calls: Find out where they are/where they want to go/what's holding them back/*What are they looking for. What is the one/two problems.What is the problemHow long they have had the problemWhat they have done to overcome the problemWhy they can't overcomeHow long they have tried to overcome the problemWhy now


Golden Nugget 9.1 Go binary - this is something I REALLY need to focus on. When we're in loops. Do you want to heal your skin, yes or no. No need to challenge people to get to a place where they're in a boxing match. Help them get to where they want to be, see where they can get to


Golden Nugget 9/16/2022 Failure is not the opposite of success its apart of success


Golden Nugget 9/5/22 #goldennugget The main takeaway from today's Unstuck call: Don't get stuck/caught up in what the thing actually does... RESPECT what the results can do for someone. Geeze, this was powerful.


Golden Nugget 9/8/22 #goldennugget "We can definitely go through those questions... let me ask, is it more important for you to go through the intricacies of how the machine works or if the machine works to get you there?" I hope I got that right. In spirit, basically, Bill was saying... don't just give into their frame of all their questions... find out, are they committed, do they think that what you offer can get them to XYZ... if so, why... do they want to commit and then go through the logistical stuff. It's literally like buying a car... you won't know everything about the car when you buy it. All that matters is that you parted with your $20K because you felt the $20K would provide you more value than having the $20K sit in the bank account. After that... you can learn all you need to about how the (for us guys) how the nut chillers work for your cooled seating...


Golden Nugget Coaching Call 8/16 This was one of the more challenging frameworks for me to grasp because there is so much that is going on within it. My biggest takeaway was that in order to effectively overcome this type of partner objection, we need to focus our energy on creating a frame of responsibility around the prospect. This means they need to actually understand and agree with the fact that although their partner's opinion is valid, their opinion is not going to produce the ONE thing that is required for them to successfully achieve their goals. That one thing that money can't buy and that their partner can't give to them is a level of commitment to take the necessary actions and to have the necessary determination to achieve their desired outcome. 6Bill Walsh and 5 others Seen by 43 Like Comment Send


Golden Nugget Coaching Call 8/25 If there is uncertainty, separate the "NO" from the "YES" and Go after the yes. Rule of thumb: Only after you've gotten 2 YES'S do you go back after the No! And like Kessia Tarren Lum just reminded me, " and only if you need to"


Golden Nugget July 14 2022 Call - North Star Biggest take away from this call is focusing on how long the prospect has stood in their current place versus where they want to be, and extending that time frame to make it bigger (which I can loop into the responsibility / 4k week framework I'm working into my script). Reminded me of the old marketing story about A&W vs McDonalds in the 1980s. A&W started selling a 1/3 lb burger to compete with McDonalds 1/4 lb burger - more meat, AND it was less expensive. And it was a complete failure. Because most Americans can't do math (and especially fractions), so they thought they were getting more meat with the 1/4 (i.e they thought 25% was greater than 33%). Simple changes, big results! 22 Seen by 30 Like Comment Send


Golden Nugget North Star:People tend to clarify and probe the wrong stuff and sales reps try to find meaning in the word and end up going in the wrong direction and just piss people off. "What do you mean by that?" "Can you expand further?" This is LAZY!!Also don't be afraid to call them out right at the start of the call with the Taxi, caf analogy!!


Golden Nugget RP 08/22 Practicing Partner Objection - need to be able to get to a point where I can call a 'time out' and have an honest conversation with prospect if I feel that it's a smokescreen for uncertainty... Work the process, but at the same time, be more consciously aware of the non-buyer language to understand at which point we're going round in circles and not getting to the root of the concern... Practice the responsibility frame of partner to loop the ownus back unto the prospect in regards to making decisions that empower themselves, and not having them defer their decision to external influences


Golden Nugget Role play with Reem Sultan yesterday! We only had time for me to be the client, but so valuable still! It's so helpful to be on the other side to actually see and feel yourself how it all comes across. Having that perspective is priceless.


Golden Nugget Setters 8/23/22 I appreciated learning... Hey ________, just Marius here. Just tried calling you... (hail mary text message) Day off text confirmation if the appt was booked more then 2+ day Hey ______, just Marius here again, I've got you down for today @ 8 AM. Do you still have the same? Appreciate learning the 4 stages of Awareness: Awareness - Interest - Desire - Interest I'm jealous of all of the setters... sounds like many of you have folks who opt in for some information and then can reach out and either book the call because they forgot to or the latter which is seeing what prompted them to opt in, in the first place. This is why I like objection box so much... this process is not perfect for me but there is so much gray that I am able to be flexible. In other programs, its so black and white... that honestly I have pissed off so many people because I asked the *why now* question... when I was the one calling them COLD out of the blue. Adam Paul Taylor Huge observation there buddy...


Golden Nugget Training 06-09 Now, We Have Come To The Agreement, That You Feel it will work. Right! This is a statement / rhetorical question. You don't give time to your propect to answer this as you have already tied down the prospect on a couple of occassions before you get to the 'fear' part of the conversation. Move straight to the mini- hook for decision making But, the other side of this is, if you don't do it... How will YOU ever know...? Move into an Analogy


Golden Nugget Training 09-09-2022 Handling the FEAR Objection You have to know what Fear you are handling? Without clarity you can not handle the objection Is it Fear that they they don't trust or believe in themselves Is it Fear because the have been burned before Is it Fear that they don't trust the business / influencer Is it Fear that what we do may not work for them, they don't trust the programme / product Is it Fear because something I have said or done today When you know what fear you are dealing with, you can choose an analogy that would make it simple for your prospect to make a decision to move forward


Golden Nugget from Rapid Fire Drill 18.8.22 Price shopping/ doing it for cheaper AFTER YOU GET CONFIRMATION!! Let me ask you this John, is it more important for you to actually get the cheapest option or is it more important for you to get to your goal as quick as you can? Which is more important? Well look John I'll be brutally honest with you, we probably won't come in as the cheapest, but I can guarantee that we're gonna get you to where you want to go. Which makes more sense to you? Like would you rather pay a little bit more and absolutely guarantee that you'll get success or would you rather pay a little less and actually be uncertain of if it's going to work or not? (can insert airpods analogy) Right so the most important thing for you is the goal and the aspect of you actually achieving it right? Okay and if that is the case, and you feel like we can get you to that exact point. What do you feel like you really want to do from here to actually make sure that you'll get the success and you don't waste time looking at cheaper options?


Golden Nugget from Roleplay 30-08-2022 Thank you Marinda Bandat & Adam Paul Taylor The question is What are you currently doing to get to 'North Star' Do not get side tracked by your Prospects past story, With North Star Identify: Where your prospect is right now? Where do they want to be? What are they doing to get there? Do they feel what they are doing is working or do they feel they need to make some small changes to get there quicker (Potentially identify whtat they think those small changes are) Why now


Golden Nugget from Setter Training- Send prospects homework.


Golden Nugget: When the prospect is in agreement that what we do will work for them. Now, you have to go after them, not their objection. In doing that, you must use analogies surrounding the following: Responsibility Commitment Challenge Line in the sand Whose responsibility is all this? Ultimately, it comes down to the prospect feeling empowered to take responsibility and control of where they are, so they can get to where they want to be. If you do not push them, are they fk going to push themselves... If they were already pushing themselves, they'd have the result they want already and wouldn't be sat there in front of you.


Golden Nugget: 09/07/2022 Roleplay with Adam Paul Taylor and Jason Thompson There is a big difference being a hero and allowing someone to be a hero When handling an objection, don't ask two questions at once to cause confusion.


Golden Nugget: Partner & Money "...would you like me to see how we can break this down to a more manageable process for you rather than investing it all at once?" When asking this question, you're empowering your customer so they can feel more comfortable moving forward with your offer.


Golden Nugget from Training 30-08-2022 When your prospect give you a whole host of objections, it is normally a smoke screen for either MONEY of FEAR Club all the objections togethere, and get a tie down I understand that you mentioned 'XYZ objections'', Can I just ask, those aside, do you feel what we have gone through today can we are going to get you to that'North Star' Okay, and why do you feel it can though? Great and that is the case that you feel we are going to get you to where you want to be, Can you just let me know, what is it that is coming up for you, and I know you said 'XYZ objecitons', if we think on this like whats behind that. Is it a case that you want to do it but can't in a financial aspect? Okay, and besides (brief list of reframes for XYZ objections e.g. I Know you mentioned your Parter would there be any reason they wouldn't want to support you to get the skills that will get you to your North Star e.g. I know you mentioned it is a big decision, and you feel that we will get you to your North Star but buy not making a decision, that is actually a decision to delay your future, Is there any reason why you would want to delay that success Okay so if its just a financial aspect, If you had the money in your hand right now, would you do it? Why would you, why not just stay where you are, just keep yourself at your current level not being what you want? Okay if that is the case, would it be a situation that I can help you solve, if we could break it down into a more managable structure like we have for some of our other students?


Golden Nugget from Tuesday. Can I challenge you enough to make a downpayment so you can commit to yourself, your family and your future? Also, chunking down in a way to say..."I'm not asking you to climb mount Everest, I'm not asking you to make a 6k decision, I'm just here to see if you committed to starting this business so you can XYZ"? Downpayment instead of a deposit. If you don't get told to fk off at least once a month/quarter, your not pushing hard enough LOL


Golden Nugget from today's RP Saying "But" is the quickest way to lose the sale in objection handling. Use other words to convey the point across.


Golden Nugget from today's coaching call: Don't be afraid to ask hard questions to see what people are really here for. If they're just looking around or don't know what they want, no need to waste time with them. Send them info and have them come back when they're ready.


Golden Nugget from today's coaching call: Get the prospect to see and agree that your solution will resolve their pain so they see it's POSSIBLE: "Would you BE ABLE TO DO XYZ if you were making abc?" I asked it this way the other day and got a PIF: "If you were making 20k/mo, would you be able to retire your wife like you said you wanted to do?" Much better than asking dry questions like "what would you do if you hit xyz" in my opinion


Golden Nugget on the 6/17 Inaction Q's class: Use the word "You" not the royal "We"...who the **** is "We"? Keep it about them, because that's who it's about. By saying "You" I'm reminding them and reaffirming the point that they are ultimately in control of their choices and their lives. This is a ******** choose your own adventure story, choose wisely or learn to embrace the suck of poor choices.


Golden Nugget today's coaching call: It's okay to assume the sale at the will still get objections most likely, but you can still phrase it to assume it. Loosely below - correct anything you think should go... "Ok great ___, well I don't have anything else from here. It looks like we covered everything you are looking for. The next part is up to you (add Buddy/Pal if you are Bill ) whether you are ready to jump in, and get you and your family where you want to be to live a better life. Lets get you onboarded and set up so you can get rocking and rolling right away. What is your email? What is your zip/postcode? Do you want to go all in with the amount or break it up?


Golden Nugget- Unstuck call 8/4/22 *Financially qualifying & healthy/unhealthy habits simultaneously. Asking if they eat out typically, how many days a week, if they smoke, etc. I definitely need to ask since i am not in a ROI offer .. if a consult is spending $250 a week going out.. they can afford this with financing. Challenge them to to put something down for emotional commitment . 11 Seen by 36 Like Comment Send


Golden Nugget/Win Getting the North Star down quite smoothly now. Running some tracks which are working nicely by using master Yoda's frameworks... 'adding 0s to our bank account isn't fundamentally what's going to make us happy, but it's what that provides us... it's what it allows us to do... so, what's the significance of you getting to XYZ?.. What would that do you for personally?' Win - Looped and looped a prospect in objection handling... and she finally hit me with the... 'I need to go and pray on it' At that moment... I thought about the coaching call we recently had... and smiled... Here we go... the first words out my my mouth were 'so when you go and pray on it... do you feel Jesus would want you to pursue that life of helping your godfather and contribution like you said you want.. or what do you feel' 5 mins later, onboarded and closed, and a most importantly... a genuine 'Thank you for leading me and helping me get out of my own way... I feel EXCITED and I promise I won't let you down Ben' This s**t is MAGIC I tell you Bill Walsh


Golden Nugget: I am learning so much from just watching all the old unstuck calls it is wild!For ANYONE that has been dragging their feet on watching the replays of the unstuck calls, you need to get into those ASAP.Here are some of my biggest takeaways from those calls:-> You don't need to overcomplicate the pain digging in the call because once you have the emotion of the prospect you are golden. (ie. Dont ask if they like being a chef after they just told you that they are paycheck to paycheck and that they can't support their family. If you do that you will get a funny look from the prospect)-> We are always objection handling. If someone says something absolutely stupid like they are going to be fine after they earlier said that they are stressed, can't travel like they want and don't spend enough time with the family, then we need to call them out. (ie. When you say fine, how exactly would you rate how fine you are on a scale from 1-10? I'm a 7OK, so with all due respect, what you are telling me is that you want to get to $20K/mo and currently you are at $5K/mo and can't do XYZ that you wanna do with your family. Just please help me understand how that puts you at a 7/10 when you are so far from your actual goal? I guess I am not sure, maybe I am not a 7...)Those are some of my big ones for now and I am excited to get 100% completion in the guides so I can then go through everything again to level up


Golden Nugget: Think About it This objection is more of a smokescreen for the real objection, which is really one of the following four: 1. Fear 2. Money 3. Partner 4. Time


Golden nugget Watched the partner again It's so much to take in to start! I stepped back last week to allow what I had learned to marinate and figure out where my gaps were... It's amazing, when watching some thing and what sticks out each time With fresh eyes and ears! I realize I really was only touching the surface on certain questions, really being a little too generic instead of keeping it specific to what they told me about their situation. In some spots of it I did OK, but I realize after watching that along with a Coaching call today that I was not hitting it every area So for example I might've said so what happens when you don't do anything And you don't make a change... And I realize I needed to continue that with: And you don't have enough leads and you're not making the money that you need to make to support your family in the way that you said you wanted to etc.


Golden nugget Well more like a reflection. I've come off a best month ever and this week has been the worst week ever. I've taken 5 calls all week and it's pissed me off! Turned up to the last call after 6 no shows and I was pissed. I had bad energy and completely burned the lead and pushed way to hard in a dickhead way which ultimately was not cool. I've Never done that before as I'm normally cool and casual. Lesson learned. Have to leave my ego at the door and not let a call or calls affect me helping someone new.


Golden nugget 09/08 Don't assume what fear you're dealing with BUT when you find it, don't accentuate it...emphasise the contrast to the "green sunlit uplands" (North Star) - don't get the prospect to emotionally connect with their fear.


Golden nugget 2th Aug training A $1 commitment is way better than a 'speak tomorrow and i'll pay in full' Somebody gives you a 'down payment' (not a deposit) even if its a dollar they've given you their card details which is a step in itself. The language 'Can I challenge you make a commitment to yourself make the down payment, that'll give you time to x y z' You have to take leadership and guide them. A lot of the people need help to overcome themselves. That's one of the reasons they are on the call with you, be that person that helps them by taking control and getting them out their own way.


Golden nugget 8/12/2022 An inaction question that isn't fully answered will usually lead to a minimum of 2 objections that could have been prevented or less severe had they realize the cost of inaction. This is the most important question that needs to land. Not going to lie, it can be quite uncomfortable pushing for an answer out of that question but it is ultimately necessary to get the sale. My goal is to get rid of that discomfort and having the conviction to ask that question in a way where they feel like they need to answer


Golden nugget Unstuck Call 7/19/22: Scripted out partner objection to get them to make a decision on the call. (Buying shoes analogy) Partner objection if they share finances and want to ask for permission before moving forward: Can I ask, do you make any decisions on your own? And I don't mean that in a disrespectful way. I mean like if you walked into a shop and saw a nice pair of shoes, could you buy them? Or is that something you have to agree on? Okay that's fair enough. Can I challenge you enough then to put down $100 to the equivalent of those pair of shoes. If you are truly honestly going to take this on and take it to where you ultimately want to be? Can I challenge you enough to put down $100 dollars, go away, speak with your partner. Get the all green and if doesn't give you the all green, come back and we'll give you the $100 back, but at least you know on this call you'd have taken on the responsibility to get you where you said you wanted to go. Can I challenge you enough to take that level of responsibility for you, your family and your future? I don't want to do it: If you don't want to do it then is it a case of you don't want to do it at all or what's the story? Because most people that come to me and say they don't want to even put down $100 dollars to change their lives, are probably people that don't want to do this full stop. So if you can't put down $100 to make a start to actually go out there and change your future, then I don't know if this is for you, and I don't know you're ready to actually make this type of change in your life. So you just tell me is $100 enough for you not to get to where you want to go?


Golden nugget for the role play session with Adam Paul TaylorKaitlin Marius Mada. I was confused with the North star since the first class. I found out that I was over- complicated things a little bit. When I'm already having the conversation moving forward to the mountain top, then I will ask questions backward (how long have they been trying to go from bottom to the top), going back to stage 1 again. Adam told me to work on my wording, the question will land better and smoother.


Golden nugget for today's call 25th I like how Bill keep showing us the framework and flow how he structures the sales call. K.I.S.S is the key There is a lot of noises in the market place about what's the perfect tonality, 1000 ways to handle the same objection. All we have to do is to understand this framework in a deep level, then taking sales calls become effortless and a rewarding activity.


Golden nugget for todays roleplay is I was practicing a new outbound script I wrote and Adam pretty much rehearsed it line for line without knowing what I had so it gave me the confidence to know I have the process in place now I just need to execute it!


Golden nugget from 7/26 North Star training. I have to be willing to be in uncomfortable position to get the information that I need. I have to take myself out of a position of wanting to be liked and worrying about being hurt to help the prospect get the outcome that they want. If I don't do this I'll just hold myself back.


Golden nugget from 8/11 coaching call... When the kid was comparing himself to others to use as a metric for his success, he was immediately shut down...that sort of thinking will hinder one, if there's every to be a comparison, then it must be with the person you were yesterday, the person you are today and the person you will be tomorrow. Comparison with others is the thief of joy.


Golden nugget from Paddy Wolfgang Haynes: the questions you ask are designed to have a legit conversation. Don't focus on just asking what's on your script. At the end of the day, you're having a conversation with another human being. Make sure they feel heard, not just asking questions and taking them through a process.


Golden nugget from todays unstuck call. I had a question about "sales styles" this morning... I'm currently having an issue with how I'm pitching my offer and my team leader from the offer wants me to do it a certain way (His way)...and I'm here in the box learning Bill's gung fu as well... When I brought up the question, as to whether there would be a conflict internally with my plan, Bill's response was quick, to the point and it made a whole bunch of sense... I can't be him (my team leader) I have my style. I sat with it all day...taking calls and delaing with NS... Until I realized, I'm training here and I'm training there, learning specific things and principles, that I will eventually make my own type of sales gung fu that's unique to me with how I speak and say things, as long I as I remain true to the principles, the questions and process....then I'll have freedom to be myself and not becoming a clone of someone else. If that makes any sense?


Golden nugget is finally having a framework for what doors to close and when in my objection handling as I've heard so many different and conflicting ideas like I'm sure others here have as well. Between that and having the bridge to go into Fear based handling Would it be fair to say you are looking for certainty here? Permission to wallop granted.


Golden nugget unstuck call today. Trying to Pre-frame on partner or money can backfire because they are acknowledging at the beginning that they don't know and this will set them up to tie back to that answer and move no where from there all the way to the end. Stick to the process!


Golden nugget(s) from 28th June Money/Fear call Once you have eliminated money logistics and partner objections...fear is looming... 6 "degrees of separation" from fear Step 1 : Get Prospect to be HONEST about the desire/neediness for CERTAINTY Step 2 : Bind that EMOTIONALLY to the Prospect's desired outcome : "you FEEL this will deliver [desired outcome]" Step 3 : Contrast with flipside : ZERO action : how will you ever know (if you don't take ACTION) ?! Step 4 : Double-down: get Prospect to PLEDGE commitment to FAMILY & FUTURE & desire to deliver their SECURITY Step 5 : emphasise TOGETHERNESS to offset loneliness/insecurity of Prospect taking the leap (acknowledge its "SCARY") Step 6 : remind Prospect of higher MISSION "the DECISIVE Man he wants to be" and how that desired outcome (£20k consistent monthly comms) changes everything for his loved ones Now it's a matter of honour - there's no honourable escape! And Fcuk PIPELINEs : they're a mirage


I have some golden nuggets from the past two days - but as I know I'm being tracked on how many I post...I'll do separate posts....looks at me playing the system: Golden nugget from todays coaching call 6th Sept When you get towards the fear objection, stop any and all "hesitancy" or beating around the bush and just get way more certain at this stage, as you are leading them through a change Just call it out, meet the fear head on and get exactly what they are thinking of out there Then you can handle it, but without doing that you don't really have anything to handle and they will use it to find their own way out of the call Things like: "Is it just a little bit of, I'm not sure what to do here" - leaves no room for error or misunderstanding, now you can overcome the person and as such overcome their objections


Inaction Q's Golden Nugget: Okay so today's Golden Nugget is not technical but it reminds me of when I was young I used to love climbing trees and I get so high that I can feel the wind rocking the tree back and forth. One time I remembered the branch that I was standing on snapped... I felt it leave from underneath my feet. At that precise moment a rush, a fear, an oh shit moment. A feeling of, I need to do something now or it's all over. So I reached for the closest branch that would save my life. That is what we are trying to do in the inaction questions. Bring out that fear of being complacent, the feeling of we need to do something, my dreams, my life, and my business, are over and that urgency will overcome them. That urgency will have your customers grasping at your solution to save them.


Shift of focus Have found myself experiencing all three of the graphs Adam Paul Taylor mentioned on today's call; consistently closing deals, taking the foot off the gas, not showing up, etc. - When I stopped identifying with the person I wanted to become - Being fearful of my own success I struggled to operate at the level I needed to instill belief and transformation with the people I came into contact with. When they gave me "I need to think about it" Am I the type of person that makes swift decisions? "I don't have the money" Am i the type of person that is resourceful or do I focus on what I don't have? "Fearful/Hesitancy" Am I the type of person that hesitates when things come my way or do I take it head on? It is all on me.


My golden nugget from the call. Bill haven't covered it in the breakdown, but I've noticed something interesting. When the hublot guy, asked him something about how many coaching sessions there is per week. Bill redirected the question like "I'm sorry, it's maybe my Irish accent let me repeat. Do you feel I can help you get where you want to be?" Because who the fk cares how many coaching sessions is there. You either trust I can help you get where you want to be, or not.


My realization in today's call was that I had no idea how to handle fear objections. It's not about throwing random reframes until something hopefully works but understanding what type of fear objection it is and then not talking about why they're fearful but talking about what they love. It is never about the signing up but about them commititing to change. This call alone gave me so much clarity, can't wait to apply what I'm learning in here.


Setter Training Golden Nuggets 08/23/2022 Your job as a setter is to mine the database and look for 3-6's on the 1-10 scale. As a setter, it is your job to get the prospect as close to a 10 as possible. Do not ask "why now?"-you called the prospect. What needs to be found out is if this is a why now thing. The opener for an outbound call should be "hey,(x name) how are you, its (your name) from XYZ company." -This opener for an outbound call prompts a response while simultaneously taking control of the conversation. The question "Is this something you're looking at doing now or is this like a maybe, could be, would be down the line kind of thing?" Is simply getting an understanding of whether or not the prospect is at 3-4 or are they a 6-7.#goldennugget


Training 16-08-22 Golden Nugget When challenging who's responsible for getting the results? Never come between a prospect and their partner, Isolate the partner with respect: I'm not saying they can't lend an ear, but why would you ask someone who has never been involved in running the business and with all due respect does not know what you and I do, to make a decision on something the know nothing about? Could I ask what does your partner do? Does your partner come to you and ask you how they should do their job?


Win plus Golden Nugget from yesterday 8/19/20 I'm happy to say that I look forward to getting the "think about it" smokescreen now just so I can practice the framework of piercing through it! I had a short 20 minute call with a prospect yesterday, and although she was not financially able to invest (completely broke, not a fixed income due to unemployment) she still volunteered the credit card for a deposit! I used the line I heard Bill Walsh use of "can I challenge you to commit to making changes?" not commit to doing the program/hitting your goals - but commit to MAKING CHANGES, and that was all the internal motivation she needed to step up, and not back down. I learned something important here: I had earned the right to ask that commitment/challenge question, whereas if I did not properly pierce the smokescreen with enough leverage and buy-in from her - it would have totally backfired. Timing of asking the right question, and knowing exactly when to "push" instead of being "pushy" was super key. Just wanted to share that with y'all


Ye olde golden nugget 8/1/22 RP session I was repping "Think about it" objection to "Partner" objection, when we got caught in an infinity objection loop, instead of going to partner my prospect went back to "think about it"....crap, what to do? Adam, suggested to make a suggestion... Such as, if and/or when caught in a "Think about it" loop, makes a suggestion such as, "Is it a money thing, that's coming up for you?" From there the loop is broken.


Ye olde golden nugget Coaching call 8/4/22 The 5 minute massage At 47:00 to 53:00 of the call, Bill goes over something essential...staying in the pocket with a prospect "who will figure it out" in the beginning of Inaction Q's... The key is to keep to calm, the key is to ask again, but with an emphasis of "DO NOT" What I mean by that is this, when asking "The other side of this is you don't make any changes...what happens if you don't get there?" "I'll figure it out, I always do!" "With all due respect, everybody is figuring something out, but with the way you are doing things, is that action going to happen? I'm not questioning your work ethic, I'm asking what happens if you DO NOT get to the top of the mountain?" Take the "Don't" and extend and emphasize it to a "DO NOT".


Ye olde golden nugget...#goldennugget 8/25 coaching call What if I go backwards with it... Time Money Freedom It's what we all want...but how do we get it? Ultimately we need more money...and how do we make more money? By getting in the proper vehicle...(Biz op of some kind, etc.) And it doesn't matter what that vehicle is, as long as it can get me to a tangible outcome. What is the tangible outcome? in my case, it's $50K months, and that is my Northstar. Now I have something to aim for. I ask myself, what am I currently doing to achieve that? I ask myself, how long have I been trying to achieve that? I ask myself, will I achieve my goal as fast as I want to or do I need to make some small changes? And then I ask myself, what's going on that makes this important now? Do I feel it's time to put a line in the sand, or how do I feel? I find that it helps to internalize these questions and begun to ask them to myself...

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