Bones: Axial Skeleton

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T/F: A is the jugular foramen and B is the carotid artery.


From top to bottom the three structures are

Foramen Rotundum, Foramen ovale. Foramen spinosum


Petrous portion

C refers to the ________ a wing like structure on the lateral portion of the sacrum that is formed by the fusion of the first sacral vertebra.


Maxilla B

alveolar margin/process

Mandible E

alveolar margins

B refers to the four anterior sacral foramen where the 5 sacral nerves exit out to the lower limbs.

anterior sacral foramen

A refers to the ______ which sits at the lip of the base.

anterior sacral promontory

These are cervical vertebrae. F is referring to the entire vertebrae's name which is called


J joints of articulation

auricular surface/sacroiliac joints

These are cervical vertebrae. E is referring to the entire vertebrae under the top one, which is called


Hyoid bone C


Mandible H


Typical Vertebra Parts A


This is the__________.



coronal suture

Mandible A

coronoid process

Ethmoid Bone D

cribriform plate

Ethmoid Bone A

crista galli

These are cervical vertebrae. C is called


Ethmoid Bone B

ethmoid sinus

Temporal Bone C

external auditory meatus

Inferior view of the skull B

external occipital protuberance

Inferior view of the skull A

foramen magnum


foramen ovale


foramen rotundum


foramen spinosum


frontal bone

Hyoid bone A

greater horn


greater wing

This is a combination of several bones zygomatic, palatine, nasal, lacrimal and vomer. Match the correct parts. D

horizontal plate

Maxilla E

incisive foramen

Bones of the ear B


A is the ______ which is the point where two vertebrate articulate.

inferior articular facet

Ethmoid Bone F

inferior nasal concha

This is a combination of several bones zygomatic, palatine, nasal, lacrimal and vomer. Match the correct parts. E

inferior nasal conchae

Maxilla C

inferior orbital fissure

C is the ______

inferior vertebral notch

Maxilla A

infraorbital foramen


internal acoustic meatus

B is the ______ entire hole called where spinal nerves branch off of the spinal cord and go out to other parts of the body.

intervertebral foramen


jugular foramen

This is a combination of several bones zygomatic, palatine, nasal, lacrimal and vomer. Match the correct parts. C

lacrimal bones


lambdoidal suture

I These are the two other crests that are named after their orientation

lateral sacral crest

Hyoid bone B

lesser horn


lesser wing

bones in the ear A


Mandible F

mandibular angle

Mandible B

mandibular condyle

Temporal Bone F

mandibular fossa

Mandible C

mandibular notch

Temporal Bone E

mastoid process

G refers to one of the three crests

median sacral crest

Mandible G

mental foramen

Ethmoid Bone G

middle nasal concha

This is a combination of several bones zygomatic, palatine, nasal, lacrimal and vomer. Match the correct parts. B

nasal bones


occipital bone

Inferior view of the skull C

occipital condyles

Ethmoid Bone E

olfactory foramina


optic foramen


optic groove

C is the ______


This is a combination of several bones zygomatic, palatine, nasal, lacrimal and vomer. Match the correct parts. I

palatine bones

This is a combination of several bones zygomatic, palatine, nasal, lacrimal and vomer. Match the correct parts. H

palatine foramen

Maxilla D

palatine process


parietal bone


parietal bone

Typical Vertebra Parts B


Ethmoid Bone C

perpendicular plate

F refers to the four ______ where spinal nerves exit out to the limbs

posterior sacral foramen

Mandible D


K is the

sacral canal

H latin for horn

sacral cornu

E refers to the area at the apex of the posterior portion

sacral hiatus


saggital suture


sagittal suture


sella turcica

This is the anterior view of the sphenoid, what are the yellow arrows referring to? Yellow Arrows [sphenoidsinus] Black Arrow = superior orbital fissure

sphenoid sinuses

Typical Vertebra Parts D

spinous process

Temporal Bone A

squamous portion


squamous/squama portion

Bones of the ear C


Temporal Bone D

styloid process

This is the inferior view of the temporal bone Going from top to bottom, list these parts (some are repetitive)

styloid process, stylomastoid foramen, mastoid process

Typical Vertebra Parts F

superior articular facet

D refers to the

superior articular facets

These are cervical vertebrae. D is referring to the

superior articular surface

D is the ______ these help form B.

superior vertebral notch

A is the ______

supraorbital foramen

B is the ______

supraorbital margins

This is a combination of several bones zygomatic, palatine, nasal, lacrimal and vomer. Match the correct parts. G

temporal process

These are cervical vertebrae. A is called the

transverse foramen

Typical Vertebra Parts E

transverse process

These are cervical vertebrae. B is noting that this structure the ______ is lacking here compared to others

vertebral arch

Typical Vertebra Parts C

vertebral foramen

This is a combination of several bones zygomatic, palatine, nasal, lacrimal and vomer. Match the correct parts. F


This is a combination of several bones zygomatic, palatine, nasal, lacrimal and vomer. Match the correct parts. A

zygomatic bone

Temporal Bone B

zygomatic process

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