Bones of the Head and Skull
Mandibular Fossa
(glenoid fossa) the small oval depression on the zygomatic process of the temporal bone into which the condyle of the mandible articulates; just anterior to the external auditory meatus.
A vertical dimension.
Bony structure of the head which consists of the cranium and face
Occipital Bone
Lowest part of the back and base of the cranium, forming a cradle for the brain.
That part of the human skull which encloses the brain.
Lateral Margins of the Eye Socket
The anterior edge as it dips concavely between the forehead and cheekbone corresponds with the position of the lateral corner of the closed eyelids.
Zygomatic Bone
The diamond-shaped bones that form the cheekbones.
The dimension of an object measured across from side to side.
Line of the Temples
The irregularly formed continuous border of the forehead and eye-sockets
The topmost part of the head (vertex).
Angle of the Mandible
The widest part of the jaw - a bony angle formed by the junction of the posterior edge of the ramus of the mandible and the inferior surface of the body of the mandible.
Alveolar Process
a bony ridge found on the inferior surface of the Maxillae and the superior surface of the Mandible which contains the sockets for the teeth.
Ethmoid Bone
a horizontal plate that forms the roof of the nasal cavity and closes the anterior part of the base of the cranium.
a paired bone with several processes that form the skeletal base of most of the superior face, roof of the mouth, sides of the nasal cavity, and floor of the orbit (upper jaw bone).
a rounded eminence at the articulating end of a bone; the posterior process of the ramus of the mandible.
a single bony prominence of the frontal bone located between the superciliary arches in the inferior part of the frontal bone above the root of the nose-not apparent on all foreheads
Mental Eminence
a triangular projection on the inferior portion of the anterior mandible.
Foramen Magnum
an opening in the occipital bone through which passes the spinal cord from the brain (use for repair of a decapitation).
Frontal Bone
anterior 1/3 of the cranium forming the forehead and parts of the eye socket and most of the anterior of the cranial floor.
Supraorbital Margins
he superior rim of the eye sockets.
Temporal Bones
inferior portion of the sides and base of the cranium, lies below (inferior to) the parietal bones and in front of (anterior to) the occipital bone.
Nasal Bone
lie directly inferior to the glabella and form the bridge of the nose and dome over superior portion of nasal cavity.
Sphenoid Bone
located at the anterior part of the base of the skull and binds cranial bones together.
located in back part of the nasal cavity behind the maxillae. Help form back part of roof of mouth.
located in the medial wall of each orbit between the ethmoid and maxillary bones (shape of fingernail).
Frontal Eminences
paired, rounded, unmargined prominences of the frontal bone found approximately one inch beneath the normal hairline (upper 2/3 of forehead).
Coronoid Process
shaped like a crow's beak; the anterior process of the ramus of the mandible to which the temporalis muscle attaches.
single bone along the midline of nasal cavity. Forms part of the septum.
that part of the face above the eyes.
Frontal Process of the Maxilla
the ascending part of the upper jaw which gradually protrudes as it rises beside the nasal bone to meet the frontal bone; the ascending process of the upper jaw.
Orbital Cavities
the bony sockets which contain and protect the eyeball--it's quadrilateral in outline
Temporal Cavity
the concave surface of the head overlying the temporal bone
Incisive Fossa
the depression between the mental eminence and the inferior incisor teeth.
External Auditory Meatus
the external opening of the ear passage.
Body of the Mandible
the horizontal portion of the lower jaw.
the horseshoe-shaped bone forming the inferior jaws (lower jaw bone & chin).
Superciliary Arches
the inferior part of the forehead just superior to the median ends of the eyebrows.
Zygomatic Arch
the processes on the temporal and zygomatic bones; they determine the widest part of the face (cheekbones).
Parietal Eminence
the rounded peak of the external convexity of the parietal bones; determines the widest part of the cranium (located just above the top of the ears).
Mastoid Process
the rounded projection on the inferior portion of the temporal bones just posterior to the lobe of the ear.
Nasal Spine of the Maxilla
the sharp, bony projection located medially at the inferior margin of the nasal cavity.
the vertical portion of the mandible.
the vertical surface of the temporal bone; scale-like, thin, and translucent. Any impact causes swollen and discolored eyes.
Parietal Bones
two bones that form the roof and part of the sides of the skull.