Braking distance and speed
Braking distance
The approximate distance traveled before coming to a complete stop when the brakes are applied in a vehicle moving at a specific speed
Stopping distance
The distance traveled between the time when someone decides to stop a vehicle moving, and the time when the vehicle completely stops
Reaction time
The measurement of how far a vehicle travels between the time a driver realizes the brakes must be applied and when the driver actually starts pushing on the brakes
Reaction time
The time required for a subject to initate a prearranged response to a stimulus
Stopping distance= thinking distance + braking distance
What formula related thinking (reaction distance) with braking distance and stoping distance
Slows reaction times, impairs judgements, reduces concentration, reduces co-ordination
What four things does drinking do to your driving?
Stays the same
When the reaction distance gets longer, the braking distance (stopping distance)...
When the reaction time gets longer, the reaction distance gets...
When the road is icy or wet the braking distance gets...
Stays the same
When the road is icy or wet the reaction distance...
an estimation of a value based on extending a known sequence of values or facts beyond the area that is certainly known.
an estimation of a value within two known values in a sequence of values.