Brazil Midterm

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Voto de Cabresto

"vote of animal tether"- voters led how to vote by coroneis


1. Harmony and Strife (ie carnival) 2. Wealth and Poverty (ie favelas) 3. Nationalism and Regionalism (ie crab culture) 4. Optimism and Resignation (govt. projects fueled by boom/bust economy)

Old Republic

1889-1930 mil rule/democracy after Pedro II that featured barbarism vs civilization as a theme that led to many dualities between coast and interior, urban and rural, SE and NE

Tomacauna (Domingos Fernandes Nobre)

A mameluco who was investigated by the Inquisition. The tides were turning and they didn't want mamelucos because they had an air of savagery.

War against Canudos (1896-1897)

A millenarian group in Bahia full of flagelados (drought refugees/landless poor/bandits) that the government overreacted to because Antonio Conselheiro seemed to be a monarchist/threat to govt. but actually didn't like the new church/state policies ie marriage. Took way more force than expected but eventually crushed- still made govt look bad.


A religion involving the perfection of Humanity after progressing through various stages from fetishistic to something to something. Embraced science.


Abolition of slavery, but many slaves weren't much better off after initial celebration. Late because slavery was so pervasive in all economic sectors until Eur workers arrived. Eventually succumbed to British pressure in terms of morality "only leper left", whitening begins. fed slave registries burned in 1890 in Rio

Treaty of Tordesillas (1494)

Agreement between Spain and Portugal to move the line of Papal Demarcation a little more West so that Portugal got slightly more land on the East side. First land went to trade then to exploitation.


Assimilated slave


Brazil loved France and sought to emulate its culture. Anxious about not measuring up.


Brazil raised to the status of a kingdom, equal to Portugal. Subsequently, Brazil prospered, much to the chagrin of mainland Portugal.


Brazil was divided into 14 captaincies stretching into the interior from the coast. start of social inequality. encouraged regionalism.


Brazilness; samba (Carmen Miranda and Carnival), soccer (Domingos da Guia), capoeira (military) -> masked structural realities


Celebration for all people based in Rio de Janeiro that in 1932 became govt. sponsored and they tried to eliminate some of the black aspects


End of the Slave Trade because of British interference, revolts, and disease epidemics from ships; but of course illicit operations continued


Era of European immigration to Brazil. Whitening. Labor.

Whitening campaigns

European immigration post abolition to work/whiten, urban reforms to French-ify Rio and eliminate black elements like hawking on streets, repression of afro-Brazilian culture ie capoeira, candomble, etc.

Crab culture

Everything on coast, nothing on interior

Characteristics of slave market

Humiliating, nurse to health, drug, dance, inspection,

Cabanagem Rebellion

In the Amazon, 1835-1840, bloodiest and biggest rebellion, wanted own provincial presidents/decentralization/autonomy, led by elites who killed pres, army commander, then merchants, then plantation owners Deemed a race war when soldiers sent but demographics give way to skepticism. Distracted from political point, easy to repress/propagandize/unite.

Suffrage restrictions

Income and eventually literacy so that hardly any people could vote until quite recently


Independence and beginning of empire (still united with Portugal but not on their terms) under Pedro after King Joao left the year prior by popular demand

Pedro I

Led Brazil to independence, became unpopular for scandals and highly centralized model, left son Pedro II in charge after Joao died

Getulio Vargas

Led military coup to end Republic in 1930. Nationalistic. Modernistic. Brazil for all.

Jean de Lery

Lived among the Tupinamba. Fairly objective account given his experiences in Europe, but still some bias/intent. Detailed account of their traditions including cannibalism.

Villas-Boas Bros

March to the West where they undertook work in making camps and moving around natives. They were there to help but only because they'd already harmed.


Military dictatorship


Mixed indigenous and white people who served as intermediaries between the interior and the coast, often to fetch slaves.


Period of regional revolts bc no real ruler (5yo Pedro II) ie Cabanagem


Period of slave rebellions, especially in Bahia inspired by Haitian rebellion "Death to whites! Death to mulattoes!" ie Male. Overall failed but did scare whites that Africans too rebellious. Sabotage, Individual rebellion, and Collective rebellion. Methods: quilombos, slow work, theft, suicide, confraternities, murder, abortion, flight, etc. Rebellion more common in Brazil because higher proportion of slaves, and lots of free blacks undermined race card. Constant influx of slaves. and promise of sertao


Portuguese royal family moves to Brazil to avoid Napoleon's armies.

Gilberto Freyre

Published "The Masters and the Slaves" which championed racial democracy instead of scientific racism in highlighting relations between blacks and whites and society to give the impression of a pervasive African-driven culture ie sexual, language, (but romanticized)

African slaves

Replaced indian slaves on sugar plantations because indian slaves weren't suited to agricultural labor in that there was not enough leisure and inappropriate gender roles so they became more expensive bc died more. African slaves had more resistance, familiarity with agriculture/sedentarism. approx. 4 million. young and male.

Xingu national park

Reserve (perhaps the size of Belgium) for indigenous peoples founded by the Villas-Boas bros. Still there. Successfully avoided infringement by the Transamazonian railroad. Left by some groups regardless.

Law of the Free Womb (1871)

Slave babies weren't slaves would lead to eventual extinction

Escravos de ganho

Slaves who sold wares in the city for a cut of the money. Often trying to earn money for possible manumission.

Pedro II

Stability and growth. Crowned after period of rebellions bc needed ruler, seen as above the fray of newfound corruption but not entirely, eventually tired of job and army gradually took over 1889 to form Old Republic


Transamazonian highway


Vargas overwhelmingly voted president

Estado Novo

Vargas's dictatorship 1937-1945 after he overthrew his own government. Used mucho propaganda


Wilderness (interior). (Also sertanistas were geographers, mapmakers, account-givers of the sertao)


a system of boss rule in which a local oligarch (coronel) dispenses patronage in exchange for political and social authority in his community, esp if rural

Terra Preta

aka block soil. evidence of soil science going on, likely large settlements, in soil found that contained artifacts. it is hard to reconstruct brazil pre1500

Scientific Racism

biological inheritance at base of racial differences contributing to a hierarchy of superior/inferior races. Brazil thought they could whiten by miscegenation.

Candido Mariano da Silva Rondon

built telegraph line across Brazil (1907-1915). A positivist. relatively good to indigenous peoples, but contradictory in the fact that he was acting at all


buying/being granted freedom from masters. At their whim. Often conditional ie death-bed manumissions that just manipulated slaves but looked nice. Much more common among women bc sex and men only at baptism. Also likely is light-skinned, assimilated, domestic (1%/yr in Bahia)


largest quilombo of 20-30k, also longest, hierarchical, led by Zumbi

Brazilian Independence

led by elites, regional, economic dependence, slavery sustained/expanded, relatively bloodless, monarchy instead of republic. Had united all/most people, but the elites were pulling the strings and the masses weren't getting what they thought.


mix of streetfighting and dance, outlawed as part of repression of African culture

Chica de Silva

pardo, assimilated, Christian, early manumission, small holder, steady relationship with a white man- accepted

Domingos da Guia

poster boy for racial democracy, part of 1st racially integrated team sent to the World Cup in France. Idealized social mobility but that was far from the truth.


squatter settlements on the undesirable land on the edges of cities where displaced people ended up esp. with urban reforms initially temporarily but then permanently

Pedro Alvares Cabral

stumbles upon Brazil on his way to India; first contact with the Tupi- account by Pero Vaz de Caminha that revealed they wanted to exploit them; beginning of the colonial period.


the way in which party politicians distribute public jobs, favors, or goods in exchange for electoral support. infiltrated justice system by means of political persecution


unscrupulous use of one's position to gain advantage


war camps, slaves fled to them, often seen as unthreatening still exist today with original cultures and have land rights. (Bahia, Minas Gerais, Maranhao)

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