arch bridge span
100-500 feet
beam bridge span
200 feet
suspension bridge span
2000-7000 feet (longest span)
arch bridge
bridge with abutments and a curved arch shape
arch bridge can be found...
crossing water, roads, valleys who sides often serve as a abutments
distance from pier to pier
force of pulling or stretching
force of pushing
an arch bridge has...
great natural strength/ used in roman times
trusses can be found...
in all types of bridges
beam bridge
most common type of bridge/ least complicated
cable-stayed bridge
most modern bridge. Deck is supported by cables attached to towers
platform cars go across
forces on arch bridge
primarily compression
what do cables do on a suspension bridge
pull the arch down using compression
thick rope or wire
forces on beam bridge
top of bridge - compression bottom of bridge - tension piers - compression
forces on suspension bridge
towers - compression cables - tension
suspension bridge
towers and deck suspended by cables
triangular shape with framework
dead load
types of materials that make up a bridge
live load
types of objects that move across a bridge
used to span the distance over a variety of obstacles and relies upon the forces of compression/ tension