Brokenshire APUSH Semester 1 Tests

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England passed the Coercive Acts in response to

Boston Tea Party

Which of the following best describes the casual link between the Seven Years' War and the Revolutionary War

Britain's massive debt after the seven years war resulted in a push for greater control over the thirteen colonies, sparking debate among colonists over the pursuit of independence

The French and Indian War created conflict between the British and the American military because

British officers treated the American colonial militia with contempt

The sentiments expressed by Washington in his Farewell Address most warned against partisan divisions that occurred before which of the following conflicts?

The War of 1812

Which of the following most accurately describes the impact in Europe of the phenomenon depicted in the diagram?

The arrival of new goods allowed for population growth

Which of the following was not a fundamental principle of the Jeffersonian Republicans?

The constitution should be interpreted broadly

According to the federalists, who effectively represented the people?

The court system, the executive branch, the legislature (all of the above)

Which of the following shows how Native Americans adapted to and transformed the environment in which they lived?

The creation of large-scale irrigation works to promote the growing of maize

Which of these reasons did NOT drive the European exploration that led to the "discovery" of the New World?

The desire to make contact and learn from the Native American civilizations

What was the purpose of the Eleventh Amendment

To restrict the jurisdiction of the federal courts in cases involving the states

What was the primary French motive in aiding the American cause?

To weaken the British empire

Among the most important American Indian products to spread to the Old World were

foodstuffs such as maize, beans, and tomatoes

The most important action the First Continental Congress took to protest the Intolerable Acts was

forming the Association to impose a complete boycott of all British goods

In the Revolutionary War, African Americans

fought in both the American patriot and British loyalist military forces

All of the following are guaranteed by the first amendment except

freedom from illegal search

Republicanism is the idea that

governments should be based on the consent of the people

The passage of the Quebec Act aroused intense American fears because

it extended catholic jurisdiction and a nonjury judicial system into the ohio country

The Whiskey Rebellion was most significant because

it showed that the new federal government would use force if necessary to uphold its authority

Thomas Jefferson was a supporter of all of the following except

large government

The primary staples of Indian agriculture were

maize, beans, and squash

Compared with the English colonies, New France was

more autocratically governed by the French government

As a result of the Columbian Exchange, the New World gained

new animals as sources of food and to aid in agriculture

The system of checks and balances is designed to prevent the dominance of

one branch of the national government over the other two

The French and Indian War weakened interior Indian people like the Iroquois and Creeks by

removing their French and Spanish, who tended to ally with them, from Canada and Florida

Which of the following sets of rights are not included in the Bill of Rights?

rights to freedom of education and freedom of travel

European explorers introduced ____ into the New World.


In the view of the encomienda system, Native Americans were seen primarily as

source of labor

The event that precipitated the first real shooting between the British and American colonists was

the British attempt to seize colonial supplies and leaders at Lexington and Concord

Among the important forces that first stimulated European interest in trade and discovery was

the Christian Crusaders who brought back a taste for the silks and spices of Asia

One of the advantages the British enjoyed in the impending conflict with the colonies was

the ability to enlist foreign soldiers, Loyalists, and Native Americans in their military forces

The British theory of mercantilism by which the colonies were governed, held that

the colonial economy should be carefully controlled to serve the mother country's needs

The first American political parties developed primarily out of

the disagreement of Jefferson and his states' rights followers with Hamilton's economic policies

Shays Rebellion contributed to the belief among political leaders that

the nation needed a stronger central government

American colonists especially resented the Townsend Acts because

the revenues from the taxation would go to support British officials and judges in America

Which of the following events was most directly caused by the phenomenon depicted in the diagram?

the rise of capitalism among European nations

A crucial political development that paved the way for the European colonization of America was

the rise of the centralized national monarchies such as that of Spain

The Federalists essentially believed that

there should be a strong central government controlled by the wealthy and well educated

During the period of fighting between April 1775 and July 1776, the colonists claimed that their goal was

to restore their rights within the British Empire

England's first colony at Jamestown

was saved from failure by John Smith's leadership and by John Rolfe's introduction of tobacco.

The native people of the New World

were divided into many diverse cultures speaking more than two thousand different languages.

The essential disagreement between Hamilton and Jefferson over the proposed Bank of the United States was...

whether the Constitution granted the federal government the power to establish such a bank

Put these in order: coercive acts, Townsend acts, stamp act, Boston tea party, battle of Lexington and concord

1. Stamp Act 2. Townsend Acts 3. Boston Tea Party 4. Intolerable/Coercive Acts 5. Battle of Lexington and Concord

What other 2 compromises were decided on at the Constitutional Convention?

3/5 Compromise, The Electoral College

How many of the 13 states needed to ratify the Constitution for it to become law?

9 (two-thirds)

Which of the following answers correctly identifies an important consequence of the Spanish attitude (mentioned above) towards Native Americans?

Because so many native peoples were dying, the Spanish began to import slaves from Africa to replenish their labor supply.

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 provides that

After sufficient population growth, western territories could be organized and then join the Union as States

The United States became involved in undeclared hostilities with France in 1797 because of what immediate cause

American anger at attempted French bribery in the XYZ Affair

A confederation is

An alliance

What political role did women play in the new American republic?

As mothers, they perpetuated republican ideals.

The image highlights which of the following? (Picture of natives during early colonial times)

How Native Americans became dependent on European trade goods.

One of the ways the British reacted to the Boston Tea Party was by

Closing the port of Boston until damages were paid for and order restored

The British troops involved in the Boston Massacre had been sent to the city as a result of

Colonial resistance to the Townsend Acts' tax on products

Which of the following statements correctly describes the consequences of European colonization?

Colonization brought wealth to European imperial powers which resulted in political and economic innovations.

One of the major immediate causes of the French and Indian War was

Competition between French and English colonists for land in the Ohio River Valley

The Loyalists were particularly strong among which group of colonists?

Conservative and well-off Americans

What was the primary political obstacle in the formation of the first American government with regards to the western territories?

Disputes among the states over control of western lands

What effect, if any, did Native American culture have on Europeans?

Europeans began to partake of many of the same luxury items that the indigenous social elites consumed.

Madison believed that factions were

Extremely destructive and divisive

What was the underlying cause of the passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts?

Fear that the French Revolution would spread to America AND the growing competition between developing political parties

Besides George Washington, the most militarily effective American officer in the early campaigns of 1776 and 1777 was...

General Benedict Arnold

The British forces suffered early defeats in the French and Indian War under the overall command of

General Braddock

What answer best describes Spanish attitudes towards de las Casas' report?

Generally, Spaniards were unconcerned because they thought Native Americans should be exploited because they were uncivilized.

The proposal that called for a two-house legislature with one house having equal representation for each state, and the other having representation based on population was the

Great Compromise

William Pitt's strategy in the assault on New France finally succeeded

He concentrated British forces on attacking the vital strong points of Quebec and Montreal

Which of the following was not characteristic of Alexander Hamilton

He opposed the establishment of a national bank

What goal did Pontiac try to achieve by making this speech?

He wanted to create unity and cultural rejuvenation among indigenous peoples

Why was George Washington proved to be an especially effective commander of the American forces in the Revolution?

He was a man of integrity, courage, and moral forcefulness

Where did the British rely on the numerous Loyalists to aid them in fighting the Patriots?

In the Carolinas

Which of the following is not one of Madison three rules which must apply for a state to be considered a republic?

In times of war, the ruler does have the right to rule the nation as a dictator

The primary reason for the drastic decline in the Indian population after the encounter with the Europeans was

Indians' lack of resistance to European diseases such as smallpox and malaria

Imperial England and English soldiers developed a contemptuous attitude toward "natives" partly through their colonizing experiences in


The mobilization of "nonimportation" policies against the Stamp Act was politically important because

It aroused early revolutionary fervor among many ordinary American men and women

Why was the Battle of Saratoga a key turning point of the War for Independence?

It brought crucial about crucial French assistance to the Revolutionary cause

How did American independence harm the nations economic fortunes?

It cut off American trade with the British empire

How did the American Revolution affect groups of Native Americans like the Iroquois and Cherokee?

It divided those groups between supporters of the British and supporters of the Americans

What weakness did Shays' Rebellion expose in the Articles of Confederation?

It had no power to control the people in cases of rebellion

Which of the following was the greatest weakness of the government under the Articles of Confederation?

It had no power to regulate commerce or collect taxes from the sovereign states

The crucial federalist successes in the fight for ratification occurred in the states of

Massachusetts, Virginia, and New York

Which of the following statements correctly describes Benzoni's account?

It is partially correct because Benzoni accurately describes the animistic elements of indigenous religions and the syncretic results of missionary work.

How did the American Revolution affect women?

It reinforced the concept of "republican motherhood" which equates the women's work at home with civic duty

Washington's foreign policy rested on the basic belief that

It was in America's interest to stay neutral in all European Wars

How did the American Revolution affect slavery?

It was the beginning of organized abolitionist movements

Why did the British yield the Americans a generous peace treaty that included the western territories?

It was the desire of the weak Whig ministry in London for friendly future relations with the United States

Which of the following championed a strict interpretation of the Constitution


In the new state constitutions written after the Revolution, what was the most powerful branch of government?


What role did the Native Americans play in the French and Indian War?

Many Indigenous peoples sided with the French and attacked the British colonial frontier.

Which of the following statements best describes colonial attitudes during the revolution

Many colonists were patriots but there were also many loyalists and fence-sitters

How did colonists react to the Proclamation of 1763

Many were angered and continued to settle illegally beyond the demarcation line.

Besides living in isolation away from the peoples of Afro Eurasia, why else did the Native American people lack immunity to European diseases?

Most Indigenous peoples did not live in urban areas and had few domesticated animals, which meant they did not develop a resistance to many animal-borne illnesses.

Which statement best describes the relationship between Native Americans and European settlers?

Native Americans and Europeans at times traded peacefully with European colonists but also frequently used diplomacy and force to resist encroachment on their territory, political sovereignty, and way of life.

Which answer best describes the lives of Native Americans immediately preceding the moment of European contact?

Native peoples created different types of settlements, engaged in long-distance trade, practiced religion, and supported social hierarchies.

Elsewhere in his address, Washington promotes which of the following approaches to foreign policy


Which of the following most accurately describes the impact in the Americas of the phenomenon depicted in the diagram? (Columbian Exchange)

New diseases caused massive population decline of the native peoples in the Americas.

All of the following were problems under the Articles of Confederation except

States did not show support for national issues, such as foreign relations

The main purpose of the Stamp Act was to

Raise revenue to support British troops stationed in America

Washington's Farewell address best exemplifies which of the following political philosophies


According to the federalist papers, what did the framers fear about majorities?

That a single faction might arise and take complete control by force

The radical American group which first emerged during the Stamp Act crisis was known as

Sons of Liberty

Which of the following answers correctly describes the social hierarchy of the Spanish empire?

Spanish officials created a strict caste based on precise racial categories that placed native Spaniards at the top.

The belief that the Spanish only killed, tortured, and stole in the Americans while doing nothing good is called

The Black Legend

How did Britain try to deal with the massive expenses they incurred during the French and Indian War?

The British crown began to more rigorously enforce imperial policies and taxes.

What was the 18th-century principle of virtual representation?

The British government represents all citizens regardless of their actual representation in Parliament.

What important consequences did the French and I down War have in North America?

The British victory expelled France from North America

What consequences did the French and Indian War have for indigenous people?

The British victory resulted in renewed pressure on tribal lands

When the English landed in 1607, relations between the Indians and the English were tense for all of the following reasons except

The English tried to convert the natives to Catholicism.

What enabled the Europeans to conquer the Native American peoples?

The Europeans had advanced military technology and also brought with them diseases which ravaged native populations.

Which of the following would have most strongly opposed the Whisky Rebellion?

The Federalists

The British defeat at Yorktown was brought about by George Washington's army and

The French navy under Admiral de Grasse

The Alien and Sedition Acts were primarily aided at

The Jeffersonians and the allegedly pro-French activities and ideas

Before Columbus arrived, it is believed that the only Europeans to have temporarily visited North America were

The Norse

The French and Indian War became part of a larger world conflict known as

The Seven Years' War

Which of the following examples best supports Adams' claim?

The Stamp Act because it helped bring some semblance of unity among the colonies towards a common cause prior to the war

Put in order: The wealthy Aztec civilization falls to Cortés, Christopher Columbus lands in the Caribbean Islands, Marco Polo publishes an account of his travels in Asia, The first human inhabitants cross into North America from Siberia, The Spanish build a permanent fortress at St. Augustine (present day Florida)

The first human inhabitants cross into North America from Siberia, Marco Polo publishes an account of his travels in Asia, Christopher Columbus lands in the Caribbean Islands, The wealthy Aztec civilization falls to Cortés , The Spanish build a permanent fortress at St. Augustine (present day Florida)

The Bill of Rights is the name given to provisions whose actual form is

The first ten amendments to the federal constitution

Which of the following was not crucial in the fight for ratification?

The issue of slavery

Jefferson's Kentucky resolutions argues that

The states had the right to nullify unconstitutional federal laws

Which of the following statements most accurately describes the encounter between the conquistador Hernán Cortés and the Aztec leader Moctezuma as depicted above?

The tapestry recognizes the important role indigenous women played as translators and cultural mediators between Europeans and Native Americans.

What was the Columbian Exchange?

The transfer of plants, animals, culture, and diseases between the Western Hemisphere and the Eastern Hemisphere that occurred after Columbus's voyage

Why did Thomas Paine's appeal for a new republican form of gov attract many Americans

Their own experience with local and colonial democratic governance had prepared them for the idea

The "Great Compromise" in the Constitutional Convention provided that

There would be representation by population in the House of Representatives but equal representation of all states in the Senate

Why would some Native Americans join Britain in the fight against the American colonists?

They believed that a victorious Britain would contain westward American Expansion

What happened to a majority of the German Hessian soldiers hired by King George 2 to fight for the British?

They had little loyalty to the British cause and ended up deserting

Paine's Common Sense was crucial in convincing many Americans of what?

They should fight for an independent, Republican America

What is the dominant theory about how the first people arrived in what we now call North America?

They walked across a land bridge from Asia to North America

Hamilton's first financial policies were intended

To fund the national debt and to have the federal government assume the debts owed by the states

What economic role did women play in the new American republic?

Women were paid less than men and made up a lesser percentage of the working population

A key addition to the new federal government that had been demanded by many of the ratifying states was

a written bill of rights to guarantee liberty

The ninth and Tenth Amendments partly reversed the federalist momentum of the Constitution by declaring that

all rights not mentioned in the federal Constitution were retained by the states or by the people themselves

The expansion of New France occurred especially

along the paths of lakes and rivers

As used by Madison, the term faction means

an interest group

The bold American military strategy that narrowly failed in December 1775 involved

an invasion of Canada by generals Arnold and Montgomery

The British Proclamation of 1763

angered colonists who thought that it deprived them of the fruits of victory

The federalist papers were

articles written by Hamilton, Madison, and Jay to gain support for the Constitution.

One immediate innovation not mentioned in the Constitution that was developed by George Washington's administration was


Pontiac's fierce attack on frontier outposts in 1763 had the effect of

convincing the British to keep troops stationed in the colonies

England's victory over the Spanish Armada gave it

dominance of the Atlantic Ocean and a vibrant sense of nationalism.

Some of the more advanced Native American cultures did all of the following except

engage in significant ocean voyages of discovery

One of the advantages the colonists enjoyed in the impending conflict with Britain was

fighting defensively on a large, agriculturally self-sufficient continent

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