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Glycemic response describes the effect that carbohydrate-containing foods have on blood glucose and insulin concentrations.


Glycerol is a sugar alcohol.


Glycerol is an osmotically active, water-retaining molecule. True False


Glycerol loading results in a gain in body weight. True False


Highly aerobic muscle fibers and other tissues can use lactate as an energy source.


Hyponatremia is defined as a plasma sodium concentration below 135 mmol/L. True False


In most humans, lactase activity begins to decline at about age 2.


Indispensible refers to amino acids that the body cannot manufacture.


It is easy for athletes who train in the heat to dehydrate because the rate of water absorption from the stomach and intestine is usually slower than the rate of loss from sweat. True False


It is recommended that endurance athletes consume 30-60 g of carbohydrate per hour during exercise.


It is unsafe to make a blanket recommendation for fluid intake during exercise for all members of the same team. True False


Meat, fish, and poultry are examples of foods that contain protein.


Most foods contain a mixture of macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, and fats).


Oxidative phosphorylation is the predominant energy system used at rest.


Plasma and interstitial fluid, have nearly identical composition and distribution of electrolytes. True False


Plasma serves as the fluid transportation medium to transport substances such as red blood cells, gases, and nutrients, throughout the body. True False


Polysaccharides are chains of glucose and include starchy foods and muscle glycogen.


Protein digestion begins in the stomach and involves hydrochloric acid and pepsin.


Protein quality is based on the amounts and types of amino acids and the extent to which the amino acids are absorbed.


Reactive hypoglycemia refers to low blood glucose concentration that follows food intake.


Starches are referred to as complex carbohydrates.


Sucrose, lactose, and maltose are disaccharides.


Sugar does not contain dietary fiber.


The TEF is typically calculated by multiplying daily caloric intake by 10 percent.


The branched chain amino acids can be relatively easily metabolized by skeletal muscle but they are considered the least preferred fuel source when compared to carbohydrates and fats.


The carbohydrate and fat in the diet provide the energy that the body needs and the protein is often "spared" from this function.


The catabolism of protein can produce ammonia, a product that is toxic to the body.


The energy system that has the slowest rate of ATP replenishment is oxidative phosphorylation.


The extracellular fluid (ECF) is referred to as the "gateway" because water must pass through the ECF to reach cells. True False


The majority of athletes consume a sufficient amount of protein.


The primary structure of a polypeptide determines how a protein will function.


The purpose of the three energy systems is to use chemical energy to re-form ATP.


The relationship between oxygen consumption and exercise intensity is linear until maximum oxygen consumption is reached.


The respiratory exchange ratio (RER) uses the amount of carbon dioxide produced and the amount of oxygen consumed to determine the percentage of energy derived from carbohydrate and fat.


The term "quality carbohydrates" typically refers to a carbohydrate-containing food that is not highly processed.


The three energy systems that replenish ATP are creatine phosphate, anaerobic glycolysis, and oxidative phosphorylation.


The two predominant glucose-regulating hormones are glucagon and insulin.


There are 20 different amino acids that can be used to make various body proteins.


Through osmosis, water moves from areas of low solute concentration to areas of higher solute concentration. True False


To achieve positive nitrogen balance and increase muscle mass, both protein and energy intakes must be sufficient.


To denature is to change the structure of a protein.


To optimize glycogen replenishment after exercise, carbohydrate and insulin are needed.


Under normal conditions, sodium is actively pumped out of cells while potassium is simultaneously pumped into cells. True False


Very low calorie "starvation" diets result in a reduced resting metabolic rate and can actually impede weight loss.


When alcohol (ethanol) is consumed at low to moderate levels, the primary pathway is the alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) pathway.


When conditions are more humid, sweating is a less effective means of regulating body temperature. True False


When hypohydration occurs in the ECF, the osmolarity of the ECF increases and water shifts from the cells to the ECF. True False


When skeletal muscle is catabolized, the amino acids are returned to the amino acid pool.


When the extracellular fluid is hypertonic to the intracellular fluid, there will be a net water movement out of the cell. True False


What is the composition of maltose?

Two glucose units

In addition to beverages and food, another source of water for the body is ____. aerobic metabolism anaerobic metabolism osmosis hydrostatic pressure

aerobic metabolism

The basic component of all proteins is ____.

amino acids

The factors that determine protein quality include ____.

amount and type of amino acids

The early focus of nutrition research was on the ____.

amount and type of nutrients needed to prevent deficiencies

The process that builds complex molecules from simple molecules is ____.


Which factor increases resting metabolic rate by an estimated 15-25 percent?

ascending to high altitudes

The storage of carbohydrates by forming glycogen for later use is an example of ____ work.


Which certification requires a bachelor's degree in an allied health field, such as exercise physiology, physical therapy, or nursing?

clinical exercise specialists

Most Internet users access ____, and that information can be biased in an effort to increase sales.

commercial websites

A food protein that contains all of the indispensable amino acids in the proper amounts and proportions to support growth is known as a(n) ____.

complete protein

General agreement among members of a group is known as ____.


To avoid a moderate potassium deficiency, it is recommended that individuals, including athletes, should ____. use a salt substitute (potassium chloride) daily avoid exercising in the heat consume a variety of fruits and vegetables daily consume snack foods such as popcorn

consume a variety of fruits and vegetables daily

What is the recommended carbohydrate intake for good health for adults in the U.S.?

45 to 65 percent of total energy intake

On average, 1 liter of oxygen consumed is equivalent to ____ kcal of energy expended.


Minimum amount per day

5 g/kg body weight

The Daily Value (DV) is an estimate of the amount needed each day based on a ____ calorie diet.


It has long been known that a starvation state can reduce resting metabolic rate by ____ percent or more.


Physical activity may comprise only approximately ____ percent of the sedentary person's daily energy expenditure.


The recommended amount of daily carbohydrate for athletes engaged in high-intensity, short-duration exercise is ____.

5-7 g/kg of body weight

As a rule of thumb, the American College of Sports Medicine recommends a fluid intake at least four (4) hours prior to exercise of approximately ____. 240 ml 500 ml 5-7 ml/kg 10-15 ml/kg

5-7 ml/kg

When burned completely in a bomb calorimeter, protein foods yield, on average, ____ kcal/g.


The recommended carbohydrate concentration in a beverage consumed during exercise is approximately ____.

6 to 8%

According to the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, children and adolescents should do ____ minutes or more of physical activity daily.


On average, an adult's body contains approximately ____ % water (by weight): 20 40 60 80


Under the most demanding conditions (e.g., very high-intensity exercise), ATP concentrations in exercising skeletal muscles rarely drop more than ____ percent.

20 to 30

Low-calorie diets produce a _____ percent weight loss from lean body mass.


Maximum protein synthesis takes place with an intake of _____ of high-quality protein post-exercise.

25 grams

The net (final) ATP production from anaerobic glycolysis is ____.

3 ATPs if beginning with glycogen

It is estimated that sedentary people use about ____ kilocalories of energy per kilogram body weight daily.


The recommendation for athletes engaged in prolonged exercise is to consume ____ of carbohydrate each hour.

30 to 60 g

According to the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, you should consume less than ____ mg per day of dietary cholesterol.


The average O2 max for young adults is approximately _____ ml/kg/min.

35-40 for females and 40-45 for males

If a food contains 350 calories, how many kilocalories does it contain?


Daily intake for endurance athletes in months prior to competition

8 g/kg body weight

Surveys suggest that ____ percent or more of all elite athletes use one or more dietary supplements.


One gram of carbohydrate yields approximately how many kcal?


One gram of protein yields approximately how many kcal?


When proteins are metabolized in the body, the average caloric value is estimated to be ____ kcal/g


When proteins are metabolized in the body, the average caloric value is estimated to be ____ kcal/g.


The primary (1st level) structure of the protein determines its ____.


A beverage containing a carbohydrate concentration greater than 10% may be detrimental to an athlete during exercise because ____. gastric emptying is slowed gastric emptying is accelerated volume of urine is increased concentration of urine is increased

gastric emptying is slowed

The expected outcome if too high a carbohydrate concentration is consumed during endurance exercise is ____.

gastrointestinal distress

An example of a monosaccharide is ____.


Which of the following is a true statement regarding fructose intolerance?

Bloating results because unabsorbed fructose draws water into the gastrointestinal tract

Which of the following is a true statement regarding the function of creatine phosphate (CrP)?

CrP rapidly replenishes ATP.

Which equation used to predict resting metabolic rate may better account for the higher amount of lean body mass in trained athletes?


It is recommended that athletes avoid caffeine-containing beverages because of the negative effect these beverages have on fluid and electrolyte balance. True False


Long distance running would depend primarily on the creatine phosphate system as a source of ATP.


Most athletes consume a sufficient amount of dietary fiber.


Most research has shown that short-term creatine "loading" results in an immediate increase in absolute, maximal power.


Most scientific journals require that energy be expressed as an SI unit, which is the kilocalorie.


Once pyruvate is converted to lactate in the muscle it cannot be converted back


Oxidative phosphorylation is a process that begins with glucose and ends with lactate.


Oxygen deficit and oxygen debt are interchangeable terms that describe the "lag time" that exists between the onset of aerobic exercise and the ability of the aerobic energy system to achieve its full capacity.


Plant proteins are termed complete proteins because they contain all the indispensable amino acids in the proper amounts and proportions to each other to prevent amino acid deficiencies and to support growth.


Polypeptides are synthesized on mitochondria.


Resting metabolism comprises approximately 50 percent of a sedentary person's total daily energy expenditure.


The addition of water to the body is primarily accomplished through metabolism. True False


The amino acids in casein are absorbed faster than the amino acids in whey.


The body is capable of manufacturing all of the amino acids it needs but it must have sufficient energy to be able to do so.


The condition of euhydration is when there is an insufficient amount of water in the body to meet physiological demands. True False


The energy content of carbohydrates and proteins is estimated to be 9 kcal/g.


The main electrolyte lost in sweat during exercise is potassium. True False


The major function of the Krebs cycle portion of oxidative phosphorylation is to produce moderate to large amounts of ATP.


The postabsorptive state refers to the 3- to 4-hour period after food is eaten.


The rephosphorylation of ATP is an exergonic reaction.


The use of "endurance formula" sports drinks is not an effective strategy for replacing sodium lost during prolonged exercise. True False


The usual carbohydrate recommendation for most athletes is 70% of his or her total caloric intake.


The water found in the ICF and the ECF remains static. True False


Transamination refers to the removal of the amino group from an amino acid.


Vegans consume milk and yogurt.


Which of the following will metabolize glucose exclusively or preferentially via anaerobic glycolysis?

Fast-twitch muscle fibers

Metabolism of one molecule of which of the following produces the highest number of ATPs?

Fat metabolism (e.g., palmitate)

When an individual is in a fed state (the time when nutrients are being absorbed), which hormone exerts the most influence?


helps regulate carbohydrate metabolism


In which compartment is the largest amount of body fluid stored? Blood plasma Interstitial fluid Extracellular fluid Intracellular fluid

Intracellular fluid

Which is a branched chain amino acid (BCAA)?


Why do some athletes ingest glycerol prior to exercise? It repels water and acts as a mild diuretic. It attracts water and results in fluid retention. It is a readily available source of glucose during exercise. It directly offsets the rise in body temperature that occurs during exercise.

It attracts water and results in fluid retention.

Why is pyruvate considered a "key glycolytic compound"?

It can be metabolized either anaerobically or aerobically.

What is the advantage of consuming a drink with glucose polymers during endurance exercise?

It provides a slow, steady supply of glucose into the blood.

end product of glycolysis



Level of energy expenditure equal to that measured at rest

breakdown of triglycerides


Which of the following is a true statement about nutrient metabolism in the fasting state?

Liver glycogen is depleted.

During a muscle contraction, what happens immediately after calcium binds to troponin?

Troponin pushes tropomyosin away, exposing binding sites on actin.

A decrease in plasma volume occurs within the first few minutes after exercise begins. True False


A moderate potassium deficiency can result in increased blood pressure and increased urinary calcium excretion. True False


A simple and practical hydration assessment tool to monitor hydration status is to evaluate daily weight loss, urine color, and thirst. True False


ATP and CrP are both high-energy phosphate compounds.


All fluids can have a diuretic effect. True False


All starches are eventually broken down to their basic component—glucose.


As exercise intensity increases, the percentage of energy from fat metabolism decreases.


Athletes with eating disorders are likely to have low protein intakes.


Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for moderate- to high-intensity exercise.


Concerns have been raised regarding the relationship between long-term high-protein diets and the risk for an accelerated progression of kidney disease.


Consumption of both carbohydrates and proteins are recommended after exercise to provide the body the energy and nutrients needed for proper recovery.


Exercising muscle prefers to use glycogen rather than glucose because the net yield of ATP is greater.


Exertional heat cramps may be the result of rapid and large losses of fluid and sodium. True False


Fast-twitch muscle fibers are also called glycolytic because of their reliance on anaerobic energy systems.


The chemical composition of proteins differs from carbohydrate or fat because of the presence of ____.


The rate of glycolysis in muscle is controlled primarily by ____.

phosphofructokinase (PFK)

EER is based on age, gender, weight, height, and ____.

physical activity

Of the three constituents of total energy expenditure the one that can be influenced most readily and to the largest extent by the individual is ____.

physical activity

Cellulose is a ____.


Fiber is a ____.


Starch is a ____.


To achieve increased muscle size (hypertrophy), athletes must be in ____.

positive nitrogen balance

An example of an electrolyte is ____.


The term endurance athlete is generally interpreted to mean that the athlete ____.

predominantly uses the oxygen-dependent energy system

Which training principle is based on the idea that individuals may respond and adapt slightly differently, even when exposed to the same training stimulus?

principle of individuality

Which training principle is based on the idea that the type of physiological responses and eventual adaptations will be specific to the type of stimulus and stress imposed on the body?

principle of specificity

Transamination and deamination refer to the metabolism of ____.


Which macronutrient has the greatest effect on the thermic effect of food?


The measurement technique DLW uses ____ to determine energy expenditure.

radioactively labeled hydrogen and oxygen

Twenty sprint cyclists were randomly selected to be in a study designed to test the effectiveness of 12 weeks of creatine supplementation on performance. Ten cyclists received a creatine supplement for three months while the other ten received a placebo. The cyclists did not know which supplement they were taking, while the researcher did have this information.


A food that has a high glycemic index (GI) produces a ____.

rapid rise in both blood glucose and insulin concentrations

Gastric juices denature proteins and cause a change in the ____.


The point of entry for an amino acid into the Krebs cycle is determined by its ____.


Digestion begins in the ____.


An example of a polysaccharide is ____.

muscle glycogen

Exercising muscle prefers to use carbohydrate from ____.

muscle glycogen

The thick contractile protein of a muscle cell is known as ____.


he First Law of Thermodynamics states that energy is ____.

neither created nor destroyed

The body's "turnover"of creatine is approximately ____ per day.

2 g

Individual amino acid supplements are more effective than food.


It is biochemically impossible to convert carbohydrate to fatty acids.


In the energy balance equation, the only component of "energy in" is ____.


Athletes need an adequate protein intake ____.

for growth and repair of tissue

The generation of tension by contracting muscle is known as ____.

force production

Which of the following respiratory exchange ratio (RER) values would indicate metabolism of pure fat?


How much carbohydrate should an athlete consume after exercise?

0.75-1.5 g/kg/hour beginning immediately after exercise

The amount of protein recommended daily for adults is ____.

0.8 g/kg of body weight

The amount of protein recommended daily for recreational athletes who do not train is ____.

0.8 to 1.0 g per kg of body weight.

As a rule of thumb, athletes who sweat heavily and lose large amounts of sodium should consume approximately _____ g of sodium per hour. 0.25 0.5 1 1.5


How many chemical steps are required for the rephosphorylation of ATP by creatine phosphate?


As a "rule of thumb," which of the following best describes pre-event carbohydrate recommendations?

1 g/kg 1 hour prior, 2 g/kg 2 hours prior, 3 g/kg 3 hours prior

Approximate intake per hour for four hours after training

1 g/kg body weight

Intake one hour prior to training

1 g/kg body weight

Approximately how much sweat can an athlete lose each hour when exercising in a hot and humid environment? 1 milliliter per hour 1 liter per hour 1 gallon per hour 25 cups per hour

1 liter per hour

Using the Cunningham Equation estimate the resting metabolic rate of a 25-year-old female endurance athlete who is 5'8" and weighs 145 lb. At 20 percent body fat she has approximately 52.7 kg of fat-free mass.

1,659.4 kcal/d

Estimate the resting metabolic rate of a 165-lb (75-kg) male using the Simplified Resting Metabolic Rate Formula.

1,800 kcal/d

If creatine phosphate is nearly depleted in skeletal muscle by high-intensity exercise, approximately how long does it take to restore creatine phosphate levels?

1-2 minutes

The duration of the anaerobic glycolysis energy system is approximately ____.

1-2 minutes

The amount of protein recommended daily for endurance athletes is _____ per kg of body weight.

1.2 to 1.4 g

The amount of protein recommended daily for strength athletes is ____ per kg of body weight.

1.2 to 1.7 g

As a rule of thumb for athletes, experts recommend a post-exercise fluid intake as soon after exercise as practical of approximately ____. 0.5 L of fluid per kg body weight lost 1.0 L of fluid per kg body weight lost 1.5 L of fluid per kg body weight lost 1 pint of fluid for each pound of weight lost

1.5 L of fluid per kg body weight lost

Even under severe conditions during exercise, protein metabolism makes up at most approximately _____% of total energy expenditure.


Daily intake during the repletion stage when carbohydrate loading (modified protocol)

10 g/kg body weight

When compared to basal metabolic rate, resting metabolic rate is about ____.

10 percent greater

On average, the amino acid pool contains about how many grams of amino acids?


6,300 kJ = ____ kilocalories.


Arrange the energy sources muscle glycogen, adipose tissue triglyceride, liver glycogen, and blood glucose in order from the least to the greatest based on the amount of energy stored in the body: .....A.....B.....C.....D..... least greatest Blood glucose

A - least

Arrange the energy systems anaerobic glycolysis, creatine phosphate, oxidative phosphorylation of carbohydrate, and oxidative phosphorylation of fat in order from the least to the greatest based on total capacity for ATP production: .....A.....B.....C.....D..... least greatest Creatine phosphate

A - least

Arrange the energy systems anaerobic glycolysis, creatine phosphate, oxidative phosphorylation of carbohydrate, and oxidative phosphorylation of fat in order from the slowest to the fastest based on the rate of ATP production: .....A.....B.....C.....D..... slowest fastest Oxidative phosphorylation (fat)

A - slowest

Is a 1500 mg/day glucosamine supplement considered safe?

A 1500 mg/day dose is thought to be safe.

Is a 5 g/day glutamine supplement considered safe?

A 5 g/day dose is thought to be safe.


A degreed health and fitness professional qualified to assess, design, and implement individual and group exercise and fitness programs for apparently healthy individuals and individuals with medically controlled diseases

Nutrient dense

A food containing a relatively high amount of nutrients compared to its caloric content

What is creatine phosphate (CrP)?

A nitrogen-containing compound made from certain amino acids

What is the "anabolic window?"

A post-exercise state that favors muscle recovery and growth


A protein-containing compound that catalyzes biochemical reactions

Is a 50 g/day branched chain amino acid (BCAA) supplement considered safe?

A safe dose is considered to be 5 to 20 g/day

Which athlete is most likely to suffer from hyponatremia? A team athlete such as a football player A strength athlete such as a body builder A slow marathon runner A soccer player

A slow marathon runner


A specialized type of athletic training that involves powerful, explosive movements

What are Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI)?

A standard used to assess and plan diets for individuals and groups


A substance in solution that conducts an electrical current


A training principle that stresses muscles in a manner similar to which they are to perform


A wasting or decrease in organ or tissue size

How does the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) differ from the Adequate Intake (AI)?

AI is not as scientifically strong as it is based on estimates or approximations derived from scientific research.

Which of the following is a true statement regarding diabetes?

Being diagnosed does not stop one from excelling in athletics.

Which of the following statements regarding ATP is true?

ATP stores potential energy in its phosphate bonds.


Ability to measure accurately what was intended to be measured


Ability to reproduce a measurement and/or the consistency of repeated measurements

an amino acid that can be oxidized


Which statement best describes how the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) apply to athletes in training?

Although they were developed for the general population, athletes can use the DRI to assess the adequacy of their diets.

The Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) helps people answer which question?

Am I consuming too much?

Which of the following is a true statement regarding artificial sweeteners?

Americans report that they use them to reduce caloric intake.

What is the amino acid pool?

Amino acids circulating in the blood or fluid between cells

Which of the following statements is true about ammonia?

Ammonia is produced by the catabolism of amino acids.


An exercise stimulus that is of sufficient magnitude to cause enough stress to warrant long-term changes by the body


An inactive substance

Ergogenic aid

Any external influence that may enhance training, recovery, or performance

It would be inappropriate to use scale weight to monitor exercise-related fluid loss and subsequent rehydration with which of the following athletes? Endurance athlete exercising in the heat Endurance athlete exercising in humid conditions Strength athlete Athlete struggling with body image

Athlete struggling with body image

Which statement is true when people are asked to keep a food diary?

Athletes may consciously or unconsciously undereat.

Arrange the energy sources muscle glycogen, adipose tissue triglyceride, liver glycogen, and blood glucose in order from the least to the greatest based on the amount of energy stored in the body: .....A.....B.....C.....D..... least greatest Liver glycogen

B - low

Arrange the energy systems anaerobic glycolysis, creatine phosphate, oxidative phosphorylation of carbohydrate, and oxidative phosphorylation of fat in order from the least to the greatest based on total capacity for ATP production: .....A.....B.....C.....D..... least greatest Anaerobic glycolysis

B - low

Arrange the energy systems anaerobic glycolysis, creatine phosphate, oxidative phosphorylation of carbohydrate, and oxidative phosphorylation of fat in order from the slowest to the fastest based on the rate of ATP production: .....A.....B.....C.....D..... slowest fastest Oxidative phosphorylation (carbohydrate)

B - slow

Arrange the energy systems anaerobic glycolysis, creatine phosphate, oxidative phosphorylation of carbohydrate, and oxidative phosphorylation of fat in order from the slowest to the fastest based on the rate of ATP production: .....A.....B.....C.....D..... slowest fastest Anaerobic glycolysis

C - fast

Arrange the energy sources muscle glycogen, adipose tissue triglyceride, liver glycogen, and blood glucose in order from the least to the greatest based on the amount of energy stored in the body: .....A.....B.....C.....D..... least greatest Muscle glycogen

C - great

Arrange the energy systems anaerobic glycolysis, creatine phosphate, oxidative phosphorylation of carbohydrate, and oxidative phosphorylation of fat in order from the least to the greatest based on total capacity for ATP production: .....A.....B.....C.....D..... least greatest Oxidative phosphorylation (carbohydrate)

C - great

Which of the following is a true statement about nutrient metabolism in the starvation state?

CNS depends primarily on ketones.

Room-size calorimeter

Can measure both direct and indirect calorimetry

What two factors are needed to optimize muscle glycogen resynthesis after exercise?

Carbohydrate and insulin

What is the intended meaning of the marketing term "low-impact carbs"?

Carbohydrate foods that result in a slow rise in blood glucose and insulin.

Which is a "slow-acting" protein?


Which of the following is considered a functional fiber?


Metabolic cart

Commonly used in exercise physiology laboratories to determine the oxygen consumption and energy expenditure response to exercise, in some cases to determine maximal oxygen consumption

What is glucosamine?

Compound made up of glucose and glutamine

What is the primary source of sodium in the average American diet? Using a salt shaker to add sodium to food Consuming food and fluid that naturally contain sodium Consuming processed food Consuming foods such as milk, vegetables, and grains

Consuming processed food

Whey protein isolate

Contains 100% protein

Egg whites

Contains protein and carbohydrate but no fat

Dark meat turkey

Contains protein and fat but no carbohydrate

Peanut butter

Contains protein, carbohydrate, and fat

Arrange the energy systems anaerobic glycolysis, creatine phosphate, oxidative phosphorylation of carbohydrate, and oxidative phosphorylation of fat in order from the slowest to the fastest based on the rate of ATP production: .....A.....B.....C.....D..... slowest fastest Creatine phosphate

D - fastest

Arrange the energy sources muscle glycogen, adipose tissue triglyceride, liver glycogen, and blood glucose in order from the least to the greatest based on the amount of energy stored in the body: .....A.....B.....C.....D..... least greatest Adipose tissue triglyceride

D - greatest

Arrange the energy systems anaerobic glycolysis, creatine phosphate, oxidative phosphorylation of carbohydrate, and oxidative phosphorylation of fat in order from the least to the greatest based on total capacity for ATP production: .....A.....B.....C.....D..... least greatest Oxidative phosphorylation (fat)

D - greatest

How do whey and casein differ?

Each is comprised of different amino acids.

Which of the following foods contains primarily proteins and little carbohydrates or fats?

Egg whites

Which of the following is an example of a complete protein?

Egg whites

Kinetic energy

Energy of motion

What is the primary benefit to consuming a high-carbohydrate meal three hours prior to competition?

Enhanced liver glycogen


Estimates the amount of certain nutrients needed each day

What does the glycemic index (GI) measure?

Extent of blood glucose elevation

A blood glucose concentration of 140 mg/dl falls within the normal range.


ATP is composed of adenosine with two phosphate groups attached.


ATP is critical for muscle contraction, but it is not involved in skeletal muscle relaxation.


All body tissues contain approximately 75% water. True False


An RER of 1.0 means that 100% of the fuel used is derived from fat and 0% is derived from carbohydrate.


Assuming that both muscle glycogen and blood glucose concentrations are adequate, exercising muscle cells prefer to use blood glucose rather than muscle glycogen.


Athletes who train and perform in the water, such as swimmers and water polo players, rarely sweat while in the water. True False


Basal metabolic rate and resting metabolic rate are typically the same.


Because of the way it is absorbed and metabolized, fructose will be converted to glucose rapidly.


Beta cells of the pancreas secrete glucagon.


Beta-oxidation is a process associated with the breakdown of amino acids for energy.


Carbohydrates are composed of carbon, nitrogen, and hydrogen.


Creatine supplements are effective for both strength and endurance athletes.


Dehydration and hypohydration can be used interchangeably because they both refer to the process of losing water. True False


Dispensable amino acids are absorbed more rapidly than indispensable amino acids.


Exercise is not encouraged for individuals with type 2 diabetes..


Good advice to athletes who exercise in hot, humid conditions is to drink as much as possible before and during exercise. True False


Heavy sweating results in a loss of plasma water and a decrease in plasma sodium concentration. True False


In the U.S., the amount of caffeine contained in an energy beverage must be stated on the label. True False


An athlete's pre-exercise weight is 163 pounds. His post-exercise weight is 161 pounds. What does this two (2) pound weight loss represent? Fat loss Loss of muscle mass Fluid loss Lean body mass

Fluid loss

What is interstitial fluid? Fluid surrounding the cells Any fluid associated with the cardiovascular system Any fluid that does not contain cations Plasma portion of the extracellular fluid compartment

Fluid surrounding the cells

If creatine phosphate is nearly depleted in skeletal muscle by high-intensity exercise, how is it rephosphorylated?

From ATP generated aerobically by oxidative phosphorylation

How do fructose and glucose absorption and uptake differ?

Fructose absorption depends on a concentration gradient while glucose absorption requires active transport.

____ are intended to bring dietary supplement manufacturing standards more in line with pharmaceutical standards.


What hormone is responsible for stimulating the breakdown of liver glycogen and its release as glucose?


_____ is the production of glucose from a non-carbohydrate source, such as amino acids.


What is an end product of carbohydrate digestion?


Which amino acid is found in the greatest concentration in the amino acid pool?


Which of the following can be broken down into glucose?


breakdown of glycogen


Which professional is a degreed health and fitness professional qualified to assess, design, and implement individual and group exercise and fitness programs for apparently healthy individuals and individuals with medically controlled diseases?

Health Fitness Specialist

What effect would glycerol loading have on an athlete's body weight? No effect on body weight Quick decrease in body weight Slow decrease in body weight Increase in body weight

Increase in body weight

What effect does insulin have on amino acids?

Increases amino acid uptake

What effect does insufficient energy (kcal) intake have on protein need?

Increases protein need

How is carbohydrate consumed in excess converted to fat?

Indirectly, by converting glucose to acetyl CoA

What is insensible water loss? Loss of water as a result of sweating but not cooling in humid conditions Large losses of water due to excessive sweating Loss of water from the body that is not noticeable Excessive loss of water through urine

Loss of water from the body that is not noticeable


Low blood sodium level

Which athlete would likely use protein as an energy source during competition?

Marathon runner

Athletes participating in which sport need to be the most concerned about consuming fluids that contain sodium to offset the amount being lost in sweat? Sprint running Field events (e.g., shot putting, high jumping) 10 km running Marathon running

Marathon running

Which equation most accurately predicts resting metabolic rate in healthy Caucasian adults?

Mifflin-St Jeor

Why do athletes who restrict their energy intakes need more protein?

More protein will burned for energy.

Which of the following correctly describes the glucose-alanine cycle?

Muscle converts pyruvate to alanine, which is transported to the liver for potential conversion to glucose.

The most important carriers for electrons in oxidation-reduction reactions are ____.


How do epinephrine and norepinephrine raise blood glucose concentration?

They stimulate the conversion of glycogen to glucose.

Which of the following foods contain(s) both proteins and carbohydrates but limited fat?

Nonfat dairy


Nutrient needed in relatively large amounts

What is the composition of sucrose?

One glucose and one fructose unit

What is the composition of lactose?

One glucose and one galactose unit

Which of the following statements regarding energy systems is false?

One system is switched on while the others are switched off.

has given up electrons


a fatty acid that can be oxidized


Which organ controls blood glucose by secreting insulin and glucagon?


Which accounts for the largest amount of water loss in an athlete exercising in the heat? Feces Lungs Perspiration Urine


What is the best definition of exercise?

Planned, structured, repetitive, and purposive physical activity in which improvement or maintenance of fitness is the key

_____ is the primary cation in intracellular fluid. Sodium Potassium Calcium Chloride


Which pre-competition goal is not directly associated with carbohydrate intake?

Preventing hypohydration

What is the purported mechanism for glucosamine supplementation?

Prevention of the breakdown of cartilage

Why is it commonly recommended that vegetarian athletes consume approximately 10% more protein than non-vegetarian athletes?

Protein accounts for lower digestibility of plant proteins.

On a protein supplement label, what does the term pre-digested mean?

Proteins have been exposed to enzymes during processing

What is the purpose of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans?

Provide dietary and exercise advice to Americans over the age of 2 that will promote health and reduce the risk for chronic diseases.

ratio of carbon dioxide production to oxygen consumption


What is the amount of energy per unit time required by the body to maintain a nonactive but alert state?


has accepted electrons


Which of the following best describes the carbohydrate (CHO) loading protocol currently used by nearly all endurance athletes?

Reduced-CHO diet for 3 days (5 g/kg/day) followed by a high-CHO diet (10 g/kg/day)

Which of the following is NOT an example of complementary proteins?

Scrambled eggs with non-fat milk

Why does the amount of ATP produced in skeletal muscle differ from the amount produced in other tissues?

Skeletal muscle transfers electrons via FAD while other tissues use NAD.

What is the primary cation in extracellular fluid? Sodium Potassium Calcium Chloride


Which of the following is a true statement regarding vegetarian diets?

Some vegetarians consume milk or yogurt.


Storage form of glucose in the liver and muscle

Potential energy

Stored energy

Which of the following statements is true regarding amino acid supplementation?

Supplementation typically raises the concentration of amino acids above the normal level.

If ____ is estimated, it is typically calculated by multiplying daily caloric intake by 10 percent.



The absolute or relative difficulty of physical activity or exercise

The thin contractile protein of a muscle cell is known as ____.


If the osmolarity of intracellular fluid (ICF) is higher than that of extracellular fluid (ECF), what is the tonicity of the blood? The blood is isotonic to the ICF. The blood is hypotonic to the ICF. The blood is hypertonic to the ICF. The blood is hypertonic to the ECF.

The blood is hypotonic to the ICF.

Why is there a difference between the amount of ATP produced by glucose and by glycogen?

The breakdown of glycogen requires less ATP in the energy investment phase.

What is nitrogen balance?

The difference between nitrogen intake and loss.

What is bioenergetics?

The process of converting food into biologically useful forms of energy

What is gluconeogenesis?

The production of glucose from non-carbohydrate sources.

Epidemiological study

The study of health-related events in a population

Which of the following is a true statement regarding extracellular (ECF) and intracellular (ICF) fluids under normal conditions? The total concentrations of all solutes of the ECF and the ICF are the same. The ionic composition of the ECF and the ICF are the same. The osmolarity of the ECF is greater than that of the ICF. The osmolarity of the ICF is greater than that of the ECF.

The total concentrations of all solutes of the ECF and the ICF are the same.

According to the current body of scientific research, are glutamine supplements effective for reducing the number of infections in endurance athletes?

There is no evidence of effectiveness.

According to the current body of scientific research, is a branched chain amino acid supplement effective for improving immune system response?

There is some evidence of effectiveness but the number of studies is small.

Why is the caloric value of some sugar alcohols less than 4 kcal/g?

They are not completely absorbed.

Why are many people unable to digest milk sugar?

They have a lactase deficiency.

Which of the following is a true statement regarding sweat in trained athletes? They typically have lower sweat rates than sedentary individuals. They typically have higher sweat rates than sedentary individuals. They typically start sweating later than sedentary individuals. They seldom differ in sweating between healthy, sedentary individuals.

They typically have higher sweat rates than sedentary individuals.

In the original carbohydrate loading protocol, why does the athlete reduce carbohydrate intake and engage in exhaustive exercise?

To deplete muscle glycogen stores as much as possible

The greatest influence on maximal oxygen consumption is ____.

aerobic exercise training

Assuming that it can be tolerated, which athlete may find a beverage containing a carbohydrate concentration greater than 10% to be beneficial during exercise? 800 m runner 10,000 m (10 K) runner Ultraendurance runner A team sport athlete

Ultraendurance runner

Which of the following is a true statement regarding sodium excretion? Urinary sodium excretion is precisely controlled by the kidneys. If sodium intake is high, most of the excess sodium is excreted via sweat. If sodium intake is high, most of the excess sodium is excreted via the feces. Excess sodium intake is difficult to excrete and any excess is stored in the liver.

Urinary sodium excretion is precisely controlled by the kidneys.

Which accounts for the largest amount of water loss in a sedentary individual? Feces Lungs Perspiration Urine


Doubly Labeled Water

Used in free-living situations to measure energy expenditure over weeks

Bomb calorimeter

Used to directly measure the thermal energy of food

maximal oxygen consumption

VO2 max

Based on dietary intake only, whom would you expect to have the lowest amount of muscle creatine?


If the osmolarity of intracellular fluid is higher than that of extracellular fluid, what is the effect on water movement? Water will flow out of the cell. Water will flow into the cell. More water will be absorbed from food. More sweat will be produced.

Water will flow into the cell.

When environmental conditions are more humid, sweating is ____. a more effective means of regulating body temperature a less effective means of regulating body temperature not affected by the change dangerous to an active individual

a less effective means of regulating body temperature

The quaternary (3rd level) structure of the protein determines its ____.

ability to bind with other compounds

Energy is the ____.

ability to perform work

The minimal energy expenditure compatible with life is ____.

basal metabolism

Scientific study of the intake of a low-glycemic index food prior to endurance exercise suggests that this strategy is ____.

beneficial to some endurance athletes

The physiological response to hyperglycemia resulting from the consumption of carbohydrate-containing foods involves the stimulation of ____.

beta cells in the pancreas and the secretion of insulin

When an athlete is hypohydrated, ____. core temperature during exercise is lower than when euhydrated blood volume is lower than when euhydrated endurance exercise performance is higher than when euhydrated the amount of water present easily meets the amount required for physiological functions

blood volume is lower than when euhydrated

Which supplements have a link to both food and medications?


The immediate feeling of "energy" produced by energy drinks is most likely due to ____. kilocalories carbohydrate caffeine electrolytes


Individuals who maldigest lactose ____.

can experience gas, bloating, or abdominal pain

An intake of 3 to 12 grams of ____ per kilogram (kg) of body weight per day is recommended for athletes.


On a gram for gram basis, protein has approximately the same amount of energy as ____.


The respiratory exchange ratio (RER) is a way of determining the body's metabolism of ____.

carbohydrate and fat

Endurance and ultraendurance athletes are concerned about some of the same issues. One of these is adequate ____.

carbohydrate and fluid intake

Anaerobic glycolysis is an energy system that uses ____.

carbohydrate only

The energy content of ____ is estimated to be the same kcal/g.

carbohydrates and proteins

The term macronutrient frequently refers to ____.

carbohydrates, proteins, and fats

An analysis of a person or a particular situation is known as a(n) ____ study.


What are the weakest of all scientific findings?

case studies

The fastest and least complex energy system used to produce ATP is ____.

creatine phosphate

Anaerobic production of ATP can occur in the ____.

cytoplasm/sarcoplasm via glycolysis

Oxidative phosphprylation is the preferred energy system during ____.

dance aerobics

Amino acids that can be manufactured by the body are best described as ____.


The maintenance of the distribution of ions across cell membranes is an example of ____ work.


What are chemical reactions that store energy?


Which substance is banned in many sports?


Those who are ____ active need over 50 kcal/kg/d.


What are chemical reactions that release energy?


Twenty sprint cyclists were randomly selected to be in a study designed to test the effectiveness of 12 weeks of creatine supplementation on performance. Ten cyclists received a creatine supplement for three months while the other ten received a placebo. The cyclists did not know which supplement they were taking, while the researcher did have this information. This is an example of a(n) ____ study.


The cardiovascular system adjusts to the demands of exercise and oxygen delivery resulting in ____. fluid being transferred from interstitial space into the plasma fluid being transferred from the plasma to the interstitial space water leaking out of the ECF water leaking into the ECF

fluid being transferred from the plasma to the interstitial space

The energy source preferred by exercising muscle for the process of anaerobic glycolysis is ____.


The Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) for sodium is 1,500 mg daily, however, these recommendations do NOT apply to ____. men and women under the age of 50 sedentary individuals lightly active individuals highly active individuals who sweat heavily

highly active individuals who sweat heavily

Created when there is a difference in fluid pressure between to areas.

hydrostatic pressure

Results in water moving from blood plasma to interstitial spaces.

hydrostatic pressure

Approximately how much sweat can an athlete lose each hour when exercising in a hot and humid environment? 1 milliliter per hour 1 liter per hour 1 gallon per hour 25 cups per hour


Body fluids are considered to be ____ if they have a concentration of solutes that is greater than the concentration of solutes in the cell.


When a person sweats heavily, there is a loss of water from the extracellular fluid and the ECF becomes ____ in relation to the intracellular fluid.


A condition that results from consuming excess fluids is called ____. hypohydration euhydration hyperhydration dehydration


Body fluids are considered to be ____ if they have a concentration of solutes that is less than the concentration of solutes in the cell.


When a fluid has a lower osmolarity than the reference fluid.


Fructose does not appear in the blood after absorption because it is ____.

immediately trapped by the liver and converted to glucose

The _____ system is highly dependent on protein because of rapid cell turnover.


An increased utilization of the aerobic energy system results in a(n) ____.

increase in the amount of oxygen consumed and the amount of carbon dioxide produced.

Regular aerobic exercise training affects carbohydrate (CHO) usage by ____.

increasing the number and size of mitochondria

Sports nutrition is the ____.

integration and application of scientifically based nutritional and exercise physiology principles that support and enhance training, performance, and recovery

The major component of extracellular fluid is ____. blood plasma interstitial fluid lymphatic fluid transcellular fluid

interstitial fluid

Training periodization ____.

involves changing the intensity, volume, and specificity of training to achieve specific goals

Absorption of food proteins takes place primarily in the ____.

jejunum and ileum

The International System of Units (SI units) for energy is the ____.


As stored energy is released to perform some type of work, it is referred to as ____.

kinetic energy

Fructose is a ____.


An example of a disaccharide is ____.


Heat cramps (total body cramping when exercising in the heat) in athletes who are "salty sweaters" appear to be caused by ____. dehydration sodium depletion large losses of fluid and sodium non-nutritional factors

large losses of fluid and sodium

Two factors that may be associated with hyponatremia are ____. large losses of sodium in sweat and low water intake large losses of sodium in sweat and excessive water intake intake of salt tablets and low water intake intake of salt tablets and excessive water intake

large losses of sodium in sweat and excessive water intake

The metabolic rate of females is ____.

less than that of males by about 100 kcal/d

Beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (HMB) is a metabolite of ____.


Glycogen is stored in the muscle and ____.


The organ considered the clearinghouse for most amino acids is the ____.


Under normal circumstances, ____ is used to restore fallen blood glucose levels.

liver glycogen

When using the Food Exchange System, food on each list can be "exchanged " for another food on the same list because each has approximately the same ____ content for the portion size listed.


Adding small amounts of sodium to a beverage is advantageous because it ____. makes the drink more palatable decreases voluntary fluid consumption inhibits thirst decreases body water retention

makes the drink more palatable



The Compendium of Physical Activities expresses the energy expended in ____.

metabolic equivalents

When alcohol consumption is high, the primary pathway for the metabolism of alcohol is the ____.

microsomal ethanol-oxidizing system (MEOS)

Scientific studies of exercise-associated muscle cramping (EAMC) have concluded that this condition is ____. almost always a result of dehydration almost always a result of electrolyte imbalance almost always a result of a combination of dehydration and electrolyte imbalance not typically a result of dehydration or electrolyte imbalance

not typically a result of dehydration or electrolyte imbalance

One liter of water weighs approximately ____. one pound one kilogram two pounds two kilograms

one kilogram

It is estimated that about ____ of adults who record food intake underreport it.


Extrapolation can lead to erroneous conclusions because ____.

only the original study population was tested directly

Concentration of solutes in a particular fluid.


The movement of fluid occurs as a result of controlling the amount of water in the ECF and the ____ of the ECF.


When the number of solutes is measured per liter of solvent.


Water movement from areas of low solute concentration to areas of higher solute concentration.


The process of giving up electrons is called ____.


Free radicals (molecules with unpaired electrons) are most likely to occur during ____.

oxidative phosphorylation

The term aerobic energy system refers to ____.

oxidative phosphorylation

The primary function of the Krebs cycle is to ____.

oxidize carbohydrates, fats, and proteins and ready them for ATP production

In the electron transport chain of oxidative phpsphorylation, the final electron acceptor is ____.


Indirect calorimetry works based on the principle that ____.

oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production are related to energy expenditure

The elevated oxygen consumption during recovery from an exercise bout is called EPOC or ____.

oxygen debt

Which type of athlete participates in sports to be physically active, to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and for enjoyment?


The term level of evidence refers to the ____.

relative strength or weakness of the current collective body of scientific research

The purpose of beta-oxidation is to ____.

remove two-carbon segments from fatty acids and convert them to acetyl CoA

An endergonic reaction is the ____.

rephosphorylation of ATP from ADP

The two best strategies to aid performance and prevent hyponatremia in ultraendurance athletes are ____. replenishment of sodium and prevention of overdrinking replenishment of sodium and voluntary dehydration replenishment of sodium and intake of a large amount of potassium intake of salt tablets and excessive water intake

replenishment of sodium and prevention of overdrinking

For a sedentary individual, ____ typically makes up the largest portion of the day's total energy expenditure.

resting metabolism

Wearing uniforms and protective gear while exercising in the heat typically ____. keeps the sun off the skin and prevents body temperature from rising restricts the evaporation of sweat and results in body temperature rising has little effect on body temperature reduces fluid loss through sweat

restricts the evaporation of sweat and results in body temperature rising

The secondary (2nd level) structure of the protein determines its ____.

rigidity or stability

The size and complexity of which device makes them unsuitable for measuring energy expenditure for short time intervals, particularly less than 30 minutes?

room-size calorimeters

Creatine phosphate is the preferred energy system during ____.

short, fast sprints

Body fat adds to total body weight, which can be a performance advantage for ____ because it adds mass.

shot putters

The primary function of the electron transport chain is to ____.

shuttle electrons from NADH and FADH to rephosphorylate ATP

The largest amount of glycogen is stored in ____.

skeletal muscle

The compound present in the largest amount in sweat is ____. ammonia sodium calcium lactate


An enzyme is a protein that ____.

speeds up (catalyzes) chemical reactions

Glycerol is a ____.

sugar alcohol

Xylitol is a ____.

sugar alcohol

Anaerobic glycolysis is the preferred energy system during ____.

sustained, repeated sprints

Hypoglycemia ____.

symptoms include hunger, shakiness, light-headedness, and loss of concentration

Sucrose is also known as ____.

table sugar

The two most common factors that influence enzymatic activity are ____.

temperature and pH

Direct calorimetry works based on the principle that ____.

the amount of heat produced is proportional to the energy expended

One MET is equal to ____.

the energy expenditure of an average resting metabolic rate

When comparing urine to a color chart, it is recommended that athletes use urine obtained from ____. the first void (urination) of the day the second void (urination) of the day the last void (urination) before going to bed for the night any void (urination) during the day

the first void (urination) of the day

Exercise physiology case best be described as ____.

the science of the response and adaptation of bodily systems to the challenges imposed by movement

What contributes the smallest amount of energy expended over a 24-hour period?

thermic effect of food

The current American College of Sports Medicine recommendation for fluid intake during exercise is ____. 50-150 ml every 15 to 20 minutes 5-10 ml/kg each hour to drink as frequently and as much as possible to develop a customized fluid plan that considers sweat rate

to develop a customized fluid plan that considers sweat rate

The process that involves the transfer of an amino group to another carbon skeleton forming an amino acid is ____.


Based on physiological function, the type of athlete who would likely benefit the most from supplemental branched chain amino acids is a(n) ____.

ultraendurance athlete

The term voluntary dehydration refers to athletes engaged in exercise who are ____. assigned to the control group in research studies examining fluid intake not within five pounds of their pre-exercise weight testing the precision of their thirst mechanism unable or unwilling to consume sufficient fluid to offset fluid loss

unable or unwilling to consume sufficient fluid to offset fluid loss

The term voluntary dehydration refers to athletes engaged in exercise who are ____. assigned to the control group in research studies examining fluid intake not within five pounds of their pre-exercise weight testing the precision of their thirst mechanism unable or unwilling to consume sufficient fluid to offset fluid loss

unable or unwilling to consume sufficient fluid to offset fluid loss

The least accurate but most practical method of monitoring hydration status in athletes is ____. 24-hour urine volume urine color plasma osmolarity isotope dilution

urine color

EAR is ____.

used to assess dietary adequacy and as the basis for the RDA

An example of a food that has a high glycemic index (GI) is ____.

white bread

Blood glucose of 80 mg/dl is considered ____.

within the normal range

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