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A modem belongs to which of the following categories of hardware technology? a. Central Processing Unit (CPU) b. Telecommunication device c. Input device d. Storage device


According to the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII), what is a group of eight bits called? a. Megabyte b. Byte c. Bit d. Terabyte

entity class

The staff of a hospital, a supplier of optical fibers, raw materials for production are all examples of ____.


The statement "a student must take at least one course each semester" is an example of a(n) _____. A. Optional relationship B. Business rule C. Single relationship D. Entity


A _____ contains the logical structure for the information in a database. a. data dictionary b. social network c. data channel d. wiki


A _____ displays key information gathered from several sources on a computer screen in a format tailored to the needs and wants of an individual knowledge worker. a. digital dashboard b. key performance indicator c. cache d. query-and-reporting tool


A _____ is a collection of information that you organize and access according to the logical structure of that information. a. software b. database c. mainframe d. rootkit


A _____ is a subset of a data warehouse in which only a focused portion of the data warehouse information is kept. a. data mart b. data sheet c. data remanence d. data structure


A _____ is primarily responsible for overseeing both the underlying IT infrastructure within an organization and the user-facing technologies (such as CRM systems). a. CEO (chief executive officer) b. CFO (chief financial officer) c. CSO (chief security officer) d. CTO (chief technology officer)


A database management system is: a. a complete set of relations, their links, and the data stored in the database. b. a logical structure for the information within the database. c. an application that allows you to specify the logical structure for a database and access the information within it. d. a data dictionary for a specific relational database.


A foreign key is a: a. primary key of one relation that appears in another relation. b. field that reformats the primary key so that it can be used in another application. c. primary key that contains a needed translation of the primary key from the same relation. d. field that contains a primary key from an external database.


A supplier is an example of a(n) ____. a. entity class b. relational database c. foreign key d. business rule


A(n) _____ is a collection of information that you organize and access according to the logical structure of that information.

primary key

A(n) _____ is a field (or group of fields in some cases) that uniquely describes each record.


A(n) _____ relation is a relation you create to eliminate a many-to-many relationship.


Amazon and eBay only have a presence in the virtual world because of which they have significantly lower fixed costs in terms of retail space than companies that have to pay for retail space. In this example, Amazon and eBay have reduced fixed costs by taking advantage of _____. a. decentralization b. VoIP c. digital storefronts d. franchising


An E-R diagram includes five basic symbols. Which of the following denotes a single relationship between entity classes? a. A circle b. A "|" symbol c. A crow's foot (shown as <) d. A dotted line


An intersection relation consists of: a. primary keys for all entity classes in the relational database. b. definitions for the intersecting relations. c. primary key fields from the intersecting relations. d. summary information.


An intersection relation is also known as a(n) _____ relation. a. primary b. merged c. connection d. composite


B-Quant, a double-entry bookkeeping software, is created and maintained by a distributed network of engineers, software developers, and users, each making contributions to the source code that is publicly available and free of charge. B-Quant is an example of _____ software. a. commercial b. anti-virus c. open-source d. utility


BioNext, a genomics research facility, uses scanners that are used to scan some human physical attributes like fingerprints or irises for security purposes. BioNext is using ____. a. Optical character readers b. Image scanners c. Optical mark readers d. Biometric scanners


Businesses typically act as both buyers and suppliers. Which of the following is true regarding the goal of your company as a buyer and as a supplier? A. You want to decrease your buyer power and increase your supplier power B. You want to increase your buyer power and increase your supplier power C. You want to increase your buyer power and decrease your supplier power D. You want to decrease your buyer power and supplier power


Buyer power in the Five Forces Model is high when: a. providers of products and services have a competitive advantage. b. buyers have many choices from whom to buy c. companies obtain patents and trademarks to minimize duplication by others d. there are only few alternatives to products and services


By defining the logical structure of information in a relational database, you're also developing _____, which are rules that help ensure the quality of the information. a. integrity constraints b. quality maps c. logical constraints d. data dictionaries


ETL is a three-step process that includes extraction, transformation, and _____. a. loading b. licensing c. leveraging d. lending


Having access to information from any location that you're working from is an example of the _____ quality attribute of information. A. Form B. Location C. Relevance D. Timeliness


If a relation contains the primary keys from two separate but related relations, what would primary key be called if both primary keys are used to create a unique identifier? A. Intersecting key B. Foreign key C. Composite primary key D. Merged key


If you find a many-to-many relationship, which of the following is a guideline to be followed when creating an intersection relation? a. Create a new E-R diagram (showing no cardinality) with the original two relations in the middle and a new one (the intersection relation) in the end. b. The new minimum and maximum cardinalities for the two original relations will be one and one. c. Move the minimum cardinality appearing next to the left relation just to the left of the intersection relation. d. Move the minimum cardinality appearing next to the right relation just to the right of the intersection relation.


If you want to edit photos and remove "red eye" from them, you would choose the _____ category of personal productivity software. a. desktop publishing b. presentation c. Web authoring d. graphics


If you were able to provide a product or service in a way that customers value more than what the competition is able to do, then you are creating a _____. A. Competitive advantage B. Niche C. Treasure chest D. Market position


In a relational database, a _____ is a field, or group of fields in some cases, that uniquely describes each record. a. data dictionary b. digital dashboard c. primary key d. hypercube


In a relational database, a _____ key is a primary key of one file that appears in another file. a. relational b. foreign c. utility d. secondary


Juan is looking for a personal productivity software than can help him create letters, memos, and other basic documents. Which of the following will best fulfill Juan's requirements? a. Word processing b. Personal finance c. Spreadsheet d. Desktop publishing


Monte Carlo, Inc., wants to set up a luxury resort in a desert close to Cairo. With an eye on customer needs, it wants to ensure that all its guests can access the Internet from their rooms, the lobby, and the restaurants. Which of the following is Monte Carlo, Inc., most likely to use in its network environment? a. WiFi b. Bluetooth c. Infrared d. DVI


Multidimensional analysis (MDA) tools are _____ techniques that allow you to view multidimensional information from different perspectives. a. query-by-example b. fuzzy logic c. locational d. slice-and-dice


Put the following in order of designing & building a database: 1. Use a data definition language to create your database. 2. Define relationships among entity classes. 3. Define entity classes and primary keys. 4. Define information (fields) for each relation (file) (enter answer like: 1,2,3,4)


Relational databases are similar to spreadsheets in that: a. you maintain information in three-dimensional files. b. you maintain information in two-dimensional files. c. you create primary keys for each entity class. d. you compress information in order to store them.


Sebastian, a student of digital art, is planning to buy a scanner that can capture images, photos, text, and artwork that already exist on paper. Which of the following types of scanners satisfies Sebastian's requirements? a. Image scanner b. Biometric scanner c. Bar code scanner d. Optical mark scanner


Should a business' decisions about its technology drive its business strategy? A. There are times that technology should drive strategy and vice versa B. Yes, if the decision is about management information systems (MIS) C. Yes, if the decision is about strategic information systems (SIS) D. No, business strategy should drive decisions about its technology


Simon is planning to buy an output device for his home that can scan, copy, fax, and print. Which of the following devices best satisfies Simon's requirement? a. LCD b. Multifunction printer c. Plotter d. 3D printer


Stefanie is preparing for a class lecture that requires her to create and edit information that will appear in electronic slides. Which of the following categories of personal productivity software is best suited to Stefanie's needs? a. Presentation b. Desktop publishing c. Spreadsheet d. Word processing


TV remotes and other devices that operate over short distances free of obstacles use _____ to send and receive information. a. Firewire b. Bluetooth c. USB d. infrared light

data dictionary

The _____ contains the logical structure for the information in a database.


The _____ framework is an approach in which you allocate in terms of percentages how you will spend your IT dollars on various types of business strategies. a. cost organization b. run-grow-transform (RGT) c. overall cost leadership d. variable cost


The _____ is the hardware that interprets and executes the system and application software instructions and coordinates the operation of all the hardware. a. read-only memory b. random access memory c. central processing unit d. port


The _____ of a DBMS helps you create and maintain the data dictionary and define the structure of the files in a database. a. engine b. data definition subsystem c. report generator d. primary key


The _____ view of information focuses on how a knowledge worker needs to arrange and access information to meet her/his particular business needs. a. relational b. physical c. logical d. global


The business world is full of _____ relationships that must be eliminated before an organization can correctly implement a relational database.


The data manipulation subsystem of a DBMS: a. helps you add, change, and delete information in a database. b. helps you create and maintain the data dictionary. c. helps you to define the structure of the files in a database. d. handles your information requests from a physical point of view.

entity classes

The goal of the first step in designing a relational database is to define and identify _____ and their primary keys for your database.


The multidimensional representation of information in a data warehouse is referred to as a _____. a. hypercube b. hive c. primary key d. neural network


The term relation, in relational database, often describes each _____ in the relational model. a. two-dimensional table b. hypercube c. primary key d. key performance indicator


There are _____ primary steps in designing and building a database. a. six b.four c. two d. three


Which computer is the fastest, most powerful, and most expensive type of computer? A. Mainframe computer B. Supercomputer C. Minicomputer D. Desktop computer


What coordinates and uses three organizational resources; information, people, and IT? A. Web-based management utility B. Knowledge system C. MIS D. Intranet


What is a long skinny socket on the motherboard into which you insert an expansion card referred to as? a. Expansion bus b. System bus c. Port d. Expansion slot


What is a primary key? a. The password used to protect a database b. A field or group of fields that uniquely describes each record in a database c. The authorization key that establishes the usage rights for the database d. A collection of information that you organize and access according to the logical structure of that information.


What is an entity-relationship diagram? A. A model that links an entity with the information collected about it B. A listing of all the entities in a relational database and the business rules associated with it C. A diagram that shows the location of entities located in a database D. A graphic method of representing entity classes and their relationships


What is differentiation in Porter's strategy to surpassing the competition? A. Offering a product or service that is perceived as being "unique" in the marketplace B. Providing purchasing history for individual customers and allowing them to compare their history to others C. Developing a unique working environment; one that incorporates IT to allow for efficient and off-site working D. Creating a unique culture with your customer base


What is the first step in designing and building a database? a. Defining relationships among entity classes b. Defining information for each relation c. Defining the maintenance cycle for future enhancements d. Defining entity classes and primary keys


What is the first step in designing and building a database? A. Defining relationships among entity classes B. Defining entity classes and primary keys C. Defining information for each relation D. Using a data definition language to create your database


What is the most popular type of database? a. Embedded database b. Parallel database c. Relational database d. Graph database


What is the single most important resource in any organization? A. Money B. Technology C. People D. Opportunity


What is the thing or things that we want to store information about?


What part of a computer system temporarily holds information and instructions while they are being processed? A. RAM B. ROM C. Input D. Data entry


What type of application software is unique to a particular industry? A. Horizontal market software B. Personal productivity software C. Trade software D. Vertical market software


When defining information (fields) for a relation, what should you do? A. Ensure that the information for this relation can be found in other relations B. Ensure that the information can be identified by the foreign key in this relation C. Ensure that the information for this relation cannot be derived from other relations D. Ensure that the information can be identified by the primary key and by other fields in the relation


Which of the following allows you to connect as many as 127 devices to a single port on your computer? a. Firewire port b. Bluetooth c. USB port d. Firewall


Which of the following characterizes a relational database? a. A series of related worksheets populated with information b. A three-dimensional table or file of information c. An object-oriented storage and data management system d. A logically related two-dimensional table or file of information


Which of the following creates the output by moving a pen across the surface of a piece of paper? a. Inkjet printer b. Laser printer c. Plotter d. Multifunction printer


Which of the following deals with the planning for, development, management, and use of information technology? A. E-commerce B. Strategic systems C. Administration technologies D. Management information systems


Which of the following hardware tools allows you to send information to and receive it from another person or location? a. Input device b. Storage device c. Output device d. Telecommunications device


Which of the following is a logical collection of information, gathered from many different operational databases, used to create business intelligence that supports business analysis activities and decision-making tasks? a. Snowflake schema b. Software as a service c. OLAP cube d. Data warehouse


Which of the following is a pointing device? a. Keyboard b. Paint brush c. Stylus d. Trackball


Which of the following is a type of operating system software? A. Microsoft Word B. Microsoft Excel C. Microsoft Access D. Microsoft Windows 7


Which of the following is an example of horizontal market software? a. Student information systems b. Patient scheduling software c. Package tracking systems d. Payroll


Which of the following is not one of the three rules of normalization? A. Assure that the operating version of your relational database is consistent throughout the organization B. Eliminate repeating groups or many-to-many relationships C. Assure that each field in a relation depends only on the primary key for that relation and is in the smallest useful part. D. Remove all derived fields from the relations


Which of the following is the least important resource within MIS? A. Technology B. People C. Information D. Methods


Which of the following refers to the set of instructions that your hardware executes to carry out a specific task for you? a. Flash memory b. Central processing unit c. Software d. Rootkit


Which of the following statements is true about ethics? a. Ethics refer to the synergy among people, information, and information technology b. Ethics either clearly require or prohibit an action c. All actions that are legal are also ethical d. Being ethically responsible involves protecting yourself and your organization against cyber crimes


Which of the following terms represent an organized and structured collection of information? A. Database B. Structured query system C. Data dictionary D. Database management system


Which of the following types of computer hardware tools allow you to see, hear, or otherwise recognize the results of your information-processing requests? a. Storage device b. Telecommunications device c. Input device d. Output device


Which of the following types of software controls your application software and manages how your hardware devices work together? a. Enterprise software b. Middleware c. Operating system software d. Utility software


Which part of a relational database contains the logical structure for the information? A. SQL B. Data dictionary C. Query D. Relation


Which symbol would you use in an E-R diagram to show that a course is taught by only one teacher? a. Straight, vertical line ( | ) b. Circle c. Solid arrow d. Crow's foot


Which symbol would you use in an E-R diagram to show that a student can enroll in more than one course? a. Solid arrow b. Double straight line c. Double-line circle d. Crow's foot


Which type of personal productivity software is Microsoft Outlook? a. Personal information management b. Graphics c. Personal finance d. Web authoring


Which type of software handles tasks specific to technology management and coordinates the interaction of all technology devices? A. Hardware management software B. Application software C. Task management software D. System software

a is a contemporary web site providing definitions and descriptions of many concepts. Wikipedia is not peer-reviewed (a group of peers or experts do not verify the quality of information). Because of this, Wikipedia may not demonstrate which of the following quality attributes? A. Validity B. Authority C. Relevance D. Weight

crow's foot

Within an entity-relationship diagram, _______ is used to represent multiple relationships.


Within an entity-relationship diagram, the _______ symbol represents an entity class.


_____ come equipped with all of the features of larger desktop computers and are a very good solution if you need a fully functional computer that you can take from one place to another. a. Supercomputers b. Minicomputers c. Mainframes d. Notebook computers


_____ help you graphically design the answer to a question. a. Query-by-example tools b. Database dictionaries c. Views d. Report generators


_____ include(s) tools such as neural networks and fuzzy logic to form the basis of "information discovery" and build business intelligence in OLAP. a. Artificial intelligence b. Foreign keys c. Customer dynamics d. Query languages


_____ is a process of assuring that a relational database structure can be implemented as a series of two-dimensional relations.


_____ is a standardized fourth-generation query language found in most DBMSs. a. CFML b. SQL c. QBE d. MS-DOS


_____ is the opposite of attempting to be "all things to all people." a. Differentiation b. Diversification c. Vertical integration d. Focus


_____ refers to providing a product or service in a way that customers value more than what other companies providing similar products or services are able to do. a. VoIP b. Competitive advantage c. Broadbanding d. Affirmative action


_____ tools help you apply various mathematical models to the information stored in a data warehouse to discover new information, such as the performance of regression analysis to determine the effect of one variable on another. a. Query-and-reporting b. Physic view c. Logical view d. Statistical

operating system software

__________ is system software that controls your application software and manages how your hardware devices work together.

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