btny exam 2

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The energy and reducing power for the Calvin cycle are provided by ______ from the light dependent reactions of photosynthesis


The light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis capture solar energy and produce which of the following compounds


The Calvin Cycle has another name that is often used to acknowledge another scientist who contributed significantly to its discovery. What is the name of that scientist?

Andrew Benson

C4 plants have evolved mechanisms to increase the concentration of ______ available for ______.


Agrobacterium tumefaciens transfers ______ into plant cells during pathogenesis.


goal of C3

Increase the concentration of CO2 around Rubisco

Which of the following is NOT a benefit that farmers obtain from growing Bt cotton?

Less expensive seeds

Which of the following statements is TRUE about photosynthesis?

Light energy excites electrons in both Photosystem I & II

Which of the following statements about glycolysis is correct?

Little of the energy in glucose is released during glycolysis

All of the following statements about Rubisco are true except

Rubisco evolved when the atmosphere contained higher concentrations of CO2 and almost no O2.

Which of the following statements is FALSE?

The light-independent reactions can run without any input from the light-dependent reactions

In a plant respiration occurs in:

all live cells

The first step in respiration involves the splitting of a 6-carbon sugar; this is called:


As the number of genes that influence a trait _______, it becomes more difficult to place individuals into discrete classes.


Which of the following was NOT one of the traits that Mendel studied?

stem color

The pores that regulate the exchange of gases in and out of leaves are called


The Calvin Cycle is responsible for the production of


C4 plants minimize photorespiration because

the bundle sheath cells minimize photorespiration because CO2 is at much higher concentrations than the surrounding atmosphere.

(T/F) Preserving local genetic variation can be critical to successful plant breeding.


(t/f) For a quantitative trait that is influenced by many genes, some genes may have a larger effect than others.


(t/f) The use of monocultures in modern agriculture can leave crops susceptible to serious disease outbreaks.


(t/f)All plants use C3 photosynthesis.


In glycolysis, there is a net production of ____ molecules of ATP for each molecule of glucose converted to pyruvate.



2 genetically identical cells`


2 rounds of division 1st: reduced chromosome # 2nd: X to || Reductive division 4 haploid cells, each genetically identical

Glycolysis splits glucose into 2 molecules of pyruvate; each pyruvate contains __ carbon atoms


In 2012, approximately ____ % of US soybean acreage was planted with Roundup Ready soybeans.


Most of the energy released in respiration is used to produce:


Light independent reactions need

ATP NADPH CO2 Rubisco + Other enzymes RUBP- 5 Carb sugar Calvin-Benson Cycle

Light dependent reactions produce


The light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis capture solar energy and produce which of the following compounds?


Which of the following is true about C4 photosynthesis?

C4 plants fix CO2 into the 4-carbon compound oxaloacetate.

When stomata are closed, the concentration of which major compound involved in photosynthesis declines in leaves?


In the light-independent reactions of photosynthesis

CO2 is incorporated into sugars.

In the light-independent reactions of photosynthesis,

CO2 is incorporated into sugars`

Which of the following steps of respiration occurs on the internal membrane of the mitochondrion?

Chemiosmosis and oxidative phosphorylation

Light dependent reactions need

Chlorophyll Pigments ETC Water Light ADP NADP ATP Synthase


Does both C3 & C4 (sorrta) Good for conservation of Water Desert Plants AT NIGHT (Draw diagram) Pep ---> Oxalaxatete---> Malate Malate--> Moves to Vacuole DAY: Malate → 3C and CO2 All of Photosynthesis Stomata Closed Now PGAL

(T/F) Electrons gain energy as they move through the electron transport chain


(T/F) It requires hundreds of complex genetic changes to go from teosinte to maize.


(T/F) The electron transport chain generates a high concentration of pyruvate on one side of the internal membrane of the mitochondria that is used to make ATP.


(T/F) The light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis can operate during both day and night


(true/false) In climates with good rainfall, leaves are typically thick with a small surface area.


Which of the following is most likely to increase plant growth?

Increased leaf surface area

The energy from the electron transport chain associated with Photosystem I is used to produce which molecule?



One allele will affect more than one trait/characteristic Ex: Increase Protein, Lower yield (Polygenes)

Light independent reactions produce

PGAL, sugars, fatty acids, organic compounds use ATP and NADPH carbon fixation (calvin-benson cycle)

Which of the following is NOT a step in C4 photosynthesis?

RUBISCO in the mesophyll cells. CO2 released from malate is fixed by RUBISCO in bundle sheath cells.

Which of the following statements about respiration is true?

Respiration occurs in all living organisms.


Rubisco High Co2 Low O2 Carbon Fixation Low O2 High Cos Photorespiration

Why don't CAM plants perform all of the reactions of photosynthesis at night when their stomata are open?

The Calvin Cycle requires ATP and NADPH produced by the light-dependent reactions.

(T/F) In Bt corn, different toxins target the different insect pests that attack roots and shoots.


(T/F) The first electron transport chain in the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis pumps protons across the thylakoid membrane to create a proton gradient.


(T/F) The overall chemical reaction of photosynthesis is the opposite of respiration.


(True/False) Carbon fixed in photosynthesis is the ultimate source of every organic molecule in all animals.


(true/False) Photorespiration consumes some of the carbon fixed by photosynthesis


(true/false) All plants use C3 photosynthesis.


The domestication of crops involved ______ selection for traits such as lack of toxic compounds, presence of essential nutrients, ease of harvest and storage, and reliable germination and growth.


In a C3 plant stomata close _________ when the light dependent reactions are not producing ATP and NADPH.

at night

To propagate plants using tissue culture, an explant is removed and placed on a synthetic medium containing everything the plant cells need to grow plus ______.

auxin and cytokinin

Photosynthesis collects solar energy and converts it into which of the following forms of energy?

chemical energy

In addition to carbon dioxide, water, and solar energy, what else is necessary for photosynthesis to occur?


Where do the reactions of cellular respiration take place in a cell?

cytoplasm and mitochondria

When stomata on the leaf surface close, the concentration of CO2 in the leaf________ and carbon fixation ________.

decreases stops

(t/f) The light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis can operate during both day and night


(t/f)A transgenic plant is one that has been genetically modified by selective breeding.


(t/f)Cells in a plant that are carrying out photosynthesis do NOT need to perform respiration


(t/f)The Krebs cycle produces more ATP than NADH


(true/false) RUBISCO is only found in C3 plants.


(true/false) C4 plants do not perform C3 photosynthesis.


When oxygen is not available, which process can still generate energy (ATP) from glucose?


The phenotype is dependent on the ______.

genetics and environment

The light-independent reactions of photosynthesis use the products from the light-dependent reactions to produce ________ from CO2.


Which of the following molecules is broken down in glycolysis?


In the first step in respiration, known as glycolysis:

glucose is converted to pyruvate

Amino acids produced by the shikimate pathway are required to make all of the following EXCEPT


When a plant is placed in the dark for a long time it will

lose carbon through respiration

Photolysis of water in Photosystem II produces which of the following?


Production of ATP in the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis depends on a gradient of ______ across the thylakoid membrane


PGAL can be converted into all of the following except


Which of the following is NOT directly required for the light-independent reactions of photosynthesis?


C3 plants

the most common and the most efficient at photosynthesis in cool, wet climates does not perform photosynthesis at night

(T/F) Domesticated crops can be quite different from their wild ancestors.


(t/f)Complex traits of interest can be controlled by many genes that do not necessarily act in a simple, additive manner.


Expression of a protein pump that transports Na+ into the ______ in transgenic plants enhances salt tolerance in many species.


C4 photosynthesis is typically found in plants that grow in ___________ climates

warm and dry

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