Bud Not Buddy quiz

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How old is Bud


What does the word slacking mean

to be remiss or to shirk one's job

Who was Bud's grandfather

Hermen E. Calloway

What does the word ornery mean

bad tempered, grouchy

Is Hermen E. Calloway Bud's grandfather


What was Bud's mom's name

Angela Janet Caldwell

What does the word commence mean


Who is Bud's friend


What is Bud's last name


Who is Bud's favorite member of the band

Steady Eddie

What does the word copacetic

In excellent order,fine,satisfactory

Whos was the singer for the band

Miss Thomas

Did Bud make it on the train


What is Bud's favorite instrument


What did "The Thug" play


What does the word spirit mean

emotions of a person; soul; innerself

What does the word prodigy mean

impressive or outstanding in quality; genius, wonder, star

What does the word standards mean

morals, ethics set up by authority; expectations

What does the word tidings

news, information

What does the word rummaging mean

searching through; delving, sifting

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