Bukowski 23 -25

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U Maunt Džastinu biologija nije bila problem.

1 At Mt. Justin, biology class was neat.

Ričard Vejti.

1 Richard Waite.

Ajmo, nastavniče!

10 Oh, Mr. Stanhope!

Svi smo znali šta on radi.

10 We all knew what he was doing.

128 Džek Dempsej odbaci svoju alatku na pod.

100 Jack Dempsey threw his wrench to the floor.

Mis Gredis još nije znala.

100 Miss Gredis didn't know yet.

Bacio sam pogled na njegovu klupu.

101 I looked over at his seat.

Puko sam, reče on, "radite mi šta oćete, ali meni je dosta.

101 I quit, he said, "do anything you want to me, I quit.

Nikada više neće sedeti u njoj.

102 He'd never sit there again.

Ubijte me.

102 Kill me.

Sva ona raznobojna odeća fuknuta u pakao.

103 All those colorful clothes shot to hell.

Uštrojite me.

103 Cut my balls off.

Dosta mi je."

104 I quit."

Mis Gredis je završila s prozivkom.

104 Miss Gredis finished roll call.

Prešao je preko radionice i naslonio se na zid.

105 He walked over and leaned against a wall.

Sela je na klupu ispred table i prekrstila noge kako samo ona ume.

105 She came and sat on the front desk, crossed her legs high.

Skrstio je ruke i oborio pogled u cipele.

106 He folded his arms and looked down at his shoes.

Imala je na sebi svilene čarape boje mesa, svetlije nego ikad.

106 She had on a lighter shade of silk hose than ever before.

Suknja joj se zadigla sasvim nazad, otkrivajući bedra.

107 Her skirt was hiked way back to her thighs.

Situacija je bila zbilja zaguljena.

107 The situation seemed truly terrible.

' Naša američka kultura ', govorila je,' predodređena je da bude velika.

108 'Our American culture, 'she said,' is destined for greatness.

Nigde nijedne devojčice.

108 There weren't any girls.

Engleski jezik, sada tako ograničen i ukalupljen, biće 140 izmenjen i usavršen.

109 The English language, now so limited and structured, will be reinvented and improved upon.

Kroz zadnja vrata radionice videlo se veliko školsko dvorište, sve ono sunce i prazan prostor napolju gde ništa nije moralo da se radi.

109 When you looked out the back door of the shop you could see the open schoolyard, all that sunlight and empty space out there where there was nothing to do.

Bio je toliko jebeno tup da čak nije ni osećao da treba malo da utiša.

11 He was so ****ing dumb he didn't even have sense enough to keep it quiet.

Prilazila bi katedri, mazno se naginjala nad njim i šaputala nešto.

11 She would walk up to his desk, bend over him sweetly and whisper something.

A ovde unutra bili smo mi, iskrivljeni nad kretenskim mašinama koje čak nisu bile ni spojene s automobilima, bile su neupotrebljive.

110 And here we were bent over stupid engines that weren't even attached to cars, they were useless.

Naši pisci koristiće jezik koji volim da nazivam, u mislima, amerikanskim ...

110 Our writers will use what I like to think of, in my mind, as Americanese ... '

Samo prokleta gvožđurija.

111 Just stupid steel.

'Čarape mis Gredis bile su boje kože.

111 Miss Gredis' stockings were almost skin-colored.

Činilo se da uopšte nema čarape, kao da je gola pred nama, ali fakat da nije, i da samo tako izgleda, činio je sve boljim nego ikad.

112 It was as if she were not wearing stockings at all, it was as if she were naked there in front of us, but since she wasn't and only appeared to be, that made it better than ever.

Bilo je tupavo i bilo je teško.

112 It was dumb and it was hard.

' Otkrivaćemo sve više i više naše sopstvene istine i sopstveni način govora, i taj novi glas neće pomutiti stari istorijati, stara ponavljanja, stari mrtvi i besmisleni snovi ... '

113 'More and more we will discover our own truths and our own way of speaking, and this new voice will be uncluttered by old histories, old mores, old dead and useless dreams ...'

Trebalo nam je malo poštede.

113 We needed mercy.

' Tupa, tupa, tupa ...

114 'Thump, thump, thump ...'

Životi su nam bili već dovoljno tupavi.

114 Our lives were dumb enough.

'141 25 Lokna Vagner se naoštrio da sredi Morisa Moskoviča.

115 25 Curly Wagner picked out Morris Moscowitz.

Nešto nas je moralo spasti.

115 Something had to save us.

Desetak nas je čulo o tome posle časova i skupilo se iza škole da gleda.

116 It was after school and eight or ten of us guys had heard about it and we walked out behind the gym to watch.

Čuli smo da je Pop dobričina, ali nije izgledao tako.

116 We'd heard Pop was a soft touch but it didn't seem true.

Bio je džinovska somina s pivskim škembetom, u masnom radnom mantilu, s kosom koja mu je padala u oči i bradom što se sijala od ulja.

117 He was a giant son-of-a-bitch with a beer gut, dressed in his greasy outfit, and with hair hanging down in his eyes and grease on his chin.

Vagner je utvrdio pravila:' Bijemo se dok neko ne vikne dosta. '

117 Wagner laid down the rules, 'We fight until somebody hollers quit.'

Ami Vajtčepl je odbacio svoj majmunski ključ i prišao mu.

118 Arnie Whitechapel threw down his wrench and walked up to Mr. Farnsworth.

Nabacio je široki kez preko čitavog lica.

119 Arnie had a big grin on his face.

' Slažem se ', reče Moris.

119 K. with me,' said Morris.

A uzbuđenje mu je raslo sve više i više.

12 And he was becoming more and more excited.

A... dobro, u redu... govorio je.

12 Oh, well, all right... he'd say.

Ej, Pope, dokle, majku mu?

120 Hey, Pop, what the ****?

Moris je bio visok i mršav frajer, pomalo tupav, ali nikad nije mnogo govorio niti je gnjavio bilo koga.

120 Morris was a tall thin guy, he was a little bit dumb and he never said much or bothered anybody.

Vraćaj se mašini, Vajtčepl!

121 Get back to your engine, Whitechapel!

Vagner je pogledao u mom pravcu.

121 Wagner looked over at me.

Ajde, Pope, zajebi zezanje.

122 "Ah, come on.

' Kad sredim ovoga, ti si na redu! '

122 'And after I finish with this guy, I'm taking you on!'

' Ja, treneru? '

123 'Me, coach?'

' Ti, ti, Kinaski. '

124 'Yeah, you, Chinaski.'

Arni je bio malo stariji od nas ostalih.

124 Arnie was a couple of years older than the rest of us.

Proveo je nekoliko godina u nekom popravnom domu.

125 He had spent a few years in some boys' correctional school.

Podrugljivo sam ga gledao.

125 I sneered at him.

' Poštovaćete vi mene, jebi ga, makar morao da vas šibam jednog po jednog! '

126 'I'm going to get some ********ed respect from you guys if I have to whip all of you one by one!'

Ali, iako stariji, bio je niži od nas.

126 But even though he was older than we were, he was smaller.

Imao je zift-crnu kosu zalizanu vazelinom.

127 He had very black hair slicked back with vaseline.

Vagner se baš kurčio.

127 Wagner was cocky.

Stalno je biflao na razboju, ili radio kolutove po strunjačama, ili pravio krugove oko terena.

128 He was always working out on the parallel bars or tumbling on the mat or taking laps around the track.

Često je stajao u 129 muškom klozetu cedeći bubuljice pred ogledalom.

128 He would stand in front of the mirror in the men's crapper squeezing his pimples.

Šepurio se kao ćuran, šetajući svoju okruglu trbu.

129 He swaggered when he walked but he still had his pot belly.

Bio je bezobrazan sa devojčicama i nosio "šeik" kurtone po džepovima.

129 He talked dirty to the girls and carried Sheik rubbers in his pockets.

Tupkanja su postajala sve glasnija.

13 The thumps grew louder.

Znam fazon za tebe, Pope!

130 "I got a good one for you.

Voleo je da stane i dugo zvera u čoveka kao da gleda u govno.

130 He liked to stand and stare at a guy for a long time like he was shit.

Nisam znao šta ga muči.

131 I didn't know what was bothering him.

Mi smo ga mučili.

132 We worried him.

Je l '? Vraćaj se mašini, Vajtčepl.

132 Yeah? Get back to your engine, Whitechapel.

Verujem da je mislio kako jebemo sve klinke kao sumanuti i da nije baš uživao u takvim mislima.

133 I believe he thought we were ****ing all the girls like crazy and he didn't like to think about that.

Ovaj je ludnica, Pope.

134 It's a good one, Pop.

142 Borba je počela.

134 They squared off.

Vagner je demonstrirao neke uvežbane pokrete.

135 Wagner had some good moves.

Stajali smo pored mašina i posmatrali kako Ami priča Popu neki masan vic.

135 We stood there and watched as Arnie began to tell Pop a dirty joke.

Poigravao je u mestu, klatio se, petljao nogama, muvao pesnicama kroz vazduh i ispuštao neke šištave zvuke.

136 He bobbed, he weaved, he shuffled his feet, he moved in and out, and he made little hissing sounds.

Glave su im se dodirivale.

136 Their heads were close together.

Bio je impresivan.

137 He was impressive.

Kraj vica. Pop je počeo da se smeje.

137 Then the joke was over, Pop began laughing.

Smestio je Moskoviču tri leva direkta.

138 He caught Moscowitz with three straight left jabs.

Ogromna telesina se previjala, uhvatio se za škembe.

138 That big body was doubled over, he was holding his gut.

Sveca ti jebem! Jao, ljudi moji, sveca ti jebem! smejao se.

139 Holy shit! Oh my god, holy shit! he laughed.

Moskovič je samo stajao opuštenih ruku.

139 Moscowitz just stood there with his hands at his sides.

Onda bi Lili počela da peva i ljulja kukovima.

14 And then Lilly would begin singing and wiggling.

Njegova stisnuta šaka tupkala je o unutrašnju stranu klupe.

14 His closed fist was hitting the underside of his desk top.

Nije znao ništa o boksu.

140 He didn't know anything about boxing.

Onda ga Vagner odvalio desnicom preko usta.

141 Then Wagner cracked Moscowitz with a right to the jaw.

Onda je prestao.

141 Then he stopped.

' Dokurca! 'reče Moris i zavitla rukom.

142 'Shit!' said Morris and he threw a roundhouse right which Wagner ducked.

Dobro, Arni, vračaj se svojoj mašini!

142 O.K., Arnie, back to your machine!

Ne, čekaj Pope, znam još jedan!

143 No, wait, Pop, I got another one!

Vagner je eskivirao i uzvratio levom i desnom po Moskovičevom licu.

143 Wagner countered with a right and left to Moscowitz 'face.

Morisu je prokrvario nos.

144 Morris had a bloody nose.

Je l '?

144 Yeah?

' Dokurca! 'ponovio je i počeo da vitla obema rukama.

145 ' Shit! 'he said and then he started swinging.

Aha, slušaj...

145 Yeah, listen...

I pogađa.

146 And landing.

Svi smo ostavili mašine i prišli.

146 We all left our machines and walked over.

Skupili smo se oko njih, slušajući Amija kako priča novi fazon.

147 We circled them, listening as Arnie told the next joke.

Jeknuli su udarci, pukli po Vagnerovoj glavi.

147 You could hear the shots, they cracked against Wagner's head.

Vagner je pokušao da parira, ali njegove pesnice nisu imale snagu i bes Moskovičevih.

148 Wagner tried to counter but his punches just didn't have the force and the fury of Moscowitz'.

Na kraju fazona Pop se presamitio.

148 When it was over Pop doubled up.

' Bog te mazo!

149 'Holy shit!

Sveca ti jebem, o bože, sveca ti jebem!

149 Holy shit, oh lord, holy shit!

Uvek bi otpevala prvo "Brodvejsku uspavanku", zatim ređala ostale numere.

15 She always opened up with "The Lullaby of Broadway" and then she went into her other numbers.

TUPA, TUPA, TUPA ... Gledali smo u mis Gredis.

15 THUMP, THUMP THUMP ... ' We looked at Miss Gredis.

Sjebi ga, Mori! '

150 Get him, Morrie!'

Frajer vozi kroz pustinju i vidi golog tipa kako skače ko zec pored puta, vezanih ruku i nogu.

150 This guy is driving his car in the desert. He notices this guy jumping along the road. He's naked and his hands and feet arc tied with rope.

Moskovič je bio rođeni bokser.

151 Moscowitz was a puncher.

Zabo je levicu u onu trbu.

152 He dug a left to that pot belly.

Vagner je izgubio dah i posrnuo.

153 Wagner gasped and dropped.

Pao je na kolena.

154 He fell to both knees.

'Ej, burazeru, koj' ti je? 'pita ga frajer.

154 The guy stops his car and asks the guy, 'Hey, buddy, what's the matter?'

' U pizdu materinu ', kaže golać,' uzeo sam nekog stopera u kola a degenerik izvadio pucu i skinuo me golog.

155 And the guy tells him, 'Well, I was driving along and I saw this bastard hitch-hiking so I stopped and the son-of-a-bitch pulls a gun on me, takes my clothes away and then ties me up.

Lice mu je bilo posečeno i krvavo.

155 His face was cut and bleeding.

Brada mu se spojila sa grudima i izgledao je bolesno.

156 His chin was on his chest and he looked sick.

Onda me vezao i ojadio u bulju, mamu mu jebem pedersku! '

156 Then the dirty son-of-a-bitch reams me **********!'

' Dosta ', reče on.

157 'I quit,' Wagner said.

' Ama nije moguće ', kaže frajer i izađe iz kola.

157 'Oh yeah?' says the guy getting out of his car.

' Života mi ', kaže golać, 130' zguzio me ko majmuna, jebem li mu familiju! '

158 'Yeah, that's what that dirty son-of-a-bitch did!' says the man.

Ostavili smo ga iza zgrade i pošli za Morisom Moskovičem, našim novim idolom.

158 We left him there behind the building and we followed Morris Moscowitz out of there. He was our new hero.

' Šta ćeš ', kaže frajer i otvori šlic,' danas si se baš usrećio. '"

159 'Well,' says the guy unzipping his fly, 1 guess this just isn't your lucky day! ''

Bila je zanosna, sva uspaljena, a bili smo i mi.

16 She was great, she was hot, she was burning up, and we were too.

' Bog te mazo, Mori, idi u profesionalce! '

160 'Shit, Morrie, you ought to turn pro!'

Pop je počeo da se krivi, zamalo da padne pod sto.

160 Pop began laughing, he doubled over.

' Jok, tek sam napunio trinaest. '

161 'Naw, I'm only thirteen years old.'


161 Oh, no! SHIT, CHRIST...

Prošli smo iza one radionice s mašinama i stali na stepenice.

162 We walked over behind the machine shop and stood around the steps.

Dve-tri cigarete kružile su iz ruke u ruku.

163 Somebody lit up some cigarettes and we passed them around.

' Šta ima taj čovek protiv nas? 'upita Mori.

164 'What has that man got against us?' asked Morrie.

143' Jebi ga, Mori, kako ti nije jasno?

165 'Hell, Morrie, don't you know?

Zavidi nam.

166 He's jealous.

Najzad se smirio.

167 He finally stopped.

Misli da karamo sve pičke u školi! '

167 He thinks we're ****ing all the chicks!'

Bog te jebo, prigušeno reče, "Ljudi moji..."

168 '********,' he said quietly, 'oh my lord...'

' Što, ja nisam čak ni ljubio neku. '

168 'Why, I've never even kissed a girl.'

Da vidimo film, a Pope?

169 'How about a movie, Pop?'

' Zezaš, Mori? '

169 'No shit, Morrie?'

Bila je kao odrasla žena, nabacujuči se Stenhoupu, nabacujući se nama.

17 She was like a grown woman, putting it to Stanhope, putting it to us.

Šta će učiniti?

17 What would she do?

' Keve mi. '

170 'No shit.'

Pa dobro, u redu.

170 'Oh well, all right.'

' Probaj jednom peting, Mori, obeznaničeš se! '

171 'You ought to try dry-****ing, Morrie, it's great!'

Neko je zatvorio zadnja vrata a Pop izvadio štrokavo belo platno.

171 Somebody closed the back door and Pop pulled out a dirty white screen.

Uključio je projektor.

172 He started the projector.

Onda smo ugledali Vagnera kako prolazi.

172 Then we saw Wagner walking past.

Udešavao je facu maramicom.

173 He was working on his face with his handkerchief.

To je bio neki idiotski film, ali bolji od akanja s onim mašinama.

173 It was a lousy movie but it beat working on those engines.

' Ej, treneru ', viknu jedan,' kad ćemo revanš? '

174 'Hey, coach,' yelled one of the guys, 'how about a rematch?'

Benzin se palio svećicama, eksplozija aktivirala glavu cilindra koja je pokretala polugu i ventili se otvarali i zatvarali a glave cilindara išle gore-dole pokrećući poluge.

174 The gas was ignited by the spark plugs and the explosion hit the cylinder head and the head was thrust down and that turned the crankshaft and the valves opened and closed and the cylinder heads kept going up and down and the crankshaft turned some more.

Stao je i pogledao u nas.

175 He stood and looked at us.

Nije baš bilo interesantno, ali unutra je bila hladovina i mogao si da se zavališ u stolici i misliš o bilo čemu što ti padne na pamet.

175 Not very interesting, but it was cool in there and you could lean back in your chair and think about what you wanted to think about.

' Bacite cigarete! '

176 'You boys put out those cigarettes!'

Nisi morao da jebavaš zglobove po prokletom gvožđu.

176 You didn't have to bust your knuckles on dumb steel.

' Jao, nemoj tako, treneru, ne možemo bez duvana! '

177 'Ah, no, coach, we like to smoke!'

Nikada nismo rastavili te mašine, a kamoli sastavili, i ne sećam se više koliko smo puta gledali isti film.

177 We never did get those engines taken apart let alone put back together again and I don't know how many times we saw that same movie.

' Dođi vamo, treneru, izbaci nam pljuge! '

178 'Come on over here, coach, and make us put out our cigarettes!'

Ami je pričao sve nove i nove viceve i svi smo se cerekali, iako je masa tih fazona bila imbecilna, osim Popu Femsvortu, koji je nastavio da se previja i smeje: "Sveca ti jebem!

178 Whitechapel's jokes kept coming and we all laughed our heads off even though most of the jokes were pretty terrible, except to Pop Farnsworth who kept doubling over and laughing, 'Holy shit!

' Aha, dođi, treneru! '

179 'Yeah, come on, coach!'

Jao, ne!

179 Oh, no!

Koja predstava.

18 It was wonderful.

Oklevala je.

18 She hesitated.

Jao, ne, ne, ne!"

180 Oh, no, no, no!'

Vagner je stajao i zverao u nas.

180 Wagner stood looking at us.

' Još ja'nisam završio s vama!

181 'I'm not done with you yet!

Dobar neki čova.

181 He was an O.K. guy.

Srediću ja svakog od vas, kad-tad! '

182 I'll get every one of you, one way or the other!'

Svi smo ga voleli.

182 We all liked him.

' Kako to misliš, treneru?

183 'How ya gonna do that, coach?

131 24 Naša nastavnica engleskog, mis Gredis, držala je apsolutni primat.

183 24 Our English teacher, Miss Gredis, was the absolute best.

Plavuša sa dugim šiljatim nosem.

184 She was a blonde with a long sharp nose.

Nešto su ti skromni talenti. '

184 Your talents seem limited.'

' Aha, treneru, kako to misliš? '

185 'Yeah, coach, how ya gonna do it?'

Nije bio neki nos, ali gubio se kad čovek vidi ostalo.

185 Her nose wasn't much good but you didn't notice it when you looked at the rest of her.

Otišao je preko terena ka svojim kolima.

186 He walked off the field to his car.

Nosila je tesne haljine s dubokim dekolteom, crne cipele s visokim štiklama i svilene čarape.

186 She wore tight dresses and low v-necks, black high-heeled shoes and silk stockings.

Bilo mi ga pomalo žao.

187 I felt a little sorry for him.

Bila je sva zmijasta, divnih dugačkih nogu.

187 She was snake-like with long beautiful legs.

Sedela je za katedrom samo dok traje prozivka.

188 She only sat behind her desk when she took roll call.

Kad je čovek tolika zloća, morao bi da ima snage da vrati udarce.

188 When a guy was that nasty he should be able to back it up.

' Verovatno misli da ćemo da probušimo sve đane do mature ', reče jedan frajer.

189 'I guess he doesn't think there'll be a virgin on the grounds by the time we graduate,' said one of the guys.

Ispred table je uvek držala praznu klupu i sedela na njoj posle prozivke, okrenuta nama.

189 She kept one desk vacant at the front of the room and after roll call she would come down and sit on that desk top, facing us.

Matori Stenhoup je samo cvileo i balavio.

19 Old Stanhope would sit there blubbering and slobbering.

Preletela je pogledom po razredu.

19 She glanced about the class.

'To je ono', reče drugi, 'sto-posto mu neko svišio u uvo, pa sad ima jeb umesto mozga.'

190 'I think,' said another guy, 'that somebody jacked-off into his ear and he has come for brains.'

Smestila bi se na klupi, prekrštenih nogu i visoko zadignute haljine.

190 Miss Gredis sat perched there with her legs crossed and her skirt pulled high.

Nikada još nismo videli takve članke na nogama, takve noge, takva bedra.

191 Never had we seen such ankles, such legs, such thighs.

144 Posle toga smo se razišli.

191 We left after that.

Sasvim pristojan dan

192 It had been a fairly good day.

Jeste, bila je tu i Lili Fišmen, ali Lili je bila devojčica - žena, dok je mis Gredis bila u punom cvatu.

192 Well, there was Lilly Fischman, but Lilly was a girl-woman while Miss Gredis was in full bloom.

A mogli smo da parimo oči na njoj po čitav čas svakog božjeg dana.

193 And we got to gaze upon her for a full hour each day.

Nije bilo nijednog učenika kojeg nije hvatala tuga kad zazvoni za kraj časa engleskog.

194 There wasn't a boy in that class who wasn't sad when the bell rang ending the English period.

Često smo razgovarali o njoj.

195 We'd talk about her.

Šta misliš, je l' bi se pojebala?

196 'Do you think she wants to be ****ed?'

Jok, samo nas loži. Zna da nas izluđuje, samo je to pali, drugo je ne zanima.

197 'No, I think she's just teasing us.

Zna da nas izluđuje, samo je to pali, drugo je ne zanima.

198 She knows she's driving us crazy, that's all she needs, that's all she wants.'

Znam gde stanuje. ma da odem jedne noći.

199 I know where she lives. I'm going over there some night.'

Živeo je negde i dolazio u školu svaki božji dan.

2 He lived somewhere and he came to school every day.

Imali smo mister Stenhoupa za nastavnika, čovu od jedno 55 godina, i uglavnom smo mu radili šta smo hteli.

2 We had Mr. Stanhope for our teacher. He was an old guy about 55 and we pretty much dominated him.

Nasmešila se, pribrano kao i uvek, zatim nastavila: "Verujem da je engleski jezik najznačajniji i najprijemčiviji oblik sporazumevanja.

20 She smiled, as composed as ever, and then she continued speaking:' I believe that the English language is the most expressive and contagious form of communication.

Smejali smo mu se i vikali Lili: bis!

20 We'd laugh at Stanhope and cheer Lilly on.

Nemaš ti muda za to!

201 'You wouldn't have the balls!'

Je l '? Je l'? Ubiću je od kurca! Sama to traži!

202 Yeah? I'll **** the shit out of her! She's asking for it!'

Znam jednog osmaka koji kaže da je bio kod nje jedne noći.

206 'A guy I know in the 8th grade said he went over there one night.'

I? Šta je bilo?

207 Yeah? What happened?'

132 "Izašla mu na vrata u spavaćici. U suštini, sise joj bile ispale.

209 'She came to the door in a nightgown, her tits were practically hanging out.

To je potrajalo sve dok direktor, mister Leisfild, nije jednog dana uleteo u razred.

21 It lasted until one day the principal, Mr. Lacefield, came running in.

Pre svega, treba da budemo zahvalni što 136 smo dobili ovaj jedinstveni poklon velikog jezika.

21 To begin with, we should be thankful that we have this unique gift of a great language.

Reko joj da je zaboravio šta je dala za domaći.

210 The guy said he had forgotten the next day's homework and wondered what it was.

Onda ga pozvala da uđe."

211 She asked him in.'

Bez zezanja?

212 'No shit?'

Ozbiljno. Ali ništa nije bilo. Skuvala mu čaj, rekla mu za domaći, pa je otišao.

213 Yeah. Nothing happened. She made him some tea, told him about the homework and he left.'

Jebo te, da sam ja ušao, svašta bi bilo!

216 'If I had of gotten in, that would have been it!'

Idi? Šta bi ti radio?

217 Yeah? What would you have done?'

Prvo bi je satro kurcem, onda bi joj jeo pičke, onda bi je karao među sise i na kraju bi morala da mi puši.

219 'First I would have corn-holed her, then I would have eaten her pussy, then I would **** her between the tits and then I would force her to give me a ********.'

Ako ga ikad zloupotrebimo, zloupotrebljavamo sami sebe.

22 And if we abuse it we are only abusing ourselves.

125 "Šta se to radi ovde?"

22 What's going on here?

Pun si mašte, dečko. Nema zezanja s tobom. Jesi jebo nekad u životu?

220 No kidding, dreamer boy. You ever been laid?'

Fala kurcu da sam jebo. Iks puta.

221 **** yes, I've been laid. Several times.'

Kako je bilo?

224 'How was it?'


225 'Lousy.'

Nisi mogo da svršiš, a?

226 'Couldn't come, hub?'

Svršavo sam svuda ko manijak, nisam mogao da stanem.

227 'I came all over the place, I thought I'd never stop.'

Svršavo svuda po dlanu ko manijak, a?

228 'Came all over the palm of your hand, hub?'

Ha, ha, ha, ha!

229 'Ha, ha, ha, ha!'

Zato slušajmo, obratimo pažnju, spoznajmo nasleđe naše prošlosti, a istovremeno istražujmo i prihvatajmo rizike koje jezik nosi u sebi ...

23 So let us listen, heed, acknowledge our heritage, and yet explore and take risks with language ... '

Stenhoup je samo sedeo, okamenjen.

23 Stanhope just sat there unable to speak.

A, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

230 'Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!'

Ha, ha!

231 'Ha, ha!'

Svuda po dlanu, a?

232 'All over your hand, hub?'

Jebite se, kreteni!

233 '**** you guys!'

133 "Ne verujem da je iko od nas jebo nešto", reče neko.

234 'I don't think any of us has been laid,' said one of the guys.

Svi su ćutali.

235 There was silence.

Kenjaj. Jebo sam ja još u prvom razredu.

236 That's shit. I was laid when I was seven years old.'

Nije to ništa. Ja sam jebo kad sam imao četri godine.

237 That's nothing. I was laid when I was four.'

Alal vera, Rede. Jebi to i dalje!

238 Sure, Red. Lay it on good!'


24 ' THUMP, THUMP, THUMP ... '

Čas je završen! dreknu Leisfild.

24 This class is dismissed! Lacefield screamed.

Jebo sam tu klinku u podrumu kod mene.

242 'I got this little girl under the house.'

Digo ti se?

243 'You got a hard?'


244 'Sure.'

Svršio si?

245 'You came?'

Aha, mislim. Štrcnulo je nešto.

246 I think so. Something squirted out.'

Lepo bogami. Šorao si joj u pičku, Rede.

249 You pissed in her ****, Red.'

Moramo zaboraviti Englesku i njihov način svakodnevnog govora.

25 ' We must forget England and their use of our common tongue.

Dok smo praznili učionicu, Leisfild reče: "A vi, mis Fišmen, javićete se smesta u moju kancelariju!"

25 As we filed out, Lacefield said, "And you, Miss Fischman, will report to my office!"

Jedi govna!

250 'Balls!'

Kako se zvala?

251 'What was her name?'

Beti En.

252 'Betty Ann.'

Dokurca, reče onaj što je tvrdio da je jebo u prvom razredu.

253 '****,' said the guy who claimed to have gotten laid when he was seven.

I moja se zvala Beti En.

254 'Mine was named Betty Ann too.'

Koja kurvica, reče Red.

255 'That *****,' said Red.

Jednog vedrog prolećnog dana, na času engleskog, mis Gredis je sedela na klupi ispred table, okrenuta nama.

256 One tine Spring day we were sitting in English class and Miss Gredis was sitting on the front desk facing us.

Suknja joj je bila zadignuta kao nikad, bilo je potresno, divno, volšebno i bludno.

257 She had her skirt pulled especially high, it was terrifying, beautiful, wondrous and dirty.

Koje noge, koja bedra, bili smo opčinjeni.

258 Such legs, such thighs, we were very close to the magic.

Bilo je neverovatno.

259 It was unbelievable.

I pored toga što je engleski način sasvim na svom mestu, naš američki govor sadrži mnoge duboke izvore neistraženih sredstava izražavanja.

26 Even though English usage is fine, our own American language contains many deep wells of unexplored resources.

Normalno, nikada nismo radili domaći iz biologije i sve je bilo kako treba dok nam Stenhoup nije dao prvi pismeni.

26 Of course, after that we never studied our homework, and that was all right until the day Mr. Stanhope gave us our first examination.

Ćela je sedeo u klupi pored moje.

260 Baldy sat in the seat across the aisle from me.

Nagnuo se i počeo da me gurka prstom u nogu. 134 "Potukla je sve rekorde!" šapnuo je.

261 He reached over and began poking me on the leg with his finger: 'She's breaking all the records!' he whispered.


262 'Look!


263 Look!'

Jebo te bog, rekoh, "ćuti, spustiće suknju zbog tebe!"

264 'My God,' I said, 'shut up or she'll pull her skirt down!'

Ćela je povukao ruku a ja čekao.

265 Baldy pulled his hand back and I waited.

Nismo prepali mis Gredis.

266 We hadn't spooked Miss Gredis.

Suknja joj je ostala visoko kao nikad.

267 Her skirt remained as high as ever.

To je bio zbilja dan za pamćenje.

268 It was truly a day to remember.

Nije bilo nijednog učenika kome se nije digao, a mis Gredis je pričala dalje.

269 There wasn't a boy in class without a hard-on and Miss Gredis went on talking.

Jebo te, glasno reče Piter Mendželor, "šta ćemo sad?"

27 Shit, said Peter Mangalore out loud, "what are we going to do?"

Ova nam sredstva stoje na raspolaganju.

27 These resources, as yet, remain untapped.

Siguran sam da nijedan od nas ni reč nije čuo.

270 I'm sure that none of the boys heard a word she was saying.

Devojčice su, pretpostavljam, pogledima govorile jedna drugoj: ova kurva je baš preterala.

271 The girls, though, turned and glanced at each other as if to say, this bitch is going too far.

Mis Gredis nije mogla da pretera.

272 Miss Gredis couldn't go too far.

U neku ruku, kao da među njenim nogama nije bila pička nego nešto mnogo bolje.

273 It was almost as if there weren't even a **** up there but something much better.

Koje noge.

274 Those legs.

Sunce je sijalo kroz prozor i lilo svoje zrake na te noge i bedra, poigravalo je na toploj svili pripijenoj oko nogu.

275 The sun came through the window and poured in on those legs and thighs, the sun played on that warm silk pulled so tightly.

Suknja joj se tako visoko popela, svi smo molili boga za tren gaćica, tren nečega, Isuse Hriste, bilo je kao smak sveta i novo stvaranje i novi smak, sve je postalo stvarno i nestvarno, sunce i bedra i svila, tako glatka, topla, razbludna.

276 The skirt was so high, pulled hack, we all prayed for a glimpse of panty, a glimpse of something, Jesus Christ, it was like the world ending and beginning and ending again, it was everything real and unreal, the sun, the thighs, and the silk, so smooth, so warm, so alluring.

Čitav je razred podrhtavao od žudnje.

277 The whole room throbbed.

Pogled se mutio i bistrio, a mis Gredis i dalje sedela kao da se ništa ne dešava i pričala kao da pojma nema ni o čemu.

278 Eyesight blurred and returned and Miss Gredis went on sitting there as if nothing was happening and she kept talking as if everything was normal.

To je činilo sve tako divnim i užasnim: što se pravila kao da se ništa ne dešava.

279 That's what made it so good and so terrible: the fact that she pretended that it wasn't happening.

U pravom trenutku i kod pravih pisaca doći će jednog dana do literarne eksplozije ...

28 Given the proper moment and the proper writers, there will one day be a literary explosion ... '

Piter je bio onaj s patkom od 25 cm u kilavom stanju.

28 Peter was the guy with the 10-incher, soft.

Za trenutak, oborio sam pogled na klupu i video žilice u drvetu tako uveličano kao da je svaka šara lokva tečnih vrtloga.

280 I looked down at my desk top for a moment and saw the grain in the wood heightened as if each pattern was a pool of whirling liquid.

Smesta sam vratio pogled na one noge i bedra, ljut na sebe što sam gledao drugde i možda nešto propustio.

281 Then I quickly looked back at the legs and thighs, angered with myself that I had looked away for a moment, and perhaps missed something.

Onda je počeo da dopire zvuk: "tipa, tupa, tupa, tupa...

282 Then the sound began: 'Thump, thump, thump, thump...'

Ričard Vejti.

283 Richard Waite.

Sedeo je u zadnjoj klupi.

284 He sat in a seat in the back.

Imao je ogromne uši i debele usne, monstruozne otekle usne na golemoj glavi.

285 He had huge ears and thick lips, the lips were swollen and monstrous and he had a very large head.

Oči su mu bile gotovo bezbojne, nisu odavale nikakvu radoznalost ili inteligenciju.

286 His eyes were almost without color, they didn't reflect interest or intelligence.

Imao je slonovska stopala a usta su mu uvek zjapila otvorena.

287 He had large feet and his mouth always hung open.

Kad je govorio, reči su izlazile jedna po jedna, mučno, u dugim pauzama.

288 When he spoke the words came out one by one, halting, with long pauses in between.

Nije bio čak ni pizda.

289 He wasn't even a sissy.


29 ' THUMP, THUMP, THUMP ... '

Ti nikad nećeš morati da radiš u životu, reče mu Džek Dempsej.

29 You'll never have to work for a living, said the guy who looked like Jack Dempsey.

Niko nije nikada govorio s njim.

290 Nobody ever spoke to him.

Niko nije znao otkud on u našoj školi.

291 Nobody knew what he was doing there in our school.

Ostavljao je utisak da nešto vrlo bitno nedostaje njegovom imidžu.

292 He gave the impression that something important was missing from his makeup.

Nosio je čistu odeću, ali bi mu košulja uvek ispala pozadi, falila su mu dugmad na košulji ili pantalonama.

293 He wore clean clothing, but his shirt was always out in the back, one or two buttons were gone on his shirt or on his pants.

Lili Fišmen je išla u moj razred i bila stvarno razvijena.

3 Lilly Fischman was in the class and she was really developed.

Ovo je naš problem, a ne tvoj.

30 This is our problem.


30 Yes, Richard Waite was one of the few we never talked to.

U stvari, bojali smo ga se.

31 Actually, we were afraid of him.

Možda bi trebalo da zapalimo školu, reče Red Kirkpetrik.

31 Maybe we ought to burn the school down, said Red Kirkpatrick.

Nije bio neko koga biste prebili na mrtvo ime, to ne bi nikad nikog usrećilo.

32 He wasn't somebody you could beat the shit out of, that would never make anybody feel better.

Sranje, reče jedan iz zadnje klupe, "kad god dobijem keca, ćale mi iščupa nokat."

32 Shit, said a guy from the back of the room, "every time I get an 'F' my father pulls out one of my fingernails."

Svi smo buljili u svoje zadatke.

33 We all looked at our examination sheets.

Želeo si samo da se skloniš što je moguće dalje od njega, nisi želeo da ga vidiš, da gledaš u te debele usne, u ta velika razjapljena usta kao usta zgnječene žabe.

33 You just wanted to get as far away from him as possible, you didn't want to look at him, you didn't want to look at those big lips, that big unfolding mouth like the mouth of a bruised frog.

Setio sam se mog oca.

34 I thought about my father.

Izbegavao si ga, jer ne možeš pobediti Ričarda Vejtija.

34 You shunned him because you couldn't defeat Richard Waite.

Onda sam mislio na Lili Fišmen.

35 Then I thought about Lilly Fischman.

Čekali smo i čekali dok je mis Gredis i dalje govorila o engleskom jeziku u američkoj kulturi.

35 We waited and waited while Miss Gredis talked on about English versus American culture.

Lili Fišmen, pomislih, kurvo nad kurvama.

36 Lilly Fischman, I thought, you are a *****,

Čekali smo, a Ričard Vejti drkao i drkao.

36 We waited, while Richard Waite went on and on.

Baš si zloća, kad uvijaš telom pred nama i onako pevaš, sve nas šalješ u pakao.

37 An evil woman, wiggling your body in front of us and singing like that, you will send us all to hell.

Ričardova pesnica zumbala je o unutrašnju stranu klupe, devojčice se krišom zgledale među sobom, a mi mislili: šta će ovaj kreten kod nas u razredu?

37 Richard's fist banged against the underside of his desk top and the little girls glanced at each other and the guys were thinking, why is this ******* in this class with us?

Sve će da pokvari.

38 He's going to spoil everything.

Stenhoup nas je posmatrao.

38 Stanhope was watching us.

Dovoljan je jedan kreten da mis Gredis povuče svoju suknju zauvek.

39 One ******* and Miss Gredis will pull her skirt down forever.

Zašto niko ne piše? Zašto niko ne odgovara na pitanja? Imate li svi olovke?

39 Why isn't anybody writing? Why isn't anybody answering the questions? Does everybody have a pencil?

Imala je ogromne sise i vrckala čarobnim dupetom, hodajući na visokim štiklama.

4 Her breasts were enormous and she had a marvelous behind which she wiggled while walking in her high-heeled shoes.

137 "TUPA, TUPA, TUPA ...

40 ' THUMP, THUMP, THUMP ... '

A onda je prestalo.

41 And then it stopped.

Ričard je samo sedeo.

42 Richard sat there.

Majku mu, imamo li svi olovke? reče jedan tip.

42 Yeah, yeah, we all got pencils, one of the guys said.

Svršio je.

43 He was finished.

Lili je sedela u prvoj klupi, uz katedru.

43 Lilly sat up in front, right by Mr. Stanhope's desk.

Videli smo kako otvara udžbenik biologije i traži odgovor na prvo pitanje.

44 We saw her open her biology textbook and look up the answer to the first question.

Potajno smo bacali poglede na njega.

44 We sneaked glances at him.

Izgledao je isto.

45 He looked the same.

Tako znači.

45 That was it.

Da li mu je sperma ležala u krilu ili ostala u šaci?

46 Was his sperm laying in his lap or was it in his hand?

Svi smo otvorili udžbenike.

46 We all opened up our textbooks.

Stenhoup je samo sedeo i blenuo u nas.

47 Stanhope just sat there and watched us.

Zazvonilo je.

47 The bell rang.

Čas engleskog bio je završen.

48 English class was over.

126 Nije znao šta da učini.

48 He didn't know what to do.

Posle toga, predstava je dobila mnoge reprize.

49 After that, there was more of the same.

Počeo je da muca nešto.

49 He began to sputter.

Nije izdržao.

5 He had finally weakened.

Bila je glavna, pričala je sa svim dečacima i trljala se o njih za vreme razgovora.

5 She was great, she talked to all the guys and rubbed up against them while she talked.

Sedeo je dobrih pet minuta, onda skočio.

50 He sat there a good five minutes, then he jumped up.

Ričard Vejti je često tupkao dok smo mi slušali mis Gredis kako govori sa svog trona ispred table, visoko prekrštenih nogu.

50 Richard Waite thumped it often while we listened to Miss Gredis sitting on that front desk with her legs crossed high.

Jurio je gore-dole između redova.

51 He ran back and forth up and down the center aisle of the room.

Mi frajeri prihvatili smo situaciju.

51 We boys accepted the situation.

Posle nekog vremena čak nas je i uveseljavala.

52 After a while we even were amused.

Ljudi, šta radite Zatvaraj udžbenike Zatvaraj udžbenike!

52 What are you people doing? Close those textbooks! Close those textbooks!

I devojčice su je prihvatile, ali im nije prijala, pogotovo Lili Fišmenovoj, koja je gotovo pala u zaborav.

53 The girls accepted it but they didn't like it, especially Lilly Fischman who was almost forgotten.

Osim Ričarda Vejtija, za mene je postojao još jedan problem u tom razredu: Hari Volden.

54 Besides Richard Waite, there was another problem for me in that class: Harry Walden.

Kad sune pored njih, učenici su zatvarali knjige, da bi ih ponovo otvorili čim on prođe.

55 As he ran by, the students would close their books only to open them again when he had run past.

Hari Volden je bio lep, po mišljenju devojčica, imao je duge zlatne uvojke i nosio čudnu, prefinjenu odeću.

55 Harry Walden was pretty, the girls thought, and he had long golden curls and wore strange, delicate clothing.

Ćela je sedeo sa mnom u klupi i smejao se.

56 Baldy was in the seat next to mine, laughing.

Izgledao je kao monden iz XVIII veka, mnogo čudnih boja, tamnozelena, tamnoplava, nije mi bilo jasno gde su, majku mu, njegovi iskopali svu tu odeću.

56 He looked like an 18th century fop, lots of strange colors, dark green, dark blue, I don't know where the hell his parents found his clothes.

A uvek je veoma mirno sedeo i pažljivo slušao na času.

57 And he always sat very still and listened attentively.

Al, je ispao guzica Jao, matore li guzice!

57 He's an *******! Oh, what an old *******!

Kao da sve razume.

58 Like he understood everything.

Bilo mi je pomalo žao Stenhoupa, ali ovde je bila u pitanju i moja koža.

59 I felt a little sorry for Stanhope but it was either him or me.

Devojčice su govorile: 'On je genije.'

59 The girls said,' He's a genius. '

Svakog dana je bilo isto na času biologije.

6 Every day in biology class it was the same.

Možda nije kapirao društvene manire.

6 Perhaps he didn't understand society's ways.

Meni nije ličio ni na šta.

60 He didn't look like anything to me.

Onda je stao iza katedre i dreknuo: "Zatvarajte udžbenike ili ću svima kečeve!"

60 Stanhope stood behind his desk and screamed, "All textbooks must be closed or I will flunk the entire class!"

Lili Fišmen je ustala.

61 Then Lilly Fischman stood up.

Ono što nisam mogao da shvatim bilo je zašto se mangupi ne kače s njim.

61 What I couldn't understand was that the tough guys didn't mess with him.

To me baš mučilo.

62 It bothered me.

Podigla je suknju i zategla svoju svilenu čarapu.

62 She pulled her skirt up and yanked at one of her silk stockings.

Kako se tako olako izvukao?

63 How could he get off so easy?

Namestila je halter, videli smo belu butinu.

63 She adjusted the garter, we saw white flesh.

Jednog dana naišao sam na njega u hodniku.

64 I found him one day in the hall.

Onda je ponovo zadigla suknju i namestila drugu čarapu.

64 Then she pulled at and adjusted the other stocking.

Preprečio sam mu put.

65 I stopped him.

Nikad nismo videli takav prizor, niti je Stenhoup ikada video nešto slično.

65 Such a sight we had never seen, nor had Stanhope ever seen anything like it.

'Koj' si mi ti kurac ', rekoh.

66 ' You don't look like shit to me, 'I said.

Lili je sela i svi smo dovršili pismeni otvorenih udžbenika.

66 Lilly sat down and we all finished the exam with our textbooks open.

' Otkud svima ideja da si ti neki kurac? '

67 ' How come everybody thinks you're hot shit? '

Stenhoup je samo sedeo za katedrom, totalno slomljen.

67 Stanhope sat behind his desk, utterly defeated.

Drugi čova koga smo jebavali bio je Pop Femsvort.

68 Another guy we jerked around was Pop Farnsworth.

138 Volden je pogledao nadesno i, kad sam se osvrnuo da pogledam u tom pravcu, kliznuo je pored mene kao da sam nešto iz kanalizacije i u sledećem trenutku ponovo sedeo u klupi.

68 Walden glanced over to his right and when I turned my head to look in that direction, he slid around me as if I were something from the sewer and then a moment later he was in his seat in the class.

Gotovo svakog dana mis Gredis je pokazivala sve i Ričard tupkao do besvesti i taj Volden sedeo bez reči i držao se kao da veruje da je genije.

69 Almost every day it was Miss Gredis showing it all and Richard thumping away and this guy Walden sitting there saying nothing and acting like he believed he was a genius.

Počelo je već prvog dana na praksi tehničkog.

69 It began the first day in Machine Shop.

Sada smo ga svi čuli.

7 Now we all heard him.

Nikad nismo otvarali knjigu.

7 We never learned any biology

Kazao je: "Ovde učimo radom.

70 He said, "Here we learn by doing.

Muka me hvatala od toga.

70 I got sick of it.

Pitao sam neke:' Slušaj, je l' stvarno misliš da je Hari Volden genije?

71 I asked some of the other guys,' Listen, do you really think Harry Walden is a genius?

Počinjemo odmah.

71 We will begin right now.

Samo sedi u svojoj lepoj odeći i ništa ne govori.

72 He just sits around in his pretty clothes and doesn't say anything.

Svaki od vas ima da rastavi mašinu na delove i onda je ponovo sastavi, tako da bude u ispravnom stanju i radi tokom semestra.

72 You will each take an engine apart and put it back together, until it is in working order, during the semester.

Na zidu imate šeme a ja ću odgovariti na vaša pitanja.

73 There are charts on the wall and I will answer your questions.

Koji je to dokaz?

73 What does that prove?

Svi mi to možemo. '

74 We could all do that. '

Biće vam prikazani i filmovi o radu mašina.

74 You will also be shown movies about how an engine works.

Ali sada, 127 molim, počnite s remontom vaših mašina.

75 But right now please begin to dismantle your engines.

Nisu mi odgovarali.

75 They didn't answer me.

Nisam shvatao njihova osećanja u vezi s tim jebenim tipom.

76 I couldn't understand their feelings about this ****ing guy.

Alat vam je na policama."

76 The tools are on your workshelf."

A onda je postalo još gore.

77 And it got worse.

Ej, Pope, pusti nam prvo film! reče neko.

77 Hey, Pop, how about the movies first? some guy asked.

Rekao sam: 'počinji remont'!

78 I said, 'Begin your project!'

Proneo se glas da Hari Volden viđa mis Gredis svake noći, da je njen ljubimac, i da vode ljubav.

78 Word got out that Harry Walden was going to see Miss Gredis every night, that he was her favorite pupil, and that they were making love.

Nemam pojma gde su pokupili tolike mašine.

79 I don't know where they got all those engines.

Smučilo mi se.

79 It made me sick.

Mis Gredis ga je čula.

8 Miss Gredis heard him.

Mister Stenhoup bi pričao jedno deset minuta, a onda bi Lili rekla: "Jao, nastavniče, ajmo da pravimo šou!"

8 Mr. Stanhope would talk for about ten minutes and then Lilly would say, "Oh, Mr. Stanhope, let's have a show!"

Mogao sam da ga zamislim kako se izvlači iz svoje prefinjene zeleno-plave odeće, slaže je na stolicu, iskoračuje iz svojih narandžastih satenskih gaća i onda klizne pod čaršave gde mis Gredis mazi njegovu glavu punu zlatnih uvojaka na svom ramenu i grli ga i sve ostalo.

80 I could just imagine him getting out of his delicate green and blue outfit, folding it across a chair, then climbing out of his orange satin shorts and sliding under the sheets where Miss Gredis cuddled his curly golden head on her shoulder and fondled it and other things as well.

Bile su masne i crne i zarđale.

80 They were greasy and black and rusted.

O tome su šuškale devojčice koje kao da uvek sve znaju.

81 It was whispered about by the girls who always seemed to know everything.

Žalosno su izgledale.

81 They looked really dismal.

Jebo te bog, reče jedan tip, "ova moja je ko gvozdena gromada govana."

82 ****, said some guy, "this one is a hunk of clogged shit."

Čak i pored toga što devojčice nisu posebno simpatisale mis Gredis, smatrale su da tu nema ničeg lošeg, da je sasvim razumljivo, jer takvom prefinjenom geniju kakav je Hari Volden treba da pripadne sva naklonost ovog sveta.

82 And even though the girls didn't particularly like Miss Gredis, they thought the situation was all right, that it was reasonable because Harry Walden was such a delicate genius and needed all the sympathy he could get.

Ulovio sam Harija Voldena još jednom u hodniku.

83 I caught Harry Walden in the hall one more time.

Stajali smo nad svojim mašinama.

83 We stood over our engines.

' Zgaziću te ko pičku, pederu, druge ti zezaj! '

84 ' I'll kick your ass, you son-of-a-bitch, you don't fool me! '

Većina je uzela one majmunske alatke.

84 Most of the guys reached for monkey wrenches.

139 Hari Volden je pogledao u mene.

85 Harry Walden looked at me.

Red Kirkpetrik je uzeo francuski ključ i lagano strugao njime povrh svoje mašine pažljivo guleći crnu traku masti dugu pola metra.

85 Red Kirkpatrick took a screwdriver and scraped it slowly along the top of his engine carefully creating a black ribbon of grease two feet long.

Ajde, Pope, pusti nam film! Došli smo pravo s fizičkog, muda nam otpala Vagner nas terao u skok i čučanj ko gomilu žaba!

86 Come on, Pop, how about a movie? We just got out of gym, our asses are dragging! Wagner had us doing the hop, skip and jump like a bunch of frogs!

Onda je pogledao preko mog ramena, pokazao prstom i rekao:' Šta je ono? '

86 Then he looked over my shoulder and pointed and said,' What's that over there? '

Okrenuo sam se.

87 I looked around.

Kad sam vratio pogled, njega nije bilo.

88 When I looked back he was gone.

Počinji sa zadatkom kako je rečeno!

89 Begin your assignment as requested!

Sedeo je u razredu bezbedno okružen klinkama koje su mislile da je genije i bile zaljubljene u njega.

89 He was sitting in the class safely surrounded by all the girls who thought he was a genius and who loved him.

Ne može!

9 No!

Devojčice su ga čule.

9 The girls heard him.

Sve češće se šuškalo o odlascima Hari Voldena u kuću mis Gredis preko noći, a nekih dana Hari uopšte ne bi došao u školu.

90 There was more and more whispering about Harry Walden going over to Miss Gredis' house at night and some days Harry wouldn't even be in class.

Počeli smo.

90 We started in.

Bilo je besmisleno.

91 It was senseless.

To su bih najbolji dani za mene, jer sam tada imao posla samo sa tupkanjem, a ne i sa zlatnim uvojcima i obožavanjem takvih budalaština od strane devojčica u njihovim suknjama i bluzama i uštirkanim šarenim haljinama.

91 Those were the best days for me because I only had to deal with the thumping and not the golden curls and the adoration for that kind of stuff by all the little girls with their skirts and sweaters and starched gingham dresses.

Gore od muzičkog.

92 It was worse than Music Appreciation.

Kad Hari ne bi došao, šaputale su:' On je jednostavno preosetljiv ...

92 When Harry wasn't there the little girls would whisper, 'He's just too sensitive ...

'A Red Kirkpetrik je govorio:' Ona ga ubija od pičke. '

93 ' And Red Kirkpatrick would say, 'She's ****ing him to death.'

Čuo se zveket alatki i poneko teško dahtanje.

93 Some clanking of tools could be heard and some heavy breathing.

JAO, JEBO TE! zaurla Heri Henderson.

94 ****! hollered Harry Henderson, "I'VE JUST SKINNED MY WHOLE GOD - DAMNED KNUCKLE!

Jednog popodneva ušao sam u razred a klupa Harija Voldena bila je prazna.

94 One afternoon I walked into class and Harry Walden's seat was empty.

Pomislio sam da je odjebao po običaju.

95 I figured he was just ****ing-off as usual.



Oprezno je omotao maramicu oko desne šake i posmatrao krv kako probija.

96 He wrapped a handkerchief tenderly around his right hand and watched the blood soak through.

Onda se proneo glas od klupe do klupe.

96 Then the word drifted from desk to desk.

Uvek sam bio onaj koji sve poslednji sazna.

97 I was always the last to know anything.

Sranje, reče.

97 Shit, he said.

Na kraju je stiglo i do mene: Hari Volden je izvršio samoubistvo.

98 It finally got to me: Harry Walden had committed suicide.

Mi ostali nastavismo da se kao trudimo.

98 The rest of us kept trying.

Radije bih turnuo glavu u mindžu od slonice, reče Red Kirkpetrik.

99 I'd rather stick my head up an elephant's ****, said Red Kirkpatrick.

Prethodne noći.

99 The night before.




Pop, what the shit!"


Ričard Vejti je drkao kurac: zdravica nogama i bedrima mis Gredis." 3 Thump, thump, thump, thump, thump ...' Richard Waite was jerking-off, a salute to Miss Gredis 'thighs and legs.

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