Bus 301 exam 1 study guide

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on a slippery slope

Because the auditors of XYX Company accepted a client firm's questionable financial statements when the infractions have occurred over time, James believes that they are

"Let's accept and praise the various points of view."

During a group meeting, Nadia comments, _____. She is performing a maintenance role.


Joe, a hard and productive worker, quit because he couldn't get along with his coworkers. This would be diagnosed as a(n) ________ level problem.

personal beliefs

Tanya believes that people should be kind to each other. She notices that Ellie is picking on a new employee, Michele. Tanya asks Ellie to stop bullying Michele, but Ellie's behavior doesn't change. Tanya confronts Ellie and a heated argument ensues, after which Tanya suggests that Ellie transfer to another department. In this case, Tanya's ________ are different from her values.


Teams are task groups that have matured to the _____ stage.


The ____ stage is often characterized by a climate of open communication, strong cooperation, and lots of helping behavior. Cohesiveness and personal commitment to group goals help the group achieve more than could any one individual acting alone


The ______ keeps the group headed toward its stated goals.

value attainment

The _________ model suggests that managers should structure the work environment and rewards to match employees.

Self-efficacy can be developed.

Which of the following statements about self-efficacy istrue?

standard setter

A commentator will record and comment on group processes/dynamics, while a(n) _____ will evaluate the quality of group processes.

foster group solidarity by accepting and praising various points of view.

A person in the encourager role will


ABC Airlines hires flight attendants from diverse backgrounds and puts them through an extensive training and orientation program before they are approved to fly. In addition to learning about responding to medical issues and FAA guidelines, they also must learn the company's many rules and processes as contained in an extensive procedures and policies manual. ABC Airlines is adopting a(n) ______ option for managing diversity.

Both variables indirectly influence each other.

According to research, the relationship between job performance and job satisfaction is best summarized by which of the following statements?

can negatively affect women and minorities.

Affirmative action plans

implicit cognition

Carrie goes out to lunch and orders a diet soda. If we consider _________, she is likely to prefer a salad for lunch.

Create a positive attitude.

Eleanor wants to be sure that the final team project in a senior capstone course is of top quality. Jerome, another team member, just wants to get it done quickly. Using Ajzen's model, what can Eleanor do to try and encourage Jerome to work hard?

value attainment

Genevieve is a very religious person who does volunteer work for her church on weekends. When it came to selecting who would chair the United Fund drive for the department, her manager immediately thought of her and asked her to serve. The manager's action reflects the __________ model of job satisfaction.

motivated blindness.

Harriet saw Josephine cheating on a test in their OB class. However, she did not report this because Josephine is on her team in the class and she feared that Josephine might be kicked out of the class and that this would hurt her team's chances of doing well on their project. Harriet is experiencing

openness to change

Horatio loves extreme sports and works as white-water rafting instructor. This reflects the values in the ____________ dimension of Schwartz's model.

internal causes.

If Otto views a situation as having low consensus, low distinctiveness, and high consistency, he is likely to make an attribution of

individualistic rather than collectivist cultures

In __________, the relationship between self-esteem and life satisfaction is significantly stronger.

there are two choices, neither of which resolves the situation in an ethically acceptable manner.

In an ethical dilemma,

psychological contract

Janice creates advertising slogans for the advertising firm that employs her. She works with beliefs, perceptions, and informal obligations about what she is entitled to receive in return for what she provides to the organization. A(n) ________ represents Janice's beliefs.

high consensus

John, a mid-level manager, notices that all his subordinates are filling out their monthly reports incorrectly. He concludes that the report forms are too complicated and need to be revised. On which type of attributional information is John's decision based?


Juliet often takes office supplies home for her personal use. This is an example of

consensus, distinctiveness, and consistency

Kelley hypothesized that people make causal attributions by observing


Kelly is a member of the community service group of her sorority. Traditionally, they pick a charity and run one fundraiser. Kelly suggests a new approach. In addition to the charity work, she wants to establish a new goal—that the members mentor inner city children. Kelly is acting as

withdrawal cognitions

Kim lives and works in a small town, even though she prefers life in a bigger city. She is quite dissatisfied with her current job and is thinking of leaving the organization. She is worried, however, about her ability to find other employment that pays as well as her current job. Additionally, she is concerned about finding another organization that offers college tuition reimbursement. Based on this information, Kim is experiencing

problem-solving skills

Maria is having an argument with her father. He believes that focusing on her computer skills is the most important of Maria's college experience. Maria disagrees, arguing that ______ is/are the more critical.

high on agreeableness.

Marisa is the office manager in a small company. Her employees find that they can often come late to work and leave early, and Marisa will cover their work for them. Marisa is likely to score


Meghan is a member of a group that raises money for a homeless shelter. She feels that the group spends too much time arguing the merits of different fundraisers and needs to make a decision. She calls for a vote at today's meeting. Meghan has taken on the role of

fundamental attribution bias

Molly works as a dishwasher at a restaurant. She comes across as a fun-loving, party-going person. One day her dog falls sick and Molly has to take him to the vet. She calls her boss and tells him that she won't be coming in to work. Her boss thinks that Molly is missing work intentionally, so that she can go out and party. Which of the following best describes the boss's perception of the situation?

interdependent person and situation factors.

People bring their abilities, goals, and experiences to each and every situation, which often changes the situation. Conversely, because situations have unique characteristics, such as opportunities and rewards, they change people. This dynamic reflects the interactional perspective, which explains that behavior is a function of

have stronger expectations that effort leads to performance.

People with an internal locus of control


Pietro has his bachelor's degree in management. He comes from a middle-class background; his father worked in lower management for his entire career. Pietro wants a different life than his father's. He has saved his money, and he's always been lucky. Pietro might be a(n)

high tolerance for uncertainty

Recent research shows that in the forming and storming stages of team development, teams perform better when members exhibit which of the following personality traits?


Recently, the Acme Explosives Company was sold to a new owner, Roadrunner Inc. The operations of the two organizations are going to be merged, with several of the manufacturing locations possibly to be eliminated. ______ is the most likely OB perspective to apply.

personal skills become more important as job level increases.

Regarding the relative importance of personal and technical skills,


Sally doesn't complain to a man smoking in the nonsmoking section of a restaurant because it doesn't bother her. This lack of irritation reflects the ______ component of her attitude. She is neutral toward people smoking in restaurants.


Sarah and Bill were recently hired at the local manufacturing plant. Before being hired, they were interviewed by the team members with whom they were going to work. The team contained members from various areas of the manufacturing process. As part of the training process, Sarah and Bill met the other team members a number of times, and learned how to perform several administrative tasks, including scheduling work assignments for the team. Sarah and Bill's new team is an example of a(n) ______ team.

external dimensions

Seema is married with two children and lives in New York. She has worked at Bubble Zone for 10 years. These are all _______of the four layers of diversity.


Several people have quit the administrative support unit of the company recently. About that time, a new company moved into the area with a better health care plan and comparable wages. ______ is the most likely OB perspective to apply.


Sharon quit her job because she felt that her department's reward system favored men. This would be diagnosed as a(n) _________ level problem

ill-conceived goal

Simone wants to become a partner in her Atlanta law firm. She knows that if she bills the most revenue, it will help her get her partnership. This _____ can lead to unethical behavior.


The fundamental attribution bias says that we tend to overattribute others' behaviors to _________ factors.


The head of ABC Company announces that the company is going to start a weekend project teaching self-defense techniques to underprivileged kids in the neighborhood. Thomas decides to register for the project, as he is a trained kickboxer. This action of Thomas reflects the __________ component of his attitude.

the norm of reciprocity.

The idea of perceived organizational support is that if treated well, employees are motivated by

entitled, civic-minded, closely involved with parents

The millennial generation is described as

to root out conflicts of interest.

The remedy for motivated blindness is


The team is generating a lot of ideas on how to approach the management case study problem. Everyone seems to have a plan. Joe stands up and says, "I will make a list on the board of all of our ideas." Joe is acting as

leads people to make biased decisions.

The use of implicit cognitions


Three months ago, XYZ Corporation changed the way the typing pool is organized from a self-managed team to a more traditional structure in which employees receive their assignments from a direct supervisor. Since then, three of the seven employees have left the organization. ______ is the OB perspective applied here.


Tracy has been part of a work group for some weeks now. She has slowly become well-acquainted with the other members and even made some new friends. Although in the beginning there were a few arguments and fights, they were resolved with time and Tracy feels a definite sense of team spirit that gets her excited about work. According to Tuckman's five-stage model of group development, which of the following stages is Tracy's group experiencing?


We build stereotypes through a four-step process. Which of the following is not part of the process?


Which of the following is not a layer of diversity?

emotional stability

Which of the following is not an element of emotional intelligence?

selecting an OB concept or topic to apply

Which of the following is not one of the basic elements of selecting an effective solution?


Which of the following is the least fixed of a person's individual differences?

The five stages are not necessarily of the same duration or intensity.

Which of the following statements is true about Tuckman's five-stage model of group development?

initiator, orienter, energizer

Which three roles are especially important to groups?


XYZ Inc. brings together specialists from production, marketing, and finance from around the world, and gives each such team the power to make its own decisions. This implies that the firm is creating a(n) _____ team.


You value achievement and your employer rewards people for accomplishing goals, so you are very committed to the company. _____ fit is the consistency between personal and company values.

indirect blindness

_____ is(are) when we hold others less accountable for unethical behavior that is carried out through third parties.

attribution theory

______ is based on a simple premise: Rightly or wrongly, people infer causes for their own and others' behavior.


______ is defined by restraint of actions, inclinations, and impulses likely to upset or harm others and violate social expectations or norms.

Brainstorming unintended consequences

______ is the remedy for ill-conceived goals.


_______ is the personality trait with the strongest positive relationship with job performance.

Self-enhancement and openness to change

_________ are both elements of hedonism.

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