BUSCOM Exam #2

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Instant Messages

you should send IMs at work to ask simple questions, convey information quickly, receive fast responses. Emoticons are acceptable when used with restraint and in the appropriate circumstance

What should you consider as you organize your message?

The likely reaction of the audience The sequence of ideas The purpose of the message

When making a routine request, you should present ________ clearly in the first sentence.

The major idea

Revise for Content

identify irrelevant information delete duplicated texts and sections that don't make sense

Maurice is the head of marketing at a mid-sized IT firm that is facing financial constraints. Rather than cut the number of employees in his department, Maurice has decided that all mid- and upper-level employees in his department will go on furlough twice each quarter. Maurice needs to inform the CEO and executive team as well as the employees in his department. Maurice decides to drafting two messages to inform his employees. One is to those who will be furloughed, and the other to his entire department. Maurice begins to draft the messaged to inform his entire department about the furlough. Who is the secondary audience for this message to his entire department? Based on Maurice's relationship with the secondary audience, which elements will be most crucial to include in his message?

-All company personnel -A respectful tone, a sense of collaboration, evidence to support the decision

______ should be the first step in determining the content to include in complex message because:

-Clustering (brainstorming/mind mapping) -You can identify relations between ideas before organizing content

Step 3: Adapt the Message to the Audience

-Focus on the receiver's point of view -Communicate ethically and responsibly -Build and protect goodwill -Use contemporary language -Use simple, informal words -Project a positive, tactful tone -Write concisely Protect goodwill because everyone is a future business partner Develop a "you attitude" reveals a concern for rcvrs needs and interest. I may come across as self-centered. Will the receiver think you are fair, logical and ethical? Does the message promote + business relationships? Can still do this with - msg, just be courteous and think of them as a future business partner Essentiallygolden rule. How would you feel? Prob want to be told about a problem Be careful with defamatory remarks-written is libel and spoke is slander, make sure any - comments are well supported. In general be kind using "you" to make a message receiver-centered is especially important in good news situations, such as appreciation or thank you messages. YOU ATTITUDE HANDOUT-have them read aloud. Ex1- 3 is best/Ex2- 2 is best

Writing Email Messages

-Follow company standards for the salutation -Use a descriptive, attention-grabbing subject line -Don't copy the world -Use BBC sparingly -Keep emails short and skimmable -Check your tone -Provide context -Follow company standards for the closing and signature line Dr. Mr until they reply "Rick" and then you can call them Rick Attempt to keep emails short Bulleted lists are common in emails because want info to be clear and read quickly Some paragraphs are so short they are only one sentence -

Purpose statement: To deny an employee's request for a sift change. Which type of purpose statement is this? What is the next step in your planning process?

-General-purpose statement -Identify a specific communication objective

Ewan is sending a note to his employee who will be transferred to the Omaha office. The employee was located in Omaha before his transfer to the current office two years ago. Transfers have never bothered the employee in the past. How is the employee likely to respond to Ewan's message? Which beginning is most appropriate for this message?

-Neutrally -In order to build a strong workforce in all our sales offices, the company will be transferring you to Omaha.

What is in the good news message? Steps in Deductive Outline

1) state the main idea 2) provide details and explanation 3) remind the receiver of the good news or main idea and/or include a future-oriented closing thought.

Eight strategies of Writer's Block

1. Choose the right environment 2. Minimize distractions 3. Schedule a reasonable block of time 4. State your purpose in writing 5. Write freely 6. Think out loud 7. Avoid perfectionism 8. Write the easiest part first

Step 4: Select an Appropriate Outline Structure

1. Determine the central idea to be conveyed in the message 2. Predict the reaction of the reader to the central idea ---Pleased/Interested > Direct/Deductive approach, give news and then give details ---Displeased/Uninterested > Inductive Order/Approach, present details before giving news The direct approach is best for routine claims and requests. Routine claims assume that a request will be granted quickly and willingly without persuasion. You should use deductive/direct for routine claims such as broken glass cooktops and inductive/indirect for persuasive claims. Email is becoming the channel of choice for many routine requests. You can expect businesses to be optimistic about future business opportunities. be sure to clearly identify your questions in the request # or bullet Emails, letters and oral report follow the same order direct/indirect

The Writing Process

1. Determine the purpose of the message 2. Envision the audience 3. Think about how the audience is likely to react 4. Select direct/deductive or indirect/inductive approach

Types of routine business messages

A project manager sends a congratulatory note to her team A manager sends out an invitation to the company picnic

Audience analysis is the first step in the writing process. Who is the primary audience of a message?

The decision maker or direct recipient of your message

Closing on a Pleasant Note

Approaches to AVOID: apologizing anticipating problems inviting needless communication repeating the bad news using a cliche revealing a doubt sound selfish Techniques to USE: offering best wishes suggesting a counterproposal directing to other sources referring to sales promotions Avoid clichéd closings such as, "contact me if you have further questions" or "if I can do anything to help you in the future" because they invite needless communication about an issue which you have already considered and made a decision about. It may sound as if you are not certain of your refusal and that there is some room to negotiate. Directing to Other Sources is also a nice approach Ex: if drug store does not have what I need and refer me to Meijers

Direct Outline Used in Good and Neutral News Messages

Basic Business Writing uses the 3 paragraph format. All our writing in this class will follow this pattern Steps in Deductive Outline 1) state the main idea (Para 1) 2) provide details and explanation (para 2) 3) remind the receiver of the good news/main idea (para 3) 4) end with a future-oriented closing thought. (para 3) This sequence is also appropriate for oral messages that convey good or neutral news can be one sentence paragraphs

Meaningful Goodwill Message

Be Prompt - send a goodwill message while the reason is still fresh in the reader's mind Be Direct - state the major idea in the first sentence or two, even for sympathy notes Be Sincere - avoid language that is too flowery or too strong Be Specific - personalize the message Be Brief - a personal note card or a one-paragraph email may be plenty General Rule-reply to all emails and voicemails within 24 hours If wait then may lose goodwill Make the reader feel as though the message was written just for them

Developing the Opening

Begin with a buffer to cushion the bad Avoid empty acknowledgments of the obvious Avoid revealing the bad news too early Avoid building false hopes by starting positively Some GREAT ideas for how to do this on page 255 of your book! Empty acknowledgement-I received your request Revealing too early- "However" in 1st paragraph

Theresa sells health and beauty products through network marketing. As she visits with new clients and partners, Theresa pitches the advantages of her skin care and health products line to potential clients who may already be very happy with the current products they use. What techniques might be most useful for Theresa as she prepares for her next sales pitch at a home gathering?

Brainstorming, mind mapping, and clustering

Business letters are reserved for more formal communication and take a more formal tone/style. The salutation should use "Dear", followed by a colon. Often used for sales and should build rapport

Business letters

The writing process has five basic steps. The amount of time you spend on each step will depend on the ______ and _______ of the project you are working on.

Length, complexity

Effective Openings for Bad News Message

Compliment Point of agreement Good news Resale A review Gratitude Neutral opening ideas Sometimes using a compliment can confuse the reader and make it feel as if they are being "buttered up" Point of Agreement might be your history of a good working relationship. Check out the top half of the document "Tips for Bad News Intro" on BB also some things to avoid, such as obvious or cliché opening statements

Writing Complaint Letters

Consider an indirect style Give specific evidence about what went wrong Maintain a calm, objective tone Close with a confident, respectful tone BE SPECIFIC For a complaint letter, use an indirect style however you will need to address any possible obstacles in a straight forward manner be very clear in your explanations-use a lot of supporting evidence what the problem is, how it came about and how you want the reader to solve the problem Demonstrate understanding and make reasonable requests-Why? Because the reader is more likely to do what you ask

Neutral and Positive Messages

Planning and Organizing Instant Messaging Responding Goodwill Messages Online Comments

Selecting Resume Content

Contact info: name, address, email, phone number Education: college name, major, degree, date of graduation Work experience: companies, job titles, responsibilities/achievements, date of employment Other skills and experience: extracurricular activities, language, computer skills, special skills Education comes first for newly graduated students, later in your career, your experience will come before you education Your work experience should show how previous work and education prepared you for future jobs Include RELEVANT skills and experience can title this section "leadership and other experiences" or "Other relevant experience" or "other qualifications" this would be the place to highlight your internships and volunteer work ALSO prepare a list of people who can vouch for your skills-References

Sharing Negative Organizational News

Convey the bad news as soon as possible Give a complete, rational explanation Show empathy and respond to feelings Follow up Employee morale and public goodwill is FRAGILE tread lightly Stress that regular communication with employees via staff meetings, an organizational newsletter, or chat opportunities with company management will aid during times where management must convey negative messages about an organization. keep up comm to assist goodwill Bad news should not be the 1st time your employees hear from you! Discuss the hoax that was broadcast publicly when a customer allegedly found a human finger in a bowl of Wendy's chili. Even though the incident was proven false, Wendy's had to deal with the consequences of the information being broadcast electronically. Briefly discuss with students the need for a company crisis communications plan that all employees in management positions need to know about and know how to use.

Offering a Counterproposal or "Silver Lining"

Counterproposal - states what you can do or offer (tangible or intangible) Silver lining - provides a thought that turns a discussion back in a positive direction Offering an alternative i/o no keeps communication open if your credit rating changes in the future we would like to offer you some special incentive to invest with us EFFECTIVE COUNTERPROPROSALS OR SILVER LINING APPROACH ARE THE BEST APPROACH TO CONTINUING CUSTOMER LOYALTY these customers often return to a business Cable company, had problems with my reception. They could not send someone out to fix the issue for a week, but offered me a small credit on my bill. So I feel positively about TWC once again!

Organization plan of PNM


Organizational Approaches - PNM

Direct plan - presents the major idea first, followed by explanations and details (most common for npm, attracts attention, starts positively and saves time) Indirect Plan - presents the explanations before the major idea Do you remember the steps for choosing which approach to use? Determine the purpose of the message Envision the audience Think about how the audience is likely to react Select direct/deductive or indirect/inductive approach

Write the entire draft quickly and save editing for later

Drafting and revising are seperate skills, each requiring a different mindset

Dress for Success

Dress conservatively in black, blue or grey Use 3 piece dressing. Men wear a tie.

The Purpose of a Cover Letter or Email

Express interest in the company position Reveal a bit about your personality Provide the employer with logistical information Highlight how your background specifically matches job qualifications Demonstrate your business writing skills use the direct plan Explain any gaps in employment and focus on strongest qualifications could be qualifications as a result of taking business communication!!! Do not begin with To Whom It May Concern rather find out the name of the person you are sending the letter to or address to HR Manager or Hiring manager A cover letter tells an employer that you are interested in and qualified for a position. A cover letter is a sales letter where you sell yourself and your qualifications to a prospective employer. *In closing your cover letter, always ask for an interview.

Revise for Correctness

Fix punctuation and mechanics

Step 1: Determine the Purpose of the Message

Get information Answer a question Accept an offer Deny a request Sell or get support for a product or idea Apologize


I really like, "What are the advancement opportunities for this position?" similar to Q2 here I also like Q5 Shows interest in the company and not just in getting any ole job if you have researched the company before hand you are better able to craft these questions avoid asking questions about salary, vacation time, sick time, and benefits. do this after they call to offer the job-always room to negotiate!

Examples of Purpose

I want to persuade my coworkers to share information about new jobs opening up. I need to inform another company that our company is denying their request for a product. I want to persuade Mrs. Smith to buy the vacuum I am selling.

Advantages of Inductive Outline

Identifies the subject of the letter without first turning off the reader Presents the reasons before the refusal, increasing understanding and acceptance Avoids a negative reaction because the refusal does not come as a shock Closes on a neutral or pleasant note Reasons go before refusal Cushions the blow of the refusal Shifts emphasis away from refusal

Following Up After an Interview

Immediately following the interview, critique your performance, resume, and cover letter. Send a thank you email to the interviewer. After sending a resume, you should follow up 7-10 days later with a phone call to inquire about the position and a possible interview after an interview, if they have not already handed you a business card, ask for one that way you can easily follow up with a... Thank you letters should be sent within 24 hours. book says send email I have also heard people say they prefer hand written thank yous TY influences the decision of who to hire be specific, provide reasons why you are thankful be genuine If someone sends a recommendation letter for you, send a TY!

Examples of De-Emphasis Techniques

Imply bad news if possible. Use subjunctive mood Use positive language that accents the good Offer counterproposal that shows writer wants to help Subjunctive mood is tentative language like, "perhaps", "it may be best" Focus on what you can do, not what you cannot do

Revising for content

Is the content appropriate for the purpose identified? Will the purpose of the message be clear to the reader? Have I been sensitive to how the reader might react? Is all the information missing? Is the oder of my main points logical?

Formatting Your Resume

Lots of white space Simple fonts and design features Clear dates in reverse chronological order Easy-to-scan headings and bullets good format example of choronological resume style Technically, this is reversed chronological order, but the style organizes your work hx by time most recent job first Only 1 page with lots of white space Managers have been shown to prefer this style How long do you think people take to initially review your resume? 60 SECONDS! Another type of resume is a functional resume-best when want to focus on skills and not the jobs you have had we won't spend much time on this

Organizing a Neutral Message

Main idea first - present as a direct question, or polite request Explanation and Details - explain initial request, include background information, and identify benefits Friendly Closing - express appreciation, state deadlines, and be specific. How do we know a message is neutral and you need the direct outline? because you will not need to persuade the other person to do what you ask Begins with the request Do not end with cliches—give examples of what you have seen **This is a great example of the 3 paragraph direct outline!! a bit too "me" focused but still good (see slide)

Communicating Bad News

Make your decision clear Help your audience accept the message Maintain a goodwill relationship Prevent further unnecessary discussion Preserve the company's image Protect the company against lawsuits

Use clear and descriptive subject lines and standard memo format on letterhead. Standard memo format does not include a greeting or signature line. Format memos for skimmability and easy reading. Double-spaced, block text is often difficult to skim. Don't send memos in place of email. Memos should be reserved for longer internal documents, such as informal reports


Exceptions to Inductive Approach for Bad News

Message is second refusal to repeated request Insignificant matter is involved Request is ridiculous, unethical, or illegal Writer wants to "shake" receiver Relationship is so close that human relations can be taken for granted Sender wants to demonstrate authority These circumstances are RARE! Is it ethical? Second or third refusal? Some cultures also prefer different delivery styles Ex: Employee asks you to lie for them so they can get a loan So what if you need to decline a lunch invitation from a college friend who now works for a competitor? Direct approach ok because you have a close relationship and it will probably not disappoint the friend too much Ex: you are a warehouse manager and your need to let an employee know they left the facility unlocked last night. You can use the direct approach because it is important to convey the repercussions to the facility, the severity of the situation and tell them to be more careful. (You might also want to document this conversation)

The key to planning a successful message is identifying a clear communication _____ to follow.


Indirect Outline for Bad New Messages

Opening: Begin with neutral idea that leads to refusal or bad news Body: 1. Presents facts, analysis, and reasons for refusal or bad news 2. States bad news using positive tone and do-emphasis techniques 3. Includes counterproposal or "silver lining" idea Closing: Closes with ideas that shift away from refusal or bad news and indicates continuing relationship with receiver The point of this is that even when a recipient gets a bad news message they should want to continue a positive relationship Don't be argumentative, that way the receiver is more likely to understand

Writer's block is the inability to focus on the writing process. Which of these is a typical cause of writer's block?


Channel Choice for Bad News: Showing Tact

Personal delivery- says message is important, shows empathy for recipient, and is rich in nonverbal cues and feedback. Electronic messages - tend to be more honest and accurate and can cause less discomfort for sender and reciever Discuss face-to-face communication as an ideal channel for negative messages because of the rich nonverbal clues and opportunity for feedback to minimize the misinterpretation of highly sensitive messages. Discuss the increase in email to deliver bad-news messages because of honesty, accuracy, and lessened discomfort. However, stress the importance of considering the impersonal nature of email for bad-news messages. sometimes geographic location makes this difficult Remind of below... In selecting a channel for delivering any message, the sender should consider (1) the receiver's reaction to the message, (2) the need for the "personal touch," (3) the need for a written record, and (4) and the channel for the original message (for example, with customer orders).

Wording the Bad News Statement

Position bad news strategically Use passive voice, general terms, and abstract nouns Use positive language to accentuate anything good Important to present bad news inductively-see examples of de-emphasis technique in a few slides Avoid using templates for bad news-feels as if the sender has no empathy Ex: yours is a great product, just not right for us at this time (say reasons not right 1st to buffer)

Understanding the reader's initial reaction can help you structure your message appropriately. If the reader's initial response is likely to be ________, you can use a direct approach.


Types of Good News Messages

Positive news messages Thank you and appreciation messages Apologies Routine claims Routine request Order acknowledgements Credit information messages Messages extending credit Good News-convey pleasant info Neutral-of interest to the receiver but unlikely to generate an emotional reaction For Good News always place the "good news" at the beginning of the message because the receiver wants to know now Also remember to create a reader-centered tone Sympathy notes also follow the direct pattern -begins with expression of sympathy and mention specific qualities about the person, end with genuine offer of help

Giving the Bad News

Present bad news as a logical outcome State the bad news in positive and impersonal language Do not apologize unless you're at fault Make the refusal definite Very impt-present bad news as the logical outcome of the reasons given. Make it a definite answer by stating directly but with a positive tone. Remember-business decisions are not personal Discuss Apologies Ok to apologize, but some people will argue that a person has no reason to apologize for a reasonable decision. Also the apology may imply that the writer is at fault, which may confuse the reader. Convey respect, even when customer is at fault You should focus on the reasons for your refusal for most of the message

Guidelines for Composing Reasons

Provide a smooth transition from opening paragraph Include concise discussion that is logical to reader Show reader benefits and consideration Avoid using company as reason Remember company policies exist to provide a standard for grading and refusing requests by customers and employees Show the reader was considered carefully DO NOT USE POLICY AS A REASON! reasons for the policy ok, but not to say, "it's policy."

Types of Bad-News Messages

Refusal of request or favor Denial of claim Denial of credit Message of constructive criticism We will focus on refusals and denial of claim

Sample Email

Remind students again that email is becoming the channel of choice for many routine communications (direct or indirect?), including responses routine requests. Emphasize planning and executing messages via email and not allowing the "informality" of channel to lead to sloppy messages. Tell students to be careful using casual language that results in their messages lacking emphasis or significance. Standard signature lines include name title company address phone email WILL WANT TO KNOW THIS!

Responding to a Neutral Message

Respond promptly Respond courteously Use the direct organizational plan Answer all questions asked or implied Personalize your response Promote your company Close on a positive, friendly note We talked about how to request information but how should we respond to information requests? Never begin with "I received your request" Answer all questions-easier when you have a bulleted or numbered list

Revising Process

Reviewing Style Editing for content Reading for correctness

Goodwill messages

Sent out of a sense of kindness

STAR Behavioral Interview Response

Situation or Task: what brief context is important for the interviewer to understand? Action: how did you handle the situation? what did you do? Result: how did the situation turn out? how can you prove that your action was appropriate in the situation? Purpose of interview questions is to determine organizational fit-"that you will work well within an organizational culture" When you come for an interview you should treat everyone you encounter courteously 80% of companies prefer the behavioral interview tell me about a time when... basically what you did about a problem and what was the outcome or a time when you did something to make the company stand out ex: handling an angry customer Think about some of those everyday encounters that made you stand out as an exceptional employee or team member -similar to when you planned responses to audience questions for business symposium

Routine Request

So when you are writing a routine request, you should consider what information to included so the reader can respond appropriately You will both send and respond to routine requests

Direct Outline used in Good/Neutral Messages

Steps in Deductive Outline 1) state the main idea 2) provide details and explanation 3) remind the receiver of the good news or main idea and/or include a future-oriented closing thought. This sequence is also appropriate for oral messages that convey good or neutral news Remind that Ben Porter email on BB is a pretty decent example of this method. But always use a full signature line! (see slide)

Indirect Outline for Bad-News

The point of this is that even when a recipient gets a bad news message they should want to continue a positive relationship -use same org strategies as written messages-see slide use concise language! begin with at least 1 sentence that is neutral and close with neutral or positive Don't be argumentative, that way the receiver is more likely to understand DEDUCTIVE OPENINGS exercise-small scale practice of MP then details. Also consider the you attitude

Carly is experiencing writer's block. She has been trying to write a research report for two days and just can't seem to make any progress. What strategies should you recommend to help?

Think out loud Choose the right environment Write the easiest parts first

Edit for More Concise Bullets

Utilize your skills to make sure your wording is concise on your resumes because they initially do not look at it for very long So all this work on simplification will help you!

When are readers more likely to cooperate with your polite request?

When you can show how responding will benefit them

Step 2: Envision the Audience

Who is the audience? What is your relationship with the audience? How will the audience likely react? What does the audience already know? What is unique about the audience? For example, if you are providing completely new information, you may want ot give some background info. Try to think about things like shared beliefs, experiences, jobs and what sort of expectations they have of your written style (formal v informal)?

Email Subject Lines

Who, What, Where, Why, When Subject lines are extremely impt! Check out your personal email at home and look at last 10 or so. Which did you want to read and why? This helps the receiver locate information later start a new email for a new subject Ensures your email will be read SUBJECT LINE EXERCISE with 3-4 ppl in a group each group gets one letter 5 words or less Be clear and specific

You are preparing your first weekly status report for your new manager and want to make a good impression. This will be especially important since it is the first written document your team has submitted to her. When you draft your status report to the new manager, which unique aspects might you refer in order to make her feel your team understands and respects her?

Your excitement to learn from her Her experience promoting CSR efforts

Positive Review

be authentic by using your own name, address specific comments in the post, personalize the response, provide a photo, thank the writer, and be substantive

Thank you and sympathy notes

be prompt, sincere, direct, brief, and specific. Dont be vague or flowery. Sympathy notes should be handwritten

Techniques for Closing Positively

de-emphasize the negative unify the message include a positive, forward-looking idea reference please idea from discussion use resale or sales promotion express willingness to help in another way

A positive reaction usually requires a ______ approach


When it comes time to draft your message, the most important thing to remember is to _________

let your ideas flow

Standard Signature Lines

name title company address phone email

Customer Comments

positive and truthful - reach out and engage to build a relationship neutral - no response, no actions needed

To close positively, avoid...

returning to the bad news trite statements that seem shallow or superficial statements that could undermine the refusal or promote future controversy Look at Bad News inside address and de-emphasis example from BB De-emphasis is nicely done here Also this is a good example of Block formatting with inside address-for use with paper letters sent by snail mail

Friendly Closing

to a routine or neutral message should reinforce goodwill through a positive tone, appreciation, restatement and justification of deadlines, offers of reciprocation, and references to the purpose of the message. the main point should appear in the opening paragraph to make it easy for the reader

Revise for style

to improve the flow and coherence of the document. Reading each paragraph aloud to yourself will help you identify

Anticipating Customer Needs

twitter and foursquare anticipate needs online to build relationships and loyalty

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