BUSIM Excel Module 01
Your worksheet contains a price in cell A5, and many formulas refer to that price in the formulas?
You've copied a cell containing formula to the rows below it, and results in the copied cell are all zeros. To find the problem, what should you check for in your original formula?
If it needs an absolute reference
How many actions does the Undo button let you reverse?
Which of the following functions would you use to calculate the arithmetic mean of a price list?
In the formula =B6*$B$2, which of the following describes $B$2?
Absolute cell reference
When you cut or copy a cell, it is cut or copied to which of the following?
Both the Windows of Office Clipboard
Your worksheet is too wide to fit on one portrait page. What is the best way to fix this problem?
Change page orientation to landscape
To select a single worksheet cell so you can work with it, which of the following would you do?
Click the cell
Which of the following is the temporary Windows storage are that holds selections you copy or cut?
Which of the following would you use to create a duplicate of the selected cell when the CTRL key is pressed?
Copy pointer
Which of the following lets you edit the contents of a cell?
Double-click the cell or click in the formula bar
Which of the following is true about inserting cells in a worksheet?
Excel automatically adjusts cell references to reflect new formula locations
To print more than one copy of your worksheet, which tab would you go to?
Which of the following tabs lets you see exactly how your worksheet looks before printing?
Which of the following tabs lets you set worksheet print options?
You have selected a cell with a formula. Which of the following can you use to copy that formula to an adjacent cell?
Fill handle
To view a worksheet without gridlines showing on the screen, which of the following would you uncheck?
Gridlines view
Where can you see a brief description of a selected function?
Insert Function dialog box
Which of the following lets you search for a function or select one from a category?
Insert Function dialog box
In a complex formula, how does Excel determine which calcylation to perform first?
It follows the order of operations
Why is it necessary to use care when inserting worksheet cells?
It may disturb row or column alignment, which can affect worksheet accuracy
To have Excel enter the lowest price from a range of prices, which of the following would you use?
MIN function
To print your worksheet at its actual size, which of the following would you select?
No scaling
The Clipboard task pane shows the contents of the...
Office Clipboard
To preserve the original version of a workbook so you can make changes to a copy of it, which of the following would you do?
Open the workbook, make changes, and then save it using a different name.
Your worksheet appears with a reduced view of each page and blue dividers where new pages begin. What view are you in?
Page Break Preview
To print your worksheet on a piece of paper larger then 8-1/2 x 11", which Excel tab would you use?
Page Layout
Which worksheet view shows headers, footers, and rulers?
Page Layout view
To see a preview of how a pasted value will look, which of the following would you use?
Paste List arrow
Where can you see a preview of how your worksheet will look when printed, including headers?
Print tab in Backstage view
Which of the following functions inserts the total of a range?
Where do you rename a workbook and adjust its save location?
Save As dialog box
Which of the following is true when you copy and paste formulas using the fill handle?
The AutoFill Options button lets you fill cells with specific elements of the copied cell
To create a new, blank workbook, which of the following can you use?
The New command on the File tab
When you paste formula cells using the Paste button in the Clipboard group, which of the following?
The Paste Options button then lets you paste specific elements of the copied cells
If you discover an error immediately after you have confirmed a cell entry, what of the following would you use next?
The Undo button on the Quick Access toolbar
Which of the following totals the cells B6, B7, B8, B9, and B10 most efficiently?
The formula =SUM (B6:B10)
For which of the following would you use the Paste list arrow in the Ribbon when pasting a copied cell?
To paste the value's number formatting only
Which of the following is true when you delete a cell?
When you delete cells using the Delete list arrow, you can choose which way to move adjacent cells.
When should you use relative cell references?
When you want to preserve the relationship to the formula location
In the formula =SUM (A6:A9), which of the following best describes A6?
Which of the following is a built-in formula that helps you preform complex calculations?
Which of the following helps you move around a worksheet that is too large to fit on the screen at once?
scroll bars
Which of the following is not a way to move cell contents?
the fill handle in the lower-right corner of an active cell or range
To paste a data range so that column data appears in rows and row data appears in columns, you can _____ the data using the Paste list arrow.