Business and Society Exam 4

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In 2011, what percentage of corporate officers of the Fortune 500 companies were woman?

14 Percent

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission was created in:


By 2020, the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that what percentage of all workers will be women?

47 percent.

What steps have companies been taken to support their lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender employees?

AOB All Steps

One alternative to product liability lawsuits is called:

Alternative dispute resolution.

A goal of the consumer movement is to make consumer power:

An effective counterbalance to the rights and powers of firms that sell goods and services.

Which ethnic group, as defined by the US Census, represents the fastest growing percentage of the labor force?


Under proposals to establish uniform federal standards for determining liability:

Companies would not have to go through repeated trials on the same charges in different states.

Which organization brings together 300 nonprofit groups to espouse the customer viewpoint

Consumer Federation of America

An identifying marker placed on a user's computer hard drive during visits in order to identify the user during each subsequent visit and to build profiles on their behavior overtime is called a:


Since the mid 1950s portion of American workers presented by unions has:


What is the most important social issue facing communities, according to a survey of community relations managers?


Which of the following is a good way for a business to express its commitment to corporate citizenship?

Establishing, Behaving, Correcting Problems

Universal rules establishing a common set of labor standards worldwide are called:

Fair labor standards.

In the United States, which of the following agencies enforces the laws prohibiting deceptive advertising?

Federal Trade Commission

"Glass walls" refers to:

Fewer opportunities to move sideways into jobs that lead to the top.

Polygraph testing:

Has been replaced by written psychological test

Before deregulation, government agencies

Held prices artificially high, shielding businesses petition

Manufacturers making false or misleading claims about a competitor's product is:

Illegal and unethical.

When businesses adopt voluntary policies for protecting the privacy of individuals information disclosed during electrical transactions, this is called:

Industrial self-regulation

Online shoppers have always been concerned that:

Information they reveal in the course of a sales transaction might be misused.

Privacy rights seek to protect the employees private lives:

Intrusive and unwarranted business actions.

Which of the following is true about honesty tests?

It is a written psychological test trying to predict employee honesty on the job.

Which of the following is not an argument favoring employee drug testing?

It is an intrusion on individual privacy.

Which of the following statements is true about the relationship between business and the community?

It is one of mutual interdependence.

Which of the following is true about romantic relationships in the workplace?

Many companies allow managers to become romantically involved with subordinates, so long as they do not supervise them directly.

As communications improve and people around the world are able to witness the horrors of natural disasters, terrorism, and war, international relief efforts by corporations are becoming:

More important.

Under US laws:

Most private and public workers have the right to hold an election to choose what Union they want to represent them, if any.

Which of the following statements are not true about the right to a safe and healthy workplace?

Over recent years no new categories of accidents or illness have emerged

When a mother or father is granted time off when children are born or adopted and during the early months of a child's development, this is called:

Parental leave.

Another term for corporate giving is corporate:


Age, ethnicity, gender, mental or physical abilities, race, and sexual orientation are what dimensions of diversity?


The "right to be heard" assures that consumers interest will:

Receive full and sympathetic consideration

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act makes it illegal for employers to:

Retaliate against whistle-blowers who report information that could have an impact on the value of a company's shares.

The main responsibility of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is to:

Set motor vehicle safety standards.

The Council of economic properties has developed a set of workplace rules called:

Social Accountability 8000.

Under what legal doctrine does a firm bear legal responsibility for injuries caused by something it made or sold, whether or not it was negligent or breached a warranty?

Strict liability.

The Occupational Safety and Health act gives workers the right to a job:

That is free from recognized hazards that are likely to cause death or serious injury.

Which of the following is not a benefit of managing diversity effectively?

These businesses get tax breaks from the federal government.

Racial harassment is illegal under:

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.

Which of the following is a mission of the Food and Drug Administration?

To assure the safety and effectiveness of a wide range of consumer products.

Which law allows individuals who sue federal contractors for fraud to receive up to 30 percent of any amount recovered by the government?

U.S. False Claims Act (as amended in 1986).

Many companies have argued that the evolution of strict liability has

Unfairly burden them with excess cost

In some cases, businesses have band together to agree on how they will treat their customers. This is called:

Voluntary industri codes of conduct

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the highest injury rate are found in which of these industries?


A prime social responsibility of business is to safeguard consumers:

While continuing to supply them with goods and services they want.

When an employee believes their employer has done something that is wrong or harmful to the public, and he or she reports alleged organizational misconduct to the media, government, or high level company officials, what has occurred?


Sexual harassment applies to

either men or women who are being harassed

Since the early 1990 s racial harassment charges filed

have more than doubled to about nine thousand a year

Which of the following is an argument against affirmative action?

it is inconsistent with the principles of fairness and equality

Which of the following is not true about the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EECO)

it monitors foreign government employment practices

Reverse discrimination occurs when

one group is unintentionally discriminated against in an effort to help another group

Which of the following is an action that companies take to manage diversity?

set up a Diversity Council to monitor the company's goals

Which of the following is not true about occupational segregation?

the large pay gap for Hispanic workers partly reflects their concentration in several high paying occupations

Which of the following is not a benefit of managing diversity effectively?

these businesses get tax breaks from the federal government

Which of the following is not true about women business owners?

they are forming businesses to roughly the same rate that men are

Racial harassment is illegal under

title VII of the Civil Rights act

Companies can combat sexual and racial harassment and protect themselves from expensive lawsuits by:

AB Developing Zero-Tolerance, Complaint Procedure

Only after which of the following conditions is Met, should the whistle-blower go public?

AB Harm to the Public, Reported to supervisor

The major federal consumer protection agencies are authorized by law to:

AB Intervene Directly, Substitute government mandated standards

Employees in the United States have a legal right to:

AB Organize and Bargain, Safe and Healthy

Which of the following led to significant corporate restructuring and downsizing?

AB, Fierce global competition, Emphasis on improving "bottom line"

According to the US Department of Labor:

AC 3 Million, 3 out of every 100

Which of the following is are to about child care programs?


Which of the following is (are) true about employee assistance programs (EAPs)?

AOB Counseling, 90%, Cost effective

Women have entered the workforce:

AOB Earn Income, Inadequacies of retirement, sustain living

Business depends on the community for:

AOB Education, Public Services, Transportation System

The growing diversity in the U.S. workforce is due to:

AOB Millenials, Immigration, Shifting patterns

How do companies encourage their employees to volunteer their time?

AOB Publicizing projects, Offering recognition, Publicizing opportunities

Which of the following is a reason for businesses to get involved in the community?

AOB To win local support, Build social capital, Meet stakeholder demands

Which of the following statements is true about community relations?

About 80 percent of companies factor community involvement into their overall strategic plan.

Where are workers not permitted to form independent unions?

BC Communist Countries, Military Dictatorships

Advertising that is targeted to particular customers, based on the observed online behavior, is called:

Behavioral advertising

According to the new social contract:

Companies try to attract workers by giving them interesting and challenging work.

The law requiring that toys and infant products be tested before sale is called the:

Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act

Businesses take that a number of measures respond voluntary to customer demands. Which of the following is an example of such a measure?

Consumer call centers.

Which of the following statements is not true about the organization Consumer Reports

It is supported by the federal government

The conditions under which a company's employees work is called:

Labor standards.

A study by Catalyst found that companies with three or more female directors had:

Significantly higher returns on equity than those with no female directors.

Which of the following limits the collection of information online from and about children under the age of 13?

The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act

During the 1930s, many workers in the United States joined unions, and the ranks of organized labor grew rapidly. This historical period was called:

The New Deal.

The act that requires lenders to inform borrowers of the annual rate of interest to be charged, plus related fees and services charges is called:

The Truth in Lending Act.

The term civic engagement describes:

The active involvement of businesses and individuals in improving communities.

Consumers have become more dependent on businesses for product quality because

The complexity of products makes choices complicated for customers

A reason for an increase in employee monitoring does not include:

To reduce the employer's health insurance premiums.

Executive order 11246, is stablished in 1965 mandates

affirmative action for all federal contractors and subcontractors

Which of the following government rules on equal treatment of employees does not apply to businesses?

affirmative action plans must be permanent

Which of the following is not true about employee theft?

almost half of all employees have stolen from an employer at least once in his or her career.

Under the Family and Medical Leave Act FMLA passed in 1993

companies that employ 50 or more people must grant unpaid job protected leave for up to 12 weeks to employees faced with serious family needs

The pay gap for Hispanic women, relatively to white men, has

declined by almost 5 since 2000

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