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_____ refers to the learner's involvement with the training material and assessing their progress toward learning.

a. Automatization b. Self-regulation c. Elaboration d. Generalization B

Which of the following is a threat to internal validity?

a. Characteristics of trainees influence program effectiveness. b. Being evaluated causes participants to try harder in training program. c. Trainees pay extra attention to material on a test before training. d. Training group differs from comparison group on individual differences that influence outcomes. D

Which of the following types of learning outcome is reflected through the ability to design and code a computer program that meets customer requirements?

a. Cognitive strategies b. Attitudes c. Intellectual skills d. Motor skills C

_____ relates to the learner's decision regarding what information to attend to, how to remember, and how to solve problems.

a. Cognitive strategy b. Motor skill c. Attitude d. Verbal information A

Which of the following is a major cause for loss of explicit and tacit knowledge?

a. Creating chief information officer (CIO) and chief learning officer (CLO) positions b. Requiring employees to give presentations to other employees c. Older employees retiring d. Use of social networking sites in companies C

Which of the following creates a learning orientation in trainees?

a. Emphasizing trained task performance b. Emphasizing competition among trainees c. Ensuring trainees completely avoid errors and mistakes d. Allowing trainees to experiment with new knowledge and skills D

Which of the following types of training outcomes are collected when trainees are asked to rate their level of satisfaction with the trainer at the end of a training program?

a. Result b. Cognitive c. Reaction d. Behavior-based C

Which of the following instances call for training with an emphasis on far transfer?

a. Securing offices and buildings b. Handling routine client questions c. Creating a new product d. Logging into computers and using software C

_____ is a person's judgment about whether he or she can successfully learn knowledge and skills.

a. Self-efficacy b. Self-actualization c. Self-esteem d. Self-concept A

A firm that aims at improving readily observable outcomes such as productivity by collecting related data at periodic intervals both before and after training is typically applying the _____ evaluation design.

a. Solomon four-group b. pretest/post-test c. return on investment d. time series D

Which of the following examples best reflects attitude as a learning outcome?

a. State three reasons for following company safety procedures. b. Design and code a computer program that meets customer requirements. c. Choose to respond to all incoming mail within 24 hours. d. Shoot a gun and consistently hit a small moving target. C

Which of the following statements is true of comparison groups?

a. The use of a comparison group poses a threat to internal validity. b. Comparison group consists of a group of employees who do not attend the training program. c. Employees in a comparison group have personal characteristics that are different from other trainees. d. Use of a comparison group in training evaluation increases the possibility that changes found in the outcome measures are due to factors other than training. B

Which of the following statements is true of lesson plans?

a. They are typically less detailed than the design document. b. They ensure that both the trainee and the trainer are aware of the course and program objectives. c. They include several courses and mainly focus on developing a set of competencies needed to perform a job. d. They are not documented; therefore, they cannot be shared with managers who pay for training services. B

Which of the following statements is true of traditionalists?

a. They like to be put on the spot in front of other trainees. b. They dislike trainers asking them to share their experiences or anecdotes. c. They prefer dynamic learning environments. d. They value direct presentation of information that is organized logically. D

Which of the following statements is true of closed skills?

a. They require the trainee to adapt the general principles to fit a wide range of circumstances. b. They refer to training objectives that are linked to general learning principles. c. They refer to training objectives that are linked to learning specific skills that are to be identically produced by the trainee on their job. d. They are more difficult to train than open skills. C

_____ place a high value on money, so linking training to monetary incentives facilitates learning for them.

a. Traditionalists b. Baby boomers c. Millenniums d. Gen Xers C

_____ refers to the process of collecting the outcomes needed to determine whether training is effective.

a. Training evaluation b. Program design c. Performance appraisal d. Needs assessment A

Which of the following statements is true of knowledge management?

a. Use of social networking sites such as Facebook or MySpace in organizations hinders knowledge management. b. It involves acquiring knowledge, studying problems, attending training, and using technology only within work. c. It does not require positions like chief information officer (CIO) and chief learning officer (CLO) as knowledge transfer is spontaneous. d. Creating communities of practice and using "after-action reviews" at the end of each project facilitates knowledge management. D

_____ refers to concrete examples of the impact of training that show how learning has led to results that a company finds worthwhile and managers find credible.

a. Utility analysis b. Success case c. Return on expectation d. Outcome practicality B

ROI analysis is best suited for training programs that are:

a. attended by few employees. b. inexpensive and have limited visibility. c. focused on an operational issue. d. one-time events. C

Typically, _____ are used to assess cognitive outcomes.

a. attitude surveys b. observations c. focus groups d. pencil-and-paper tests D

The _____ job is to develop, implement, and link a knowledge culture with the company's technology infrastructure, including databases and intranets.

a. chief technical officer's (CTO) b. chief learning officer's (CLO) c. chief ethics officer's (CEO) d. chief culture officer's (CCO) B

A(n) _____ is a written document that includes the steps that a trainee and manager will take to ensure that training transfers to the job.

a. concept map b. design document c. lesson plan d. action plan D

A(n) _____ gets learners into the appropriate mental state for learning and allows them to understand the personal and work-related meaningfulness and relevance of course content.

a. concept map b. request for proposal c. application blank d. application assignment A

If training emphasizes total-group discussion with limited presentation and no small-group interaction, a _____ seating arrangement will be most effective.

a. conference-type b. horseshoe c. fan-type d. classroom-type A

Curricula differ from courses in that curricula:

a. consist of narrower learning objectives. b. include less measurable learning objectives. c. address a more limited number of competencies. d. take less time to complete. B

Good decisiveness, practical application of ideas, and hypothetical deductive reasoning are learning characteristics of individuals in the _____ learning style.

a. converger b. diverger c. assimilator d. accommodator A

If a manager believes that a training program is valuable and hence provides higher ratings of job performance to those trainees who attended the training program, then the training outcomes will lack relevance due to _____.

a. criterion contamination b. criterion deficiency c. criterion irreducibility d. criterion maturation A

The evaluation process ideally begins with:

a. developing outcome measures. b. choosing an evaluation strategy. c. developing measurable learning objectives. d. conducting a needs analysis. D

The program design process for training typically begins with:

a. encouraging learners to apply what they have learned to their work. b. preparing a concept map and curriculum road map to facilitate learning. c. preparing, motivating, and energizing trainees to attend the learning event. d. preparing instruction (classes, courses, programs, lessons) to facilitate learning. C

Behavior modification is a training method that is primarily based on _____.

a. goal setting theory b. information processing theory c. expectancy theory d. reinforcement theory D

Formative evaluation involves collecting qualitative data about a training program from trainees mainly through:

a. their opinions and feelings about the program. b. measures of performance such as volume of sales. c. tests and ratings of their behavior. d. the return on investment method. A

According to the _____, transfer will be maximized to the degree that the tasks, materials, equipment, and other characteristics of the learning environment are similar to those encountered in the work environment.

a. theory of identical elements b. stimulus generalization approach c. cognitive theory of transfer d. information processing theory A

Low levels of opportunity to perform indicate that:

a. training content is not important for the employee's job. b. refresher courses for trainees are not necessary. c. there is no decay in learned capabilities of employees. d. the work environment is not interfering with the use of new skills. A

Effective knowledge sharing is facilitated when employees:

a. use multiple search engines and collaboration tools all on different computer systems. b. see knowledge sharing as an additional responsibility. c. view knowledge as a means to have power over others. d. have easy access to information within the context of their jobs. D

Which of the following is a disadvantage of communities of practice (COPs)?

a. Employees are reluctant to participate without an incentive and fear sharing their knowledge with others. b. They are not naturally occurring in companies; hence, they have to be forced. c. Social interaction is discouraged; hence, learning occurs off the job. d. They make it tedious for employees to share best practices, learn from one another, and improve business processes. A

Which of the following statements best differentiates formative evaluation from summative evaluation?

a. Formative evaluation mainly involves collecting quantitative data, whereas summative evaluation involves collecting qualitative data. b. Formative evaluation takes place on the completion of training, whereas summative evaluation takes place during program design and development. c. Formative evaluation focuses on how to make a training program better, whereas summative evaluation helps to determine the extent to which trainees have changed after training. d. Formative evaluation includes measuring the monetary benefits that a company receives from a training program, whereas summative evaluation measures beliefs and opinions of the trainees. C

_____ is a learning process that involves identifying learned material in long-term memory and using it to influence performance.

a. Generalizing b. Semantic encoding c. Retrieval d. Gratifying C

Which of the following statements is true of near transfer?

a. If the tasks emphasized in training involve more variable interactions with people or equipment and unpredictable responses, then instruction should emphasize near transfer. b. Programs that emphasize near transfer should ideally include general principles that might apply to a greater set of contexts than those presented in the training session. c. Teaching learners to create a new product or solve a difficult problem requires training with an emphasis on near transfer. d. In near transfer, trainees should be encouraged to focus only on important differences between training tasks and work tasks rather than unimportant differences. D

Which of the following statements is true of random assignment?

a. It assigns employees to a training program without considering their individual differences. b. It results in an unequal distribution of individual characteristics such as age, gender, and motivation in the comparison group and the training group. c. It increases the effects of employees dropping out of the study (mortality). d. It increases the differences between the training group and comparison group in ability, knowledge, skill, or other personal characteristics. A

Which of the following statements is true of organizing as a learning strategy?

a. It focuses on memorization of training content. b. It focuses on learning through repetition of training content. c. It requires the learner to find similarities and themes in the training material. d. It requires the trainee to relate the training material to other, more familiar knowledge, skills, or behaviors. C

Which of the following statements is true of Solomon four-group evaluation design?

a. It is mainly used by companies that are uncomfortable with excluding certain employees or that intend to train only a small group of employees. b. It is an evaluation design in which pre-training outcomes are completely ignored. c. It combines both pretest/post-test comparison group and post-test-only control group design. d. Relative to the other evaluation designs it is more economical and takes lesser time to conduct. C

Which of the following is true of return on investment (ROI)?

a. It is referred to as level 3 evaluation in Kirkpatrick's framework for categorizing training outcomes. b. It refers to comparing sales activity before and after a training program. c. Dollar value of productivity divided by training costs reflects return on investment. d. The method of measurement for return on investment typically involves tests, surveys, and interviews. C

Which of the following is an affective outcome collected in a training evaluation?

a. Learners' satisfaction with training b. Customer service orientation c. Increased production d. Reduced costs of production B

_____ refers to individual control over one's thinking.

a. Modeling b. Instrumentality c. Valence d. Metacognition D

_____ review sessions are meetings between a manager and employee, during which the strengths and weaknesses of the employee's performance are discussed and improvement goals agreed upon.

a. Performance testing b. Performance appraisal c. Performance engineering d. Performance budget B

According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), which of the following types of learners require instructors to emphasize on personal needs, beliefs, values, and experiences?

a. Proactive learners b. Feeling learners c. Thinking learners d. Reactive learners B

Which of the following is a major aid in communicating tacit knowledge?

a. Product formula b. Manual c. Discussion d. Procedure document C

Which of the following is an example of the internal conditions necessary for learning outcomes?

a. Providing trainees opportunities to practice new skills b. Strong message provided to trainees from credible source c. Verbal description of strategy d. Recall of prerequisites, similar tasks, and strategies D

Which of the following terms refer to a group of two or more trainees who agree to meet and discuss their progress in using learned capabilities on the job?

a. Quality circle b. Focus group c. Support network d. Strategic group C

Which of the following statements is true of training?

a. Recognizing employees' preferences regarding how they want to learn is not advisable in training. b. It is important to realize that for training to be effective, both learning and transfer of training are needed. c. Transfer of training is to be considered only after the completion of training. d. Transfer of training involves having employees who already have mastered the learning outcomes demonstrate them for trainees. B

_____ is a time period in which participants no longer receive training intervention.

a. Regression b. Mortality c. Reversal d. Maturation C

_____ refers to the ease with which training outcome measures can be collected.

a. Reliability b. Practicality c. Acceptability d. Relevance B

Kenneth, an operations manager has been assigned to train a group of older employees in the logistics department. He has to train them to use the new computer software which was installed recently. He does so by reminding them that they were quick in learning to use the previous software. Kenneth is typically trying to _____.

a. increase the employees' self-efficacy b. deter expectancies of the employees c. create motor reproduction d. raise the valence of the behavior A

The training implication of _____ theory includes a trainer identifying the outcomes that a learner considers most positive or negative.

a. information processing b. identical elements c. reinforcement d. David McClelland's need C

According to the _____ theory, models' behavior or skill that is rewarded is adopted by an observer.

a. information processing b. social learning c. expectancy d. goal setting B

Evaluation designs without pretest or comparison groups are most appropriate when:

a. information regarding training effectiveness is not needed immediately. b. companies are interest in determining how much change has occurred. c. a company has a strong orientation toward evaluation. d. a company is only interested in whether trainees have achieved a certain proficiency level. D

In the learning processes, semantic encoding typically involves:

a. informing learners of the lesson objective. b. providing learning guidance to the learners. c. providing learners cues that are used in recall. d. providing feedback about performance correctness. B

A lesson plan overview matches major activities of a training program and _____.

a. instructor prerequisites b. trainee prerequisites c. specific times or time intervals d. funding required for the training C

According to Kirkpatrick's framework for categorizing training outcomes, _____ outcomes are level 1 criteria that are often called class or instructor evaluations.

a. learning b. reaction c. skill-based d. affective B

Explicit knowledge:

a. mainly consists of personal knowledge based on individual experience. b. can be communicated only through discussion and demonstrations. c. can be managed by a knowledge management system. d. is highly influenced by perceptions and values. C

Learner-learner interaction is most appropriate when learners have to:

a. master a task that is completed alone. b. maximize their critical thinking and analysis skills. c. acquire personal knowledge based on experience. d. enhance their self-awareness and self-assessment. C

In opportunity to perform, activity level refers to the _____.

a. number of trained tasks performed on the job b. frequency with which trained tasks are performed on the job c. critical nature of the trained tasks that are actually performed on the job d. number of employees performing a similar trained task B

If trainers are interested in the generalizability of a study's results to other groups and situations, then they are said to be interested in the _____ of the study.

a. outcome practicality b. criterion relevance c. external validity d. outcome believability C

In training, the greatest level of support that a manager can provide is to:

a. participate in training as an instructor. b. allow trainees to attend training. c. provide trainees opportunity to practice what they have learnt. d. discuss progress of the training sessions with trainees. A

Logical verification to increase self-efficacy typically involves:

a. perceiving a relationship between a new task and a task already mastered. b. trying out the observed behaviors to see if they result in the same reinforcement that a model received. c. motivating trainees by having employees who have mastered the learning outcomes demonstrate them for trainees. d. determining the degree of support and negative consequences in the work setting for using newly acquired capabilities. A

A request for proposal (RFP) is a document mainly used to identify:

a. potential vendors and consultants for training services. b. employees who do not require training. c. trainee prerequisites for a training course. d. disruptive trainees in an organization. A

If a firm measures its sales volume before and after a training program, it is typically assessing the _____ outcome.

a. reaction b. behavior-based c. learning d. results D

The _____ training outcome is collected to determine whether trainees are using training content back on the job.

a. reaction b. learning c. cognitive d. result D

The learning cycle for a trainee begins with a(n) _____.

a. reflective observation b. concrete experience c. abstract conceptualization d. active experimentation B

The dimensions of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator combine to form _____ personality types.

a. sixteen b. fourteen c. twelve d. eighteen A

Intellectual skill as a learning outcome primarily includes the capability to:

a. state or describe previously stored information. b. apply generalizable concepts and rules to solve complex problems. c. execute a physical action with precision and timing. d. choose a personal course of action. B

If trainers in a firm want access to valuable information about the transfer of training, they should typically use the

a. supply chain management system b. electronic performance support system c. transaction processing system d. business process reengineering system B

Behavior or skill-based outcomes are best measured by _____.

a. surveys b. interviews c. focus groups d. observations D

Appropriate training outcomes need to be discriminative which implies that:

a. tests given to employees before and after a training program should differ. b. trainees should be asked to take a reliable test that includes items for which the meaning or interpretation change over time. c. trainees' performance on the outcome should actually reflect true differences in performance. d. different employees should be given different tests for measuring their performance on the same outcome. C

Lapses that inhibit transfer of training typically take place when trainees:

a. use previously learned, less effective capabilities instead of applying the capabilities emphasized in the training program. b. make performance of a task, recall of knowledge, or demonstration of a skill so automatic that it requires little thought or attention. c. complete practice exercises at one time within a lesson or class rather than distributing the exercises within the lesson. d. identify learned material in long-term memory and use it to influence performance. A

In expectancy theory, a belief that performing a given behavior is associated with a particular outcome is called _____.

a. valence b. instrumentality c. maintenance d. generalizing B

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