Business Law - Ch. 1-5

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5.5 Administrative regulations are not legally binding unless they are published. True or False


5.9 Under the FOIA, it is not legally required by the agencies to notify a company whose data they are about to disclose. True or False


4.1 The U.S. Supreme Court can void the president's executive orders if they are contrary to the Constitution's language. True or False


5.8 Under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) , any person has a legally enforceable right of access to geological information concerning wells. True or False


4.11 Which of the following is true about the U.S. Constitution? A) Article I makes it clear that the president should be the commander in Chief of the armed forces. B) Article II gives states rather than individuals a clear role in the elections process. C) Article I creates the federal judiciary. D) Article II makes clear that individual rights must be preserved against activities of the federal government. E) Article III balances influence in the federal legislature between large states and small states by creating a Senate in which the smaller states as well as the larger states have two votes.

B) Article II gives states rather than individuals a clear role in the elections process.

1.16 In the case of Virginia Rulon-Miller, the court gave the judgement based on which source of law? A) Statutes B) Constitution C) Agency regulations D) Judicial decisions E) Treaties agreements

B) Constitution

2.5 According to Immanuel Kant, we should be able to universalize any particular law or action to determine whether it is ethical. True or False


2.8 Stakeholders can be economically dependent without having ownership. True or False


3.1 Federal courts have to consider state-law-based claims when a case involves claims using both state and federal law. True or False


3.4 Appellate courts do not retry the evidence, but rather determine whether the trial was conducted in a procedurally correct manner. True or False


3.3 A general jurisdiction court is also known as a circuit court. True or False


1.3 The Constitution prescribes that the president has the veto power over any legislation, but the House and Senate can override a presidential veto with two-thirds vote in each chamber. True or False


1.6 A holding is the court's complete answer to an issue that is critical to deciding the case and thus gives guidance to the meaning of the case as a precedent for future cases. True or False.


1.7 The main alternative to the common-law legal system is based in Roman and Napoleonic law. True or False.


1.9 According to the case Harris v. Forklift Systems, the Supreme Court decided that an employee need not prove severe psychological injury in order to win a Title VII sexual harassment claim. True or False


2.2 What is legal is not necessarily ethical and what is ethical is not necessarily legal. True of False


2.3 In the Sears Auto Centers case, the loss of goodwill was real, even though the total amount of money could not be clearly accounted for. True or False


5.2 In a free market, there are no parties, institutions, or governmental units regulating the price, quantity, or quality of any of the goods being bought and sold in the market. True or False


5.3 The appropriations clause of Article I says that federal money can be paid out only through an annexation made by law. True or False


5.6 The Paperwork Reduction Act gives power to the federal Office of Management and Budget to develop uniform policies for coordinating the gathering, storage, and transmission of the federal department's reports. True or False


2.15 According to limited liability, ______. A) smaller pools of capital could be aggregated for larger enterprises B) if the venture fails, shareholders would not lose their investments C) there would be personal liability only D) there would only be a loss in the value of the corporate stock E) corporations cannot extend beyond the bottom line to maximize profits

D) there would only be a loss in the value of the corporate stock

5.20 The _____ has the same legal effect as a bill passed by Congress and signed into law by the president. A) Code of Federal Regulations B) Administrative Procedure Act C) delegation doctrine D) enabling act E) Federal Resiter

A) Code of Federal Regulations.

2.13 What is the "agency problem" often discussed in corporate governance? A) How to get the managers' interests well aligned with the shareholders' interests. B) How to get owners replace nonperforming or underperforming officers and directors. C) How a corporation should maximized profits for its stockholders. D) How to get corporations engage in open and free competition without deception and fraud. E) How to get a corporation to act responsibly toward nonshareholder interests.

A) How to get the managers' interests well aligned with the shareholders' interests.

1.15 Which of the following is true of civil cases? A) Plaintiff brings the case and defendant must answer B) Their purpose is to maintain order in society C) Their purpose is to deter serious wrongdoing D) Proof must be beyond reasonable doubt E) Remedies include fines, jail and forfeitures

A) Plaintiff brings the cause and defendant must answer

1.10 Which of the following was a belief held by some Crits? A) Precedent is more important than moral arguments B) Distributive justice theory C) Dominator culture D) Social context of law E) Upheaval of women

B) Distributive justice theory

3.11 Which of the following is true about diversity of citizenship jurisdiction? A) The plaintiff's attorney is entitled to ask for removal to a federal court where there is diversity B) Diversity of citizenship jurisdiction means that many lawyers enjoy the higher status that comes in practicing before the federal bench. C) Defendant' attorneys know that removal is common and that it will move the case along faster by filling in federal court to begin with. D) Defense lawyers believe that there is sometimes a "home-court advantage" for a nonresident plaintiff who brings a lawsuit against an in-state in his local state court. E) The Constitution established diversity jurisdiction because it feared that local courts would be generous toward people from other states.

B) Diversity of citizenship jurisdiction means that many lawyers enjoy the higher status that comes in practicing before the federal bench.

3.15 Which of the following about the federal court system is true? A) The federal judicial system consists of four levels. B) The federal district courts are the trial courts in the federal system. C) The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York has 54 district judges. D) The U.S. District Court in Manhattan has 15 magistrates. E) The district judges throughout the United States can preside over criminal cases only.

B) The federal district courts are the trial courts in the federal system.

1.12 The _____ would use the law to overturn the hierarchical structures of domination in the modern society. A) historical school of law B) critical legal studies school of thought C) ecofeminist school of legal thought D) legal realist school E) natural law school of thought

B) critical legal studies school of thought

2.19 _____ helps companies embrace the idea that profit and prosperity must go hand in hand with social justice and environmental stewardship. A) Social contract B) Stakeholder theory C) Conscious capitalism D) Virtue ethics E) Deontology

C) Conscious capitalism

1.18 What is the meaning of the Latin expression de minimis non curat lex? A) What the law should be B) Let the decision stand C) The law does not deal in trifles D) The rationale for the decision E) A matter settled by judgement

C) The law does not deal in trifles

5.14 Which of the following is a criticism of a legitimacy of administrative lawmaking? A) The agencies capture the industry they are directed to regulate. B) They stimulate the ability to compete C) They over-regulate, thereby stifling individual initiative D) Some agency activities are not reviewable E) Federal agencies are not subject to the fiscal scrutiny of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)

C) They over-regulate, thereby stifling individual initiative

4.14 The power of small states is magnified by the Senate's _____, which currently requires 60 our of 100 senators to vote to bring a bill to the floor for an up-or-down vote. A) Rule 100 B) quorum call C) cloture rule D) main motion E) Rule 40

C) cloture rule

4.12 Based on the supremacy clause, the _____ holds that state and federal laws that conflict must yield to the superior law, which is federal law. A) separation of powers B) taking clause C) doctrine of preemption D) substantive due process E) dormant commerce clause

C) doctrine of preemption

2.11 Which of the following uses the utilitarian test of the greatest good overall? A) Project A provides a benefit of $1 million to a company at an investment of $10,000. Over a period of 10 years, the company has to reduce its workforce by 50 percent. B) Project B provides a benefit of $1 million to a company at an investment of $10,000. Over a period of 10 years, the company has to come up with a new technology that will lead to an increase in the cost of living for all the people in the vicinity. C) Project C provides a benefit of $1 million to a company at an investment of $10,000. Over a period of 10 years, the company has to employ 10,000 more people and cut down on 100 acres of forest area to expand the facility. D) Project D provides a benefit of $100,000 to a company at a cost of $50,000. Over a period of 10 years, the company has to employ 100 more people. E) Project E provides a benefit of $1 million to a company at an investment of $10,000. Over a period of 10 years, the company has to acquire two of its competitors, leading to total reduction of its workforce by 30 percent.

D) Project D provides a benefit of $100,00 to a company at a cost of $50,000. Over a period of 10 years, the company has to employ 100 more people.

5.15 Which of the following is true with regard to trial-type hearings? A) The Federal Trade Commission is empowered to charge a company with having violated the enabling act. B) An administrative law judge (ALJ) is subject to supervision by anyone in the agency who carries on an investigative or prosecutorial function. C) An ALJ is appointed for life as a federal judges are. D) Safety and quality inspections need not be filtered through a full-scale hearing. E) The ALJ is bound to decide in favor of a party producing more persuasive evidence.

D) Safety and quality inspections need not be filtered through a full-scale hearing.

3.13 Identify the correct statement about general jurisdiction courts. A) Civil cases for amounts between $1,000 and $5,000 can be brought to general jurisdiction courts. B) The general jurisdiction court is known as the district court in New York. C) These are the courts in which people seek redress for incidents such as petty assaults, traffic offenses, and breach of peace, among others. D) Any party dissatisfied with the outcome of general jurisdiction court may be able to get a new trial in a specialized court. E) The fact finder in general jurisdiction courts is not a judge, but a jury of citizens.

E) The fact finder in general jurisdiction courts is not a judge, but a jury of citizens.

3.10 State and local courts must honor both federal law and the laws of the other states. Which of the following is true? A) State courts must honor federal law all the time. B) Claims arising under federal statutes cannot be tried in the state courts. C) A contract dispute resolved by an Arkansas court can be relitigated in North Dakota when the plaintiff wants to collect on the Arkansas judgement in North Dakota. D) State courts do not have to consider the law of other states in deciding cases involving issues when drivers from two different states collide in a third states. E) Under the full faith and credit clause, each state court is obligated to respect the final judgments of courts in other states.

E) Under the full faith and credit clause, each state court is obligated to respect the final judgments of courts in other states.

1.2 If a competitor lies about your product, your remedy would be in contract, not tort. True or False


5.10 In Bivens v. Six Unknown Federal Agents, the Supreme Court held that federal agents cannot be sued for violating the plaintiff's Fourth Amendment rights against an unlawful search of his home. True or False


3.5 A federal court has exclusive jurisdiction over cases between Citizens of the same State claiming Lands under Grants of different States. True or False


3.7 Contingent fee arrangement forces trial lawyers to screen cases. True or False


4.10 In the 1990s, the Supreme Court stopped short of recognizing a general right to die under the doctrine of substantive due process. True or False


4.4 According to the 1973 Roe v. Wade case, the Supreme Court did not act on the basis of clear and unequivocal language in the Constitution. True or False


4.6 The Supreme Court has reserved for itself the power to determine when state action is excessive, even when Congress has not used the commerce clause to regulate. True or False


4.8 States cannot constitutionally pass laws that interfere with the accomplishment of the purposes of the federal laws, but Congress can pass standards that are more stringent than the federal laws. True or False


4.9 In a defamation case, public figures must prove that the defendant not only had his facts wrong, but also lied to the public's in a malicious way with reckless disregard of the truth. True or False


5.11 The mistakes of the government are generally held against the individual, not the government, unless the law specifically provides for recompense. True of False


5.19 In Marshall v. Barlow's, Inc., which of the following led the court reach its final decision? A) No search warrant is expressly required under the OSHA B) Mr. Barlow refused the inspector admission to the employee area of his business C) Warrantless searches are rarely unreasonable D) Employees are prohibited from reporting OSHA violations E) Something observable by the public without a warrant does not apply to the Government inspector

Wrong answers: B&C

4.16 In Gonzalez v. Raich, which of the following was an argument made by the majority in the Supreme Court? A) The commerce clause was contrary to state law. B) The ban was a part of the act to regulate the national marijuana market. C) Federal power had been exceeded. D) Medical marijuana did not substantially affect interstate commerce. E) California's law conflicted with the federal Controlled Substance Act.

Wrong answers: C & E

5.13 Which of the following is the first federal agency to be created? A) The Interstate Commerce Commission B) The Federal Communications Commission C) The Federal Trade Commission D) The Securities and Exchange Commission E) The National Labor Relations Board

A) The Interstate Commerce Commission

5.12 Which of the following is an ideal condition for a free market? A) There are no parties, institutions, or governmental units regulating the quantity of the goods being bought or sold in the market. B) There are many buyers and many sellers, and all of them have a substantial share of the market. C) All the buyers and sellers in the market are free to leave the market but there are entry barriers. D) All buyers have full knowledge of what other buyers and sellers are up to including quantity of goods sold, but not the prices and quality of goods being sold. E) The participants in the market have strong preferences as to which seller or buyer they would deal with

A) There are no parties, institutions, or governmental units regulating the quantity of the goods being bought or sold in the market.

1.11 The historical school of law ______? A) believed that precedent would be more important than moral arguments B) stated that the social context of law was more important C) stressed the need for certain laws and doctrines to be altered in order to remain current D) emphasized the longstanding domination of men over both women and the rest of the world E) influenced the emergence of critical legal studies

A) believed that precedent would be more important than moral arguments

4.15 The court's ruling in Bush v. Gore was purportedly based on the _____. A) equal protection of the laws B) separation of the powers C) substantive due process D) preemption clause E) procedural due process

A) equal protection fo the laws

3.17 In an adjudication: A) the judge is not free to say that the case is unimportant and that he therefore will ignore it. B) an important feature is that the judge's decision may not be reasoned. C) evidence that is presented, but legal arguments that are not made, can be the basis fo what the judge decides. D) the burden of proof in a civil case is generally "beyond a reasonable doubt." E) judges can ignore cases like other branches of government that are free to ignore problems pressing upon them.

A) the judge is not free to say that the case is unimportant and that he therefore will ignore it.

5.18 An individual or a company may challenge agency action where such action is _____. A) in accordance with the agency's scope of authority B) in accordance with the U.S. Constitution or the Administrative Procedure Act C) unwarranted by the facts D) in accordance with the substantial evidence test E) non-arbitrary, rational, or otherwise in accord with the law

C) unwarranted by the facts

2.9 According to the series of observations about corporations, ethics, and corporate culture, the best ethics codes are legalistic or compliance driven. True or False


3.2 A court that hears appeals from the trial court is said to have original jurisdiction. True or False


2.10 _____ describes what rule or principle focuses on the act itself, not necessarily its consequences. A) Rule maximization B) Social justice C) Deontology D) Social contract theory E) Act utilitarianism

C) Deontology

2.14 The manager's fiduciary duty refers to _____? A) the duty of managers to maximize returns to employees B) the legally prescribed duties which make their employment possible C) the moral duty managers have to act as responsible agents to the owners D) managers resisting hostile takeover bids E) managers managing by number

C) the moral duty managers have to act as responsible agents to the owners

3.12 Identify the correct statement about appellate jurisdiction. A) A court exercising a trial function has appellate jurisdiction. B) Jurisdiction to determine the facts of the case and apply the law to them is known as appellate jurisdiction. C) A court exercising appellate jurisdiction can limit its review to the lower court's theory of the applicable law. D) A court that hears appeals from the intermediate court is said to have appellate jurisdiction. E) A court exercising appellate jurisdiction may reject the facts as determined by the trial court.

C) A court exercising appellate jurisdiction can limit its review to the lower court's theory of the applicable law.

2.4 According to the sum total of utilities, we can be satisfied if an act provides the greatest utility to an individual even if it does not provide the greatest utility to society as a whole. True or False


2.12 Which of the following is true for the relationship between rights and duties? A) If you have a right of free expression, the government has a duty to respect that right but can put unreasonable limits on it. B) Rights and duties exist only between people and their governments. C) Your right in legal terms is only as good as your community's willingness to provide relief outside the legal system. D) You can legally say whatever you want about the U.S. President even if the criticisms are strong and insistent. E) If someone punches you in the noes, your rights as set forth in the negative law of the state have been violated.

D) You can legally say whatever you want about the U.S. President even if the criticisms are strong and insistent.

4.13 Article I of the Constitution deals with _____. A) the executive branch B) judicial powers C) administrative agencies D) legislative powers E) federalism

D) legislative powers

1.13 According to contract law _____. A) harming others is considered unethical B) private ownership of property is socially useful C) anarchy is caused if people are not restrained by law D) promise-breaking is seen as unethical E) compensation is provided when serious injuries or harms occur

D) promise-breaking is seen as unethical

5.16 Which of the following is NOT true about federal rulemaking? A) When engaging in formal rulemaking, agencies must hold an adversary hearing. B) Administrative regulations are not legally binding unless they are published. C) Agencies can affect future conduct more directly by announcing rules that apply to all who come within the agency's regulations. D) The acts creating most of the federal agencies expressly grant them authority to engage in rulemaking. E) Agencies are legally required to air debate over proposed rules, though they often do not do so.

E) Agencies are legally required to air debate over proposed rules, though they often do not do so.

2.6 If you have a right of free expression, the government has a duty to respect that right, but can put unreasonable limits on it. True or False


2.7 A manager's fiduciary duty refers to resisting hostile takeover bids. True or False


2.16 According to the stakeholder theory, _____. A) having gone along with legal duties, the corporation can ignore any other social obligations B) a corporation's social responsibilities are limited to staying within the law only C) corporations should pay attention only to the bottom line D) a socially responsible corporation is likely to consider the impact of its decision on the shareholders only E) all the stakeholders to a corporate decision deserve some kind of moral consideration

E) all the stakeholders to a corporate decision deserve some kind of moral consideration

1.14 Tort law deals with _____. A) the rights and duties of those who can legally own land B) what kinds of promises courts should enforce C) how ownership can legally confirmed and protected D) cases that involve dispute over illegally owned property E) cases that involve some kind of harm between plaintiff and defendant when no contract exists

E) cases that involve some kind of harm between plaintiff and defendant when no contract exists

1.19 A code-law system ______. A) is used to resolve particular cases, usually by judges and a jury B) is unique to England, the United States, and former colonies of the British Empire C) recognizes the use of precedents in judicial cases D) is similar to the communist and socialist legal systems E) is one where all the legal rules are in one comprehensive legislative enactment

E) is one where all the legal rules are in one comprehensive legislative enactment

4.18 The ____ clause of the Fifth Amendment ensures that the government does not take private property without just compensation. A) due process B) equal protection C) Self-incrimination D) supremacy E) takings

E) takings

3.8 The Due Process Clause gives a degree of predictability to the legal system that discourages potential defendants from structuring their primary conduct, with little assurance as to where that conduct will and will not render them liable to suit. True or False


3.9 A manufacturer has a duty to warn the purchasers or users of its product of a danger arising from an unforeseeable misuse of its product. True or False


4.17 Which of the following is a violation of the dormant commerce clause? A) Congress does not expertises its powers. B) Anything that moves in channels of interstate commerce is "commerce". C) Differentiate on the basis of origin. D) If a state law is an "undue burden" on interstate commerce, it will be struck down. E) If one state discriminates in its treatment of any article of commerce based on its state of destination, the court will strike down the law.

D) If a state law is an "undue burden" on interstate commerce, it will be struck down.

3.20 Which of the following is true about alternative methods of resolving disputes? A) Adjudication gives the neutral party no powers to impose a decision. B) Mediation is a type of adjudication. C) In case of mediation, the parties to the case cannot ignore the recommendations of the mediator entirely. D) Saying that arbitration is favored means that if you have agreed to arbitration, you cannot go to court if the other party wants you to arbitrate. E) Litigation is preferred over arbitration, because arbitration has a backlog of cases.

D) Saying that arbitration is favored means that if you have agreed to arbitration, you cannot go to court if the other party wants you to arbitrate.

2.18 Which of the following is true according to conscious capitalism? A) Companies should operate with a holistic or systems view. B) Companies that practice conscious capitalism concentrate only on giving superior results to shareholders. C) People in an organization tend to closely watch what the top managers do and say. D) The manager will often act more in his or her own self-interest than for the corporate interest. E) The best ethics codes are legalistic or compliance driven.

A) Companies should operate with a holistic or systems view.

3.19 Which of the following statements pertaining to legal fees is true? A) Contingent fee arrangement forces trial lawyers to screen cases. B) Lawyers generally charge by the hour when the work is relatively routine. C) A contingent fee is one that is paid for courtroom time and fro ongoing representation in commercial matters. D) A flat rate is paid to the lawyers in personal injury cases. E) Drawing a will or doing a real estate closing are examples of legal work that is often paid a contingent fee.

A) Contingent fee arrangement forces trial lawyers to screen cases.

4.19 Which of the following is a part of the Fifth Amendment? A) A law can be overturned only if it serves no rational government purposes. B) In terms of substantive due process, the Amendment prevents the government from arbitrarily taking the life of a criminal defendant. C) The guarantees of the Amendment are available to property owners where state, county, or municipal government uses the power of eminent domain to take public property for private purposes. D) If a government agency conducts a drug test on its employees, the employees cannot make constitutional arguments as it is a closely regulated sector. E) The court has read the Fifth Amendment to prohibit only those government searches or seizures that are "unreasonable".

A) A law can be overturned only if it serves no rational government purposes.

4.20 Which of the following is true about fundamental liberties? A) Only the right against involuntary quartering of soldiers and the right to be indicted by a grand jury have been applicable to the states. B) The liberty interests are grouped from general right to privacy. C) The word "liberty" cannot be viewed as a rational continuum protecting arbitrary impositions on humans. D) The Supreme Court is said to have selectively incorporated the Bill of Rights into the taking clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. E) The word "liberty" can be defined by a definitive list of rights.

B) The interests are grouped from general right to privacy.

3.16 Which of the following statements about subject matter jurisdiction is true? A) A state court will have subject matter jurisdiction over any case that is based on state law and where parties are from the same state. B) The state court will have subject matter jurisdiction over any case where the amount in controversy is at least $1 million. C) The state court provides a neutral forum, with an appointed, life-tenured judge and a wider pool of potential jurors. D) In diversity cases, state law will be used as the basis for a determination of legal rights and responsibilities. E) If a defendant wants to be in state court and there is diversity, he has to make a motion for removal to the federal court.

D) In diversity cases, state law will be used as the basis for a determination of legal rights and responsibilities.

2.20 Hobbes and Locke are generally regarded as the preeminent _____ theorists. A) stakeholder theory B) shareholder primacy C) conscious capital D) social contract E) virtue ethics

D) Social contract

5.17 _____ states that anyone wishing to appeal an agency action must wait until the agency has taken final action. A) The enabling act B) The administrative agency C) The Federal Register D) The exhaustion of administrative remedies E) Section 706 of the Administrative Procedure Act

D) The exhaustion of administrative remedies

2.17 According to the Sears Auto Center case, which of the following is true? A) People would not justify the harm to others as being minimal even to achieve the desired sales quota. B) The customers were treated as ends rather than means. C) The key people were motivated by all the goals for the organization rather than maximizing profits. D) The rip-offs were possible as individual consumers lacked the relevant information. E) People generally choose long-term gains over short-term losses.

D) The rip-offs were possible as individual consumers lacked the relevant information.

1.17 Which of the following is true about statutes? A) They are more important than treaties or conventions. B) Under most statutes, the Unites States may unbind itself whenever it chooses. C) U.S. environmental statutes cannot be overrules contrary to U.S. treaty obligations. D) They generally take precedence over case laws. E) The tuna-dolphin dispute between the United States and México is an example of statutes taking priority over treaties.

D) They generally take precedence over case laws.

3.14 Intermediate appellate courts: A) retry the evidence and determine whether the trail was conducted in a procedurally correct manner. B) have been established in 40 states. C) are usually known as state supreme courts. D) are usually composed of panels of three judges and are situated in various locations around the state. E) almost always allows the losing party in a limited jurisdiction court to appeal.

D) are usually composed of panels of three judges and are situated in various locations around the state.

3.18 Which of the following principles implies that the same parties can not take up the same dispute in another court an another time? A) Subject matter jurisdiction B) Ultra vires C) Directed verdict D) Judgment n.o.v. E) Res judicata

E) Res judicata

1.20 In the Harris v. Forklift Systems case, the Supreme Court ______. A) ruled that whether an environment is hostile or abusive can be determined just by the present circumstances B) ruled that an employee had to prove severe psychological injury in order to win a Title VII sexual harassment claim C) ruled that Title VII comes into play only if the harassing conduct has led to a serious nervous breakdown D) raised the bar and made hostile-working environment claims under Title VII more difficult to win E) reversed the judgment of the Court of Appeals

E) reversed the judgement of the Court of Appeals

1.1 With regard to the functions of the law, the empire may have kept the peace - largely with force - but it did not change the status quo and seldom promoted the native peoples' rights or social justice within the colonized nations. True or False


1.4 Common law consists of decisions by courts that involve interpretation of statutes, regulations, and treaties. True or False.


1.5 Under most treaties, the United States cannot withdraw any voluntary limitation on its sovereignty. True or False


1.8 State and federal statutes that prohibit discrimination on any basis other than race are essentially legislative exceptions to the common-law employment-at-will rule. True or False


2.1 Ethics is the study of what is right and wrong just form an individual's personal moral viewpoint. True or False


3.6 Article III of the U.S. Constitution provides unlimited power to the federal judiciary. True or False


4.2 Article III of the Constitution deals with administrative agencies. True or False


4.3 The U.S. Supreme Court has articulated the view that it sets the framework for all other U.S. laws whether statutory or judicially created. True or False


4.5 The commerce clause gives the Supreme Court the exclusive power to make laws relating to foreign trade and commerce and to commerce between the various states. True or False


4.7 When Congress uses its power under the Commerce Clause, states are free disregard any federal law in favor of their own directions. True or False


5.1 Congress has the expertise to develop specialized knowledge in communications. True of False


5.4 The APA does not direct agencies about to engage in rulemaking to give notice in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) of their intent to do so. True or False


5.7 Closely regulated industries are subject to surprise inspections only with a warrant. True or False


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