Business Law Chapter One

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2 objectives of Government of Nation

1. Protect its own existence 2. Protect the lives, health, & well-being of its own citizens (Not straightforward, must act on accordingly, require dyadic responsibility.) BOTH MUST BE CARRIED OUT IN AN ETHICAL WAY!

Descriptive Theory

Describes the values at work as opposed to explaining how values originated.

Prescriptive Theory

How to come up with the values that permit society to run smoothly.

Social Contract Theory

Right and wrong are measured by obligations imposed by each individual by the implied agreement among all people within a particular social system.

Cost-Benefit Thinking

The traditional view is that corporations are created solely to make a profit for shareholders, and also to maximize their profits.


Values that govern difference between right and wrong or good and evil


Way to understand others' behaviors, especially when that behavior is difficult to talk about because it is embarrassing or controversial.


a 2 level system

Penumbra Rights

are those that are found in indeterminate or indistinct shadow areas associated with more uniformly accepted rights. (right to be safe and secure by judges, experts, courts, attorneys, etc.)


attempt to develop a means of determining what these values really are and for formulating and applying rules that enforce those values.

Social Contract Ethics

concentrates on each individual's obligation to everyone else, as long as those obligations are met, social stability will be preserved.


consists of rules of conduct established by the gov. of a society to maintain harmony, stability, and justice.

Ethic of Responsibility

demands LEADER must consider responsibility

Responsibility to Protect (R2P)

doctrine proposed by the united nations in 2005. Declares that the nation's leadership had a duty to protect its own people from four major threats (genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing, and crimes against humanity.)

Rational Ethics

ethical values can be determined by a proper application of human reason

Failed State

gov. has completely collapsed or has become inefficient, and can no longer provide sustenance or security for its people.


is present when all people are treated equally based on some intangible quality that has nothing to do with money


manages to redirect collective human will to the welfare of the entire species.

Natural Law

originating from some objective, superior force that stands outside everyday experience for most people.

Shortcomings of Social Contract Ethics

people must adhere to its rules, and those who do not adhere must be punished.

Ethic of Ultimate Ends

practiced by INDIVIDUALS case they can never see the ultimate ends of their actions


says that the morality of an action is determined by its ultimate effects. (The greatest good for the greatest number)

Unstable States

suppress its people inviting future revolts that may destabilize the region.


the intangible quality is based on self esteem from using one's talents, experience, and education to perform tasks that benefit individuals and the entire society

Positive Law

the theory states that law originates from an outside source of social interaction.

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