Business writing Karl mitchel Final

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Our ability to concentrate is central to our ability to write effectively.


The space on the page free of the text is called ____ space. a. white b. textbox c. gray d. window e. black


Analyzing a movie with attention to its use of lighting, camera angles, and music to influence the audience is an example of critical thinking.


____ —a common style used in everyday publications like magazines, newspapers, and books.


A(n) ____ is an identification code typically provided for online scholarly journals.

Digital Object Identifier

Analyzing can be compared to reading.


Both egocentrism and sociocentrism can lead to confirmation bias and groupthink.


____ are brief messages sent to recipients that are often outside the organization.


____ refers to etiquette, or protocols and norms for communication, on the Internet.


If the subject is ____, the modifier intend for the subject is left dangling or hanging out on its own without a clear relationship to the sentence.


Giving credit where credit is due will build your credibility and enhance your document.


____ are used to organize information within an APA-style paper.

Section headers

In business communication, your goal is to maintain and enhance your credibility, and that of your organization, at all times.


In many cases of business writing, the audience needs to be able to analyze the content, and reading is secondary.


Information literacy is an essential skill set in the process of writing.


A(n) ____ is a declaration, statement, or claim of fact. a. assertion b. acculturation c. modifier d. rhetoric e. qualifier


Which of the following is a sans serif typeface? a. Arial b. Garamond c. Antiqua d. Times New Roman e. Lucida Bright


Which of the following is false with regard to design evaluation? a. The template of a page influences how information is received. b. Margins create space around the edge and help draw attention to the content. c. One-inch margins are standard. d. Template expectations are distinct from audience expectation, though they are often related. e. Most software programs have templates for basic documents.


APA papers usually include an ____ that concisely summarizes the paper.


"As a result" is an example of which of the following types of transitions? a. A transition by comparison b. A transition by cause and effect c. A transition by similarity d. A time transition e. A concession transition


"Because of our latest promotion efforts in our largest and most successful market, sales have increased across the United States." This is an example of ____ emphasis. a. least b. medium c. lowest d. minimum e. maximum


A ____ is a small cross line, often perpendicular to the stroke ofthe letter, which is decorative but also makes the letter easier to read. a. monospaced font b. serif c. cursive d. sans serif e. frame


By asking which question would you evaluate the assertions made in the document? a. What resources did the writer have access to, and how much time was allotted for completing the assignment? b. If the writer explains why a particular detail is significant, is the explanation logical and sufficient? c. Does the writer credit the sources of facts, statistics, and numbers? d. What role will this document have in future business activities or decisions? e. As a reader, do you see the goals carried out in the document?


Which of the following about paragraphs is true? a. The first point presented is often the most important. b. Effective paragraphs can provide an effective emphasis strategy. c. The second point is often the second in importance. d. To give the document visual variety and to emphasize key information, always use all caps for body text. e. The third point in a series of three is the least important.


____ refers to how information is presented, including margins, line justifications, and template expectations. a. Typeface b. Framing c. Outline d. Compiling e. Gatekeeping


A long quotation that uses indentation instead of quotation marks to indicate that the material is quoted is known as a ____

block quotation

In evaluating the facts cited in the document ____. a. what purpose does the document fulfill? b. is the writer's explanation of a particular detail logical and sufficient? c. does the writer credit the sources of statistics and numbers? d. what role will this document have in future business activities or decisions? e. do you see the goals carried out in the document?


In reviewing the instructions that were given to the writer, which of the following questions should you ask yourself? a. As a reader, do you see the goals carried out in the document? b. If you didn't know the writer and you were to find the document next year in a file where you were searching for information, would it provide you with the information it aims to convey? c. What resources did the writer have access to, and how much time was allotted for completing the assignment? d. Does the writer explain why a particular detail is significant? e. Does the writer credit the sources of facts, statistics, and numbers?


Sans serif fonts a. are mainly used for text. b. serve the purpose of differentiating characters that could otherwise look similar. c. are most commonly used for headings. d. are often easier to read. e. have a small cross line, often perpendicular to the stroke of the letter.


Which of the following is false with regard to line justification? a. Letters often have a left justify, lining up the text on the left side of the page. b. Left and right justify can produce large gaps between words, making the sentences appear awkward and hard to read. c. When the ends of each line on the right side are "ragged," it creates uneven spaces between words and gives the appearance of organization while promoting black space. d. Balance between text (often black) and white space creates contrast and allows for areas of emphasis. e. Left justify often produces the appearance of balance, as the words are evenly spaced.


____ represent the normative expectations for a specific type of document. a. Frames b. Typefaces c. Templates d. Serifs e. Sans serifs


Unsolicited proposals are the "____" of business writing.

cold calls

Functional résumés, also called ____ résumés, focus on skills.


In a résumé, the ____ section is often located at the top of the document.

contact information

"Actions speak louder than words" is an example of a(n) ____. a. jargon b. slang c. filler d. cliché e. euphemism


"Jeri didn't do nothing" is an example of a(n) ____. a. verb tense b. irregular verb c. dangling modifier d. double negative e. split infinitive


What is the last step in evaluation? a. Evaluate how well the writing carries out the assignment. b. Evaluate assertions. c. Check facts. d. Look for errors. e. Understand the assignment.


Which of the following about templates is true? a. They influence how information is received. b. They refer to how information is presented. c. There are two general categories of templates. d. They have spaces that establish where a date should be indicated. e. They are the basic organizational unit for presenting the key points in a document.


Which of the following is a serif typeface? a. Arial b. Standard c. Calibri d. Times New Roman e. Helvetica


As a reader, in evaluating how well the document fulfills its stated goals, a. what purpose did the document need to fulfill? b. does the writer explain why a particular detail is significant? c. does the writer credit the sources of facts, statistics, and numbers? d. what role will this document have in future business activities or decisions? e. do you see the objectives carried out in the document?


In traditional publishing, what are the final stages a book undergoes before it is published? a. Research and organizing b. Writing and revising c. Revising and formatting d. Organizing and writing e. Proofreading and design


In using "I" statements in your evaluation a. the emphasis is on the sentence. b. all the author may perceive is, "I am an awful writer." c. the author will fail to pay attention to your message. d. the author will fail to pay attention to the sentence under examination. e. the emphasis is on the speaker.


Phrasing your evaluation as a question a. deemphasizes your need to understand. b. places the emphasis on the author. c. does not allow for dialogue. d. is an ineffective response strategy. e. provides the author with space to respond in a collaborative fashion.


A request for ____ emphasizes cost, though service and maintenance may be part of the solicitation.


Which of the following is false about delivering an evaluation of someone else's written work? a. Avoid the use of the word "you" in your evaluation, oral or written, as it can put the recipient on the defensive. b. If you phrase an evaluation point as, "Why did you include this word here?" it can be interpreted as a personal attack. c. Phrasing disagreement as a question is often an effective response strategy. d. Focus on the document as a product, an "it," and avoid associating the author with it. e. Business writing produces products and all products can be improved, the same as every author can separate messenger from message.


____ are the basic organizational unit for presenting and emphasizing the key points in a document. a. Headings b. Sentences c. Typefaces d. Templates e. Paragraphs


____ involves where the text lines up on the page. a. Typeface b. Word wrap c. Line spacing d. Page layout e. Line justification


____ refers to design of symbols, including letters and numbers. a. Framing b. Textbox c. Object d. Page layout e. Typeface


The ____ of the report is its essential purpose, often indicated in the thesis or purpose statement.


The ____rule states that you should treat others as you would like to be treated.


The unofficial, informal communication network within an organization is often called the ____.


In formatting a common sales message, the ____ should make the sale, make them remember you, and make sure your final words relate to the most important information.

residual message

Modifiers describe a ____ in a sentence or indicate how or when the ____ carried out the action.


Every piece of business writing requires research or investigation.


Fear of the unknown means the writer has a pre-existing negative association or view of the task or activity.


If a person believes the earth is flat and never questions that belief, it serves as an example of sociocentric thinking.


In an e-mail, avoid a "subject" line that reveals the gist of your message before the reader opens it.


In order to be productive, it is advised that you work in the morning.


Incubation usually happens all at once.


One thing that professional writers agree on is that you need to be in the "right mood" to write.


Owing to threats of plagiarism, you are forbidden to quote from your sources.


The specific purpose influences the presentation and expectation for feedback.


An important aspect of Internet research is the abundance of online information that is incomplete, outdated, misleading, or downright false.


Both egocentrism and sociocentrism can create an ' 'us versus them" relationship that can undermine your credibility and alienate readers who don't share your viewpoint.


One strategy to tell when to skim and when to pay attention to detail is to look for abstracts before you commit time to reading an article all the way through.


Part of learning to write effectively involves learning to read quickly and efficiently while conducting research.


Reading and writing from an audience-centered view means acknowledging your confirmation bias and moving beyond it.


The purpose of the message is closely associated with channel.


The specific purpose is the result that will happen once your written communication has been read.


Those who read your writing will have their own confirmation bias.


While writing a report or proposal, presenting a quick overview, or "executive summary," at the beginning of the document is suggested.


"After I came home, I made dinner." is an example of a(n) ____ sentence. a. complex b. compound c. compound complex d. simple e. conditional


"The United States, which has experienced a sales increase, is our largest and most successful market." This is an example of ____ emphasis. a. minimum b. highest c. maximum d. average e. medium


22. Which type of transition is a brief statement referring to a point you are going to make? a. Internal summary b. Clarification transition c. Place transition d. Time transition e. Internal preview


Alcohol is a drug and so is tobacco. They alter perceptions, have an impact on physiological and psychological systems, and are federally regulated substances. This is an example of an argument by a. analogy b. sign c. cause d. principle e. testimony


Passive voices ____. a. create a more objective tone b. tend to be shorter c. are more precise d. are easier to understand e. are the clear choice for a variety of contexts


Structuring your document by ____ establishes categories. a. classification b. cause and effect c. ascending and descending order d. space e. contrast


Structuring your document by ____ focuses on the similarities and/or differences between points or concepts. a. comparison b. elimination c. time d. space e. contrast


This is probably the most versatile of all punctuation marks. It means you as a writer can use your judgment in many cases as to whether you need it or not. a. Comma b. Apostrophe c. Period d. Hyphen e. Colon


Which of the following about formal styles is tme? a. They often require more detail. b. They reflect everyday speech patterns. c. They include contractions. d. They include colloquial expressions. e. They use shortcuts like contractions.


Which of the following about prepositional phrases is false? a. Simple writing often uses prepositional phrases in an attempt to make a sentence sound important. b. They are phrases composed of a preposition and its object. c. Prepositional phrases are necessary. d. It would be difficult to write without them. e. Some prepositional phrases add to the bottom line word count without adding much to the sentence.


Which of the following about qualifiers is time? a. Some qualifiers are necessary, particularly if the document serves as record or may be the point of discussion in a legal issue. b. Too many qualifiers can expose you to liability. c. In some cases direct language is required, and so qualifiers must be used. d. Too few qualifiers can weaken your writing. e. Qualifiers are unnecessary and redundant.


____ sentences support the topic sentence and relate clearly to the subject matter of the paragraph and overall document. a. Body b. Declarative c. Imperative d. Introduction e. Conclusion


"Get me some water." is an example of a(n) ____ sentence. a. exclamatory b. imperative c. declarative d. interrogative e. inquisitive


General revision requires attention to all of the following main categories except a. content b. technology c. organization d. style e. readability


Steven Beebe and Susan Beebe recommend five guiding principles when considering your thesis statement. Which of the following is not one of them? a. It should begin with a clear purpose statement. b. It should be a partial and limited sentence. c. It should use specific language, not vague generalities. d. It should be a single idea. e. It should reflect consideration of the audience.


The TransAmerica Transportation System offers several advantages, security, speed, efficiency, and cost reduction. This is an example of which organizational pattern? a. Ascending and descending b. Point pattern c. Space d. Problem and solution e. Cause and effect


The TransAmerica Transportation System will reduce customs clearing time while increasing border security along the distribution network. This is an example of which organizing principle? a. Cause and effect b. Contrast c. Comparison d. Problem and solution e. Elimination


The ad populum fallacy a. is an argument against the man instead of his message. b. appeals to a common belief of some people, often prejudicial, and states everyone holds this belief. c. assumes the very thing it aims to prove. d. is any diversion intended to distract attention from the main issue, particularly by relating the issue to a common fear. e. claims the truth of the very matter in question, as if it were already an obvious conclusion.


Which of the following organizing principles allows for a clear introduction of terms and concepts while reducing the likelihood of misinterpretation? a. Time b. Definition c. Problem and solution d. Ascending and descending e. Psychological


Which of the following statements is true about ethos? a. It is the logic of your thoughts represented across the document. b. It will come through with your choice of sources and authority on the subject(s). c. It allows the reader to understand the relationships among who, what, where, and when. d. It implies passion and enthusiasm. e. It will be reflected in your design and word choices.


"Even though I like to watch movies, I haven't found the time to go to the cinema lately, and I haven't found anybody to go with" is an example of a(n) ____ sentence. a. complex b. compound c. compound complex d. simple e. conditional


"Sales have increased across the United States because of our latest promotion efforts in our largest and most successful market." This is an example of ____ emphasis. a. medium b. least c. maximum d. average e. minimum


"We found the seminar interesting, entertaining, and inspiring" is an example of a sentence with ____. a. dangling construction b. a prepositional phrase c. parallel construction d. assumed similarity e. mixed sentence pattern


46. Which of the following about summarizing is true? a. Unlike quoting, summarizing is something you cannot do to the material you have written. b. A summary is a very rare but often effective way to conclude a document. c. Because summarizing is an act of non-reductionism, some of the original richness in detail that surrounds the original will be necessarily lost. d. Formal business reports often begin with an abstract. e. Scientific articles usually begin with an executive summary.


A ____ is a word or phrase that through its over-use has lost its impact. a. slang b. jargon c. cliché d. filler e. euphemism


A ____ transition alerts the audience you are moving from one topic to the next. a. time b. sequence c. signpost d. place e. clarification


Structuring your document by ____ shows a series of events or steps in a process, which typically has a beginning, middle, and end. a. comparison b. contrast c. time d. space e. elimination


The process and procedure organizing principle is similar to which organizational pattern? a. Problem and solution b. Cause and effect c. Time d. Space e. Contrast


What is the most embarrassing error in business writing? a. Giving the wrong date b. Matching the date with the wrong day of the week c. Misspelling someone's name d. Missing words e. Missing punctuation at the end of the sentence


Which of the following about emotions is false? a. Emotions influence not only how you say or what you say, but also how you hear or what you hear. b. Our feelings directly impact our own point ofview and readiness to communicate. c. Emotions are a purely physical reaction to stimuli that we experience as a feeling. d. Our emotions directly influence how, why, and when we say things. e. At times, emotions can be challenging to control.


Which of the following about evaluating style is true? a. Style addresses the central questions of who, what, where, when, why and how within the range and parameters of the assignment. b. Your document may use any of a wide variety of style principles, such as chronological, spatial, or compare/contrast. c. Style is created through content and organization and involves word choice and grammatical structures. d. Style refers to the reader's ability to comprehend the document. e. Standard styles include an introduction, body, and conclusion.


Which of the following is an example of a misplaced modifier? a. Between the twins, Mackenzie is the fastest ofthe two. b. Katy leaped onto the stage to introduce the presentation. c. After painting all day, the table was admired by Mark. d. Sales have not been consistent and they doesn't reflect your hard work and eff01t. e. Without wanting to be rude, it was difficult to leave early.


____ refers to the use of the same grammatical pattern. It can be applied to words, phrases, and sentences. a. Dangling construction b. A prepositional phrase c. Parallel construction d. Assumed similarity e. Mixed sentence pattern


____ sentences convey a command. a. Declarative b. Interrogative c. Imperative d. Exclamatory e. Inquisitive


____ will allow the reader to come to understand the relationships among who, what, where, when, and so forth. a. Ethos b. Phronesis c. Logos d. Noesis e. Pathos


____, also known as voice or tone, is the manner in which a writer addresses the reader. a. Attention statement b. Elevator speech c. Writing style d. Colloquial language e. Denotative meaning


"Mary reacted violently to Gabriel's accusations." is an example of a(n) ____ sentence. a. imperative b. inquisitive c. exclamatory d. declarative e. interrogative


A(n) ____ tone is a writing style that resembles oral communication. a. presentation b. formal c. standard d. conversational e. impersonal


A(n) ____ voice is a sentence structure in which the subject carries out the action. a. causative b. cooperative c. reciprocal d. active e. passive


Focusing on quantity and quality reflects which organizing principle? a. Time b. Contrast c. Problem and solution d. Ascending and descending e. Psychological


In their best-selling book The Elements of Style, William Stmnk Jr. and E. B. White emphasize as a central goal. a. credibility b. mutuality c. netiquette d. clarity e. scarcity


Refutation a. is your conclusion of your argument. b. offers the audience evidence to support your argument. c. introduces your claim being argued in the document. d. introduces to the audience and then discounts the counterarguments. e. prepares the audience to consider your argument.


What is a red herring? a. Claiming the truth of the very matter in question, as if it were already an obvious conclusion. b. Appeals to a common belief of some people, often prejudicial, and states everyone holds this belief. c. Stating that someone's argument is wrong solely because of something about the person rather than about the argument itself. d. Any diversion intended to distract attention from the main issue, particularly by relating the issue to a common fear. e. A weak argument set up to easily refute and distract attention from stronger arguments.


Which of the following about commas is false? a. They are used to separate two independent clauses joined by a conjunction. b. They are used to offset words that help create unity across a sentence. c. They are often used to separate more than one adjective modifying a noun. d. They are used to offset clauses that are essential to the sentence. e. They are used in dialogue sequences.


Which of the following reflects the cause and effect organizing principle? a. It highlights the differences between items and concepts. b. It involves the parts of something and how they fit to form the whole. c. It involves focusing on quantity and quality. d. It establishes a relationship between two events, making the connection clear. e. It involves outlining all the possibilities.


Which of the following statements about introductions is true? a. The direct pattern introduces your main idea after the opening paragraph. b. The indirect pattern states the main purpose at the beginning. c. The direct pattern can be useful if you need a strong opening to get the attention of what you perceive may be an uninterested audience. d. The direct pattern leaves little room for misinterpretation. e. Normally, if you expect a positive response from the reader you will choose an indirect opening.


"I've lost friends from age eighteen to sixty-seven to alcohol. It impacts all ages, and its effects are cumulative. Let me tell you about two friends in particular." This is an example of an argument by ____. a. analogy b. sign c. authority d. principle e. testimony


12. "Inside the building security perimeter" is an example of a(n) ____ phrase. a. appositive b. absolute c. participial d. infinitive e. prepositional


A common strategy in business writing is to ____, or rewrite the information in your own words. a. summarize b. quote verbatim c. plagiarize d. ad hominem e. paraphrase


A(n) ____ voice is a sentence structure in which the subject receives the action. a. causative b. cooperative c. reciprocal d. active e. passive


According to Toulmin's Three-Part Rhetorical Strategy, "It is important to spay or neuter your pet" is an example of ____. a. information b. assurance c. a warrant d. data e. a claim


Business writing a. is expository. b. is wordy. c. is decorative. d. clearly communicates a message with maximal breakdown. e. is professional and respectful.


Shannon and Weaver pioneered the ____ model of communication that revolutionized our understanding of interaction and contributed to computer interfaces as we know them today. a. creative b. transactional c. indirect d. interactive e. linear


Structuring your document by space involves ____ a. a series of events or steps in a process, which typically has a beginning, middle, and end b. focusing on quantity and quality c. outlining all the possibilities d. making an abstract concept clearer to an audience e. the parts of something and how they fit to form the whole


The conclusion sentence ____ a. defines the subject matter to be addressed in that paragraph b. may introduce a related organizing principle c. may use an organizing principle similar to that of the document itself d. relates clearly to the subject matter of the paragraph and overall document e. can serve as a transition to the next paragraph


Verb tense a. is the form of verb without a reference to time. b. in its standard form, includes the auxiliary word "to." c. uses two negatives to communicate a single idea. d. converts to another word when representing the past tense. e. refers to the point in time where action occurs.


What is the first step in evaluating someone else's writing? a. Evaluate how well the writing carries out the assignment. b. Evaluate assertions. c. Check facts. d. Look for errors. e. Understand the assignment.


What is the use of semicolons? a. They can be used to separate two independent clauses. b. They are used to offset clauses that are not essential to the sentence. c. They are used to separate more than one adjective modifying a noun. d. They replace letters omitted in a contraction. e. They indicate relationships among groups of items in a series when the individual items are separated by commas.


Which of the following about general business writing is false? a. Be generous in giving credit where credit is due. b. Take every opportunity to thank your colleagues for their efforts. c. Acknowledge those who contributed good ideas. d. Do not keep referring to yourself and your achievements. e. Use self-referential comments that allude to your previous successes.


Which of the following is false about long sentences? a. By revising long sentences you can often increase the overall clarity of your document. b. Simple sentences often become compound and complex through the use of the word "and." c. In business writing, the goals aim more toward precision and the elimination of error. d. A good business document will not read like a college essay. e. Choppy writing does the job with a minimum of fuss and without decoration.


____ introduces your claim being argued in the document. a. Refutation b. Confirmation c. Narration d. Peroration e. Proposition


____ is a vocabulary that has been developed by people in a particular group, discipline, or industry, and it can be a useful shorthand as long as the audience knows its meaning. a. Exhortation b. Buzzword c. Catchphrase d. Motto e. Jargon


____ will be reflected in your design and word choices. a. Logos b. Noesis c. Ethos d. Phronesis e. Pathos


____, or the verbatim cut-and-paste insertion of fragments of other publications into your own writing without crediting the sources, is plagiarism. a. Abstract b. In-text reference c. Paraphrasing d. Summarizing e. Patch writing


The resume gets you an interview by clearly demonstrating that you meet the ____ and have the ____ to help the organization meet its goals.

minimum qualifications, professional background

Modifiers that are ____ are not lost, they are simply in the ____.


The resume demonstrates the relationship between your ____ and the problem or challenge the potential employer hopes to solve or address, often represented in the form of a job description or duties.

professional information

The resume represents your professional information in ____


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