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multiply (MUHL-tu̲h̲-plahy) (1 - If you multiply 7 by 15 you get 105.) (2 - The viruses multiply within the body.)

(수학) 곱하기를 하다, 증가 시키다, 번식하다 (1. to add a number to itself a particular number of times) (2. to increase greatly in number)

minus (MAHY-nu̲h̲ s) (1 - Five minus one is four.) (2 - Tell me the story again, minus the cuteness.) (3 - Not having any experience is a big minus.) (4 - Temperatures will be dropping to minus 10. Note: Used with a number or amount.)

(수학)빼기나 음수를 나타내는 표시, 결핍, ...이 빠진, ...보다 적은 (1. reduced by the stated number) (2. _____ can also mean without) (3. a disadvantage) (4. less than zero) (5. A mark such as B-_____ /B−/ or C-_____ /C−/ given to a student's work means that the work is slightly worse than if it were given the B or C mark.)

chord (kawrd)

(음악) 화음의 조합, (기하학) 현, 곡선의 두점사이의 선, (항공) 익현, 날개나 프로펠러의 앞쪽과 후미의 상상적인 직선 (1. three or more musical notes played at the same time) (2. a line segment /= part/ whose end points are points on a circle)

transplant (verb trans-PLANT, -PLAHNT; noun TRANS-plant, -plahnt) (1 - I transplanted those bushes to the back of the house.) (3 - He survived a kidney transplant.) (4 - I'm a transplant from California.)

(장기를)이식하다, 이주시키다, 이동하다, (장기)이식, 이주, 이동 (1. to move someone or something, or to be moved from one place to another) (2. to move tissue or an organ from one person's body to another's) (3. a medical operation in which a new organ or tissue is put into someone's body) (4. someone or something that has moved or been moved from one place to another)

avenue (AV-u̲h̲-nyoo, -noo) (1 - Michigan Avenue in Chicago is famous for its elegant stores.) (2 - China and the United States are exploring avenues of military cooperation. Only two avenues are open to us - accept his offer or file a lawsuit.)

...가, 길, 방법 (1. a street, often a wide one, in a city or town) (2. a method or way of doing something; a possibility)

bureau (byo̲o̲ r-oh) (1 - You've got to go to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles to renew your driver's license.)

...국(局), 기관, 책상 (1. a department of government, or a division that performs a particular job) (2. a chest of drawers)

greet (greet) (1 - The men greeted each other warmly. The mayor was greeted with shouts of anger.)

...를 환영하다, 인사하다 (1. to welcome someone with particular words or a particular action, or to react to something in the stated way)

attire (u̲h̲-tahyu̲h̲ r) (1 - business/formal attire attired adjective [ not gradable ] us ​) (1 - She was tastefully attired in a simple black dress.)

...에게 ...을 차려 입히다, 옷차림새 (1. clothes, esp. of a particular type)

comprise (ku̲h̲ m-PRAHYZ) (1 - The Pacific Rim comprises countries bordering the Pacific, including the US, Canada, Japan, China, and the Koreas. The ninth district is comprised of 15 cities and towns, including Boston.)

...을 구성하다, 포함하다, 이루다, 차지하다, ...에 해당하다 (1. to consist of or to be made up of)

poultry (POHL-tree) (1 - Mediterranean diets favor fish and poultry over red meat.)

가금, 사육 조류, 그 고기 (1. birds, such as chickens, kept for their meat or eggs, or the meat from these birds)

interrupt (verb in-tu̲h̲-RUHPT; noun IN-tu̲h̲-ruhpt) (1 - Please don't interrupt until I'm finished. [ T ] The picnic was interrupted by a rain shower.) (1 - I need to get some work done without interruption this afternoon.)

가로막다, 중단시키다, 단절시키다, 방해하다, 대화를 방해하다, 훼방놓다, 일시 정지 (1. to stop someone from speaking by saying or doing something, or to cause an activity or event to stop briefly)

transverse (trans-VURS, tranz-; TRANS-vurs, TRANZ-) (1 - The main roof beams are given extra support by the smaller transverse beams.)

가로의, 횡단의, 횡단물, 횡근, 횡축, 횡단 도로 (1. in a position or direction that is at an angle of 90° to something else)

drought (drout)

가뭄, 한발, 고갈 (1. a long period when there is little or no rain)

foil (foil) (1 - aluminum foil) (2 - The older, cynical character in the play is the perfect foil for the innocent William.) (4 - An attempted coup against the country's military ruler was foiled yesterday.)

가벼운 검, 얇은 금속판 (알루미늄 호일 등), 돋보이게 하는 사람 또는 사물, 창문의 작은 둥근 장식(건축) (1. a very thin sheet of metal, used esp. for wrapping food) (2. someone or something that makes another's good or bad qualities all the more noticeable) (3. a thin, light weapon with a long blade used in the sport of fencing) (4. to prevent someone or something from being successful) (5. /abbreviation for/ first, outer, inner, last, the rule for multiplying two binomials /= statements that have two numbers or symbols each/)

fetch (fech) (1 - She's been teaching the dog to fetch /= get a stick or ball that is thrown and bring it back/.) (2 - The collection of paintings fetched over a million dollars.)

가서 가지고 오다, 불러오다, 매혹하다, 호흡을 내쉬다, 한숨을 쉬다, 신음소리를 내다 (1. to go get something or someone and bring the thing or person back) (2. to be sold for a price)

verge (vurj)

가장자리, 끝, 가, 경계, 구역 (특히 관할지를 나타내는), 가장자리에 있다, 직전에 있다 (1. the edge, border, or limit of something)

rim (rim) (1 - The rim of this cup is chipped.)

가장자리, 변두리, 농구그물이 걸린 테, 바퀴의 가장자리, 둘러싸이다, 경계되다 (1. the outer edge of something, esp. of something curved or circular)

curb (kurb) (1 - She stood on the curb and waited until the light turned green to cross the street.) (2 - You've got to learn to curb your temper.)

가장자리의 볼록 올라온 테, 재갈, 구속, 구속하다, 억제하다, 재갈을 물리다 (1. a raised edge along the side of a street, often forming part of a path for people to walk on) (2. to control the growth or expression of something)

tutor (TOO-ter, TYOO-) (2 - Volunteers from the college tutor elementary school children in reading, mathematics, and science.)

가정 교사, 개별 지도 교수 (학업이나 복지를 책임지는), 후견인, 개인 교사로서 가르치다 (1. a teacher paid to work privately with one student or a small group) (2. to teach by working with one student or a small group, esp. one which needs special help)

portable (PAWR-tu̲h̲-bu̲h̲ l, POHR-) (1 - a portable phone/radio)

가지고 다닐 수 있는, 움직일 수 있는 (1. small and light enough to be carried or moved easily, and not attached by electric wires)

pseudo (SOO-doh) (1 - pseudo-religious a pseudo-intellectual)

가짜의, 모조의, 가장한, 위장의, 모조의, 위조의, 가짜의 (1. pretended and not real)

livestock (LAHYV-stok)

가축 (1. animals kept on a farm, such as cows, sheep, chickens, and pigs)

pyramid (PIR-u̲h̲-mid) (2 - The acrobats formed a pyramid by standing on each other's shoulders.)

각뿔이 있는 삼각 입체형의 기학학적인 모형, 왕을 묻은 고대 이집트의 피라미드, 피라미드형으로 하다 (1. a solid shape with a flat, square base and four flat, triangular sides which slope inward and meet to form a point at the top) (2. A _______ is also a pile of things that has a triangular shape) (3. A _______ is also a representation of a system with more items at the bottom and fewer at the top, for example, of the effect that one living thing has on another in the food chain.)

memorandum (mem-u̲h̲-RAN-du̲h̲ m) (1 - Ann will send a memorandum to the staff outlining the new procedures.)

각서, 비망록, 메모 (1. a written report prepared especially for a person or group of people and containing information about a particular matter)

deem (deem) (1 - The president asked Congress for authority to take whatever steps he deemed necessary, including the use of force.)

간주하다, 생각하다, 여기다 (1. to consider or judge)

intermittent (in-ter-MIT-nt) (1 - It rained intermittently all day.)

간헐적인, 단속적인, 일시적으로 멈추는 (1. not happening regularly or continuously; stopping and starting repeatedly or with long periods in between)

yearn (yurn) (1 - Joy yearns to earn enough money from her job as a doctor's assistant for her to become independent.)

갈망하다, 염원, 그리워하다, 열기 (1. to desire something strongly, esp. something difficult or impossible to obtain)

impress (verb im-PRES; noun IM-pres) (1 - She impressed us with her sincerity.) (2 - He always impressed on us the need to do our best.)

감동을 주다, 인상 지우다, 강조하다, 찍다, 눌러서 자국을 내다 (1. to cause someone to feel admiration or respect) (2. If you _______ something on someone, you cause them to understand its importance or value)

diminish (dih-MIN-ish) (1 - The threat of inflation is diminishing. [ T ] A single-payer system would diminish the bureaucratic cost of health care.)

감소하다, 낮아지다, 줄어들다, 사라지다, 완화되다 (1. to reduce or be reduced in size or importance)

potato (pu̲h̲-TEY-toh, -tu̲h̲) (1 - a baked potato [ U ] mashed potato)

감자, 포테이토 (1. a white vegetable with a brown or reddish skin which grows underground and is used for food, or the plant on which this grows)

disguise (dis-GAHYZ, dih-SKAHYZ) (1 - His mask doesn't disguise his identity. I think Mom could disguise her voice better than you could disguise yours.) (2 - I couldn't disguise my unhappiness at this decision.) (2 - In Shakespeare's plays, many characters appear in disguise.)

감추다, 변장시키다, 위장시키다, 속이다, 가장, 변장, 속이기, 감추기 (1. to give a new appearance to a person or thing, esp. in order to hide its true form) (2. To ________ an opinion, feeling, etc., is to hide it)

abrupt (u̲h̲-BRUHPT) (1 - There was an abrupt change in her mood. We came to an abrupt curve in the road.) (2 - His abrupt manner makes me uncomfortable.) (2 - They abruptly left the party.)

갑작스러운, 퉁명스러운 (1. sudden and not expected, often with unpleasant results) (2. not friendly or polite; showing little interest in talking to other people)

obsession (u̲h̲ b-SESH-u̲h̲ n) (1 - His interest in detective stories has turned to obsession. [ C ] They have an obsession with making money.)

강박 관념, 망상, 들러붙음 (1. the control of one's thoughts by a continuous, powerful idea or feeling, or the idea or feeling itself)

compel (ku̲h̲ m-PEL) (1 - At school, we were compelled to wear uniforms, which I hated.)

강요하다, ...하지 않을 수 없다, 매력적인, ...하게 하다, 압도적인 (1. to force someone to do something)

compulsory (ku̲h̲ m-PUHL-su̲h̲-ree) (1 - Education is compulsory for children between the ages of 5 and 16.)

강제적인, 필수적인, 의무적인 (1. /of something/ that must be done; necessary by law or a rule)

rob (rob) (1 - Two men robbed the store last night.) (2 - Elderly people should not be robbed of their dignity.)

강탈하다, 약탈하다, 빼앗다, 강도질하다 (1. to take money or property from a person or place illegally) (2. If someone is robbed of a quality, that quality is taken away)

sturdy (STUR-dee) (1 - That ladder doesn't look sturdy enough to hold you.)

강한, 견고한, 튼튼한, 확고한 (1. strong or solid)

frog (frog, frawg)

개구리, 단추고리를 겸한 장식 묶음, 말발굽에 있는 단력성이 있는각질 (1. a small animal that has smooth skin, lives in water and on land, has long powerful back legs with which it jumps from place to place, and has no tail)

pioneer (pahy-u̲h̲-NEER) (1 - He was a pioneer in big-band jazz.) (2 - The pioneers made their way across the desert.) (2 - He pioneered the design of the Internet.)

개척자, 선각자, 길을 개척한 사람, 군대의 선발 공병, 개척하다, 길을 개척하다 (1. a person who is among the first to study or develop something) (2. A _______ is also a person who is among the first to enter and live in an area, esp. European Americans in the western US)

arrogance (AR-u̲h̲-gu̲h̲ ns) (1 - I found him arrogant and rude.) (1 - He has a self-confidence that is sometimes seen as arrogance.) (1 - The authorities had behaved arrogantly, she said.) (2 - I never met a more conceited and arrogant young man.) (2 - I was disgusted by his arrogance.) (2 - Lapham arrogantly claimed the land was his.)

거만, 오만, 불손 (1. unpleasantly proud and behaving as if you are more important than, or know more than, other people) (2. proud in an unpleasant way and behaving as if you are better or more important than other people)

spider (SPAHY-der)

거미 (1. a small creature that looks like an insect with eight thin legs)

goose (goos)

거위, 거위고기, 멍청한 사람 (속어) (1. a large bird that lives by water)

inhabit (in-HAB-it) (1 - These remote islands are inhabited only by birds and animals.)

거주하다, 서식하다, 존재하다 (1. to live in a place)

foam (fohm) (1 - The waves were high and capped with foam.) (3 - The suds in the sink foamed up when she added hot water.)

거품, 가구 덮개로 쓰이는 스폰지 같은 물질, 거품이 일다, 거품을 일으키다, 거품이 나게 하다 (1. a mass of small, usually white, bubbles formed on the surface of a liquid) (2. ____ is also a type of light material made by adding gas bubbles to a liquid, then letting it cool, used esp. in packaging.) (3. to produce a mass of small bubbles)

wholesome (HOHL-su̲h̲ m) (1 - Wholesome food helps keep you healthy. This movie is wholesome family entertainment.)

건강에 좋은, 대규모의, 신중한 (1. good for you, and likely to benefit you physically, morally, or emotionally)

gait (geyt) (1 - He walked with a slow, stiff gait.)

걷는 모양, 말의 보조 (뛰거나 천천히 걷거나 등의) (1. a particular way of walking)

tread (tred) (1 - fig. I hope I haven't trod on other people's toes by saying this.) (2 - fat tires with knobby tread) (3 - I heard the heavy tread of my father overhead.)

걷다, 짓밟다, 밟다, 밟음, 걸음, 걷는 소리, 한걸음, 타이어나 걸음의 흔적 (1. to put the foot down while stepping, or to step on something) (2. the raised pattern on a tire that holds the vehicle to the road as it moves) (3. the sound that someone's feet make in walking) (4. A _____ is also the horizontal surface on which you put your foot on a step.)

lazy (LEY-zee) (1 - If you weren't so lazy we could start fixing up the house.) (2 - a lazy breeze We spent a lazy afternoon sunbathing on the beach.)

게으른, 나태한, 나른한 (1. not willing or not wanting to work or use effort to do something) (2. If you describe an event or activity as lazy, you mean that it is slow and gentle, or does not involve much effort)

cheer (cheer) (1 - I was one of the people who jumped up and cheered after that speech.) (1 - He demanded the resignation of the police chief, touching off loud applause and cheers in the audience.)

격려, 갈채, 기쁨, 환성을 지르다, 기운을 북돋우다 (1. to give a shout of approval or encouragement for someone)

lattice (LAT-is)

격자, 창살, 격자 만들기, 격자 세공, ...에 격자를 붙이다 (1. a structure made from strips of wood or other material that cross over each other with spaces between)

nut (nuht) (2 - a wing nut /= a nut with flat edges for turning/) (3 - What kind of nut would leave a computer in his car overnight with the doors unlocked? infml) (4 - Joyce is a nut for antiques - we've got a house full of them.)

견과류의 열매, 나사, 미친사람(속어), 나무 열매를 줍다 (1. the dry fruit of some trees, consisting of an edible seed within a hard, outer shell, or the seed itself) (2. a small ring of metal that a bolt /= screw without a pointed end/ can be screwed into to hold something in place) (3. a person who is crazy, foolish, or strange) (4. A ___ is also a person who is extremely enthusiastic about a particular activity or thing)

withstand (with-STAND, wit̲h̲-) (1 - The building has to be strong enough to withstand severe winds and storms. Coaches have to be tough to withstand the constant pressure to win.)

견디다, 이겨내다 (1. to receive without being changed or damaged by something powerful; bear)

devoid (dih-VOID) (1 - He seems to be devoid of any feeling for his parents.)

결여된, ...이 없는, ...이 빠진 (1. Someone or something is ______ of something when it is completely lacking)

cohesion (koh-HEE-zhu̲h̲ n) (1 - The team just seems to lack cohesion.) (1 - We were not a very cohesive family.)

결합, 유대, 유대감 (1. /of objects/ the state of sticking together, or /of people/ being in close agreement and working well together)

alleviate (u̲h̲-LEE-vee-eyt) (1 - The medicine did nothing to alleviate her discomfort.)

경감하다, 완화하다, 덜다 (1. to make pain or problems less severe)

auction (AWK-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - an auction of early American furniture [ U ] bulls sold at auction auction verb [ T ] us ​) (1 - The artwork is being auctioned to benefit UNICEF.)

경매, 가장 높은 가격을 주는 입찰자에게 물건을 파는 공개 판매, 경매에 부치다 (1. a usually public sale of goods or property, where people make higher and higher bids /= offers of money/ for each item, until there are no higher bids and it is sold for the most money offered)

despise (dih-SPAHYZ) (1 - He adored his daughter, but despised his son.)

경멸하다, 멸시하다 (1. to feel a strong dislike for someone or something that you think is bad or worthless)

disdain (dis-DEYN, dih-STEYN) (1 - The mayor's disdain for his opponents was well known.) (1 - He disdains the flashy trappings of many Dixieland bands, the striped shirts and straw hats and such.)

경멸하다, 멸시하다, 업신 여기다, 경멸하며 거절하다, 경멸, 모멸, 멸시 (1. dislike of someone or something that you feel does not deserve your interest or respect)

scorn (skawrn) (1 - These countries deserve our respect, not the scorn of a politician.) (1 - a scornful laugh/look) (2 - He was scorned by his classmates for his bad behavior.)

경멸하다, 조소하다, 조롱하다, 조롱하며 거절하다, 조롱거리로 취급하다, 경멸, 조롱 (1. a strong feeling that someone or something is of little or no worth and deserves no respect) (2. to treat with a great lack of respect, or to refuse something because you think it is wrong or not acceptable)

compliment (noun KOM-plu̲h̲-mu̲h̲ nt; verb KOM-plu̲h̲-ment) (1 - She paid him a high compliment by saying she read all his books. He was surprised by her remark, but decided to take it as a compliment.) (2 - I complimented Robert on his great cooking.)

경의, 칭찬, 경의를 표하다, 어떤 사람에 대한 좋은 부분을 말하다 (1. a remark or action that expresses approval, admiration, or respect) (2. to express your approval, admiration, or respect to someone for that person's character, skill, etc.)

adversary (AD-ver-ser-ee) (1 - He saw her as his main adversary within the company.)

경쟁자, 적, 반대파 (1. an enemy)

propensity (pru̲h̲-PEN-si-tee) (1 - The poll confirmed Americans' growing propensity to invest in the stock market.)

경향, 성향, 기호 (1. a tendency to behave in a particular way)

persist (per-SIST, -ZIST) (1 - If the pain persists, consult a doctor. Although the meeting had ended, she persisted in trying to question the mayor.)

계속 ...하다, 지속하다, 고집하다, 난무하다 (1. to continue to exist past the usual time, or to continue to do something in a determined way even when facing difficulties or opposition)

feudal (FYOOD-l) (1 - the feudal system a feudal lord/kingdom/society)

계속적인 갈등의, 영지의, 봉토의, 봉건주의의, 중세유럽 정치적 사회적 체제인 봉건제도의 (1. relating to the social system of western Europe in the Middle Ages or any society that is organized according to rank. In a ______ society, people at one level of society receive land to live and work on from those higher than them in rank, and in return have to work for them and fight for them if necessary, sometimes also giving them some of the food they produce)

deplete (dih-PLEET) (1 - Acid rain depletes the region's fish stocks.) (1 - The depletion of our savings is starting to worry me.)

고갈시키다, 다 써버리다, 비우다 (1. to reduce something in size or amount, esp. supplies, energy, or money)

hardship (HAHRD-ship) (1 - The 1930s were a time of high unemployment and economic hardship.)

고난, 어려움, 궁핍, 고생 (1. a condition of life that causes difficulty or suffering)

altitude (AL-ti-tood, -tyood) (1 - The city of Denver is situated at an altitude of almost exactly one mile.)

고도, 고지 (1. height above sea level) (2. ________ is also the distance measured by an angle made by a point on the earth to a star and to the horizon /= place where earth and sky seem to meet/.) (3. a segment /= part of a line/ that is at a 90° angle to the side to which it is drawn)

whale (hweyl, weyl)

고래, 고래잡이에 종사하다, 때리다 (1. a very large sea mammal)

contemplate (KON-tu̲h̲ m-pleyt, -tem-) (1 - The owner of the team contemplated moving his football club to another city. [ T ] Sharon is contemplating going to graduate school.)

고려하다, 계획하다, 생각하다, 심사숙고하다, 바라보다 (1. to spend time considering a possible future action, or to consider one particular thing for a long time in a serious way)

opt (opt) (1 - Instead of a soft drink, she opted for water. He opted out of the health insurance plan /= chose not to be a part of it/.)

고르다, 선호하다, 선택적으로, 임의의 (1. to make a choice, esp. for one thing or possibility in preference to any others)

isolate (verb AHY-su̲h̲-leyt; noun, adjective AHY-su̲h̲-lit, -leyt) (1 - They tried to isolate the cause of the problem. A high wall isolated the house from the rest of the neighborhood.) (1 - Only a few isolated cases of measles have been reported.) (1 - The prisoner was kept in isolation for three days.)

고립시키다, 절연하다, 떼어 놓다, 격리시키다, 환자를 건강한 사람들고 떼어 놓다 (의학) (1. to separate something from other things, or to keep something separate)

sue (soo) (1 - She was hit by a city bus and is suing the city for $2 million.)

고소하다, 소송을 제기하다, 간청하다, 탄원하다, 구애하다 (1. to take legal action against a person or organization, esp. by making a legal claim for money because of some harm that the person or organization has caused you)

adhere (ad-HEER) (1 - Glue won't adhere to any surface that's wet.)

고수하다, 들러붙다, 달라붙다 (1. to stick or be attached firmly to a surface)

serene (su̲h̲-REEN) (1 - He approached the job with the serene confidence that he could succeed where others had failed.) (1 - He wrote of the beauty and serenity of the great river.)

고요한, 정적의, 평화로운, 잠잠한, 왕의, 맑은, 구름 한점 없는 (1. peaceful and calm, or /of a person/ not worried or excited)

plateau (pla-TOH or, esp. British, PLAT-oh) (2 - The crime rate in the city reached a plateau in the 1980s and then declined.) (3 - The population increase is expected to plateau in the year 2007.)

고원, 고지대에 있는 평지, 정체기, 진행이 멈춤 (1. a large, flat area of land that is higher than the land around it) (2. A _______ is also a period during which there are no big changes) (3. to reach a level and stay there, rather than rising or falling)

indigenous (in-DIJ-u̲h̲-nu̲h̲ s) (1 - The Navajos are among the indigenous people of North America.)

고유의, 토착의, 고유한 (1. existing naturally or having always lived in a place; native)

stubborn (STUHB-ern) (1 - He's sick, but he's too stubborn to see a doctor.) (2 - stubborn stains a stubborn problem)

고집 센, 완고한, 끈질긴 (1. opposed to change or suggestion) (2. If something is stubborn, it is hard to fix or deal with)

anguish (ANG-gwish) (1 - Somehow we deal with the anguish of serious illness.)

고통, 걱정, 두려움 (1. extreme pain or suffering)

torment (verb tawr-MENT, TAWR-ment; noun TAWR-ment) (1 - After three days of torment, she went to a dentist. [ C ] That child acts like it's a torment to see me.) (1 - The cows were tormented by flies.)

고통, 괴롭힘, 고문, 괴롭히다, 고문하다, 고통을 주다 (1. great mental or physical suffering, or something that causes such pain)

antique (an-TEEK) (1 - He sold antiques for a while.) (1 - an antique dealer/show)

고풍의, 골동품의, 옛 유행의, 현대적이지 않은, 고대의, 골동품 (1. something made in an earlier period and valued because it is old, rare, or of high quality)

skeleton (SKEL-i-tn) (1 - We found a deer skeleton.)

골격, 해골, 뼈대, 골자, 틀, 아주 빼빼한 사람 또는 동물, 가장 기본적인 것 (1. the frame of bones supporting a human or animal body)

marrow (MAR-oh)

골수(해부학), 생명력, 활력, 중요한 부분, 호박 (1. the soft, fatty tissue in the center of bones)

disclose (dih-SKLOHZ) (1 - Terms of the agreement were not disclosed.)

공개하다, 밝히다, 발표하다, 드러내다, 제시하다 (1. to give information to the public that was not previously known)

overt (oh-VURT, OH-vurt) (1 - There are no overt signs of damage.) (1 - He refrained from overtly criticizing his opponent.)

공공연한, 명백한, 분명한 (1. done or shown obviously or publicly; not hidden or secret)

vacant (VEY-ku̲h̲ nt) (1 - We have three vacant apartments in our building.) (2 - There was a sad, vacant look in his eyes.)

공석인, 텅 빈, 비어 있는, 없는 (1. /of a place/ not being lived in or used, or /of a job or office/ available for someone to do) (2. not showing much awareness or interest in the world around you)

equitable (EK-wi-tu̲h̲-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - She charged that women are being denied equitable pay.)

공정한, 공평한, 정당한 (1. treating everyone equally; fair)

aerial (adjective AIR-ee-u̲h̲ l, ey-EER-ee-u̲h̲ l; noun AIR-ee-u̲h̲ l) (2 - Aerial photographs are used in making these maps.)

공중에 사는, 대기중의, 공중에 높이 치솟은, 꿈같은, 덧없는, 안테나 (1. an antenna ) (2. of, from, or in the air)

fright (frahyt) (1 - When the rescue team reached him, he was shaking with fright. [ C usually sing ] You gave her a fright turning the lights out like that.)

공포, 끔찍함, 무서움, 무섭게 하는 것 (1. the feeling of fear, esp. if felt suddenly, or an experience of fear which happens suddenly)

dismay (dis-MEY) (1 - She discovered, to her dismay, that she had locked her keys inside her car.) (1 - They enjoyed the meal but were dismayed by how much it cost.)

공포, 놀람, 두려움, 걱정하게 하다, 당황하게 하다, 용기를 잃게 하다 (1. a feeling of shock and unhappiness)

orchard (AWR-cherd) (1 - an apple orchard)

과수원 (1. an area of land where fruit trees are grown)

pulp (puhlp) (1 - Mash the bananas to a pulp and then mix in the yogurt.) (2 - wood pulp)

과육, 부드러운 물기가 많은 물질, 으깬 물질, 간물질, 펄프로 만들다, 펄프같이 되다 (1. a soft, wet mass, often produced by crushing something) (2. ____ is also a mixture of water and small pieces of paper, cloth, or wood that is used for making paper)

coffin (KAW-fin, KOF-in)

관, 시체를 담는 관 (1. a long box used to bury or cremate /= burn/ a dead person)

tolerant (TOL-er-u̲h̲ nt) (1 - Some grasses are very tolerant of drought.) (2 - Working with young people helps me be a little more tolerant.)

관대한, 참는, 내성이 있는, 용인하는 (1. having the ability to bear something unpleasant or annoying, or to keep going despite difficulties) (2. willing to accept behavior and beliefs that are different from your own, even if you disagree with or disapprove of them)

tariff (TAR-if) (1 - import tariffs)

관세, 관세표, 가격, 요금 (1. a government charge on goods entering or leaving a country)

spoil (spoil) (1 - The oil spill spoiled five miles of coastline. [ T ] Don't tell me how it ends, you'll spoil the movie for me. [ I ] Food spoils quickly in hot weather.) (2 - My vacation spoiled me. "We're spoiling you," he said, handing her another cookie.)

관직, 약탈, 목적물, 미끼, 발견물, 발굴에 따라 버리는 흙, 망치다, 손상시키다 (1. to destroy or damage something, or to become destroyed or damaged) (2. to treat someone very well, esp. by being too generous)

eccentric (ik-SEN-trik, ek-) (1 - eccentric behavior eccentric noun [ C ] us ​) (1 - She was an elderly eccentric who lived with 25 cats.) (1 - Although his reputation for eccentricity was well deserved, it was not true that he had asked to be buried in his car.)

괴벽스러운 사람, 편심기, 편심륜, 이심원, 이상한, 기괴한, 괴상한 (1. strange or unusual, sometimes in an amusing way)

redress (noun REE-dres, ri-DRES; verb ri-DRES) (1 - Affirmative action to help minorities is intended to redress wrongs.)

교정, 시정, 보상, 부상이나 부당함에 대한 손해배상, 시정하다, 불행 따위를 시정하다 (1. to correct a wrong)

cunning (KUHN-ing) (1 - a cunning scheme cunning noun [ U ] us ​) (1 - They made their way safely back through enemy territory by stealth and cunning.)

교활한, 교묘한, 귀여운 (1. skillful in planning and ready to deceive people in order to get what you want)

ambulance (AM-byu̲h̲-lu̲h̲ ns)

구급차, 앰뷸런스 (1. a special vehicle equipped to take people who are injured or ill to the hospital)

aperture (AP-er-cher)

구멍, 틈, 렌즈의 구경 (1. a small and often narrow opening, esp. one that allows light into a camera)

nausea (NAW-zee-u̲h̲, -zhu̲h̲, -see-u̲h̲, -shu̲h̲)

구역질, 메스꺼움, 욕지기 (1. a feeling of illness in the stomach that makes you think you are going to vomit)

embody (em-BOD-ee) (1 - Arthur Ashe embodied the ideals of good sportsmanship.) (1 - This cruise ship is the embodiment of luxury.)

구체화하다, 구현하다, 형태를 부여하다 (1. to have and show particular qualities or ideas; represent)

brigade (bri-GEYD) (1 - A brigade of volunteers campaigned for his election.)

군대여단, 2개 연대 이상의 조직 (1. one of the groups into which an army is divided, consisting of two or more battalions, or a group of people who are organized to perform a particular job)

chimney (CHIM-nee)

굴뚝 (1. a hollow structure that allows the smoke from a fire inside a building, esp. from a fireplace, to escape to the air outside)

cute (kyoot) (1 - She was a really cute baby.) (2 - She had a cute apartment with a little garden.) (3 - He thinks it's cute to misbehave, but it's not.)

귀여운, 예쁜, 눈치 빠른 (1. /esp. of something or someone small or young/ charming and attractive) (2. Something described as ____ is attractive and pleasant) (3. too carefully designed to get approval or appear attractive, and therefore seeming dishonest)

aristocracy (ar-u̲h̲-STOK-ru̲h̲-see) (2 - a prep-school-educated American aristocrataristocratic adjective [ gradable ] us ​) (2 - His aristocratic manner alienated many voters.)

귀족 정치, 귀족, 귀족 사회 (1. a class of people of high social rank) (2. An ___________ is also a government ruled by or consisting of people of a high social class.)

batch (bach) (1 - Mom just made a fresh batch of cookies. I've got a whole batch of applications to read through.)

그룹, 묶음 (1. people or things dealt with as a group or at the same time)

mesh (mesh) (1 - Pour the liquid through a strainer of fine mesh.) (2 - The teeth of the smaller and larger gears mesh with each other. [ I ] Their ideas on how to run the company never really meshed.)

그물코, 망사, 짜여진 것, 함정, 맞물림, 그물로 잡다, 그물에 걸리다 (1. a material loosely woven of wire, plastic, or thread so that it has spaces in it like a net) (2. /of two or more things/ to fit together or be suitable for each other)

diligence (DIL-i-ju̲h̲ ns)

근면, 부지런함

blond (blond) (1 - Do you think she's a natural blonde, or is her hair bleached?)

금발머리를 가진 사람, 블론드의, 금발의 (1. /esp. of hair/ pale yellow or golden)

prohibit (proh-HIB-it) (1 - The law prohibits smoking in restaurants.) (2 - Loud music prohibited serious conversation.)

금지하다, 막다, 방해하다, 통제하다 (1. to officially forbid something) (2. To ________ is also to prevent something by making it impossible)

forbid (fer-BID, fawr-) (1 - You can't forbid me to go.)

금지하다, 어렵게하다, 용납하지 않다 (1. to not allow something, or to order someone not to do something)

raid (reyd) (1 - an air raid a bombing raid) (3 - The FBI said it had no plans to raid the suspect's farm.) (4 - The movie company was accused of raiding talent from other studios.)

급습, 침략, 기습, 쳐들어가다, 공습하다, 기습하다, 습격하다 (1. a planned attack by a military group that is done suddenly and unexpectedly and is intended to destroy or damage something) (2. A ____ is also a planned but sudden and unexpected entering of a place by the police in order to search for something or stop an illegal activity.) (3. to enter a place suddenly and unexpectedly in order to search for something or stop an illegal activity) (4. To ____ is also to unfairly or secretly take something for your own use or benefit)

banner (BAN-er) (1 - The museum had a huge banner over its front entrance advertising its current show.) (2 - This is clearly not a banner year for Canadian poetry.)

기, 기발, 기치, 큰 표제, (인터넷) 동영상 그래픽형태로 된 웹문서 광고 (1. a strip of material showing a name, such as of a sports team, or a message, which is often put in a place where it can be seen by many people) (2. A ______ year is an unusually good year)

bizarre (bih-ZAHR) (1 - That party was too bizarre for me!)

기괴한, 별난, 괴상한 (1. strange and unusual)

balloon (bu̲h̲-LOON) (3 - The rumors soon ballooned into /= quickly became/ a full-grown scandal.)

기구, 구슬 장식, 풍선꼴 윤곽, 부풀게 하다 (1. a small, thin, rubber bag that you can fill with air or another gas until it is round in shape, often used for decoration at parties or as a child's toy) (2. A _______ is also a very large, round container filled with a gas that can rise in the air and carry people riding under it in an attached box.) (3. to become larger, esp. quickly)

famine (FAM-in) (1 - Widespread famine was reported in the region.)

기근, 기아, 굶주림 (1. an extreme lack of food in a region, causing suffering and death)

anniversary (an-u̲h̲-VUR-su̲h̲-ree) (1 - To celebrate our wedding anniversary, we gave a big party.)

기념일, 생일 (1. a day when we remember or celebrate something important that happened on that day in a previous year)

creep (kreep) (1 - I crept around the corner, hoping my brother wouldn't see me.) (2 - We were creeping along in rush-hour traffic.) (3 - That guy upstairs is such a creep.)

기다, 엉금엉금 기어오르다, 살금살금 걷다, 불쾌한 사람, 오싹하게 하는 사람, 전율하게 하는 사람 (속어) (1. to move quietly and carefully, usually in order to avoid being noticed) (2. to move very slowly) (3. a person you think is unpleasant and to be avoided)

pillar (PIL-er) (2 - He's a pillar of the Dallas business community.)

기둥, 건물을 지탱하거나 장식적인 이유로 사용되는 좁은 수직 건축물, 비석, 기둥으로 받치다 (1. a strong vertical column made of stone, metal, or wood that supports part of a building or stands alone for decoration) (2. A ______ is also someone or something that is an important part of a group, place, or activity)

archive (AHR-kahyv) (1 - The author's manuscripts are in the college archives.) (1 - I'm doing some archival research on my family's history.)

기록 보관소, 보관하다, 아카이브에 수록하다 (1. the documents showing the history of a place, organization, or family, or the place where these are kept)

rejoice (ri-JOIS) (1 - Everyone rejoiced at the news of his safe return.)

기뻐하다, 환호하다 (1. to feel or show great happiness)

indictment (in-DAHYT-mu̲h̲ nt) (2 - The high level of adult illiteracy is seen as an indictment of the country's education policy.)

기소, 고발, 비난 (1. a formal statement of accusation) (2. An __________ is also a reason for giving blame)

strand (strand) (1 - a strand of hair She wore three strands of beads around her neck. fig. There are many strands /= types/ of pacifism.)

기슭으로 몰다, 기슭으로 몰아지다, 어떤사람을 궁지에 처하게 하다, 궁지에 처하다, 바닷가 (1. a fiber or group of fibers twisted together that form one part of a length of rope, cord, thread, etc., or a single string, hair, or line of objects)

crawl (krawl) (1 - a caterpillar crawling in the grass The child crawled across the floor. fig. The train crawled slowly through the night.) (3 - Traffic slowed to a crawl /= a very slow speed/.)

기어가다, 네발로 기어가다, 굽실거리다, 기다, 엉금엉금 김, 포복, 크롤 수영법 (1. to move slowly with the body stretched out along the ground or /of a human/ on hands and knees) (2. a way of swimming fast by lying with your chest down, kicking your legs, and raising first one arm then the other out of the water to move yourself forward) (3. a very slow rate of speed)

recollect (rek-u̲h̲-LEKT) (1 - There were five young men in the car, as near as I can recollect.)

기억나다, 회상하다, 생각나다 (1. to remember something)

entrepreneur (1 - He's an entrepreneur who made his money in computer software.)

기업가, 흥행주, 청부인 (1. a person who attempts to make a profit by starting a company or by operating alone in the business world, esp. when it involves taking risks)

tile (tahyl) (1 - a tile floor ceiling tiles tile verb [ T ] us ​) (1 - We're going to tile the bathroom ourselves.)

기와, 타일, 토관, 타일을 깔다, 바닥재를 깔다 (1. a flat, thin, usually square piece of baked clay, plastic, or other material used for covering floors, walls, or roofs)

cough (kawf, kof) (1 - The smoke from the bonfire made me cough. fig. The car engine coughed a few times, but wouldn't start.) (2 - a dry cough There are lots of coughs and colds going around this winter.)

기침하다, 고백하다, 어떤 것을 인정하다, 기침, 기침병, 계속해서 기침하게 하는 호흡기 염증 (1. to force air out of your lungs through your throat with a short, loud sound, often unwillingly) (2. an act of forcing air out of your lungs through your throat with a short, loud sound, often unwillingly)

guitar (gi-TAHR) (1 - an acoustic/electric guitar)

기타 (1. a musical instrument with usually six strings and a flat back that is held on the knee or by a strap worn over the shoulder and played by moving the fingers or a small piece of plastic across the strings, or this instrument generally)

ethos (EE-thos, EE-thohs, ETH-os, -ohs) (1 - Violence is part of their ethos.)

기풍, 풍조, 특질 (1. the set of moral beliefs, attitudes, habits, etc., that are characteristic of a person or group)

tame (teym) (1 - Their goats seem very tame.) (2 - He tames wild horses.)

길들여진, 유순한, 온순한, 순종적인, 지루한, 길들이다, 복종시키다 (1. /esp. of animals/ not wild or fierce, either naturally or because of training or long involvement with humans) (2. If an entertainment is tame, it is not very exciting.)

lapse (laps) (1 - a memory lapse She had a momentary lapse in concentration and lost the game.) (2 - Owing to the lapse of time since the crimes, none of the original witnesses could be found.) (3 - I must have let my subscription lapse, because I haven't received any issues of the magazine in months.)

길에서 벗어나다, 타락하다, 일탈하다, 무효가되다, 소멸되다, 끝이나다, 쓰이지 않게 되다 (1. a failure to do something that happens as a particular event at a particular time) (2. a period of time after an event or between two events) (3. to end something, either intentionally or accidentally, that might be continued or that should continue)

stray (strey) (1 - The children were told to stay together and not to stray. The plane disappeared after straying several hundred miles off course.) (2 - Eric and Lise rescued the stray cat and named her Pashmina.) (3 - It was just a stray thought I had while washing the dishes.) (4 - We have given a home to a number of strays.)

길을 잃고 헤매다, 방황하다, 떠돌아 다니다, 기준에서 벗어나다, 탈선하다, 길잃은 (1. to move away from a place where you should be or from a direction in which you should go) (2. /of an animal/ having no home, or lost) (3. _____ also means happening by chance and lacking direction) (4. an animal that is lost or has no home)

feather (fet̲h̲ -er)

깃, 깃털, 종류 (1. one of the long, light objects that cover a bird's body, having soft fibers along each side of a thin, stiff, central stem)

crest (krest) (1 - We climbed to the crest of the hill.) (2 - The flood waters crested Thursday /= reached their highest level/.)

깃털장식, 볏, 관모, 꼭대기, 정상, 절정, 산등성이, 용마루 장식을 달다 (1. the top or highest part of something such as a wave or a hill) (2. /of a wave, a flood, etc./ to reach the highest level that something can reach)

skip (skip) (1 - He skipped off to school.) (2 - Mark took the money and then skipped town.) (3 - Martin skipped fifth grade. I skipped lunch today.)

깡총깡총 뛰어 가다, 가볍게 뛰어 가다, 옮겨가다, 빼다, 생략하다, 급히 빠져나가다 (구어) (1. to move lightly and quickly, esp. with small dancing or jumping steps) (2. to leave a place quickly) (3. to not do or have something; avoid)

hop (hop) (1 - A bird hopped across the lawn. [ T ] Nikki hopped the fence /= jumped over it/. [ I ] fig. Come on, hop in , I've got plenty of room in the car.) (1 - fig. It's just a short hop to Pittsburgh by plane.)

깡충 뛰다, 짧은 거리를 건너뛰다, 깡총깡총 뛰기, (인터넷) 메세지를 전함에 있어 이용되는 컴퓨터 네트웍의 많은 연결부분중 하나 (1. to make small jumps on one or two feet, or to move along in this way)

hug (huhg) (1 - Maria hugged her dog. [ T ] As the verdict of not guilty was announced, he leaped up and hugged his lawyer. [ T ] fig. Some fish hug /= stay close to/ the bottom of the lake.) (1 - My little boy always gets a kiss and a hug before he goes to bed.)

꼭 껴안다, 끌어안다, 품다, 소중히 여기다, 집착하다 (믿음이나 의견 따위 등에) (1. to hold someone or something close to your body with your arms, esp. to show affection)

apex (EY-peks) (1 - the apex of a pyramid He reached the apex of his career during that period.)

꼭대기 (1. the highest point or top of something)

blossom (BLOS-u̲h̲ m) (1 - The cherry tree is beginning to blossom. fig. She has really blossomed recently /= become more confident and successful/.) (2 - The tree was covered with white blossoms. [ U ] The scent of apple blossom filled the air.)

꽃, 개화, 개화 상태, 꽃이 피다, 싹이트다 (1. /of a tree or plant/ to produce flowers that develop into fruit) (2. a flower, or all the flowers on a tree or plant)

bloom (bloom) (1 - Alta loved watching her flowers bloom in the spring. fig. Their interest suddenly bloomed when they knew they would make money out of the deal.) (2 - Roses in bloom are a beautiful sight.)

꽃, 개화, 광, 꽃가루, 꽃이 피다, 번영하다, 환히 빛나다, 발하다 (1. /of a plant or tree/ to produce flowers, or /of a flower/ to open or be open) (2. a flower, or the condition of having flowers)

pollen (POL-u̲h̲ n)

꽃가루 (1. a powder produced by the male part of a flower that causes the female part of other flowers of the same type to produce seeds)

ornament (noun AWR-nu̲h̲-mu̲h̲ nt; verb AWR-nu̲h̲-ment, -mu̲h̲ nt) (1 - They spent decades collecting these colorful, Victorian-era ornaments.) (1 - Climbing plants ornamented the wall.) (1 - The buttons on the sleeves are just ornamental.)

꾸밈, 장식, 아름답게 함, 장식하다, 꾸미다 (1. an object that is decorative rather than useful)

reproach (ri-PROHCH) (1 - He's still reproaching himself for the accident.)

꾸짖다, 비난하다, 훈계하다, 질책하다, 체면을 손상시키다, 질책, 견책, 고소 (1. to criticize or find fault with someone)

swallow (SWOL-oh) (1 - My throat is so sore that it really hurts when I swallow.) (2 - Not surprisingly, this excuse was too much for them to swallow.) (3 - I swallowed my anger and tried to be friendly.) (5 - He said he only wanted one swallow of milk - but it was a big one!)

꿀꺽 삼키다(음식이나 음료를), 감정을 억제하다, 견디다, 철회하다, 의심없이 받아들이다 (1. to force food or liquid in your mouth to move into your stomach by use of the muscles of your throat) (2. to accept something without question or without expressing disagreement) (3. not to express or show feelings or emotions) (4. any of various types of small bird with pointed wings and a tail shaped like a fork, which flies quickly, catching insects) (5. the act of forcing food or liquid in your mouth to move into your stomach, or an amount taken into your stomach at one time )

bee (bee)

꿀벌, 벌, 특정한 목적을 가진 사람들의 모임(퀼트 모임 등) (1. a flying insect that has a yellow and black body and is able to sting)

boil (boil) (1 - The water is boiling. [ T ] We'd better boil this water before we drink it.) (2 - The pot's beginning to boil.) (3 - I boiled some potatoes for dinner.) (5 - Bring the water to a boil, then add the pasta.)

끓다, 끓이다, 삶다, 비등점 (1. /of a liquid/ to start to turn into a gas because of being heated, or to cause a liquid to turn into a gas in this way) (2. If you say that a container has boiled, the liquid in it has started to turn into a gas) (3. If food boils, or you ____ food, it is cooked by being put in water that is heated until the water is in the process of turning into a gas) (4. a painful, red swelling on the skin that is filled with pus /= a yellow liquid from an infection/) (5. If you bring something to a boil, or let something come to a boil, you heat it until it starts to turn into a gas)

doom (doom) (1 - A sense of doom hung over the entire country.) (2 - The effort is doomed to failure. He was doomed to be a one-term president like Jimmy Carter.)

끔찍한 운명, 비운, 멸망, 파멸, 죽음, 운명짓다, 비운을 선고하다, 단죄하다 (1. death, destruction, or any very bad situation that cannot be avoided) (2. to be the certain cause of someone or something having a bad end, esp. to die or to fail)

hideous (HID-ee-u̲h̲ s) (1 - The bathroom was pink and green and silver - it was absolutely hideous.)

끔찍한, 가증스러운 (1. offensive, extremely ugly, or shocking)

terminate (TUR-mu̲h̲-neyt) (1 - Trains that used to terminate in Hoboken now run into New York. [ T ] It sounded like she was trying to terminate the conversation.) (2 - Employees can be terminated if they miss too many days of work without good reason.) (2 - The contract provides for termination after two years.)

끝내다, 마치다, 종결시키다 (1. to end or stop, or to cause something to end or stop) (2. An employee who is terminated no longer has a job)

implant (verb im-PLANT, -PLAHNT; noun IM-plant, -plahnt) (1 - He had a new heart valve implanted. fig. Women's basketball must find a way to implant itself into /= become a part of/ the sporting landscape.) (1 - dental implants)

끼워 넣다, 접목하여 심다, 이식하다 (의학), 심어넣기, 삽입, 이식(의학) (1. to put an organ, group of cells, or device into the body in a medical operation)

ferry (FER-ee) (1 - There's no bridge around here, but you can take a ferry across the river.) (2 - As parents, we seem to spend most of our time ferrying the kids to and from their friends' homes.)

나룻배, 도선, 훼리, 여객선, 페리로 건네다, 페리 등으로 건네다, 나룻배 등으로 건네다 (1. a boat or ship for taking passengers and often vehicles across an area of water, esp. as a regular service) (2. to transport someone or something repeatedly or regularly)

remnant (REM-nu̲h̲ nt) (1 - a carpet remnant)

나머지, 자투리, 유물 (1. a small piece or amount of something that is left from a larger, original piece or amount)

butterfly (BUHT-er-flahy)

나비, 접영(수영), 항상 흥미거리를 찾아다니는 사람 (1. a type of flying insect with four large, often brightly colored wings)

spiral (SPAHY-ru̲h̲ l) (1 - A corkscrew is made in a spiral. fig. Roy was bitter about the downward spiral of his life /= it was becoming continuously worse/.) (1 - New playground equipment includes a large spiral slide.) (2 - The engine quit, and my beautiful model airplane spiraled downward. High winds spiraled around the storm center.)

나선형의, 나선형으로 감긴, 나선형으로 묶인 (책의), 나선, 소용돌이 모양의 곡선 (1. a shape of a continuous, curving line that forms circles around a center point) (2. to move in a spiral)

compass (KUHM-pu̲h̲ s)

나침반, 자기적인 성질을 띄어 항상 북쪽을 나타내는 도구, 경계선, 한계, 에워싸다 (1. a device for finding direction with a thin pointed metal part that turns to always point north) (2. a device in the shape of an upside down V whose two pointed, movable parts can be used to draw circles or measure distances on maps)

designate (verb DEZ-ig-neyt; adjective DEZ-ig-nit, -neyt) (1 - The chairman designated his daughter as his successor. North-south streets are designated by numbers.) (1 - a designated waiting area)

나타내다, 가리키다, 지명하다, 의도된, 지정된(그러나 아직 설치되지 않은) (1. to choose someone or something for a special job or purpose, or to state that something has a particular character or purpose)

optimism (OP-tu̲h̲-miz-u̲h̲ m) (1 - There was a note of optimism in his voice as he spoke about his recovery.) (1 - She was an optimist in the face of adversity.) (1 - I'm optimistic that they can work things out.) (1 - White optimistically predicted success.)

낙관주의, 낙천주의, 낙천관 (1. the tendency to be hopeful and to emphasize or think of the good part in a situation rather than the bad part, or the feeling that in the future good things are more likely to happen than bad things)

dairy (DAIR-ee) (1 - She eats no meat and very little dairy. [ U ] I'll only buy nonfat dairy products.)

낙농 농장, 목장, 유제품을 파는 가게 (1. a place on a farm where milk and cream are kept and cheese and butter are made, a company that supplies milk and products made from milk, or milk and products made from milk)

camel (KAM-u̲h̲ l)

낙타 (1. a large animal of desert areas that has a long neck and a back with either one or two humps /= large raised parts/)

dwarf (dwawrf) (3 - This year's budget dwarfs all previous ones.)

난쟁이, 비정상적으로 작은 사람, 마력을 가진 난쟁이(동화), ...을 작게 하다, 작아지다 (1. a person who is much smaller than the usual size, or /in stories for children/ a creature like a little man, esp. one having magical powers) (2. any of a group of stars that, compared to other stars, are not very large or bright, including the sun) (3. to make something seem small by comparison)

imprint (noun IM-print; verb im-PRINT) (1 - The terrible scene has been deeply imprinted on my mind.) (1 - The children enjoyed leaving the imprints of their feet in the wet sand.)

날인, 흔적, 발행자 날인, 인상지우다, 인상을 남기가, 도장을 찍다, 찍힌 흔적을 남기다 (1. to mark a surface by pressing something into it, or to fix something firmly in the memory)

fake (feyk) (1 - She discovered that the documents were fakes.) (2 - He isn't really crying, he's just faking.) (3 - She faked her mother's signature on the permission form.) (4 - He was caught with a fake passport. "Is that a real fur coat?" "No, it's fake.)

날조하다, 위조하다, 복사하다, 사칭하다, 흉내내다, ...인 체하다, 변장하다 (1. something that is intended to look like and be mistaken for something else, esp. a copy made in order to deceive) (2. to pretend) (3. to make something look like something else, esp. in order to deceive) (4. intended to look like something else, esp. in order to deceive)

extravagant (ik-STRAV-u̲h̲-gu̲h̲ nt) (1 - Company executives enjoyed an extravagant lifestyle. Top athletes are showered with extravagant gifts.) (2 - Parents who have extravagant hopes for their children are bound to be disappointed.)

낭비하는, 사치스러운, 터무니없는 (1. more expensive than is necessary or reasonable, or having the characteristics of being expensive) (2. beyond any reasonable expectation)

dump (duhmp) (1 - The ship was accused of dumping garbage overboard. She missed too many rehearsals and was dumped from the cast.) (2 - You have to bring household garbage to the town dump.) (3 - Why are you staying in this dump?)

내버리다, 버리다, 비우다, 없애다, 어떤 사람을 버리다, 관계를 끝내다 (속어) (1. to put down or drop something heavy without caring where it goes, or to get rid of something or someone no longer wanted) (2. a place where people are allowed to leave their garbage) (3. /infml/ A ____ is also any place that is messy or that you do not like because it is of low quality)

odor (OH-der) (1 - the musty odor of a damp cellar)

냄새, 악취, 향기 (1. a particular smell, esp. a bad one)

nasty (NAS-tee) (1 - He was, to be honest, a nasty man, with never a kind word for anyone. I got a rather nasty /= severe/ cut from the garage door.)

냄새나는, 추악한, 심한, 메스꺼운, 위험한, 역겨운, 음란한 (1. mean, unpleasant, or offensive)

cynical (SIN-i-ku̲h̲ l) (1 - Listening to politicians for too long can make you cynical. She's become cynical about men.) (1 - He's often been accused of cynicism, but he says he's just realistic.)

냉소적인, 빈정대는, 비꼬는 (1. not trusting or respecting the goodness of other people and their actions, but believing that people are interested only in themselves)

refrigerator (ri-FRIJ-u̲h̲-rey-ter)

냉장고 (1. a large piece of equipment that uses electricity to preserve food at a cold temperature)

relay (noun REE-ley; verb REE-ley, ri-LEY) (1 - I relayed the news to the others.)

노동자의 교체, 계전기, 중계, ...과 교대할 것을 마련하다, 중계하다, 전할 말 따위를 중계하여 전하다 (1. to tell something you heard)

mule (myool)

노새, 말과 당나귀의 잡종, 고집센 사람, 방적기, 실내용 슬리퍼 (1. an animal whose mother is a horse and whose father is a donkey, used esp. for transporting loads)

bondage (BON-dij) (1 - Many enslaved people tried to escape bondage.)

노예의 신분, 속박, 강제 노역 (1. the state of one person being owned by another person, as a piece of property)

vendor (VEN-der; especially contrastively ven-DAWR) (1 - Our company deals with many vendors of women's clothing.) (2 - a hot dog vendor a street vendor)

노점, 판매자, 행상인 (1. a person or company that sells goods or services) (2. A ______ is also a person who sells food or goods on the street)

starch (stahrch) (4 - I starch all my dress shirts.)

녹말, 식물에 있는 먹을 수 있는 복합 탄수화물, 직물을 빳빳하게 하는 물질, 공식적임 (1. a substance that exists in large amounts in many plants) (2. Starches are foods containing a large amount of starch, such as potatoes, rice, bread, pasta, and cereal.) (3. a chemical that is used to make cloth stiff) (4. to add ______ to cloth to make it stiff)

exhaust (ig-ZAWST) (1 - The long hike up the mountain exhausted us all.) (2 - After a whole day with the kids, her patience was nearly exhausted.)

녹초가 되게 핟다, 배출하다, 다 써버리다, 고갈시키다, 뽑아내다, 배출, 배기 장치 (1. to make a person or an animal extremely tired) (2. to use something completely) (3. the waste gas from an engine, esp. a from a car, or the pipe this gas flows through)

contention (ku̲h̲ n-TEN-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - Their refusal to sign the treaty remains a source of contention between the two countries.) (2 - It's her contention that exercise is almost as important as diet if you want to lose weight.) (3 - The big names slowly dropped out of contention at the tournament.)

논쟁, 말다툼, 주장 (1. disagreement resulting from opposing arguments) (2. an opinion expressed in an argument) (3. the act of competing in order to win something or to achieve a position of leadership)

stunning (STUHN-ing) (1 - They make a stunning couple.) (2 - a stunning victory)

놀랄 만큼 아름다운, 제1급의, 기절시키는 (1. extremely beautiful or attractive) (2. shocking or surprising)

jest (jest) (1 - We were able to laugh aloud at every jest.) (2 - His remarks about the Beatles were in jest.)

농담, 웃음거리, 농담하다, 조롱하다, 야유하다, 비웃다 (1. a joke) (2. If you say something in jest, you are not serious about it)

yeast (yeest)

누룩, 빵을 부풀리는 누룩 (1. a type of fungus /= simple organism/ that is used in making alcoholic drinks such as beer and wine, and in making bread rise /= swell/ and become soft)

dazzling (DAZ-u̲h̲ l) (1 - A dazzling smile flashed across his face.)

눈부신, 빛나는, 휘황찬란한 (1. causing or likely to cause strong admiration)

frown (froun) (1 - For a moment he had frowned and looked annoyed.) (1 - Pierre's mouth tightened with a small frown.)

눈살을 찌푸리다, 난색을 표하다, 찡그리다, 찌푸린 얼굴 (1. to bring your eyebrows together so that lines appear on your face above your eyes, in an expression of anger, disapproval, or worry)

crush (kruhsh) (1 - The package got crushed in the mail. Her car was crushed by a falling tree.) (2 - I was crushed because I didn't complete the race.) (3 - They'll stop at nothing to crush the opposition.) (4 - She had a crush on Matthew in sixth grade.) (5 - I can't stand the crush of holiday shoppers at the mall.)

눌러 부수다, 으깨다, 밟아 뭉개다, 진압하다, 멸망시키다, 군중, 집회, 눌러 으깨기 (1. to press something very hard so that it is broken or its shape is destroyed) (2. to upset or shock someone badly) (3. to defeat someone completely) (4. a strong but temporary attraction for someone) (5. a crowd of people)

proficiency (pru̲h̲-FISH-u̲h̲ n-see)

능숙, 실력 향상, 유창

swamp (swomp) (1 - Alligators live in these swamps.) (1 - a low-lying, swampy region) (2 - The boat was swamped by an enormous wave.) (3 - Foreign cars have swamped the market. We've been swamped with emergencies today.)

늪, 저습지, 물에 잠기다, 쇄도하다, 압도하다, 파멸시키다 (1. an area of very wet, soft land) (2. to cover a place or thing with a large amount of water) (3. to have too many of something, or to give someone too much to do)

upcoming (UHP-kuhm-ing) (1 - Party officials met to nominate candidates for the upcoming election.)

다가오는, 머지않아 일어나는, 오는 (1. happening soon)

porous (PAWR-u̲h̲ s, POHR-) (1 - porous soil)

다공성의, 삼투성의, 스며드는 (1. allowing liquid or air to pass through)

tackle (1 - All four players were unable to tackle the quarterback before he scored a touchdown.) (2 - There are many ways of tackling this problem.) (4 - A flying tackle brought him down. He's an offensive/defensive tackle.)

다루다, 태클, 태클하다, 기구, 논쟁하다 (1. to catch and knock down someone who is running, esp. in the game of football) (2. to attack or to deal with something) (3. the equipment used in fishing or to lift or raise things on a ship) (4. an act of knocking someone down, or a football player who is supposed to do this)

multitude (MUHL-ti-tood, -tyood) (1 - Two large circles are surrounded by a multitude of small, colorful squares. [ pl ] As manager of the restaurant, his job is to feed the multitudes /= large numbers of people/.)

다수, 많은 (1. a large number of things)

veto (VEE-toh) (1 - The president has promised a veto if Congress passes that bill. [ U ] The mayor will have no veto over zoning.) (2 - The governor said she would veto the bill unless certain parts were changed. Cory wanted to drive the car, but her mom vetoed it.)

다수의 결정을 무효화 할 수 있는 권리, 거부권, 금지, 금지권, 거부하다, 금지하다 (1. the power to refuse to allow something to be done, or such a refusal) (2. to refuse to allow something to be done)

manifold (MAN-u̲h̲-fohld) (1 - Our organization's problems are manifold - too few members, too little money, and poor management.)

다양한, 다양한 부분 또는 모양을 가진, 한꺼번에 여러가지 장치를 작동하는 (1. many and of different types)

dial (DAHY-u̲h̲ l, dahyl) (1 - What number did you dial?) (3 - Turn the dial of the radio and get some music.)

다이얼을 돌리다, 전화 하다, 다이얼을 맞추다, 다이얼, 전화의 다이얼, 시계의 문자판 (1. to make a telephone call by pressing the buttons or turning the disk on a telephone to be connected to a particular number) (2. the part of a machine or device that shows a measurement, such as of speed or time, often a numbered circle with a moving pointer /= long narrow part with a point/) (3. A ____ is also a part of an instrument that you can turn or move to control it)

protein (PROH-teen, -tee-in)

단백질 (1. any of a large group of chemicals that are a necessary part of the cells of all living things)

affirm (u̲h̲-FURM) (1 - Applicants signed a form affirming their citizenship. [ + that clause ] These stories affirmed that the world is strange.) (1 - We're looking for affirmation of the city's goal.)

단언하다, 확언하다, 확신을 갖고 주장하다, 사실임을 진술하다 (1. to state something is true, or to state your support for an idea, opinion, etc.)

troop (troop) (3 - Hundreds of thousands of visitors troop through the museum every year.)

단체, 대, 군대, 기병 중대, 군인, 떼를 짓다, 무리를 지어 걷다, 떼지어 떠나다 (1. a group of soldiers or police, esp. one equipped with horses) (2. A _____ is also an organized group of young people who are Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts.) (3. to walk or go somewhere as a group)

oval (OH-vu̲h̲ l) (1 - an oval table oval noun [ C ] us ​) (1 - The sculptor created patterns of cylinders, cones, and ovals.)

달걀 모양의, 타원형의, 타원 (1. shaped like a circle that is flattened with two long, straight sides and round ends, or shaped like an egg)

butt (buht) (4 - He was fed up with being the butt of their jokes.) (5 - fig. She often butted heads with school officials in disagreements over her teaching methods.)

담배꽁초, 엉덩이 (속어), 도구나 권총의 손잡이, 과녁, 표적, 겨냥하는 목표물 (1. the thick end of something, esp. a rifle /= type of gun/) (2. the part of a cigarette that is left after smoking) (3. a person's bottom) (4. a person who is joked about or laughed at) (5. to hit the head hard against something, or to have the heads of two people or animals hit against each other)

faction (FAK-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - The president's advisors represent every faction of his party.)

당파, 당쟁, 실록 소설 (1. a group within a larger group, esp. one with slightly different ideas than the main group)

embarrass (em-BAR-u̲h̲ s) (1 - He knew that letter would embarrass him and later he tried to get rid of it.) (1 - They sat in embarrassed silence.) (1 - It's embarrassing to be caught telling a lie.) (1 - an embarrassingly poor performanceembarrassment noun [ C/U ] us ​) (1 - She forgot her lines and blushed with embarrassment.)

당황하다, 부끄럽게 하다, 난처하게 하다, 어리둥절하게 하다, 방해하다 (1. to cause someone to feel anxious, ashamed, or uncomfortable)

diagonal (dahy-AG-u̲h̲-nl, -AG-nl) (1 - A diagonal line in a circle is often used as a symbol to show that certain behavior is forbidden.)

대각선의, 비스듬한, 능직의, 대각선, 사선 (1. /of a line/ straight and sloping, so that it is neither horizontal nor vertical)

bamboo (bam-BOO)

대나무 (1. a tall grass that grows in hotter regions and that has hard, hollow stems, or the stems of this plant)

terrific (tu̲h̲-RIF-ik) (1 - Kate looks absolutely terrific tonight.) (2 - This book has had a terrific influence on me.)

대단한, 무서운 (1. very good or enjoyable) (2. used to emphasize the great amount or degree of something)

battalion (bu̲h̲-TAL-yu̲h̲ n)

대대, 전투 대형을 갖춘 군대, 대군 (1. a large military unit under a single leader, consisting of three or more companies)

genocide (JEN-u̲h̲-sahyd)

대량 학살, 집단 학살, 몰살 (1. the intentional killing of all of the people of a nation, religion, or racial group)

proxy (PROK-see)

대리인, 대리권, 대리 (1. authority given to someone to act for you, as by voting as your representative in an election, or the person to whom this authority is given)

delegate (noun DEL-i-git, -geyt; verb DEL-i-geyt) (1 - Each state chooses delegates to the national convention.) (2 - Personnel matters made him uncomfortable, and he increasingly delegated them to others.) (3 - Four teachers were delegated to represent the school at the conference.)

대리자, 대표, 대표 위원, 위임하다, 대표로 임명하다, 권한을 수여하다, 특파하다 (1. a person chosen or elected by a group to represent the group, esp. at a meeting) (2. to give a job or responsibility to someone in a lower position instead of doing it yourself) (3. to choose someone to represent a group)

bald (bawld) (2 - She just left a bald statement of resignation without any explanation.)

대머리의, 노골적인, 꾸밈없는 (1. without hair on the head, or without much hair) (2. basic and with no unnecessary words; not detailed)

pronoun (PROH-noun) (1 - Pronouns are often used to refer to a noun that has been previously mentioned. "She," "it," "them," and "who" are all examples of pronouns.) (2 - Pronouns are often used to refer to a noun that has been previously mentioned. "She," "it," "them," and "who" are all examples of pronouns.)

대명사 (1. a word that is used instead of a noun or a noun phrase) (2. a word that is used instead of a noun or a noun phrase)

embassy (EM-bu̲h̲-see) (1 - I'll be working at the American embassy in Paris.)

대사관, 외국공관, 대사관저 (1. the group of people who officially represent their country in a foreign country, or the building they work in)

catastrophe (ku̲h̲-TAS-tru̲h̲-fee) (1 - Losing his job was a financial catastrophe for his family. A chemical plant leak could cause an environmental catastrophe.) (1 - Continued rain will cause catastrophic flooding.)

대참사, 재난 (1. a sudden event that causes great suffering or destruction)

toss (taws, tos) (1 - He tossed his dirty clothes on the floor. Matthew tossed the ball to his brother.) (2 - I tossed the salad.) (3 - The girl tossed her hair out of her eyes.) (4 - We tossed to see who would go first.) (5 - "I don't care," she replied with a toss of her head.)

던지다, 딩굴다, 던져 올림, 동전던지기 (1. to throw gently or easily) (2. When you ____ food, you gently mix small pieces of it together or with a sauce) (3. If you ____ your hair or your head, you move it suddenly) (4. If you ____ a coin, you choose between two possibilities by throwing a coin into the air and letting each side represent one of the possibilities, then accepting the possibility represented by the side that lands facing up) (5. a sudden, quick movement or throw)

vine (vahyn) (1 - a grape vine pea vines)

덩굴, 덩굴줄기, 포도덩굴 (1. a type of plant that climbs or grows along the ground and has a twisting stem)

lump (luhmp) (1 - The gravy had lumps of flour in it.) (2 - She found a lump under her arm.) (2 - a lumpy pillow) (3 - Children of various abilities are lumped together in one class.)

덩어리, 혹, 부풀어 오른 것, 집합체, 멍청이(속어), 총괄된, 집합된 (1. a solid mass without a regular shape) (2. A ____ is also a swelling under the skin) (3. to consider or deal with as a group)

axe (aks) (1 - Julian used an axe to chop down the old apple tree.) (2 - Over 500 staff are facing the axe.) (3 - Religious programmes will be the first to get the axe if she's put in charge of the station.) (4 - Because of the recession the company is to axe 350 jobs. The TV series will be axed owing to a decline in popularity.)

도끼, 참수, 재즈 악기 (1. a tool that has a heavy iron or steel blade at the end of a long wooden handle, used for cutting wood) (2. the situation in which someone loses their job) (3. When a service, plan, etc. gets the axe, it is stopped or prevented from happening) (4. to reduce services, jobs, payments, etc. a lot or completely without warning or in a single action)

accession (ak-SESH-u̲h̲ n) (1 - 1926 was the year of Emperor Hirohito's accession to the throne.) (2 - Poland's accession to the EU)

도달, 취득, 가입, 증가, 증가물, 수납 도서, 재산 가치의 증가, 재산 가치의 자연 증가 (1. the time when someone starts a position of authority, especially a king or queen) (2. the time when a country officially joins a group of countries or signs an agreement)

thief (theef) (1 - The thieves stole $10,000 and several pieces of jewelry.)

도둑, 절도 (1. a person who steals)

ditch (dich) (2 - The thief ditched Maxine's purse in a trash can but kept the money. It's time to ditch this old, torn sweater.)

도랑, 땅속에 있는 길고 좁은 터널, 도랑을 파다, 터널을 파다, 던지다, 버리다 (1. a long, narrow, open channel dug in the ground, usually at the side of a road or field, used esp. for supplying or removing water) (2. to get rid of or not continue with something or someone that is no longer wanted)

fugitive (FYOO-ji-tiv) (1 - Three men escaped from the prison and were being sought as fugitives.)

도망자, 어려운상황 또는 위험한 상황에서 도망치는 사람, 도망하는, 일시적인 (1. a person who is running away, esp. from the police)

flee (flee) (1 - An FBI spokesman said Stewart fled before police arrived.)

도망치다, 피하다, 탈출하다, 떠나다, 추방되다 (1. to escape by running away, esp. because of danger or fear)

slaughter (SLAW-ter) (2 - We must find ways of reducing the slaughter on the highways /= deaths of many people in car accidents/.) (4 - The Red Sox slaughtered the Yankees in last night's baseball game, winning 12 to 0.)

도살, 학살, 사람을 끔찍하게 죽이기, 대량학살, 완패, 대패 (구어), 도살하다 (1. the killing of animals for their meat, or the killing of large numbers of animals in a cruel manner) (2. the killing of large numbers of people) (3. to kill large numbers of people) (4. /infml/ In sports and other competitions, to _________ is to defeat easily) (5. to kill animals, esp. for their meat)

conducive (ku̲h̲ n-DOO-siv, -DYOO-) (1 - Our mild climate is conducive to outdoor entertaining.)

도움이 되는, 공헌하는, 이바지하는 (1. providing the right conditions for something to happen or exist)

pottery (POT-u̲h̲-ree)

도자기, 도기, 도예 (1. dishes, bowls, and other objects made from baked clay)

eagle (EE-gu̲h̲ l)

독수리, 이글, 한화 이글스 프로야구단 (1. a large, strong bird with a curved beak that eats meat and has good sight)

devout (dih-VOUT) (1 - a devout Christian/Jew/Muslim devoutly adverb us ​) (1 - a devoutly religious family)

독실한, 헌신적인, 경건한 마음을 나타내는 (1. believing strongly in a religion and obeying all the rules or principles of that religion)

tyrant (TAHY-ru̲h̲ nt) (1 - Tamir, one of several sons of the exiled ruler, vowed he would liberate his country from the tyrant.figurative humorous Overnight my boss seems to have turned into a tyrant.)

독재자, 폭군 (1. a ruler who has unlimited power over other people, and uses it unfairly and cruelly)

solo (SOH-loh) (1 - She takes long, solo bike rides to relax after work. He decided to go solo instead of touring with the band.) (2 - a piano solo a Miles Davis solo soloist noun [ C ] us ​) (2 - The cellist is a featured soloist at the recital.)

독창곡, 독주곡, 독창, 독주, 혼자서 이뤄지는 연주 또는 공연, 혼자서 행해진 것(비행등) (1. alone; without other people) (2. a musical performance done by one person or one instrument alone, or in which one person is featured)

aura (AWR-u̲h̲) (1 - The hotel had an aura of fading glamour about it.)

독특한 냄새, 분위기, 전조 (1. a feeling or character that a person or place seems to have)

dough (doh)

돈, 밀가루 반죽, 말랑한 덩어리 (1. flour mixed with water and other food substances so that it is ready for baking esp. into bread or pastry) (2. money)

wander (WON-der) (1 - The lost child wandered the streets for hours. [ I ] We spent the morning wandering around the old part of the city.) (2 - As he droned on, my mind began to wander.)

돌아다니다, 방랑하다, 정처없이 다니다, 길을 잃다, 방황하다 (1. to walk around slowly in a relaxed way or without any clear purpose or direction) (2. If your mind or your thoughts wander, you stop thinking about what you should be giving your attention to and start thinking about other matters)

freeze (freez) (1 - The rainwater froze overnight, leaving the roads icy.) (3 - Freeze! Keep your hands up!) (4 - The company has frozen salaries.) (5 - The government froze his assets.) (6 - The first freeze didn't come until mid-December.) (7 - The company has imposed a wage/hiring freeze.)

동결하다, 동결되다, 뻣뻣하게 굳다, 제조를 중단하다, 어느 정도에서 고정하다 (가격 또는 임금 등) (1. to become cold enough to become solid) (2. If you ______ food, you preserve it by storing it at a very low temperature.) (3. Someone such as a police officer who says ______ is ordering you not to move except as the person tells you) (4. To ______ something such as pay or prices is to fix them at a particular level and not allow any increases) (5. To ______ money or property is to officially and legally prevent it from being used or moved) (6. a period when the air temperature is low enough so that water will freeze) (7. A ______ is a temporary stopping of something)

parity (PAR-i-tee) (1 - Washington, DC, hopes to achieve political parity with the states.)

동등, 동격, 전환오류를 찾아내는데 사용되는 컴퓨터 바이트에 추가된 여분의 비트(컴퓨터) (1. equality, esp. of pay or position) (2. ______ is also the ability of farmers to buy things at the same level as during a past time set as a standard and maintained by government price support.)

assent (u̲h̲-SENT) (1 - He gave a nod of assent, and we knew we had a deal at last.) (1 - At long last, the general assented to a halt in the bombing.)

동의하다, 인정하다, 동의 (1. agreement to an idea, plan, or request, esp. after serious consideration)

akin (u̲h̲-KIN) (1 - They speak a language akin to French.)

동족의, 유사한, 혈족의 (1. having some of the same qualities; similar)

mast (mast, mahst)

돛대(항해), 배의기둥, 라디오나 텔레비젼선을 지지하는 높다란 기둥 (1. a tall pole used to support a ship's sails)

pork (pawrk, pohrk) (1 - pork chops)

돼지고기 (1. meat from a pig, eaten as food)

retrieve (ri-TREEV) (1 - Important historic documents were retrieved from a dumpster last week.) (1 - information storage and retrieval)

되찾다, 회수하다, 만회하다, 불러오다, 가져오다, 찾아서 가져오다, 구해내다 (1. to find and bring back something)

scroll (skrohl) (1 - Scroll to the end of the document.) (2 - parchment/ancient scrolls a painted Japanese scroll)

두루마리책, 소용돌이 모양의 장식, 소용돌이 모양의 물건, 목록, 두루마리에 쓰다 (1. to move text or pictures up or down on a computer screen to view different parts of them) (2. a long roll of paper or similar material, usually with official writing on it)

mound (mound) (1 - We're using that mound of sand to level the ground for our new pool.) (2 - a mound of spaghetti)

둑, 더미, 동산, 야구에서 투수가 서는 볼록동산, 작은 둑, 작은 산처럼 쌓아올린 것 (1. a rounded pile of dirt, sand, stones, or other material, or a raised area of earth) (2. A _____ is also a rounded mass of something)

dome (dohm) (1 - The dome of city hall could be seen in the distance.)

둥근 천장, 둥근 지붕 모양의 물건 (1. a rounded roof on a building)

vault (vawlt) (2 - The museum keeps many of its treasures in temperature-controlled storage vaults.) (4 - He vaulted /over/ the gate.) (5 - The speech vaulted him into the national spotlight.)

둥근 천장, 아치 천장, 아치형 천장이 있는 방, 돈이나 귀중품을 보관하기 위한 안전 방 (1. a type of arch that supports a roof or ceiling, esp. in a church or public building, or a ceiling or roof supported by several of these arches) (2. a room, esp. in or under the ground floor of a large building, that is used to store things safely) (3. In a bank, a _____ is where money, jewelry, important documents, etc., are locked for protection.) (4. to jump over something) (5. To _____ is also to move someone suddenly to a much higher or more important position)

lantern (LAN-tern)

등, 랜턴 (1. a light enclosed in a container that has a handle for holding it or hanging it up, or the container itself)

ascent (u̲h̲-SENT) (1 - She made her first successful ascent of Everest last year. As the plane made its ascent, we saw thick smoke coming from one engine.) (2 - We struggled up the slippery ascent.) (3 - His ascent to power was rapid and unexpected.)

등반, 오르기, 승진 (1. the act of climbing or moving upwards) (2. a slope, path, or road that goes up something) (3. the fact of starting to become successful)

torch (tawrch) (1 - Which athlete will carry the Olympic torch into the stadium?) (2 - After he retired, the torch passed to his daughter, who now runs the organization.) (4 - They torched the warehouse and ran.)

등불, 전등, 횃불 (1. a stick that burns at one end and is held at the other end and is used esp. as a light) (2. /fig./ The _____ is the basic responsibilities and characteristics of a group, organization, or society, esp. when someone new takes control) (3. A _____ is also a blowtorch.) (4. to burn something intentionally and usually illegally)

backbone (BAK-bohn) (2 - Newcomers are now the backbone of this team.) (3 - The delegates had enough backbone to reject the proposal.)

등뼈, 척추, 근성 (1. your spine) (2. the part of something that provides strength and support) (3. strength of character or bravery)

clash (klash) (1 - The president and Congress clashed again over the budget.) (2 - I do not think that red clashes with orange.) (3 - From the kitchen you could hear dishes clashing as they were stacked.) (5 - a clash of interests/personalities clashes between demonstrators and police)

땡땡 울리는 소리, 충돌, 대립, 땡땡 소리내다, 땡땡 울리다, 맞부디쳐 울리는 소리를 내다 (1. to fight or disagree) (2. /of colors or styles/ to look ugly or wrong together) (3. the act of making a loud sound like that made when metal objects hit) (4. a loud sound like that made when metal objects hit) (5. a disagreement, or a fight that becomes violent)

tremble (TREM-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - Grant was trembling with excitement. Her hand trembled as she lifted her cup.) (1 - There was a slight tremble in her voice as she recalled her husband.)

떨다, 소름돋다, 전전긍긍하다, 두려워하다, 떨게 하다, 떨림, 진동 (1. /of your body or a part of it/ to shake without your intending to, usually because you are frightened, ill, tired, or upset)

raft (raft, rahft) (3 - We've identified a whole raft of problems affecting traffic flow.)

뗏목, 물에 뜨는 물질을 엮어 만든 원시적인 보트, 다량(구어), 뗏목으로 나르다, 뗏목으로 가다 (1. a flat, floating structure made of pieces of wood tied together, often attached to the bottom of a river or lake for use when swimming) (2. A ____ is also a small rubber or plastic boat that can be filled with air.) (3. a large number or collection; a lot)

coil (koil) (1 - Rob raised the heavy coil of rope to his shoulder.) (2 - A coil of smoke rose from the chimney.) (2 - She coiled my hair, clipping curls with bobby pins.)

똘똘 감다, 사리를 틀다, 원통, 원주, 고리, 둘둘 말아올린 것, 감겨진것, 사리 (1. a length of rope or wire curled to form a series of circles, one above the other) (2. A ____ is also anything having the shape of a series of circles, one above the other)

lid (lid)

뚜껑, 눈꺼풀, 모자 (속어) (1. a cover that can be lifted up or removed from a container)

stout (stout) (1 - He was seen as a pleasant man - short, a bit stout and balding, with a radiant smile. There is much to be said for having a stout fence to protect your flower beds.) (2 - He was the brains and the stout heart behind the best of these stories.)

뚱뚱한, 비만의, 강한, 견고한, 용감한, 대담한, 고집스런 (1. /of people/ fat and solid-looking, esp. around the waist, or /of things/ thick and strong) (2. determined and strong, esp. in opinion)

radar (REY-dahr)

레이더 (1. a device or system for finding the position or speed of objects, such as aircraft, that cannot be seen, by measuring the direction and timing of short radio waves that are sent out and reflect back from the objects)

lace (leys) (1 - a lace curtain/handkerchief) (2 - Your laces are untied.) (2 - She laced her boots.)

레이스, 천을 얽혀 만든 장식적인 천, 구두끈, 유니폼이나 다른 옷에 사용되는 끈장식 (1. a decorative cloth that is made by weaving thin thread into delicate patterns having small spaces within them) (2. a cord used to close a shoe or boot; shoelace)

recreation (rek-ree-EY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - Sarah's favorite recreation is shopping for antiques.) (1 - Recreational facilities include a swimming pool, gym, and fully-equipped exercise center.)

레크리에이션, 오락, 휴양 (1. something done for pleasure or to relax, or such activities generally)

repertoire (REP-er-twahr, -twawr, REP-u̲h̲-) (1 - Americans don't know the American repertoire, aside from Gershwin.)

레퍼토리, 상연 목록, 상연 종목 일람 (1. all the music, plays, dances, operas, etc., that a person or a group can perform, or that exist in a particular type of activity related to the arts)

pope (pohp) (1 - Pope John Paul II)

로마 교황, 로마의 주교 (1. the leader of the Roman Catholic Church)

rocket (ROK-it) (1 - The rocket was launched yesterday.) (2 - The astronauts were rocketed into space. [ I ] A train rocketed by. [ I ] Anna rocketed to fame in the late 1980s.)

로켓, 우주선, 로켓을 발사하다, 일직선으로 날아오르다, 하늘로 날아 오르다 (1. a cylindrical device containing material that explodes, sending the device through the air) (2. to travel by rocket, or to rise, increase, or move very quickly)

harness (HAHR-nis) (1 - a horse's harness a parachute harness) (2 - He harnessed the baby into her car seat. The dam harnesses water power /= controls and uses it/ to generate electricity.)

마구, 마구를 채우다, 이용하다, 종사시키다, 억제하다 (1. a piece of equipment, including straps for fastening it, used to control an animal such as a horse or attach it to a load to be pulled, or a set of straps used to hold a person in place) (2. to put a _______ on an animal or a person)

witch (wich)

마녀, 마귀할멈, 못생긴 여자 (속어), 마법을 쓰다, 매혹하다, 유혹하다, 마녀의 (1. a woman who is believed to have magical powers and, esp. in stories, uses them to help or harm people)

garlic (GAHR-lik)

마늘 (1. a plant of the onion family that has a strong taste and smell and is used in cooking to add flavor)

wizard (WIZ-erd) (2 - a financial wizard)

마법사, 놀라운 솜씨를 가진 사람, 놀라운 재능를 가진 사람, 성현, 마법의, 놀라운 (1. a man who is believed to have magical powers and, esp. in stories, uses them to help or harm people) (2. approving You might call someone a ______ who has great skill or who manages to do something that is extremely difficult)

paralysis (pu̲h̲-RAL-u̲h̲-sis) (1 - Some spinal cord injuries can cause permanent paralysis.)

마비, 파행, 반신불수 (1. the state of being unable to move or act)

anesthesia (an-u̲h̲ s-THEE-zhu̲h̲) (1 - The procedure is performed under general anesthesia.) (1 - The vet anesthetized my dog to take x-rays.)

마취, 마취 상태, 무감각증 (1. the condition of not feeling pain, esp. by use of special drugs)

gulf (guhlf) (1 - the Gulf of Mexico/the Gulf Coast the Gulf Stream) (2 - There is a widening gulf between the rich and the poor.)

만, 심연, 틈 (1. an area of sea surrounded on three sides by land) (2. an important difference between two things or groups of people)

unanimous (yoo-NAN-u̲h̲-mu̲h̲ s) (1 - The school board was unanimous in its support of the decision. The jury reached a unanimous verdict.) (1 - Sportswriters unanimously picked him for the award.)

만장일치의, 한결같이, 합의의 (1. in complete agreement or showing complete agreement)

flavor (FLEY-ver) (1 - We sell 32 different flavors of ice cream. [ U ] This soup doesn't have much flavor. [ U ] fig. This brief description should give you a flavor of what the book is like /= show you the character of the book/.) (1 - Use some garlic to flavor the stew.)

맛, 맛을 더하는 것, 조미료, 풍취, 멋, 묘미, 맛을 더하다, 풍미를 더하다 (1. the particular way a substance, esp. food or drink, is recognized from its taste and smell)

asylum (u̲h̲-SAHY-lu̲h̲ m) (1 - The refugees have asked for political asylum.) (2 - He was committed to an insane asylum in 1899.)

망명, 피난처, 보호 (1. protection or safety, or a protected and safe place, given esp. to someone who has left a country or place for political reasons) (2. a mental hospital, or any other institution giving shelter and other help to poor or suffering people)

telescope (TEL-u̲h̲-skohp) (1 - My camera's telescopic lens lets me take great close-ups.) (2 - Redford telescoped decades of history into a two-hour TV show.)

망원경, 끼워 넣다, 짧게 하다, 끼워지다, 짧아지다 (1. a cylindrical device that you look through to make objects that are far away look nearer and bigger) (2. to shorten something)

cling (kling) (1 - They clung together in terror. We were soaking wet and our clothes clung to us. fig. Farmers and herders cling to the valleys /= stay in the valleys/ where the soil is less sandy.)

매달리다, 집착하다, 붙어있다, 고수하다 (1. to hold tightly or to stick; to refuse to stop holding)

knot (not) (1 - Wrap this string around the package and then tie a knot. fig. She's so nervous, her stomach is in knots /= feels tight and uncomfortable/.) (2 - After the game, disappointed knots of people drifted away.) (4 - He knotted his tie carefully.)

매듭, 시간당 항해속도를 나타내는 단위, 복잡한 문제, 소집단, 혹, 매다, 매듭을 짓다 (1. a fastening made by tying together a piece or pieces of string, rope, cloth, etc.) (2. a group of people or things) (3. a hard, dark area on a tree or piece of wood where a branch was joined to the tree) (4. a measure of speed for ships, aircraft, or movements of water and air equal to approximately 6076 feet /1.85 kilometers/ an hour)

mat (mat) (1 - The kids slept on straw mats on the floor of the den downstairs.)

매트, 돗자리, 현관 앞에 까는 신발 바닥 닦개, 밑받침, 체조 매트, 배낭, 자루 (1. a flat piece of material that covers and protects part of a floor, or provides a soft surface)

vow (vou) (1 - They vowed /that/ they would never forget her kindness. [ + to infinitive ] After my illness I vowed to exercise every day.) (1 - They exchanged marriage vows in a Manhattan courthouse.)

맹세, 서원, 맹세하다, 서원하다 (1. to make a firm promise or decision to do something)

appendix (u̲h̲-PEN-diks) (1 - The appendix lists all the Olympic champions.)

맹장, 부록 (1. a separate part at the end of a book or report that gives additional information) (2. a small, curved part attached to the intestines /= tube in the body in which food is digested/ which has no known use)

preface (PREF-is) (1 - an author's preface preface verb [ T ] us ​) (1 - He didn't preface the bad news with "I don't know how to tell you this, but.)

머리말, 서두, 머리말을 쓰다, 서문을 쓰다, 머리말을 붙이다, 서문을 붙이다 (1. something that comes before and introduces a more important thing, esp. an introduction at the beginning of a book that explains its aims)

hood (ho̲o̲ d) (1 - The raincoat comes with a detachable hood.)

머리와 목을 감싸는 덮개, 머리와 목을 감싸는 덮개 같은 것, 자동차 엔진 덮개, 이웃 (미국 흑인의 속어) (1. a part of a coat or jacket that can be used to cover the head) (2. the metal cover over the engine of a car)

abide (u̲h̲-BAHYD) (1 - I can't abide her. He couldn't abide laziness.) (2 - He abided in the wilderness for forty days.)

머물다, 살다, 머무르다 (1. If you can't _____ someone or something, you dislike them very much) (2. to live or stay somewhere)

wipe (wahyp) (1 - Please wipe your feet before you come into the house. She gently wiped and cleaned her scraped knee. [ M ] Just take the sponge in the sink and wipe the table off.)

먼지를 쓸다, 없애다, 지우다, 삭제하다, 딱아내다, 닦음, 손수건, 일회용 수건 (1. to slide something over the surface of something else, in order to remove dirt, food, or liquid)

gorgeous (GAWR-ju̲h̲ s) (1 - What a gorgeous dress! The bride looked gorgeous.)

멋진, 예쁜, 우아한, 화려한 (1. very beautiful and attractive)

jam (jam) (1 - She jammed on the brakes when the light turned red.) (2 - He jammed the boxes into the trunk of the car.) (3 - My key jammed in the lock. [ T ] Paper was jamming the printer.) (4 - He once jammed with Charlie Parker.) (5 - She expects her parents to bail her out whenever she gets in a jam.) (6 - strawberry/raspberry jam on toast)

메우다, 꽉 채우다, 옴짝 못하게 꽉채우다, 밀어 넣다, 쑤셔넣다, 꽉차다, 옴짝 못하게 끼다 (1. to push something hard with sudden effort) (2. to pack tightly into a small space) (3. to become stuck and unable to move, or to be stuck in something) (4. to play popular music informally with other people, without planning it or practicing together) (5. a difficult situation) (6. a soft, sweet food made by cooking fruit with sugar)

melody (MEL-u̲h̲-dee) (1 - Could you play the melody for me?)

멜로디, 곡조, 선율 (1. the main tune in a piece of music that is often played or sung more than once)

extinct (ik-STINGKT) (1 - There is concern that the giant panda will soon become extinct.) (2 - Many species of plants and animals are threatened with extinction.)

멸종한, 사라진 (1. no longer existing) (2. An _______ volcano /= mountain made from burned materials/ is one that is no longer active.)

palpable (PAL-pu̲h̲-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - The tension in the room was palpable during the exam.)

명백한, 만질 수 있는, 촉진할 수 있는 (1. so obvious that it can easily be seen or known, or /of a feeling/ so strong that it seems as if it can be touched or physically felt)

capillary (KAP-u̲h̲-ler-ee)

모세관, 털 모양의 (1. the smallest of the tubes that carry blood around the body)

mosque (mosk, mawsk)

모스크, 회교 사원 (1. a building for Islamic religious activities and worship)

vowel (VOU-u̲h̲ l) (2 - The vowels in English are a, e, i, o, u, and sometimes y.)

모음 (언어학) (1. a speech sound produced by human beings when the breath flows out through the mouth without being blocked by the teeth, tongue, or lips) (2. A _____ is also a letter that represents a sound produced in this way)

mosaic (moh-ZEY-ik) (1 - a mosaic floor)

모자이크, 작은조각들을 끼워맞춰 표현하는 예술, 모자이크 작품, 다른조각들의 전체적인 조화 (1. a pattern or picture of many small pieces of colored stone or glass)

catalog (KAT-l-awg, -og) (1 - The company's spring catalog is filled with pictures of beautifully made clothing for girls. Students can search the library's online catalog and order books. fig. I have a whole catalog of things that need to be done.) (1 - Scientists were cataloging the plants of their regions.)

목록, 목록을 작성하다 (1. a listing, sometimes with explanations or pictures, of items offered for sale, of items that are available for use, or of objects described for a scientific purpose)

carpenter (KAHR-pu̲h̲ n-ter)

목수, 목공일을 하는 사람 (1. a person whose job is making and repairing wooden objects and structures)

tub (tuhb) (2 - a tub of potato salad Plant lilies in three-gallon plastic tub.)

목욕통, 통, 작은 배, 통통배, 특정한 항해장치를 붙여놓기 위한 돛대에 있는 띠(항해) (1. short form ofbathtub) (2. a container, esp. one used for storing food)

ranch (ranch) (1 - a cattle ranch)

목장, 가축을 사육하는 넓은 목초지가 있는 농장, 목장을 경영하다 (1. a type of large farm on which animals are kept)

pasture (PAS-cher, PAHS-) (1 - The best places to find bluebirds are open pastures.)

목초지, 동물들이 풀을 뜯어먹을 수 있는 목초지, 방목지, 방목하다, 넓은 목장에서 풀을 뜯어먹게 하다 (1. land covered with grass or similar plants suitable for animals, such as cows and sheep, to eat)

quota (KWOH-tu̲h̲) (1 - A bill before Congress would impose import quotas that could save 3700 jobs.)

몫, 할당, 할당액 (1. a number, amount, or share that is officially allowed or necessary)

depict (dih-PIKT) (1 - The movie depicts his father as a tyrant.) (1 - It's a wonderful depiction of a female friendship.)

묘사하다, ...을 그리다, ...을 표현하다 (1. to represent or show something in a picture, story, movie, etc.; portray)

cemetery (SEM-i-ter-ee)

묘지 (1. an area of ground in which dead bodies are buried)

weigh (wey) (1 - The baby weighed six pounds, ten ounces at birth. [ L ] This table weighs a lot. [ T ] She weighs herself every morning.) (2 - The factor that weighed most heavily in her favor was her record of success as a lawyer.) (3 - The judge told the jury to weigh the facts and the evidence. You have to weigh the advantage of early graduation against the disadvantage of being younger than everyone else.)

무게를 달다, 무게를 재다, 심사숙고하다, 무거운 짐이 되다, 부담이 되다, 중요시 되다 (1. to be pulled toward the earth with a particular force that can be measured, or to measure this force in an object; to show an amount of weight) (2. to have an influence) (3. to consider something carefully, esp. by comparing facts or possibilities, in order to make a decision)

ballot (BAL-u̲h̲ t) (2 - Issues need to be considered in open debate or put on the ballot.)

무기명 투표, 비밀 투표, 대통령 후보자 결정선거, 투표권, 투표를 하다, 제비를 뽑다 (1. a piece of paper on which you write a secret vote) (2. The ______ is also a system or occasion of secret voting)

blunt (bluhnt) (1 - blunt criticism Blunt and outspoken, he often quarreled with fellow officials.) (2 - Use a blunt instrument to smash the ginger and onion into the garlic.) (2 - He is, to put it bluntly, a big bore.) (3 - Eating between meals will blunt your appetite.)

무딘, 무뚝뚝한, 두꺼운 바늘, 둔하게 하다, 무디게 하다, 경감시키다, 부드럽게 하다 (1. saying what you think without trying to be polite or caring about other people's feelings) (2. not having a sharp edge or point) (3. to make something less strongly felt)

reckless (REK-lis) (1 - These punks have a reckless disregard for the law. He pleaded innocent to reckless driving charges.) (1 - She spends her money recklessly.) (1 - The accident was a result of recklessness.)

무모한, 무분별한, 부주의한 (1. showing a lack of care about risks or danger, and acting without thinking about the results of your actions)

dire (dahyu̲h̲ r) (1 - Cheating will bring dire consequences.)

무서운, 긴급한, 극심한 (1. very serious or extreme)

myriad (MIR-ee-u̲h̲ d) (1 - There's a myriad of insects on the island.) (1 - A cloud of dust was raised by their myriad feet.)

무수 (1. a very large number)

mute (myoot) (1 - He stood mute before the judge. The decay of Dawson City bore mute testimony to the end of the gold rush era.)

무언의, 소리내지 않는, 소리가 없는, 말할 수 없는, 말해지지않은 (1. /of a person/ completely unable or unwilling to speak, or /of a place, object, or activity/ silent)

tacit (TAS-it) (1 - He gave tacit approval to the plan.)

무언의, 암묵의, 잠잠한 (1. understood without being expressed directly)

rainbow (REYN-boh)

무지개 (1. an arch of many colors sometimes seen in the sky for a short time when it rains and the sun is shining)

writ (rit)

문서, 영장 (1. a legal document from a court of law which orders someone to do something or not to do something)

dye (dahy) (1 - He dyed his hair black.) (2 - She dipped the material into the dye.)

물든 색, 물들이다, 염색하다 (1. to change the color of something using a special liquid) (2. a liquid substance for changing the color of things)

plunge (pluhnj) (1 - Her car plunged off the cliff. [ I ] He plunged into the crowd, smiling and shaking hands. [ T always + adv/prep ] She suddenly plunged the knife into the cake.) (2 - Rumors on Wall Street have caused stock prices to plunge.) (3 - The economy was in danger of plunging into a depression. [ T always + adv/prep ] The storm cut power lines, plunging the town into darkness.) (4 - A tree broke his plunge downhill. The rapid plunge of the stock market caused panic among investors.)

물속에 뛰어들다, 투기하다, 내기하다, 낭비하다, 던지다, 뛰어들기, 물속에 들어가기 (1. to move or fall suddenly forward, down, or into something) (2. If a value or price plunges, it suddenly becomes less) (3. If a person or group plunges into an activity, or a place plunges into a condition, it suddenly experiences it) (4. a sudden fall forward, down, or into something)

dive (dahyv) (1 - Mark dove off the cliff into the ocean. Dolphins can dive to great depths. [ + to infinitive ] The plane dived to avoid enemy aircraft fire.) (2 - When the football came loose, he dove at the ball and grabbed it. They dived for cover when it suddenly began to rain.) (4 - The firm's profits took a dive last quarter.) (5 - White's 1-yard dive with seconds left won the football game.)

물속으로 뛰어들다, 다이빙 하다, 잠수하다, 급강하 하다, 급히 뛰어들다, 잠수 (1. to jump head first into water, esp. with your arms held straight above your head, or to move down quickly through water or the air) (2. to jump or move quickly into or at something) (3. a cheap, unattractive bar or place for entertainment) (4. a sudden, large fall in amount or value) (5. a quick move or jump into or at something)

bubble (BUHB-u̲h̲ l) (1 - When water begins to boil, small bubbles form around the edge of the pot.) (2 - The water in the pot began to bubble. fig. We were bubbling with excitement as we watched the Olympic flame being lit.)

물집, 발포 가스, 거품, 거품이 일다, 부글 부글 하다 (1. a ball of air in a liquid or on its surface, or in the air) (2. to produce bubbles)

bait (beyt) (1 - The fishermen bought some worms to use as bait.) (2 - Lawyers making the investment offering will find out today whether someone is ready to take the bait.) (3 - You can bait the mousetrap with a piece of cheese.) (4 - She enjoys baiting her brother by teasing him about his girlfriend.)

미끼를 달다, 마초를 주다, 매어 둔 짐승을 시켜서 곯리다, 개를 시켜서 곯리다, 먹이를 먹다 (1. a small amount of food used to attract and catch a fish or animal) (2. /fig./ ____ is also anything used to persuade someone to do something) (3. put ____ on a hook or in a trap) (4. to intentionally make someone angry by saying or doing annoying things)

missile (MIS-u̲h̲ l or, esp. British, -ahyl) (1 - a nuclear missile a guided missile) (2 - Rioters hurled missiles at the police.)

미사일 같이 날아가는 물체 (활, 총탄 등), 미사일, 장거리에서 조종되어 발사되는 무기 (1. a flying weapon that has its own engine and can travel a long distance before exploding at the place at which it has been aimed) (2. A _______ can also be any object that is thrown with the intention of causing injury or damage)

superstition (soo-per-STISH-u̲h̲ n) (1 - Do you have any superstitions about cutting your hair? superstitious adjective us ​) (1 - Superstitious baseball players will wear the same shirt every day when they are on a hitting streak.)

미신 (1. a belief that is not based on reason or scientific thinking and that explains the causes for events in ways that are connected to magic)

insane (in-SEYN) (1 - You'd have to be insane to spend $200 on dinner! Fisher went insane and had to be hospitalized.)

미친, 정신 이상의, 비상식적인, 미친 듯한 (1. extremely unreasonable, or mentally ill)

bachelor (BACH-u̲h̲-ler, BACH-ler) (1 - He remained a confirmed bachelor until he was 60.)

미혼 남자, 학사, 독신자 (1. a man who is not married)

boost (boost) (1 - We took various steps to try to boost sales.) (2 - She boosted the little boy up to see over the fence.) (3 - The president's approval rating got a boost following his speech.) (4 - I need a boost to get over the wall.)

밀어주기, 밀어 올리기, 격려, 지지, 밀어올리다, 밀다, 후원하다, 지지하다 (1. to improve or increase something) (2. to lift someone or something by pushing from below) (3. an improvement or increase, or an action that causes this) (4. a push from below that lifts a person or thing)

sting (sting) (1 - Why do bees sting? [ I/T ]) (2 - Cold air stung Jack's lungs. [ I ] The soap made his eyes sting.) (3 - Managers were stung by criticism from environmentalists.) (4 - Officers set up a sting in which they sold him the jewels, and when he drove off with them they arrested him.) (5 - Bee stings covered his hands.)

바늘로 찌르다, 아프게 하다, 쑤시게 하다, 자극하다, 속이다, 찌르기, 쑤시는 듯한 아픔 (1. /esp. of insects, plants, and animals/ to produce a small but painful injury by making a very small hole in the skin) (2. If something stings, it causes you to feel pain) (3. If someone's remarks _____ you, they make you feel upset and annoyed) (4. an operation in which police officers or others pretend to be criminals so they can catch people committing crimes) (5. a small but painful injury caused when an insect or animal makes a small hole in the skin)

idiot (ID-ee-u̲h̲ t) (1 - I felt like an idiot.) (1 - Whose idiotic idea was it to go camping?)

바보, 멍청이, 백치 (1. a foolish person, esp. someone who has done something stupid)

crisp (krisp) (1 - crisp bacon crisp rolls) (2 - I like to sleep on crisp cotton sheets. The teller handed me a crisp hundred-dollar bill.) (3 - Crisp breezes bring out boats of every size. It was a crisp, midwinter morning in Massachusetts.) (4 - I prefer Channel 1's crisp presentation of the news.) (4 - hot, crispy noodles)

바삭거리는, 쉽게 부서지는, 날카롭고 분명한 (말하는 태도나 목소리 어조가) (1. /of food/ hard enough to be broken easily instead of bent) (2. fresh and clean) (3. /of air/ cool, clear, and likely to make you feel awake and active) (4. /of speech or writing/ quick and direct) (5. potato chip)

violet (VAHY-u̲h̲-lit) (1 - violet ink [ U ] Violet is too dark for the walls of this room.)

바이올렛, 보라색, 제비꽃, 수줍어하는 (1. /of/ a color that is between blue and purple) (2. a small plant with pleasant-smelling purple, blue, or white flowers)

hub (huhb) (1 - Chicago is a major transportation hub, with the busiest airport in the US.)

바퀴통, 바퀴축, 중심, 활동의 중심, 정확한 속도로 회전시키기위해 설치된 디스크의 중심부분 (컴퓨터) (1. the central part of something, esp. of a wheel, or a center of activity)

applause (u̲h̲-PLAWZ)

박수, 칭찬 (1. the action or sound made by a number of people clapping their hands repeatedly to show their enjoyment or approval, esp. of a performance or speech)

spur (spur) (1 - The huge new factory spurred economic growth in the entire region.) (3 - The team's win on Saturday will be a spur to even greater effort this season.)

박차, 부츠 끝에 달려있는 말을 자극할 때 쓰는 기구, 자극제, 박차와 같은 것, 닭싸움에 사용되는 뾰족한 기구 (1. to encourage an activity or development, or to cause something to develop faster) (2. a sharp metal object sticking out of a U-shaped device that is attached to the heel of a boot and used by a rider to encourage a horse to go faster) (3. something that encourages an activity or development or makes it develop faster)

peninsula (pu̲h̲-NIN-su̲h̲-lu̲h̲, -NINS-yu̲h̲-lu̲h̲) (1 - the Monterey Peninsula)

반도 (1. an area of land mostly surrounded by water but connected to a larger piece of land)

uprising (UHP-rahy-zing, uhp-RAHY-zing)

반란, 폭동, 기립 (1. an act of opposition by many people, sometimes using violence, against those who are in power)

treason (TREE-zu̲h̲ n) (1 - In 1807, Burr was arrested and tried for treason, but he was acquitted.)

반역죄, 배신 (1. the crime of helping your country's enemies or attempting to illegally remove its government)

paste (peyst) (1 - Use paste, glue, or tape to attach the pictures.) (2 - She pasted a heart onto the valentine.)

반죽, 풀, 바르는 것, 치약, 이빨 닦을 때 이용되는 부드러운 물질, 풀로 바르다 (1. a thick, wet substance used for sticking things together, or any soft, wet mixture of powder and liquid) (2. to stick something to something else)

glare (glair) (1 - He kept talking during the concert, and people were glaring at him.) (2 - The sun glared on the snow and the effect was blinding.) (3 - Their greeting was returned by a disapproving glare.) (4 - A tinted windshield cuts down on glare.)

반짝이는 빛, 빛남, 광휘, 눈부시게 하는 빛, 날카로운 눈초리, 노려보기, 빤짝빤짝 빛나다 (1. to look at someone angrily and without moving your eyes) (2. to shine too brightly) (3. a long, angry look at someone or something) (4. a shine that is much too bright and feels as if it is hurting your eyes)

dictate (verb DIK-teyt, dik-TEYT; noun DIK-teyt) (1 - Tennis club rules dictate what kind of footwear may be worn on the courts.) (2 - The characteristics of the land dictate much of what can be built.) (3 - She spent the morning dictating letters.)

받아 쓰게 하다, 명령하다, 명령, 지배적인 원칙 (1. to give orders, or state something with total authority) (2. To _______ also means to make necessary) (3. to say something aloud for another person or for a machine to record, so that your words can be prepared in writing for use in business or a legal case)

toe (toh) (1 - I broke a toe when I caught my foot in a door.) (2 - That sock has a hole in the toe.)

발가락, 발가락부분(양말 따위의), 발끝을 대다, 발끝으로 차다 (1. any of the five long, thin parts at the end of the foot, similar to the fingers of the hand) (2. ___ also refers to the end of a shoe or sock)

excavation (eks-ku̲h̲-VEY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - Ice age bones are being excavated in the caves.) (2 - In tin mining today, workers excavate tunnels horizontally from a vertical shaft.) (2 - Excavation on the site is likely to continue for several years. She has taken part in several excavations of Roman settlements across Europe.) (3 - We'll be excavating here for the foundation of the building.) (4 - Archaeologists are excavating a site near the cathedral.) (4 - an excavation 40 feet deep)

발굴, 출토품, 땅파기 (1. to remove earth that is covering very old objects buried in the ground in order to discover things about the past) (2. to dig a hole or channel in the ground, especially with a machine) (3. to dig a hole or channel in the ground, or to make a hole or channel by removing earth) (4. To excavate is also to remove earth from a place in order to find old objects buried there)

heel (heel) (1 - I've got a splinter in my heel.) (4 - I felt like a real heel when I saw how upset she was.)

발꿈치, 양말의 뒤축, 신발의 뒤축, 비열한 인간, ...의 바로 뒤를 쫓다, 뒤축을 대다 (1. the rounded back part of the foot) (2. The ____ of your hand is the raised, inside part close to the wrist.) (3. the part of a sock or shoe that covers the rounded back part of the foot, or the part of the bottom of a shoe that lifts the back of the foot higher than the front) (4. a person who treats other people badly and unfairly) (5. If you say "Heel!" to a dog, you are ordering it to walk close to you.)

invent (in-VENT) (1 - Gutenberg invented movable type in the 15th century.) (2 - I don't know what I really saw and what I've invented.)

발명하다, 개발하다, 고안하다, 창조하다 (1. to design or create something that did not exist before) (2. To ______ is also to create a story or explanation which is not true)

ankle (ANG-ku̲h̲ l)

발목, 발목 관절(해부학) (1. the joint connecting the foot to the leg, or the thin part of the leg just above the foot)

pronounce (pru̲h̲-NOUNS) (1 - Around here, "aunt" is not pronounced the same as "ant.) (2 - Dewey was mistakenly pronounced the winner of the election.)

발음하다, 두드러지다 (1. to say a word or a letter in a particular way or in a correct way) (2. to state something officially or formally)

announce (u̲h̲-NOUNS) (1 - She announced her resignation last Monday.) (1 - Wedding announcements were mailed a week after their marriage.)

발표하다, 밝히다, 알리다, 공표하다 (1. to state officially or make known publicly)

bladder (BLAD-er)

방광, 공기 주머니, 구명 부대 (1. an organ inside the body that stores urine until it can be excreted)

radioactive (rey-dee-oh-AK-tiv) (1 - radioactive waste radioactivity noun [ U ] us ​)

방사능, 방사성 (1. possessing or producing energy from the breaking up of atoms, or resulting from the production of such energy)

dialect (DAHY-u̲h̲-lekt)

방언, 지방 사투리, 지방어 (1. a form of a language that is spoken in a particular part of a country or by a particular group of people and that contains some words, grammar, or pronunciations /= the ways in which words are said/ that are different from the forms used in other parts or by other groups)

hinder (HIN-der) (1 - A poor diet can hinder mental and physical growth. I don't know if these changes are going to help or hinder the team.) (1 - Often his training has proved a hindrance rather than a help.)

방해하다 (1. to limit the ability of someone to do something, or to limit the development of something)

disturb (dih-STURB) (1 - Please don't disturb Jimmy - he's trying to do his homework.) (2 - This year's election campaign has disturbed a lot of voters who don't like either candidate.) (3 - Be careful not to disturb anything.) (3 - It's deeply disturbing to see intelligent and educated people make fun of us.)

방해하다, 혼란시키다, 어지럽히다, 불안하게 하다 (1. to cause someone to stop what the person is doing, or to interrupt an activity) (2. to cause someone to feel troubled or upset) (3. to move or change something from its usual position or arrangement)

treachery (TRECH-u̲h̲-ree) (1 - a play about treachery and betrayal)

배반, 믿을 수 없는 (1. things that are done to deceive someone who trusts you)

traitor (TREY-ter) (1 - Benedict Arnold was a traitor during the American Revolution. Opponents called the mayor "a traitor to the cause.)

배신자, 반역자, 매국노 (1. a person who gives away or sells secrets of his or her country, or someone who is not loyal to particular beliefs or friends)

betray (bih-TREY) (1 - Some lawmakers say they feel betrayed by the president.) (2 - She could not help betraying her sympathy for us.)

배신하다, 배반하다, 드러내다, 밀고하다 (1. to be not loyal to your country or to someone who believes you are loyal, often by doing something harmful) (2. to show your feelings or thoughts without intending to)

outlet (OUT-let, -lit) (1 - an outlet to the sea The plumber tightened the outlet valve.) (2 - Drawing classes provided an outlet for her creativity.) (3 - a factory outlet The company has more than 1200 retail outlets nationwide.) (4 - a wall outlet)

배출구, 출구, 콘센트 (1. an opening through which something, usually a liquid or gas, can come out) (2. a method by which emotions, energy, or abilities can be expressed) (3. a store selling the goods of a particular company or goods of a particular type, often one selling goods at prices that are lower than usual) (4. a device connected to the electricity system that a plug fits into in order to supply electricity to something)

chalk (chawk)

백악, 분필, 분필로 쓰다, 초크로 표를 하다 (1. a type of soft, white rock, or a similar substance, esp. in the shape of a stick and sometimes colored, used for writing or drawing)

serpent (SUR-pu̲h̲ nt)

뱀, 악마, 사악한 사람, 사탄(성경) (1. a snake)

eel (eel)

뱀장어 (1. a long, thin fish, some types of which are eaten)

prosperous (PROS-per-u̲h̲ s) (1 - In a prosperous country like this, no one should go hungry.)

번영하는, 성공한 (1. successful, usually by earning a lot of money)

thrive (thrahyv) (1 - She seems to thrive on hard work.)

번창하다, 성장하다, 넘쳐나다, 확장하다, 무성하다 (1. to grow, develop, or be successful)

worm (wurm) (2 - He wormed his way through the crowd as quickly as he could. fig. He was a distant relation who wormed his way into the confidence of the family.)

벌레, 벌레 같은 인간, 나사, 혀의 인대, 고통의 원인, 회환의 원인, 컴퓨터 파괴 프로그램 (1. a small animal with a long, narrow, soft body without legs or bones) (2. to move slowly or carefully through a crowd or tight space)

ordinance (AWR-dn-u̲h̲ ns) (1 - A city ordinance forbids the parking of cars in this area.)

법령, 조례, 규정 (1. a law or rule made by a government or authority)

tribunal (trahy-BYOON-l, tri-) (1 - An international tribunal of judges was established to investigate alleged war crimes.)

법정, 판사석, 재판소 (1. a special court chosen, esp. by a government or governments, to examine a particular problem)

forensic (fu̲h̲-REN-sik) (1 - forensic medicine)

법정의, 법정에 관한, 논쟁의 (1. using the methods of science to provide information about a crime)

bass (beys) (1 - The qualities of his voice make you forget he is a bass.) (2 - striped bass)

베이스, 저음, 남성 저음역, 저음가수, 바스, 참피나무, 참피나무의 재목, 인피로 만든 제품 (1. the lowest range of a voice or musical instrument, or a person or musical instrument with this range) (2. any of several related fishes found in rivers or the sea, used for food)

velvet (VEL-vit)

벨벳천, 벨벳 천처럼 부드럽고 매끄러운 것 (예. 피부, 꽃), 녹용, (속어) 예상치 못했던 이익금 (도박에서) (1. a cloth with a soft, furry surface)

plaster (PLAS-ter, PLAH-ster) (3 - She has plastered her bedroom walls with posters of pop singers.)

벽토, 회반죽, 벽에 바르는 석고, 석고, 압축, 반창고, 회반죽을 바르다, 벽토를 칠하다 (1. a substance that is used esp. for spreading on walls and ceilings because it makes a smooth, hard surface after it dries) (2. Band-Aid) (3. /infml/ To _______ a surface or an object with something is to cover it completely or thickly)

modulation (moj-u̲h̲-LEY-shu̲h̲ n, mod-yu̲h̲-) (1 - His gentle introductory tone modulates into a coach's pre-game pep talk.) (2 - Here we modulate from G major to A minor.) (3 - An elected committee will meet monthly to modulate the council's energy policy.) (5 - Teachers modulate the way they work in response to their students' needs. Modulate your tone of voice when speaking in court.)

변조, 조절, 조정 (1. to change the style, loudness, etc. of something such as your voice in order to achieve an effect or express an emotion) (2. to change from one musical key to another) (3. to change something, such as an action or a process, to make it more suitable for its situation) (4. to mix an electrical signal that represents sounds or pictures with a radio signal so that it can be broadcast) (5. to vary the strength, quality, or amount of something)

villa (VIL-u̲h̲)

별장, 교외 주택, 장원 (1. a large house, usually in a rural area or near the sea)

jar (jahr) (1 - a jar of pickles/mayonnaise He poured half the jar into his cup.) (2 - He kind of jars people when he tackles them.) (3 - The train's rumbling jarred them out of their sleep.) (4 - He was jarred into political action by events on the national scene.)

병, 항아리, 삐걱거리는 소리, 심한 진동, 논쟁, 싸움, 진동시키다, 가슴이 덜컥 내려앉게 하다 (1. a cylindrical container, usually made of glass, with a wide top opening, and used esp. for storing food, or the amount held by such a container) (2. to give a sudden shake to someone or something) (3. If a noise jars you, it shocks you) (4. to cause action or activity, or to have an effect)

logistics (loh-JIS-tiks, lu̲h̲-) (1 - The logistics of getting five kids off to school in the morning are pretty complex.) (1 - Delays and logistical problems have become familiar concerns .)

병참학, 병참 업무, 병참술 (1. the careful organization of a complicated military, business, or other activity so that it happens in a successful and effective way)

dissemination (dih-sem-u̲h̲-NEY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - One of the organization's aims is to disseminate information about the disease.) (1 - the dissemination of information) (2 - The purpose of a university press is to disseminate knowledge by publishing books and journals.) (2 - the rapid dissemination of new technology)

보급, 유포, 전파 (1. to spread or give out something, especially news, information, ideas, etc., to a lot of people) (2. to spread or give out news, information, ideas, etc. to many people)

bonus (BOH-nu̲h̲ s) (1 - The salary was $40,000, plus a bonus.) (2 - After the heart transplant, every day is a bonus for me.)

보너스, 장려금 (1. an extra amount of money given to someone as a reward for work or as encouragement) (2. A _____ is also any result that is an unexpected benefit)

barley (BAHR-lee)

보리 (1. a tall plant grown for its grain, or the grain from this plant which is used for food)

jewelry (JOO-u̲h̲ l-ree) (1 - costume jewelry)

보석, 쥬얼리, 액세서리, 장신구, 귀금속 (1. decorative objects worn on clothes or on the body, such as rings and necklaces, often made from valuable metals and containing precious stones)

sheriff (SHER-if)

보안관 (1. an elected law officer in a county /= an area of local government/)

auxiliary (awg-ZIL-yu̲h̲-ree, -ZIL-u̲h̲-) (1 - The hospital has an auxiliary power supply in case of a power failure.)

보조의, 추가의, 보조자, 원군, 보조함 (1. giving help or support, esp. to a more important person or thing)

collateral (ku̲h̲-LAT-er-u̲h̲ l) (1 - She put up her house as collateral for the loan.)

보조적인, 부차적인, 서로 나란한, 저당물 (1. valuable property owned by someone who wants to borrow money, which the person agrees will become the property of the lender /= person or business that lends money/ if the debt is not paid back)

probation (proh-BEY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - I'm on probation this semester, so I've really got to study hard.)

보호 관찰, 집행 유예, 시험 (1. a period during which a person's behavior or performance on a job or in a school is watched closely to see whether the person does well enough to stay) (2. _________ for criminals is the condition of being allowed freedom if they commit no more crimes and follow certain rules.)

abdomen (AB-du̲h̲-mu̲h̲ n, ab-DOH-) (1 - This virus causes terrible abdominal pain.)

복부, 배 (1. the part of the body that contains stomach, bowels, and other organs in a person or animal)

intricate (IN-tri-kit) (1 - The novel's intricate plot will not be easy to translate into a movie.) (1 - The antique silver teapot is intricately engraved.)

복잡한, 미묘한, 끈끈한, 얽힌 (1. having a lot of small parts or pieces arranged in a complicated way, and therefore sometimes difficult to understand in detail)

deference (DEF-er-u̲h̲ ns) (1 - In deference to nature lovers, the town refused to grant a permit to builders who would have filled in a swamp used by many birds.) (1 - A smart lawyer is always deferential to a judge.)

복종, 경의, 존경 (1. respect shown for another person esp. because of that person's experience, knowledge, age, or power)

yoke (yohk) (2 - the yoke of slavery)

부담, 짐, 멍에를 매운 한쌍의 소, 의상의 어깨부분, 연결쇠, 속박, 부담을 주다 (1. /esp. in the past/ a wooden bar fastened over the necks of two animals, esp. cattle, and connected to a vehicle or load that they are pulling) (2. /fig./ ____ can also refer to something that unfairly limits freedom)

frail (freyl) (1 - He's always in frail health. The shirt is old and frail, and the threads look ready to part.)

부서지기 쉬운, 약한, 얇은, 무른, 연약한, 의지가 약한 (1. physically weak, or easily damaged, broken, or harmed)

corrosion (ku̲h̲-ROH-zhu̲h̲ n) (1 - There was a lot of corrosion on the bottom of the car.figurative We are witnessing the corrosion of moral standards within our society.)

부식, 침식, 용식 (1. the process of corroding, or metal that has been corroded)

improper (im-PROP-er) (1 - The treasurer denied accepting any improper payments.) (2 - an improper choice of words improperly adverb us ​) (2 - If handled improperly, some chemicals used for cleaning can cause severe skin irritation.)

부적절한, 잘못된 (1. being against a law or a rule; dishonest or illegal) (2. not suitable or correct for a particular use or situation)

deficient (dih-FISH-u̲h̲ nt) (1 - A diet that is deficient in protein is harmful to children.)

부족한, 불충분한, 결함 있는 (1. lacking or not good enough)

resent (ri-ZENT) (1 - She resented being treated like a child.) (1 - Marshall was resentful that he had made almost nothing from his discovery.) (1 - There is some community resentment toward the school's new policy.)

분개하다, 원망하다, 싫어하다, 불쾌하게 여기다 (1. to dislike or be angry at something or someone because you have been hurt or not treated fairly)

squad (skwod) (1 - The rescue squad managed to free the child.)

분대, 대, 팀, 반, 팀으로써 함께 일하도록 훈련된 사람들의 작은 그룹 (1. a small group of people trained to work together as a unit)

strife (strahyf) (1 - civil/ethnic/political strife He led the union through several years of labor strife.)

분쟁, 투쟁, 갈등, 싸움, 쟁의 (1. angry disagreement or violent actions)

sinister (SIN-u̲h̲-ster) (1 - She has dark, sinister eyes that make you nervous when she looks at you.)

불길한, 악의 있는, 사악한 (1. evil, or suggesting that something evil is going to happen)

ominous (OM-u̲h̲-nu̲h̲ s) (1 - a ominous silence ominously adverb us ​) (1 - Clouds had gathered ominously.)

불길한, 험악한, 전조의 (1. suggesting something unpleasant will happen)

spark (spahrk) (1 - Flame, smoke, and sparks climbed into the dark sky. Sparks from the old wiring started the fire. fig.No one can light the spark that will make you a writer /= the thing that causes you to write/.) (2 - When students show a spark of interest, I try to give them extra encouragement.) (3 - Downed power lines sparked fires in several parts of town. fig.Parks's actions in 1955 sparked the Civil Rights Movement. We try to find stories that will spark our students' imaginations.)

불꽃, 광채, 갑작스런 전기 방전, 깜빡거림, 작지만 중요한 소량, 외관에 지나치게 신경쓰는 젊은이 (1. a very small bit of something burning that flies out from a fire, or a flash of light seen when an electric current crosses an open space) (2. A _____ of something is a small amount of it) (3. to start a fire)

blaze (bleyz) (1 - The fires blazed for days.) (2 - Her eyes blazed with anger.) (3 - It took the Cherokee two years to blaze a trail between Texas and Kansas. fig. Science blazed the trail that opened up space exploration.) (3 - They worked all day in the blazing sun.) (4 - Three fire companies fought the blaze.) (5 - Times Square is a blaze of lights.)

불꽃, 섬광, 확 타오름, 타오르게 하다, 반짝거리다, 알리다 (1. to burn brightly and strongly) (2. If someone's eyes blaze, they seem to shine brightly) (3. to make a new path or way by marking it so that others can follow) (4. a very big fire) (5. A _____ is also a bright show of something)

arid (AR-id) (1 - an arid region)

불모의, 건조한, 무미 건조한 (1. /of land or weather/ having little rain; very dry)

sterile (STER-il or, esp. British, -ahyl) (1 - It was a small oasis surrounded by sterile desert.) (2 - Medical equipment must be kept sterile.) (3 - Suburban housing developments are often sterile environments.)

불모의, 메마른, 불임의 (1. /of a person or animal/ unable to produce young, or of land unable to produce plants or crops) (2. free from bacteria) (3. lacking in imagination, ideas, or enthusiasm)

illicit (ih-LIS-it) (1 - illicit trade illicit activities)

불법의, 금제의, 무면허의 (1. illegal or socially disapproved of)

pathetic (pu̲h̲-THET-ik) (1 - I think it's pathetic that only half of the eligible voters tend to vote.) (2 - a pathetic excuse Bernie's hitting was pretty pathetic! pathetically adverb us ​) (2 - a pathetically small dog)

불쌍한, 한심한, 슬픈 (1. causing feelings of sadness or sympathy) (2. unsuccessful, useless, or worthless)

discrepancy (dih-SKREP-u̲h̲ n-see) (1 - There were troubling discrepancies between his public and private opinions on how to balance the budget.)

불일치, 차이, 어긋남 (1. an unexpected difference, esp. in two amounts or two sets of facts or conditions, which suggests that something is wrong and has to be explained)

plight (plahyt) (1 - My problems aren't much compared with the plight of the storm victims.)

불행, 불운, 나쁜상태, 곤경, 맹세하다 (1. an unpleasant condition, esp. a serious, sad, or difficult one)

precarious (pri-KAIR-ee-u̲h̲ s) (1 - I climbed onto a precarious platform to get a better view.) (1 - The vase was precariously perched on a narrow shelf next to the door.)

불확실한, 위험한, 위태로운 (1. in danger because not firmly fixed; likely to fall or suffer harm)

disruption (dis-RUHP-shu̲h̲ n)

붕괴, 파열, 분열

brake (breyk) (1 - anti-lock brakes He saw a deer crossing the road and hit/slammed on the brakes /= stopped as quickly as possible/.) (1 - When it's icy, you have to brake gently.)

브레이크, 제동기, 덤불, 잡목 숲, 대형 사륜 마차, 브레이크를 걸다 (1. a device that slows or stops the movement of a vehicle)

broker (BROH-ker) (1 - I told my broker to sell the stock.) (2 - He brokered a deal to buy the company.)

브로커, 중개업자, 주식 중개인, 다른 사람을 위해 재산매매를 대행해주는 사무소, 중개하다 (1. a person who acts for or represents another in the buying and selling of shares in companies or protection against risk, or who arranges for the lending of money) (2. to arrange something such as a deal or agreement between two or more groups)

condemn (ku̲h̲ n-DEM) (1 - The movie was condemned for glorifying violence.) (2 - Those who remember the past are not condemned to repeat it. Illness condemned her to spend her remaining days in a home.) (3 - The statement brought swift condemnation from world leaders.)

비난하다, 규탄하다, 유죄 판결을 내리다, 미워하다 (1. to criticize something or someone strongly, usually for moral reasons) (2. to severely punish someone who has committed a crime, or to force someone to suffer) (3. to decide officially that a building is not safe for people to use)

dove (duhv)

비둘기 (종종 평화의 상징으로 사용되는) (1. a bird with short legs, a large body, and a small head, often used as a symbol of peace) (2. past simple of dive)

rub (ruhb) (1 - I rubbed the place where I bumped my head. [ T ] If you rub linseed oil into the wood, it will protect it.) (2 - She got good reviews for her original cooking, but the rub was that people wanted very traditional dishes.)

비비다, 문지르다, 펴바르다, 솔질하다, 광택내다, 문지르기, 비난, 질책 (1. to press or be pressed against something with a repeated circular, side to side, or up and down movement) (2. The ___ is something that prevents success)

oblique (u̲h̲-BLEEK, oh-BLEEK; Military u̲h̲-BLAHYK, oh-BLAHYK) (1 - He made an oblique reference to their relationship.) (2 - the oblique rays of the afternoon sun)

비스듬한, 경사진, 우회의, 사각의 (기하학), 입이 균등하게 나지 않은 (식물학) (1. not clear or direct) (2. having a sloping direction, angle, or position)

woe (woh) (1 - She poured out her tale of woe.) (2 - The country has been beset by economic woes for the past few years.)

비애, 깊은 슬픔, 애통, 비극, 불행 (1. bad troubles causing much suffering) (2. Woes are great problems or troubles)

vile (vahyl) (1 - He responded with the vilest language imaginable.) (2 - a vile mood/temper)

비열한, 몹시 나쁜, 지독한 (1. evil or disgusting) (2. ____ also means very bad or unpleasant)

destitute (DES-ti-toot, -tyoot) (1 - These groups gathered clothing, schoolbooks, and medical supplies for the destitute flood victims.)

빈곤한, 가난한, 결핍한 (1. without money, possessions, or any of the things needed to live)

gleam (gleem) (1 - Street lights gleamed brightly in the snow.) (2 - the gleam of silver candlesticks)

빛, 번득임, 빛남, 번득이다, 번쩍이다, 희미하게 빛나다 (1. to shine with a soft light) (2. a soft, shiny light)

luminous (LOO-mu̲h̲-nu̲h̲ s) (1 - The snowy landscape was growing luminous in the late afternoon light.)

빛을 내는, 밝은, 야광의 (1. producing or reflecting light, esp. in the dark)

fade (feyd) (1 - If you hang your clothes out in the bright sun, they will fade.) (2 - The voice on the radio faded out.)

빛이 바래다, 색깔이 바래다, 희미해 지다, 시들다, 약해지다, 쇠퇴하다, 사라지다 (1. to lose color, brightness, or strength gradually) (2. If something fades away/out, it becomes less clear and then disappears)

indulge (in-DUHLJ) (1 - When I get my first paycheck I'm going to indulge in a shopping spree. [ T ] He indulged his passion for skiing whenever he could.) (1 - He was indulgent to his grandchildren.)

빠지다, 탐닉하다, 제멋대로 하게 하다, 이용하다, 만족시키다 (1. to allow yourself or someone else to have something enjoyable)

crust (kruhst) (2 - crustal displacement)

빵 껍질, 딱딱해진 빵조각, 딱딱한 표면, (지질학) 지각, 겉껍질로 덮다, 딱딱한 겉껍질이 생기다 (1. a hard outer covering, esp. on a loaf of bread or a pastry) (2. the outer layer of the earth)

deprive (dih-PRAHYV) (1 - He claimed that he had been deprived of his freedom/rights. You can't function properly when you're deprived of sleep.)

빼앗다, 박탈하다, 부족하게 만들다, 허용치 않다, 가난한 (1. to take something, especially something necessary or pleasant, away from someone)

apologize (u̲h̲-POL-u̲h̲-jahyz) (1 - She apologized for her husband's rudeness. If I offended you, I apologize. He said he had nothing to apologize for.)

사과하다, 죄송하다, 사죄하다, 미안하다 (1. to tell someone that you are sorry for something that has caused inconvenience or unhappiness)

morale (mu̲h̲-RAL) (1 - Low morale in the police department was a continuing problem.)

사기, 의욕 (1. the amount of confidence felt by a person or group of people, esp. when in a dangerous or difficult situation)

turbulent (TUR-byu̲h̲-lu̲h̲ nt) (1 - His book discusses the turbulent years of the civil rights struggle.) (2 - Turbulent seas kept us from sailing.)

사나운, 폭풍우의, 험한 (1. full of confusion; lacking order) (2. moving very strongly and suddenly; having strong, uneven currents)

perish (PER-ish) (1 - Without this assistance, thousands of refugees would perish from hunger and neglect.)

사라지다, 죽다 (1. to die, esp. as a result of an accident, violence, or war)

demise (dih-MAHYZ) (1 - Huge corporate farms have led to the demise of many small, family-owned farms.)

사망, 서거, 계승, 양도, 죽다, 끝에 이르다, 유언을 남기다, 재산을 양도하다(법률) (1. the end of the operation or existence of something) (2. /fml/ /of a person/ ______ means death.)

bastard (BAS-terd) (1 - He was a bastard to his wife. You lied to me, you bastard!humorous You won again? You lucky bastard! /= I don't think you deserve it/ This crossword's a bastard /= very difficult/.) (2 - He was born in 1798, the bastard son of a country squire and his mistress.)

사생아, 서출의 (1. an unpleasant person) (2. a person born to parents who are not married to each other)

resign (ri-ZAHYN) (1 - He resigned from the committee.)

사임하다, 사퇴하다, 물러나다, 사의를 표하다 (1. to give up a job or position)

relentless (ri-LENT-lis) (1 - the relentless pursuit of wealth and power relentlessly adverb us ​) (1 - He is campaigning relentlessly, trying to build support.)

사정없는, 가혹한, 가차없는 (1. continuing in a determined way without any interruption)

adolescence (ad-l-ES-u̲h̲ ns) (1 - She had a troubled adolescence.)

사춘기, 청소년기 (1. the period of time in a person's life when they are developing into an adult)

delete (dih-LEET) (1 - She accidentally deleted one of her computer files. [ T ] The editor deleted the last three paragraphs.)

삭제하다, 지우다, 없애다, 제거하다 (1. to remove /part or all of/ a written or electronic text)

discursive (dih-SKUR-siv) (1 - a discursive essay formal) (2 - a discursive writer/speech)

산만한, 종잡을 수 없는, 종작없는 (1. involving discussion) (2. talking about or dealing with subjects that are only slightly connected with the main subject for longer than necessary)

coral (KAWR-u̲h̲ l, KOR-)

산호, 산호충, 산호 세공품 (1. a hard substance formed in the sea from masses of shells of very small sea animals, usually orange or red in color)

murmur (MUR-mer) (1 - "I love you," she murmured.) (1 - a murmur of voices)

살랑거리는 소리, 계속해서 속삭이는 소리, 투덜거림, 심장의 잡음, 살랑거리다, 중얼거리다 (1. to speak or say very quietly)

dip (dip) (1 - He dipped his doughnut in the coffee.) (2 - Beans and lettuce may suffer if temperatures dip below freezing. Stock market prices dipped slightly, losing four points.) (3 - After the yellow house, there's a dip in the road.) (5 - He took a dip in the pool.)

살짝 담그기, 줄어듬, 감소, 담그다, 줄어들다, 감소하다 (1. to put something briefly into a liquid) (2. to go down to a lower level; become less or lower) (3. a small drop in the amount or level of something) (4. a thick sauce you can put crackers, raw vegetables, etc., into before eating them.) (5. A ___ is also a quick swim)

amiable (EY-mee-u̲h̲-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - He was amiable and charming, and he possessed an ability to make people feel comfortable in his presence.)

상냥한, 사랑스러운, 온화한 (1. pleasant and friendly)

counterpart (KOUN-ter-pahrt) (1 - The president will meet with his Brazilian counterpart tomorrow.)

상대물, 대응하는 것, 사본 (1. a person or thing that has the same position or purpose as another person or thing in a different place or organization)

coarse (kawrs, kohrs) (1 - coarse hair coarse linen shirts) (2 - Now and then coarse laughter broke out.) (2 - Our recipe calls for coarsely chopped pistachios.) (2 - He was shocked by the coarseness of his guest.)

상스러운, 거친 (1. rough and not smooth or soft) (2. rude or offensive in manner or speech)

booth (booth) (1 - There was a line of people waiting for the phone booth.) (3 - If we get separated, let's meet at the information booth.)

상점, 구멍가게, 키오스크, 전화 박스 (1. a small structure just big enough for one person to use) (2. A _____ is also a partly enclosed area in a restaurant where people sit on long seats on opposite sides of a table.) (3. A _____ can also be a small, partly open structure for showing and selling things at a fair or market)

commodity (ku̲h̲-MOD-i-tee) (1 - The goal is to raise the productivity of basic food commodities such as grains.)

상품, 생필품, 원자재 (1. anything that can be bought and sold)

lamb (lam)

새끼 양, 어린 양고기, 순진하고 순결한 사람, 쉽게 속아넘어 가는 사람, 낳다, 양이 새끼를 낳다 (1. a young sheep, or the flesh of a young sheep eaten as meat)

leak (leek) (1 - He heard the sound of dripping and saw water leaking from a pipe overhead. [ T ] The ship ran aground off the coast and began to leak oil.) (2 - Someone had leaked the news of the ambassador's resignation to the press.) (2 - There's a leaky radiator in the bedroom.) (3 - The Justice Department was investigating security leaks.)

새는 곳, 새는 구멍, 어떤 것이 도망갈 수 있는 구멍, 비밀정보의 누설, 새어 들어 오다 (1. /of a liquid or gas/ to escape from a hole or crack in a pipe or container, or /of a container/ to allow liquid or gas to escape) (2. To ____ is also to give out information privately, esp. when people in authority do not want it to be known) (3. A ____ is also the act of giving out information privately, esp. when people in authority do not want it to be known)

lust (luhst) (1 - a lust for power and fame) (2 - Cathie has been lusting for my job for a long time.)

색욕, 강한 욕망, 열정, 열망하다, 집착적인 색욕을 가지다 (1. strong desire) (2. to have a strong desire for something)

hue (hyoo or, often, yoo) (1 - In the waters of the Caribbean there are fish of every hue.)

색조, 특색, 고함소리 (1. a color, or the particular degree of light or dark of a color)

bypass (BAHY-pas, -pahs) (1 - Take the highway that bypasses Richmond to avoid heavy traffic. fig. Posting news on the Internet bypasses traditional news sources such as radio and TV.)

샛길, 우회로, 피하다, 돌아서 가다, 우회하다 (1. to avoid something by going around it) (2. a road built around a city to take traffic around the edge of it rather than through it)

reminiscent (rem-u̲h̲-NIS-u̲h̲ nt) (1 - That song is so reminiscent of my adolescence.)

생각나게 하는, 연상시키는, 회상하게 하는 (1. making you remember a particular person, event, or thing)

omit (oh-MIT) (1 - I'd be upset if my name were omitted from the list of contributors.) (1 - Parents are upset by the omission of music from the school's courses.)

생략하다, 제외하다, ...이 없는, 누락하다, 빠지다 (1. to fail to include or do something)

physiology (fiz-ee-OL-u̲h̲-jee) (1 - the physiology of the brain)

생리학, 생리, 생리 기능 (1. the scientific study of the way in which the bodies of animals and plants work)

biopsy (BAHY-op-see)

생체조직검사, 진단 목적을 위해 신체 조직의 일부를 떼어내어 검사하는 것 (1. the removal of a small number of cells from a living body in order to examine them to learn if they show signs of a disease)

champagne (sham-PEYN) (1 - The newlyweds were toasted with champagne.)

샴페인, 백포도주의 일종 (1. a pale yellow or pink, bubbly wine made in France, or a similar wine from somewhere else)

frost (frawst, frost) (1 - There was frost on the grass in the early morning. An early frost killed some of my tomatoes.) (3 - The windshield frosted up overnight.)

서리, 결빙, 어는 온도, 냉담한 태도, 비우호적임, 실패 (속어), 얼음으로 덮이다 (1. water in the air that freezes when it touches a cold surface and forms a white, powdery layer) (2. to cover a cake with a thin layer of sugar mixed with a liquid) (3. to cover or become covered with a white, powdery layer of ice )

bibliography (bib-lee-OG-ru̲h̲-fee)

서지학, 저서 목록, 참고 문헌 일람표 (1. a list of the books and articles that have been used by someone when writing a book or article)

westward (WEST-werd) (1 - The clouds drifted westward.) (2 - a westward route)

서쪽으로 향하는, 서쪽으로, 서쪽에, 서부, 서쪽 (1. toward the west) (2. going or being toward the west)

circus (SUR-ku̲h̲ s) (1 - He quit school in the eighth grade to join the circus. We saw the circus set up in a tent in the middle of the city.) (2 - The media circus covering the trial took over the courthouse steps.)

서커스, 소동 (1. a group of traveling entertainers including acrobats, clowns, and trained animals, or a performance by such a group, often in a tent) (2. A ______ is also something noisy and confused)

clumsy (KLUHM-zee) (1 - I'm so clumsy - I keep dropping things.) (2 - He subsequently wrote a letter to the magazine in an admittedly clumsy try at explaining his viewpoint.) (3 - She would be at the mercy of a clumsy bureaucracy.)

서투른, 볼품없는, 눈치 없는 (1. awkward in movement or manner) (2. ______ also means done in an awkward or embarrassing way) (3. Something that is ______ is too big or complicated to be dealt with easily)

quartz (kwawrts)

석영, quartz clock (1. a mineral /= hard substance formed naturally in the ground/ used in making electronic equipment and watches and clocks)

petroleum (pu̲h̲-TROH-lee-u̲h̲ m)

석유 (1. a dark, thick oil obtained from under the ground and made into fuels such as gas and heating oil, and used in making plastics)

gland (gland) (1 - sweat glands glandular adjective [ not gradable ] us ​) (1 - glandular secretions)

선(해부학), 분비선 (1. an organ of the body that produces chemicals that influence activities such as growth, and that has an important effect on health)

precursor (pri-KUR-ser, PREE-kur-) (1 - Opponents fear this would be a precursor to development of the entire canyon.)

선구자, 선배, 전조 (1. something that comes before another and may lead to it or influence its development)

rack (rak) (1 - a bike rack a towel rack) (2 - Even near the end, when cancer racked his body, he remained hopeful.)

선반, 물건을 거는 걸이, 동물의 먹이통, 고문하다, 괴롭히다 (1. a frame, often with bars or hooks, for holding or hanging things) (2. to cause someone great physical or mental pain)

pub (puhb)

선술집 (1. a bar )

proclaim (proh-KLEYM, pru̲h̲-) (1 - She confidently proclaimed victory even as the first few votes came in.)

선언하다, 선포하다, 공표하다, 증명하다 (1. to announce something publicly or officially)

dock (dok) (3 - The ship docked in Japan, and he took another to Korea.) (4 - I've used up my sick days, and if I take another day off they'll dock me a day's pay.)

선창, 짧게 자른 꼬리, 법정의 피고석, 독에 넣다, 독을 설치하다, 다른 우주선과 도킹시키다 (1. a structure built out over water in a port along which ships can land to load and unload, or the enclosed area of water between two such structures) (2. A ____ is also a flat, raised area attached to a building and used for loading and unloading trucks.) (3. to arrive at a ____ or to bring a ship into a dock) (4. to take away a part of someone's pay)

congenital (ku̲h̲ n-JEN-i-tl) (1 - a congenital defect)

선천적인, 타고난, 전적인 (1. existing at or from birth)

diarrhea (dahy-u̲h̲-REE-u̲h̲)

설사 (1. an illness in which a person's solid waste is too watery and is excreted too frequently)

choir (kwahyu̲h̲ r)

성가대, 합창단 (1. a group of people who sing together, esp. for a church or school)

nuisance (NOO-su̲h̲ ns, NYOO-) (1 - It's a nuisance filling out all these forms.)

성가심, 골칫거리, 불쾌감 (1. something or someone that annoys you or causes trouble for you)

shrine (shrahyn)

성당, 신전, 성물저장소, 전당, 성인의 묘, 성인 또는 성스러운 사건과 연결된 곳 (1. a place where people come to worship, usually because of a connection with a holy person or a mysterious religious event or object) (2. A ______ can also be a place that is honored because of some connection with a famous person or event.)

scripture (SKRIP-cher) (1 - sacred Scriptures)

성서, 경전, 성경 (1. the holy writings of a religion) (2. _________ or the Scriptures refers to the Bible, including the Old and New Testaments.)

erotic (ih-ROT-ik)

성적인, 성욕을 자극하는, 연애시 (1. causing or related to sexual feelings)

haul (hawl) (1 - They use these trucks to haul freight.) (2 - She was arrested, fingerprinted, and hauled before a judge.) (3 - short-haul flights It's a long haul to Minnesota.) (4 - Police say it is the largest haul of stolen art in years.)

세게 끌다, 차로 나르다, 도착하다, 목적지에 이르다, 항로를 바꾸다 (항해), 세게 끌기 (1. to pull something heavy or transport something over long distances) (2. A person who is hauled somewhere is forced to go there) (3. a distance over which something is transported) (4. an amount of something that was obtained illegally, esp. after it has been taken by the authorities)

cosmopolitan (koz-mu̲h̲-POL-i-tn) (1 - a cosmopolitan city Gwen's a very cosmopolitan young woman.)

세계주의의, 전세계적인, 특정한 지역이나 나라에 국한 되지 않은, 어떤 곳에도 속하지 않은 (1. containing people and things from many different parts of the world, or having experience of many different places and things)

germ (jurm) (1 - The patient has little natural resistance to germs.) (2 - Alejandro's suggestion was the germ of an idea.)

세균, 병원균, 싹, 배종, 성장의 시작 단계, 시작점, 싹이 트다, 생겨나다 (1. a very small organism that causes disease) (2. the origin of something that develops, esp. a cell from which grain grows or the beginning of an idea)

seminar (SEM-u̲h̲-nahr) (1 - Police officers attended a seminar on relieving rush-hour traffic jams.)

세미나, 연구집회, 집중 강의 (1. a meeting of a group of people with a teacher or expert for training, discussion, or study on a particular subject)

hereditary (hu̲h̲-RED-i-ter-ee)

세습의, 유전의, 유전하는 (1. caused by or having to do with heredity)

dash (dash) (1 - She dashed to the store for some juice. Mary's always dashing from one meeting to another.) (2 - Waves dashed against the cliffs. [ T ] fig. Hopes of an economic recovery have been dashed /= destroyed/ by the latest unemployment statistics.) (3 - Add a dash of salt to the mixture.) (5 - We made a dash for the plane.) (6 - a 50-yard dash)

세차게 돌진하다, 부딪치다, 산산조각으로 부수다, 세게 내던지다, 소량, 문장에서 쉼을 나타내는 구두점의 기호 (1. to move quickly) (2. to hit with great force, esp. causing damage) (3. a small amount of something added to or mixed with something else) (4. a short, horizontal mark / - / used to separate parts of sentences) (5. the act of running somewhere quickly) (6. A ____ is also a race over a short distance)

laundry (LAWN-dree, LAHN-) (1 - piles of dirty laundry)

세탁, 빨래, 세탁물, 세탁소 (1. clothing, bed sheets, etc., that have been or need to be washed) (2. A _______ is also a room in a house where clothes, bed sheets, etc., are washed, or a business that washes clothes, bed sheets, etc., for customers.)

ox (oks)

소, 숫소, 굼뜨고 똑똑하지 않은 사람 (1. an adult animal of the cattle family, esp. a male that has had its sexual organs removed)

turmoil (TUR-moil) (1 - Her mind was in turmoil. She grew up in the turmoil of the 1960s.)

소란, 혼란, 소동 (1. a state of extreme confusion, uncertainty, or lack of order)

yell (yel) (1 - "Come back," they yelled. [ I ] Snyder heard a woman yell for help.) (1 - We all let out a yell of satisfaction.)

소리치다, 외치다, 외침, 소리지르기 (1. to shout words or make a loud noise, often when you want to get someone's attention or because you are angry, excited, or in pain)

sleeve (sleev) (1 - I wore the black dress with the short sleeves.)

소매, 책이나 레코드를 보호하기 위한 커버나 케이스, 슬리브관, 실린더 (기계학) (1. the part of a piece of clothing that covers some or all of the arm)

mantle (MAN-tl) (1 - They escaped under the mantle of darkness.) (3 - He inherited the mantle of leadership at the Transit Authority in the early 1980s.)

소매가 없는 망토, 덮개, 가리개, (지리학)맨틀, 망토로 싸다, 더껑이가 앉다 (1. a covering, or a layer of something that covers a surface) (2. the part of the earth that is below the surface and that surrounds the smaller part in the center) (3. a position of authority or responsibility)

naive (nah-EEV) (1 - It was naive of her to think that she would ever get her money back.)

소박한, 순박한, 천진한, 단순한 (1. too ready to believe someone or something, or to trust that someone's intentions are good, esp. because of a lack of experience)

revive (ri-VAHYV) (1 - She tried to revive the unconscious woman. [ I ] My plants revived as soon as I gave them a little water.)

소생시키다, 되살아나다, 되살아나게 하다 (1. to come back to life, health, existence, or use, or bring something back to such a state)

timid (TIM-id) (1 - She was timid about swimming in deep water.) (1 - A shaky voice revealed his timidity.) (1 - She sang timidly but sweetly.)

소심한, 내성적인, 겁 많은 (1. easily frightened; not brave or confident)

proprietary (pru̲h̲-PRAHY-i-ter-ee) (1 - This is proprietary software, and you have no right to copy it without a license from the owner.)

소유주의, 소유자, 소유권 (1. owned and legally controlled by a particular company)

lounge (lounj) (1 - a faculty lounge) (2 - She was lounging on the beach.)

소파, 커다란 공공 대기실, 로비, 카테일을 파는 곳, 거실, 천천히 걸어다님, 빈둥빈둥 거닐다 (1. a public room for relaxing or waiting in) (2. to stand or sit in a relaxed way)

parcel (PAHR-su̲h̲ l) (1 - a food parcel) (2 - a 50-acre parcel on Lake Mead)

소포, 꾸러미, 조직, 단, 한 구획의 토지, 포장을 하다, 짐을 싸다, 나누다 (1. an object or collection of objects wrapped in paper; a package) (2. A ______ of land is an area of it)

picnic (PIK-nik) (1 - a church picnic) (2 - Did you think law school would be a picnic? Filing tax returns is no picnic.) (2 - We can picnic in the park.)

소풍, 야유회, 소풍을 가다 (1. a meal you take to a place outside to be eaten there in an informal way, or an occasion on which such a meal is eaten) (2. /infml/ A ______ is also any pleasant activity)

deceive (dih-SEEV) (1 - Some parents try to deceive school officials and enroll their children in other districts.) (2 - We should not deceive ourselves into thinking this will be the end of it.)

속이다, 기만하다, 현혹시키다, 거짓말을 하다 (1. to persuade someone that something false is the truth; trick or fool) (2. If you _______ yourself, you pretend something is true)

handkerchief (HANG-ker-chif, -cheef)

손수건 (1. a square piece of cloth used for blowing the nose or for cleaning the face or eyes)

frank (frangk) (1 - To be perfectly frank, I don't think you are as well qualified as some of the other candidates.) (1 - We appreciate your frankness.)

솔직한, 기탄 없는 (1. honest, sincere, and truthful, even if there is a risk of causing bad feelings)

calf (kaf, kahf)

송아지, 어린 코끼리, 다리의 장딴지 (1. a young cow, or the young of various other large mammals, including elephants and whales) (2. the curved part of the back of the human leg below the knee)

nun (nuhn)

수녀 (특히 카톨릭의 ) (1. a member of a female religious group whose members promise to obey the orders of the leader of the group, to be poor, and not to marry)

convent (KON-vent, -vu̲h̲ nt)

수녀들의 단체, 수도회, 수도원 (1. a building or group of buildings in which nuns /= religious women/ live or worship)

metropolitan (me-tru̲h̲-POL-i-tn) (1 - the Boston metropolitan area the Metropolitan Museum of Art)

수도의, 복잡한, 대도시 사람, 특정한 구의 대주교 (1. of or in a large city)

entail (verb en-TEYL; noun en-TEYL, EN-teyl) (1 - Any investment entails risk.)

수반하다, 일으키다, 필요로 하다, 요구하다, 상속인을 한정하다, 한사 상속, 계승 예정 순위 (1. to involve or make something necessary)

puzzle (PUHZ-u̲h̲ l) (1 - Their son is a puzzle to them. The police are trying to solve the puzzle of who sent them the letter.) (2 - a jigsaw/crossword puzzle puzzled adjective us ​) (2 - She looked puzzled, then suspicious.)

수수께끼, 복잡한 문제, 퍼즐, 당황하게 하다, 혼란스럽게 하다, 갈피를 못잡게 하다 (1. something that is difficult to understand) (2. A ______ is also a game or toy in which you have to fit separate pieces together, or a problem or question which you have to answer by using your skill or knowledge)

tuition (too-ISH-u̲h̲ n, tyoo-)

수업료, 교수, 수업 (1. the money paid for being taught, esp. at a college or university)

bestow (bih-STOH) (1 - The country's highest medal was bestowed upon him for heroism.)

수여하다, 주다, 쓰다 (1. to give something as an honor or present)

gum (guhm) (3 - Most teachers dont allow their students to chew gum in class.) (3 - Nearly everything the old silverback eats gets boiled, steamed or soaked so he can gum it down.)

수지, 고무, 껌, 풀로 이용되는 끈적끈적한 물질, 잇몸, ...에 고무질을 바르다 (1. either of the two areas of firm, pink flesh inside the mouth that cover the bones to which the teeth are attached) (2. a sticky substance obtained from the stems of some trees and plants that is used in industry and for sticking things together) (3. ___ is also chewing gum)

resin (REZ-in)

수지, 진, 송진, 합성수지, ...에 수지를 바르다 (1. a clear, yellow, sticky substance produced by some trees and plants and used to make varnish, medicine, or plastics, or a similar substance produced chemically for use in industry)

arithmetic (noun u̲h̲-RITH-mu̲h̲-tik; adjective ar-ith-MET-ik) (1 - an arithmetical operation/progressionarithmetically adverb /ˌeər·əθˈmet̬·ɪk·li, ˌær-/ mathematics arithmetically equivalent numbers)

수학, 산수의 (1. the process of making calculations such as adding, multiplying, and dividing by using numbers, or the study of this)

homework (HOHM-wurk) (1 - The teacher told us to read chapter five for homework. fig.The travel agent's association suggests that travelers do their homework /= study the available information closely/to find the deal that is best for them.)

숙제, 공부, 과제 (1. studying that students do at home to prepare for school)

pilgrimage (PIL-gru̲h̲-mij)

순례 여행 (1. a trip, often a long one, made to a holy place for religious reasons)

patrol (pu̲h̲-TROHL) (1 - Security guards patrol the building at night.)

순찰병, 정찰병, 순찰, 정찰, 순찰차, 순찰하다, 순시하다, 안전을 지키다 (1. to go around an area or a building to check that it is free from trouble or danger)

cruise (krooz) (1 - The plane is cruising at 240 knots.) (2 - We went cruising around downtown on Friday night.) (4 - a Caribbean cruise)

순항하다, 이곳 저곳 항해하다, 느긋하게 돌아다니다, 느긋하게 여행하다, 연안을 미끄러지다 (1. to travel at a continuous speed) (2. If you ______ in a car, you drive for pleasure) (3. ______ can also mean to travel on large ships for pleasure.) (4. a trip on a large ship for pleasure)

spoon (spoon) (1 - a wooden cooking spoon a silver baby spoon spoon verb [ T always + adv/prep ] us ​) (1 - Spoon a little gravy over the meat.)

숟가락, 숟가락으로 뜨다, 숟가락으로 먹다, 애무하다 (구어) (1. a utensil that is a small, flat bowl with a handle, used for mixing, serving, and eating food)

predicate (verb PRED-i-keyt; adjective, noun PRED-i-kit) (1 - In the sentence "We went to the airport," "went to the airport" is the predicate.) (2 - One cannot predicate that the disease is caused by a virus on the basis of current evidence.) (3 - The sales forecast is predicated on a growing economy.)

술부, 속성, 단정하다, 단언하다, 진실이라고 단정하다, 진실이라고 단언하다, 현실이라고 단정하다 (1. the part of a sentence that gives information about the subject) (2. to state that something is true) (3. If an idea or argument is predicated on something, it depends on the existence or truth of that thing)

charcoal (CHAHR-kohl) (2 - a charcoal gray suit)

숯, 목탄, 그림그릴 때 사용되는 목탄, 목탄화 (1. a hard, black substance similar to coal that can be used as fuel or, in the form of sticks, as something to draw with) (2. ________ gray is a dark gray color)

obsolete (ob-su̲h̲-LEET, OB-su̲h̲-leet) (1 - Typewriters have been rendered obsolete by computers.)

스러진, 시대에 뒤떨어진, 퇴화한 (1. no longer used or needed, usually because something newer and better has replaced it)

thrill (thril) (1 - It gave me a thrill to see her again after so many years.) (1 - Just standing next to him thrilled her.)

스릴, 전율, 떨림, 감동시키다, 흥분시키다, 떨게 하다, 흔들리게 하다, 오싹하게 하다 (1. a feeling of great excitement and pleasure)

spy (spahy) (2 - He kept on their trail until he spied firelight from a camp nestled in the rocks.) (3 - Bazoft confessed on television that he spied for Israel.)

스파이, 비밀첩보원, 다른사람을 위해 비밀리에 정보를 모으고 조사하는 사람, 첩보원으로 정보를 위해 일하다 (1. a person employed by a country or organization to secretly gather and report information about another country or organization) (2. to see or notice someone or something) (3. to secretly gather and report information about another country or organization)

moist (moist) (1 - moist blueberry muffins rich, moist soil moisten verb [ I/T ] us ​) (1 - Moisten the shirts before ironing.)

습한, 촉촉한, 눈물이 많은 (1. slightly wet)

brook (bro̲o̲ k) (1 - A brook runs past the house.) (2 - She won't brook any criticism of her work.)

시내, 개울, 참다 (1. a small stream) (2. to allow or accept something, esp. a difference of opinion or intention)

creek (kreek, krik)

시내, 개울물, 작은 만, 후미 (1. a small river or stream)

ordeal (awr-DEEL, -DEE-u̲h̲ l, AWR-deel) (1 - Her seven-month stay in the hospital was quite an ordeal.)

시련, 고난, 괴로운 체험 (1. an experience that is very painful, difficult, or tiring)

trifle (TRAHY-fu̲h̲ l) (2 - He admits to being a trifle nervous before every show.) (2 - It was such a trifling sum of money to argue about.)

시시한 것, 하찮은 것, 소량, 소작품, 카스테라빵으로 만든 디저트, 놀다, 장난하다 (1. a matter or item of little value or importance) (2. A ______ means slightly or to a small degree)

commence (ku̲h̲-MENS) (1 - He commenced speaking before all the guests had arrived.)

시작하다 (1. to begin something)

tentative (TEN-tu̲h̲-tiv) (1 - We have tentative plans to go to Hawaii in February.) (1 - We have tentatively agreed to buy that house.)

시험적인, 임시적인, 주저하는 (1. not certain or confident)

grocery (GROH-su̲h̲-ree, GROHS-ree)

식료품, 잡화류, 식료 잡화점, 식품점 (1. a grocer's) (2. the food that you buy in a grocer's shop or supermarket)

discern (dih-SURN, -ZURN) (1 - He could discern the note of urgency in their voices. The exhibit is arranged in no important order that the viewer can discern.)

식별하다, 분간하다, 알아차리다 (1. to be able to see, recognize, understand, or decide something)

vinegar (VIN-i-ger) (1 - Would you like oil and vinegar on your salad?)

식초, 심, 활력 (1. a strong-tasting liquid made esp. from fermented /= chemically changed/ wine, apple juice, etc., that is used for flavoring or preserving food)

sour (souu̲h̲ r, SOU-er) (1 - The four basic tastes are sweet, salty, bitter, and sour.) (2 - The team's perfect season went/turned sour after they lost their second straight game.) (3 - I'm afraid the milk has soured.) (4 - When the economy soured, donations to the charity dried up.)

신, 쌉싸롬한, 시게 하다, 불쾌하게 만들다, 시어지다, 신 것, 싫은 것 (1. /esp. of food/ having a sharp taste) (2. unfriendly or unpleasant in manner or attitude) (3. to become sour) (4. to become bad or unpleasant, or cause someone to feel bad or unhappy)

epoch (EP-u̲h̲ k or, esp. British, EE-pok)

신기원, 시대 (1. a long period of time, esp. one in which there are new advances and great change)

groom (groom, gro̲o̲ m) (1 - The girls groomed their hair. [ I ] He's gone upstairs to finish grooming. [ T ] They're grooming the ski runs at Snow Basin /= preparing them for use/.) (2 - The record company groomed performers to fit the music's image.) (3 - I've groomed horses for years.) (4 - The bride and groom were posing for pictures.)

신랑, 마부, 손질하다, 주의해서 다루다, 단정하게 하다, 말을 빗질하다, 준비하다 (1. to make yourself ready to be seen; put in order) (2. to prepare someone for a special job or activity) (3. to clean an animal, often by brushing its fur) (4. a man who is about to get married or just got married) (5. a person whose job is to take care of and clean horses)

stature (STACH-er) (1 - He is a philosopher of great stature in the academic community.) (2 - Although short in stature, his voice and stage presence were remarkable.)

신장, 키, 위업, 성장 (1. reputation and importance based on admirable qualities or achievements) (2. the height of a person or an animal)

creed (kreed) (1 - The law forbids discrimination because of race, color, or creed.)

신조, 주의, 신념 (1. a formal statement or system of esp. religious beliefs)

prudence (PROOD-ns)

신중, 검약, 현명함

cue (kyoo) (1 - She waited for her cue - the ring of the telephone - to come on stage. Being passed over for promotion twice was his cue to start looking for another job.)

신호(가수나 배우에게 보내는), 예, 견본, 당구큐, 당구에 사용되는 막대, 원판굴리기 놀이에 사용되는 끝에 오목한 장식이 붙어 있는 막대 (1. a signal for someone to do or say something, esp. in a play or movie) (2. in the game of pool, a long, round, wooden stick held at one end and used to hit a white ball and move it against another or other balls to roll them into holes around the edge of a table covered with cloth)

recruit (ri-KROOT) (1 - The coach spends a lot of time recruiting the top high school athletes.) (1 - He worked as a military recruiter in Texas.)

신회원, 신병, 신회원을 들이다, 신병을 들이다, 얻다, 취득하다 (1. to persuade someone to become a new member of an organization) (2. a new member of an organization, esp. a military organization)

teenager (TEEN-ey-jer) (1 - They have two teenage sons.)

십대, 13세살에서 19살 사이의 청소년 (1. a person who is 13 through 19 years old)

decimal (DES-u̲h̲-mu̲h̲ l, DES-mu̲h̲ l) (2 - Three-fifths expressed as a decimal is 0.6.)

십진법의, 십부문의, 소수 (1. of a system of counting or money based on the number ten) (2. a number expressed using a system of counting based on the number ten)

hail (heyl) (2 - After his speech he faced a hail of questions from reporters.) (3 - You wait here with our bags while I hail a taxi.) (4 - Heppner has been hailed as one of the finest tenors in the operatic world today.) (5 - It hailed for a few minutes this morning.)

싸라기눈, 우박, 총알이 빗발치는 것, 환영, 싸라기 눈이 내리다, 우박이 쏟아지다 (1. small, hard balls of ice that fall from the sky like rain) (2. A ____ of things is a lot of them directed toward someone) (3. to call and attract the attention of someone) (4. to publicly praise or show approval for a person or an achievement) (5. If it hails, small, hard balls of ice fall from the sky)

wedge (wej) (1 - A wedge under the door kept it open.) (1 - He wedged the window open with a screwdriver.)

쐐기, 삼가형모양의 것, 나눠지게 하거나 열리게 하는 것, 머리부분이 쐐기형인 골프채 (1. a piece of wood, metal, or other material with a pointed edge at one end and a wide edge at the other, used to keep two things apart or, when forced between two things, to break them apart)

litter (LIT-er) (3 - The park was littered with bottles and soda cans after the concert.)

쓰레기, 난잡, 동물이 한번에 낳는 새끼의 수, 들것, 가마, 동물 또는 사람을 위한 잠자리(지푸라기로 된) (1. pieces of paper and other small objects that have been thrown out and are left on the ground in public places) (2. a group of animals born at the same time and having the same mother) (3. to throw pieces of paper and other small objects on the ground in public places)

manure (mu̲h̲-no̲o̲ r, -nyo̲o̲ r)

쓰레기, 동물의 똥, 비료, 비료를 주다 (1. excrement from animals, esp. horses and cattle, often used as a fertilizer /= material added to earth to help plants grow/)

garbage (GAHR-bij) (1 - She threw the cheese in the garbage. Take the garbage can/bags out to the curb to be picked up. There will be no regular garbage collection Monday. We were stuck in traffic behind a garbage truck /= a large vehicle that collects garbage from containers outside buildings/.) (2 - There's an awful lot of garbage on television and radio.)

쓰레기, 찌꺼기 (1. waste material, esp. unwanted food, or a container in which waste is kept) (2. nonsense, or worthless ideas or things)

amateur (AM-u̲h̲-cho̲o̲ r, -cher, -ter, am-u̲h̲-TUR) (1 - He was an amateur archaeologist.) (2 - Some of the people who show up at practice shooting ranges are real amateurs.)

아마추어, 초보자, 초보자의,직업적이지 않은 (1. taking part in an activity for pleasure and not as a job, or /of an activity/ done for pleasure and not as a job) (2. An _______ is also someone who lacks skill in doing something)

paternal (pu̲h̲-TUR-nl) (1 - His father gave him a good-humored, paternal smile.) (2 - paternal grandparents)

아버지 같은, 아버지다운, 아버지로부터 물려받은 (1. behaving or feeling as a father does toward his child) (2. ________ also means related by way of the father)

idol (AHYD-l) (1 - Basketball players are his idols.)

아이돌, 스타, 우상 (1. a person who is loved, admired, or respected a lot) (2. An ____ is also an object or picture that is worshipped as a god.)

opium (OH-pee-u̲h̲ m)

아편, 마비시키는 것, 아편 같은 것 (1. a drug made from poppy plants and used in medicine to control pain or help people sleep)

demon (DEE-mu̲h̲ n)

악령, 악마, 문제아, 극악무도한 사람 (1. an evil spirit)

infamous (IN-fu̲h̲-mu̲h̲ s) (1 - He is infamous for saying that cheating is the way the game is played.) (1 - Franklin Roosevelt spoke of Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor as "a day that will live in infamy.)

악명 높은, 지독한, 매우 평판이 나쁜 (1. well known for something bad; notorious)

malice (MAL-is) (1 - An employee would have to prove an employer acted out of malice in order to sue.)

악의, 원한 (1. the intention to do something wrong and esp. to cause injury)

malignant (mu̲h̲-LIG-nu̲h̲ nt) (1 - The pathologist's report said the tumor was malignant.)

악의에 찬, 악성인, 악의가 있는 (1. /of a disease or tissue growing because of a disease/ leading to death)

complexion (ku̲h̲ m-PLEK-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - a dark/light/smooth complexion)

안색, 피부색, 외관 (1. the color or appearance of the skin of a person's face)

antenna (an-TEN-u̲h̲) (1 - fig. Her political antennae helped her answer questions without offending anyone.)

안테나, 첨탑 (1. either of the two long, thin parts attached to the head of an insect that it uses to know what is around it) (2. a structure made of metal rods or wires, often positioned on top of a building or vehicle, that receives or sends radio or television signals)

poster (POH-ster) (1 - She had a poster of some rock star on the wall.)

알림, 포스터, 광고를 목적으로 하는 커다란 사진 (1. a large printed picture or notice put up for advertising or decoration)

assassination (u̲h̲-SAS-u̲h̲-neyt) (1 - an assassination attempt the assassination of the opposition leader)

암살 (1. the murder of someone famous or important)

allusion (u̲h̲-LOO-zhu̲h̲ n) (1 - He made some allusion to the years they lived apart.)

암시, 언급, 넌지시 말함 (1. a brief or indirect reference)

reef (reef) (1 - a coral reef)

암초, 축범부, 돛의 축범부, 항해를 조정할 수 있게 하는 바람에 맞닺는 부분, 돛을 줄이다 (1. a line of rocks or sand at or near the surface of the sea)

hen (hen)

암탉 (1. an adult female chicken that is often kept for its eggs, or the female of any bird)

squeeze (skweez) (1 - Bake for 15 minutes, then squeeze the cloves to get the softened garlic out. I squeezed her shoulder /= pressed it affectionately with a hand/.) (2 - I'm just not able to squeeze into last year's swimsuit. [ T ] She's asking me to squeeze a shopping trip into my day off. [ M ] You can squeeze in six people at the table.) (3 - I gave his shoulder a squeeze. fig. State parks will feel the squeeze from budget cuts /= the cuts will have a limiting effect/.) (4 - It'll be a tight squeeze with four other people in the car, but I'll give you a lift.)

압착하다, 찌부러뜨리다, 쥐어 짜다, 껴안다, 압박하다, 쑤셔넣다, 협박하다, 공갈하다 (1. to press something firmly, or to force something out, esp. a liquid, by pressing) (2. to force someone or something into a small space or a short period of time) (3. the act of pressing something firmly) (4. the act of forcing someone or something into a small space, often by pushing or pressing)

ensemble (ahn-SAHM-bu̲h̲ l, -SAHMB; French ahn-sahn-blu̲h̲) (1 - a woodwind ensemble I admired her ensemble of coat, hat, and shoes.)

앙상블, 합주단, 한벌(옷) (1. a group of people who perform music together, or a collection of things intended to be used together)

portal (PAWR-tl, POHR-) (1 - We entered the side portal of the cathedral.) (2 - The portal lets you access specific information from anywhere in the site.)

앞 현관, 문 (1. a large and often highly decorated entrance to a building) (2. a page on the World Wide Web that users can change so it shows information they want to see)

foregoing (fawr-GOH-ing, fohr-) (1 - I can testify to the foregoing since I was actually present when it happened.) (1 - The foregoing account was written 50 years after the incident.)

앞서 말한, ...없이 지내다, 앞에 가다 (1. what has just been mentioned or described)

anterior (an-TEER-ee-er) (1 - Specimens for examination were taken from the anterior side of the left ventricle from each heart.)

앞쪽에 있는, 선행한, 보다 이전의 (1. positioned at or towards the front) (2. earlier in time)

apron (EY-pru̲h̲ n)

앞치마, 격납고 (1. a piece of clothing worn over the front of other clothes to keep them clean when doing a dirty or messy job, esp. cooking)

slim (slim) (1 - She's published several slim volumes of poetry.) (2 - Coaches told him his chances of making the team were slim at best.)

야위게 하다, 가늘게 하다, 호리호리한, 적은, 얼마 안되는, 가치가 없는 (1. thin, or /esp. of people/ attractively thin) (2. ____ also means only a little or not much)

shrewd (shrood) (1 - He's a very shrewd businessman. Barbara made some shrewd investments.)

약삭빠른, 빈틈없는, 영리한, 현명한, 능수능란한 (1. able to judge a situation accurately and turn it to your own advantage)

pledge (plej) (1 - a pledge of friendship The telethon raised $150,000 in pledges for leukemia research.)

약속, 서약, 맹세, 저당, 담보, 표적, 보증, 보증하다, 약속하다, 맹세하다 (1. a formal promise, or something that is given as a sign that you will keep a promise)

bucket (BUHK-it) (1 - a bucket of water)

양동이, 농구(속어), 한 양동이정도의 분량, 양동이 모양의 국자, 재빨리 말등에 타다 (1. a container with an open top and a handle, or the amount such a container will hold)

concession (ku̲h̲ n-SESH-u̲h̲ n) (1 - Both sides involved in the talks made concessions.) (2 - a concession speech) (3 - A lot of movie theater profits come from their candy concessions.)

양보, 인정, 구내 매점, 시인, 양도 (1. something allowed or given up, often in order to end a disagreement, or the act of allowing or giving up something) (2. __________ can also be the act of admitting defeat) (3. permission to sell something, esp. in part of a store owned by someone else, or a business that sells something)

cultivate (KUHL-tu̲h̲-veyt) (1 - He cultivated soybeans on most of the land.) (2 - We're trying to help these kids cultivate an interest in science.) (3 - to cultivate friendships cultivation noun [ U ] us ​) (3 - Simple changes in rice cultivation can reduce methane emissions.)

양성하다, 재배하다, 개발하다, 발전시키다, 조성하다 (1. to prepare land and grow crops on it, or to grow a particular crop) (2. to create a new condition by directed effort) (3. To _________ is also to try to become friendly with someone because that person may be able to help you)

remorse (ri-MAWRS) (1 - Judges took account of the prisoner's remorse.) (1 - I'm still remorseful for having broken it.) (1 - a remorseless tyrant)

양심의 가책, 자책, 깊은 후회 (1. a strong feeling of guilt and regret about something you have done)

shepherd (SHEP-erd) (2 - Visitors are shepherded through the mansion by volunteers. Roberti shepherded the legislation through Congress /= made sure it was approved/.)

양치기, 목사, 양떼를 인도하다, 보호하다, 인도하다, 지도하다 (1. a person who takes care of sheep) (2. to move and care for sheep, or to lead people somewhere)

onion (UHN-yu̲h̲ n)

양파, 파 (1. a plant with a round, edible root having a strong smell and flavor)

conjecture (ku̲h̲ n-JEK-cher) (1 - What lay behind the decision is open to conjecture.) (1 - Some employees conjecture that it was a money-saving move.)

어림짐작, 추측, 추측하다, 어림대고 말하다, 가정하다 (1. an opinion or judgment that is not based on proof; a guess)

dusk (duhsk)

어스름, 땅거미, 황혼 (1. the time just before night when the day is losing its light but it is not yet dark)

twilight (TWAHY-lahyt) (2 - The book presents a compelling portrait of the singer in the twilight of her career.)

어스름, 미광, 어스름이 질 때, 희미한 빛이 비칠 때, 황혼, 어슴푸레함 (1. the low level of light when it is late in the day, just before the darkness of night, or this period of the day) (2. /fig./ ________ is also any late period, when the end of something is near)

inhibit (in-HIB-it) (1 - The merger of the two corporations was not allowed because it would inhibit open competition. Some states have a rule that inhibits lawyers from talking about their cases outside the courtroom.)

억제하다, 금하다, 금지하다 (1. to take an action that makes something less likely to happen, or that discourages someone from doing something)

refrain (ri-FREYN) (1 - Please refrain from talking during the lecture.) (2 - Every year we hear the same refrain, that women are making great strides in business.)

억제하다, 참다, 자제하다, 삼가하다, 후렴, 시의 후렴, 노래의 후렴 (1. to not let yourself do something) (2. a short part of a song or poem that is repeated, esp. at the end of each longer part, or any phrase that is often repeated)

linguistic (ling-GWIS-tik) (1 - linguistic analysis)

언어의, 언어적인, 어학의, 언어학의 (1. connected with language or the study of language)

procure (proh-kyo̲o̲ r, pru̲h̲-) (1 - We procured maps and directions from the tourist office.) (1 - the city's procurement process)

얻다, 획득하다, 주선하다 (1. to obtain something, esp. after an effort)

blush (bluhsh) (1 - He blushed at the thought of what he'd done.)

얼굴을 붉히다, 발그레해지다, 부끄러워하다, 얼굴을 붉힘, 발그레함 (1. to become redder or darker in the face, usually from embarrassment) (2. a red color on the face, usually from embarrassment) (3. a substance, often a powder, put on the face to add a slightly red color)

stain (steyn) (1 - Strawberry juice stained my shirt. [ I ] This carpet is practical because it doesn't stain easily.) (2 - Instead of painting the woodwork, she stained it dark brown.) (3 - The tomato sauce left a stain on the tablecloth.)

얼룩, 반점, 착색, 오명, 흠, 더럽히다, 얼룩지다, 착색하다, 명성에 금이 가게 하다 (1. to leave a mark on something that is difficult to remove, or to become colored or spoiled by a mark) (2. If you _____ wood, you put a substance on it that changes its color) (3. a dirty mark on something that is difficult to remove) (4. A _____ is also a thin, oily liquid used to change the color of wood.) (5. A _____ is also a chemical used to color cells to make them easier to see when studying them under a microscope.)

surround (su̲h̲-ROUND) (1 - Snow-capped mountains surround the city. The house was surrounded by dense woods.) (2 - I'm interested in the circumstances surrounding the accident. The controversy that surrounded the police action led to a number of investigations.) (2 - Hundreds of people fled from the city and are now living in the surrounding countryside.)

에워싸다, 둘러싸다, 포위하다 (1. to be around something on all sides) (2. To ________ something also means to have to do with it or to result from it)

passport (PAS-pawrt, -pohrt, PAHS-)

여권 (1. an official document provided by the government of a particular country which shows that the owner is a citizen of that country and allows that person to travel to foreign countries)

superfluous (so̲o̲-PUR-floo-u̲h̲ s) (1 - Our new mayor plans to eliminate superfluous programs. Much of the school day is wasted on superfluous activities.)

여분의, 불필요한, 과잉의 (1. more than is needed; extra and not necessary)

redundant (ri-DUHN-du̲h̲ nt) (1 - My English teacher was merciless if what we wrote was abstract, sentimental, or redundant.) (2 - They're trying to cut the redundancy of some federal programs.)

여분의, 장황한, 과다한 (1. more than what is usual or necessary, esp. using extra words that mean the same thing) (2. Br People who are _________ have become unemployed because they are no longer needed at their place of work.)

fox (foks) (1 - A fox who had smelled the chickens came out of the woods into the yard.)

여우, 여우 모피, 교활한 사람 (1. a wild mammal belonging to the dog family which has a pointed face and ears, a wide furry tail, and often red-brown fur, or the fur of this animal)

aftermath (AF-ter-math, AHF-) (1 - We all worked together in the aftermath of the earthquake.)

여파, 영향, 후유증 (1. the period following an event, such as an accident or war, and the effects caused by the event)

cartilage (KAHR-tl-ij, KAHRT-lij)

연골, 연골부, 연골 조직 (1. a strong, elastic type of tissue found in humans in the joints and other places such as the nose, throat, and ears)

consecutive (ku̲h̲ n-SEK-yu̲h̲-tiv) (1 - We've had five consecutive days of rain.)

연속되는, 연속적인, 논리가 일관된 (1. following one after another without an interruption)

celebrity (su̲h̲-LEB-ri-tee) (1 - Hollywood celebrities turned up at Laguna Beach.)

연예인, 유명인, 배우, 스타, 명성 (1. someone who is famous, esp. in the entertainment business)

kit (kit) (1 - We keep a first-aid kit in the office for emergencies.) (2 - a model airplane kit)

연장 상자, 도구, 장비, 복장, 그룹, 조 (속어), 세면대, 어린 고양이 (1. a set of things, such as tools or equipment, used for a particular purpose or activity) (2. A ___ is also a set of parts sold ready to be put together)

ardent (AHR-dnt) (1 - They were ardent pacifists.)

열렬한, 열심인, 불타는 (1. showing strong feelings; eager)

barren (BAR-u̲h̲ n) (1 - The landscape was barren, with not a tree or shrub in sight.)

열매를 맺지 않는, 불모인, 메마른 (1. /of land/ not producing or unable to produce plants) (2. old use If a woman is barren, she is unable to have a baby.)

parade (pu̲h̲-REYD) (1 - We used to go and see the Thanksgiving Day parade in New York.)

열병, 행렬, 전시, 과시, 행진하다, 줄맞춰서 걷다, 정렬 시키다, 과시하다 (1. a large number of people marching, walking, or riding in vehicles, all moving in the same direction, usually in a formal way as part of a public celebration) (2. A ______ is also a military ceremony in which soldiers march in front of important officials or as part of a public celebration.)

partisan (PAHR-tu̲h̲-zu̲h̲ n, -su̲h̲ n; British pahr-tu̲h̲-ZAN) (1 - partisan politics partisanship noun [ U ] us ​) (1 - The political parties are more divided by partisanship than ever before.)

열성당원, 특정 단체나 대의를 열렬히 지지하는 사람, 게릴라 전사, 비정규부대 전사 (1. involving loyal support of a person, principle, or political party)

goat (goht) (2 - Jefferson's three errors made him the goat of last night's game.)

염소 (1. a horned animal related to the sheep, which is kept to provide milk, meat, or wool) (2. a person who is blamed for causing a failure or defeat, esp. in a team sports competition)

earl (url) (1 - the Earl of Northumberland)

영국백작 (1. /the title of/ a British man of high social rank, between a marquis and a viscount)

sage (seyj) (1 - sage advice)

영리한, 학식있는, 현명하고 학식있는 사람, 박하과의 식물, 미국 서부에 있는 덩굴 (1. wise, esp. as a result of long experience) (2. an herb with gray-green leaves that is used to flavor foods in cooking) (3. a wise person, esp. an old man)

durable (do̲o̲ r-u̲h̲-bu̲h̲ l, dyo̲o̲ r-) (1 - The fabric is the perfect blend for comfort, breathability and durability.)

영속성 있는, 견고한, 질긴 (1. able to last a long time without being damaged)

flank (flangk) (1 - Secret Service agents flanked the president's car.) (2 - Troops attacked the enemy's left flank.)

옆구리, 측면 (사람이나 동물의), 옆구리살, 모든 것들의 옆면, 측면 (산이나 배 등) (1. to be at the side of someone or something) (2. the side of something) (3. A person's or animal's flanks are the sides of its body between the ribs and the hips.)

forecast (FAWR-kast, -kahst, FOHR-) (1 - The forecast is heavy rain for tomorrow.) (1 - The government is forecasting that unemployment will continue to fall.) (1 - a weather forecaster)

예상하다, 예측하다, 예보하다, 예상, 예보, 예상된, 기대된 (1. a statement of what is likely to happen in the future)

quaint (kweynt) (1 - In Spain, we visited a cobblestone plaza with quaint little cafés around its perimeter.)

예스러운, 독특한, 별난 (1. attractive because of being unusual and esp. old-fashioned)

rehearsal (ri-HUR-su̲h̲ l) (1 - They didn't have time for /a/ rehearsal before the performance. He's a producer with three plays in rehearsal.)

예행 연습, 리허설, 복창 (1. a time when all the people involved in a play, dance, etc. practise in order to prepare for a performance)

shrink (shringk) (1 - The show's audience has shrunk in the last few months.) (2 - My first reaction was to shrink in disgust at the sight of it.) (3 - Kate's a good worker, but she seems to shrink from responsibility.)

오그라들다, 줄다, 움츠러지다, 위축시키다, 줄어들다, 줄어들게 하다, 정신과 의사 (속어) (1. to become smaller or cause something to become smaller) (2. to move away from something unpleasant or frightening) (3. If you ______ from something, you avoid it) (4. a psychiatrist, psychotherapist, or psychoanalyst)

duck (duhk) (2 - Duck your head or you'll bang it on the door frame. [ I ] She ducked below the surface of the rippling water.) (3 - When he saw them coming, he ducked into a store.) (4 - He accused the president of ducking the issue of campaign finance reform.)

오리, 영점, 애인, 슬쩍 몸을 피하기, 물속에 잠기다, 물속에 머리를 넣었다가 쑥 내밀다 (1. a bird that lives by water and has short legs with webbed feet /= feet with toes joined by skin/, or the meat of this bird) (2. to move your head or the top part of your body quickly down, esp. to avoid being hit) (3. To ____ is also to move quickly to a place, esp. in order not to be seen) (4. To ____ a subject or question is to avoid it)

alley (AL-ee) (1 - I ran down the alley and up the back stairs.)

오솔길, 골목, 레인 (1. a narrow road or path between buildings, esp. between the backs of buildings)

orchestra (AWR-ku̲h̲-stru̲h̲) (1 - the New York Philharmonic Orchestra) (2 - We've got seats in the fifth row of the orchestra.) (2 - an orchestral arrangement)

오케스트라, 교향악단 (1. a large group of musicians playing different instruments and usually organized to play together and led by a conductor) (2. The _________ of a theater is the part on the main floor)

temperate (TEM-per-it, TEM-prit) (1 - The climate here is pretty temperate.)

온대의, 절제하는 (1. not extreme; within a middle range)

stark (stahrk) (1 - stark white walls) (2 - The dim halls made a stark contrast with the bright, sun-drenched apartment.)

완전한, 있는 그대로의, 가혹한, 엄한, 꾸미지 않은, 전연 (1. empty or without decoration) (2. _____ also means completely clear) (3. Someone who is _____ naked is not wearing any clothes.)

hull (huhl)

외피, 덮개, 선체, 배의 몸체 (1. the body or frame of a ship, most of which lies under the water) (2. the outer covering of a seed or fruit, such as the shell of a nut)

cradle (KREYD-l) (2 - Joe cradled his cup of coffee and began to speak.)

요람, 요람에 넣다, 요람에 넣어서 재우다, 선가로 괴다, 수화기대에 놓다, 선광기로 선광하다 (1. a small bed for a baby, esp. one with raised sides that can be pushed gently so that it moves from side to side) (2. to hold someone or something gently)

recipe (RES-u̲h̲-pee) (1 - When I make pies, I don't need to follow a recipe.)

요리법, 레시피, 비결, 처방 (1. a set of instructions telling you how to prepare and cook a particular food, including a list of what foods are needed for this)

fortress (FAWR-tris)

요새, 요새지, 견고한 곳 (1. a large, strong building or group of buildings that can be defended from attack)

gallant (adjective GAL-u̲h̲ nt for 1, 3, 4; gu̲h̲-LANT, -LAHNT, GAL-u̲h̲ nt for 2, 5; noun gu̲h̲-LANT, -LAHNT, GAL-u̲h̲ nt; verb gu̲h̲-LANT, -LAHNT) (1 - She made a gallant effort to win, even if her effort fell short.) (2 - He was always charming and gallant toward women.)

용감한, 정중한, 기사다운, 신사다운, 유행을 좇는 사람, 여자에게 친절한 사나이 (1. showing no fear of dangerous or difficult things) (2. /of a man/ polite to women, esp. when in public)

furnace (FUR-nis)

용광로, 화장로, 난방로 (1. a container for holding burning substances, usually to heat buildings or to melt metals and other materials)

dissolve (dih-ZOLV) (1 - Dissolve two teaspoons of yeast in warm water.) (2 - They decided to dissolve the partnership.)

용해하다, 녹이다, 녹다, 액화시키다, 사라지게하다, 부분으로 나누다, 분해시키다 (1. to be absorbed or to cause a solid to be absorbed by a liquid, or of a liquid to absorb a solid) (2. to end an official organization or a legal arrangement)

umbrella (uhm-BREL-u̲h̲) (1 - A figure carrying an open umbrella walked slowly through the rain.) (2 - an umbrella term an umbrella organization)

우산, 양산, 해파리의 몸체, 보호막, 우산의, 우산 같은, 포괄적인 (1. a cover that protects from rain or sun, esp. waterproof material fitted on a folding frame with a handle at one end) (2. An ________ is also something that includes a number of similar things)

contingency (ku̲h̲ n-TIN-ju̲h̲ n-see) (1 - We must prepare for all possible contingencies.)

우연성, 우발 사건, 우발 (1. something that might possibly happen in the future, usually causing problems or making further plans and arrangements necessary)

melancholy (MEL-u̲h̲ n-kol-ee) (1 - a melancholy song Larry is in a very melancholy mood.)

우울증, 우울한, 침울한 (1. feeling or expressing sadness)

parable (PAR-u̲h̲-bu̲h̲ l)

우화, 비유, 비유하여 이야기하다 (1. a simple story told because it represents a basic moral truth or religious principle)

rhyme (rahym) (1 - "Love" and "above" rhyme.) (2 - Can you think of a rhyme for "orange"? [ U ] She does not use rhyme in her poems.)

운, 단어난 시행의 끝에 사용된 비슷한 음, 다른 단어의 소리와 비슷하게 들리는 소리로 끝나는 단어 (1. /of words/ to have the same final sound, or to use words that have the same final sound) (2. two or more words with the same final sound, or the use of such words, esp. at the ends of lines in a poem or song)

athletic (ath-LET-ik) (1 - an athletic competition) (2 - Mia is strong, competitive, athletic, and still feminine.)

운동의, 선수의, 경기의, 체육의, 건강한 (1. of or relating to sports) (2. ________ can also describe a person who is strong, healthy, and trained or skilled in sports or a particular sport)

steer (steer) (1 - It's not easy to steer the car through these narrow streets. [ I ] fig. The speech steered clear of /= avoided/ controversial issues.) (2 - She steered her guests into the dining room.) (3 - I'd like to steer the discussion back to our original topic.)

운전하다, 조종하다, 안내하다, 조언, 수송아지 (1. to control the direction of a vehicle) (2. If you _____ someone, you cause the person to go in a particular direction) (3. If you _____ an activity, you cause it to deal with a particular feature or topic) (4. a young male of the cattle family that has had its sex organs removed and that is usually raised for meat)

weep (weep) (1 - I could hear someone weeping.)

울다, 눈물을 흘리다, 물기를 내뿜다, 울기 (1. to cry tears)

toll (tohl) (1 - They're raising the bridge toll to $5.00. The number you dialed is a toll call - please deposit an additional fifty cents.) (2 - In addition to the physical destruction caused by the flooding, the emotional toll on its victims was immense.) (3 - The town hall bell tolled at noon.)

울리다, 종을 치다, 사용료, 통행요금, 뜯기는 것, 대가, 희생, 만종 (1. an amount of money that you have to pay to travel along some main roads, to cross bridges, etc., or to make telephone calls over long distances) (2. a high degree of suffering or damage) (3. /of a large bell/ to ring slowly and repeatedly, or to cause a large bell to ring in this way)

eloquence (EL-u̲h̲-kwu̲h̲ ns) (1 - She made an eloquent appeal for action. The pictures were an eloquent reminder of the power of the volcano.) (1 - She was renowned for her eloquence and beauty.) (1 - He spoke eloquently.) (2 - When required, he could be an eloquent speaker, but preferred talking to small groups.) (3 - The pictures of destruction served as an eloquent reminder of the hurricane's power.) (3 - I was impressed by her eloquence.)

웅변, 달변, 웅변술 (1. giving a clear, strong message) (2. using language to express ideas or opinions clearly and well, so that they have a strong effect on others) (3. Eloquent also means giving a clear, strong message)

cone (kohn) (2 - ice cream in a waffle cone geometry)

원뿔, 원추, 평평한 원형의 바닥과 뾰족한 뿔을 갖고 있는 물체, 사철나무의 씨를 갖고 있는 부분 (1. a solid shape with a round base that narrows to a point at the top) (2. A ____ is also any object shaped like a cone, some of which are hollow and open at the end) (3. A ____ is also an ice-cream cone) (4. A ____ is also the hard, oval fruit of an evergreen tree.)

monkey (MUHNG-kee)

원숭이, 장난꾸러기, 500 파운드(영국), 원숭이 처럼 장나치다, 원숭이 흉내를 내다 (1. any of a group of mammals that usually have flat faces and long tails, esp. any of the smaller mammals in this group)

circumference (ser-KUHM-fer-u̲h̲ ns) (1 - Draw a circle 5 inches in circumference.) (3 - We walked the circumference of the field so we wouldn't interrupt the game.)

원주, 주변, 외주 (1. the distance around a circle) (2. A _____________ is also the distance around the widest part of a round object, or a line enclosing a circular space.) (3. The _____________ of an area of any size or shape is its complete outside edge)

prototype (PROH-tu̲h̲-tahyp) (1 - a prototypical jazz singer)

원형, 모범, 본보기, 조상, 원형 (생물) (1. the original model of something from which later forms are developed)

consolation (kon-su̲h̲-LEY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - The main consolation for me was that I wouldn't have to leave Boston.)

위로, 위로해 주는 사람 또는 것 (1. something that gives comfort to someone who is sad or disappointed)

violate (VAHY-u̲h̲-leyt) (1 - The planes appear to have deliberately violated the cease-fire agreement.) (2 - Questions of this kind violate my privacy.) (2 - Violators can be fined up to $500.)

위반하다, 침해하다, 어기다, 위배하다, 침입 (1. to break or act against something such as a law, agreement, or principle, or to not respect something that should be treated with respect) (2. A person who violates a place or situation goes where he or she is not wanted or does something the person should not do)

hygiene (HAHY-jeen) (1 - He doesn't care much about personal hygiene.)

위생학, 위생, 건강법 (1. the practice or principles of keeping yourself and your environment clean in order to maintain health and prevent disease)

gastric (GAS-trik) (1 - gastric juices a gastric ulcer)

위의 (1. of the stomach)

peril (PER-u̲h̲ l) (1 - The president said that we are entering a time of great peril.)

위험, 위험에 빠뜨리다 (1. danger, or something that is dangerous)

synagogue (SIN-u̲h̲-gog, -gawg)

유대교의 예배당, 유대교도의 집회, 시나고그 (1. a building in which people of the Jewish religion worship and study)

pane (peyn) (1 - a window pane a pane of glass)

유리, 평면 (1. a flat piece of glass used in a window or door)

heed (heed) (1 - The airline failed to heed warnings about security.) (2 - Voters are dissatisfied, and Congress should take heed /= consider this/.)

유의하다, 유념해서 듣다, 주의, 조심, 유의 (1. to listen to and follow advice) (2. attention or notice)

influx (IN-fluhks) (1 - The town's economy depends on the summer influx of tourists.)

유입, 쇄도, 도래 (1. the arrival of a large number of people or things)

epidemic (ep-i-DEM-ik) (1 - a flu epidemic)

유행병의, 전염성의, 유행하고 있는, 유행병, 전염병 (1. the appearance of a particular disease in a very large number of people during the same period of time)

cache (kash) (1 - Authorities believe the robber was after a hidden cache of $2,500 kept in a box under the counter.)

은닉처, 소형의 고속 기억 용량의 컴퓨터, 저장하다, 고속으로 처리하다 (1. a secret or hidden store of things, or the place where they are kept)

penis (PEE-nis)

음경, 남근, 페니스 (1. an organ of male mammals that is used to excrete urine and for sex)

dreary (DREER-ee) (1 - It was a gray, dreary day, with periods of rain.)

음울한, 지루한 (1. unattractive and having nothing of any interest, and therefore likely to make you sad)

syllable (SIL-u̲h̲-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - There are two syllables in the word silver and three in appetite.)

음절, 한마디 (1. a single unit of speech, in English usually containing a vowel, consisting of either a whole word or one of the parts into which a word is separated when it is spoken or printed)

dismal (DIZ-mu̲h̲ l) (1 - The trip was a dismal failure.)

음침한, 쓸쓸한, 음산한, 구슬픈 (1. dark and sad, without hope, or very bad)

acoustic (u̲h̲-KOO-stik) (1 - Scientists have developed a tiny acoustic device to improve hearing aids.) (3 - acoustic tile)

음향의, 청각의, 소리의 (1. relating to sound or hearing) (2. An ________ musical instrument is one that is not made louder by electrical equipment.) (3. ________ also means designed to control sound so that you can hear only the sounds you want to hear)

dissent (dih-SENT) (1 - There was very little room for dissent or different points of view.) (3 - A staunch conservative, he frequently dissented from the court's majority opinion.)

의견을 달리하다, 이의를 말하다, 국교에 반대하다, 불찬성, 반대, 갈등, 불일치 (1. strong difference of opinion; disagreement esp. about official decisions) (2. law A _______ is also a legal opinion by a judge in a court that differs from the opinion of most of the other judges of the court.) (3. /of a judge/ to offer a legal opinion in a court that differs from the opinion of most of the other judges of the court)

garment (GAHR-mu̲h̲ nt) (1 - He's fussy about how a garment fits him.)

의복 한 점, 겉옷 (1. a piece of clothing)

rite (rahyt) (1 - the marriage rite)

의식, 엄숙하게 올리는 의식, 의식 절차 (1. a set of fixed words and actions, often said and done as part of a religious ceremony)

dubious (DOO-bee-u̲h̲ s, DYOO-) (1 - The team had the dubious distinction of ranking 31st in the league.) (2 - a dubious character)

의심스러운, 반신반의하는, 모호한 (1. probably not true or not completely true; doubtful) (2. _______ can also mean not to be trusted, or not completely moral)

recourse (REE-kawrs, -kohrs, ri-KAWRS, -KOHRS) (1 - If the company won't pay me, the only recourse left to me is to sue them.)

의지, 의뢰, 의지하는 것 (1. a way of dealing with a difficult or unpleasant situation)

congress (noun KONG-gris; verb ku̲h̲ n-GRES, ku̲h̲ ng-) (1 - the fourth congress of the European Association for Lexicography) (2 - Congress has rejected the president's plan.) (2 - a congressional committee)

의회, 모임, 회의, 입법부 (1. a formal meeting of representatives from countries or organizations at which ideas are discussed and information is exchanged) (2. the elected group of people in the US who are responsible for making the law, consisting of the Senate and the House of Representatives)

pagan (PEY-gu̲h̲ n) (1 - Those altars were used in pagan worship.)

이교도, 3대 종교 (기독교, 이슬람교, 유대교)를 믿지 않는 사람, 다신을 믿는 사람 (1. belonging to or used in a religion that worships many gods)

elicit (ih-LIS-it) (1 - The program has also elicited both positive and negative responses.)

이끌어 내다, 끌어내다, 유도해 내다 (1. to obtain something, esp. information or a reaction)

moss (maws, mos)

이끼, 늪, 습지 (1. a small green or yellow plant that grows esp. in wet earth or on rocks, walls, and tree trunks)

heathen (HEE-t̲h̲ u̲h̲ n) (1 - Those folks are heathens.)

이방인, 이교도, 무종교자, 이교도의 (1. /used, esp. in the past, of people or their way of life, activities, and ideas/ having no religion, or belonging to a religion that is not Christianity, Judaism, or Islam)

grotesque (groh-TESK) (1 - Some deep-sea creatures look really grotesque.) (1 - His face was grotesquely scarred.)

이상한, 별난, 괴기한, 그로테스크풍의, 흉한 (1. strange and often frightening in appearance or character)

dew (doo, dyoo)

이슬 (1. small drops of water that form on the ground and other surfaces outside esp. during the night)

hereby (heer-BAHY, HEER-bahy) (1 - I hereby pronounce you man and wife.)

이에, 이 선언에 의하여, 이에의하여 (1. by this statement, action, or law)

wilt (wilt) (1 - Put the flowers in water before they wilt.)

이울다, 풀이 죽다, 이울게 하다, 약하게 하다 (1. /of a plant/ to become weak and begin to bend toward the ground, or /of a person/ to become weaker, tired, or less confident)

heterogeneous (het-er-u̲h̲-JEE-nee-u̲h̲ s, -JEEN-yu̲h̲ s) (1 - With many ethnic groups represented, the student body is very heterogeneous.)

이질의, 이종의, 이질적인 (1. consisting of different parts or types)

kernel (KUR-nl) (1 - fig. There's a kernel of truth in what he said /= some small part of it is true/.)

인, 복숭아 따위의 인, 핵심, 문제 따위의 핵심 (1. the edible part of a nut that is inside the shell, or the whole seed of a grain plant)

ligament (LIG-u̲h̲-mu̲h̲ nt) (1 - She tore a ligament in her knee while she was playing basketball.)

인대, 유대, 결속력 (1. any of the strong strips of tissue in the body that connect various bones together, that limit movements in joints, and that support muscles and other tissue)

anthropology (an-thru̲h̲-POL-u̲h̲-jee)

인류학, PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 문화인류학 (1. the study of the human race, its culture and society, and its physical development)

salute (su̲h̲-LOOT) (1 - When you see an officer, you must salute.) (2 - We salute the important work done by the association.) (3 - Uniformed soldiers gave him a salute.) (4 - a 21-gun salute) (5 - The Film Institute held a salute to Jack Nicholson.)

인사하다, 경례하다, 공식적인 행동으로 경의를 나타내다, 경의를 표하다, 인사, 경례 (1. to recognize or show respect for a member of the armed forces of higher rank than yourself, usually by raising the right hand to the side of the head) (2. to honor or express admiration publicly) (3. a formal sign of respect for a member of the armed forces of higher rank than yourself) (4. A ______ is also the firing of guns by a military organization to show respect for someone) (5. an occasion when a person or an achievement is honored publicly)

cite (sahyt) (1 - He cited a study of the devices as proof that the company knew they were dangerous. Scientists cite this experiment as their main support for this theory.) (2 - If you cite too many writers, readers will wonder if you have any ideas of your own.) (3 - The mine operator was cited with 33 violations of federal safety standards.) (4 - He was cited for bravery.)

인용하다, 공식적으로 표창하다, 법정으로 소환하다 (1. to mention something as proof for a theory or as a reason why something has happened, or to speak or write words taken from a written work) (2. To ____ someone else's words when speaking or writing is to use them) (3. In law, a person or organization which is cited is named in a legal action) (4. to praise someone publicly for something the person has done)

racist (REY-sist)

인종 차별주의자, 민족 우월 주의자의, 민족 차별주의자의 (1. a person who believes that some races are better than others, or who acts unfairly to someone because of his or her race)

doll (dol) (2 - She's a doll, she's a love, she really is.)

인형, 화려하게 차려 입다, 치장하다, 꾸미다, 장식하다 (1. a child's toy in the shape of a person, esp. a baby or child) (2. /infml/ You can call someone a ____ to show that you like the person or think the person is attractive or pleasant)

evoke (ih-VOHK) (1 - The smell of chalk always evokes memories of my school days.) (1 - The new fashions were evocative of the 1920s.)

일깨우다, 불러일으키다, 자아내다 (1. to cause something to be remembered or expressed)

prestigious (pre-STIJ-u̲h̲ s, -STIJ-ee-u̲h̲ s, -STEE-ju̲h̲ s, -STEE-jee-u̲h̲ s) (1 - a prestigious literary award a prestigious university)

일류의, 명성있는, 유명한 (1. very much respected and admired, usually because of being important)

provisional (pru̲h̲-VIZH-u̲h̲-nl) (1 - a provisional government provisionally adverb us ​) (1 - I was provisionally accepted at Stanford.)

일시적인, 임시의, 잠정적인 (1. for the present time but likely to change; temporary)

dismiss (dis-MIS) (1 - Let's not dismiss the idea without discussing it.) (2 - The teacher dismissed the class early.)

일축하다, 해고하다, 기각하다, 무시하다, 각하하다 (1. to decide that something or someone is not important and not worth considering) (2. to formally ask or order someone to leave) (3. Someone who is dismissed from a job is officially told not to work at that job any longer.)

concurrent (ku̲h̲ n-KUR-u̲h̲ nt, -KUHR-) (1 - He's serving two concurrent 10-year sentences.) (2 - He dealt with several issues concurrently.)

일치하는, 동의 하는, 동일점으로 모이는, 평행의, 동시 발생의 (1. happening at the same time) (2. A __________ force is one of two or more forces that are in effect at the same time.)

pending (PEN-ding) (1 - His application for citizenship was still pending.) (2 - Flights were suspended pending an investigation of the crash.)

임박한, 미결정의, 미결의, 미완성의, ...까지, ...하는 동안 (1. about to happen or waiting to happen) (2. until after)

cube (kyoob) (2 - The cube of 2 is 8.)

입방체, 입방, 정육면체, 체적 (수학), 삼제곱하다, 깔림돌을 깔다, 나무벽돌을 깔다 (1. a solid object with six square sides of equal size) (2. the number made by multiplying a number twice by itself)

particle (PAHR-ti-ku̲h̲ l) (1 - dust particles physics)

입자, 먼지, 작은 조각 (1. an extremely small piece of something) (2. A ________ is also any of the smallest pieces of matter that make up atoms or the parts of atoms.)

foliage (FOH-lee-ij) (1 - Dense foliage blocked the path.)

잎, 전체 잎, 나뭇잎 (1. the leaves of a plant or tree)

uterus (YOO-ter-u̲h̲ s)

자궁 (1. the organ in the body of a woman or other female mammal in which a baby develops before birth; womb)

womb (woom)

자궁, 사물이 발생하는 곳, 내부 (1. the organ of a woman or other female mammal in which a baby develops before birth; uterus)

provoke (pru̲h̲-VOHK) (1 - He was trying to provoke me into a fight.) (2 - I'm trying to make people think, provoke their emotions. His death provoked huge demonstrations.)

자극하다, 유발하다, 촉발시키다, 일으키다, 도발하다 (1. to try to make a person or an animal angry or annoyed) (2. to cause a particular reaction or feeling)

reflex (adjective, noun REE-fleks; verb ri-FLEKS) (1 - He's strong, always has good positioning, and his reflexes are fantastic.)

자동반사, 신체의 반사 운동, 반사에너지, 표면에서 반사되는 에너지, 반영, 반사되는 상 (1. a sudden, automatic reaction to something) (2. A ______ is also an automatic reaction involving nerve cells that is not controlled by the brain, and, therefore, does not involve choice, for example, sneezing or vomiting)

boast (bohst) (1 - They are always boasting about how smart their children are. [ + that clause ] She boasted that she had never had an accident.) (2 - New Orleans boasts great music and excellent restaurants.) (2 - It was his proud boast that he had run over 20 marathons.)

자랑하다, 허풍 치다, 자랑하기, 자랑거리 (1. to speak too proudly or show too much satisfaction about something or someone connected with you) (2. to have or possess something to be proud of)

clip (klip) (1 - Her long hair was held back with a hair clip.) (2 - I drove home at a good clip.) (5 - a news clip) (6 - She clipped the coupons out of the newspaper. He had his beard clipped.) (7 - He had a beeper clipped to his belt.)

자르다, 깎아내다, 오려내다, 삭감하다, 후려 치다, 단어에서 문자를 생략하다, 깎음 (1. a usually metal or plastic object used for fastening things together or holding them in position) (2. a rate of speed) (3. a container holding bullets and that is put into a gun) (4. a small piece of something) (5. A ____ is a short part of a film or video shown alone) (6. to cut a piece from something larger or whole) (7. to fasten with a clip)

benevolent (bu̲h̲-NEV-u̲h̲-lu̲h̲ nt) (1 - I grew up happily under the benevolent influence of my Uncle Walt.)

자비심이 많은, 친절한, 자비로운 (1. kind and helpful)

autobiography (aw-tu̲h̲-bahy-OG-ru̲h̲-fee, -bee-, aw-toh-) (1 - The book was a mixture of family history and autobiography.)

자서전, 전기 (1. the story of a person's life as written by that person, or the area of literature relating to books that describe such stories)

magnet (MAG-nit) (1 - Magnets are used to attach the toy train's cars to the engine. We use a refrigerator magnet /= small decorative magnet that will stick to a steel door/ to hang our kids' latest drawings. fig. New York City remains a magnet for tourists /= it attracts them/.)

자석, 전자석, 매력적인 사람 또는 사물 (1. an object, esp. a piece of iron, that is able to attract iron and steel objects toward itself)

bike (bahyk) (2 - She got in the habit of biking to work when the weather was good.)

자전거, 자전거를 타다 (구어) (1. a bicycle) (2. A ____ is also a motor____ or motorcycle.)

bicycle (BAHY-si-ku̲h̲ l, -sik-u̲h̲ l, -sahy-ku̲h̲ l) (1 - He rides his bicycle to school.) (1 - I saw you bicycling through town yesterday.)

자전거, 자전거를 타다, 자전거 등으로 직송하다 (1. a vehicle with two wheels and a seat for a rider whose feet push pedals around in circles to make the wheels turn)

pore (pawr, pohr)

작은 구멍, 기공, 자세히 보다, 책 따위를 자세히 보다, 숙고하다, 독서로 혹사시키다 (1. one of many very small holes in the skin of people or other animals or on the surface of plants)

grove (grohv)

작은 숲 (1. a group of trees growing close together)

penny (PEN-ee) (1 - I keep pennies in a jar.) (2 - Our insurance didn't cover a penny of our medical bills. It was an expensive meal but worth every penny.)

잔돈, 영국의 잔돈 화폐단위, 1센트에 달하는 동전(미국과 캐나다에서) (1. in the US and Canada, a coin worth 1/100th of a dollar; a cent) (2. A _____ can also mean the smallest amount of money possible or the total cost of something)

weed (weed) (1 - My garden is overrun with weeds.) (2 - I weeded all afternoon.)

잡초, 담배, 대마초(속어), 가늘고 겁이 많은 동물 또는 사람, 상장, 상이 났을 때 다는 끈 (1. any wild plant that grows in a garden or field where it is not wanted) (2. to remove wild, unwanted plants)

intestine (in-TES-tin) (1 - Antibodies from the mother's milk line the baby's intestines and prevent infection.)

장, 창자 (1. /either of the two parts of/ a long tube through which food travels from the stomach and out of the body while it is being digested)

gut (guht) (1 - I had a feeling of sickness deep in the gut.) (2 - He'd added a few extra pounds to his gut.) (3 - The front panel was attached to the guts of the unit by three color-coded wires.) (4 - My gut reaction is we'd better not get involved.) (5 - The warehouse was gutted - only the charred walls remained.)

장, 창자, 속, 내용물, 바이올린이나 테니스 라켓 등의 장선, 내장을 빼내다, 주요 부분을 발췌하다 (1. the bowels or the stomach) (2. Your ___ is also the front part of your body near the waist) (3. The guts of a machine are its inner, necessary parts) (4. coming from or having to do with your emotions, not from thought) (5. to destroy or remove the inside parts of a building)

outfit (OUT-fit) (1 - Susan wore a black outfit.) (2 - She got a complete ski outfit as a gift from her parents.) (3 - Our company merged with another consulting outfit.) (4 - I found a place that can outfit us for the canoe trip.)

장구, 장비, 의복, 의상의 일습, 용품, 도구 한 벌, 군단, 부대, 단체 (1. a set of clothes worn for a particular occasion or activity) (2. An ______ is also a set of equipment for a particular purpose) (3. an organization or group) (4. to provide someone with clothes or other equipment)

decoration (dek-u̲h̲-REY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - The molding has a floral decoration carved into it. [ U ] Some women wear barrettes as decoration.) (2 - He received the country's highest decoration for bravery.)

장식, 장식물, 훈장, 메달 (1. something added to an object or place to make it look more attractive; the act of doing this) (2. a medal, badge, etc. that is given to a person to reward them; an official honor)

calamity (ku̲h̲-LAM-i-tee) (1 - The factory closings were a calamity for the whole city.)

재난, 불행, 참화 (1. an event that causes much suffering to many people)

tailor (TEY-ler) (2 - Their services are tailored to clients' needs.)

재단사, 재봉사, 재단사로 일하다, 옷을 짓다, 특정한 필요나 요구에 맞게 만들다 또는 고치다 (1. someone whose job is to make, repair, and adjust clothes) (2. to adjust something to suit a particular need or situation)

ingredient (in-GREE-dee-u̲h̲ nt) (1 - Combine all the ingredients for the stew. fig. She viewed color as an essential ingredient of good design.)

재료, 성분 (1. one of the parts in a mixture)

lumber (LUHM-ber) (2 - A noisy, old, pickup truck lumbered past.)

재목, 잡동사니, 번거롭게 하는 것, 과잉의 지방, 둔탁하게 움직이다, 쿵쿵소리를 내다 (1. wood that has been cut into various lengths for building) (2. to move in a slow, awkward, and heavy way)

precipitate (verb pri-SIP-i-teyt; adjective, noun pri-SIP-i-tit, -teyt) (1 - An invasion would certainly precipitate a war.) (1 - We were alarmed by his precipitate actions.)

재촉하다, 촉진하다, 던지다, 재빨리 던지다, 떨어뜨리다, 침전물, 거꾸로의 (1. to make something happen suddenly or sooner than expected) (2. to separate, or cause a substance to separate from a liquid as a solid) (3. a substance that separates from a liquid as a solid)

ingenious (in-JEEN-yu̲h̲ s) (1 - an ingenious engineer/songwriter She devised an ingenious solution to the problem.)

재치있는, 독창적인, 교묘한 (1. /of a person/ skilled at inventing new ways to do something, esp. to solve problems, or /of ideas or things/ original, and showing esp. the ability to solve problems)

infrared (in-fru̲h̲-RED)

적외선의, 적외부의 (1. describing light at the red end of the spectrum /= set of colors into which light is separated/, which cannot be seen by human beings, and which gives out heat)

pertinent (PUR-tn-u̲h̲ nt) (1 - a pertinent question)

적절한, 연관된 (1. relating directly to the subject being considered; relevant)

message (MES-ij) (1 - If I'm not there when you phone, leave a message.) (2 - The message of the movie seems to be that only the most ruthless people can get ahead in politics.)

전갈, 전언, 통신, 공식적 통지, 알림, 신의 계시, 작품의 요점, 작품의 도덕적 의미 (영화나 책 등에서) (1. a short piece of written or spoken information that is given or sent to someone) (2. the main idea that an artist, writer, speaker, or group is trying to communicate)

foreground (FAWR-ground, FOHR-) (1 - The children are in the foreground in front of our house.)

전경, 최전면, 다중 프로그래밍 (1. the things in a picture that seem nearest to you)

bulb (buhlb) (1 - The bulb burned out in the kitchen.) (2 - Lilies and tulips grow from bulbs.)

전구, 공 모양의 (1. a light bulb) (2. a ball-like root from which some plants grow)

reckon (REK-u̲h̲ n) (1 - Do you reckon this watch has a little value? [ + that clause ] Brusca reckons that the value of all goods and services produced declined last quarter.) (2 - She reckoned they were both equally responsible. She was widely reckoned to be the best actress of her generation. I reckon I better get goin' now.) (2 - By my reckoning, we should get there in another hour or so.)

전망하다, 계산하다, 간주하다 (1. to calculate an amount based on facts or on your expectations) (2. to consider or have the opinion that something is as stated)

exposition (ek-spu̲h̲-ZISH-u̲h̲ n) (3 - the San Francisco exposition)

전시, 진열, 박람회 (1. a statement that explains something clearly) (2. __________ in a written work is the passages which explain where events take place, what happened before the story begins, and the background of the characters.) (3. a big public event in which the goods of many different companies or organizations are shown)

comrade (KOM-rad, -rid) (1 - After 20 years he reunited with comrades from his army unit.)

전우, 동지 (1. a friend or trusted companion, esp. one with whom you have been involved in difficult or dangerous activities, or another soldier in a soldier's group)

dislocation (dis-loh-KEY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - dislocation of the ankle/knee/wrist) (2 - Snow has caused serious dislocation of/to train services.)

전위, 위치를 바꾸기, 벗어남 (1. an injury in which the ends of two connected bones separate) (2. a negative effect on how something works)

predecessor (PRED-u̲h̲-ses-er, pred-u̲h̲-SES-er or, esp. British, PREE-du̲h̲-ses-er) (1 - My predecessor worked in this job for twelve years. The latest model is faster and sleeker than its predecessors.)

전임자, 전신 (1. a person who had a job or position before someone else, or a thing that comes before another in time or in a series)

premise (PREM-is) (1 - We don't accept the premise that cutting taxes will necessarily lead to increased economic productivity.)

전제, 기본적인 가정, 가정하다, 전제로하다 (1. an idea or theory on which a statement or action is based)

onward (ON-werd, AWN-) (1 - The geese continued onward, heading south.)

전진하는, 전방으로, 앞으로 (1. further on in place or time)

diversion (dih-VUR-zhu̲h̲ n, -shu̲h̲ n, dahy-) (1 - A snowstorm closed the airport, and the diversion of air traffic was therefore necessary.) (2 - This lawyer-bachelor devoted his life to the Senate, his only real diversion being baseball.)

전환, 유용, 딴 데로 돌림 (1. the act of causing something or someone to turn in a different direction, or to be used for a different purpose) (2. an action that takes attention away from something, esp. one that gives pleasure or enjoyment)

incision (in-SIZH-u̲h̲ n)

절개, 벤 자국, 새긴 자국 (1. a cut made in the surface of the skin or in other body tissue)

impending (im-PEN-ding) (1 - The impending crisis over trade made everyone nervous.)

절박한, 임박한, 곧 일어날 듯한 (1. /esp. of something unpleasant/ about to happen soon)

imminent (IM-u̲h̲-nu̲h̲ nt) (1 - A rain storm was imminent.)

절박한, 임박한, 일촉즉발의 (1. /esp. of something unpleasant/ likely to happen very soon)

climax (KLAHY-maks) (1 - The novel built to a shattering climax, leaving me breathless.) (2 - A late season hurricane on October 17-18 climaxed the very active hurricane season of 1950.)

절정, 최고조, 클라이맥스에 달하 (1. the most important or exciting part in the development of a story or situation, which usually happens near the end) (2. to reach the greatest point or level of activity)

dot (dot) (1 - The ducks were black dots in the distance.) (2 - Go to w w w dot cambridge dot org.) (3 - Minnesota is dotted with lakes, especially in the north.)

점, 반점, ...에 점을 찍다, 점점이 산재시키다, 적어두다 (1. a very small, round mark) (2. ___ symbol . is also used in an Internet address to separate its parts) (3. When an area is dotted with things, it has many of them in different places)

clay (kley) (1 - Clay is used for making bricks and pots.)

점토, 찰흙, 도자기와 벽돌을 만들 때 쓰는 흙의 일종 (1. thick, heavy earth that is soft when wet, and hard when dry or baked)

slate (sleyt) (2 - The Republicans are expected to announce their slate tomorrow.) (3 - The festival is slated to run here January 28th to February 7th.)

점판암, 슬레이트, 필기용 석판, 후보자 명부, 회색빛 파란색, 슬레이트로 이다 (1. a dark gray rock that can be divided into wide, flat, thin pieces) (2. the people of a particular political party who are trying to be elected to offices in government in an election) (3. to schedule or expect to happen)

graft (graft, grahft) (1 - His administration was marked by widespread graft and crime.)

접붙이다, 이식수술하다, 부정하게 돈을 벌다, 접목 (원예), 이식, 이식하기, 부정이득금 (1. /esp. in politics/ the obtaining of money or advantage through the dishonest use of power and influence) (2. a piece of healthy skin or bone cut usually from a person's own body and used to repair a damaged part on that person) (3. A _____ is also a piece cut from a living plant and fixed to another plant so that it grows there.)

glue (gloo) (2 - I'll just glue the handle back on the cup.)

접착제, 아교로 붙이다, 풀로 붙이다, 접착하다 (1. a sticky substance used for joining things) (2. to join something to something else with a sticky substance that makes the two things stay together when it dries)

trim (trim) (1 - He had a neatly trimmed beard.) (2 - We have to trim costs by not making any unnecessary trips.) (3 - The robe was trimmed with fur.) (4 - The team's new uniforms are blue with black trim.) (5 - He was a short, trim, wiry man.)

정돈하다, 장식하다, 다듬다, 잘라내다, 삭제하다, 수평비행자세로 하다(기체공학) (1. to make something neater or more even by cutting a small amount off) (2. To ____ is also to reduce) (3. to add decoration to something) (4. material used to add decoration to something) (5. thin and appearing to be in good physical condition)

align (u̲h̲-LAHYN) (1 - You need to align the numbers properly in a column. fig. Business leaders are aligned with /= agree with/ the president on this issue.) (1 - You hear that noise because the wheels are out of alignment.)

정렬시키다, 정렬하다, 일렬로 서다 (1. to put two or more things into a straight line)

conquer (KONG-ker) (1 - I felt like I had conquered the world.) (2 - Students have to conquer their initial shyness.) (2 - the conqueror Genghis Khanconquest noun [ C/U ] us ​) (2 - Several generations turned their attention towards the conquest of the Mediterranean region.)

정복하다, 차지하다, 등정하다, 극복하다 (1. to defeat an enemy, or to take control or possession of a foreign land) (2. If you _______ a disease or condition, you succeed in dealing with or fighting against it)

orthodox (AWR-thu̲h̲-doks) (1 - orthodox methods of teaching orthodoxy noun [ C/U ] us ​) (1 - Any questioning of conservative orthodoxy was viewed as an act of betrayal.)

정설의, 정통의, 보수적인, 종교적인 (1. /of beliefs, ideas, or activities/ following generally accepted beliefs or standards)

integer (IN-ti-jer) (1 - The numbers 5, 3, and 0 are integers.)

정수, 완전체, 완전한 것 (1. a whole number and not a fraction)

sperm (spurm)

정액, 남성의 생산 세포 (1. a cell produced by a male animal for the purpose of reproducing) (2. _____ is also semen /= liquid containing the cells of male animals for reproducing/.)

dine (dahyn) (1 - He dined alone that night. This evening we'll be dining out /= having an evening meal away from home/.)

정찬을 먹다, 정찬을 대접하다 (1. to eat, esp. the main meal of the day, usually in the evening)

vernacular (ver-NAK-yu̲h̲-ler, vu̲h̲-NAK-) (1 - Much of his poetry derives from the American pop vernacular.) (1 - a vernacular expression)

제 나라말, 일상어, 방언, 속명, 학명을 갖고 있는 생물의 속명(생물), 자국의 (1. the form of a language commonly spoken by the people of a particular region or by a particular group, esp. when it is different from the standard language)

disciple (dih-SAHY-pu̲h̲ l) (1 - Jesse Jackson was a disciple of Martin Luther King, Jr.)

제자, 문하생, 신봉자 (1. a person who believes in the ideas of a leader, esp. a religious or political one, and tries to live according to those ideas) (2. The Disciples were the twelve men who followed Jesus during his life.)

frantic (FRAN-tik) (1 - Rescuers made frantic efforts to dig out people buried by the mudslide.) (2 - When his wife arrived at the hospital she was frantic with worry.)

제정신이 아닌, 굉장한, 미친 듯한 (1. done in a very great hurry and often in a state of excitement or confusion) (2. extremely upset, esp. because of anxiety or fear)

restrain (ri-STREYN) (1 - Seamons got into a shouting match and had to be restrained by his teammates. I could hardly restrain my laughter.) (2 - Politicians are reluctant to restrain spending.)

제한하다, 자제하다, 금지하다, 검거하다 (1. to control the actions or behavior of someone by force, esp. in order to stop that person from doing something) (2. To ________ is also to limit the growth or force of something)

rash (rash) (1 - a rash statement It was rash of them to get married so quickly.) (2 - an itchy rash) (3 - There's been a rash of robberies in the valley.)

조급한, 경솔한, 발진, 피부 발진 (1. without thought for what might happen or result; unwise in your actions) (2. a group of spots or a raised area on the skin resulting from illness or from touching a harmful substance) (3. a large number, esp. of something happening in a short period of time)

mock (mok) (1 - Some of the boys in the dorm loved to mock Roger's British accent.) (2 - She gave a little scream in mock surprise when she opened the door and saw us.)

조롱대상, 모조품, 조롱하다, 속이다, 놀리다, 흉내내다, 모조의, 가짜의 (1. to copy someone or a characteristic of someone in an amusing but unkind way that makes other people laugh, or to try to make someone or something seem foolish or ridiculous) (2. intended to seem real; artificial or pretended)

assemble (u̲h̲-SEM-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - When the fire alarm rings, everyone is supposed to leave the building and assemble in the schoolyard. [ T ] Workers were earning $20 an hour assembling cars.)

조립하다, 구성하다, 모으다, 소집하다 (1. to bring or come together in a single group or place, or to put together the parts of something)

inspect (in-SPEKT) (1 - After the accident both drivers got out and inspected their cars for damage.) (2 - Someone from the Health Department will inspect the restaurant this afternoon.)

조사하다, 검사하다, 면밀하게 살피다 (1. to look at something or someone carefully in order to discover information, esp. about quality or condition) (2. If an official person inspects a thing, place, or a group of people, the official looks carefully in order to make certain the thing, place, or group is in good condition and that rules are being obeyed)

ancestor (AN-ses-ter or, esp. British, -su̲h̲-ster) (1 - He returned to Ecuador, where his mother's ancestors lived.) (1 - He wanted to tour his family's ancestral homeland, Germany.) (1 - She was of Spanish and Iroquois ancestry.)

조상, 선조, 시조 (1. any member of your family from long ago, for example, the grandparents of your grandparents)

wary (WAIR-ee) (1 - Teachers are often wary of standardized tests.)

조심하는, 신중한, 조심성 있는 (1. careful because you do not completely trust someone or something or are not certain about what you should do)

manipulate (mu̲h̲-NIP-yu̲h̲-leyt) (1 - Her success is partly due to her ability to manipulate the media.) (2 - The wheelchair is designed to be easy to manipulate.)

조작하다, 속이다, 조종하다, 다루다 (1. to influence or control someone to your advantage, often without that person knowing it) (2. to control something by using the hands)

tissue (TISH-oo or, esp. British, TIS-yoo) (1 - He wiped his nose with a tissue.)

조직, 화장지 (1. a piece of soft, thin paper which absorbs liquids) (2. a group of related cells that forms larger parts of animals and plants)

homage (HOM-ij, OM-) (1 - We pay homage to him for his achievements in medical research.)

존경, 경의, ...에게 경의를 표하다 (1. an expression of great respect and honor)

venerable (VEN-er-u̲h̲-bu̲h̲ l) (1 - The venerable American jeweler, Tiffany & Company, appointed a new president.)

존경할 만한, 유서 깊은, 오래 된 (1. respected, esp. because of long experience or age)

motto (MOT-oh) (1 - The motto printed on US currency is "In God We Trust.)

좌우명, 모토, 표어, 방침 (1. a word, phrase, or sentence that expresses the principles or belief of a person, group, country, or organization)

hegemony (hi-JEM-u̲h̲-nee, HEJ-u̲h̲-moh-nee) (1 - The three nations competed for regional hegemony.)

주도권, 지배권, 헤게모니 (1. /especially of countries/ the position of being the strongest and most powerful and therefore able to control others)

punch (puhnch) (2 - His acting gives the show its emotional punch.) (3 - Would you like a glass of punch?) (4 - a hole/leather punch) (5 - She punched the pillow, trying to fluff it up.) (6 - The rod came loose, punching a hole in the box.)

주먹으로 치기, 구멍을 뚫는 기구, 여러음료를 혼합하여 만든 음료수, 주먹으로 치다 (1. a forceful hit with a fist /= hand with the fingers closed tight/) (2. the power to be interesting and have a strong effect on people) (3. a cold or hot drink made by mixing fruit juices, pieces of fruit, and sometimes alcohol) (4. a piece of equipment that cuts holes in a material by pushing a piece of metal through it) (5. to hit forcefully with your fist) (6. to cut a hole in a material by pushing a piece of metal through it)

perimeter (pu̲h̲-RIM-i-ter) (1 - Several bombs landed near the perimeter of the airport.)

주변, 경계, 외곽 (1. the outer edge of an area or the border around it) (2. The _________ is the outer edge of a flat shape or area.) (3. _________ is also the distance around the outer edge of a flat shape.)

cardinal (KAHR-dn-l) (3 - Finding food was a cardinal concern.)

주요한, 기초적인, 추기경, 로마 카톨릭교에서 고위사직, 진빨강색, 붉은 홍관조(일종의 새) (1. a priest of high rank in the Roman Catholic Church) (2. a North American bird, the male of which has bright red feathers and a black face) (3. of great importance; main)

contend (ku̲h̲ n-TEND) (1 - The top tennis players in the world are contending for this title.) (2 - I contend that a novel should tell a story and tell it well.)

주장하다, 싸우다, 논쟁하다 (1. to compete in order to win something or to achieve a position of leadership) (2. to state as the truth; claim)

motif (moh-TEEF) (1 - We chose curtains with a flower motif.)

주제, 동기, 문양 (1. a pattern or design) (2. A _____ is also an idea that appears repeatedly in the work of an artist or in a piece of writing or music.)

shareholder (SHAIR-hohl-der)

주주, 출자자 (1. someone who owns shares in a company)

queue (kyoo) (1 - There was a long queue for tickets at the theater.) (1 - Fans queued up to buy tickets.)

줄, 선(영국), 열, 땋아내린 머리, 줄지어 서다, 줄짓다 (1. a line of people or things waiting for something)

duplicate (noun, adjective DOO-pli-kit, DYOO-; verb DOO-pli-keyt, DYOO-) (1 - Businesses should make sure important records and files are duplicated and stored in another location.) (1 - a duplicate keyduplication noun [ U ] us ​) (2 - I lost the original form so they sent me a duplicate.) (3 - The application has to be completed in duplicate.) (3 - a duplicate key)

중복의, 똑같은, 쌍을 이루는, 복사, 중복, 복제, 이중으로 하다 (1. to make an exact copy of something) (2. something that is an exact copy of something else) (3. If a form is in duplicate, an exact copy has been made of it)

bourgeois (bo̲o̲ r-ZHWAH, bo̲o̲ r-zhwah; French boor-zhwa) (1 - She's become very bourgeois since she left college.)

중산 계급의 시민, 중산 계급의, 자본주의의, 상공업자의, 유산계급의 (1. belonging to or typical of the middle class /= the social group between the rich and the poor/, esp. in supporting established customs and values or in having a strong interest in money and possessions)

arbitration (ahr-bi-TREY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - Both labor and management have agreed to arbitration.)

중재, 조정, 중재 재판 (1. the formal process of having an outside person, chosen by both sides to a disagreement, end the disagreement)

injunction (in-JUHNGK-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - The court has issued an injunction to prevent distribution of the book.)

중지 명령, 금지 명령, 명령 (1. an official order given by a court, usually to stop someone from doing something)

swell (swel) (1 - It's spring, and the buds on the trees are beginning to swell. [ I ] One of his eyes swelled shut. [ T ] Immigrants swelled the city's population /= increased it/. [ I ] fig. His chest swelled with pride at being chosen /= He felt extremely proud/.) (1 - We won't know how serious the injury is until the swelling subsides.) (2 - ocean swells) (3 - The food was good and the service was swell.)

증가하다, 팽창하다, 부풀어 오르다, 부피가 커지다, 융기하다, 솟아 오르다, 커지게 하다 (1. to become larger and rounder) (2. the slow up and down movement of a long, smooth wave or series of waves in the sea) (3. excellent; very good)

evaporation (ih-vap-u̲h̲-REY-shu̲h̲ n)

증발, 증발 탈수법, 소멸 (1. the process of changing from a liquid to a gas, or a change from a liquid to a gas)

terrestrial (tu̲h̲-RES-tree-u̲h̲ l) (1 - Newton investigated terrestrial and celestial motion.)

지구의, 지구상의, 육지의, 지상의, 현세의, 속세의 (1. relating to the planet earth, or living or existing on the land rather than in the sea or air)

nowadays (NOU-u̲h̲-deyz) (1 - Nowadays people don't dress up as much as they used to.)

지금은, 요즘은 (1. at the present time, in comparison to the past)

fin (fin)

지느러미, 물갈퀴, 오달러짜리 지폐 (1. a thin, wing-shaped part of a fish that helps it to swim, or a wing-shaped part of a ship, aircraft, or car)

lever (LEV-er, LEE-ver) (1 - He pushed the lever into the "on" position and started the machine.)

지레, 지렛대, 수단, 어떤 것을 달성하는 방법, 지레로 움직이다, 지레로 비틀어 열다 (1. a handle that you move to control the operation of a machine) (2. A _____ is also a bar, moving over a fixed point, that when pressed down at one end can move or lift something at the other end.)

leverage (LEV-er-ij, LEE-ver-) (1 - financial/political leverage The US has very little leverage in that part of the world.) (2 - They can leverage a very small investment into millions of dollars.)

지레의 작용, 지레의 기계력, 영향, 사람들이나 환경을 바꿀 수 있는 능력, 투자에서 빌린 돈의 사용 (1. the power to influence results) (2. to use borrowed money for investments, esp. in order to buy a large enough part of a business so that you can control it)

tedious (TEE-dee-u̲h̲ s, TEE-ju̲h̲ s) (1 - tedious work/tasks Learning a new computer program can be a tedious process.)

지루한, 장황한 (1. boring and tiring, esp. because long or often repeated)

diameter (dahy-AM-i-ter) (1 - We need a pipe with a diameter of about six inches.)

지름, 직경 (1. the distance from one side to the opposite side of a circle, measured by a line passing through the center of the circle)

dominion (du̲h̲-MIN-yu̲h̲ n) (1 - The collapse of Spain's empire prepared the way for Britain's dominion over the seas.)

지배권, 주권, 영토 (1. control over a country or people, or the land that belongs to a ruler)

affiliated (u̲h̲-FIL-ee-ey-tid)

지부의, 가입의, 관련있는

exponential (ek-spoh-NEN-shu̲h̲ l, -spu̲h̲-)

지수의 (1. An ___________ equation is an equation /= mathematical statement/ in which the variable /= letter or symbol/ appears in an exponent.)

cellar (SEL-er)

지하실, 포도주 저장고 (1. a room under the ground floor of a building, esp. a house, that is usually used for storage)

textile (TEKS-tahyl, -til) (1 - Imports of textiles rose last year.)

직물의, 직물 (1. a cloth, esp. one that is woven)

rectangular (rek-TANG-gyu̲h̲-ler) (1 - The painting consists of four rectangular blocks of color.)

직사각형의, 직각의 (1. having the shape of a rectangle)

vocation (voh-KEY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - It wasn't until "The North American Review" published his story that he embraced writing as a vocation.)

직업, 천직, 사명 (1. a type of work that you feel you are suited to doing and to which you give much of your time and energy)

jean (jeen or for 1, British formerly jeyn)

진, 진 바지, 바지

vibration (vahy-BREY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - Vibrations were felt hundreds of miles from the centre of the earthquake. Aircraft manufacturers want to reduce vibration for the sake of safety.)

진동, 떨림 (1. continuous quick, slight shaking movement)

cordial (KAWR-ju̲h̲ l or, esp. British, -dee-u̲h̲ l) (1 - a cordial greeting/smile cordial relations)

진심의, 호의적인, 친절한, 애정어린, 과일 주스에 물을 탄 음료, 강장제 (1. friendly or pleasant)

pearl (purl) (1 - a string of pearls)

진주, 사랑받는 사람, 진주를 찾다, 진주를 찾기 위해 잠수하다, 진주를 캐다 (1. a small, shiny, hard ball, usually white or blue-gray, that forms around a grain of sand inside some oyster shells and is valued as a jewel)

crimson (KRIM-zu̲h̲ n, -su̲h̲ n) (1 - His face was crimson with anger.)

진홍색의, 진홍색, 진홍색으로 하다, 물들이다, 진홍색이 되다 (1. /of/ a deep red, slightly purple color)

ceramic (su̲h̲-RAM-ik) (2 - ceramic tiles) (3 - ceramic kitchen tiles)

질그릇의, 자기 그릇의 (1. the art of making objects by shaping pieces of clay and then baking them until they are hard) (2. the objects produced by shaping and baking clay, especially when considered as art) (3. objects produced by shaping pieces of clay that are then hardened by baking, or the skill of making such objects)

gale (geyl)

질풍, 강풍, 돌발, 격발 (웃음 등의) (1. a very strong wind)

luggage (LUHG-ij) (1 - The luggage of our tour group was piled up next to the bus.)

짐, 가방, 수화물 (1. the bags or other containers that you take your possessions in when traveling; baggage)

baggage (BAG-ij) (1 - How many pieces of baggage do you have?) (2 - Everybody brings their own baggage to viewing a work of art.)

짐, 수화물, 가방 (1. the bags that you take with you when you travel; luggage) (2. the beliefs and feelings that you have which influence how you think and behave)

brute (broot) (1 - Historians have portrayed him as a brute who won only because of superior troop strength.) (3 - They had to use brute force to knock down the door.)

짐승, 잔인한 사람 (1. a person who is offensive and rude, and often violent) (2. A _____ is also a large, strong animal.) (3. If something is done with _____ force, it is done with a great amount of force)

laden (LEYD-n) (1 - a table laden with food)

짐을 실은, 괴로워하는, 고민하는, 싣다, 짐을 싣다, ...에게 지우다 (1. carrying or holding a lot of something)

wrap (rap) (1 - She wrapped the present and tied it with a ribbon. Wrap the chicken in foil and cook it for two hours. If you wrap yourself in this blanket, you will stay warm.) (2 - She sat back in her chair and wrapped her arms around her knees.) (3 - a silk/woolen wrap) (4 - Put some plastic wrap around the leftover meat.)

짐을 싸다, 감다, 가리다, 덮다, 휘감다, 옷을 둘러 감다, 포장하다, 덮어씌우는 옷 (1. to cover something or someone with paper, cloth, or other material) (2. If you ____ your fingers or arms around something, you hold it tightly) (3. a piece of clothing that a person, esp. a woman, wears around the shoulders to keep warm or as a stylish addition to a suit, coat, etc.) (4. ____ is material that is used to cover or protect something, such as food)

aggregation (ag-ri-GEY-shu̲h̲ n)

집합, 집합체, 집성

knit (nit) (1 - She's knitting a scarf for her daughter.) (2 - She's got a break in this bone, but the ends of the bones will knit without the need for surgery.)

짜다, 뜨다, 뜨개질하다, 접다, 얽히다, 얽다 (생각 등이) (1. to make cloth or clothing by connecting yarn /= fiber threads/ into rows with two long needles, or to do this with a machine) (2. to join together)

irritate (IR-i-teyt) (1 - After a while the noise began to irritate him.) (2 - At first my contact lenses irritated my eyes.)

짜증나게 하다, 귀찮게 하다, 화를 내다, 과민반응을 일으키다(의학) (1. to annoy or make angry) (2. to make something sore or painful, or to cause an uncomfortable physical reaction)

annoy (u̲h̲-NOI) (1 - I know you're doing this only to annoy me.) (1 - As soon as he saw me, a look of annoyance crossed his face.) (1 - He gave me an annoyed look and left without speaking.) (1 - It's annoying to have to explain this a second time.) (1 - Ads annoyingly interrupted the TV movie.)

짜증나다, 성가시다, 귀찮다, 화가 나다, 불쾌하다 (1. to make someone slightly angry or upset)

interim (IN-ter-u̲h̲ m) (1 - an interim government) (2 - I started writing two years ago, and other books on the subject have come out in the interim /= during this period/.)

짬, 당분간의 (1. temporary; intended for a short period only) (2. the time between two particular periods or events)

sip (sip) (1 - He sipped the hot coffee.) (1 - He took another sip of tea.)

찔끔찔끔 마시다, 조금씩 마시다, 한모금 (1. to drink a liquid slowly by taking in small amounts at a time)

hymn (him)

찬송가, 성가, 찬송하다, 찬송가를 부르다 (1. a song of praise, esp. to God)

snap (snap) (1 - High winds caused some power lines to snap, and we lost our electricity.) (2 - His lawyer said he just snapped.) (3 - The sudden stop of the car snapped his head back.) (5 - She snapped her briefcase shut and marched out of the room.) (7 - Don't snap at your brother like that.) (8 - Washington is full of tourists snapping pictures of each other.) (9 - Thinking that the exam would be a snap, she didn't bother to study for it.) (10 - The shirt fastens with snaps.) (11 - The plastic handle broke with a loud snap.) (12 - Don't make a snap decision - take some time to think it over.)

찰칵 소리를 내다, 똑 부러지는 소리를 내다, 톡톡 손가락 튕기는 소리를 내다, 찰칵소리내며 열고 닫다 (1. to break something quickly with a cracking sound) (2. /fig./ People who ____ suddenly lose control of their behavior when they experience very strong emotions) (3. to move /something/ or change into a new position quickly) (4. If you ____ your fingers, you make a sudden, cracking noise by pushing a finger against the base of your thumb, usually in order to get someone's attention.) (5. to make a quick, cracking sound by suddenly bringing together the two parts of something) (6. If a dog snaps at you, it suddenly tries to bite you.) (7. to speak or say something suddenly in anger) (8. to use a camera to take a photograph without spending a lot of time doing it) (9. something that can be done without any difficulty) (10. a small clothes fastener with two round parts, one of which is pushed into the other) (11. the act of breaking something stiff, or the cracking sound made when it breaks) (12. done suddenly without allowing time for careful thought or preparation)

tolerate (TOL-u̲h̲-reyt) (1 - Athletes often have to tolerate a lot of pain.) (2 - They don't have the best service, but I tolerate it because I love their food.)

참다, 견디다, 내성이 있다 (1. to bear something unpleasant or annoying, or to keep going despite difficulties) (2. to accept behavior and beliefs that are different from your own, although you may not agree with or approve of them)

suffrage (SUHF-rij) (1 - She wrote a book about the women's suffrage movement in America.)

참정권, 투표, 선거권 (1. the right to vote in an election)

trench (trench) (1 - I dug a trench around the tent to keep rain water from getting in.)

참호, 도랑, 호, 도랑을 파다, 호를 파다 (1. a narrow channel dug into the ground) (2. A ______ is also a long, deep valley at the bottom of an ocean.)

spear (speer) (2 - They catch the fish by spearing them. fig. She speared the steak with her fork and lifted it off the grill.)

창, 싹, 창으로 찌르다, 재빨리 넘기다, 싹이 나다 (1. a pole with a sharp point at one end, used as a weapon that is either thrown or held in the hand) (2. to push or throw a _____ into an animal)

bowel (BOU-u̲h̲ l, boul) (1 - He has trouble with his bowels.)

창자의 일부, 동정심, 인정 (1. the long tube that carries solid waste from the stomach out of the body) (2. /said especially by doctors and nurses/ to excrete /= pass from the body/ the solid waste that is contained in the bowels)

humiliation (hyoo-mil-ee-EY-shu̲h̲ n or, often, yoo-) (1 - How could you humiliate me by questioning my judgment in front of everyone like that? England were humiliated /= completely defeated/ in last night's match.) (1 - After the humiliation of last week's defeat, the Mets were back on form. Imagine the humiliation of having to apologize.) (2 - They called him an old fool in public just to humiliate him.) (2 - It was humiliating to see all my possessions piled on the street.) (2 - the humiliation of defeat)

창피를 주기, 굴욕, 면목 없음 (1. to make someone feel ashamed or lose respect for himself or herself) (2. to make you feel ashamed or lose respect for yourself)

desktop (DESK-top) (1 - a desktop computer) (2 - A shortcut to the program will be created on your desktop.)

책상에서 사용하기에 적합한 크기의(컴퓨터) (1. designed to be used on or at a desk, and not carried around) (2. the screen area of a personal computer when no programs are being used, or the top of a desk)

virgin (VUR-jin) (2 - a virgin forest Antarctica is virgin territory.)

처녀, 종교적인 이유로 동정을 맹세한 여성, 처녀의, 처녀다운, 성경험이 없는 (1. someone who has never had sex) (2. ______ can be used of forests and areas of land that have not yet been cultivated or used by people)

prescribe (pri-SKRAHYB) (1 - Many doctors prescribe aspirin to forestall second heart attacks. My doctor prescribed rest and gave me a painkiller for my knee.) (2 - A secretary of education cannot and should not prescribe the curriculum of the nation's colleges.)

처방하다, 규정하다, 제시하다, 지시하다 (1. to order treatment for someone, or to say what someone should do or use to treat an illness or injury) (2. to tell someone what he or she must have or do, or to give as a rule)

dispose (dih-SPOHZ) (1 - Her sense of humor disposed me to like her.)

처분하다, 처리하다, 폐기하다 (1. to make someone feel a particular, and often bad, way toward someone else, or to influence someone in a particular way)

lag (lag) (1 - John's always lagging behind the others in the class.) (2 - There is often a lag between becoming infected and the first signs of the illness.)

처지다, 뒤떨어지다, 꾸물거리다, 늦어지다, 지연되다, 약하게 되다, 시들어지다 (1. to move or advance so slowly that you are behind other people or things) (2. a delay in the period of time in which events happen)

fringe (frinj) (1 - There is some industry on the fringes of the city. His organization is a fringe group /= one that represents the views of a small number of people/.) (3 - The coast is fringed with islands and beaches.)

천 끝머리에 달린 장식술, 장식술이 달린 것, 끝, 가장자리, 변두리, 주변적인 것 (1. the outer or less important part of an area, group, or activity) (2. a decorative edge of narrow strips of material or threads on a piece of clothing or material) (3. to form a border around the edge of something)

canopy (KAN-u̲h̲-pee) (1 - Many animals live in the forest canopy.)

천개, 덮개, 안식처, 비행기 조종석 위의 투명 덮개, 지붕, 천개로 덮다 (1. a cover like a roof for shelter or decoration, or the branches and leaves that spread out at the tops of trees in the woods)

astronomy (u̲h̲-STRON-u̲h̲-mee)

천문학 (1. the scientific study of the universe as a whole and of objects that exist naturally in space, such as the stars)

meadow (MED-oh) (1 - We walked through fields and meadows.)

초원, 목초지 (1. an area of land with grass and other wild plants in it)

prairie (PRAIR-ee)

초원, 평원 (1. a wide area of flat land, covered with grass, esp. a large area in central North America that was originally covered by grass and is now mainly farming land)

catalyst (KAT-l-ist)

촉매, 기폭제, 자극 (1. a condition, event, or person that is the cause of an important change) (2. A ________ is also a substance that causes or speeds a chemical reaction without itself being changed.)

paramount (PAR-u̲h̲-mount) (1 - Everybody agrees that education is the paramount issue.)

최고의, 최상의, 가장 중요한 (1. more important than anything else)

optimum (OP-tu̲h̲-mu̲h̲ m) (1 - For optimum flavor, prepare just before serving.)

최적조건, 최고의 효과, 최적의 (1. being the best or most likely to bring success or advantage)

eventual (ih-VEN-choo-u̲h̲ l) (1 - The eventual cost of the new facility has not been revealed.) (1 - You learn a lot in school, but eventually you forget most of it.)

최후의, 궁극적인, 언젠가는 일어나는 (1. happening at a later time or as a result at the end)

presume (pri-ZOOM) (1 - I presume /that/ they're not coming, since they haven't replied to the invitation. People accused of a crime are presumed innocent until proven guilty.) (2 - How can you presume to criticize me when you did the same thing yourself? presumably adverb [ not gradable ] us ​) (2 - Presumably they can afford to buy an apartment, or they wouldn't be looking.)

추정하다, 가정하다, 추측하다 (1. to believe something to be true because it is likely, although not certain) (2. to be rude by doing something you know that you do not have a right to do)

infer (in-FUR) (1 - He inferred that she was not interested in a relationship from what she said in her letter.)

추측하다, 추론하다, 언급하다 (1. to reach an opinion from available information or facts)

soccer (SOK-er)

축구, 사커 (1. a game in which two teams of eleven players try to send a ball into the goal of the opposing side without using their arms or hands)

miniature (MIN-ee-u̲h̲-cher, -cho̲o̲ r, MIN-u̲h̲-cher) (1 - She has dollhouse filled with miniature furniture.) (2 - She bought a model of the Empire State Building in miniature.)

축소형, 아주 작은 초상이나 그림, 크기가 작은, 소형의, 미세한, 축소된 (1. very small) (2. /of an object/ the state of being much smaller than the thing it represents, or such an object)

accumulate (u̲h̲-KYOO-myu̲h̲-leyt) (1 - We've accumulated a lot of junk over the years. [ T ] He accumulated a fortune in the music business.) (1 - the accumulation of wealth)

축적하다, 누적하다, 늘다, 모으다 (1. to collect or increase something gradually, esp. over a period of time)

fidelity (fi-DEL-i-tee, fahy-) (2 - The fidelity of the tape recording was so poor that you could not understand much of what was said.)

충실도, 엄수, 충성 (1. the state of remaining loyal to someone and keeping the promises you made to that person) (2. the degree to which a copy of something shows the true character of the original)

cancel (KAN-su̲h̲ l) (1 - We were supposed to meet for dinner but Elise had to cancel at the last minute.) (2 - He collects canceled stamps.) (2 - All the tickets were sold, so we waited to see if there were any cancellations.)

취소하다, 중지하다, 삭제하다 (1. to decide that something arranged in advance will not happen, or to state that you do not wish to receive something) (2. If a stamp or check is canceled, it is marked to show it has been used)

dementia (dih-MEN-shu̲h̲, -shee-u̲h̲)

치매, 광기, 정신 이상 (1. a disease or condition that exists esp. among older people, and that results in the gradual loss of mental abilities, such as the ability to think, reason, and remember things)

lethal (LEE-thu̲h̲ l) (1 - a lethal weapon)

치사의, 치명적인, 매우 위험한 (1. able to cause or causing death; extremely dangerous)

magistrate (MAJ-u̲h̲-streyt, -strit)

치안 판사, 사법 (1. a judge in a law court who deals with crimes that are not serious)

goodwill (go̲o̲ d-WIL) (1 - We hope the negotiations will take place in an atmosphere of openness and goodwill.)

친선, 선의, 영업권 (1. a friendly attitude in which you wish that good things happen to people)

benign (bih-NAHYN) (1 - a benign smile His humor was benign, never cruel or hurtful.) (2 - a benign tumor)

친절한, 온화한, 자비로운 (1. pleasant and kind; not harmful or severe) (2. medical /of a disease or tissue growing because of a disease/ not likely to result in death)

spit (spit) (1 - He spat on the ground and stared straight ahead. [ M ] fig. He angrily spat an insult out /= said it quickly/.) (3 - Our hotel was perched on a spit of land in the harbor.) (4 - Spit dribbled down his chin.)

침, 침뱉기, 고기를 구울 때 끼우는 꼬챙이, 가볍게 내린 눈 또는 비, 모래톱, 한삽 분량 (1. to force out liquid in the mouth, esp. saliva /= liquid produced in the mouth/) (2. a long, thin rod put through meat to hold it while it cooks over a fire) (3. a long, thin point of land that sticks out into water) (4. saliva /= liquid produced in the mouth/)

invade (in-VEYD) (1 - The Allies were poised to invade Germany. [ T ] fig. I think that the opportunity is definitely there for people to invade your privacy when they want to /= find out personal things about you against your wishes/.)

침략하다, 침입하다, 침해하다 (1. to enter a place by force, often in large numbers)

compartment (ku̲h̲ m-PAHRT-mu̲h̲ nt) (1 - She folded her coat and put it in the overhead luggage compartment.)

칸막이 실, 막혀 있는 공간, 구획, 구분 (1. any of the enclosed parts into which a space, a vehicle, or an object used for storing things is divided)

flourish (FLUR-ish, FLUHR-) (1 - Parts of the city continue to flourish. This is the perfect environment for our company to flourish and expand in.) (2 - She ran up to her father, flourishing her diploma.) (3 - I pulled into the driveway with a flourish .)

칼을 휘두르다, 번창하다, 융성하다, 번성하다, 번영하다, 장식적인 것을 첨가하다 (특히 글씨체에 있어서) (1. to grow or develop successfully) (2. to move something in your hand in order to make people look at it) (3. a big, noticeable movement)

capsule (KAP-su̲h̲ l, -sool, -syool) (2 - the Apollo 11 capsule)

캡슐, 알약, 작은 통, 로켓에 있는 칸막이 방, 캡슐에 넣다, 간결하게 하다, 작게 뭉뚱그리다 (1. a measured amount of medicine in a very small, rounded, soft container which is swallowed) (2. the part of an old-fashioned spacecraft where people lived and in which they returned to earth)

macro (MAK-roh) (1 - macroeconomics)

커다란, 기다란 (1. large, or relating to the whole of something and not just its parts)

elephant (EL-u̲h̲-fu̲h̲ nt)

코끼리 (1. a very large, gray animal that has a trunk /= long nose/ with which it can pick things up)

nasal (NEY-zu̲h̲ l) (1 - This medicine is supposed to relieve nasal congestion.) (2 - He had a high, unpleasant, nasal voice.)

코에 관한, 코의, 코맹맹이 소리를 하는, 비음자, 코받이, 투구의 코받이 (1. of or related to the nose) (2. If a person's voice is nasal, the sound is produced through the nose)

bean (been) (1 - string beans)

콩, 콩과의 식물, 콩비슷한 열매, 자바 인터넷 프로그램 언어와 같은 정해진 업무를 완수하기 위한 사용설명서 (1. a seed, or the pod /= seed container/ of various plants, eaten as a vegetable)

pad (pad) (1 - He gave me a pencil and laid a pad on my bed for me to write on.) (2 - Hockey players wear these pillow-thick leg pads. A carpet and pad on the floor help insulate against the cold.) (3 - a bachelor pad padding noun [ U ] us ​) (3 - We put some padding around the sides of the baby's crib.) (4 - She padded silently into his bedroom.) (5 - Lawyers occasionally pad their hours.)

쿠션에 넣는 부드러운 재료, 종이의 한철, 침대, 잠자리(속어), 생리대, 동물의 발바닥의 부드러운 부분 (1. a number of sheets of paper glued along one edge so that they can be easily carried about together but separated as needed) (2. a flat piece of soft material used to protect a surface, to prevent injury to a person, or to give a fuller shape to clothing) (3. a person's house or apartment) (4. to walk with a soft, light step) (5. If you ___ a document or report, you add something extra that is unnecessary or not correct)

bolt (bohlt) (1 - I fastened the door with a bolt.) (4 - Did a bolt of lightning set fire to the barn?) (6 - At the first whiff of smoke, the horse bolted from the barn. [ M ] He bolted down some breakfast.) (7 - Be sure to bolt the door when you go to bed!) (8 - He sat on a wooden bench bolted to the floor.)

큰 화살, 전광, 빗장, 볼트, 탈주, 직물 한롤, 볼트로 죄어지다, 빗장을 질러 잠그다 (1. a small metal bar that slides across a door or window to lock it) (2. A ____ is also a part of a gun that pushes the cartridge /= container filled with explosive powder/ into position to be fired.) (3. a metal screw without a point, used to fasten things together, often with a nut /= small piece of metal that attaches to it/) (4. a flash of lightning, esp. followed by thunder) (5. a roll of cloth or paper, esp. wallpaper) (6. to move suddenly and quickly) (7. to lock a door or window with a bolt) (8. to fasten two things together with a bolt)

sack (sak) (1 - plastic sacks a sack of flour) (3 - Villages were sacked and burned by the raiders.)

큰부대, 자루, 배낭, 해고, 약탈, 헐렁헐렁한 옷, 일종의 백포도주, 자루 하나의 분량 (1. a bag, or the amount contained in a bag) (2. /in football/ to bring the other team's quarterback to the ground before he can complete a play) (3. to steal all the valuable things from a place and destroy it, usually during a war)

innate (ih-NEYT, IN-eyt) (1 - Her dance expresses the innate beauty of the human spirit.) (1 - Power is innately seductive.)

타고난, 선천적인, 천성의 (1. /of a quality/ which you are born with, or which is present naturally)

towel (TOU-u̲h̲ l, toul) (1 - a bath towel paper towels towel verb [ T ] us ​) (1 - She toweled her hair dry.)

타월, 수건, 타월로 닦다 (1. a usually rectangular piece of cloth or paper used for drying something)

nursery (NUR-su̲h̲-ree) (1 - The store has a nursery where you can leave your children while you shop.)

탁아소, 묘목장 (1. a place where young children and babies are cared for while their parents are somewhere else) (2. /dated/ A _______ is also a child's room in a house.) (3. a place where plants and trees are grown, usually for sale)

trajectory (tru̲h̲-JEK-tu̲h̲-ree) (1 - The missile came in on a very low trajectory.)

탄도, 궤적, 지나온 경로 (1. the curved path an object follows after it is thrown or shot into the air, or of an object that is traveling through space)

greed (greed) (1 - He was motivated by pure greed.) (1 - He was greedy for power.)

탐욕, 욕심 (1. a strong desire to continually get more of something, esp. money)

embryo (EM-bree-oh)

태아, 배, 초기의 것 (1. a human being or animal in an early stage of development, either in its mother's uterus or in an egg, or a plant that is developing in a seed)

cab (kab) (2 - the cab of a truck)

택시, 마차, 기관사실 (1. a taxi /= car with a driver whom you pay to take you where you want to go/) (2. the separate part at the front of some vehicles in which the driver sits)

terrace (TER-u̲h̲ s)

테라스, 평평한 지붕, 옥상, 경사가 있는 대지의 평평한 부분, 테라스를 만들다, 산등성이에 계단식 밭을 만들다 (1. a flat area outside a building, often with a stone floor, or a narrow, flat strip of land on the slope of a hill that is used for growing crops)

rabbit (RAB-it)

토끼, 토끼의 모피, 토끼사냥을 하다, ...에 대해 자꾸 불평조로 말하다, 자꾸 불평조로 말하다 (1. a small animal with long ears and a short tail, that lives in holes in the ground)

toast (tohst) (1 - buttered toast) (2 - Ted raised his glass and proposed a toast "to absent friends.) (3 - At midnight, we toasted the New Year.) (4 - Would you like me to toast your bagel?)

토스트, 구운 빵, 축배, 건배, ...에게 축배, 노르스름하게 굽다, 불로 뎁히다 (1. sliced bread that has been made brown by being put near a high heat) (2. a short speech in honor of someone or in celebration of something, followed by everyone present taking a drink) (3. to make a short speech and take a drink in honor of someone or in celebration of something) (4. to make sliced bread brown by putting it near a high heat)

turf (turf) (1 - Lush turf lined the river's banks.) (2 - artificial turf) (3 - Judges feel that the courtroom is their private turf. The fight over high-definition TV standards has been a turf war among the electronics, motion picture, and recording industries.)

토탄, 경마장, 지역(속어), 세력권, 전문분야(속어), 잔디로 덮다, 토탄을 캐다 (1. a surface layer of land consisting of grass and the earth in which its roots grow) (2. ____ is also ground cover that looks like grass) (3. the area that a person or group considers its own)

aisle (ahyl)

통로, 복도, 매장 (1. a long, narrow space between rows of seats in an aircraft, theater, church, etc., or between the rows of shelves in a store)

notify (NOH-tu̲h̲-fahy) (1 - Contest winners will be notified by postcard.) (1 - Final notification should reach teachers by March 15.)

통보하다, 알리다, 신고하다, 발표하다 (1. to tell someone officially about something)

vent (vent) (1 - The residents of the basement apartment ran outside after smelling smoke coming through a vent.) (2 - Walking relieves a lot of tension and it's a good way to vent frustration.)

통풍구, 동물의 항문, 표현 수단(감정이나 의견 등의), 총구, 발산하다 (감정이나 의견을 ) (1. an opening that allows air, smoke, or gas to escape or enter an enclosed space) (2. to express a negative emotion forcefully)

dosage (DOH-sij) (1 - He needed a high dosage to do any good.)

투약량, 조제, 투약 (1. a measured amount of a medicine)

poll (pohl) (1 - an opinion poll We took a poll this week.) (2 - Bob Friedman polled 67% of the vote.) (3 - Almost 86% of the parents polled said yes, and only 7% said no.)

투표, 선거, 투표인 명부, 투표수, 투표결과, 국민투표, 표를 얻다, 투표하다 (1. a study of a group's opinion on a subject, in which people are questioned and their answers examined) (2. to receive a particular number of votes in an election) (3. to answer questions as part of a study of a group's opinion on a subject)

flip (flip) (1 - I flipped /through/ the pages of the dictionary to look up a word. [ T ] You just flip a switch to turn on the computer. [ T ] At the beginning of a football game, the referee flips a coin /= throws it into the air so that it spins in falling/ to see which team gets the ball first.) (2 - They settled the issue by a flip of the coin.)

튀기다, 휙 던지다, 동전을 공중으로 튕겨올리다, 공중제비하다, 빠르게 움직이다, 미치다(속어) (1. to cause something to turn over quickly one or more times, or to cause something to move by making a short, quick motion) (2. the act of turning something over quickly one or more times) (3. A ____ is also a jump in which you swing your legs over your head as your whole body turns around, so that you come down on your feet in the position you started from.)

trumpet (TRUHM-pit) (2 - We heard the elephants trumpeting in the distance.) (3 - He's been trumpeting political reform for years. The boys were not shy about trumpeting their successes.)

트럼펫, 트럼펫 모양의 것, 트럼펫 소리, 트럼펫 연주자, 나팔을 불다, 트럼펫과 같은 소리를 내다 (1. a brass musical instrument that plays high notes, with keys that are pressed to vary the notes and played by blowing into it, or this type of instrument generally; a horn) (2. /of an animal, esp. an elephant/ to produce a loud call) (3. to make people aware of something important)

franchise (FRAN-chahyz) (2 - Women in the US won the franchise in 1920.)

특권, 참정권, 선거권, 독점 판매권, 면제, 독점 판매권을 주다, 투표권을 주다 (1. a right to sell a company's products in a particular area using the company's name) (2. the right to vote)

surge (surj) (1 - a surge in sales a surge in the stock market The young American's victory touched off a surge of interest in golf across the country.) (2 - The crowd surged onto the field after the game ended.)

파도처럼 밀려오다, 갑자기 상승하다 (전기학), 오르다, 큰 파도, 파동, 동요 (1. a sudden and great increase) (2. /of a large group/ to move suddenly forward)

paradise (PAR-u̲h̲-dahys, -dahyz) (1 - His idea of paradise is to spend the day sailing. infml This place is a shopper's/children's/pickpocket's paradise /= a place where the conditions are exactly right for them/.)

파라다이스, 천국 (1. a place or condition of great happiness where everything is exactly as you would like it to be) (2. ________ is another word for heaven.)

wreck (rek) (1 - The explosion wrecked one house and shattered nearby windows. A prison record would wreck his chances of becoming a lawyer.) (3 - We bought this old wreck of a house and fixed it up.) (4 - Coping with three kids and a mother in the hospital, she's a nervous wreck.)

파멸, 파괴, 잔해, 폐인, 정신적으로 지친 사람, 난파선, 파괴하다, 파멸시키다 (1. to destroy or badly damage something) (2. a vehicle or ship that has been destroyed or badly damaged) (3. A _____ can also be something that is badly in need of repair) (4. A person who is described as a _____ is in bad physical or mental condition)

bury (BER-ee) (1 - My father is buried in Kentucky.) (2 - Squirrels bury nuts and dig them up later to eat them.) (3 - She buried her face in her hands. The article was buried in the middle of the newspaper.)

파묻다, 묻다 (1. to put a dead body into the ground) (2. To ____ something is also to put it into the ground) (3. To ____ something is also to hide it or to make it difficult to find)

rupture (RUHP-cher) (1 - High winds caused the oil tank to rupture.) (1 - There is a rupture in confidence in government.)

파열, 분열, 균열, 불화, 파열시키다, 산산조각 내다, 찢어지다, 파열되다 (1. to burst or break, or to cause something to burst or break)

pamphlet (PAM-flit) (1 - a voter's information pamphlet She wrote the pamphlet, "Grow Your Own Vegetables.)

팸플릿, 소책자, 인쇄물 (1. a few sheets of paper folded together to form a thin magazine that contains information or opinions about something)

flap (flap) (1 - A small bird flapped its wings. [ I ] Flags flapped in the breeze.) (2 - a pocket/tent flap) (3 - She caused a big flap when she told her husband about her parents' visit.) (4 - The bird flew into the air with a flap of its wings.)

펄럭이다, 팍닥거리다 (종종 소리내며), 날개를 파닥거리다, 치다, 탁때리다, 흥분하다 (1. /of a bird's wings/ to wave up and down while flying, or /of objects that cannot fly/ to move quickly from side to side or up and down) (2. a piece of cloth or other material attached along one edge to something else) (3. a state of excitement or worry) (4. a waving movement from side to side or up and down)

expedient (ik-SPEE-dee-u̲h̲ nt) (1 - We thought it expedient not to pay the builder until he finished the work.) (1 - political expediency)

편리한, 수단 (1. helpful or useful in a particular situation, and without considering any moral question that might influence your decision)

ubiquitous (yoo-BIK-wi-tu̲h̲ s) (1 - The eel grass limpet used to be ubiquitous on the New England coast.)

편재하는, 어디에나 존재하는, 도처에 모습을 나타내는 (1. found or existing everywhere)

mundane (muhn-DEYN, MUHN-deyn) (1 - The show was just another mundane family sitcom.)

평범한, 현세의, 세속의 (1. ordinary and not interesting in any way)

slab (slab) (1 - a marble slab)

평평하고 두꺼운 판(나무판, 돌판), 널빤지로 켜다, 두꺼운 판자로 만들다 (1. a thick, flat, usually square or rectangular piece of a solid substance)

equilibrium (ee-kwu̲h̲-LIB-ree-u̲h̲ m, ek-wu̲h̲-) (1 - He devised a mathematical method to prove the existence of equilibrium among prices, production, and consumer demand.)

평형, 균형, 평형 상태 (1. a state of balance) (2. ___________ is also the state of balance maintained by the various organisms that live in a particular environment.) (3. ___________ also means a state of balance between opposing forces.) (4. ___________ is also a state of mental calm.)

pneumonia (no̲o̲-MOHN-yu̲h̲, -MOH-nee-u̲h̲, nyo̲o̲-) (1 - The patient died of pneumonia.)

폐렴 (1. a serious illness in which one or both lungs become red and swollen and filled with liquid)

trash (trash) (1 - We filled three cans with trash from the garage.) (2 - I simply trash that kind of mail. Some people seem to enjoy trashing their neighbors /= severely criticizing them/.)

폐물, 쓰레기, 잡동사니, 허튼소리, 어리석은 생각, 쓰레기를 치우다 (1. anything that is worthless and of low quality; waste) (2. to throw away, destroy, or severely damage something)

abolition (ab-u̲h̲-LISH-u̲h̲ n)

폐지, 노예 제도 폐지, 전폐 (1. the official ending of an activity or custom) (2. _________ also means the official end to slavery in the US, which took place in 1863.)

grape (greyp) (1 - a bunch of grapes grape juice)

포도 (1. a small, round fruit, usually pale green, purple, or red, that grows on a vine and is eaten raw, made into juice, or used for making wine)

captive (KAP-tiv) (1 - Most animals bred in captivity would probably not survive in the wild.) (2 - The soldiers were held captive for three months. When selling to people in their homes, you've got a captive audience /= people who cannot leave/.)

포로, 죄수, 체포자, 포로의, 붙잡힌 (1. a prisoner, esp. a person held by the enemy during a war) (2. /being/ without the ability to escape)

fork (fawrk) (1 - The knives and forks go in the middle drawer.) (2 - a fork in the road) (3 - You'll come to our house just before the road forks.)

포크, 갈고리, 갈림길, 갈래, 분기점, 가랑이꼴이 되다, 갈라지다, 포크모양으로 만들다 (1. a common tool used in eating that usually has three or four stiff metal points attached to a handle) (2. the place where a single thing divides into two or more parts, or one of the parts) (3. to divide into two or more parts)

riot (RAHY-u̲h̲ t) (1 - The streets in this district include South Central Los Angeles, where the riots broke out two years ago.) (2 - The show was a riot.) (2 - Inmates rioted yesterday at the prison.) (2 - The police said 80 rioters had been arrested.)

폭동, 매우 웃기는 사람 또는 것, 감정의 폭발, 난장판, 뒤죽박죽, 폭동에 가담하다 (1. a noisy and violent public gathering) (2. /infml/ A ____ is also something very amusing)

notation (noh-TEY-shu̲h̲ n)

표시법, 기록, 표시 (1. the system of written symbols used esp. in mathematics) (2. Musical ________ is the system of symbols used to write music.)

satire (SAT-ahyu̲h̲ r) (1 - The play is a satire on corporate culture.) (1 - satirical humorsatirize verb [ T ] us ​) (1 - Garry Trudeau would satirize him in his Doonesbury comic strip.)

풍자, 해학 (1. a humorous way of criticizing people or ideas to show that they have faults or are wrong, or a piece of writing or a play that uses this style)

tan (tan) (1 - a tan jacket) (2 - Ann's sundress shows off her tan.) (2 - a tanned face) (4 - Judy tans easily.)

피부를 햇볕에 태워 갈색으로 만들다, 때리다 (구어), 무두질하다, 일광욕, 햇볕에 피부를 갈색으로 그을리기 (1. /of/ a light brown or yellow-brown color) (2. the darker skin that white people often get from being in the sun) (3. to change an animal skin into leather by wetting it with special chemicals) (4. to become darker from being in the sun)

transcript (TRAN-skript) (1 - I had them send me a transcript of the program.) (1 - The language of the characters in the novel is like a transcription of real criminals' talk.)

필기록, 성명증명서, 복사 (1. a complete written copy of spoken or written words)

pretext (PREE-tekst) (1 - He called her on the pretext of needing help with his homework.)

핑계, 구실, 명목 (1. a pretended reason for doing something that is used to hide the real reason)

celestial (su̲h̲-LES-chu̲h̲ l) (1 - The moon is a celestial body.)

하늘의, 천국의 (1. of or from the sky above us)

sewage (SOO-ij) (1 - The storm caused raw sewage to flow into the bay.)

하수, 오수, 하수 오물 (1. waste and liquid from toilets)

stall (stawl) (1 - They're just stalling, trying to avoid making a decision. [ T ] I can stall him for a few minutes.) (2 - My car stalled at the traffic light.) (4 - The bathroom had a tiled shower stall.)

한 구획, 축사의 한 칸, 노점, 스탠드, 손가락 씌우개, (비행기)균형을 잃음 (1. to delay or put off action) (2. to cause a vehicle or engine to stop suddenly, or of a vehicle or engine to stop suddenly) (3. a separate area in which an animal is kept) (4. A _____ is also a small enclosed space used for a particular purpose)

bout (bout) (1 - She had bouts of fever as a child.)

한 차례, 발작, 한 시합 (1. a brief period of illness or involvement in an activity) (2. a boxing or wrestling match)

semester (si-MES-ter) (1 - fall/spring semester)

한 학기, 학기, 반 학년 (1. either of the two periods into which a year is divided at a school or university)

rally (RAL-ee) (1 - He helped organize the first national rally against the war.) (3 - Cleveland rallied in the fourth quarter to beat Washington, 111-102. [ I ] The dollar rallied against the yen in trading today.) (4 - African-American groups rallied around the president when he was under attack.)

한데 모이다, 함께 참여하다, 회복하다, 되찾다, 괴롭히다, 히롱하다, 집합, 대회 (1. a public meeting of a large group of people, esp. to show support for a particular opinion, political party, or sports team) (2. In baseball, a _____ is a period during which a team scores a lot of runs /= points/, esp. when it has been losing.) (3. to return or bring to a better condition; improve or cause to succeed) (4. to bring or come together in order to provide support or make a shared effort)

confine (ku̲h̲ n-FAHYN for 1, 2, 5, 6; KON-fahyn for 3, 4) (1 - The animals were confined in a large pen. Harris does not confine her stage work to Broadway.) (2 - Cancer is not confined to old people.) (2 - You can't keep kids in a confined space for long.) (2 - He was tired of the constant confinement of his office.)

한정하다, 제한하다, 가두다 (1. to keep someone or something within limits) (2. If something is confined to a particular group of people, it exists only among them)

scrap (skrap) (1 - Over 60% of all Georgians want to keep the present flag and only 29% want to scrap it.) (2 - He was charged with stealing copper tubing, which he then sold as scrap metal.) (3 - He jotted it down on a scrap of paper. [ pl ] She picked up scraps of information about her husband's whereabouts, but nothing definite.)

한조각, 자투리, 동강, 오려낸 것, 발췌 (책이나 잡지 등에서), 난투, 격투 (1. to get rid of something no longer useful or wanted) (2. old or used material, esp. metal, that has been collected in one place, often in order to be treated so that it can be used again) (3. a small and often irregular piece of something, or a small amount of something)

scratch (skrach) (1 - He used a penknife to scratch his initials into the bark of the tree. [ I ] You can hold the cat - she won't scratch.) (2 - I know they itch, but don't scratch your mosquito bites.) (3 - Mary Slaney scratched from the 1500-meter run because of an Achilles tendon problem.) (4 - We were going to remodel our kitchen, but we had to scratch that when I lost my job.) (5 - Tiny particles of car wax fill in the little scratches on the car.)

할퀴다, 긁다, 생채기를 내다, 상흔을 내다, 손톱으로 가려운 곳을 긁다, 북북 긁는 소리를 내다 (1. to cut or damage a surface with something sharp or rough, or to rub a part of your body with something sharp or rough) (2. If you _______ your skin, you rub it with the nails of your fingers) (3. to remove yourself or another person or an animal from a competition before the start) (4. To _______ is also to decide not to do something that you had planned to do; to cancel) (5. a cut or mark that is made in a surface with something sharp or rough)

alloy (noun AL-oi, u̲h̲-LOI; verb u̲h̲-LOI)

합금, 품위, 합금에 쓰는 비금속, 섞음질, 합금하다, 품위를 떨어뜨리다, 덜다 (1. a metal that is made by mixing together two or more metals, or a metal and another substance)

merge (murj) (1 - Route 9A splits off from Route 9, but they merge after 5 more miles.)

합병하다, 통합하다, 합쳐지다 (1. to combine or join together)

airline (AIR-lahyn)

항공사, 비행기, 에어라인 (1. a business that operates regular services for carrying passengers or goods by aircraft)

antibiotic (an-ti-bahy-OT-ik, -bee-, an-tee-, -tahy-) (1 - I'm taking an antibiotic for a throat infection.)

항생의, 항생작용의, 항생제 (1. a medicine or chemical that can destroy harmful bacteria in the body or limit their growth)

navigate (NAV-i-geyt) (1 - He learned to navigate these waters. [ I ] Whales navigate by visual means. [ I ] fig. Cyberspace is an environment in which computers navigate.) (1 - a satellite navigation system)

항해하다, 돌아다니다, 길을 찾다, 안내하다, 잘 다루다 (1. to direct the way that a vehicle, esp. a ship or aircraft will travel, or to find a direction across, along, or over an area of water or land)

admiral (AD-mer-u̲h̲ l)

해군 대장, 제독 (1. a naval officer of the highest rank)

emancipation (ih-man-su̲h̲-PEY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - emancipation from slavery US history)

해방, 노예해방, 해방된 상태 (1. the act of freeing a person from another person's control) (2. The ____________ Proclamation, made by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863, freed slaves in the southern American states during the US Civil War.)

submarine (noun suhb-mu̲h̲-REEN, SUHB-mu̲h̲-reen; adjective, verb suhb-mu̲h̲-REEN) (1 - a nuclear submarine)

해저의, 잠수함 (1. a ship that can travel under water)

venue (VEN-yoo) (1 - They changed the venue at the last minute because they realized the meeting room would have been much too small.)

행위의 현장, 장소, 재판지 (1. the place where a public event or meeting happens)

perfume (noun PUR-fyoom, per-FYOOM; verb per-FYOOM, PUR-fyoom) (1 - She put a few drops of perfume on the back of her neck.)

향수, 화장수, 향기, 향수를 뿌리다, 향을 내다 (1. a liquid produced and sold for its strong, pleasant smell, often used on the skin)

banquet (BANG-kwit) (1 - Ed Carey will receive the award at the organization's annual banquet.)

향연, 정찬, 연회, 축연, 연회를 베풀어 대접하다, 연회에 참석하다 (1. a large formal meal for many people, often followed by speeches in honor of someone)

thigh (thahy)

허벅지 (1. the part of a person's leg below the hip and above the knee)

futile (FYOOT-l, FYOO-tahyl) (1 - The plane detoured north in a futile attempt to avoid the bad weather.) (1 - A sense of futility and powerlessness infected her.)

헛된, 헛수고, 무산, 시시한 (1. achieving no result; not effective or successful)

salient (SEY-lee-u̲h̲ nt, SEYL-yu̲h̲ nt) (1 - The salient fact about the case is that it involves an American.)

현저한, 돌출하는, 주목할 만한, 눈에 띄는, 철각 (1. most noticeable or important)

extant (EK-stu̲h̲ nt, ik-STANT) (1 - Phyllis Wheatley is the author of the earliest extant volume of poetry by an African American.)

현존하는, 잔존하는, 현존해 있는 (1. still existing)

incumbent (in-KUHM-bu̲h̲ nt) (1 - Senator Smith, the incumbent, faces a tough fight for reelection next year.) (2 - It is incumbent upon /= necessary for/ all of us to create a safe community.)

현직의, 기대는, 쑥 내민 (1. /referring to the present time/ a person who has a particular office or position, esp. an elected one) (2. necessary)

delusion (dih-LOO-zhu̲h̲ n) (1 - We have no delusions that these kids are going to play pro basketball, but they are having fun.)

현혹, 망상, 기만 (1. something a person believes and wants to be true, when it is actually not true)

lineage (LIN-ee-ij)

혈통, 조상, 가족, 계보학, 족보학 (1. all the living things that are related directly to the same living thing that existed long ago)

cooperate (koh-OP-u̲h̲-reyt) (1 - The company promised to cooperate fully with the law-enforcement authorities. He refused to cooperate.) (1 - Without the cooperation of local residents, this movie could not have been made.)

협력하다, 협조하다, 협동하다 (1. to act or work together for a shared purpose, or to help willingly when asked)

menace (MEN-is) (1 - There was an air of controlled menace about him. [ C ] That boy is a menace to himself and his friends.) (1 - A hurricane menaced the east coast yesterday.) (1 - a menacing gesturemenacingly adverb us ​) (1 - She glared menacingly at him.)

협박, 위험, 위협하다 (1. danger, or someone or something that is likely to cause harm)

mold (mohld) (1 - The pieces are made in a mold and I just paint them.) (3 - She molded the clay into little animals.) (4 - Parents help mold a child's character.)

형, 주물, 주조된 것, 성질, 특질, 장식적인 테, 곰팡이, 형성하다, 본뜨다 (1. a hollow container into which you pour a soft or liquid substance so that it will cool or harden into the shape of the container) (2. a soft green, gray, or black growth that develops on old food or on objects that have been left too long in warm, slightly wet places) (3. to shape something into a particular form) (4. Someone who molds someone else has an important influence on how that person develops)

adjective (AJ-ik-tiv) (1 - "Big," "purple," "quick," "obvious," and "silvery" are adjectives.) (1 - an adjectival phrase)

형용사 (문법) (1. a word that describes a noun or pronoun)

tiger (TAHY-ger)

호랑이 (1. a large, wild cat that has yellow-orange fur with thick lines of black fur)

invoke (in-VOHK) (2 - Rather than answer the question, the witness invoked the Fifth Amendment against incriminating himself.)

호소하다, 기원하다, 빌다 (1. to call on something or someone, esp. God, for help) (2. to cause something to be used; bring into effect)

hose (hohz) (1 - a fire hose a garden hose a radiator hose) (3 - They have to hose down the streets. Just hose it off.)

호스, 액체나 물이 지나갈 수 있게 하는 유연한 관, 긴바지, 스타킹, ...에 호스로 물을 뿌리다 (1. a long, usually plastic or rubber pipe that can be bent and is used to move water or other substances) (2. stockings or pantyhose) (3. to clean something with water)

escort (noun ES-kawrt; verb ih-SKAWRT) (1 - He escorted her to her car in the parking lot because it was after dark.) (2 - Anytime a clerk transfers money, he is provided with an armed escort.)

호위자, 안내나 보호하는 사람들의 단체 또는 개인, 호위대(배나 비행기의), 여자와 동행해주는 남자 (1. to go with someone or something as a companion or guard) (2. a companion or guard for someone or something)

respiration (res-pu̲h̲-REY-shu̲h̲ n)

호흡, 한 호흡, 한번 숨쉼 (1. the process of breathing)

confuse (ku̲h̲ n-FYOOZ) (1 - You're confusing me - please repeat the directions more slowly.) (2 - You're confusing me with my sister - she's the one who moved to Colorado.) (2 - Her confused reaction is understandable.) (2 - The directions were confusing, and I got lost.)

혼란스럽다, 혼동하다, 당황하게 하다, 어리둥절하게 하다 (1. to cause someone to feel uncertain or unclear, or to make something difficult to understand) (2. Someone who confuses one thing with another thinks the first thing is the second)

congestion (ku̲h̲ n-JES-chu̲h̲ n) (4 - The /traffic/ congestion in the city gets worse during the summer. This spray helps to ease nasal congestion.) (5 - Congested roads are normal on holiday weekends.) (6 - The restaurant would increase traffic congestion and noise.)

혼잡, 정체, 충혈 (1. too blocked or crowded and causing difficulties) (2. Congested roads and towns have too much traffic and movement is made difficult.) (3. If you are or your nose is congested, you cannot breathe through your nose because it is blocked, usually during an infection.) (4. Congested lungs or other body parts have become too full of blood or other liquid.) (5. too crowded or blocked) (6. Someone who is congested has a blocked nose and cannot breathe through it, usually because of a cold.)

slot (slot) (1 - Drop the letter in the mail slot.) (2 - Perry will fill one of the open slots on the commission. Shaap's program can be heard in the same time slot every morning.) (3 - Weather reports are slotted between commercials.)

홈, 길쭉한 홈, 지위(조직 안에서의), (컴퓨터) 확장카드의 연결점, 동물의 발자국 (1. a narrow hole or opening) (2. a place or position available to someone or something) (3. to put someone or something in a particular position)

flush (fluhsh) (1 - The force of the adrenaline-filled blood rushing through your body causes you to flush.) (2 - Flush the toilet before you clean it. [ I ] I can't get the toilet to flush.) (3 - The sprinklers are mounted flush with the ceiling.) (4 - The organization is not as flush as it once was.) (5 - The toilet tank empties during a flush.) (6 - a flush of embarrassment)

홍조, 얼굴을 붉힘, 큰물, 물결, 씻어내림, 싹틈, 격증, 카드놀이에서 플러시패 (1. /of a person/ to become red in the face) (2. to operate a toilet after it has been used by pressing a handle or button, or /of a toilet/ to operate in this way) (3. on the same level so that no part is higher or lower or sticks out more than another) (4. having a lot of money) (5. the act of operating a toilet by pressing a handle or button) (6. a reddish color on a person's face) (7. a number of playing cards held by one player that are all from the same suit /= type/)

freight (freyt) (1 - Most planes carry both freight and passengers.)

화물, 상품, 화물운송료, 화물 운송, 화물을 싣다 (1. goods that are transported from one place to another by ship, aircraft, train, or truck) (2. A _______ train is a train that carries only goods.)

fossil (FOS-u̲h̲ l)

화석, 고지식한 사람, 유행에 뒤쳐진 사람, 화석의, 선사시대의, 옛날의 (1. part of a plant or animal, or its shape, that has been preserved in rock or earth for a very long period)

incarnation (in-kahr-NEY-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - When he dances, he's the incarnation of gracefulness.) (3 - This movie is the latest incarnation of an old French fairy tale.)

화신, 구체화, 육체화 (1. the human form of a spirit, or the human representation of a principle or idea) (2. An ___________ is also, according to some religious beliefs, one of the several lives people have over time.) (3. An ___________ can also be a new or different form or condition of something)

reconcile (REK-u̲h̲ n-sahyl) (1 - How do we reconcile the seemingly contradictory notions of cutting taxes and balancing the budget?) (2 - After two years of not speaking to one another, the two brothers were finally reconciled.) (3 - He has reconciled himself to the loss of the election and is moving on.)

화해하다, 조화시키다, 화합하다, 조정하다 (1. to adjust the way you think about a fact or situation that is opposed to another fact or situation so that you can accept both) (2. If two people are reconciled, they become friendly again after having argued so seriously that they kept apart) (3. To _________ yourself to a situation is to accept it even if it is unpleasant or painful, because it cannot be changed)

vigor (VIG-er) (1 - After vacation, she returned to work with renewed vigor.)

활력, 활기, 박력, 용기 (1. strength, energy, or enthusiasm)

desolate (adjective DES-u̲h̲-lit; verb DES-u̲h̲-leyt) (1 - a desolate landscape) (2 - When her son left for a year abroad, she felt desolate.)

황량한, 내버려진, 쓸쓸한, 불쌍한, 황량하게 하다, 황폐하게 하다 (1. /of a place/ having no living things; empty) (2. /of a person/ extremely sad and feeling alone)

ecstasy (EK-stu̲h̲-see) (1 - We shared a moment of ecstasy as the chocolate melted on our tongues.)

황홀, 황홀경, 무아의 경지 (1. a state of extreme happiness or pleasure)

memoir (MEM-wahr, -wawr) (1 - She wrote a memoir about her years as a war correspondent. He's writing his memoirs /= the story of his life/.)

회고록, 회상록, 체험기 (1. a written record of a person's knowledge of events or of a person's own experiences)

skeptical (SKEP-ti-ku̲h̲ l) (1 - Many experts remain skeptical about/of his claims.) (1 - The company's environmental claims have been greeted/regarded/treated with skepticism by conservationists.)

회의적인, 의심하는, 믿지 않는, 부인하는, 비관적 (1. doubting that something is true or useful)

enzyme (EN-zahym)

효소 (1. any of a group of chemical substances that are produced by living cells and which cause particular chemical reactions to happen)

hind (hahynd) (1 - Phil's dog stands on her hind legs to greet me.)

후부의, 암사슴 (1. at the back of an animal's body)

posterity (po-STER-i-tee) (1 - Their recollections were recorded for posterity.)

후세, 후손 (1. the people who will exist in the future)

sponsor (SPON-ser) (1 - The Rotary Club sponsors Little League baseball in the summer.) (1 - Corporate sponsors support many public TV programs.) (1 - corporate sponsorship of the arts)

후원자, 돈을 대주는 사람, 지지해주는 사람 또는 단체, 대부모, 보증인이 되다, 후원하다 (1. to support a person, organization, or activity by giving money, encouragement, or other help)

repent (ri-PENT) (1 - Jenkins returned, to repent and face justice.)

후회하다, 유감스럽게 생각하다 (1. to be sorry you did or did not do something)

superb (so̲o̲-PURB, su̲h̲-) (1 - superb seafood The cast is superb, especially Philip Bosco.) (1 - a superbly illustrated book)

훌륭한, 최고의 (1. of the very best quality; excellent)

volatile (VOL-u̲h̲-tl, -til or, esp. British, -tahyl) (1 - It was a volatile situation, and the police handled it well. The stock market was highly volatile in the early part of the year.) (2 - volatile chemicals volatility noun [ U ] us ​) (2 - Volatility in wheat on Wednesday resulted in a single-day trading record in Kansas City.)

휘발성의, 불안정한, 휘발하는 (1. likely to change suddenly and unexpectedly, or suddenly violent or angry) (2. If a substance, esp. a liquid, is volatile, it will change easily into a gas)

gasoline (gas-u̲h̲-LEEN, GAS-u̲h̲-leen)

휘발유, 가솔린, 기름 (1. gas )

whistle (HWIS-u̲h̲ l, WIS-) (1 - I whistled to my dog and she came running back. [ I ] fig.The wind whistled through the trees.)

휘파람 불다, 호루라기를 불다, 휭하니 공기를 가르는 소리를 내며 움직이다, 휘파람으로 누구를 부르다 (1. to make a musical sound by forcing the breath through a small passage between the lips or through a special device) (2. A _______ is also a device that makes a loud, high sound when you blow into it.)

parlor (PAHR-ler) (1 - an ice cream parlor a beauty parlor) (2 - the front parlor)

휴게실, 담화실, 객실, 라운지, 클럽 따위의 특별담화실 (1. a store that sells a stated product, or a business that provides a stated service) (2. a room in a private house used esp. for entertaining guests)

repose (ri-POHZ) (1 - She reposed on the sofa.) (2 - Your face is so beautiful in repose.)

휴식, 수면, 고요함, 정적, 눕히다, 쉬다, 기초를 두다, 언제까지나 머물다 (1. to rest or lie) (2. the state of resting or lying down)

bust (buhst) (1 - He busted out laughing. [ M ] The cops had to bust the door down.) (3 - a bust of George Washington)

흉상 (조각이나 그림 등의 ), 상반신, 가슴, 체포, 실패, 파산, 불황, 강타 (1. to burst or break something) (2. slang A person who is busted is caught doing something wrong, esp. caught by the police and accused of a crime.) (3. a statue of the upper part of a person's body) (4. a woman's breasts, or the measurement around a woman's body at the level of her breasts) (5. an occasion when people are caught by the police and accused of a crime)

scar (skahr) (1 - fig. The loss of a parent causes permanent scars for many children.) (1 - She was badly scarred by the fire.)

흉터, 흠, 상처, 상처를 남기다, 흉터가 남다 (1. a mark left on the skin by a cut or burn that has healed)

diffuse (verb dih-FYOOZ; adjective dih-FYOOS) (1 - Television is a powerful means of diffusing knowledge.) (2 - The guide tried to diffuse the tension with his grin.) (3 - The smoke may have been too diffuse to detect.)

흐트러뜨리다, 퍼뜨리다, 확산시키다, 퍼지다 (1. to spread or cause something to spread in many directions) (2. To _______ is also to make something less noticeable or weaker) (3. not dense but spread out over a large area or space)

sway (swey) (1 - The trees sway in the wind.) (2 - Were you swayed by her arguments?) (3 - The car showed lots of sway in crosswinds.) (4 - As a young musician, he fell under the sway of Louis Armstrong. Large corporations hold sway with Congress.)

흔들다, 흔들 흔들 움직이다, 한쪽으로 기울다, 마음이 흔들리다, 머뭇거리다, 흔들리게 하다 (1. to move slowly from side to side) (2. to persuade someone to believe or to do something) (3. a slow movement from side to side) (4. the ability to persuade)

absorb (ab-SAWRB, -ZAWRB) (1 - The black clay soil around here doesn't absorb water very well. fig. The country has absorbed millions of immigrants over the years. Note: Used to describe the behavior of a substance or object.) (2 - She was absorbed in listening to music.) (3 - It was difficult to absorb so much information.)

흡수하다, 열중하다, 받아들이다, 빼앗다, 빨아들이다 (1. to take in a liquid, gas, or chemical) (2. to completely take the attention of someone) (3. To ______ knowledge, ideas, or information is to understand them completely and store them in your memory)

scatter (SKAT-er) (1 - We grew up in a small town, but now we're scattered all over the country.) (1 - There will be scattered showers throughout the afternoon.)

흩뿌리다, 산발시키다, 퍼뜨리다, 산재시키다, 살포, 분산, 널널하게 퍼뜨림, 적은량 (1. to move apart in many directions, or to throw something in different directions)

toil (toil) (1 - He rested from the backbreaking toil of putting in fences.) (1 - Walter toiled in obscurity while his boss took the credit.)

힘써 일하다, 애써 일하다, 힘든 일, 노고, 수고 (1. hard and tiring work)

tendon (TEN-du̲h̲ n)

힘줄, 건, 철근 (1. a strong cord that connects a muscle to a bone and allows movement, esp. of the arms, legs, and head)

pragmatic (prag-MAT-ik) (1 - He made a pragmatic decision to settle the lawsuit because in the end it would cost more to try it in court.)

실용적인 (1. based on practical judgments rather than principles)

clan (klan) (1 - Is the whole clan gathering at your house for Thanksgiving?)

씨족, 문중, 일족 (1. a family, esp. a large group of people who are related)

saddle (SAD-l) (3 - She saddled her pony and went riding.)

안장, 안장을 얹다, 짐을 지우다, 의무를 지우다 (1. a seat, usually made of leather, fastened on the back of a horse for a rider) (2. A ______ is also a seat on a bicycle or motorcycle.) (3. to put a ______ on a horse)

slice (slahys) (1 - a slice of bread/cake/pizza) (2 - She demanded a slice of the profits.) (3 - The drama is a slice of life about Puerto Ricans living in the Bronx.) (4 - Slice the onions and fry them in butter.)

얇게 썬 조각, 일부분, 얇게 베다, 얇게 썰다, 얇게 저미다, 베어내다, 쪼개다 (1. a flat, often thin piece of food that has been cut from a larger piece) (2. /fig./ A _____ is also any small part that has been separated from something larger) (3. If you describe a story as a _____ of life, you mean that it shows ordinary details of the lives of the people mentioned) (4. to cut something into thin pieces, or to cut one or more thin pieces from something)

suppress (su̲h̲-PRES) (1 - He either has to begin reforms, or he has to suppress the opposition.) (2 - He was accused of suppressing evidence. She could barely suppress a smile.)

억압하다, 진압하다, 억제하다, 감추다 (1. to end something by force) (2. to prevent something from being expressed or known)

rigorous (RIG-er-u̲h̲ s) (1 - rigorous standards of accuracy The Manhattan district attorney's office had a pretty rigorous training program.)

엄격한, 혹독한, 정밀한 (1. severe or difficult, esp. because at a high level)

anticipate (an-TIS-u̲h̲-peyt) (1 - No job cuts are anticipated under the new ownership. [ + /that/ clause ] I don't anticipate /that/ we'll solve all our problems with one meeting. We anticipate criticism but plan to go ahead anyway. [ + question word ] At this stage we can't anticipate what will happen.)

예상하다, 기대하다, 예견하다 (1. to imagine or expect that something will happen, sometimes taking action in preparation for it)

vapor (VEY-per) (1 - Warm air is able to hold more water vapor than cold air.)

증기, 안개, 발산시키다, 증발하다, 허풍떨다 (1. a gas that escapes from a liquid or solid, esp. as a result of heating)

champion (CHAM-pee-u̲h̲ n) (1 - a tennis champion) (2 - a champion of free speech champion verb [ T ] us ​) (2 - He championed protection of the wilderness.)

챔피언, 승리자, ...을 위해 싸우는 사람, 우승한, 일류의, 투사로서 활동하다 (1. someone or something, esp. a person or animal, that has beaten all other competitors in a competition) (2. a person who enthusiastically supports, defends, or fights for a belief or principle)

advent (AD-vent) (1 - Transportation was transformed by the advent of the internal combustion engine.)

출현, 도래, 그리스도의 강림 (1. the beginning of an event, the invention of something, or the arrival of a person) (2. For Christians, ______ is the period of four weeks before Christmas.)

collision (ku̲h̲-LIZH-u̲h̲ n) (1 - The collision involved a pickup truck and a car .)

충돌, 전면전, 폭발 (1. the violent coming together of two or more moving objects, such as vehicles)

allegiance (u̲h̲-LEE-ju̲h̲ ns) (1 - For many here, allegiance to the local community comes first.)

충성, 충실 (1. support for a leader, country, group, or belief)

hobby (HOB-ee) (1 - Sonya's hobbies include traveling, sailing, and reading fiction.)

취미, 여가활동 (1. an activity that you do for pleasure when you are not working)

corpse (kawrps)

시체, 송장, 효력을 잃은 것 (1. a dead body, esp. of a human)

undermine (uhn-der-MAHYN or especially for 1, 2, 4, UHN-der-mahyn) (1 - The incompetence and arrogance of the city's administration have undermined public confidence in government.)

...의 밑을 파다, 몰래 손상시키다, ...을 서서히 쇠퇴시키다 (1. to gradually weaken or destroy someone or something)

kin (kin) (1 - They're not any kin of mine.)

가족, 혈연, 친척, 관계, 혈족 (1. family)

thirst (thurst) (1 - He took a long drink of water to quench his thirst.) (2 - She slaked her thirst for knowledge by reading everything she could.)

갈증, 목마름, 갈망, 목마르다, 갈망하다 (1. the need or desire to drink something, esp. water) (2. A ______ is also a strong desire for something)

precipitation (pri-sip-i-TEY-shu̲h̲ n)

강우, 강수량, 재촉 (1. water that falls from the clouds toward the ground, esp. as rain or snow) (2. the chemical process that causes a substance to precipitate)

canon (KAN-u̲h̲ n) (1 - The canon for lawyers has clear restrictions.)

교회의 법규, 규범, 정전, 성당 참사회원, 대성당 참사회원, 기독교에 의해 인정된 성경 (1. a principle or law, or a set of these, esp. in a Christian church) (2. the repetition of a musical pattern after it has been sung or played once, although not always in the same octave or by the same instrument)

confidential (kon-fi-DEN-shu̲h̲ l) (1 - All information will be treated as strictly confidential.) (1 - Can I speak to you confidentially? All information supplied will be treated confidentially.)

기밀의, 비밀의, 흉금을 터놓는, 감추는 (1. secret, often in a formal, business, or military situation)

robe (rohb) (1 - I had on pajamas and a robe.)

길고 헐거운 겉옷, 덮는 옷, ...에게 예복을 입히다, ...에게 관복 따위를 입히다 (1. a long, loose-fitting piece of clothing, esp. one worn at home)

twist (twist) (1 - A river twists through the valley. [ I ] Vines twisted around the trunk of the old tree.) (2 - He twisted his knee in the game on Saturday.) (3 - You're twisting my words - that's not what I meant at all. During the trial, lawyers twisted the truth to gain the jury's sympathy.) (4 - The path wound its way down the hill in a series of twists. One more twist should tighten the cover.) (5 - She added a twist of lemon to her cola.) (6 - The incident was the latest twist in the story of the robbery. Walnuts give a new twist to regular banana bread.)

꼬다, 감다, 비틀다, 쥐어 틀다, 감겨들게 하다, 얽히게 하다, 왜곡하다, 곡해하다 (1. to turn repeatedly, or to combine thin lengths of a material by turning or wrapping) (2. If you _____ a part of your body, you hurt it by turning it awkwardly) (3. to change the meaning of facts or a statement; distort) (4. the act of twisting or turning repeatedly) (5. A _____ can also be something that has been twisted) (6. an unexpected change)

nod (nod) (1 - The teacher nodded /his head/ in agreement.) (3 - He gave her a nod of recognition.)

끄덕이다, 졸다, 깜빡 잠들다, 흔들리다, 나부끼다, 끄덕거림 (대개 동의를 나타낼 때) (1. to move the head down and then up again quickly, esp. to show agreement, approval, or greeting) (2. to let your head fall forward when you are beginning to sleep) (3. a movement of the head down and then up again quickly)

chill (chil) (1 - Allow the pudding to chill. [ T ] Chill the pudding before serving.) (2 - The sun was bright, but there was a chill in the air. fig. His words sent a chill down her spine /= made her suddenly very fearful/.) (3 - She came home with a headache and chills.)

냉기, 오한, 차게 하다, 차갑게 되다, 안정하다, 분노를 가라앉히다 (속어), 추위에 떨고 있는 (1. to make or become cold but not freeze) (2. a cold feeling) (3. A _____ is also a feeling of cold in your body that makes you shake slightly)

veteran (VET-er-u̲h̲ n, VE-tru̲h̲ n) (1 - Ms. Beasly is one of our veterans - she has been teaching here for over 20 years.)

노병, 퇴역 군인, 노련병, 어떤 분야에서 경험이 풍부한 사람, 노병의, 노련한 (1. a person who has had a lot of experience in a particular activity or job) (2. a person who was once a member of the armed forces)

cathedral (ku̲h̲-THEE-dru̲h̲ l)

대성당 (1. a large and important church, esp. one that is the center of a large area)

mansion (MAN-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - Mansions line the shore around the lake.)

대저택, 맨션 (1. a very large and usually expensive house)

dam (dam) (2 - Fish are affected when a river is dammed up.)

댐, 물의 흐름을 막는 장벽, ...에 댐을 만들다 (1. a wall built across a river to stop the flow and collect the water, esp. to make a reservoir /= an artificial lake/ that provides water for an area or can be used to make electricity) (2. to build a ___ across a river in order to store the water)

whip (hwip, wip) (1 - The trainer cracked his whip, and the lions sat in a circle.) (3 - They whipped my plate away before I'd even finished. [ M ] Bill whipped out his harmonica. [ I ] The wind whipped around the corner of the building.) (4 - I still need to whip the cream for the pie.) (5 - To train them, owners often whip their pit bulls. fig. Dallas whipped Buffalo 52 to 17 /= beat them by this score/.)

때리다, 채찍질하다, 세차게 치다, 거품이 되게 하다, 잡아채다, 홱 움직이다, 이기다 (1. a piece of leather or rope fastened to a stick, used to train and control animals or, esp. in the past, to hit people) (2. an elected representative of a political party in a legislature whose job is to gather support from other legislators /= law makers/ for particular legislation and to encourage them to vote the way their party wants them to) (3. to bring or take /something/ quickly, or to move quickly) (4. to beat cream, eggs, potatoes, etc., with a special utensil in order to make it thick and soft) (5. to hit a person with a whip, esp. for punishment, or to hit an animal with a ____ in order to control it or make it move more quickly)

plug (pluhg) (3 - I was trying to fill the bathtub, but Matthew kept pulling out the plug.) (4 - He took the opportunity to put in a plug for his new book.) (6 - All you have to do is plug in the computer. [ T ] I'd like to plug the stereo into that outlet. [ I ] These systems plug into TV sets and run games.) (7 - Workers finished plugging the hole in the dam.)

마개, 코르크, 전기 플러그, 전기 연결기구, 방해물, 소화전, 선전, 마개로 막다 (1. a small plastic or rubber device with metal pins that connects the end of a wire on a piece of electrical equipment to a supply of electricity) (2. A ____ is also a spark plug) (3. a small piece of esp. rubber or plastic that fits into a hole in order to block it) (4. an advertisement for something by someone talking about it or praising it, esp. on television or radio) (5. to advertise something by talking about it or praising it, esp. on television or radio) (6. to attach electrical equipment to a supply of electricity with a ____ ) (7. to prevent water or other liquid from coming through a hole by covering the hole)

hammer (HAM-er) (2 - I hammered the nail into the wall.) (3 - Martin Luther King, Jr., hammered at the theme that the civil rights movement must avoid violence. [ I always + adv/prep ] His attorneys hammered away at the idea that the police department was incompetent.)

망치, 망치로 치다, 망치로 두들기다, 강요적으로 설득시키다, 강하게 논쟁하다, 패배시키다 (1. a tool with a heavy metal top attached to a straight handle, used for hitting an object such as a nail into a substance that holds it firmly in place) (2. to hit something repeatedly with, or as if with, a hammer) (3. To ______ is also to repeat again and again esp. to persuade other people about something)

nail (neyl) (3 - Workmen were nailing down the carpet.) (4 - He nailed the box shut.) (5 - We finally nailed the guys dumping garbage in the park.)

못, 손톱, 옛날 피륙의 길이를 재던 단위(2 1/4 인치), 못을치다, 못을 박다 (1. a thin piece of metal having a pointed end that is forced into wood or another substance by hitting the other end with a hammer, and is used esp. to join two pieces or to hold something in place) (2. the hard, smooth part at the upper end of each finger and toe) (3. to attach or fasten with a ____ or nails) (4. If you ____ something shut, you put nails in it to fasten it so that it cannot easily be opened) (5. /infml/ To ____ someone is to catch someone in a dishonest or illegal act)

fuzzy (FUHZ-ee) (1 - Is the picture always fuzzy on your TV? The basic facts of the story are starting to emerge though the details are still fuzzy.) (2 - I peel peaches because I don't like their fuzzy skins.)

보풀로 덮인, 보풀 모양의, 흐릿한 (1. not clear or not easily heard, seen, or understood) (2. covered with light, loose hairs or fibers)

costume (noun KOS-toom, -tyoom; verb ko-STOOM, -STYOOM) (1 - a clown costume) (2 - The dancers dressed in national costume.)

복장, 옷차림, 특별한 양식의 옷, 특별한 시대의 옷, 의상양식, 여성의 옷차림 (1. a set of clothes worn in order to look like someone else, esp. for a party or as part of an entertainment) (2. A _______ is also the set of clothes typical of a particular country or period of history)

dictionary (DIK-shu̲h̲-ner-ee)

사전, 딕셔너리 (1. a book that lists words with their meanings given in the same or in another language, and often includes other information)

reciprocal (ri-SIP-ru̲h̲-ku̲h̲ l) (1 - They share a truly reciprocal relationship.)

상호의, 보답의, 답례하는, 역수 (1. operating for both, esp. equally or to a similar degree) (2. a number that when multiplied by another number results in 1)

epic (EP-ik) (2 - The Iliad is the most famous Greek epic.) (3 - an epic struggle to achieve equality for African Americans)

서사시, 서사시적 작품, 서사시의 (1. a book or movie that is long and contains a lot of action, usually about a subject from the past) (2. An ____ is also a long poem about events in the past, often involving gods or kings and queens) (3. happening over a long period and including a lot of difficulties)

setup (SET-uhp) (1 - The novel's setup smacks of stereotype, but its heroine has a strong voice and a spine of steel. [ U ] This television's excellent on-screen display make setup a breeze.) (2 - He's in the sign business and has a nice setup with that.) (3 - His family claims the trial was a setup from beginning to end.)

설립, 설치, 마련, 구성, 세우다 (1. an arrangement of things that allows something to happen, or the process that prepares this arrangement) (2. a situation that has been arranged for some purpose) (3. an action that deceives someone in order to profit or get an advantage)

monastery (MON-u̲h̲-ster-ee)

수도원, 수도사의 단체, 수사 단체 (1. a building or group of buildings in which monks /= religious men/ live and worship)

cock (kok) (2 - He cocked his head to one side.)

수탉, 새의 수컷, 물꼭지, 물주둥이, (속어)남자의 성기, 공이치기를 잡아 당기다 (1. a rooster /= an adult male chicken/) (2. to turn a part of the body in a particular direction) (3. to prepare a gun so that it is ready for firing)

lodge (loj) (1 - A fish bone had lodged in her throat. [ T ] The explosion lodged some metal fragments in his leg.) (2 - to lodge a complaint/protest) (3 - Mrs. Brown rents rooms - you can lodge with her for a few weeks.) (4 - a hunting lodge)

오두막, 조그만 오두막집, 미국 인디언의 천막식 오두막집, 지방 집회소, 지부, 동물의 굴 (1. to become fixed or cause something to become fixed in a place or position) (2. to formally make a complaint to an official) (3. to stay in a place temporarily, usually paying rent to do so) (4. a small building used by people during a particular sports season) (5. A _____ is also a type of hotel in the countryside or mountains.)

dragon (DRAG-u̲h̲ n)

용, 드래곤, 도마뱀 (1. a large, fierce, imaginary animal, usually represented with wings, a long tail, and fire coming out of its mouth)

melt (melt) (1 - The sun was hot and melted the snow. [ I ] The ice cream was starting to melt by the time I got it home.)

용해하다, 용해되다, 녹다, 녹이다, 누그러지다, 사라지다, 녹아없어지다 (1. to change something from solid to liquid by heating, or to dissolve a solid in a liquid)

coup (koo) (1 - It was quite a coup for her to get an interview with the First Lady.)

일격, 대히트, 혁명, 전복 (1. an unexpectedly successful achievement)

coincidence (koh-IN-si-du̲h̲ ns) (1 - Was our meeting here a coincidence? [ U ] By coincidence, both teams happen to be coached by men.) (1 - Resemblances between their stories are purely coincidental.) (1 - Mo shut his eyes and swung, the ball and the bat coincidentally arriving at the same place at the same time.)

일치, 동시 발생, 우연의 일치 (1. an occasion when two or more things happen at the same time, esp. in a way that is unexpected or unlikely, or the unlikely fact of such things happening at the same time)

ripe (rahyp) (1 - The tomatoes aren't ripe.) (2 - My grandmother lived to the ripe old age of 95.) (2 - Mangoes need to ripen at room temperature until the fruit yields to the touch.)

잘 익은, 때가 된, 가능성이 높은 (1. wholly developed, esp. of fruit ready to be collected or eaten) (2. /fig./ A ____ old age is a very old age)

latent (LEYT-nt) (1 - Latent ethnic tensions exploded into the open yesterday.)

잠재성의, 잠복성의, 숨어 있는 (1. present, but not yet active, developed, or obvious)

gossip (GOS-u̲h̲ p) (1 - Have you heard the latest gossip ?) (2 - Charlie is a real gossip.) (2 - Don't mind us - we're just gossiping!)

잡담 하다, 소문을 퍼뜨리다, 소문을 퍼뜨리는 사람, 소문 (1. talk about other people's private lives) (2. A ______ is also someone who enjoys talking about other people's private lives)

chat (chat) (1 - We stopped to chat with the neighbors.) (1 - I sat next to a friendly, chatty woman.) (2 - Sometimes Don would just stop by for a chat. Call me sometime tomorrow and we can have a chat.)

잡담, 담소하다 (1. to talk to someone in a friendly informal way) (2. a friendly, informal talk)

mischief (MIS-chif) (1 - Some of the neighborhood kids like to get into mischief. She's a cute little girl, but full of mischief.)

장난, 악영향, 손해 (1. behavior, esp. of a child, that is slightly bad or causes trouble but is not intended to harm anyone)

toy (toi) (1 - a stuffed toy a toy train/soldier) (2 - a toy poodle)

장난감, 장난감의, 장난감 같은, 장난하다 (1. an object that children play with) (2. /of a breed of dog/ very small and kept as a pet)

ash (ash) (1 - volcanic ash [ C ] We cleaned the ashes out of the fireplace.)

재, 타다남은 것, 숯 (1. the soft, gray or black, powdery substance left after something has burned) (2. a tree that has a smooth gray bark /= strong outer covering/, or the hard wood of this tree)

sanction (SANGK-shu̲h̲ n) (1 - To be just, a government must have the sanction of the governed.) (2 - trade/economic sanctions) (3 - The UN sanctioned intervention in the crisis.)

재가, 인가, 시인, 위법 행위에 대한 제재, 적법한 행동에 대한 보상, 법률을 강화하기 위해 고안된 정책 (1. approval or permission) (2. an official action taken against a government to force it to behave in a particular way or as punishment for not doing so) (3. to formally permit something)

tray (trey) (1 - She set the tray down between them.)

쟁반, 음식, ...통, 테이블, 트레이 (1. a flat container, usually with slightly raised edges, for carrying food and drinks)

vulgar (VUHL-ger) (1 - His manners were coarse and vulgar.) (2 - The movie is rated PG and has a few mildly vulgar jokes.) (2 - His comedy routine contains some vulgarity.)

저속한, 일반 민중이 사용하는 (1. not polite or socially acceptable; not suitable or acceptable in style) (2. rude or offensive, esp. because referring to sex)

reservoir (REZ-er-vwahr, -vwawr, -vawr, REZ-u̲h̲-) (2 - There's a tremendous reservoir of goodwill out there.)

저수지, 저장소, 매장량 (1. a natural or artificial lake for storing and supplying water for an area) (2. A _________ is also a large supply of something that could be used if needed)

transmit (trans-MIT, tranz-) (1 - Germs transmit disease. [ I ] To avoid delay, transmit by fax.)

전염시키다, 전송하다, 전달하다, 보내다 (1. to send or give something)

martial (MAHR-shu̲h̲ l)

전쟁의, 전쟁에 적합한, 호전적인 (1. of or suitable for war)

psychic (SAHY-kik) (1 - Regular exercise has psychic as well as physical benefits.) (2 - psychic phenomena)

정신의, 영혼의, 초자연적인 힘을 인지할 수 있는, 영매, 무당, 영혼의 세계와 소통할 수 있는 사람 (1. having to do with the mind and the emotions rather than with the body) (2. If a person, experience, or event is said to be psychic, the person's abilities or the nature of the experience or event cannot be explained by modern science) (3. a person believed to have abilities, esp. involving a knowledge of the future, that cannot be explained by modern science)

gel (jel) (1 - hair gel) (2 - As the pudding cooled, it began to gel.)

젤, 딱딱하지 않은 고형의 액체, 젤라틴, 머리 손질에 쓰는 젤 (1. a thick, soft, partly liquid substance) (2. /of a liquid/ to become thick)

fragile (FRAJ-u̲h̲ l; British FRAJ-ahyl) (1 - a fragile piece of metal Their argument showed us just how fragile the teammate relationship can be. I feel fragile, as if a breath of wind could knock me over.) (1 - She was a strong woman, with no hint of fragility about her.)

취약한, 부진한, 깨지기 쉬운, 쉽게 영향을 받는 (1. easily damaged, broken, or harmed)

sediment (noun SED-u̲h̲-mu̲h̲ nt; verb SED-u̲h̲-ment)

침전물, 앙금, 퇴적물 (1. solid material, such as dirt or minerals, that falls to the bottom of a liquid)

transit (TRAN-sit, -zit) (1 - Our boxes are in transit and should arrive tomorrow.)

통과, 통행, 운송, 수송 (1. the process of moving, or the movement of goods or people from one place to another)

penetrate (PEN-i-treyt) (1 - The drill isn't sharp enough to penetrate into the rock. [ T ] Women have begun to penetrate a lot of fields that were dominated by men for centuries.) (2 - Her writing penetrated to the heart of contemporary life.) (2 - The program's penetration in Utah schools varies from district to district.)

파고들다, 침투하다, 관통하다, 발견하다, 넘어서다 (1. to move into or through something) (2. to understand something, or to be understood as a result of study or investigation)

debris (du̲h̲-BREE, DEY-bree or, esp. British, DEB-ree) (1 - After the tornado, debris from damaged trees and houses littered the town.)

파편, 잔해, 부스러기 (1. broken or torn pieces left from the destruction of something larger)

inflate (in-FLEYT) (1 - to inflate balloons [ I ] Air bags in cars are designed to inflate automatically on impact.) (2 - Company officials misled the public in order to inflate the value of the company's stock. The story was inflated by the media.)

팽창하다, 팽창시키다, 부풀리다 (1. to cause an object to increase in size and shape by filling it with air or gas, or /of an object/ to become larger as a result of this process) (2. to make a number or value higher or greater than it should be, or to make something seem more important than it really is)

sanctuary (SANGK-choo-er-ee) (1 - The storm's survivors took sanctuary in the church.) (2 - a wildlife/bird sanctuary social studies) (3 - Nan and her parents found seats in the sanctuary for the service.)

피난처, 성역, 지성소 (1. protection or a safe place, esp. for someone or something being chased or hunted) (2. A _________ is a place where birds or animals can live and be protected) (3. A _________ is the part of a church where religious ceremonies happen)

sergeant (SAHR-ju̲h̲ nt)

하사관, 병장, 경사, 상사, 중사 (1. a person in the military below the rank of a lieutenant /= an officer of the lowest rank/)

anatomy (u̲h̲-NAT-u̲h̲-mee) (1 - You have to know something about anatomy if you want to draw the human body well. fig. He was studying the anatomy of long-term relationships /= their structure/.) (1 - anatomical drawings)

해부학, 해부, 구조 (1. the scientific study of the structure of animals or plants, or of a particular type of animal or plant)

lobby (LOB-ee) (1 - As you enter the lobby, you'll see the elevators on your right.) (2 - the environmental lobby) (3 - Council members have been lobbying colleagues on how to vote.) (3 - lobbyists for the banking industry)

현관 홀, 건물입구에 있는 커다란 홀 (특히 호텔이나 영화관의), 의원실 옆에 있는 공용 입구 홀 (1. a large, open space just inside the main entrance of a public building such as a hotel, office building, or theater) (2. a group of people who represent a particular industry or interest in dealing with a politician, official, etc.) (3. to try to persuade an elected official to take a particular action or change a law)

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