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What were OSHA's three classifications for injuries?

- Lost work day injuries - Restricted cases - Doctor care with no work restrictions

When Michael Moskow initially took office as CEO in 1994, how did his assessment of the culture align with the 1995 culture survey that followed?

"Do as you're told", bureaucratic, customer-focused, conservative, low morale.

Looking at the reasoning of a layoff, what did Cote and his team discuss as what really happens when you do layoffs? Select all that apply.

- Each person that gets laid off gets an average of about 6 months of severance pay; thus, it takes 6 months to see the savings. - Recession lasts 12—18 months. From there, demand increases and companies need to being hiring again. This undoes the previous 6 months of savings that has occurred. - Managers looking at layoffs during a recession often fail to look ahead to what is needed for the recovery.

The results of limiting truck speeds to 4 mph included what? (Select all that apply.)

- Fewer trucks broke down. - Regular truck maintenance costs were reduced by 30%.

Few of the companies studied had any strategic talent plan to complement their admirably detailed business plan. A good plan should answer which of the following questions? (Select all that apply.)

- How many people will we need, and in what positions? - What qualities are we looking for in those people and how will we know when we find them? - What will the organizational structure look like? - What does our pipeline need to contain today to ensure that we can find, develop, and support the leaders of tomorrow?

An Idaho employee quits, is terminated, or is laid off. Which of the following are true?

- In each case, the employer must pay in full what is owed to them. - All wages then due must be paid the sooner of the next regularly scheduled payday, or within ten days of the separation. - The employee must receive his or her due wages in 48 hours if he or she requests an earlier payment of wages in writing. - Weekends and holidays are not included in any deadline period.

For the on-campus round of interviews, what are the potential issues with having some interviewers who are especially tough on candidates while others are highly generous in assessing candidates? Select all that apply.

- Inconsistency in candidate selection. - Personal bias related to non-factors in a hiring decision. - A lack of effective record keeping in the assessment process. - Missing out on identifying a great candidate based on social interaction vs. behavioral interview examples.

What were the common concerns amongst leaders and employees about the mentoring initiative's launch (choose all that apply)?

- It's long-term success. - A history of starting an initiative with great enthusiasm and having it fade away. - People wondered if it would really happen.

Looking at the case of Cincinnati Milacron (in "Six Dangerous Myths About Pay"), an overhaul in assembly process, removal of its stockroom, reduced job categories, and no capital investment reduced labor hours by _______________.

50% and the company's productivity is now higher than its competitors in Taiwan

Match the game format with its definition. 1. games that use pen and paper 2. question-answer playing cards or flashcards 3. customized board, question-answer cards 4. uses blocks or dice and wall charts or floor grids

1. Manual Games 2. Card Games 3. Board Games 4. Prop Games

How many good candidates do the authors think you should find before moving forward in the job search?

10 - 12

Generally, what is the legal wage for overtime in Idaho?

150% of the employee's usual hourly rate

Overtime is paid after how many hours of work?

40 hours

According to the reading, what percentage of US drug users are employed?


A victim could bring a hostile environment sexual harassment claim because of harassment by _______________.

A Supervisor A Coworker A Customer

The voice of "Two Tough Calls" is _____________.

A Young Woman

Circle mentoring involved what?

A group of 6-10 people who would meet together with one or two mentors.

Which of the following statements about an employers right to terminate a contract is not allowed by Idaho law?

An employer fires an employee when he finds out that the employee belongs to a certain religion with which the employer is unfamiliar.

Why did Sanchez work as a TSO on the front line after eight years?

He preferred working directly with the airline passengers.

In the "Two Tough Calls" case, why did Terry most likely get hired?

He was friends with the CEO.

According to "Stop Demotivating Your Employees!" being an "expediter" for your employees means what?

Helping them to get their jobs done.

In the Lonestar case, Julia Martinez's says that she has been sexually harassed by ________.

Her Boss

How did the program benefit those who served as mentors?

Feelings of optimism about their job and for the company as a whole.

Every employer should notify his or her employees at the time of hire of their rate of pay and regularly scheduled payday.


According to "Training Games," to create a training game, what should you do first?

Figure out what you are trying to accomplish.

A victim who wishes to bring a federal sexual harassment lawsuit must do what?

First file a charge with the EEOC

In 1997 the diversity task force came up with 72 diversity commitments. Mentoring had been identified by many of the teams as a key strategy but it was one of the last to be addressed because it was difficult to implement.


In addition to his own experience, Coach P. brought in a person from the Center for Enhanced Performance (CEP) at West Point. True or False: the JV team seemed to embrace this training while many of the varsity members were skeptical and labeled it as "touchy feely."


Leaders of third-paradigm (integration) companies take responsibility for removing barriers that block employees from using the full range of their competencies.


True or False: According to "Find the Coaching in Criticism," it is the receiver of feedback who controls whether feedback is let in or kept out?


True or False? Because labor costs appear to be the lever closest at hand, managers mistakenly assume it is the one that has the most leverage.


True or False? Consider the study of a performance-contingent pay plan at the Social Security Administration. Even though the merit was based on key indicators employees exhibited no difference in performance.


At the company in "Two Tough Calls," the termination process __________.

Was complicated by employment agreements and standard practices

What answer best describes the escalator clause?

Was implemented in the 1978 contract to keep Hormel's wages in line with inflation. It further allowed Hormel to adjust wages toward the average wages of other meatpackers in the industry even if it was in the middle of a contract period.

According to Elder Bednar, why do we sometimes fail to give people needed correction or counsel?

We care more about ourselves.

At each of the core schools what is not one of the four questions that were asked by each of the four captains?

What is our path to growth?

Sexual harassment claims can be brought by ______________.

Women against Men Men against Women Men against Men Women against Women

The culture of aluminum manufacturing at Alcoa could best be described as __________.

Workers pride themselves on being tough

SG Cowen did not directly compensate or reward bankers for being involved in recruiting activities but . (Choose the most accurate answer.)

it was included on the performance reviews leading to year-end bonuses

According to the reading, a corporate reorganization in the United States would be likely to be ____________ compared with a similar reorganization in the European Union.

less time consuming

State law claims for sexual harassment _________.

may allow victims to claim damages for intentional infliction of emotional distress

Minimum wage for all Idaho employees is $7.25 an hour.


Steve Cohen believes all companies should use Dilbert for training.


The final outcome of the Hormel strike created advantages for both the union and management.


This mentoring program would focus on new hires so it could provide them with the attention and development they need while being new.


True or False? Any organization believing it can solve its attraction, retention, and motivation problems solely by its compensation system is on the right track.


Previous to the 1985 Hormel strike, __________________.

There had been only one other strike at Hormel

In the Lonestar case, why is Julia afraid her husband will find out?

She thinks he would take the matter into his own hands.

The program manager in "Two Tough Calls" believed the reason some employees were not happy when she got promoted was _______.

She was only 27

According to "Stop Demotivating Your Employees!" why should you try to put employees in self-managed teams? (Select all that apply.)

- Most workers get a motivation boost from working in teams. - Studies show that teams are more effective than individuals in areas like problem solving. - Self-managed teams require less management.

"Six Dangerous Myths About Pay," states that if managers seeking to improve performance or solve organizational problems use compensation as the only lever, they will get two results. (Pick the correct two results.)

- Nothing will happen - They will spend a lot of money

According to "Training Games," why should trainers include games in their repertoire of teaching tools? (Select all that apply.)

- People are comfortable playing games. - Games create a friendly environment. - Games invite participants to interact with materials and with others in a hands-on environment.

What did the team the that investigated Dennis Powell's fatal accident determine? (Select all that apply.)

- Powell had been standing in an unmarked roadway at the time of the accident. - The driver's view had been obstructed by stacks of metal. - The fork lift had been traveling between 11-15 miles per hour.

An implied contract for employment might be created where __________.

- Raises, bonuses, or promotions were received - Assurances were given to the employee that employment would continue if they did a good job - There were assurances given that the employee was doing a good job

What is the difference between a traditional suspension and a positive approach "decision making leave"?

- The traditional suspension is not paid; the "decision making leave" is. - The traditional suspension does not require the employee to do anything; the positive approach does. - The decision making leave requires a commitment after the leave from the employee; the traditional approach does not.

Individual merit programs are increasingly popular even amid well-documented problems, including ________________. (Select all that apply.)

- The undermining of teamwork - The cause of short-term focused employees - It links compensation to personality difficulties and politics rather than performance - Lower employee retention

Why did Rae insist that less tenured, associate level employees conduct first-round interviews? Select all that apply.

- They were keyed into the basic, day-to-day skills needed. - They tended to be much more rigorous in assessing skills. - The senior-level people were better at assessing for fit as a long-term banker.

What was Kim Fennebresque's focus on hiring? Select all that apply.

- To make it SG Cowen's highest priority. - To find people that know what they like to do.

Why were the 1980s said to be "the bleakest decade" for US labor? (Select all that apply.)

- Union power was diminished. - Unions lost more campaigns than they won. - Striking FAA employees were fired and replaced.

What are some policy items and coverages to have in mind for employees that telecommute (work from home or remotely)? Select all that apply.

- Workers compensation and liability coverage - Expected schedule availability (office hours) - Communication methods - Inclusion in all pertinent meetings and correspondence

What tools are available to Rae in his challenge to figure out how to let everyone weigh in and then build consensus around a decision? Select all that apply.

- behavioral interview questions - a consistent interview guide - a scoring system - a panel-style interview

What about the traditional performance review is the fearless performance review trying to do away with?

-Manager-knows-best mindsets and "my way or the highway" thinking. -"I'm in charge" dialogue -Fear

What are the steps of the "Discipline Without Punishment" non-punitive system?

1) Informal "Positive Contacts," 2) Informal, planned "Performance Improvement Discussions" 3) Formal Reminders 4) Formal "Decision Making Leave."

Rubenstein performed program effectiveness surveys at what intervals during the pilot program?

1, 3, and 6 months

Sexual harassment includes _____________.

Any type of harassment on the basis of gender Conduct that is disproportionately offensive to one sex Behavior motivated by hostility toward one gender Quid Pro Quo Harassment

The discrimination and fairness (assimilation) paradigm is based on what underlying logic?

As a matter of fairness and to comply with federal mandates we need to ensure that all employees are treated equally and with respect.

At the end of a training game, what should the facilitator do?

Ask open-ended questions about the game experience.

What was one result of the Hormel strike?

At least 500 unemployed workers left Austin.

Men's Warehouse has less than 15% of their staff at part time and their wages are above industry average. They engage in extensive training of their employees. This defies conventional wisdom. Why?

Because the issue isn't what Men's Warehouse employees cost; rather, it is that they can sell very effectively because of their product knowledge and sales skills.

What is the difficulty of performing a "necessary evil" like layoffs?

Being compassionate and direct.

The management style of the program manager in "Two Tough Calls" could best be described as ______________.


Candidates that possess skills in leading a team amid resistance, political dynamics, and skill overlap possess competencies known as _________.

Candidates that possess skills in leading a team amid resistance, political dynamics, and skill overlap possess competencies known as .

After the Atlanta races, the varsity team appeared unhappy and critical of one another about why they had no beaten the junior varsity (JV) boat by a greater margin. Coach P. initially took this as a good sign of striving for excellence. In retrospect:

Coach P. should've seen this as an omen of bad teamwork

It's more important to worry about what people do rather than what they _______________.


Ironically, Ms. Sleep, the business owner in the NPR article, "When Employers Make Room for Work-Life Balance," says she ________________.

Could never work at home

Why does Steve Cohen says he decided to use Dilbert for training?

Dilbert presents business issues in a way that gets everyone on the same page.

Which of the following steps is not part of the end-to-end hiring process outlined in the case?

Diversify the Interest

Individual skills are highly important while it is crucial that the eight individual athletes synchronize their rowing. Indeed, if one member of the crew suddenly tried to out-perform his teammates in a race, the shell would actually steer off course because the rowers would no longer be synchronized.


Why was there a divide between the two types of employees at the TSA?

Early joiners were very committed to the mission of TSA while newer recruits were younger employees who saw the job as a stepping stone.

Consider Cote's comments about the impact of layoffs versus furloughs. In what way does he support that layoffs are more disruptive to a culture and a workforce than furloughs?

Employees who stay and are not laid off remain distracted because they've lost friends in a layoff and remain worried about their own job.

What do the authors of "Stop Demotivating Your Employees!" say are the three key goals of people at work?

Equity Achievement Camaraderie

According to "Fearless Performance Reviews," it recommends that check-in conversations are held how often?

Every 4-6 weeks

According to "Stop Demotivating Your Employees!" managers should focus on recognizing only the most important employee contributions to avoid "watering down" the value of recognition.


Companies are required to match employee 401(k) contributions?


Consider the Tandem Computers example. What is their philosophy?

If you came for money, you would leave for money.

The authors of "Workplace Drug Abuse," suggest that employers should do what?

Implement a workplace drug program.

What was Linda Merton's approach to safety at Mission Valley?

Involve line managers in integrating safety with their daily duties.

Which of the following is not one of the four basic questions that managers should ask about their new hires?

Is the new employee happy about the work they are doing each day?

Why does Aaron Skonnard recommend promoting learning in the workplace?

It creates a workforce focused on continuous improvement.

With the data collected from his experiments, Coach P. constructed a matrix of the 16 rowers. It became clear that the varsity boat had the best technical skill and conditioning among the 16 rowers. What key element was lacking on the varsity boat?


What principle did Elder Bednar illustrate with his example of RCA and Motorola?

Learn from market successes and apply their technologies and approaches in the Lord's way.

The integration paradigm is based on what underlying logic?

Let's internalize differences among employees so that it learns and grows because of them and we can say we are on the same team with our differences — not despite them.

During a research project sponsored by the U.S. Olympic Committee, a survey asked coaches to indicate the importance of over two hundred variables related to "sweep" rowing. The responses were broken into four distinct categories. The importance assigned varied based on the coach's level of experience. Which coaching experience level gave greater priority to psychological variables as being the most important ingredients of a successful crew?

Master coaches

Pay cannot substitute for a working environment high on trust, fun, and _________.

Meaningful work

An employee who makes a false claim for wages can be charged with a _____________.


What listed below is not a benefit of onsite exercise facilities and/or gym discounts for employees?

More frequent pay increases

In 1984, pay for Hormel workers was ______________.

More than Hormel's competitor

In "Find the Coaching in Criticism" there are three triggers listed that "push our buttons" when we receive feedback. Which of the below is tied to relationship triggers?

My coworker thinks he knows about process for product review but I created the documents. How can he give me direction on it?

Anita's boss, Clarence, always massages her shoulders while he gives her work assignments. Anita does not find this to be offensive or inappropriate. Anita's coworker, Monica, tells her she should file a sexual harassment claim because most women would find such repeated sexual contact to be offensive. Could Anita win a sexual harassment suit against Clarence?

No, because Anita did not actually perceive the conduct to be offensive.

I am 19 years old and have been employed for two months in an office as a secretary. I am making $4.25 per hour. Legally, should I be paid more?

No. Minimum wage for new hires under the age of 20 in Idaho is $4.25 an hour, but only for the first ninety days of employment.

Does an Idaho employer have to give me breaks or meal periods during the day?

No. Unless it is your employer's policy to provide breaks.

What happened during the group meeting once Joe made the comment he did?

Others countered his claims by saying similar things about carrying the boat alone and felt they couldn't wait for the season to be over

The access and legitimacy paradigm (differentiation) paradigm is based on what underlying logic?

Our company needs demographically more diverse workforce to help us gain access to these differentiated segments

According to Dan Pink, what is the ideal approach to compensation?

Pay enough to take the issue of compensation off the table.

One problem with enforcing safety measures at Mission Valley was ________.

People would act on their best behavior when they were being observed

The union leaders put pressure on First Bank to do what?

Pressure its debtor, Hormel, to make concessions

Mentors were eligible for the pilot program based on certain criteria. Identify the criteria that was not a factor in selection.

Previous experience at other banks.

According to the reading "Stop Demotivating Your Employees!" what is the beginning, most important thing managers can do?

Provide employees with a sense of security.

Jane's boss tells her, "If you don't sleep with me, you're fired." What is this called?

Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment

According to "Stop Demotivating Your Employees!" dismissing unmotivated employees who are "allergic" to work will __________.

Raise Morale

O'Reilly faces a difficult decision because __________.

Sanchez is one of her most dedicated employees

When President Gordon B. Hinckley announced that Ricks College would become Brigham Young University-Idaho, what did Elder Bednar, who was the president of the college at that time, tell his staff to do in order to help make the heavy transition?

Seek revelation for their respective departments.

What was the department with the largest number of injuries at the Mission Valley plant?


What valuable services can an Employee Assistance Program provide?

Somewhere to turn when personal issues arise

Properly structured interviews and reference checks will help you achieve reliable assessments. Behavioral event interviews are recommended. What would an example of a behavioral event interview question be?

Tell me about a time when you handled a conflict between yourself and a boss or a peer.

As the varsity boat continued to lose to the junior varsity (JV) boat, Coach P. was perplexed and began gathering various types of information and performing experiments. He held pair races along with groupings of 4 or 6 rowers. In each case, the varsity rowers consistently won these races. It was only when all eight rowed at the same time that the junior varsity (JV) team won. What did this indicate to Coach P.?

That the varsity boat did have the better individual members but there was something about how the 8-person team was functioning that weakened the whole effort.

For David Cote and Honeywell, "restructuring" the traditional way was short sided. In turn, it was decided that any restructuring during the recession would be permanent. What did he mean by this?

That they would do so in a way that is best for business efficiency and profitability long-term and would have no impact on their ability to perform during recovery.

Of all the potential benefits of this program, what is noted in the case as one of the greatest benefits to the mentees?

The emergence of an informal peer network with fellow participants.

When an employee engages in sexual harassment, whom might the victim be able to sue?

The employee who engaged in the harassment The employer The direct supervisor of the harasser

An employer will likely be required to give 60 days' notice of layoffs if __________________.

The employer is closing a plant of 1600 full time workers

Think of an example from your own life (work or otherwise) related to the following topics: substance abuse, divorce and family issues, work/home balance, same-sex relationships, and workplace dating and relationships. Tell about your experience or about what you observed. Tell what impact the situation might have had on the individual's work life.

The example that I can think of is work/home balance. My last job did a good job of creating a work/home balance. The typical week was MWF we work from 7 am to 6 pm and on T/TH we would work 7 am to 12 pm with weekends off. Having this work/home balance created a balanced life with having T/TH afternoons off to be able to accomplish other tasks (i.e., laundry, grocery shopping, cleaning around the house, etc.). Understanding that MWF were long days, it took a while for me to adjust to this balance as with my previous experience I would work late, do homework, and go to school. This was a great experience for me to have that balance.

After every practice and race, the crews put away the equipment and conducted a self-critique. What were the key differences between the junior varsity (JV) and the varsity critiques? Choose the best answer.

The varsity team tended to critique each other individually and on the details of the race while the JV team did not criticize each other individually. They only commented globally on details that everyone needed to practice.

In the Making Differences Matter case, diversity is defined as which of the following:

The varied perspectives and approaches to work that members of different identity groups bring.

Mentees for the pilot program were chosen primarily based on what?

Their lack of access to people and information within the bank.

The trust required among team members spoke to the psychology of the team as a whole. Because each member contributed to the team effort of rowing, a crew boat was only as strong as its weakest link. What can and does occur when a rowing member deviates from the group's pace? Select the most correct answer.

There is a cascading effect that can throw off the movements of the remaining members, a loss of team momentum, and an increased load on the oars of the seven remaining rowers.

According to the author of "Six Dangerous Myths About Pay," why decisions about pay are important?

They help establish a company's culture by rewarding the business activities, behaviors, and values that senior managers hold dear.

What does Steve Cohen say is an advantage of presenting material in a funny way that gets them to laugh?

They remember it better.

After the fatality at Mission Valley in 1988, how did the company respond?

They spent $4 million on safety improvements.

Why did the program manager in "Two Tough Calls" dislike PIPs?

They were not really intended to give employees a chance to improve.

Kim Cameron in his studies of downsizing promotes the proper understanding of costs and the trimming of "organizational fat." What listed below is not a source of excess?

Time-off accrual fat (excess time off use).

According to "Stop Demotivating Your Employees!" almost two-thirds of employees say management is much more likely to criticize them for poor performance than praise them for good work.


According to "Training Games," training games always have a competitive element.


According to the author's research, most companies react to hiring situations as emergencies rather than work that demands a strategy and a plan.


Alcoa had much lower injury rates than the aluminum industry average.


Alcoa is the world's largest aluminum company.


An organization will spend about 10% of its payroll on paid time off?


What is the benefit of knowing your tendencies in responding to feedback?

You can give pause to what your triggers are and be able to decipher the feedback without exaggeration or taking it personally because of how something was said.

According to the reading, why do millennials prefer the term "work-life balance"?

Young people without families also value flexibility.

Coach P. selected the varsity rowers via seat races. The varsity team had the top eight scores for individual strength, with two exceptions. What were the two exceptions? Select all that apply.

a. Both were two of the strongest rowers available but were placed in the JV boat due to sub-par performances in seat races. c. One was focused on individual performance but slower down his 4-person team d. One rower was inexperienced and lacked technique

According to the reading "One More Time: How Do You Motivate Your Employees?" What is a KITA?

an attempt to motivate employees that is not effective

The TSA was formed ___________.

as a response to the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks

According to Elder Bednar, what is the church's greatest, but most underutilized resource to accomplish the work of the Lord?

auxiliaries to the priesthood

Sanchez's salary was most likely _______________.

between $25,000 and $35,000

Elder Bednar said that motivation .

comes from within

According to Elder Bednar, what are the two levels of communication?

content and relationship

What was the main concern area that two bankers had about Natalya Godlewska's interviews?

cultural fit

How often, according to the authors, should new hires have check-ins with their mentors, bosses, and HR within the first year?

each quarter

Competencies based on how the candidate will fit in the culture of the organization and flourish with the resources the company can provide are known as ___________.

firm-based competencies

In which of the following games do teams take turns answering sets of questions?


Candidates' interest levels in banking had gone from one extreme to the other. Where banks had once feared they were only seeing second-tier candidates, now they had recruiting yields much __________.

higher than expected while not know how to handle the new recruits as business slowed down.

What was the team's biggest concern about hiring Andy Sanchez?

his GPA

What is Elder Bednar's definition of teaching?

observing, listening, discerning, and sharing

The employment-at-will doctrine _______________.

only exists in the United States

Sanchez's cell phone use was ____________.

prohibited since it was not an emergency and he did not have permission from his supervisor

According to the "Discipline Without Punishment" summary, the progressive discipline approach ________________.

revolves around building a case for a decision to fire someone

Sanchez had been working extra shifts to ___________.

save money for his daughter to go to college

According to "Stop Demotivating Your Employees!" management should distribute information to employees _____________.

that is of interest to employees unless it is absolutely confidential

Complete the following: According to Idaho law, when an employee is fired ______________.

the employer must pay the employee exactly what he is owed before the appropriate deadline

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