C4 Rice

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To build sugars

During normal photosynthesis, what is CO2 from the air used for?

Night: CAM plants open stomata, fix CO2 into 4-C molecules Day: close stomata, release CO2 from 4-C molecules to allow for photosynthesis

Explain the evolutionary adaptation, similar to C4, that has been observed in desert plants.

Leaf capture CO2, produce 4-C molecules

Explain what happens during the first stage of C4 photosynthesis, in the mesophyll cells?

CO2 pump works with mesophyll cells and bundle sheath cells to capture/feed CO2 to Rubisco

How does C4 photosynthesis help ensure the enzyme will bind to CO2 ?


Researchers are currently planning to genetically modify rice with genes from C4 plants, including which plant in particular?

Save N needed for building proteins Increase in CO2 concentration from Rubisco

What are two other advantages to C4 plants?

MAize, sugarcane, millet

What crops are currently grown using C4 photosynthesis?

Exported to bundle sheath, strip CO2

What happens during the second stage of C4 photosynthesis, in the bundle sheath?

Rubisco Triggers series of reactions called photorespiration undoing work of photosynthesis

What is the name of the enzyme that first binds to CO2? What happens if this enzyme binds to O2 instead?

Try to increase crop yields by 50% by 2050

What problem were biologists trying to solve when they developed the C4 Rice project?

First products found after rubisco fixes CO2 are 3-C molecules

Why are all plants that use conventional (regular) photosynthesis called "C3" plants?

Because there's more O2 in the air, enzyme doesn't get an even choice Temp increase, enzyme more likely to mistake O2 from CO2

Why is this enzyme at a "disadvantage" when it comes to binding to CO2 over O2? How does this change as the temperature of the atmosphere increases?

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