Canadian Government Review - Socials 10
What are the roles of cabinet members?
- Each is responsible for a particular government department - Extremely important roles, revives lots of scrutiny for opposition
What is the role of the Governor General?
- Needs to give approval to a bill before it becomes a law - Represents Canada at many international events
What are the roles of the Senate?
- Provide final check to Legislation - Can also propose new laws, debate and pass them - Launch commissions, research inquiries - Has their own speaker and affairs to run
What are the roles of the Prime Minister?
- Represents head of government and leader of nation - Asks Governor General to appoint new judges, senators and call elections - Represents and communicates to Canadians on national issues
What is the role of MP's and members of the Legislative Assembly?
- Sits in House of Commons and represents an electoral district - Responsible for their party and his constituents
Process of passing a bill
1. Bill is proposed 2. Bill is introduced - first reading 3. 2nd reading 4. Debate 5. Committee stage for amendments (changes) 6. 3rd reading 7. Vote 8. Bill moves to Senate 9. Governor General signs bill into law
When did the Charter of Rights become part of our Constitution?
Private Member's Bill
A bill presented by another member of the House of Commons
A private meeting between a party held to freely discuss concerns
Riding/Electoral Area
Area roughly equal in population, divided for specific needs
How does an MP get elected?
By using the first past the post system
What are some provincial responsibilities?
Education, charities, health defrauded and hospitals, licences, highways, provincial court systems and province police and prisons
What are some Provincial AND federal responsibilities?
Immigration, agriculture, health care, natural resources and environmental issues
What is a party platform?
Is usually posted on a parties website, and is a way to voice their beliefs to the public and voice their visions and dreams for the future.
What is the amending formula?
It is getting the approval of the Senate, House of Commons and the Legislative assemblies of at least 2/3 of the provinces with at least 50% of the population of all provinces
What does "representative democracy" mean?
It means we elect people to represent us in parliament, and have the vote on issues upon our behalf.
What are some federal responsibilities?
National defense, foreign policy, aboriginal affairs, postal services, banking system, marriage and divorce law, criminal law and federal prison
Which parts of the federal government are elected?
The House of Commons and the Cabinet
What is the purpose of the Canadian Constitution, and what 2 documents are a part of it?
The purpose is to outline the structure of the government and give them limitations to their power. The 2 documents there a part of it, are the Constitution Act of 1867 and the Constitution Act of 1982
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