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Monosaccharides: Glucose

-Also known as dextrose -The form of carbohydrate to which all other forms are converted for eventual metabolism -Naturally found in berries, grapes, sweet corn, and corn syrup -Only fuel used by central nervous system, RBCs, and brain

Monosaccharides: Fructose

-Also known as levulose or fruit sugar -Found in ripe fruits and honey -Sweetest of all monosaccharides -used in soft drinks


-Complex carbohydrates -Compounds of many monosaccharides -Important for nutrition: -Starch -Glycogen -Fiber

Disaccharides: Sucrose

-Composed of glucose and fructose -Form of carbohydrate present in granulated sugar, powdered sugar, brown sugar, and molasses -One of the sweetest and least expensive sugars Sources: -Sugar cane -Sugar beets -Sap of maple trees

Fiber: Insoluble

-Does not readily dissolve in water -E.g., cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignins

Digestion and Absorption: Disaccharides

-Enzymes sucrase, maltase, and lactase convert sucrose, maltose, and lactose to simple sugar glucose -Simple sugars absorbed directly into bloodstream -Glucose carried to cells

Polysaccharides: Starch

-Found in grains and vegetables -Storage form of glucose in plants -Supplies energy over longer period of time -Takes body longer to digest than monosaccharides or disaccharides

Disaccharides: Maltose

-Intermediary product in hydrolysis of starch -Also created during fermentation process that produces alcohol -Found in some infant formulas, malt beverage products, and beer -Not as sweet as glucose or sucrose


-Islets of Langerhans in pancreas secrete insulin -Hormone that controls glucose metabolism -Impaired or absent insulin secretion results in high blood glucose level -Hyperglycemia

Digestion and Absorption: Polysaccharides

-More complex -Digestibility varies -Cellulose wall broken down -Starch changed to intermediate product dextrin, then maltose, and finally glucose -Starch digestion begins in mouth where enzyme salivary amylase begins to change starch to dextrin


-Pairs of monosaccharides -made of two of three sugars -Must be changed to simple sugars by hydrolysis before absorption -Sucrose, maltose, and lactose

Fiber: Soluble

-Partially dissolves in water -E.g., gums, pectins, some hemicellulose, and mucilages

Monosaccharides: Galactose

-Product of digestion of milk -Not found naturally -Source: Lactose- mild sugar

Digestion and Absorption: Monosaccharides

-Simple sugars absorbed directly into bloodstream -Carried to liver -Fructose and galactose changed to glucose -Glucose carried to cells

Disaccharides: Lactose

-Sugar found in milk -Distinct from other sugars -Not found in plants -Helps body absorb calcium -Not as sweet as monosaccharides or other disaccharides Lactose intolerance common -boating, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, gas

insoluble cellulose

-found in fruit and veggie skins -leaves -stems -promotes bowel regularity


-simple sugars -Simplest form of carbohydrates -Absorbed directly into bloodstream from small intestine -Glucose, fructose, and galactose cannot be reduced further


When ketones are formed they accumulate in the blood, when this happens, we have a imbalance of acid and bases.

enriched grains

are when the vitamins are added back after being lost in processing

how many grams of carbs are you suppose to get a day

at least 50-100

soluble cellulose

beans -citris fruits -oat bran -helps decrease cholesterol -helps regulate blood sugar -lose weight

Symptoms of Lactose intolerance are

boating, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, gas

sources of polysaccharides starch

cereals, grains, potatos, corn, beans and yam

Major symptoms are of Ketoacidosis

coma and death

Carbs are the primary source of ________ for body.


Ketones produced as byproduct of

fat metabolism

Minor symptoms are of Ketoacidosis

fatigue, nausea, lack of appetite

Cereal grains:

rice, wheat, pastas

Carbs should be _____% of our calories a day


Primary function of proteins:

Build and repair tissues

Waste Product of carbohydrates metabolism is

C02 and water

Fiber: Indigestible

Cannot be broken down by digestive enzymes

Named for chemical elements that compose them

Carbon (C) Hydrogen (H) Oxygen (O)

Principal sources of carbohydrates are plant foods

Cereal grains: Vegetables Fruits Sugars


Complex carbohydrates

1/2 day supply of energy is stored as


Carbohydrates stored for is


Impaired or absent insulin secretion results in high blood glucose level


Low blood glucose level of < 70 mg per deciliter (dL) may occur with too much insulin or insufficient food intake



Least expensive most abundant of energy nutrients Grow easily in most climates Easily digested


Lower blood glucose levels May prevent some colon cancers Help prevent constipation, hemorrhoids, and diverticular disease by softening stool

Polysaccharides: Glycogen

-Also known as animal starch -Storage form of glucose in body -Hormone glucagon helps liver convert to glucose as needed -1/2 day supply of engery is stored as

Dietary fiber intake

20-35 g per day

Each gram of CHO provides __ calories


Classification of Carbs

Monosaccharides Disaccharides Polysaccharides

Functions of Carbohydrates are

Provide energy Spare protein Maintain normal fat metabolism Provide fiber

sources of polysaccharides glycogen

glucose stored in liver and muscle

Dietary fiber found in

grains, vegetables, and fruits


green leafy veggies, potatos, peas, lyma beans, beets

Fortified grains

is adding nutrients that have never been apart of the grain.

glucose + galactose =


Half-day's supply of carbohydrates stored in _____ and _______ for use as needed

liver and muscles

glucose + glucose =


Only substantial animal source


glucose + fructose =


If you increase fiber you must increase


sources of polysaccharides cellulose

wheat bran, whole grain cereals, fruits and green leafy veggie


whole grain cereals

sources of polysaccharides hemicellulose

whole grains


woody parts of veggies, carrots and strawberry seeds

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