Cardiovascular System Vocabulary and Outline

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blood clotting


red blood cells- biconcave disks that contain one-third oxygen- carrying hemoglobin by volume.

AV Node

relays electrical impulses from atria into ventricles

Systemic Circulation

sends oxygenated blood to all body cells.


chordae tendiaea are, in turn, attached to ______ muscles in the inner heart wall, which contract during ventricular contraction to prevent the backflow of blood through the AV valves.


divides the atrium and ventricle right and left chambers. Each also has an atrioventricular (AV) valve to ensure one way flow of blood from atria to ventricle.

Purkinje Fibers

fibers in the ventricles that transmit impulses to the right and left ventricles, causing them to contract

Coronary Circulation

flow of blood to and from the tissues of the heart

Plasma Proteins

include Albumins, Globulins (Alpha, Beta, Gamma), and Fibrinogen

Cardiovascular system

is a closed circuit that consists of the heart and vessels (arteries, capillaries, and veins.) A.vital for supplying oxygen and nutrients to tissues and removing wastes from them.


36%, origin- liver and lymphatic tissues, transport lipids and fat- soluble vitamins, constitute the antibodies of immunity


A protein that, when introduced in the blood, triggers the production of an antibody


Blood pressure is the force of blood against the inner walls of blood vessels anywhere in the cardiovascular system, although the term "blood pressure" usually refers to _______ pressure


During the cardiac cycle, pressure within the heart chambers rises and falls. These pressure changes open and close ________.

heart, and blood vessels (arteries, capillaries and veins).

The cardiovascular (CV) system consists of the...


The first branches off of the aorta, which carry oxygen-rich blood, are the right and left ______ arteries that feed the heart muscle itself. Branches of these arteries feed many capillaries of the myocardium.


blood clot

Coronary Arteries/Veins

1.Branches of the _____________ feed many capillaries of the myocardium.


1.The wall of the heart is composed of three distinct layers. 1.The middle layer called _________, consists of cardiac muscle and is the thickest layer of the heart wall.


1.The wall of the heart is composed of three distinct layers. 1.The outermost layer, the _______, is made up of connective tissue and epithelium, and houses blood and lymph capillaries along with coronary arteries. It is the same as the visceral pericardium.


1.The wall of the heart is composed of three distinct layers. 4.The inner _______ is smooth and is made up of connective tissue and epithelium. a.It is continuous with the endothelium of major vessels joining the heart. b.The endocardium contains the Purkinje fibers (part of the conduction system). ●


1.are strong, elastic vessels adapted for carrying high-pressure blood.


1.are the smallest vessels, consisting only of a layer of endothelium through which substances are exchanged with tissue cells.


1.encloses the heart. It is made of two layers: the outer, tough connective tissue fibrous pericardium surrounding a more delicate visceral pericardium (epicardium) that covers the heart. 3.At the base of the heart, the visceral pericardium folds back to become the parietal pericardium that lines the fibrous pericardium. 4. Between the parietal and visceral pericardia is a potential space (pericardial cavity) filled with serous fluid that reduces friction.


1.have the same three layers as arteries have, except that the muscle layer is thinner, and have a flap-like valve inside to prevent backflow of blood.


1.leading from capillaries merge to form veins that return blood to the heart. -do not carry high-pressure blood. -function as blood reservoirs


4%, origin- liver, plays key role in blood coagulation


4.When impulses are inhibited, expansion of vessel walls or ________- results; this is used to regulate blood flow and blood pressure.

neutrophils, Eosinophils, Basophils, Monocytes, Lymphocytes

5 types of white blood cells


60%, origin- liver, help maintain colloid osmotic pressure


A mass of merging fibers that act as a unit is called a functional _______; one exists in the atria and one in the ventricles.


A.refers to the stoppage of bleeding. 1.Following injury to a vessel, three steps occur in hemostasis: blood vessel spasm, platelet plug formation, and blood coagulation.

maximum or systolic

Arterial blood pressure rises and falls, following a pattern established by the cardiac cycle. During ventricular contraction, arterial pressure is at its __________ pressure.

vasoconstriction, vasodilation

Arteries are capable of ________ as directed by sympathetic impulses; when impulses are inhibited, the diameter of the vessel increases, which is called _________.


Arteries are capable of _________ vessel walls shrink decreasing blood flow, as directed by the sympathetic impulses.


Arteries are strong, elastic vessels adapted for carrying high-pressure blood away from the heart. Arteries become smaller as they divide and become _________.


Arteries become smaller as they divide and give rise to

papillary, chordae tendineae

As the ventricles contract, ___________ muscles contract, pulling on ________and preventing the backflow of blood through the tricuspid and mitral valves.


At the base of the heart, the inner layer folds back to become the _______ pericardium

osmotic, lymph

At the venular end of the capillary, _________ pressure, due to the proteins in the blood, causes much of the tissue fluid to return to the bloodstream. _______ capillaries collect excess tissue fluid and return it to the circulation.


Between the visceral and parietal layers of the pericardium is a potential space called the _______ cavity; it is filled with _serous (pericardial)_ fluid, which reduces friction.

oxygen and nutrients, tissue fluid

Blood entering capillaries contains high concentrations of ________ that diffuse out of the capillary wall and into the _______


Capillaries are the smallest blood vessels, consisting only of a layer of ________ (a single layer of squamous epithelial cells)__, through which substances are exchanged with tissue cells. Areas with a great deal of metabolic activity (leg muscles, for example) have higher densities of capillaries.


Contraction of the heart


Cutting a blood vessel causes the muscle in its walls to contract in a reflex, or engage in ______

Pulmonary Circulation

Deoxygenated blood is carried by the ___________ to the lungs,


Found within the lymph nodes, they are phagocytes that destroy bacteria, cancer cells, and other foreign matter in the lymphatic stream.

ventricles, mitral and tricuspid

Heart sounds can be described as a "lubb-dupp" sound. The first sound (lubb) occurs as the_____ contract and the _______valves are closing.

Veins have thinner walls than an artery byt with similar layers, the middle layer is more developed some have valves. Arteries have thick, strong walls with three layers. Veins transports blood under relatively low pressure from a venule ot heart, valves prevenet a backflow of blood and serves as blood reservoirs. Arteries transports blood uncer relatively high pressure from the ehart to arterioles.

How do veins differ from arteries?

atrioventricular, AV

Impulses spread next to the atrial ___syncytium__; it contracts, and impulses travel to the junctional fibers leading to the ________ node (_____node) located in the septum. Junctional fibers are small, allowing the atria to contract before the impulse spreads rapidly over the ventricles.


Oxygen carrying pigment in red blood cells when oxgyen combines with _____, bright red oxyhemoglobin results.

right atrium, tricuspid, right ventricle, pulmonary, pulmonary capillaries, pulmonary veins, left atrium, bicuspid, left ventricle, aortic semilunar, aorta

Pathway of blood: Superior and inferior vena cava, _______, _____ valve, ______, ____ valve, pulmonary trunk ,pulmonary arteries, _____ of lungs, ________, _______, ________ valve, _______, _________ valve, ______, and through the arteries to provide blood to the body cells.


Platelets break up forming a fiber net, catching RBCs and clogging up hole in vessel. the most effective means of hemostasis. 2.Blood _______ is very complex and uses many clotting factors as well as calcium.

rise, mitral and tricuspid, pulmonary and aortic

Pressure inside atria rises further as they contract, forcing the remaining blood into the ventricles. When the ventricles contract, pressure inside them ___________ sharply, causing the __________ valves to close, and the ________ valves to open.


Relaxation of the heart

valves and muscular fibers

Rings of dense connective tissue surround the pulmonary trunk and aorta to provide attachments for the heart _________. These tough rings prevent dilation of tissue in this area.

venules, veins

Small vessels called ______ lead away from capillaries, and merge to form larger ______ that return blood to the heart.

sinoatrial, SA, pacemaker

Specialized cardiac muscle tissue conducts impulses throughout the myocardium and comprises the cardiac conduction system. A self-exciting mass of specialized cardiac muscle called the _______ node (________ node), located in the posterior right atrium, generates the impulses for heartbeats. Therefore, it is also called the ______ of the heart.


Specialized proteins that aid in destroying infectious agents

14, 9

The average adult heart is ____ cm long and ___ cm wide.

away from the heart, to the cells, and back again.

The blood vessels (arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, and veins) form a closed tubular system that carries blood

atrial systole, diastole, ventricular systole, diastole

The cardiac cycle consists of the atria beating in unison, called ______, while the ventricles rest, called ventricular ______. This is followed by the contraction of both ventricles, called _________, while the atria relax, called atrial ______. Then the entire heart relaxes for a brief moment.


The heart has four internal chambers: two upper and two lower chambers. A _______ divides the chambers on the left side from those on the right.

cone, thoracic, mediastinum

The heart is a hollow, ________-shaped, muscular pump within the _______; it rests on the ____.


The heart lies posterior to the sternum; its apex extends to the _____ intercostal space.


The heart muscle requires a continuous supply of oxygen-rich blood, so smaller branches of arteries often have _______ ___ as alternate pathways for blood, should one pathway become blocked. (collateral circulation)

Purkinje fibers

The impulse proceeds to the next conduction structure, the __AV__bundle (Bundle of _HIS__), which splits into the left and right __bundle branches_.These branches give rise to ___________, which lead into the ventricular myocardium and the papillary muscles.


The inner ________ is smooth and made up of connective tissue and epithelium, and is continuous with the endothelium of major vessels joining the heart


The large arterial trunk that carries blood from the heart to be distributed by branch arteries through the body.


The middle layer, called the _______, consists of cardiac muscle and is the thickest layer of the heart wall.


The pericardium consists of two layers: the outer, tough connective tissue _____ pericardium, surrounding a more delicate double-layered sac that surrounds the heart.


The right AV valve (tricuspid) and left AV valve (bicuspid or mitral valve) have cusps to which chordae tendineae attach.

tricuspid, mitral, bicuspid

The right atrioventricular (AV) valve, called the _________ valve, and the left AV valve, called either the _____valve or the ________ valve, have cusps to which strings called __chordae_ tendineae__ attach.

ventricles, pulmonary

The second sound (dupp) occurs as the ________ relax and the aortic and ________ valves are closing.


The surge of blood that occurs with ventricular contraction can be felt at certain points in the body as a _________.


The thick-muscled ______ pump blood out of the heart.

interna (intima), media, externa (adventitia)

The wall of an artery consists of an inner endothelial layer, called the tunica _________. The middle layer, called the tunica ________ is made up of smooth muscle and elastic connective tissue. The tunica ________ is the outermost layer of connective tissue.

epicardium, coronary, visceral

The wall of the heart is composed of three distinct layers. The outermost layer, the _________, is made up of connective tissue and epithelium, and contains blood and lymphatic capillaries along with ______ arteries that provide blood to the heart. It is the same as the _____ pericardium.

atrai, ventricles

Upper chambers, ______, receive blood returning to the heart, and have thin walls and ear-like auricles projecting from their exterior. Below them, the thick-muscled _______ pump blood to the body and lungs.


Veins have the same three layers as arteries, and have flap-like _______ inside to prevent backflow of blood.

The CV system distributes oxygen and nutrients in the blood to tissue cells, while carbon dioxide and other waste products are removed and transported by the blood to various organs, such as the the lungs and kidneys, for disposal.

What are the functions of the CV system?

It provides a location for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the atmosphere and the bloodstream.

What is the function of pulmonary circulation?

higher, mitral, tricuspid

When the atria fill, pressure in the atria is ________ than that of the ventricles, which forces the ________ and _______ valves open.

lowest or diastolic

When the ventricles are relaxing, arterial pressure is at its ____________ pressure.

The pulmonary and aortic valves are also called semilunar valved. The pumonrary valve is the entrance to the pulmonary trunk. The aortic valve is the entrance to the aorta.

Where are the semilunar valves found?

SA Node

pacemaker of the heart

The path from the right ventricle, through the lungs, and back to the left atrium

Which part of the pathway is pulmonary?

Starts in the left atrium when the oxygen rich blood from the lungs arrives via the pulmonary veins. This oxygenated blood is carried throught he arteries and to the capillaries in the tissues of the body providing organs will oxygenated blood.

Which part of the pathway is systemic?

Plasma proteins which include the albumins generally remain in the blood because they are not soluble in the lipid of the endothelial cell membranes, and they are too large to diffuse through the membrane channels or openings between endothelial cell sof most capillaries.

Why do plasma proteins remain in the blood

precapillary, oxygen

_______ sphincters can regulate the amount of blood entering a capillary bed, and are controlled by the _______ concentration in the area. If blood is needed elsewhere in the body, the capillary beds in less important areas are shut down.

cardiac, sinus

_________ veins drain blood from the heart muscle, and carry it to the coronary ______, which drains into the right atrium.

blood pressure

_____drives the passage of fluids and small molecules out of the capillary at this point.


a blood ______ is normally 45% cells (mainly red blood cells) and 55% plasma

Vena cava

a large vein carrying deoxygenated blood into the heart


a mixture of water, amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins, hormones, electrolytes, and cellular wastes

Papillary Muscles

a.Chordae tendineae are, in turn, attached to ________in the inner heart wall that contract during ventricular contraction to prevent the backflow of blood through the AV valves.

Chordae Tendinae

a.The right AV valve (tricuspid) and left AV valve (bicuspid or mitral valve) have cusps to which ________ attach. _______are, in turn, attached to papillary muscles in the inner heart wall that contract during ventricular contraction to prevent the backflow of blood through the AV valves.


a.receive blood returning to the heart and have thin walls.

To carry oxygen- rich blood to all the cells and transports oxygen-poor blood back to the heart

what is the function Of systemic circulation?

The function of the pulmonary valve is it prevents blood from moving from the pulmonary trunk into the right ventricle during ventricular relaxation. The aortic valve prevents blood from moving from the aorta into the left ventricle during ventricular relaxation.

what is the function of pulmonary valve?


white blood cells

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