Career Choices Final Exam Review

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Once you know what your choices are, you need to find out as much as you can about each option so you can make?

An informed decision

The best definition of courage is:

Feeling the fear but doing something anyway

There is a relationship between time commitment to education/training and?

Financial reward

Sundries are things like:

Shampoo, deodorant, toilet paper, cleaning supplies, etc.

Which attitude would be most prized by 21st-century employers?

Change is constant, therefore, I will embrace change and manage it

Rafael must decide if he is going to stay in college or leave to take a full-time job just offered to him by the local recreation department. His goal in life is to become a high school coach and history teacher. What is the best course for Rafael?

Delay the gratification of the paycheck today for the life satisfaction he'll feel when he reaches his dream

Women who plan to balance their careers with marriage and children may think that downgrading their work-related goals will make them better mothers. However, women who prepare for more demanding careers usually ______ and have _____ in their work lives.

Earn more; more flexibility

A formula for success from Chapter 1 of Career Choices said Vision + Energy = Success. Taking that formula a step further, you might say that High Standards + Unusual Efforts =?


Our values, opportunities, and desires all tend to change over time, which leads to changes in our ________.


Budgeting for vacations is necessary because taking time off has been shown to be an important part of maintaining?

Good physical and mental health

Which of the following is NOT a proper objective statement?

I want to graduate from school

Which of the following steps comes before the others in the decision-making process?

Identifying choices

Which of the attitudes listed below would make you a valued employee?

Lifelong love of learning; Embracing technology; Flexibility

Entrepreneurs generally need to have high anxiety tolerance.


You have a cherished dream and you've decided to write a couple of affirmations and tape them to your mirror. Which of the following points are important when writing your affirmations?

Include your name in the statement; Use the present tense as if it is true now; Make sure it is short, positive and clear

What two work values categories might be important to a freelance web designer?

Independence and freedom and creativity

When returning a completed job application to a potential employer, you will be asked to sign and date it, which?

Indicates that the information you provided on the application is true and complete; Gives them the right to contact schools, former employers, or references to verify your answers

The ____ is usually the final step in the job-hunting process.


Which statement best describes the difference between careers mostly held by women and those mostly held by men?

Jobs held mostly by women pay less than men for the same level of work

This option provides training for specific jobs and help with tuition once you fulfill your commitment


The amount of money that you'll have to pay your bills or save is known as your take home pay or your?

Net pay

The most satisfied people are those who actively set and reach _________ goals throughout their lives.


Actions that will help you meet your goal and measure your success by telling you what will be different when you've accomplished it, by how much or how many, and by when are called?


A full-time job is one that requires?

40 hours or more a week

There are many ways to get the training and/or education you need, but most of them require?

A high school diploma (or GED)

What is the difference between a job and a career?

A job is a particular task; a career encompasses all of your life's work

Which option below accurately reflects the difference between a role and an occupation/vocation?

A role relates to what you are; an occupation/vocation relates to what you do, a role requires no action on your part; an occupation/vocation requires action on your part

Select the option below that accurately differentiates between a skill and an aptitude

A skill is something you can acquire or develop; an aptitude is something for which you have a natural talent or ability

The best definition of "transferable skills" as it relates to the job market is?

A skill that is valuable and, therefore, applicable to a variety of careers

Courage doesn't mean you are without fear; it means you are able to ____ in spite of fear.


One way to change your attitude is to use ____, which are messages that you create and repeat often.


Work is an ________ act?


If a difficult personality is an undesirable trait in an employee, the opposing desirable trait would be?


A good resume won't get you a job, but it will get you _______.

An interview

This training option allows you to spend part of your time on the job and part in the classroom. While you are still learning, you will usually earn 40 to 60 percent of the normal salary.

Apprenticeship or internship

Which of the selections below are examples of occupations or vocations?

Artist, Clerk, Waiter

If you work hard enough, it doesn't matter that you don't have a high school degree. The odds are you'll be just as successful has a person who graduated from high school.


Once you make a career choice, your really need to stick with that choice because it is so hard to change it.


When looking for a job, it's a good idea to get a letter of recommendation from your aunt Lucy.


If your highest work value were "Creativity" then you would probably be happiest in which of the following jobs?


On average a bachelor degree takes how many years to earn?


If laziness is an undesirable trait in an employee, the opposing desirable trait would be?

Hard Working

Having sequential careers means you?

Have a series of different careers throughout you working life

Having composite careers means you?

Have two or more jobs at the same time

Why might a man want to encourage his spouse/partner to seek the education or training necessary to become self-supporting?

He might have more freedom to enrich his own life; If he were unable to work, his family would still be taken care of; He would have more freedom to change careers

What two work values categories might be important to someone in law enforcement?

Helping others and knowledge and truth

If untruthfulness is an undesirable trait in an employee, the opposing desirable trait would be?


Which of the following is generally the most expensive category in a person's budget?


Ability alone will not make you successful. In the end, whether or not you can do something may be less important than?

How much you want to do it

Anxiety tolerance is?

How well you can deal with fears and uncertainties

An entrepreneur is someone that?

Owns their own business or businesses; Usually has more freedom and control over their work; May have to take more risks

If tardiness is an undesirable trait in an employee, the opposing desirable trait would be?


Every job has its rewards and sacrifices. A computer programmer may be rewarded with _____ but sacrifice ______.

Recognition; Security

When you make excuses you are essentially giving away?


The best way to remove a _____ is to take responsibility for it.


What are the needs outlined by Maslow's Triangle?

Self-actualization, Self-esteem, Sense of Belonging, Security and Safety, and Survival

As a rule of thumb, every family should save at least _____ months' income in case of emergency.


Which of the selections below are examples of roles?

Son/Daughter; Friend

While life's not always easy and not always fair, how you choose to respond to these facts greatly affects your?

Successes; Life satisfaction

Which is the most basic need on Maslow's Triangle?


One of the best ways to decide whether your career choice is a good one is to get an entry level job?

That puts you in contact with people in your chosen career

Which of the selections listed below are components of lifestyle?

The "pace" of life, Where you choose to live, How you earn and spend your money

Which is the best definition of the word "lifestyle"?

The way in which you live

Which trait listed below best fits the influencing work behavioral style?

They are good communicators and enjoy the relationships they develop at work

Which trait listed below best fits the compliance work behavioral style?

They enjoy systematic approaches to problems and strive for accuracy

Which trait listed below best fits the steadiness work behavioral style?

They like tasks that have well defined procedures

Which trait listed below best fits the dominance work behavioral style?

They like to be in control of their work environment

As discussed early in Career Choices, what are some of the reasons people work?

To define themselves, to measure self-worth, to have a sense of security

A high school diploma is required for most jobs today.


An investment in education yields dividends for a lifetime.


If you give up smoking a pack a day at age 18 (or never began in the first place) and you deposit the money you would have spent on cigarettes monthly in a tax-free retirement fund earning 8% interest annually beginning on your 18th birthday, you could retire at age 65 with over a half million dollars.


The higher you go on the career ladder, the more freedom you'll have to be a parent.


Values are the standards or guiding principles that are most important to you?


Values are those qualities or things that are most important in your life.


Community or junior colleges are _____ -year schools.


Passion is defined by the dictionary as:

Very strong emotion, an intense enthusiasm for something

According to your Career Choices textbook, what are the two most important elements required to be successful?

Vision and energy

What technique allows you to think about a thing you fear in great detail over a period of time so you become less sensitive to the object of your fear and more confident in your ability to deal with the situation?


Once you've listed your alternatives, learned as much as you can about each, and outlined the pros and cons of each choice, you also need to ___________ before you make a decision.

Weigh the probability of success

To be complete and, therefore, most useful when planning, what must an objective statement include?

What will be different; By how many; By when

A goal is a statement that specifies?

What you want to achieve or do within a certain amount of time

When considering the physical setting you would prefer, you want to think about?

Whether you work in a city, small town, or a rural area; Whether you work in one place or travel a lot; Whether you work in an office, from your home, or outdoors

How many hours per year is the average full-time position?


In chapter four you learned that every job choice involves different rewards and sacrifices. In addition to financial, emotional, and physical considerations, you also need to think about your?


Over the next 10 years, as you prepare yourself and then enter the workforce, which of the following traits will be important in that process?

Delaying gratification; Writing a quantitative plan that is updated regularly; Getting as much education and training as possible

While a job with flexible hours provides you with some leeway regarding when you work, a job with structured hours means your work hours are?

During a prescribed time period

As you outline your plan for the future, you need to consider at least four factors for each year of your plan. Those factors are?

Education/training, living arrangements, employment, finances

Which list below accurately outlines the Six E's of Excellence?

Expectations, enthusiasm, energy, enterprise, efficiency, ethics

Opportunities like shadowing, internships, and entry-level or volunteer work are great ways to get ________ actual work, responsibilities and settings.

Experience with

If your highest work value were "Adventure" then you would probably be most satisfied with which of the following jobs?

FBI agent

Which of the following best defines success?

You are successful when you achieve what is most important to you

The psychological or emotional rewards you want from working are directly related to?

You passions and values

Imagine that you've reached a ripe old age of 90 and you sense your days are numbered. You have this unsettling feeling about your life and you want to be able to evaluate if you were a success. You totter to your desk and pull out a variety of documents. You smile and feel a great sense of peace when you review which of the following documents?

Your "mission statement" from our annually-updated 10-year plan

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