Career Counseling final exam

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How many career clusters were identified by State Career Clusters Initiative?


This personality test is widely used in career counseling


Veterans within which age range have the HIGHEST unemployment rate?


In what year was Choosing a Vocation published?


Unger estimated that more than ___ percent of students who enroll in American colleges or universities quit without graduating?


The Pathways to Prosperity report estimated that nearly ___ percent of the projected job openings requiring postsecondary education will go to people with an associate's degree or occupational certificate?


Floral designers are most likely to be overrepresented in which model work environment?



A broad category referring to the series or sequence of one's vocational activities over the course of a lifetime. It is generally viewed as integral to one's sense of self.


A term generally referring to unpaid activities during leisure time. These activities may include hobbies or other activities for which others get paid (e.g., woodworking) but for which one is unpaid and engages in during leisure time.


A term that refers to the expenditure of energy and effort that occurs during paid employment (e.g., at one's job) as well as during unpaid activities (e.g., housework, yardwork).


A term that refers to the specific set of tasks performed by an individual worker. Although the term usually refers to paid positions, payment isn't technically required.

The Graduated Record Exam is an example of which type of assessment?

Academic Ability Assessments

The Wonderlic Assessments are examples of which type of assessment?

Academic Ability Assessments

Learning to follow a syllabus and assuming increased responsibility for assignment completion fall within which area of developmental challenges?

Academic Management

When returning students feel out of practice with writing papers and using technology, this falls within which area of developmental challenges?

Academic Management

Approximately how many occupations exist in the United States?

According to the SOC, there are 840 detailed occupations (or 461 broad occupations)

Which of the following concepts is the best explanation of differences within a cultural group?


This test is used to assess the stages of a maxicycle or minicycle of most concern to individuals experiencing career transitions.

Adult Career Concerns Inventory

What is our societal goal in mandating and financing elementary and secondary education?

An important goal of education is to equip our citizens with the knowledge and skills necessary to produce or perform something of value in order to support themselves and/or others.

Occupational Classification System

Anna Roe

Parenting Styles

Anna Roe

Which theorist placed the greatest emphasis on the impact of early childhood experiences?

Anna Roe


Another term referring to paid employment in a job or occupation.

Which of the following technological approaches is least related to the development of resumes?

Applicant Tracking Systems



This ability test was developed by the U.S. Army.

Army Alpha and Beta Test

Identify the technological advance(s) associated with the industrial revolution.

Assembly Line Harnessing of electricity Mass Production Railroad Expansion (all of the above)

Which strategy of acculturation describes clients who reject the norms and traditional values of their non-dominant culture of origin and fully embrace the values and beliefs of the dominant culture?


Which of the following terms refers exclusively to paid employment?

B. Vocation D. Occupation (b and d)

This test is designed for use with middle and high school students receiving special education services to help them plan for life after high school.

BRIGANCE Transition Skills Inventory

Whose theory of self-efficacy served as a foundational concept for many of the learning theories of career development and career counseling?


What metaphor did Boshoven liken to the process of selecting a college?

Buying a coat

In which RIASEC model work environment would accountants and librarians most likely be overrepresented?


This values inventory is designed for use with people who already have significant work experience

Career Anchors Self- Assessment

This test is used to explore problematic thinking that may interfere with a person's career decision-making or development

Career Beliefs Inventory

The Career Maturity Inventory is a standardized test most closely related to which of the following theories?

Career Construction Theory

This test is used to assess an individual's readiness to make career decisions

Career Development Inventory

State governments often maintain their own_____.

Career Information Delivery System (CIDS)

Connecting one's academic major with occupational options falls within which area of developmental challenges?

Career Management

Launching a job search falls within which area of developmental challenges?

Career Management

Mastering "academic, occupational and general employability skills in order to obtain, create, maintain, and/or advance your employment" would fall within which of the following domains as specified by the National Career Development Guidelines?

Career Management Domain

Which of the following approaches emphasizes the importance that all students take rigorous academic coursework in high school; that contextualized learning is more effective than traditional instructional strategies; and that all students need to be college and career ready?

Career and College Transitions Initiative

Which of the following statements is in contrast to a world view of individualism?

Career success is best evaluated by how much it benefits an individual's family and community

Doris's reputation for being slow to start tasks that are assigned to her would be most indicative of ___.


If Doris were to seek career services in a state employment security agency, which of the following paraprofessionals might be most appropriate to assist her?

Certified Workforce Development Professional

This episode in Cochran's narrative approach reflected his recognition that achieving career goals may require significant modifications in one's situational circumstances such as child care arrangements.

Changing a life structure

In the CIP Approach's CASVE model, valuing refers to which of the following

Choosing an occupation, program of study, or job

According to Dugger, which of the following types of resume is most common and most desirable?


Which of the following concepts is most closely reflected in a child's belief that doctors are boys and nurses are girls?


Which of the following laws prohibits sexual harassment in the workplace?

Civil Rights Act of 1964

The Career Thoughts Inventory is a standardized test most closely related to which of the following theories?

Cognitive Information Processing Approach

Which of the following theories does NOT address the role of triadic reciprocality?

Cognitive Information Processing Approach

Which of the following theories focuses on assisting clients with the decision-making step in Frank Parsons' three-step model?

Cognitive Information Processing Approach

Which of the following theories recommends a seven-step delivery sequence?

Cognitive Information Processing Approach

Which of the following theories recommends first assessing a client's readiness to make a career decision?

Cognitive Information Processing Approach

According to Cochran, this episode requires attention to the patterns of subjective meaning a client has regarding his or her past.

Composing a life history

Which of the following laws allows for the extension of eligibility for employer-based health care benefits?

Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act

This step in Cochran's narrative therapy calls for clients to experience first-hand what careers of interest actually entail through activities such as job shadowing.

Constructing reality

Standards that specifically address the provision of college career services are developed and disseminated by which of the following organizations

Council for the Advancement of Standards

When the action episodes confirm the client's hope that the career path being considered is one which will be rewarding, Cochran would say this has occurred.

Crystallizing a decision

Which category of questions in the cultural formulation interview for career counseling is most closely aligned with SCCT's concepts of contextual affordances and barriers?

Cultural perception of stressors and supports

If you learned that Li Mei had told her parents she declared engineering as her major even though she really has no idea what she wants to do, how would the CIP approach categorize her decision status?


Which of the following is NOT considered an outcome of the digital revolution?

Decreased hours and workload

O*NET OnLine has replaced which of the following publications?

Dictionary of Occupational Titles

The techniques of which field inspired the early trait factor theories?

Differential Psychology

People without a job who want one but haven't engaged in job searching for at least four weeks because of a belief that they won't find work

Discouraged Workers

Which of the following Computer Assisted Career Guidance Systems (CACGSs) is now defunct?



Donald Super

Roles and Theatres

Donald Super

Which theorist is associated with maxi and mini cycles?

Donald Super

Which theorist offered 14 propositions?

Donald Super

This client demonstrates a lack of insight about having poor work habits.

Doris Bronner

Which of the following would best describe the Linked Learning approach?

Dual Track

In which RIASEC model work environment would politicians and sales executives most likely be overrepresented?


This person developed a six-step trait factor approach to providing career counseling for college students

E.G. Williamson

Attaining "performance levels needed to reach your personal and career goals" would fall within which of the following domains as specified by the National Career Development Guidelines?

Educational Achievement and Lifelong Learning Domain

Personality Development

Edward Bordin

The Role of Play

Edward Bordin

Which theorist placed the greatest emphasis on the id, ego and superego?

Edward Bordin

Cochran used this phrase to describe the process by which the counselor and client develop a common understanding of the career problem that prompted the client to seek career counseling.

Elaborating a career problem

Fantasy, Tentative and Realistic Choices

Eli Ginzberg


Eli Ginzberg

Which theorist was an economist?

Eli Ginzberg

Cochran suggested that clients begin making intentional choices to spend their time in activities consistent with their new career goals. Doing so reflects which of the following steps in Cochran's model?

Enacting a role

What is the full name of the organization which handles complaints regarding alleged employment discrimination?

Equal employment opportunity commission

The fact that people from non-dominant cultures often experience systemic barriers to education and success challenges which culturally encapsulated assumption?

Equitable Opportunity Structure

Which of the following assumptions is most related to the achievement of career success?

Equitable Opportunity Structure

Which of the following sub-populations would benefit most from the federal bonding program?


In the context of transitions, one's sense of self-efficacy would be considered

Example of Coping Resources/Capital

In the context of transitions, the life insurance money Lakeesha received would be considered a

Example of Coping Resources/Capital

In the context of transitions, the blow to Juan's self-esteem as the primary breadwinner for his family would be considered a

Example of the Impact of Transition

In the context of transitions, the loss of daily structure would be considered a

Example of the Impact of Transition

Which of the following represents the best example of psychoeducation in career counseling?

Explaining a decision-making model or flow chart to a client

The Revised Taxonomy of Career Decision-Making Difficulties identifies all of the following as reasons for a lack of readiness except

External Conflicts

Ideally, career development efforts at the high school level focus on:

Facilitating planning

Which of the following laws is used to regulate minimum wage and the employment of children?

Fair Labor Standards Act

A "line man" is a person who works behind the scene in theatre, television, and movie productions to assist performers in learning their lines.


A career counselor's job is done when an unemployed client finally receives a job offer.


A major emphasis of narrative theories is helping clients replace the stories they have told themselves with the objective reality.


A major weakness of O*NET is that it does not facilitate occupational searches according to interest areas.


A strength of Roe's theory is the substantial research support for the basic tenets of her theory.


A vocational card sort is designed to allow career counselors to assess clients' clerical abilities as evidenced by their ability to quickly categorize cards


A weakness of card sorts is that they lack a theory base.


A weakness of standardized tests of vocational aptitude is that they rely exclusively upon self-reported abilities.


A weakness of the Occupational Outlook Handbook is that, although it provides useful labor market information, it does not provide descriptions of occupations and what they entail.


According to Blustein, the idea of exercising volition and choosing a career is a universal concept applicable to the majority of workers around the world.


According to Pérez and McDonough (2008), African Americans are the least likely to enroll in college after high school.


According to the Theory of Personality Development and Choice, people working in the sciences and technology are likely to have had over-demanding parents who concentrated their attention on their children.


After publishing his book Choosing a Vocation, Frank Parsons delivered a famous speech at the Boston Vocational Bureau.


All employers in the United States must verify the work eligibility status of all applicants for employment by examining government-issued documents and completing an I-9 Form to record this verification process.


All employers in the United States with 15 or more employees must participate in the social security retirement program.


Although Holland identified 6 personality types, he didn't address how these personalities develop.


Although computer assisted career guidance systems are common in secondary schools, they are rarely used by colleges.


Although employers often conduct online searches about job applicants, it is relatively uncommon for them to base hiring decisions on the information they find.


Although school counselors should work with most students on postsecondary plans, postsecondary planning with students in special education is best handled by special education teachers.


Although socioeconomic discrepancies may exist across cultures, it is important for career counselors to treat all clients the same just as their employers will.


Although students may not all initially aspire to careers requiring a college degree, the high school guidance curriculum should emphasize college as the best postsecondary option.


Ambitious employees today should demonstrate loyalty and focus upon advancement opportunities with their current employers.


An ethical dilemma is one in which there is a clear best action but the counselor is unsure what it is, often due to a lack of knowledge.


Another term for "minimum wage" is "living wage."


As a result of this chapter, you will be able to offer legal advice to your clients in career counseling.


Assessment and intervention should be treated as distinct stages separated by a goal-setting process.


Because career counseling is more task-oriented, developing a warm relationship with clients is less important than in personal or clinical counseling.


Because of its importance to workers and career counseling clients, most career counseling textbooks include a chapter focused on employment law.


Because of the at-will employment doctrine, employers are legally able to fire employees on any basis, including pregnancy or child birth.


Bordin believed that career choice is determined exclusively by an individual's expression of their unconscious personality structure.


Bordin's theory focused on how the parenting styles experienced during childhood affect an individual's later career choices.


Card sorts are necessarily one-dimensional in nature, requiring that clients organize cards according to categories on a continuum.


Career and Technical Education is limited to high school settings.


Career development activities for students should ideally begin in middle school.


Currently, employment law in the United States requires an employer to have "just cause" to terminate an employee.


Dolliver's unique contribution to the development of card sorts was the inclusion of a Holland code for the occupations listed on each card.


E.G. Williamson developed a three-step process of trait factor counseling.


Early in the counseling process, career counselors should offer advice about client concerns so as to establish credibility.


Employees with substance use disorders are legal protected against being fired for relapses under the Americans with Disabilities Act.


Estimates are that one in four students in college today is a returning adult.


Expressed interests are interests that are evident in a person's behavioral choices.


Ginzberg referred to the internalization of external pressures as compulsions.


Gottfredson contended that the primary reason people eliminate career options from consideration is that they lack interest or ability in them.


Gottfredson has remained firm in her beliefs that early socialization experiences are the most influential factors influencing career choice.


Gottfredson's zone of acceptable alternatives reflects her awareness that most children experience pressure to limit their career choices to a zone in which their parents will offer at least a modicum of approval.


Holland referred to the difference between a person's highest numerical score and the lowest numerical score on the SDS as calculus.


In Super's theory, the concept of career adaptability is most appropriate for use with adolescents and the concept of career maturity is most appropriate for use with adults.


In career counseling, it is best to choose one specific theory and use it exclusively in your work with clients.


In order to protect confidentiality, career counselors should never use a client's surname (last name) to address them in the reception area.


In the CIP Approach's CASVE model, the C stands for communication and refers to the importance of clients talking with the counselor about their career concerns.


Interfirm mobility is the primary emphasis of a protean career.


It is advisable to limit use of card sorts to high school and college students.


It is essential that career counselors strongly encourage clients to launch a job search immediately following loss of a job.


It is important in career counseling to remain focused on the client's career concerns and to avoid spending time discussing concerns of a more personal nature.


It is legal for an employer to base a hiring decision on genetic information as long as the applicant provided the information voluntarily.


Leona Tyler, the developer of the original card sort, titled her creation as the Tyler Vocational Card Sort.


Like Frank Parsons, Donald Super came into the profession of career counseling very late in his life after having worked in several other fields.


Military veterans are unemployed at a higher rate than non-veterans.


Most college students who have earned good grades report experiencing a smooth, seamless transition and an ease in understanding workplace culture.


Most college-based career centers rely primarily on hard-copy materials and offer very few online resources.


National statistical data indicate that people with a bachelor's degree have a higher unemployment rate than people with an associate's degree.


One of the most popular career guidance programs currently in use is the DISCOVER program.


Only about 5% of stay-at-home parents are male.


People who are unemployed don't tend to need personal counseling. They just need a job.


Recycling is a concept in Super's theory that refers to the importance of carefully reviewing one's career options and going back through the advantages and disadvantages of each option before making a final choice.


Resumes should always a person's name and mailing address.


SCANS is an online system allowing users to quickly scan occupational and labor market information.


Savickas' approach to career counseling has remained relatively unchanged since he first unveiled it in 2002.


School counselors should discourage students from participating in CTE programs because they are academically less rigorous.


Solidifying client progress simply involves helping the client identify the changes that occurred during the counseling process.


Standardized tests related to career adjustment are derived from the Theory of Work Adjustment.


Surprisingly, employers' rate four-year college graduates as having greater deficiencies in overall preparation and employability skills than workers whose highest educational attainment is a high school diploma.


Surprisingly, the provision of career counseling is not a recommended component of college career services.


Thanks to our laws prohibiting workplace discrimination, workers in the United States can now view the workplace as a true meritocracy in which their success will be determined solely by their skills and their efforts.


The Age Discrimination in Employment Act prohibits age discrimination against any age group.


The Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) applies to students with disabilities in both K-12 and postsecondary educational settings.


The MAT is the standard admissions test for medical schools.


The National Board for Certified Counselors offers a certification called "National Certified Career Counselor."


The Occupational Outlook Handbook was developed by ACT.


The S in the RIASEC model stands for Scientific.


The States Career Clusters Initiative resulted in national agreement for states to adopt six (6) specific career clusters for use in career development and CTE activities.


The United States had a largely agrarian economy after the industrial revolution.


The beginning of globalization can be traced back to the 1980s.


The defining characteristic of CTE programs is that they do not prepare students for college as a postsecondary option.


The fact that Asian American households had the highest annual household income in 2012 shows that the socioeconomic disparities across race/ethnicity have largely been eradicated.


The hopelessly unemployed represent the largest proportion of people in the United States who want a job but don't have one.


The most objective information about standardized tests is generally obtained from the test publisher.


The primary distinction between college-prep and CTE courses involves academic rigor, with college-prep courses being much more rigorous than CTE courses.


The primary purpose for using personality tests in career counseling is to determine whether clients also have need for personal counseling.


The primary way in which school counselors should assist students with career planning is through individual meetings with students known as the "junior interview."


The stage model for career counseling differs significantly from stage models for personal or clinical counseling.


The term 'digital footprint' refers to the impact one can make through emailing potential employers.


The total median wealth of European Americans is approximately 4 times more than the total median wealth of African Americans.


There is generally agreement that career identity is only tangentially related to one's sense of self.


Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits the refusal or failure to hire any individual, or the discrimination against any individual with respect to compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment because of that individual's race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or national origin.


Unfortunately, the counseling licensure law in Georgia does not include the practice of career counseling.


When clients express dissatisfaction with their jobs, career counselors should start by administering an assessment related to career selection to make sure the client is in the right field.


When the profession of career counseling originated, the economy of the United States was especially strong and jobs were plentiful.


When using vocational card sorts, career counselors should adhere to their standardized administration procedures.


When working with unemployed clients, career counselors should rely upon problem-focused interventions.


Whereas certification tends to set minimum standards for training, licensure requirements tend to exceed the minimum standards set by law.


With regard to counseling goals, most clients seeking career counseling want assistance in choosing a career path, finding a job or a better job, or increasing their satisfaction or success in their career.


Work values reflect the extent to which an employee is likely to represent value-added to the employer


Your professors and your counselor preparation program are primarily responsible for making you competent as a future counselor.


Which of the following concepts addresses how long a person can tolerate a lack of correspondence before engaging in adjustment behavior?


To accomplish this step, Cochran suggested using techniques such as life lines and asking clients to project beyond the present day what they would like to have happen.

Founding a future narrative

This person is considered the father of counseling

Frank Parsons

This client is a very successful and highly paid accountant.

Gillian Parker

Which of the following stages is least likely addressed by state-based unemployment office personnel?

Grief and Psychological Reactions

With which holiday are many job shadowing programs coordinated?

Groundhog Day

Roe believed that people who experienced warm, loving acceptance during their childhood from their parents would be most likely to choose a career in which occupational grouping?

Group I

Which of the following theories views claims that career assessments are best used to stimulate learning rather than to match personal characteristics with occupational characteristics?

Happenstance Learning Theory

Which of the following approaches emphasizes the elimination of the general track as an option for students and instead calls for students to choose between a rigorous academic track or a blended track involving both academic and CTE coursework?

High Schools that Work

Name the career cluster within which counseling is categorized

Human Services

Nuclear physicists would most likely work within which model work environment?


Which of the following is not a recommended step when using card sorts?

Identify a card sort that is reliable and valid.

Which of the following is not a task associated with the beginning stage of career counseling?

Identifying helping strategies

Research findings suggest that which of the following is particularly important to the development of self-efficacy beliefs for members of non-dominant racial/ethnic groups?

Identity Development

Using figure 6.9, explain how the quality of a person's K-12 school experiences might affect a person's career development

If a person has a good experience in school, they are more likely to develop objective skills and self-efficacy beliefs.

Ideally, career development efforts at the elementary school level focus on:

Increasing awareness

Which of the following decision statuses involves difficulty with the executive processing domain?


The Self-Directed Search is an example of which type of assessment?

Interests Assessments

Which of the following is the most widely used group program for unemployed clients?

Job Club

This person developed the RIASEC hexagon

John Holland

This client has a serious health condition that is prompting a need for a new career.

Juan Martinez

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in which setting do educational, guidance, school, and vocational counselors have the highest annual mean wage?

K-12 Schools

What are the three information-processing domains addressed by the CIP approach?

Knowledge Domain, Decision-Making Skills Domain, Executive Processing Domain

Which of the following theorists focused on the role of chance in career development?


Which of the following phrases is most often used in conjunction with information about the projected demand and compensation for workers in a given occupation?

Labor Market Information



This client's spouse recently died.

Lakeesha Maddox

Which of the following theories would recommend working with young people to assist them in experiencing positive instrumental and associative learning, developing accurate self-observation generalizations, and acquiring useful task approach skills?

Learning Theory of Career Counseling

The origin of vocational card sorts can be traced back to ____.

Leona Tyler

This client suffers from feelings inadequate in comparison to his/her siblings.

Li Mei (Lily Huang)

Donald Super

Life-Space, Life-Space Approach

Which of the following theories is most closely related to the Career Development, Assessment and Counseling (C-DAC) model?

Life-Span, Life Space Theory

The Career Development Inventory is a standardized test most closely associated with which of the following theories.

Life-Span, Life-Space Approach

Principles of Compromise

Linda Gottfredson

Which theorist became controversial due to research about racial differences in intelligence?

Linda Gottfredson

Which theorist placed most emphasis on socialization experiences related to sex roles and socioeconomic status?

Linda Gottfredson

Zone of Acceptable Alternatives

Linda Gottfredson

Which of the following helping strategies is most recommended for clients who are grieving the loss of a job?

Listening empathically

In which stage must a person decide whether to stagnate or innovate?


People without a job who want one but who have not looked work in the past four weeks for reasons such as being in school

Marginally attached to the labor force

Which of the following sub-populations would benefit most from pre-separation counseling?

Military Veterans

Trait factor theories are most closely associated with this state.


Which of the following theories is most likely to guide a career counselor's use of the life line technique?

Narrative Theory

Which of the following laws was promulgated in direct response to Russia's success in launching Sputnik?

National Defense Education Act

Federal funding was discontinued in 2000 for which of the following?

National Information Coordinating Committee

People without a job who want one but who have not looked work in the past twelve months

Not in the labor force

Which online resource has largely replaced the Dictionary of Occupational Titles?

O*Net Online

Self as Actor


Which of the following paraprofessionals has training most specific to the needs of a client who was just released from prison and wants to find a job?

Offender Workforce Development Specialist

According to Krumboltz, career counselors should reframe a client's undecidedness as _____.

Open mindedness

Which of the following groups have the highest poverty rate in the United States?

People with Disabilities

My Vocational Situation is a standardized test most closely related to which of the following theories?

Person-Environment Fit Theory

The Self-Directed Search is most closely aligned with which theory?

Person-Environment Fit Theory

This theory focuses on the assessment of interests and personality.

Person-Environment Fit Theory

Which of the following assumptions is most related to the Protestant work ethic?

Personal Agency

"Developing positive interpersonal skills including respect for diversity" would fall within which of the following domains as specified by the National Career Development Guidelines?

Personal Social Domain

Balancing "personal, leisure, community, learner, family and work roles" would fall within which of the following domains as specified by the National Career Development Guidelines?

Personal Social Domain

The 16 PF is an example of which type of assessment?

Personality Assessments

The Clifton Strengths Finder is an example of which type of assessment?

Personality Assessments

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is an example of which type of assessment?

Personality Assessments

Which of the following theorists focused on executive processing functions such as self-talk?

Peterson, Samson, Reardon & Lenz

In the context of transitions, the sudden and unexpected loss of Doris's job would be most related to

Precipitant of the Transition

In the context of transitions, the trigger that prompted the transition would be considered a

Precipitant of the Transition

In the context of transitions, one's current life context would be considered a

Precursor to the Transition

In the context of transitions, the degree to which one's previous job was central to one's sense of personal identity would be considered a

Precursor to the Transition

Self as Author


Which of the following approaches is considered the premier pre-engineering program for today's high schools?

Project Lead the Way

What SCCT concept would most closely capture Lakeesha's experience of needing child care before being able to accept a job?

Proximal Contextual Factors

Edward Bordin

Psychodynamic Model of Career Choice and Satisfaction

The work of police officers and airline pilots is most closely aligned with which type of model work environment?




Which of the following laws is designed to provide funding for programs to assist individuals with disabilities in obtaining employment and living independently?

Rehabilitation Act

Addressing problematic dynamics within their families of origin falls within which area of developmental challenges?

Relationship Management

Stress related to the loss of an intact high school peer group and the development of a college peer group falls within which area of developmental challenges?

Relationship Management

This person developed a trait-factor approach for use in vocational rehabilitation counseling

Rene Dawis

Which of the following concepts refers to the typical pattern of a person's pace when engaging in work activities?


In which of the RIASEC model work environments would counselors most likely to be overrepresented?


List four types of career-related issues typically addressed by career counselors.

Satisfaction, balancing work and personal lives, development, and finding employment.

Vocational Guidance

Self as Actor

Which of the following is most closely associated with a child's introjection of guides and incorporation of models?

Self as Actor

Which of the following is most closely associated with a person's internalization of traits others have attributed to him or her?

Self as Actor

Career Education

Self as Agent

Which of the following is most closely associated with the exercise of choice over one's educational and educational plots?

Self as Agent

Career Counseling

Self as Author

Which of the following is most closely associated with the integration and continued development of a unique career identity?

Self as Author

This test was developed by John Holland

Self-Directed Search

Which of the following tests was developed by John Holland?

Self-Directed Search

Having to juggle numerous, compelling responsibilities such as work, child care, and other family responsibilities falls within which area of developmental challenges?


Struggles with their increased responsibility for activities of daily living fall within which area of developmental challenges?


Which of the following is not a feature of SCCT?

Self-Observation Generalizations

In the context of career counseling, "structuring" refers to which of the following?

Sharing information about what the client can expect from the session and the counseling process

Which of the following pieces of legislation represents the official establishment of vocational education within public schools?

Smith-Hughes Act

The Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale is a standardized test most closely related to which of the following theories?

Social Cognitive Career Theory

Which of the following theories focuses most on triadic reciprocality and self-efficacy?

Social Cognitive Career Theory

Which of the following theories is most likely to guide a career counselor's exploration of perceived barriers?

Social Cognitive Career Theory

Which of the following theories recommends working with youth to support healthy career development by providing a broad exposure to the world, encouraging exploration of interests, promoting skill development, assisting with development of accurate self-efficacy, teaching about the world of work, and assisting with the development of accurate outcome expectations?

Social Cognitive Career Theory


Specific to paid work, this term that represents a broader grouping of activities that require similar skills and involve similar tasks. National labor market statistics usually address this broader category.

Which of the following is considered the "gold standard" for occupational classification?

Standard Occupational Classification System

Identify and describe the three primary types of standardized tests used in counseling.

Standardized tests related to career selection, Standardized tests related to career decision-making, Standardized tests related to career adjustment

Self as Agent


Ideally, career development efforts at the post-secondary level focus on:

Supporting implementation

Which of the following documents would be most appropriate for use in an informational networking interview?

Targeted Opportunity Profile

An H is to instrumental learning experiences as a parallelogram is to _____.

Task approach skills

Which of the following approaches involves a 2+2, 3+2 or 4+2 design involving a common core of proficiency in math, science, communication and technology?

Tech Prep

In the context of transitions, one's age when losing a job would be considered a

Temporal Issue

In the context of transitions, one's sense of urgency to find a new job would be considered a

Temporal Issue

What organization administers the Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF) certification?

The Center for Credentialing and Education (CCE)

The origin of career development theories can be traced back to ____.

The Industrial Revolution

Frank Parsons is recognized as:

The father of vocational guidance The father of career counseling The father of counseling (all of the above)


The overall balance of vocational and avocational activities at any given point in time and the relative balance of competing roles (work, family, social, leisure), which clearly can vary over time.

Linda Gottfredson

Theory of Circumscription, Compromise and Self-Creation

Eli Ginzberg

Theory of Occupational Choice

Anna Roe

Theory of Personality Development and Career Choice

The Work Importance Locator card sort is most closely related to which theory?

Theory of Work Adjustment

This theory focuses on the assessment of values and abilities.

Theory of Work Adjustment

This theory offers a model to predict a worker's satisfaction and satisfactoriness.

Theory of Work Adjustment

What is title protection?

Title protection refers to the law limiting the use of the professional title to individuals who have the license.

70% of the U.S. prison population is African American or Hispanic/Latino.


A commonality of the developmental theories of career development is their attention to the role of early childhood experiences and/or lifespan development on a person's career choices.


A major premise of Ginzberg's theory is that occupational choice should be conceptualized as a process rather than an event.


A major premise of Super's theory is that the choice of a career should be viewed as a way in which a person attempts to implement his or her self-concept.


A person with no more than a GED can qualify for certification as a Global Career Development Facilitator.


According to Gottfredson, once a career option has been eliminated from consideration, the elimination tends to be permanent.


According to NCDA, sources of occupational and labor market information should address opportunities for career progression and advancement.


According to the National Employment Counseling Association, one of the traits that separate employment counselors from other types of counselors is their understanding of employment law and their commitment to protect the rights of the public.


An occupation is a category of jobs that are similar with respect to the work performed and the skills possessed by the worker.


Approximately a third of all clients seen in outpatient mental health clinics have criminal convictions.


At-will employment means that means that an employer can fire an employee for a good reason, a bad reason, or no reason at all.


Before developing a resume and other job search materials, clients should first clarify their employment goals.


By 2018, approximately two thirds of all jobs in the United States will require postsecondary education.


CTE is appropriate both for students planning to go to a 4 year college and for students who plan to transition directly from high school into employment.


Card sorts as described by Tyler are constructivist in nature.


Career development programs in middle schools generally include assessment activities designed to help students crystallize their sense of self.


Career success in new, post-Globalization era calls for higher levels of self-directedness as it pertains to one's career trajectories.


Clients rarely if ever accomplish all of their work-related goals in the span of a single career counseling relationship.


Cochran was interested in helping clients improve their life stories by increasing their feelings of self-efficacy in building their careers.


College career services offices should be heavily involved in supporting student preparation for job searches.


Counselors would be wise to caution students to verify all claims made by proprietary (for profit) trade schools as there have been numerous cases of false advertising.


Courses focused on assisting students with the transition from college to work should also address employability skills.


Despite being an early leader in the "college for all" movement, Schwartz has since changed his professional opinion.


Distal contextual factors are also known as background contextual affordances (or the lack thereof).


During the industrial revolution, many people moved from the rural, agrarian areas in which their families lived to cities in which they could easily find work in the manufacturing industry.


Employers often react to functional resumes with an assumption that the applicant may have something to hide.


Enthusiasm for a job search often follows the process of grieving loss of a job.


Estimates are that nearly three quarters of college students change their major at least once.


Even John Holland got into the card sort business and developed a card sort consistent with his Person-Environment Fit Theory.


Federal law requires educational and career planning for all students with disabilities.


Frank Parsons believed that no one should select a career without careful self-analysis.


Frank Parsons' could be described as someone whose career path was marked by considerable planned happenstance.


Ginzberg publicly chastised the profession of vocational guidance for having an insufficient theoretical base.


Ginzberg's decision to revise his theory was motivated by an expansion of his own research from an exclusively upper class sample of well-educated males to a more diverse sample.


Ginzberg's theory places emphasis on the various stages of career decision-making.


Given the radical changes that have occurred in the world of work and the pressing needs of many people for assistance with career planning, job searching, and career management, there is a strong need for career counselors.


Gottfredson has reversed herself and drawn the conclusion that innate learning abilities rather than socialization are primarily responsible for gaps in academic and career achievement.


Higher socioeconomic status (SES) is correlated with a greater likelihood of choosing a college-bound track in high school and with college attendance.


Holland identified a two or three letter Holland code for every occupation listed in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles.


In contrast to job shadowing programs, though, where the student primarily observes work being performed, internships generally involve the student being actively engaged in work tasks that are commensurate with their skills and knowledge.


In order to provide effective career services, counselors must actively seek to understand their client not only as an individual but also as a cultural being.


In the United States, females tend to earn only 77 cents to every dollar earned by males.


Interest inventories are likely the most common type of standardized test used in career counseling.


It is acceptable and legitimate for career counselors to create card sorts for their own purposes without subjecting them to a peer-review process.


It is appropriate for the intake assessment portion of the counseling process to be more counselor-directed.


It is estimated that half of all people who are incarcerated are functionally illiterate.


It is illegal in all 50 states to practice professional counseling without a license.


It is risky to make assumptions about clients based upon their membership in a specific cultural group because people often identify with more than one dimension of culture.


It is unethical for career counselors to routinely refuse to accept clients or to refer clients based upon the clients' age, culture, mental/physical disability, ethnicity, race, religion/spirituality, creed, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital/partnership status, language preference, or socioeconomic status.


Jobless individuals are no longer considered as unemployed if they have not looked for a job in the past month.


Labor unions were illegal and considered criminal conspiracies until at least 1842.


Lower-skill level jobs are more likely to be offshored than jobs that require higher level skills.


Many school counselors have insufficient time to adequately address the career development needs of students.


Members of non-dominant cultural groups tend to live in a barrier-based world in which their career success is constrained by social inequities.


More than 40 percent of students who enroll in American colleges and universities quit without graduating.


Most workers in the future will need to reinvent their careers to keep up with a fast-changing workplace


Narrative theories of career development are most closely associated with postmodern thought.


Nearly half of the projected job openings requiring postsecondary education will go to people with an associate's degree or occupational certificate.


Obtaining a client's informed consent at the onset of career counseling is an ethical imperative.


Of the ex-offenders who are successful in finding jobs, 50% of them earn less than $5,000 per year.


One's reaction to involuntary job loss often resembles the grief process.


Only about a third of people with a disability express a desire for employment.


Paws in Jobland is a career development program for use in elementary schools.


Prior to the industrial revolution, careers tended to be determined by type of work one's parents' did.


Refusing to hire applicants because of their arrest records may constitute discrimination.


Savickas' theory places relatively more importance on the development of one's sense of self than does Cochran's theory.


School counselors should understand that there is a strong, negative correlation between educational attainment levels and unemployment.


School counselors should understand that there is a strong, positive correlation between educational attainment levels and earnings.


Since passage of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, workplace fatalities have been cut by more than 60 percent and occupational injury and illness rates have declined 40 percent.


Standardized tests are frequently used in the context of career counseling.


Super considered it essential to assess a person's readiness to make career choices before assessing a person's interests, abilities or values.


Super's life-career rainbow incorporates elements of both life-span and life-space.


TWA theory includes an emphasis on how satisfactory a worker is to an employer.


The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits employment discrimination against individuals with a disability, but it requires that people with disabilities demonstrate that they are qualified, when given reasonable accommodations, to meet all job requirements.


The Occupational Outlook Handbook is the nation's premier source for career information.


The Occupational Safety and Health Act protects employees from being fired for filing a complaint alleging unsafe working conditions.


The Psychodynamic Model of Career Choice and Satisfaction is actually based on a blending of trait-factor theories and Carl Rogers' ideas about self-concept.


The World of Work Map integrates Holland's RIASEC system for occupational classification.


The average cost for a semi-private room in a nursing home is nearly $80,000 per year.


The central developmental task demanded by society of college students is the independent choice of a career informed by the academic course of study.


The cultural formulation approach offered by Leong is actually an adaptation of an approach first introduced in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.


The federal government now requires all federal agencies to use the Standard Occupational Classification System.


The focus of Super's lifespan model is on how individuals develop and within their careers of choice.


The history of card sorts provides evidence that graduate students can make significant contributions to their professional even before graduating.


The initial intention of the at-will employment doctrine was to protect workers by ensuring they would get paid for time already worked.


The majority of job openings are filled before they reach the stage of being advertised.


The now-standard resume prepared on a PC is likely to soon seem as outdated as the resume your grandparents prepared using a typewriter.


The overall impact of the industrial revolution is that it offered people more opportunities to pursue personally satisfying careers.


The promulgation of ethical standards is considered necessary in order for an occupation to be considered a profession.


The theory of work adjustment addresses the ways in which people adjust to low levels of satisfaction at work.


The unemployment rate for people with disabilities is approximately twice as high as for people without disabilities.


The use of career assessment instruments with middle school students is appropriate.


There is a strong, negative correlation between educational attainment and unemployment rate.


There is an association that certifies individuals as Certified Professional Resume Writers.


There is no single correct way to greet clients in the reception area.


Three quarters of people in prison have substance abuse problems.


Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits sex discrimination AND sexual harassment.


Title protection and the specific titles which are protected vary by state.


Under the 'entire contract doctrine,' workers who quit or were fired from their jobs before the end of the term of their employment contract did not get paid for any of the time they had worked.


Unemployment insurance benefits are based upon the requirement that the recipient is able to engage in work.


Unemployment is the second most common career challenge presented by clients in community settings.


Veterans with a disability have a lower unemployment rate that veterans without a disability.


When offering group counseling programs for unemployed clients, career counselors should avoid focusing on the dissemination of job search information to the exclusion of psychological reactions.


Whereas licensure is generally administered by state governmental agencies, certification is generally administered by professional associations.


Whereas licensure is legally required of counselors, certifications are generally voluntary.


Whereas the foundational aspects of her theory emphasized the importance of sex-role stereotypes and socioeconomic status on the career aspirations of young people, Gottfredson has shifted her focus to intelligence levels and how they differ across racial groups.


Whereas trait factor theorists placed emphasis on the objective assessment of aptitudes and interests and the provision of information about the world of work, Super advocated for going beyond this rational, assessment-based approach.


Whereas workers could once reasonably expect to retire comfortably by the age of 65, this is no longer the case.


People without a job who want one and have been actively engaged in a job search in the past month


The Pathways to Prosperity report was authored by all of the following except


The Career Anchors Self- Assessment is an example of which type of assessment?

Values Assessments

The Minnesota Importance Questionnaire is an example of which type of assessment?

Values Assessments

This client is struggling with the implications of sexual orientation on career decisions.

Vincent Santiago Arroyo

Which of the following is least related to managing one's social media presence?

The ASVAB is an example of which type of assessment?

Vocational Aptitude Assessments

The Ability Explorer is an example of which type of assessment?

Vocational Aptitude Assessments

The VCAT is an example of which type of assessment?

Vocational Aptitude Assessments

If Juan were to seek career services from a governmental agency, which of the following paraprofessionals might be most appropriate to assist him?

Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor

Which of the following paraprofessionals has training most specific to the needs of a military veteran who was discharged due to injury and wants to find a job in the civilian workforce?

Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor

Which of the following clients would most likely hold a world view based on individualism?


The client works for the Ford Motor Company.

Wayne Jensen

This test is designed to assess cognitive ability and takes only 12 minutes to administer


Who coined the term "cultural encapsulated counselor" ?


The relative importance of work and career in an individual's life is referred to as _______.

centrality of work work salience

The phenomenon of people learning not only as a result of their own behaviors and the consequences they experience directly but also as a result of watching others is called what?

observational learning associative learning vicarious learning

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