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Phase 1 of the job search cycle: Prepare For Your Job Search:

Learn about the workplace and employer expectations, plan for your career, assess your skills and characteristics, and determine your career target(s).

Larger portfolios are appropriate for:

Artists, journalists, and others who have oversized work samples.

There are _ phases of the job search cycle:


Tracking your progress by:

1. Preparing a weekly schedule 2. Preparing a daily plan

Steps in managing your job search:

1. Set up job search headquarters 2. Track your progress

Your Career Portfolio is:

An organized collection of documents and other items that demonstrate your skills, abilities, achievements, experience, and qualifications.

Projecting confidence requires healthy self-esteem:

A belief in your abilities and your worth. Think about how easy it is to project a confident, competent image when you feel good about yourself.

Record your progress. It may seem simplistic, but:

A long series of check marks on a list can motivate you by providing a sense of accomplishment. Don't get discouraged by missing an occasional daily goal— stay focused on your long- term goal.

What you habitually say to yourself can have:

A profound impact on your self-image, your self-esteem, and your performance and success.

Define the purpose and benefit of your goals by linking your goals to:

A realistic, practical, and specific purpose that benefits you. But also aim high. To boost your motivation, base your goals on inspiration, not just logic.

Short-term goals:

Accomplishments you want to achieve more quickly, such as assembling your Career Management Files Tracker

The Career Management Files Tracker includes:

All research, notes, document drafts, contacts, and other items you have used in your job search

Career portfolio is a collection of your:

Best work that represents your accomplishments and qualifications (cover letter, resume, references, and work samples)

Looking for a job can be overwhelming, a positive outlook and positive behaviors can help you develop:

Confidence, stay focused, and improve your performance so that you can effectively market yourself to prospective employers.

If you own a computer or have reliable access to one and do most of your work online:

Create a logical system of folders and subfolders for storing your work.

Don't stop with one resume, but it is suggested that you:

Customize your master resume to each job description. Weave the same words in the job description into your resume and cover letter.

Develop an action plan, set deadlines, and act:

Divide each goal into logical, progressive steps. Set deadlines and priorities for completing each step. Complete the steps on time.

Reward yourself. Rewards are motivators:

Do something nice for yourself as you progress toward achieving your goals.

Congratulate yourself when you:

Do well and remind yourself of your abilities, strengths, accomplishments, and skills.

For your career portfolio, think about what you have:

Done or accomplished that best demonstrates your qualifications.

Evaluate your goals and adjust as necessary. Evaluate your progress toward achieving your goals, and:

Experiment with new methods if you're not getting the results you want and if circumstances or priorities change your goals.

Define your goals clearly in writing:

Experts say that writing down your goals strongly increases your likelihood of achieving them.

PHASE 5: Follow Up and Evaluate:

Follow up with employers and evaluate and consider job offers. During this phase, a job seeker accepts a job offer or returns to an earlier phase to look for a different job or to explore other opportunities.

If you aren't getting interviews:

Get advice about changing your resume and cover letter.

And remember that the only goal of a resume is to:

Get invitations for job interviews.

When you think and behave positively, you:

Guide your mind toward your goals and generate matching mental and physical energy.

Research has shown that a positive outlook can:

Have a powerful effect on personal performance, confidence, and even health.

What is one way you can cut the competition and increase your chances of landing a position?

If you can find out about a potential opportunity before it is posted.

The third step in career management file tracking is to back up your work:

If you use the Word files to complete the Career Action worksheets, back up these files and the other documents you create.

The act of visualizing the successful performance of a skill or an activity in detail:

Increases learning and skill development.

Keeping good records is an essential skill for job seekers ( and everyone who works), for this you will need:

Job search files and career portfolio

Track your progress; One of the most useful tasks you can do as a job seeker is to:

Keep a record of everything you undertake in your job search. Because you may be applying for several jobs at the same time, this can become a challenge.

Negative self-esteem and a fear of failure can:

Keep you from meeting your full potential.

A "career to go" tool is referred to as:

Keeping your daily plan and weekly schedule in your career management files tracker, and you will have to use for reference when class is over.

Setting up your job search headquarters by organizing a space for:

Keeping your job search records and documents so that you can easily find what you need and follow up on leads quickly and effectively.

Topic label tabs in your career management files tracker can include:

Labels such as " network contacts," " resumes," " cover letters," and " references."

Positive THINKING is:

Making a conscious effort to be optimistic and to anticipate positive outcomes.

Create an online career portfolio - the internet is the essential tool for both parties involved in a job search:

Many companies rely solely on the Internet to find job candidates to interview. Consider posting a professional looking portfolio and putting a link to it on your business card, resume, cover letter, and online applications.

Long-term goals:

More ambitious goals such as earning your college degree require more time

PHASE 2 of the job search cycle: Find Job Leads

Network; search for job leads; and conduct research using a variety of job sources, including the Internet, your contacts, and print resources.

Your first task in a job search should be to:

Organize your ' job search central' space.

Your Career Management Files Tracker is a tool for:

Organizing the information you use to look for jobs and to manage your career throughout your working life.

In a job search central space, you will set up a system for:

Organizing, tracking, and storing the information you will generate in your job search."

The items in your career portfolio can be from:

Paid or volunteer work, classes, internships, clubs, and community activities.

The pages in a Career Management Files Tracker binder book are:

Perforated so that you can save pages in the binder and refer to them later.

Your Career Management Files Tracker will become a:

Personal record of your job search experience and a resource you can use when seeking a promotion, a new job, or a career change.

For example, to demonstrate your fluency in another language, you could include:

Printed or spoken examples, such as a document you have written or an audio or video clip.

Assembling your portfolio, with 8 ½ - by 11- inch pages, use a:

Professional- looking folder or a three- ring binder with labeled divider tabs.

Positive BEHAVIOR is:

Purposely acting with energy and enthusiasm.

Positive visualization is:

Purposely forming a mental picture of your successful performance and recalling the image frequently.

Positive self-talk is:

Purposely giving yourself positive reinforcement, motivation, and recognition—just as you would do for a friend.

For your career management files tracker, you will need to file your completed Career Actions by:

Putting these worksheets and other documents, such as drafts of your resume, behind the appropriate tab. Use the Career Action worksheets in the book.

With an online career portfolio, prospective employers can:

Review your work at their convenience, and they will know that you can use the tools needed to create an online portfolio.

For each interview, you select the most appropriate:

Samples of your work for that position and put them in a professional-looking folder or binder that becomes part of your Interview Marketing Kit.

Greatest obstacle facing all job seekers:

Scarcity of available jobs

Avoid sabotaging your attitude with:

Self-critical or uncertain language such as "I'm too nervous" or " I'll try."

Organizations stay in business by:

Setting and achieving goals (for ex: increased sales, new product development, and lower production costs)

To protect and display the items in your portfolio, use:

Sheet protectors and CD inserts File the original documents, such as letters of recommendation, in your Career Management Files Tracker and make copies for your portfolio.

In writing goals, use:

Short, specific statements (" turn in my college application by August 15") that you can aim for. Avoid vague goal statements such as " I will earn more money this year."

To feel good about yourself and to maintain your self-esteem:

Surround yourself with a positive environment (positive people and positive reading, viewing, and audio materials).

Also boosts your self-esteem:

Taking care of your body, mind, and spirit. Looking your best boosts your confidence, and others respond positively to your appearance.

Items in your career portfolio are meant to showcase your talents and demonstrate what sorts of skills?

That you have the organizational skills all employers are looking for, such as critical thinking, planning, preparation, and attention to detail.

Positive thinking actually causes changes in:

The brain that boost your ability to perform and to project enthusiasm, energy, competence, and confidence— qualities that companies look for when they hire and promote employees.

A Career Management Files Tracker binder is used for storing:

The career development and job search information you record in the Career Action activities at the end of each chapter, such as self- assessments, records of experience and skills, networking lists, drafts of resumes and cover letters, and job search aids.

What has a direct affect on the speed and success of your job search?

The planning and energy you put into organizing your job search

What does a reader need to see at a glance from a resume and cover letter?

The reader needs to see at a glance how your skills and accomplishments match what the job calls for.

Your resume and cover letter preview what to an employer?

The type of employee you will be. If they don't represent you in a professional manner, the employer will look to the next resume in the pile.

What is the best way to access the "hidden job market" of potential positions that have not yet been posted?

This is done through face-to-face networking

Job search central space:

This is your office now that you are self-employed.

A Career Management Files Tracker is a:

Three-ring binder for collecting, organizing, and updating your career information.

Set up your Career Management Files Tracker by using a:

Three-ring binder with divider tabs labeled Chp 1 - 14, with several extra sections for notes, examples, etc.

For example, to demonstrate your computer skills, you could include:

Transcripts listing related course work and a DVD with multimedia presentations or applications you developed.

The Career Management Files Tracker is for personal:

Use in keeping records and organizing your job search

If organizing your job search records and documents works best with printed documents:

Use labeled file folders or an expanding folder with pockets you can label.

PHASE 4: Interview for Jobs:

Use strategies for getting interviews, prepare and practice for different types of interviews and interview questions, practice effective interviewing techniques, and write effective thank- you letters.

Select items for your career portfolio beginning by deciding:

Which of your skills and experiences relate most directly to your job target.

Because life experiences may change your level of self-esteem:

Work consciously on strengthening and maintaining your self-esteem.

Your Career Portfolio contains documents that:

You can show to prospective employers. You will not take your entire Career Portfolio to job interviews.

Share your goals with others to ensure that:

You have someone to ask for help when you need it and to increase your sense of responsibility.

Short-term goals are also the steps:

You need to take to achieve a long-term goal

The first two pages in your career portfolio should include:

Your contact information and a list of the contents. Be sure to remove all confidential information from the work samples in your portfolio.

Your career portfolio will contain items such as:

Your final resume, a list of references, letters of recommendation, awards, and samples of your best work.

Identify your support system. Examples include:

Your instructors, books that motivate you, and the people who want you to succeed and will encourage you to persevere.

The Career Management Files Tracker Documents:

Your job search progress and learning and serves as a reference tool

A Career Management Files Tracker binder is used to help assess:

Your learning and prepare for success in your job search and career.

Use items in your career portfolio that demonstrate:

Your qualifications for the jobs and career fields you are interested in.

Written goals increase:

Your sense of commitment, clarify the steps you need to take, and help you remember important details

To strengthen your performance, practice visualizing:

Yourself achieving your career goals with confidence and ease.

Make positive self-talk work for you by:

keeping your self-talk positive— for example, " I did a good job on that report" or " I can do this."

Prepare a daily plan by:

•Establishing a routine and work on your job search every day •Keep a daily log of your activities. •Write down employer contacts and research sources ( including log- in information for websites). •Keep track of job leads, resumes, completed or submitted applications, telephone calls, emails, and other activities.

PHASE 3 of the job search cycle: Apply for Jobs:

•Market yourself by preparing effective resumes and cover letters. •Know how to fill out printed applications and how to apply for jobs online.

Successful job seekers also set goals and work to achieve them, follow these steps to focus your efforts on achieving your goals:

•Set long-term and short-term goals •Define your goals clearly in writing •Define purpose & benefit of your goals •Develop an action plan, set deadlines, and act •Identify your support system •Record your progress •Reward yourself •Evaluate your goals and adjust as necessary

To get an edge over job seekers, do the following:

•Set personal goals for this class and for your job search •Believe in your drive and commitment to achieve your goals •Use class and textbooks to succeed

Prepare a weekly schedule by:

•Using a monthly calendar to schedule your activities a week or more in advance •Record the hours you will spend on your search each day.

Three tools to help you manage your work and reach your full career potential:

•Your Career Management Files Tracker •Your Career Portfolio •Your Interview Marketing Kit

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