Catcher in the Rye: Review 3

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Holden Caufield Who is he? How old is he? Why is he expelled from Prency Prep? What does he find in the world around him? How does he view this and how does this make him feel. What does he use to protect himself from the adult world?

16 year old, unreliable narrator & protagonist. Holden is expelled for academic failure from a school called Pencey Prep. He finds the hypocrisy and ugliness of the world around him almost unbearable, and through his cynicism he tries to protect himself from the pain and disappointment of the adult world.

Who is Ackley? Describe him

Acne--> "Ack!" He has acne and is in the room next door to Holden. He has bad dental hygiene and terrible manners. He is a catholic

What does Phoebe give Holden?

All of her Christmas money.

What two things does Holden say he likes? Why isn't Phoebe satisfied with his answer?

Allie and Phoebe. Allie's dead and Phoebe's his sister. Phoebe thinks that he needs to like something else tangible.

In what year did Allie die? How much time has passed? How old is Holden now? How old would have Allie been?

Allie died on July 18th, 1946. Holden is 16 now, Allie would've been 14.

Who is Allie? What sort of person was he? How does Holden feel about him?

Allie was Holden's brother who died of leukemia. Allie was intelligent, nice and never got mad. He had red hair & Holden loved him.

Who is Allie, and why is his baseball mitt so special to Holden?

Allie would write poems on his mitt when he was bored out in the outfield. He died young of Leukemia. Notice: At age 13, his brother died. This is around the time when he started getting kicked out of school. His parents wanted him to be psychoanalyzed.

Sally Hayes: How long have they known each other and what does Holden think of her?

An attractive girl whom Holden has known and dated for a long time. She is certainly more conventional than Holden in her tastes and manners. He kept a picture of her in his room.

Why does it make Holden nervous that Stradlater is going out with Jane Gallagher?

Because it is suggested that Jane was his first love and he probably still loves her, so he is nervous that Stradlater will try and make a move on her, and possibly even more if she will let him.

Carl Luce: How does Holden know him and what was his job at the school? What does he know a lot about?

Carl Luce was Holden's student adviser at the Whooton School. Has a great deal of sexual experience.

How does Holden know Carl Luce? What sorts of talks has he had in the past?

Carl Luce was supposed to be the student adviser at Whooton. They mostly talked about sex, flits, and lesbians.

What park are the ducks in?

Central park lagoon

What are the conflicts?

Character vs. Self; Character vs. Society, Character vs. Character

Who is D.B? Why does the narrator call him a prostitute?

D.B is Holden's brother. Holden calls him a prostitute because D.B sells his stories so people can turn them into movies. Holden thinks he is selling himself short.

After Maurice leaves, how does Holden feel? Why doesn't he jump out a window- as he considers doing?

Depressed and suicidal. He didn't jump out the window because he didn't want everyone seeing his guts. He thought of Jane, but mostly, because deep down Holden doesn't want to commit suicide.

What does Holden mean when he says, "Don't even tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody."?

Don't get close to anyone. They will leave or disappoint you

What is the name of the hotel Holden stays in?

Edmont hotel

Who sits next to Holden on the train?

Ernest Morrow's mother

Who is Ernie? Why does Holden consider him "phony"? Why, then, do you think that he sent Ernie a message asking him over for a drink?

Ernie is a guy that plays the piano at a bar. Holden thinks he's a phony because Ernie gave a humble bow when he finished a song, when he's really a big snob. Holden was lonely and Ernie sitting and having a drink with him would give him some attention which he craves.

What is the "spooky thing" that happens to Holden as he is walking down Fifth Avenue?

Every time he came to the end of a block and stepped off the curb, he had a feeling that he'd never get to the other side of the street - that he'd just keep going down and nobody would ever see him again.

Where does Holden go after he leaves Mr. Antolini's?

Grand Central Station.

What evidence shows us that Holden might have made a good actor?

He acts older than he is or tells people that he is someone else. He tries on personalities

How does Holden "act" again in this chapter? The chapter with the piano player?

He acts really drunk. He talks to the piano player and he calls Sally in the middle of the night. He's very intrusive and doesn't pay attention to the normal standards. He acts lonelier and reckless since he's drunk. Now, he's also a mess since he's crying in the bathroom. He also acts like he has the stomach wound. He wants to know what people would think if he died. Who would care about him? It's also a physical representation of him. he's trying to keep it from people, but he would willing to share if anyone asked about his situation.

Why does Holden go to Ackley's room?

He and Stradlater just fought and he is depressed, anxious and lonely.

Who does D.B bring along on his visit with Holden? What does D.B talk with Holden about on that visit?

He brigs a girl. D.B asks Holden questions about what happened before Christmas.

Who does Holden make a date with? Why does he call her up if he thinks she's a phony?

He calls Sally. He knew that she had an interest in theater and he wanted some companionship. He wanted to go to the matinee with her. When he is turned on by someone he pushes the idea aside that they could ever be a phony

Why do you think that Holden can't stop thinking about Jane Gallagher?

He can't get over the fact that Stradlater and her might have had sex. Holden is lonely and desperate and has a crush on Jane.

What are Holden's religious beliefs?

He claims to be an atheist, but he seems to believe in something.

What does Holden do when he gets into the apartment and finds Phoebe asleep?

He creeps around the apartment, not knowing his parents aren't home. He watches Phoebe sleep and reads some of her notebooks on her desk.

What does Holden do at the Lavender Room and with whom?

He dances with the blonde and then he sits with the three witches. Blond is Bernice; Marty and Laverne.

After talking to Phoebe last night, what does Holden decide he must do next? What does he first do?

He decided he must go west to work on a ranch. He is going to say goodbye to Phoebe and have lunch with her and return her Christmas money.

Where does Holden then decide to go after leaving Prency Prep?

He decides to leave for New York. It was impulsive, and he was very embarrassed and had no one, really

When Phoebe asks Holden why he flunked out of school again, how does he respond? Do you think that he is being honest?

He didn't like the school, it was full of phonies, he defers the blame as always. Nothing will make Holden happy until he finds happiness himself.

Why is it so important to Holden that Phoebe not be mad at him? Relate this to his past, and Allie

He doesn't want Phoebe to be mad at him and then die like Allie did - guilt.

Why does Holden yell at Phoebe?

He doesn't want her to come with him. She's acting like him and he is inadvertently corrupting her.

How does Holden feel when he watches Phoebe on the carousel?

He feels like letting her reach for the ring; it's like he's letting her grow up.

How does Holden get along with the two little boys in the museum? Toward what other children in the story has he shown a similar attitude?

He gets along with them great. He shows similar attitude towards all children (people with innocence) in the novel.

How does Holden treat the nuns?

He gives them a donation and then tries to pay for their meal, treating them extremely nicely. They are some of the few non corrupt adults that he encounters

What happens after Holden goes home? Why do you suppose Holden doesn't tell about that in more detail?

He goes to the hospital because he had a mental breakdown. He doesn't like talking about it.

Why is the narrator leaving Pencey?

He got kicked out for failing too many classes.

Does Holden have any guilty feelings about Allie? Do you feel this is abnormal in any way, or normal?

He has guilty feelings. One time, Holden excluded him. This is normal because it is a very human feeling to have. It shows human nature It is especially worse because death makes it harder to reconcile

Who is Stradlater? Briefly describe him.

He is Holden's roommate. He's described as conceited, but good looking with broad shoulders. Holden says he has no scruples.

What occupation does Holden's dad have?

He is a corporate lawyer and Holden says he makes a lot of money.

Who is Ackley? Does the narrator seem to like him?

He is a guy that roomed next to Holden, who never leaves his room that is very tall and round shouldered. He's described as pimply and with mossy teeth. Holden describes him as nosey and annoying.

Who is Stradlater? Why does Holden refer to him as a "secret slob"? What does he look like?

He is a slob. He acts like he has it all put together but he does not

What does Holden mean when he says that his brother D.B. is "out in Hollywood being a prostitute"?

He is giving people what they want; selling out. He is being metaphorical. D.B. writes movie scripts there

When is Holden going back to school?

He is going back next fall.

Where is Holden as the story begins?

He is in some sort of mental institution.

Who is Maurice and why does he knock on Holden's door?

He is the elevator man that offered Holden a prostitute for 5 dollars. Maurice later knocks on Holden's door with Sunny, the prostitute, claiming that Holden was supposed to pay 10 dollars and demanded the money. Maurice hit Holden in the stomach and Sunny took another 5 from Holden's wallet.

How does Holden treat the two small boys in the museum?

He is very kind to the boys and takes them to the mummy area of the museum

Does Holden know his way around the city? What does this tell us about him?

He knows the city well and wanders and explores. It shows that he grew up there

What lies does Holden tell Mrs. Morrow? Why?

He lies about his name, about how he got his nose bleed, and about how he feels about Ernest. He doesn't want her to know the truth about him.

With all the bad language that Holden uses, why was he so upset that curse words were written on a school wall?

He loves the innocence of children and feels this bad language takes away the innocence of children.

How do Holden's feelings for women compare to his feelings for men?

He loves women and puts them on a pedestal. However, he complains a lot about women, but then again that is natural. He does not seem to have any good guy friendships

What rule concerning girls has Holden made for himself?

He made a rule to quit fooling around with girls he doesn't really like. He broke it the same night with a girl.

What does Holden order to drink at the Lavender room? Why does he end up drinking a Coke instead?

He ordered a Scotch and soda. The waiter knew he wasn't of drinking age.

What plan does Holden concoct for escaping everything?

He plans to leave town and never go to school again. He'd bum rides to go out West, then find himself a job pumping gas where he'd pretend to be a deaf-mute person so nobody would talk to him and he wouldn't have to talk to anybody.

Why did Holden's parents want to have him psychoanalyzed?

He punched a window and was acting pretty crazy after Allie died, got kicke dout of loads of schools, so his parents wanted to get him psychoanalyzed because it was the hip thing to do at the time. They just wanted to seem like they were trying to 'fix' him

What does Spencer do that particularly annoyed Holden?

He read aloud one of Holden's essays

How does Holden explain the fact that he is not in school to Mrs. Morrow?

He said he has a tiny little tumour on his brain and needs an operation.

What sorts of "perverts" does Holden see at the hotel?

He saw a gray-haired man that wore woman's clothes and a couple spitting water at one another.

Why does Holden start thinking of Dick Slagle, his former roommate?

He saw the nuns worn out suitcases at Grand Central Station.

When Phoebe asks Holden what he'd like to be, what is his explanation for why he would not like to be a lawyer?

He says lawyers are phonies, they just play golf and drink martinis. He doesn't want to defend someone who isn't innocent.

What is his final goodbye to Pencey Prep

He screams, "Sleep tight morons!"

How does Holden treat little kids? Give an example

He seems caring and is surprised by the respect form the children these days, He helped her with her skates and offered her hot chocolate because he noticed that her hands were cold, but she did not take it. He was looking for help to find his sister, but in the end, he was the one who ended up helping her

What happens to Holden at the Wicker Bar?

He talks to the pianist at the bar. He needed someone to talk to since he's, "feeling so damn depressed and lonesome."

What does Carl think Holden needs?

He thinks Holden needs to get help from a psychiatrist.

Why does Holden think about James Castle when Phoebe asks him to name one thing that he likes a lot? Why does he deny really knowing James? What does it tell us about Holden when he says, "Just because somebody's dead, you don't just stop liking them, for God's sake-- especially if they were a thousand times nicer than the people you know that're alive and all'?

He thinks about James because he is thinking about the cruelty in the world making him go crazy. It is a perfect example of how cruel people bully the weak people. It shows Holden's inability to concentrate and proves Phoebe's point that he doesn't really like anything. He likes that James isn't phony and won't back down when he is being bullied. He and James never talked and weren't really friends, but James borrowed Holden's sweater once (the sweater he killed himself in). He is still hung up on Allie's death and doesn't want to forget about him. He feels really alone and Allie was one of the only people he actually liked.

How does Holden feel about actors? How does he feel about the Lunts?

He thinks that actors are phonies. Good actors who are too aware of their amazing skill will lose the factor that makes them so great. When someone knows how great they are, it ruins what made them great. Humility is needed.

Why does Holden think it spoils a conversation if someone asks what religion he is?

He thinks that he will be judged or perhaps be excluded. Holden also thinks that it might even be a class indicator of sorts, and that people are trying to figure out who he is in ways he doesn't think are of value.

What does Holden think of the three women he meets in the Lavender room?

He thinks they are morons, ignorant and ugly (except for the blonde).

Why does Holden go to Phoebe's school? Why does the profane graffiti make him so angry?

He wanted to say goodbye and give her back her Christmas money, so he wrote a note and gave it to an office lady who would give it to her. He didn't want the innocent kids to see something so corrupt and impure everyday.

What would Holden like to be and why?

He wants to be a catcher in the rye. He wants to catch kids from jumping off a cliff, which means that he wants to save their innocence by stopping them from jumping off the the "cliff" into adulthood.

What does Holden suddenly decide to visit Ackley's room?

He wants to be in a different place from Stradlater

Who was Harris Macklin and why didn't Holden like him?

He was Holden's roommate at Elkton Hills. He didn't like him because he was boring, but he was a great whistler.

Who is Whilhem Stekel and why does Mr. Antolini quote him?

He was a psychoanalyst and he talks about maturity & immaturity.

Who was James Castle? Why do you think Holden thinks of him when Phoebe asks him to name one thing he likes?

He was a student who was bullied frequently and when he stood up for himself by calling a jock conceited, he was beaten again and as an escape, he jumped out a window. Holden admires that James stood up for himself since Holden doesn't do that for himself.

Why did Holden miss Allie's funeral?

He was in the hospital for punching out the garage windows.

What does Holden find so intriguing about Phoebe's note-book?

He was intrigued because Phoebe wrote her middle name as "Weatherfield" when in actuality, it is "Josephine." Holden is charmed by her innocence.

Why is Holden worrying when Stradlater returned?

He was worried Stradlater and Jane had sex.

What does Holden think of the Christmas show at Radio City Music Hall?

He wasn't in the right mood and didn't think it was a big deal.

Who was Luce to Holden?

He went to school with Holden at Whooten. Holden didn't particularly like him. Holden even calls him, "strictly a pain in the ass." Luce seems very homophobic as does Holden in this chapter. Luce is probably not the casanova he makes himself out to be. Luce gives sex talks even though he is likely not experienced

Why does he keep repeating, "Allie, don't let me disappear"?

He's alone, nobody knows that he is in the city and feels weak, unseen, almost sick. He is pleading with Allie to watch him so that he literally does not disappear into the bigness of New York, his mind, or possibly death.

Where does Holden, Mal, and Ackley go on Saturday night? What does he end up doing?

He, Mal Brossard, and Ackley go into Agerstown to see a movie. They had hamburgers and played the pinball machine instead because Mal and Ackley had already seen the movie playing.

What topic does Holden choose for the composition he is writing for Stradlater?

His brother Allie's baseball mitt

Who is Mr. Antolini? Why does Holden like him?

His favorite teacher. When James Castle jumped out a window, he was the one that covered the body and took him to the infirmary.

Who is Phoebe, and what is Holden's opinion of her?

His sister whom he loves. She is very funny and cool. She has a really nice and spontaneous personality. She is very self assured compared to Holden. She is 10 years old

What is the point that Holden tries to make about people when he elaborates about the suitcases of the nuns and of his former roommate?

His suitcase is way nicer than his roommates so he puts his suitcase under the bed. But it backfires when the roommate takes it out, acting like it was his own. This shows sympathy from Holden. He also feels bad for nuns because he has way more than they do

Why does Holden "talk to Allie" after Sunny leaves? Why does Holden "tell" Allie "go home and get your bike and meet me in front of Bobby Fallon's house"?

Holden "talks to Allie" when he gets depressed. Holden and Bobby were going to bike over to a friend's house to shoot BB guns and Allie wanted to go too. Holden said no because Allie was a child and now feels guilty for saying no.

What did Holden buy in New York after losing the foils & fencing equipment?

Holden bought a red hunting hat. It is a symbol of his uniqueness and it shows that Holden desires to be different from everyone around him.

What does Holden dislike about Carl Luce?

Holden doesn't like that Carl himself does flitty things and never want to discuss himself. Holden makes the effort to see him because he's running out of people to talk to and he's desperately lonely.

How does Holden feel about movies and live shows? Why doesn't he like actors?

Holden doesn't like when people want to go see a movie. He doesn't like actors because they never act like people. He doesn't like live shows that much, but he liked them more than movies.

How does Holden feel physically while he talks to Mr. Antolini?

Holden feels ill while talking to Mr. Antolini

What does Holden give to Phoebe?

Holden gives Phoebe his red hunting hat and pieces of the broken record

Where does Holden go right after he leaves Ernie's?

Holden goes to the phone booth and calls Sally Hayes. Then, he goes to the duck pond in Central Park.

Why is Holden "blind" when he calls Sally? What is her reaction when she answers the phone?

Holden is drunk when he calls Sally. Sally is annoyed, angry and then concerned.

Holden says that he is a "pacifist." What is that, and is he?

Holden is not a pacifist. Although, he likes the idea of being one.

Why does Holden leave Ernie's?

Holden leaves Ernie's because he saw D.B's ex girlfriend, Lillian Simmons. He thought that she was a phony because he assumed she was just talking to him so Holden would tell D.B. that he saw her. He thinks that Lillian is pretentious by standing in the middle of the walkway

Why did Holden like the museum so much as a kid? How does Holden seem to feel about change?

Holden likes museum because it doesn't change. Holden hates change because of the death of his brother and the loss of innocence.

What is Holden's opinion of the nuns in the train station?

Holden likes the nuns and enjoyed talking to them. He doesn't think they are phony because they took the time to have a conversation with him. They are genuine and innocent and Holden admires innocence.

What information does Holden finally tell us about Allie's funeral?

Holden missed Allie's funeral because he was still in the hospital after he hurt his hand. He feels a lot of guilt for this.

What is the "terrible thing" when Holden leaves the bar?

Holden mistakenly drops the record he wanted to give to Phoebe.

What does Holden pretend while sitting at the bar?

Holden pretends that he got shot because he wants to feel tough and he wants to feel noticed (if he died people would care).

What would Holden have done if he found out who stole his gloves? Why does he consider himself "yellow"?

Holden said that he wouldn't have done much. Yellow means coward.

What does Holden say about Allie that contradicts all his other statements about being an atheist?

Holden says he knows that Allie's soul is in Heaven. Holden says that because it makes him feel better that Allie is someplace better.

What does Holden tell Phoebe he'd like to be?

Holden says he would like to be a catcher in the rye, and stand at the edge of the cliff and catch the chldren when they are close to falling off. He has a desire to keep children innocent and wants to save them.

How does Holden describe himself physically?

Holden says he's 6'2 and a half and has gray hair on the right side of his head.

Why do Stradlate and Holden fight?

Holden thought Stradlater has sex with & took advantage of Jane.

What does Holden try to explain after he and Sally go to the movies? What does he urge her to do? Why does he get upset at her? What happens as a result?

Holden tries to explain to Sally why he is unhappy at school and actually urges her to run away with him to Massachusetts or Vermont and live in a cabin. When she refuses, he calls her a "pain in the ass" and laughs at her when she reacts angrily. She refuses to listen to his apologies and leaves.

What do Holden and Stradlater fight over?

Holden wants to know the details of the sate and Stradlater says that he "does not kiss and tell."

Allie Caulfield

Holden's brother who died of leukemia; Holden describes him as the smartest Caufield and keeps his baseball mitt.

Who is Horwitz? What do he and Holden talk about?

Holden's cab driver. They talked about the fish and the ducks in the lagoon in Central Park

Who is Mr. Anotolini? How do they know each other? What school did they meet? Where does he now teach? What does Holden go to him for? What problem does Mr Antolini have?

Holden's former English teacher at the Elkton Hills School. Mr. Antolini now teaches at New York University. Holden looks to him for guidance. Like many characters in the novel, he drinks heavily.

Mr. Spencer: What does he try to get Holden to do? Did it work?

Holden's history teacher at Pencey who tries to help Holden get it together, albeit unsuccesfully.

Robert Ackley

Holden's next door neighbor in his dorm at Pencey. Has halitosis and pimples;

D.B. Caulfield

Holden's older brother; a writer. Holden considers him a prostitute because he writes because he writes for Hollywood movies.

Ward Stradlater: Who does he go out with? How does Holden describe him?

Holden's roommate at Pencey; dates Jane Gallagher; athletic, handsome and popular. Secret slob.

Where is Holden as he tells the story?

In a some rest home or mental institution.

What happens to Phoebe's record?

It breaks. Holden cries and feels guilty. Gives Phoebe the pieces even though it broke.

What is the carrousel symbolic of?

It is cyclical; life keeps going and going. It symbolizes childhood; Holden is afraid of growing up

How does Holden describe a boy's school when talking to Sally?

It is not about learning to learn, it is about working towards prosperity, wealth, and rewards

What does it tell us about Holden when Phoebe states, "You don't like anything that's happening"?

It tells us that he is really depressed and doesn't really know what he likes. He is immature, and likes to argue he can't see the good in anything and Phoebe calls him out on it

Who is the author?

J. D. Salinger

Who is Stradlater's date?

Jane Gallagher

Which is Allie's dominant hand?


Who is Mr. Antolini?

Mr. Antolini is Holden's old teacher from Elkton Hills. He was Holden's favorite teacher. He told Holden to get his life together

Why is Holden upset when he wakes up to find Mr. Antonoli petting his head? Should he be? What do you think about "the kind of stuff's happened to me about twenty times since I was a kid"?

Mr. Antolini is petting his head. It was creepy and he was drunk. Holden was saying he's been molested before.

How does Antolini upset and scare Holden?

Mr. Antolini was stroking Holden's head, and Holden thinks he is making a homosexual advance.

Where does Holden decide to go? Why is he hiding from his parents until Wednesday?

Mr. Antolini's apartment. He doesn't want his parents to know he was expelled from Pencey. His mother is depressed and he don't want to set her off. The family is careful around her because she's fragile.

Who is Mr. Spencer and why does Holden visit him?

Mr. Spencer is his teacher. He wrote Holden a letter to come and visit him before he leaves. He took time to have interest in him and skipped the game for him. He cares enough to call out Holden and tells hims to get his life together. Holden, is looking for someone to understand him and does not get that understanding from Mr. Spencer.

Why does Mr. Spencer read the essay about Egyptians? How does Holden react to having the paper read aloud?

Mr. Spencer reads Holden's essay to prove how Holden didn't put any effort into his essay or the class. Holden was annoyed.

Jane Gallagher: Who did she date? How does Holden feel about her? Where did they spend a lot of time together and during what time during the season?

One of the few girls that Holden respects; dated Al Pike and Stradlater. A girl with whom Holden spent a lot of time two summers ago, when their families stayed in neighboring summer houses in Maine.

What is Pencey Prep?

Pencey Prep is a school located in Pennsylvania. It's an expensive, private boarding school for boys.

Why does Holden decide to leave Pencey in the middle of the night- days earlier than he had planned? Where does he plan to go?

Pencey made Holden sad and lonesome. He planned to go to New York and find a hotel room until Wednesday.

How does Phoebe cover for Holden when their parents came home?

Phoebe covers for Holden when the parents come home by saying that she was smoking (Holden had been smoking a cigarette earlier) She said she took one puff to help her sleep.

Who is Phoebe? What makes her different from most people? What does she do? What about her gives Holden the most happiness? Does she show maturity at times? How does she use this with Holden?

Phoebe is Holden's ten-year-old sister, whom he loves dearly. She listens to what he says and understands him more than most other people do. Her innocence is one of Holden's consistent sources of happiness throughout the novel. She displays maturity at times and chastises him.

In talking with her parents how does Phoebe "sound" like Holden?

Phoebe is similar to Holden because she is sassy, and she was lying to them. She also uses the word "lousy." sShe sounds like Holden because she tries to sound more matures than she really is.

What are the main settings in the novel?

Prency Prep and New York City

Who is the author of the poem that is alluded to by the title?

Robert Burns

Who is Lillian Simmons? What does Holden think of her?

She is a girl that used to go out with D.B. Holden thinks she's a phony; he didn't like her very much. He sees her at Ernie's.

Why does Phoebe put the pillow over her head?

She is angry, frustrated and disappointed at Holden for getting expelled again.

How is Jane different from most of the girls Holden knows?

She is innocent, doesn't judge him, she's truthful and she doesn't care if his hand is sweaty when they hold hands. They had an intimate friendship that Holden remembers fondly.

How does Holden happen to know Jane? How does he seem to feel about Stradlater dating her?

She was his neighbor two summers ago in Maine. He is jealous.

Who is Sally Hayes? Does Holden like her? What does he think of her?

She's a girl that Holden calls up on the phone because he wasn't in the mood to talk to Jane. He likes her, but she is always late and he thinks she's a pain, but she's good looking. Sally knows a lot about theater and literature. He displayed her picture at Pencey.

What does Holden like about his sister Phoebe?

She's smart and always knows exactly what you're talking about. Holden thinks Phoebe is funny, smart, pretty and she dances well.

Why doesn't Stradlater like the composition? What happens?

Stradlater thought it was dumb and wanted it to be about a room or house. Holden rips it up which starts up a fight.

At the end of the novel, what happens when Holden gets home?

Telling the reader that he is not going to tell the story of how he went home and got "sick." Which means he basically had a mental collapse.

What movie do Holden, DB and Phoebe watch?

The Baker's Wife

What bar does Holden go to in the Edmont Hotel?

The Lavender Room

Why does Holden feel worse after reading the article in the magazine about hormones?

The article described how you should look if your hormones were in good shape and Holden looks like the guy with lousy hormones.

What is Holden's point about the difference between men owning a car and men owning a horse?

The car shows materialism and a horse shows that there is some sort of relationship present. This can show that Holden wants to stop the advancement process and does not like progress

What is the "big mess" Holden gets himself into when he steps onto the elevator?

The elevator man that offered Holden a prostitute for 5 dollars. Holden agrees, but then is depressed when she show up because she is so young.

Who is Maurice? What does he do for Holden?

The elevator operator at the Edmont Hotel, who procures a prostitute for Holden.

Who is the narrator? About what does he promise to tell the reader?

The narrator is Holden Caulfield. He promises to tell the reader about this "madman stuff that happened to him around last Christmas."

Who is Sunny? How do they meet? What does Holden try to do?

The prostitute whom Holden hires through Maurice. She is one of a number of women in the book with whom Holden clumsily attempts to connect.

How do you learn that both Holden and Phoebe are good dancers?

They dance together. The live in an elite society, so they have to be able to dance at functions and things.

Where do Holden and Phoebe go after their argument over Holden leaving to live in the West?

They go to the carousel.

What sort of talk does Mr. Antolini have with Holden about his flunking out? How is that similar or different to the lecture from Mr. Spencer?

They have a serious talk and he thinks that Holden shouldn't be flunking out. It's almost the exact same lecture, but Holden didn't mind hearing it from Antolini.

Why do Sally and Holden go skating? Did they have a good time?

They went so Sally can wear a skirt and show off her butt to Holden. They hated it.

How did Holden let the fencing team down?

They were going to New York and he forgot the team equipment on the subway.

What was the past relationship like between Holden and Jane?

They were really close, almost like crushes. Maybe, Jane was his first love. It is a pretty innocence romance

What favor does Stradlater ask of the narrator?

To write a descriptive composition for his English class.

What point of view is this book written in?

Unreliable first person

What did Jane and Holden use to play? What did Jane used to do during the game?

When Jane and Holden played checkers, Jane used to keep all her kings in the back row because she liked how they looked there.

What are the names of the schools Holden has attended?

Whooton School, Elkton Hills, Pency Prep

What are Whooton and Elkton Hills and why does Holden leave them?

Whooton and Elkton Hills are prep schools Holden previously attended before Pencey. He got kicked out of both of them, but he claims he quit Elkton because he was "surrounded by phonies" and he hated the headmaster.

What does Holden mean when he states, "The thing with kids is, if they want to grab for the gold ring, you have to let them do it, and not say anything. If they fall off, they fall off, but it's bad if you say anything to them"?

You have to let children try it on their own first. "let them scrape their knee so they know."

red hunting hat

symbol of Holden's uniqueness and individuality; a security blanket

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