Catcher in the Rye Test

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What album did Holden get his siter?

"Little Shirley Beans" he also accidentally broke it and cried over it

Who is Robert Ackley?

Ackley lives next door, he's a senior, his first names Robert, he's gross and doesn't have good self care.

Why does Holden get so upset on Verterans Day?

All the Pencey boys come back and Holden doesn't like that becasue he got kicked out

What is Ernies?

Ernies is a night club and Ernie plays the piano and he won't talk to you unless your famous

What happens when Holden was at the park?

He broke the record and he remembered that he missed his brothers funeral

Why wouldn't Holden be back to Pencey Prep after Christmas vacation?

He got kicked out because he was failing 4/5 classes, he passed English.

Why is Holden at Pencey Prep? How does he feel about the school?

He is there because he got kicked out of the other schools he's been to. Holden doesn't like the school and doesn't try.

Why does Holden make a date with Sally is he thinks she's a phony?

He knows she likes the theater and wants to see a show. He also wants someone to be with so he won't feel lonely

Why has Holden let down the fencing team?

He left the equiptment on the subway.

Why does the narrator say he has a difficulty saying goodbye?

He likes giving places a proper good bye because he likes to know he's leaving the place.

What images does Salinger use in the scene at Mr. Spencer's house?

He makes him look like a poor, sick. smelly old man. He makes Holden seem younge and childish. Spencer is old and Holden is young

How does Holden change his voice over the phone with Faith?

He makes it deep so he seems like an older guy from Prinston

Who is Mr. Hass?

He was the head master of Elkton Hills and is a phony who only talked to the attractive parents, he told Holden that life is a game and you have to play by the rules

Who is Stradlater?

He's Holden's room mate and is year book atractive and is a secret slob and he's a senior. Holden is envious of him

What does Holden admit at the beginning of Chapter 3?

He's a really good liar

Does Stradlater's hygine hygine suggest anything about him?

He's stuck up and gets everything he wants, he thinks he's the shit

Why does Holden go visit Ackley?

Holden doesn't want to be with Stradlader and he doesn't want to talk about the fight or Jane

Why does the quote on page 50 make Holden a hypocrite?

Holden doesn't want to talk to anyone about anything he doesn't want to talk about, but he wants others to open up to him

Does Holden start with a typical autobiography? What does it tell us about him?

Holden is dissgruntled about the whole situation that happened to him and he's most likely an unwilling narrator in a tharapists office.

What does Holden like in a good book?

Holden is illiterate but he reads a lot. He likes his books to be funny every once in a while, and he wants the author to feel like a good friend you can call up and talk to

Who is Holden Caulfield? Where is Holden when the story begins

Holden is the main character who is a student that got kicked out of his boarding school. He was at Pencey Prep.

What is the difference between Holden and the taxi driver?

Holden is wealthy and the taxi driver isn't

How does Holden feel about Jane?

Holden likes Jane and doesn't want Stradlader to go out with her because he's an f boy

Who was Allie and how did Holden feel about him?

Holden loves Allie and he made a huge impact on his life. He said he was the nicest and most intellegent. Allie died of Leukemia

What was Holden's final goodbye to Pencey?

Holden put on his red hat and yelled "sleep tight you morrons"

Is Holden a "pacifist"?

Holden says he doesn't like fighting but he picked a fight with Stradlader over Jane. He likes the idea of being one but he's not

Who is Faith Cavendish?

Holden wanted to have sex with Faith because she is a hoe and he was horny

How did Holden break his sex rules?

Holden was necking this girl in a cab, and he called up Sunny

What worried Holden about Stradlater and Jane's date?

Holden was worrid that Stradlader used Jane and that Jane let him hook up with her

What does Holden's red hunting hat symbolize?

Holden wears his red hunting hat backwards. It shows that he's unique and confident when he wears it. Holden tap dances and he feels like a tap dancer when he puts it on

Where all are mummies mentioned throughout this book?

Holden wrote his history paper about the mummies and he took the boys to that exhibit in the museume

Who is Pheobe?

Holden's sister and he loves her and thinks highly of her

How does Horwitz respond to Holden's question?

Horwitz was the cab driver and they have a conversation about the ducks and he called Holden stupid for asking about the ducks. Then he talked about how the fish stay there and he said that the ducks freeze and then unfreeze in the summer

Find the key sentence on the first page that tells us what this book is going to be about and copy it out.

I'll just tell you about this madman stuff that happened to me around last Christmas just before I got pretty run-down and had to come out here to take it easy.

What does an autobiography typpically begin with?

It normally starts with an engaging sentece that tells you about the character.

What does telling us "If you really want to hear about it..." reveal about Holden and telling of the story with him as the first person narrator?

It tells us that he is an unwilling narrator.

Who is Jane Gallagher?

She lived next door to Holden, she's a ballerina, she lines all her kings on the backrow during checkers, her and didn't want her to know he got kicked out

Did Sally love Holden?

She said she did but after Holden wanted to run away with her she hated him and wanted to go home

Who is Selma Thurmer?

She's the deans daughter and Holden doesn't think she's a phony.

Why did Stradlater get mad at Holden's composition? How did Holden react?

Stradlader got mad at Holden because it wasn't about a room and Holden ripped it up and threw it away.

What is Mr. Spencer reading?

The Atlantic Monthly Magazine, he tried to throw it at Holden but he missed.

The narrator describes the ads for Pencey Prep saying that they show "some hot shot guys on a horse jumping over a fence." What values does this image represent, and what does the image say about the school?

The school is for the wealthy boys who turn out to be sucessful.

Why did Ackley and Holden get in a fight?

They get in a fight because of the light and Ackley doesn't want Holden to sleep in his room mates bed because he doesn't know when he'll be home. Holden insulted his religion. Holden left the school and went to New York

How does Holden's writing compare to the way he talks?

When he writes he uses big vocabulary and is really dry. When he talks he has personality and doesn't use fancy words

What is nostalgia?

When you think of something in the past that you remember fondly

Who is Ernest Morrow?

a douche at pencey

How did Holden thank Mrs. Morrow?

he lies about everything

What does Holden tell Mrs. Morrow?

he tells her the wrong name and that he has a tumor and he says her son is a hot shot

What does Holden think of Ernie?

he thinks Ernie is a phony because he gave him a bow when they finished talking

Who is Mr. Spencer and why did Holden want to visit him?

his history teacher, Mr. Spencer wanted to say good bye and talk about why he fluncked his classes

How does Mrs. Morrow treat Holden?

she treats her like her sons friend and Holden lies to her and hits on her

Identify Bernie, Marty, and Laverne?

they are the three girls Holden danced with

What are Holden's sex rules?

you can't fool around with a girl you don't like. he respects girls

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