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What is the term used to define a court ordered process in which a record an arrest or convention is sealed or erase from person's record


What standards do proponents of the interactionist view of crime consider when controlling behavior and determining if an action should be against the law?

Immoral and wrong

Which style of policing advocates of shift an emphasis away from reactive police response in individual case, investigations to sharing, collaboration, and finally strategic solutions to crime problems

Intelligence lead policing

Which events always cause personal changes within a police organization. Select all that apply.

Internal re-organization, transfers, retirement, promotions

Evidence base justice efforts have unifying principles. What are they? Select all that apply.

Intervening factors, target audience, measurement of success

What are the principles techniques detectives rely upon to help create an understanding of? How and why are you crying took place?

Interviews and forensic evidence

Which of the following concepts recognize that members of the lower class experience anatomy or normal Asnis when the means they have for achieving culturally define goals, mainly wealth in financial success, or sufficient


What type of laws defines crimes in their punishment in US society

Substantive criminal law

What are the elements of the crime of larceny?

Taking, carrying away, personal property

Which of the following is a theory that explains why kids are more involved in crime than adults?

Teenagers are becoming independent from parents

Which amendment ensures the protections enumerated in the bill of right or applied by the states

The 14th amendment

What organization is the most critical voice against the use of drones by police organizations?

The American Civil Liberties Union, (ACLU)

Which ancient civilization was the first to codify the legal charters that now serve as the basis of US criminal codes

The Babylonians

A person is considered, and seeing if at the time they committed the crime they were operating under defective reasoning, and cannot tell her know what they were doing was wrong

The M'Naghten rule

Which of the following is a formal, intelligent, sharing initiative that identifies the security in intelligence sharing needs recognized after the 911 terrorist attack

The national criminal, intelligent, sharing plan

The call for decriminalization is characteristic of which criminal justice perspective?

The non-intervention perspective

Which perspective or perspectives, believe that deinstitutionalization should be adopted within the criminal justice system

The non-intervention perspective

What did the monitoring the future study discover from the self reporting data?

The number of people who break the law is far greater than the number, projected by official statistics

Why is ethical behavior of particular importance when it comes to law-enforcement?

The police have the authority to deprive people of their liberty

Which of the following statements are true regarding the formal justice process? Select all that apply.

- in reality, few cases are actually processed through the entire form of justice process -The formal justice process is compromised of a complex series of steps

Which of the following statements are true regarding community oriented policing

-Community oriented policing programs can reduce the level of fear in a community -Community oriented policing programs give officers the time to meet with local residents to talk about crime in the neighborhood -Community oriented policing programs promote interaction between officers and citizens

which is the following are true statement regarding the history of crime? Select all that apply.

-crime and violence have been common sense the nation was first formed -From 1900 to 1935, the nation experienced a sustained increase in criminal activity

Which of the following statements describe the beliefs of the crime control perspective select all that apply

-if the justice system operated in an effective manner, most potential criminals would be deterred from crime -The proper role of the justice system is to prevent crime through the judicious use of criminal sanctions

Which characteristics define a courtroom work group? Select all that apply.

-its goal is to remove unnecessary delays and avoid formal trials at all cost -may limit the rights of defendants, but it may also be essential to keeping that overburdened justice system afloat -it is part of the informal justice process where legal professionals cooperate with each other to process a case efficiency

Which of the following our failures to act or omissions to act that can be considered a crime and some jurisdictions

A contractual relationship, failure to perform a legally required duty that is based on relationship or status, and position by statute

Which of the following is true of the best known latent trait, theories general theory of crime

-people with limited self-control have a here and now orientation and refuse to work for distant goals -People with limited self control like diligence, tenacity, and persistence in a course of action -People with limited self-control tend to be impulsive, insensitive, physical, rather than mental risk-taking, shortsighted and nonverbal -Individual differences in the tendency to commit. Criminal acts can be found in a persons level of self control.

Which of the following are elements that would be rational for criminals to consider when planning their crimes

-planning a robbery in areas that they routinely travel so that they have familiarity with the area for escape purposes -Reading the newspaper stories about weddings, or social events to determine when the occupants will be a way to figure out which homes are easy targets -Targeting high-value homes that do not have burglar alarms or other security devices

Which of the following is true of her life course theories view criminality

-some antisocial youths who are in trouble through adolescence may be able to find staple work and maintain intact marriages as adults -they adopt a State dependence perspective -In early life family relations may be most influential -As a result of people traveling through life, being constantly bombarded by changing perceptions and experiences, their behavior may change, sometimes were better, and sometimes for worse

What is the percentage probability of catching a perpetrator?


which of the following activities are considered to be proactive policing

Aggressive, traffic enforcement, and making more drug arrests

Which of the following might be considered the real role of today's police officer

A community problem solver

what is a grand jury?

A group of citizens, who, in a private session, evaluate the action accusations against the accused, and determine if the evidence warrants further action

what is a true bill of indictment?

A legal document, issued by the grand jury, that specifies the exact charges on which the accused my stand trial

If a person knows, a particular action is wrong, but it's not sure why this is known as what

A mistake of law

What is the Chicago crime commission?

A professional association that acts as a citizens advocate group and keeps track of the activities of local justice agencies

What does the unifying principle of cost effectiveness mean in relation to evidence base justice efforts?

A programs efficiency must be taken into consideration, along with the effectiveness

Robert Agnew was a criminologist known for which of the following developments

Anomie theory

in regard to the crime, fighting portrayal of the police officer, which of the following statistics are correct

About 70% of Americans ages 16 and older will have contact with the police

Which of the following are genetic factors that I've been explored by biosocial theorists, still concerned with the role of heredity and producing crime prone people

Antisocial behavior is inherited, the genetic makeup of parents is passed on the children, genetic abnormality is directly linked to a variety of antisocial behaviors

What are the key advantages of body worn camera's?

Body cameras, increased transparency, body cameras, can improve police training, body cameras, have evidentiary value

The theory of crime in which rational, criminals way, the potential benefits and consequences of their actions, choosing to commit a crime if they believe in doing so, will yield immediate benefits, without the threat of a long-term risk is known as what

Choice theory

Which steps are part of the six step process in the intelligence gathering process

Collection, planning and direction, processing and collation

Which ethical issues arise for prosecutors

Conflict between the dual role of being an advocate for the crime and an impartial overseer of the investigation

Which type of behavior is the most difficult to predict

Criminal behavior

What is meant by the term criminal justice assembly line?

Criminal justice is seen as a screening process in which each successive stage involves a series of routinized operations

Which study of crime and criminals views, the economic and political forces operating in society, is the fundamental cause of criminality

Critical criminology

Which of the following are social process theories

Differential association theory, social control theory, learning theory

Compared to 20 years ago how is violent crime rates changed?

Dropped significantly

What is the purpose of organized crime

Economic gain through illegal enterprise

What type of policing advocates the use of well-established social scientific methods to evaluate the effectiveness in efficiency of police programs in initiatives?

Evidence-based policing

How does blacks law dictionary distinguish between felonies and misdemeanors?

Felonies are more serious and misdemeanors

What do police organizations call centers that are set up for the purpose of sharing information and intelligence?

Fusion centers

Which of the following best defines tactical intelligence

Gaining or developing information related to threats of terrorism or crime

What is the new term for gang related killings?

Gang homicide

Which of the following are the duties of a victim advocate?

Going to court with the victims of crime, providing emotional support, a crime victims, offering information to crime victims

Which of the following are true statements regarding the uniform crime reports

It is published by the FBI, it's major unit of analysis involves part one crimes, agencies across the country are transitioning from the UCR to NIBRS

Which of the following series fall into the category of developmental theories to criminology

Latent trait, theory, life, course theory, trajectory, Siri

Which of the policies below is encouraged by the chronic offender concept

Mandatory sentences for violent or drug related crimes

How often are lawn Forsmann agencies required to report the number of part one crimes known to them


Which of the following key points to find the results of Kansas city is broken windows model

Neighborhood disorder, create fear, neighborhoods, give out crime, promoting signals, police need to aggressively target, low level, quality of life crimes

Which of the following would fall under the category of investigation under the formal criminal justice process?

Patrol officers, drive up to a restaurant that is being robbed. The officer see the crime occurring in the rest of the offenders.

Who do Americans face the greatest physical danger from?

People who they are and close intimate contact with

felony disenfranchisement refers to which of the following

People with felony convictions, lose the right to vote

which term describes the amount of order maintenance crime, control, and other law enforcement activities provided by individual police officers

Police productivity

Which of the following statements are true regarding problem, oriented policing

Problem, oriented policing stresses, proactive problem-solving, instead of reactive, crime, fighting and problem, oriented policing strategies are supported by the fact that urban crime is concentrated in hotspots

which type of law must be followed, when obtaining warrants, investigating offenses, affecting waffle, arrests, conducting trials, introducing evidence, sentencing convicted, offenders, and review and cases by appellate courts

Procedural law

What is known as the worlds oldest profession?


Which of the following are psychological theories of criminality

Psychodynamic theory, cognitive theory, and atavism

Which of the following does procedural law governs?

Questions of appeal, rules of evidence, jury selection

What message does the UCR used to express crime data?

Raw data, changes in the rate of crime overtime, per 100,000 people

What is not a goal of substantive criminal law?

Redistribution of wealth

What is an activity called that occurs when an organized group of detectives to see if criminals into openly committing a legal ask or conspiring to engage in criminal activity

Sting operation

Who originally proposed the idea that criminals may be suffering from psychological abnormality, or stress during the early development

Sigmund freud

What is the idea that rational choice theory advocates argue that states that the prevention of crime can be achieved by reducing the opportunities people have to commit particular crimes?

Situational crime prevention

Which of the following are explanations, for why criminal laws may be added, amended or appealed?

Social and moral norms, change over time, the laws, no longer applicable, advances in technology, require new laws to govern those advances

According to Samson and log, which term is used for life events, that people build, positive relations and individuals in constitutions that are life-sustaining

Social capital

Which social process theory maintains that everyone has the potential to become a criminal, but most people are controlled by their bonds to society

Social control theory

Although the conflict, consensus and interactionist view of crime defer, they generally agree on which of the following?

Social forces mold, the definition of crimes, criminal law, defines crime, criminal law has a social control function

Which social process theory suggests that people learn the techniques and attitudes of crime from closely relationships with criminal peers

Social learning theory

Which social process theory suggests that people become criminals one significant members of society, label them as such and they accept those labels as a personal identity

Social reaction theory

Which of the following are theories for the understanding of crime and victimization

Sociological theory, trait, theory, choice, theory, psychological theory

What is the term applied by critical theorist that refers to ask that are defined by law as criminal and committed by state officials

Stay organized crime

There are three basic component agencies of the criminal justice system. What are they? Select all that apply.

The court system, the correctional system, law enforcement agencies

What occurs during the arrangement process? Select all that apply.

The defendant is informed on their constitutional rights, bail issues are considered, and initial plea is entered, a trial date is set, formal charges are read

Which amendment to the bill of rights prohibits excessive bail, and cruel or unusual punishment

The eighth amendment

which branch of the government is responsible for the day today operation of criminal justice agencies?

The executive branch

which amendment to the constitution limits the admissibility of confessions they have been obtained unfairly

The fifth amendment

Which of the following defenses is referred to as a fit of passion?

The irresistible impulse defense

Which government group granted hundreds of millions of dollars in federal aid to local and state justice agency's

The law enforcement assistance administration (LEAA)

Procedural due process, seeks to ensure that no person will be deprived of life, liberty, or property which of the following are part of procedural due process

The right to a formal hearing, the right to counsel, or some other representation, the privilege free from self incrimination

What individual rights are protected under the sixth amendment of the American bill of rights

The right to a speedy and public trial

What protections are afford it in individual under the second amendment of the American bill of rights

The right to keep and bear arms

According to the conflict view of crime, who creates and enforces the law

The ruling class

According to the Supreme Court, what must be included in the Miranda warning given to suspects who are being questions about a crime? Select all that apply.

The suspect has the right to remain silent, and the suspect has the right to have a lawyer present during questioning

what is the core belief of the restorative justice perspective?

The true purpose of the criminal justice system is to promote a peaceful and just society

Why are some females more likely to commit crimes than other non-offending females?

They are alienated at home

which of the following theory suggest that crime is caused not so much by a human choice, but buy inherited and uncontrollable, biological and psychological attributes

Trait theory

What is the developmental approach to life course theory of criminality that combines elements of Lenten trade in life course theory

Trajectory theory

If a police organizations goal is to increase the chances of citizens helping police fight crime which of the following is the best tactic to utilize

Treat citizens with dignity and respect

What do some critics say explains the race based differences in the crime rates

Unequal treatment by the justice system

What job in a police department is still considered the backbone of the department

Uniforms patrol officer

What does the racial animus model state?

White America has developed a mental image of the typical send her as a young inner city black male who is friends with little remorse

Which of the following terms reflects the idea that parents who are supportive and who effectively controller children in a non-Corus fashion, are more likely to raise children who refrain from delinquency

parental efficacy

What is Cesare Lombroso's theory?

atavistic anomalies (atavism)

which behaviors become crimes, according to the consensus view of crime

behaviors that are essentially harmful to a majority of citizens in the society

Which of the following are additional crimes that need to be reported to the FBI under the NIBRS requirements

blackmail and bribery

Which of the following problems influence the effectiveness of community policing strategies

defining the community, changing supervisor attitudes about how community policing agents are supervised, defining roles of the community police agents

Which of the following bio chemical substances have been found to be linked to biological traits, linked to crime

food, products and diet, hormones, environmental contaminants, hypoglycema

Which division of larger polishing agencies is tasked with processing citizen, complaints of police corruption, and investigating on the allegations of unnecessary use of force by police officers

internal affairs

Which of the following are excuse defenses

justification defense, and duress offense

Each component agency with in the criminal justice field, has certain roles and responsibilities. Pick the definition below that describes the correct alignment of agency to responsibilities. Select all that apply.

law enforcement agencies are responsible for investigating crimes in apprehending suspect

what information does the NCVS collect and provide about victims of crime?

marital status and income

Under common law, for an active constitute a crime, the actor must have which of the following

men's rea

What is the legal term used to describe a prosecutor, deciding not to take any further action in a case?

nolle prosequi

Situational crime prevention can be achieved by creating a strategy to reduce specific crimes, and then developing specific tactics to achieve those goals which of the following are the main types of crime prevention tactics in US today

reducing the awards for committing the crime, increasing the risks of committing the crime, increasing the effort needed to commit the crime, reducing provocation

Which of the following are key reform considerations of the first step act

reduction and recidivism and incentives for success

What other factors may shape the direction of the crime rate?

social factors and technological change

Case law, or law that has established by the outcome of previous cases, is carried into the US legal system, through which concept from English common law

stare decisis

US residents age 12 or older experience property crime victimization at what rate as compared to violent crime victimization

they experienced property crime, victimization at a rate of over 2:1 compared to violent crime victimization

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